HomeMy WebLinkAboutDrainage Report ( .. v CHATEAUX DE MOULIN SUBDIVISION 116TH Street (between Spring Hill Rd. & Ditch Rd.) u A project located in Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana DEVELOPER: CAMPBELL DEVELOPMT - 2, LLC CONTACT: SCOTT CAMPBELL P.O. BOX 501 PE~LETON,~.46064 765-778-2738 ENGINEER: -u NING- ENGINEERING CONTACT: JOSEPH L. MILLER 698 TOWER ROAD, SUITE 100 PL~IELD,~.46168 317-839-2581 APRIL, 2003 II I u INDEX OF SHEETS u 1. NARRATIVE 2. OVERALL SITE PLAN 3. EXISTING CONDITIONS 4. EXISTING BASIN MAP 5. EXISTING BASIN TR-55 CALCULATIONS FOR CN & Tc 6. EXISTING CONDITION CALCULATIONS 7. 2 YEAR - 24 HOUR EVENT 8. 10 YEAR - 24 HOUR EVENT 9. POST DEVELOPED CONDITIONS 10. PROPOSED BASIN MAP 11. POST DEVELOPED CALCULATIONS 12. ICPR SCHEMATIC 13. ICPR OVERALL POND ROUTING 14. 2 YEAR- 24 HOUR EVENT 15. 10 YEAR - 24 HOUR EVENT 16. 100 YEAR - 24 HOUR EVENT 17. INPUT DATA REPORT 18. INDIVIDUAL BASIN MAP 19. STORM SEWER DESIGN 20. STORM SEWER DESIGN CALCULATIONS - Tc 21. STORM SEWER DESIGN CALCULATIONS - PIPE DESIGN 22. STORM SEWER DESIGN CALCULATIONS - RATIONAL METHOD 23. REFERENCES 24. USGS MAP 25. SOILS MAP 26. FIRM MAP 'U !! I u u u I I <..) - u u Drainage Narrative for: CHA TEAUX DE MOULIN SUBDIVISION OVERALL Existine: Characteristics: The purpose of the project is to develop approximately 10.0 acres of ground into a residential subdivision containing 6 lots. The proposed site is located on the south side of 116th St. between Spring Mill Rd. and Clay Center Rd. in Section 3, Township 17 North, Range 3 East, Clay Township, Hamilton County. Desie:n Criteria: Adjoining land conditions: North: Residential South: Pond East: Open Residential West: Open Residential Existine: Soil Name & tvpes: CrA - Crosby (C) Br - Brookston (BID) MoC3 - Miami (B) Overall Watershed: Williams Creek (HUC #05120201090060) Site Drainae:e Analvsis: After review of soil types and on site characteristics, we have determined that there are two major drainage basins draining this parcel. Woods line the property on three sides. Our design will maintain as much of this wooded area as possible. The center of the property is made up of farmland. One portion of the property drains south to an existing pond. The other portion drains east over adjacent property then into the previously mentioned pond. The pond eventually discharges into Williams Creek. Undeveloped Site Runoff: The proposed parcel has very defined drainage basins. This basin delineation limits what can be taken east overland, and what can be taken south to a pond on adjacent property. The basin that drains to the east overland is Basin A, and the basin that drains south to the pond is Basin B. There is a very small portion of offsite drainage coming from the west onto the property. This offsite drainage will be accounted for in the subdivision's storm water detention system. Outlet '0' Undeveloped: Basin Acres 2-Yr 24 Hr (cfs) lO-Yr 24 Hr (cfs) Basin A 7.38 9.44 18.30 Basin B 3.63 5.37 9.85 ILI_ u Proposed Drainal!e Analysis: In its developed state the site will maintain only two drainage basins. Basin A will drain east overland, and Basin B will drain south to a proposed pond. This pond will then outlet into an existing pond south on adjacent property. From there the water makes its way to Williams Creek. Post-Developed Runoff: Basin Basin A Basin B 2 Y r 24 Hr cfs 2.27 2.86 10 Yr 24 Hr cfs 4.58 5.28 100 Yr 24 Hr cfs 7.68 7.29 Storal!e Requirements: Basin A: Outlet restrictions were met by significantly reducing the associated acreage discharging east overland. Basin B: Outlet restrictions were met by routing storm system through a retention pond. ICPR was used to evaluate the design. Data for ICPR data input was pulled from construction drawings. Summary Analysis: u We have run multiple ICPR models with the development being fully built to determine the best pond design and size. Rainfall depths of 5.8", 4.2" and 2.9" were used with the NRCS type II rainfall distribution as per Hamilton County Surveyor's standards. Included in the analysis is any offsite drainage. As shown in the above tabulated date, the post to pre 10:2 and 100: 1 0 for all outlet points exceed the requirements set forth by the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office Standards. Floodway: The proposed site has no areas located within the floodway - floodplain. FIRM MAP # 18057C0208F, Hamilton County Indiana panel 208 of290 is attached. References: Design data and methods are based on the following reference materials: 1. HERPIC Manual 2. Hamilton County Surveyor's Office Ordinance and Details 3. Hamilton County Soils Map 4. USGS Mapping 5. Win TR-55 6. ICPR3 u u u w .. I L ~ SEE SHEET 16 FOR OET AILS ON STRUCTURE U1 liD' ASPHAI. T PATH 2' NON-ACCESS E IIENT "- SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR EXACT SIZE AND DETAIL OF LANDSCAPE IIOUND ~ 50' . 100' 116 TH ST ROAD WIDENING "" ./ OLPIens\03146grd.dgn 4I29f.!)04 11:46:53 AM ./ u w u n ____J__I______________ w IV u _~ _~ _ _~J _~_ u ~ u u .~ -_1- _____________ ( v u u ---------------_______ ---_--,,_--1___- ________ u Joe Miller Sub-Area Identifier/ 03-146 Chateaux De Moulin Hamilton County, Indiana Sub-Area Time of Concentration Details Flow Length (ft) Mannings's Slope n (ft/ft) End Area (sq ft) Wetted Perimeter (ft) Velocity (ft/sec) Travel Time (hr) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basin A SHEET SHALLOW Basin B SHEET SHALLOW SHALLOW u u 80 495 0.0100 0.0100 0.170 0.050 80 260 320 0.0100 0.0050 0.0250 0.170 0.050 0.050 WinTR-55, Version 1.00.00 Page __ ______L___ __ _ ___ ___ Time of Concentration Time of Concentration 1 4/1/2004 0.209 0.085 0.294 0.209 0.063 0.035 0.307 2:01:24 PM u Joe Miller 03-146 Chateaux De Moulin Hamilton County, Indiana Sub-Area Land Use and Curve Number Details Sub-Area Identifier Land Use -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hydrologic Soil Group Sub-Area Area (ac) Curve Number Basin A Paved; curbs and storm sewers C .2 98 Row Crop SR + Crop residue (good) B 3.69 75 Row Crop SR + Crop residue (good) C 3.49 82 Total Area / Weighted Curve Number 7.38 79 Basin B Row Crop SR + Crop residue (good) C 3.63 82 Total Area /;Weighted Curve Number 3.63 82 u u WinTR-55, Version 1.00.00 Page 1 ---------~L__________ ___ 4/1/2004 2:53:41 PM u Joe Miller 03-146 Chateaux De Moulin Hamilton County, Indiana Storm Data Rainfall Depth by Rainfall Return Period 2-Yr (in) 5-Yr (in) 10-Yr (in) 25-Yr (in) 50-Yr (in) 100-Yr (in) 1-Yr (in) 2.9 3.7 4.2 4.8 5.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.55 Storm Data Source: Rainfall Distribution Type: Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph: Hamilton County, IN Type II <standard> (NRCS) u u Page 1 WinTR-55, Version 1.00.00 ] 5.8 4/1/2004 2:01:24 PM u u u II I u IV " u .. I u 'U u -- __~u_u_ - ~- - - _ ~-_______u_~__ ____ ____ ______...1__________________________ u u Joe Miller 03-146 Chateaux De Moulin Hamilton County, Indiana Hydrograph Peak/Peak Time Table Sub-Area or Reach Identifier Peak 2-Yr (cfs) (hr) Flow and Peak Time (hr) 10-Yr 100-Yr (cfs) (cfs) (hr) (hr) by Rainfall Return Period ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBAREAS Basin A 9.44 18.30 30.03 12.08 12.07 12.07 Basin B 5.37 9.85 15.65 12.08 12.08 12.08 REACHES OUTLET 14.80 28.12 45.65 u u WinTR-55, Version 1.00.00 Page 1 4/1/2004 2:53:41 PM ___~.L___ u u ~ u '- II I u u u Ii I u --------- ------------------- -..-..-. '..-..-..-..-.. u asin A 1.9 ac f Basin B 9.11 ac \ u . . --.- -~__L___ -._ _.___. --_________n u u !u J_~___ u u u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ L ~ u u u JLM 4-23-04 Nodes A Stage/Area V Stage/Volume T Time/Stage M Manhole A: Pond 1 Basins QOVerland Flow U SCS Unit Hydro S Santa Barbara Links P Pipe W Weir C Channel D Drop Structure B Bridge R Rating Curve H Breach Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) @2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. _J u u u II I u u u _ _~ _ _~_~____JL-L____ ___ _ _.n u u u II I u u u ----~-- --------~-- --- ---- - ---_____L~__~ _____~___~____~ _ c\ Name C\ C Max Time Max Warning Max Delta Max Surf Max Time Max Max Time Max Group Simulation Stage Stage Stage Stage Area Inflow Inflow Outflow Outflow hrs ft ft ft ft2 hrs cfs hrs cfs BASE HamilO02yr24hr 12.63 843.208 845.000 0.0050 21544 12.25 8.551 12.63 2.861 BASE Hamil010yr24hr 12.61 843.827 845.000 0.0050 23430 12.25 15.929 12.61 5.281 BASE HamillOOyr24hr 12.66 844.686 845.000 0.0050 26948 12.25 25.514 12.66 7.286 JLM 4-23-04 Pond 1 Pond 1 Pond 1 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) @2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page I of 1 u Joe Miller Sub-Area or Reach Identifier Peak 2-Yr (cfs) (hr) 03-146 Chateaux De Moulin Hamilton County, Indiana Hydrograph Peak/Peak Time Table Flow and Peak Time (hr) 10-Yr 100-Yr (cfs) (cfs) (hr) (hr) by Rainfall Return Period SUBAREAS Basin A ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REACHES OUTLET u u 2.27 4.58 7.68 12.06 12.05 12.04 2.27 4.58 7.68 WinTR-55, version 1.00.00 Page 1 4/29/2004 11.___'-. 11:44:02 AM u Joe Miller Sub-Area Identifier/ 03-146 Chateaux De Moulin Hamilton County, Indiana Sub-Area Time of Concentration Details Flow Length (ft) Mannings's Slope n (ft/ft) End Area (sq ft) Wetted Perimeter (ft) Velocity (ft/see) Travel Time (hr) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basin A SHEET SHALLOW u u 80 415 0.0100 0.0100 0.150 0.050 WinTR-55, Version 1.00.00 Page p~ii__J __ ___ Time of Concentration 1 4/29/2004 0.189 0.071 0.260 11:44:11 AM u Joe Miller 03-146 Chateaux De Moulin Hamilton County, Indiana Sub-Area Land Use and Curve Number Details Sub-Area Identifier Land Use -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basin A Paved; curbs and storm sewers Residential districts (I acre) Residential districts (1 acre) Total Area / Weighted Curve Number u u Page 1 WinTR-55, Version 1.00.00 1______--- Hydrologic Soil Group C B C Sub-Area Area (ac) .25 .825 .825 1.9 4/29/2004 Curve Number 98 68 79 77 11:44:11 AM u Joe Miller 03-146 Chateaux De Moulin Hamilton County, Indiana Storm Data Rainfall Depth by Rainfall Return Period 2-Yr (in) 5-Yr (in) 10-Yr (in) 50-Yr (in) 25-Yr (in) 100-Yr (in) 1-Yr (in) 2.9 3.7 4.2 4.8 5.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.55 Storm Data Source: Rainfall Distribution Type: Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph: Hamilton County, IN Type II <standard> (NRCS) u u Page 1 WinTR-55, Version 1.00.00 _JLI_____ _ 5.8 4/2/2004 12: 48: 59 PM w u u II I u r- U u JLM 4-23-04 ========================================================================================== ==== Basins ============================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: Post Pond 1 Group: BASE Node: Pond 1 Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph Status: Onsite Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Rainfall File: Rainfall Amount (in) : 0.000 Area (ac) : 9.110 Curve Number: 80.00 DCIA(%): 0.00 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Storm Duration (hrs) : 0.00 Time of Conc(min): 23.00 Time Shift (hrs) : 0.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 ========================================================================================== ==== Nodes =============================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: Pond 1 Group: BASE Type: Stage/Area Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 842.500 Warn Stage(ft): 845.000 Stage (ft) Area (ac) 840.000 842.500 843.000 844.000 845.000 846.000 0.4000 0.4500 0.4800 0.5500 0.6500 0.6700 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Pond Adjacent Group: BASE Type: Time/Stage Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 840.000 Warn Stage(ft): 843.000 Time (hrs) Stage(ft) 0.00 10.00 15.00 40.00 840.000 840.500 842.000 840.000 ===================================================~=====================================~ ==== Pipes =============================================================================== ===================================================~====================================== Name: Group: BASE From Node: To Node: Length (ft) : 0.00 Count: 1 Friction Equation: Average Conveyance Solution Algorithm: Automatic Flow: Both Entrance Loss Coef: 0.00 Exit Loss Coef: 0.00 Bend Loss Coef: 0.00 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dn Stabilizer Option: None UPSTREAM Geometry: Circular Span(in): 0.00 Rise(in): 0.00 Invert(ft): 0.000 Manning's N: 0.000000 Top Clip(in): 0.000 Bot Clip(in): 0.000 DOWNSTREAM Circular 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000000 0.000 0.000 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge wi headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge wi headwall ========================================================================================== ==== Drop Structures ===================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: Drop 1 Group: BASE From Node: Pond 1 To Node: Pond Adjacent Length (ft) : 70.00 Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Average Conveyance Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) (1)2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page 1 of 4 ___ ________ L_l___ JLM 4-23-04 U Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm Automatic Span(in) : 15.00 15.00 Flow Both Rise (in) : 15.00 15.00 Entrance Loss Coef 0.500 Invert (ft) : 841.500 840.000 Exit Loss Coef 0.300 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctr1 Spec Use dn Bot Clip (in) : 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge wi headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Groove end projecting *** Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure Drop 1 *** TABLE Count: 1 Type: Vertical: Mavi,s Flow: Both Geometry: Rectangular Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Top Clip(in): 0.000 Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span (in): 18.00 Rise(in): 9.00 Invert (ft) : 842.500 Control Elev(ft): 842.500 *** Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure Drop 1 *** TABLE Count: 1 Type: Horizontal Flow: Both Geometry: Rectangular Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Top Clip(in): 0.000 Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span (in): 36.00 Rise(in): 36.00 Invert (ft) : 845.000 Control Elev(ft): 845.100 ========================================================================================== ==== Weirs =============================================================================== ========================================================================================== u Name: Group: BASE Flow: Both Type: Horizontal From Node: To Node: Count: 1 Geometry: Circular Span(in): 0.00 Rise(in): 0.00 Invert (ft) : 0.000 Control Elevation (ft) : 0.000 TABLE Bottom C1ip(in): 0.000 Top C1ip(in): 0.000 Weir Discharge Coei: 3.200 Orifice Discharge Coef: 0.600 ========================================================================================== ==== Hydrology Simulations =============================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: Hamil002yr24hr Filename: S:\Projects\03146\icpr\Hami1002yr24hr.R32 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration (hrs) : 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsii-24 Rainfall Amount (in) : 2.90 Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) 24.000 15.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Hamil010yr24hr Filename: S:\Projects\03146\icpr\Hamil010yr24hr.R32 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration (hrs) : 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsii-24 Rainfall Amount (in) : 4.20 u Time (hrs) Print Inc(min) Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) <<;)2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page 2 of4 --]--1 u u u JLM 4-23-04 24.000 15.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: HamillOOyr24hr Filename: S:\Projects\03l46\icpr\HarnillOOyr24hr.R32 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration (hrs) : 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsii-24 Rainfall Amount (in) : 5.80 Time (hrs) Print Inc(min) 24.000 15.00 ========================================================================================== ==== Routing Simulations ================================================================= ========================================================================================== Execute: Yes Alternative: No Name: Hamil002yr24hr Hydrology Sim: Hamil002yr24hr Filename: S:\Projects\03l46\icpr\Hamil002yr24hr.I32 Restart: No Patch: No Max Delta Z(ftl: Time Step Optimizer: Start Time (hrs) : Min Calc Time(sec): Boundary Stages: Time (hrs) Print Inc(min) 10.000 20.000 50.000 30.000 15.000 30.000 Group Run BASE Yes 1.00 10.000 0.000 0.5000 Delta Z Factor: 0.00500 End Time (hrs) 50.00 Max Calc Time(sec) 60.0000 Boundary Flows ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Hamil010yr24hr Hydrology Sim: Harnil010yr24hr Filename: S:\Projects\03l46\icpr\Hamil010yr24hr.I32 Execute: Yes Alternative: No Max Delta Z(ft): Time Step Optimizer: Start Time (hrs) : Min Calc Time (see) : Boundary Stages: Time (hrs) Print Inc (min) 10.000 20.000 50.000 30.000 15.000 30.000 Group Run BASE Yes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Restart: No Patch: No 1.00 10.000 0.000 0.5000 Delta Z Factor: 0.00500 End Time(hrs) 50.00 Max Calc Time(sec) 60.0000 Boundary Flows Name: HamillOOyr24hr Hydrology Sim: Hamil100yr24hr Filename: S:\Projects\03l46\icpr\HamillOOyr24hr.I32 Execute: Yes Alternative: No Restart: No Patch: No Delta Z Factor: 0.00500 Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Time Step Optimizer: 10.000 Start Time (hrs) : 0.000 Min Calc Time (see) : 0.5000 Boundary Stages: End Time (hrs) : 50.00 Max Calc Time(sec): 60.0000 Boundary Flows: Page 3 of 4 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) <eJ2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. __L_L___ u u u JLM 4-23-04 Time (hrs) 10.000 20.000 50.000 Group BASE Print Inc(min) 30.000 15.000 30.000 Run ========================================================================================== Yes ~=== Boundary Conditions ======~===~======~======~===~======~==~=============~============ ============================~============================================================= Page 4 of 4 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ~2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. pp-_II_I_- lu u u u ~ ~ o ~ ) 107 g 120679 FT^2 ~ ~ g ~ '\ ~ ~ J - u u ____________.11 I u u u II I u u u II I C Time of Concentration Worksheet PROJECT: JOB NAME SECTION Based on TR-55 JOB #: 03146 Typical values for Manning's n Overland Flow Channel Flow 2 year, 24 hour rainfall = 2.90 inches short grass 0.15 grass 0.03 minimum T_c = 5 minutes dense grass 0.24 concrete 0.015 pavement 0.011 rip-rap 0.035 Overland flow seq. 1 Overland flow seg.2 Shallow Concentrated Flow Channel Flow T_c Basin Length S n T_t Length S n T_t Length S Paved/Un Vel. T_t Length a Pw r S n Vel. T_t name (ft) % (min) (ft) % (min) (ft) % (P or U) (ftIs) (min (ft) (s.f.) (ft) (ft) % (ftIs) (min) (min) 107 80 1 0.24 17 0 260 2 P 2.9 2 0 18 106 0 310 1.2 P 2.2 2 0 5 105 120 1 0.24 21 0 0 21 104 103 60 1 0.24 13 0 185 1 P 2 2 0 15 102 30 1 0.24 8 0 120 1 P 2 1 0 9 (, u u u J_ __ __ _ _ _ _ c c' c / STORM SEWER DESIGN CALCULATIONS -PIPE DESIGN- PROJECT: JOB NAME SECTION STORM: 10 Year JOB#: 03146 COMPUTED BY: JLM. DATE: 4/29/2004 SHEET NO.: STRUCTURE DESIGN CAP. FROM TO Q L DIA. SLOPE Q VEL. RIM ELEV. INVERT ELEV. COVER (cfs) (ft) (in) % (cfs) (ftls) UP DOWN UP DOWN (ft) 107 106 4.71 30 15 0.55 4.82 3.93 850.50 850.50 846.96 846.80 2.12 106 105 5.99 60 18 0.35 6.25 3.54 850.50 850.50 846.55 846.34 2.26 105 104 6.77 200 18 0.45 7.09 4.01 850.50 851.00 846.34 845.44 2.47 104 103 6.60 78 18 0.45 7.09 4.01 851.00 851.80 845.44 845.08 3.87 103 102 8.01 30 18 0.60 8.19 4.63 851.80 851.80 845.08 844.90 5.03 102 101 10.09 240 18 1.00 10.57 5.98 851.80 846.00 844.90 842.50 5.21 down- MAX. stream INV. cover ELEV. type 2.28 847.17 uci 2.47 847.02 uci 3.87 847.6 bh 5.03 847.85 mho 5.21 848.32 uci 1.81 848.32 uci u u u II I c c c STORM SEWER DESIGN CALCULATIONS -RATIONAL METHOD- PROJECT: JOB NAME SECTION STORM: 10 Year JOB#: 03146 COMPUTED BY: J.L.M. DATE: 4/29/2004 SHEET NO.: STRUCTURE BASINS COMPOSITE BASINS TRAVEL FROM TO BASIN c A c*A Tc I Q SUM Tc I Q TIME # (acres) (min) (in/hr) (cfs) (e*A) (min) (in/hr) (efs) (min) 107 106 107 0.41 2.78 1.14 18 4.14 4.71 1.14 18 4.14 4.71 0.17 106 105 106 0.82 0.38 0.31 5 6.98 2.15 1.45 18 4.14 5.99 0.33 105 104 105 0.35 0.95 0.33 21 3.81 1.26 1.78 21 3.81 6.77 1.11 104 103 104 0.00 0.00 0 9.93 0.00 1.78 22 3.71 6.60 0.43 103 102 103 0.53 0.82 0.44 15 4.55 1.98 2.21 23 3.62 8.01 0.17 102 101 102 0.47 1.22 0.57 9 5.72 3.28 2.79 23 3.62 10.09 1.33 MAX. INLET FLOW 2.1 cfs T_sum A (min) type (sq. ft.) X 18.05 uei 120879 X 18.22 uci 16335 18.55 bh 41258 22.39 mh 0 22.82 uei 35843 X 22.99 uci 53223 u u u II I u u u _II l ~. . .1 01,. o It> /' ~~. EA~T ! i '\ '\ \ 1, .....- ...... ( Name: CARMEL Date: 3/31/2004 Scale: 1 inch equals 1000 feet Location: 0390 57' 28.0" N 0860 09' 52.4" W Caption: 03-146 Chateaus De Moulin Copyright (C) 1997, Maptech, Inc. 'u u u II I $. o o o "7 o '<t OJ lJ'l ...... 0,' ...... '" (Ii () if) o o o :S!: o o o N ~ o o o 01 Q) L Q) Q) ~m LL 0 0 0 o o '<t <Xl lJ'l ...... O..:..i ~ ro () if) :1 o o o N .,..,.",.,,- ".",":i u u u II I C/ I' , o w nSTH ZONE X C" ST C a: .oJ .oJ ~ Cl Z a: Q. (/) c\ APPROXIMATE SCALE 500 0 t---t ~ ........... 500 FEET I I NATIONAL ROOD INSURANCE PROGRAM I FIRM noOD INSURANCE RATE MAP HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA AND INCORPORATED AREAS (SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) NUMBER PANe. ~ 1lllIlIl1 QZ08 18llDIlO 0208 MAP NUMBER 18057C0208f EFFECTIVE DATE: FEBRUARY 19, 2003 This Is an o1lIclal copy of a portion of the abolle referenced ftood map. tt was extracted using F.MIT On-Une. This map does not reftact changes or amendments which may hlM> been made subsequent to the date on the title block. For the latest ptOduct information about National Flood Insurance Program ftood maps check the FEMA Flood Map Store at www.msc.fema.goY