HomeMy WebLinkAboutDevelopment Report , .r"' u :0 Grandin Hall, Section 2 DEVELOPMENT REPORT Submitted by: Estridge Development Co. Inc. 1041 West Main Street €armel, IN 46032 . (317) 582-2456 Prepared for: CARMEL DOCS Prepared by: The Schneider Corporation Historic Fort Harrison ! 8901 Otis Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46216 . (317) 826-7306 ^ ~l~ RECEnt: NOV --1 :[ Ii :November 2005 ,. DOC'!"' ,,) o Q TABLE OF CONTENTS " 'I II Development Report A. Aerial Photograph B. Area Map C. Site Map D. Soils Map E. Site Narrative E. Water Service F. Sanitary Sewer Service G. Storm Drainage H. Soils ! L REeF NO\' Dl"lrc' lJ\J ~ 1/ ( r NOBLESVIU U SR ZONING (RESIDENTIAL) (CrURCH) 146 TH STREET L - .-..J <( 0.- ~ 2 2 I-w (/)20 O- N (/) W 0::: '--" S-1 ZONING (RESIDENTI "lJ 0::: - Q) N ~ ~ -N- I Dr ve Dr >.. o ~ Avian Way o .- > <( AREA! MAP Warbler Way No~ RECEIVED \\lOV - 1 2005 DOCS SCALE. 19-500' : I u L 51 47 46 53 54 55 56 SITE I MAP SCALE. 1v-100' , I u & I -N- I ~ ^ ~,~ RECEIVEr NOIf '- 1 DOCS " (,) 146TH STREET ,... SOilS MAP SCALE. 1"=500' . I l'~ f\ REC~i;:__i) 1\!Oj '- 1 ". DOCS Q u I II Eo Site Narrative Grandin Hall, Section 2 is a small CUI-dlsac section containing 11 lots on 5.862 acres southwest of Grandin Hall Section 1. The site is loca~ed in Clay Township just south of 146th Street and West of Hazel Dell Road and will feature Estridge's new 800 home series. Extensive entryway landscaping and a central gather space highlight the project. The property is zoned S-1 and the project will be developed using the Carmel Open Space Ordinance. F. Water Service Water for the project will be supplied by the City of Carmel. Water mains serving the project will be extended from the existing 8" main in Grandin Hall Section 1. G. Sanitary Sewer Service The sanitary sewer service will be provided by City of Carmel. The sewers in Grandin Hall will be extended from the existing 8" sewer line in Grandin Hall, Section 1 and then beyond the site boundary to the west and north to serve the adjoining homeowners and the street stub south of the project. All sewer mains through the project will be 8" PVC pipe. ~. Storm Drainage The storm water runoff will be collected in storm sewers and routed to a large lake at the southeast comer of the site that is being constructed as part of Section 1. Storm water will discharge from the new lake through an 18" offsite storm sewer and connect to an existing 36" storm sewer in the Ashton Subdivision. The existing 36" storm sewer was constructed specifically to accept the runoff from this site and route it to the detention pond in Ashton. The storm water eventually reaches the Freemont Randall regulated drain. I. Soils Soil types found on the site are primarily Brookston-Crosby soils with some areas of Miami soils Miami soils are typically deep well-drained soils, while Brookston- Crosby soils are generally deep and somewhat poorly drained. ~ RECEIVED NOV - i 2005 DOCS j u u ~~ Schneider The Schneider Corporation Historic Fort Hamson 8901 Otis Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46216,1037 Phone: 317,826,7100 Fax: 317,826,7200 !i TO: MATT GRIFFIN CARMEL DOCS ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, IN 46032 DATE: 11/1/05 JOB # 5075.002 PROJECT: GRANDIN HALL, SECTION 2 RE: FAX#: FROM: CORT CROSBY FAX: 317.826.7300 DIRECT DIAL: 317.826.7306 NUMBER OF PAGES: TELEPHONE #: WE ARE SENDING YOU: [gIAttached Via: D Mail D Fed Ex D UPS [gI Courier D Pick Up D Other 0 Fax _Sheets # Copies Date Descriotion 2 SECONDARY PLAT AND CONSTRUCTION PLANS 1 SECONDARY PLAT APPLICATION 1 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 1 SUBDIVIDER AGREEMENT FORM 1 COPY OF LETTER TO TAC AGENCIES THE ABOVE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [gI For approval D As requested D FOR BIDS DUE [gI For your use D For review and comment D Other REMARKS: ~ RECEIVED NOV - 1 2005 DOCS If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. ~.......,..lTi1iII'ilaIUJ..."H_ r.\5k\5075\OO2\docs\docsgriffin11 01 05,doc u u ~~ Schneider I Historic Fort Harrison 8901 Otis Avenue II The Schneider Corporation Indianapolis, IN 462161037 Phone: 317.826.7100 Fax: 317.826.7200 TO: CRAIG KUNKLE ESTRIDGE DEVELOPMENT CO. 1041 WEST MAIN STREET CARMEL, IN 46032 DATE: 11/1/05 JOB # 5075,002 PROJECT: GRANDIN HALL, SECTION 2 RE: FAX#: FROM: CORT CROSBY FAX: 317.826.7300 DIRECT DIAL: 317.826.7306 NUMBER OF PAGES: TELEPHONE #: WE ARE SENDING YOU: [gJAttached Via: D Mail D Fed Ex 181 UPS D Courier D Pick Up D Other D Fax _Sheets # Copies Date Description 3 SECONDARY: PLAT AND CONSTRUCTION PLANS THE ABOVE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [gJ For approval D As requested D FOR BIDS DUE [gJ For your use D For review and comment D Other REMARKS: III RECEIVE- NOV - '\ DOCS I If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. y&~..........,..Di1Dli(;lllKfl.UlIiI.J.._ r:\5k\5075\OO2\docs\estkunkIe110105.doc '~ .; i. u o '--~ Schneider The Schneider Corporation Historic Fort Harrison 8901 Otis Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46216-1037 Phone: 317.826.7100 Fax: 317.826,7200 " TO: JOHN SOUTH HAMILTON CO. SCS 1108 SOUTH 9TH STREET NOBELSVILLE, IN 46060 DATE: 11/1/05 JOB # 5076.002 PROJECT: GRANDIN HALL, SECTION 2 RE: FAX#: FROM: CORT CROSBY FAX: 317.826.7300 DIRECT DIAL: 317.826.7306 NUMBER OF PAGES: TELEPHONE #: WE ARE SENDING YOU: [gIAttached Via: D Mail D Fed Ex [gI UPS D Courier D Pick Up D Other D Fax _Sheets # Copies Date Descriotion 1 SECONDARY PLAT AND CONSTRUCTION PLANS 1 REDUCED SIZE SWPPP (11 X 17) 1 COPY OF BMP MANUAL 1 PRELIMINARY COPY OF RULE 5 APPLICATION FORM THE ABOVE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [gI For approval D As requested D FOR BIDS DUE [gI For your use D For review and comment D Other REMARKS: ~ RECEIVED NOV - 1 21'1";; Lt..... DOCS If enclosures ar~:not as noted, kindly notify us at once. ~'YJI..-uili1ITi1TiRl.M.J...".HII_ r:\5k\507S\OO2\docs\hamcoscssouth 11 01 OS,doc