HomeMy WebLinkAboutGroundwater & Surface Water Monitoring Plan DRAFT " - , , :; GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER MONITORING PLAN FOR THE MUELLER PROPERTY SOUTH SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION CARMEL, INDIANA . Prepared for: Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. MidAmerica Region Indiana District 1980 East 116th Street Suite 200 Carmel, Indiana 45040 Prepared by aquaFUSION, Inc. 10711 Samaga Drive Oaldon, Virginia 22124 (703\ 938-1987 June 2004 Draft Work Product-PRIVILEGED AND, CONFIDENTIAL 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 2.5.5 2.6 TABLE OF CONTENTS MONITORI NG OBJ ECTIVES AND SCO PE ................................................................................1 OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE... ........ ......... .................. ............ ......... .......... .................. ........... ..............1 MONITORING SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................1 MONITORING LOCATIONS ...........;..................................................................................... ..............2 MONITORING PROGRAM - FIELD METHODS ........................................................................1 MONITOR GROUNDWATER ELEVATION ..........................................................................................1 PURGING AND SAMPLING....... ................ ............... ............... ................ ...........................................1 TRADITIONAL PURGING AND SAMPLING .....................................................................................1 SURFACE WATER SAMPLING...... ............... .................. ..... ......... ............................ ............... ..........2 PARAMETERS, SAMPLE VOLUME, CONTAINER TYPE AND PRESERVATIVES.................................2 SAMPLE HANDLING ............ ........................ ........................... .......... ............. .... .... ..... ...... ................4 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND LABELS.......................................................................................4 SAMPLE HANDLING ........ ............... ......... ........................ .......... ........................ ............... .... ........5 CHAIN OF CUSTODY DOCUMENTATION AND SHIPPING ..............................................................5 EQUIPMENT DECONTAMINATION.................................................................................................5 MODIFICATION OF THE ANALYTICAL PARAMETER LIST .............................................................6 DATA EVALUATION AND REPORTING ..............................................................................................6 List of Tables 1 Volume of Water in a 1-Foot Section of Well Casing (F) 2 Parameter List, Analytical Methods and Sample Setup Requirements Appendix A Analytical Group Constituents PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL - ii - DRAFT ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT Monitoring Objectives and Scope 1.0 MONITORING OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE A comprehensive monitoring program was designed and is submitted as a part of the special use application for the Mueller Property South proposed sand and gravel mining. MMM will implement and supervise this proposed monitoring program. The laboratory analysis will be performed by an outside company certified by the State of Indiana. This document specifies the sampling locations, sampling frequency, parameter analytical list, laboratory methodologies, and the field sampling protocols. Figure 1 exhibits and defines the type and location of this monitoring program. 1.1 Objectives of the Monitoring Program Four types of hydrologic data will be compiled and reported: 1) Groundwater Quality, 2) Surface Water Quality, 3) Surface Water Elevation, and 4) Groundwater Elevation. The focus of this monitoring program will be the surface water contained in the southeast and southwest holding ponds and the up-gradient and down-gradient groundwater from these two ponds, which receive discharges from the North Indianapolis operations of MMM. In addition, three monitoring wells will be utilized to establish baseline water-table elevations and to monitor the water table fluctuations down gradient from the Plant No. 4 capture zone and immediately up-gradient from the Mueller Property South sand and gravel mining permit area. The specific field tasks required for each sampling event include the following: . Task 1: Monitor Groundwater Elevations. . Task 2: Field Sampling and Laboratory Analyses. . Task 3: Sample Handling. . Task 4: Data Evaluation and Reporting. Details of each of these specific tasks are described in Section 2.0; the following general procedures will be employed. . Record all field activities and data in a project-specific field book. . Use of dedicated or disposable equipment where possible to limit the potential for cross contamination between sampling points. . All equipment (Le., water level tape, bailers, pumps, and tubing) that is reused will be thoroughly cleaned and decontaminated before reuse. 1.2 Monitoring Schedule Pre-mining Baseline Characterization One initial sampling event will be completed following the installation of three new monitoring wells west of Gray Road. The second baseline-monitoring event will be completed two months later. To. help identify baseline surface water conditions, a sample will be collected at the surface water sampling locations (SW-1,-2) on two occasions (at least two months apart) and analyzed for the proposed parameter lists. PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 1-1 DRAFT ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT Monitoring Objectives and Scope Immediately after well installation, the wells will be outfitted with pressure transducers and set up to record a water elevation at a frequency of no less than once every two hours. In addition, stilling wells (HP-1 ,-2) will be installed on the northwest pond and the southeast pond with pressure transducers to record holding pond water elevations at the appropriate frequency. Mining Phase Monitoring Once mining begins, sampling will be conducted quarterly for the first year of operations and annually thereafter until mining is completed. Each of the four wells (PMW-1 ,-2,-3 and SG-3) installed in the holding pond area west of Gray Road and south of the Northwest holding pond will be monitored. In addition, two surface water samples (SW- 1, -2) will be collected and analyzed from the southwest and southeast ponds, respectively, west of Gray Road using the same frequency as the groundwater wells. Obviously, transducer operation will continue during the mining phase. 1.3 Monitoring Locations MMM will modify the existing monitoring well network on the Mueller Property South and the holding pond area. Three additional wells (PMW-1,-2,-3) will be drilled in the area of the holding ponds and one additional well (PMW-4) will be installed at the northwest corner of the Mueller Property South permit area. Also, the two wells currently installed on the Mueller Property North, SG-1 and SG-2, as well as SG-3, already on the holding pond tract, will remain with pressure transducers operating at the same measurement frequency. Thus, groundwater elevation measurements will be collected at a total of seven locations. In addition, the two stilling wells (HP-1,-2) on the holding ponds will track and record holding pond elevations. The three new wells (PMW-1 ,-2,-3) installed in the holding pond area will be drilled and screened through the full thickness of the sand and gravel aquifer. These wells in combination with SG-3 will comprise the groundwater quality monitoring stations for this program. The wells (PMW-1,-2) will be located between southwesVsoutheast ponds and the northwest pond (See Figure 1). These two wells will act as down-gradient groundwater sampling points from the (southwest and southeast ponds) process and sump discharge locations for the North Indianapolis operation. An additional well (PMW-3) will be located along the south side of the southwest holding pond and along with SG-3 will represent the up-gradient groundwaters coming on the MMM holding pond tract. Surface water sampling points (SW-1,-2) will be located in the northern edges of the southwest and southeast holding ponds. This location is essentially in the down gradient direction from all MMM discharges to these two holding ponds. PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 1-2 DRAFT ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT Monitoring Program - Field Methods 2.0 MONITORING PROGRAM - FIELD METHODS The following sections discuss the specific methods and procedures required to complete the groundwater-monitoring program. These procedures are based on the requirements and guidelines of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM). 2.1 Monitor Groundwater Elevation Pressure transducers will be installed in seven monitoring wells (PMW-1,-2,-3,-4 and SG-1,-2,-3) and at two stilling well (HP-1 ,HP-2) locations in the northwest and southeast ponds on the west side of Gray Road. These transducers will be downloaded and recalibrated on a quarterly basis during the monitoring program. During sampling of the four wells for groundwater quality samples, the depth to water level will be measured at each monitoring well before any wells are purged or samples collected. The measurement should be made from the top of the well casing at a dedicated point using a battery-powered water indicator tape with audible and visual alarm. The depth to groundwater will be recorded and to determine the volume of purge water necessary prior to sampling. 2.2 Monitor Well Purging and Sampling Groundwater samples from each well may be collected by traditional methods. A summary of this procedure follows. The method selected will be consistently applied from one sampling event to the next for each well. The completion of purging may be determined based on stabilization of water quality indicator parameters that are measured in the field (pH, temperature, specific conductance). All field instruments will be calibrated at the beginning of each sampling day and recalibrated as necessary. Calibration measurements and the results of water quality monitoring during purging will be recorded in the field logbook. 2.2.1 Traditional Purging and Sampling Purging Using applicable pumps (bladder, submersible) or disposable bailers and cable, purge three to five well volumes of groundwater, or continue purging until concentrations of water quality indicator parameters (pH, temperature, specific conductance) stabilize. Stabilization is defined as three consecutive readings of each indicator parameter that do not vary by 10 percent or more. Wells with yields too low to produce three to five well volumes should be purged to dryness. One well volume can be calculated as follows: V=HxF Where: V is one well volume (gal), H is the vertical height of the water column in the well (ft), and F is factor for the volume of a 1-foot section of casing (gal/ft). PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 2-1 DRAFT ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT Monitoring Program - Field Methods F=3.14 X (0/2)2 X 7.48 Where 0 = inside well diameter (ft) Table 1 lists F for various casing diameters. Multiply F by the water column height to determine one well volume. Table 1. Volume of Water in a 1-Foot Section of Well Casing (F) 2 3 4 6 8 Well Diameter in If bailers are used, they should be lowered slowly into the well to minimize disturbance and aeration of the water column. Bailers should be submerged only to a depth necessary for filling and should be removed in a manner that minimizes agitation. Sampling Higher yield wells that produce water at a rate sufficient to allow purging three to five well volumes should be sampled immediately following purging and field parameter measurement. Samples should be collected from wells that purge to dryness as soon as sufficient water is available or no more than 24 hours after purging. Groundwater Sampling Samples will be collected from the pump discharge line with the pump operating at the same flow rate used for purging. 2.3 Surface Water Sampling Two surface water samples (SW-1,-2) will be collected from designated holding pond locations. These samples will be collected from about one to three feet below the pond water surface using dedicated or decontaminated samplers. The sampling locations will be consistent for all sampling events. 2.4 Analytical Parameters, and Sample Volume, Container, Preservation and Maximum Holding Times The required analytical groups for the Mueller Property South are listed in Table 2, and detailed lists of all constituents within each analytical group are included in Appendix A. Table 2 includes a summary of analytical methods, sample volumes, container types, PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 2-2 DRAFT ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT Monitoring Program - Field Methods preservatives and holding times. The Appendix A tables include all analytical methods approved by IDEM and the constituent MCLs (maximum concentration level). Before implementing the field program, sampling criteria and methods will be reviewed with the laboratory selected to perform the analysis. The contract laboratory will assist in finalizing the analytical methods and will provide appropriate pre-preserved sample containers. Table 2. Parameter List, Analytical Methods and Sample Setup Requirements Parameter Methods Sample Container' Preservative Holding Volume Time (day) 10C (most 215.1,7140,200.7, 500mL P,G HN03 6 months metals) 6010 10C - Sodium 273.1, 7770 500mL P,G HN03 6 months 200.7,6010 10C - Sulfate 4500-S04 9035, 50mL P,G 40C 28 9036 IOC - Nitrate 4500-N03.1/9200 100mL P,G 40C 2 10C - Nitrite 100mL P,G 40C 2 10C - Alkalinity 310.1 100mL P,G 40C 14 VOCs 524 3 x 40mL G, vials 40C, HCI 14 Oil & Grease 413.1/9070 1000mL G 40C, H2SO4 28 Total Coliform 9222 D P, G, sterile, 40C, 0.008% 6 hours Na2S203 Radionuclide 900 1000ml P HN03 6 months P = plastic, G = glass lac = Inorganic compounds VOC = Volatile organic compounds T. Coliform = Total Coliform bacteria Radionuclide = Gross Alpha Activity Note that the holding times for nitrate and Coliform are short, 48 hours and 6 hours, respectively. Sampling Priority Field measurements, including pH, temperature and specific conductance, will be obtained before surface water samples are collected and after wells are purged but before water samples are collected. Laboratory samples should be collected and containerized in the following order based on the sensitivity to volatilization or the potential for bacteria cross contamination: 1. Coliform bacteria 2. Volatile organic compounds 3. Total metals 4. Sulfate and chloride PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 2-3 DRAFT ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT Monitoring Program - Field Methods 5. Nitrate and nitrite 6. Others Field Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QAlQC) Samples QA/QC monitoring will be conducted to detect whether contamination is introduced to the water samples in the field, or during shipment to or from the sampling site. The following QA/QC samples will be collected during each sampling event. The QA/QC samples should be collected at a frequency of one per ten samples. Because a maximum of six samples will be collected per sampling event; one QA/QC sample of each type (field blank, equipment blank, etc) will be collected and submitted for analysis for each sampling event. . Field Duplicate: One field duplicate will be collected and analyzed for each parameter listed in Table 2, except total coliform. The duplicate should be collected simultaneously with the primary samples at the selected well or surface water location. . Trip Blank: The contract laboratory will prepare trip blanks before mobilizing to the site. The trip blanks will be taken to the field and handled along with the other collected samples to determine the potential for VaG contamination from the sample containers or the atmosphere. One trip blank per shipping cooler will be submitted for VaG analysis. . Equipment Blank: One equipment blank will be prepared per sampling event whenever non-dedicated or non-disposable sampling equipment is used. Analyte- free water will be obtained from the contract laboratory. Pour the analyte-free water over a cleaned sampling device (pump, non-disposable bailer) collecting it in appropriate sample containers. This sample should be collected after sampling the last well in the holding pond area. The equipment blank will be analyzed for all parameters listed in Table 2, except total coliform. 2.5 Sample Handling 2.5.1 Sample Identification and Labels Samples should be properly identified with labels. Using a waterproof marker, the following information should be provided: . Sample Id number . Name of collector . Date and time of collection . Parameters for analysis . Preservatives used The following convention will be used when assigning a sample identification number: . Groundwater samples will be identified with the monitoring well number (Le., SG-3). · Matrix duplicate Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QG) samples will be identified with the prefix "0" (Le., DSG-3). PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 2-4 DRAFT ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT Monitoring Program - Field Methods . Trip blanks will be identified as TB-1, TB-2, etc. . Equipment blanks will be identified as EB-1, EB-2, etc. 2.5.2 Sample Handling Immediately after collection, all samples will be placed in a cooler and chilled to approximately 40e in preparation for shipment to the analytical laboratory. 2.5.3 Chain-of-Custody Documentation and Shipping Strict chain-of-custody (eoG) documentation procedures will be followed. eoe records will be established to trace sample possession and provide documentation to the laboratory that describes in detail the required analyses and any special provisions by the laboratory (Le., electronic data report format, quick turnaround analyses). The eoe should account for each sample and provide the following information: · Sample Id . Signature of collector . Date and time collected . Sample matrix (water) . Number of containers and volume (3 x 40mL) . Parameters for analysis . Preservatives used . Signatures of all persons involved in the chain of possession . Dates for time of possession Once all eoe documentation is completed, additional ice will be placed in the cooler, which will then be sealed and shipped to the analytical laboratory. 2.5.4 Equipment Decontamination All decontamination fluids will be placed in labeled 55-gallon drums staged adjacent to the decontamination station for ultimate disposal, if required, by Martin Marietta Materials. All downhole or flow through equipment (excluding pH, temperature and specific conductance probes) that are not dedicated must be decontaminated before reuse. A portable field decontamination station will be set up, if necessary, at the Holding Pond area for each sampling event. The decontamination procedure should consist of the following steps: . Remove loose sediment or soil . Wash and scrub with a phosphate-free detergent (alconox or equivalent) . Thoroughly rinse with de-ionized water . Air dry If vae concentrations become significant in the future, isopropyl alcohol should be employed to decontaminate equipment prior to the de-ionized water rinse. The water PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 2-5 DRAFT ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT Monitoring Program - Field Methods quality probes should be rinsed with deionized water thoroughly. All decontamination fluids will be transferred to labeled 55-gallon drums staged on-site for ultimate disposal, if required, by Martin Marietta Materials. 2.5.5 Modification of the Analytical Parameter List After collection and analysis of the first six sampling events, the laboratory results will be reviewed for chemical compounds that are reported as non-detect. The first six events will include the Baseline Characterization and the first year of quarterly sampling during the mining phase. Chemical compounds that are consistently reported as below detection will be removed from the required monitoring program parameter list for the continued annual sampling events 2.6 Data Reporting Baseline Characterization Report A baseline characterization report will be produced and submitted to the City of Carmel. This report will evaluate the pre-mining water quality results and water elevation measurements. The report will describe the monitoring well locations and construction and will document the monitoring locations and other pertinent aspects of the automatic water level measurement devices. This report will also propose and finalize the required parameter list for the mining phase monitoring period. Annual Monitoring Report During the mining phase, an annual monitoring report will be prepared after each annual water quality sampling event. This letter report will summarizes the important field activities, field data, and analytical results and will include the following information: . Groundwater elevation data and summary for the annual period . Well Sample Purge volumes . Field parameters measurements during sampling . Field calibration measurements . Summary of analytical results and applicable water quality standards . Summary of OAlOC sample laboratory results . Signed and Certified Laboratory reports Water Elevation Reporting Data from the transducers will be reported in graphical form to the City of Carmel on a quarterly basis up to two weeks from the time the transducers are downloaded and recalibrated. The annual monitoring report will provide both graphical and tabular data summaries of the water elevation data. PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 2-6 DRAFT ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT APPENDIX A ANALYTICAL GROUP CONSTITUENTS A.1. Inorganic Compounds Chemical Monitoring Requirements IOCs MCL Method (one of the listed) Antimony 0.006 31138, 200.9, 200.8, 0-3697-92 Arsenic 0-2972-93C or 31138, 0-2972-938 or 31148,200.9,200.7 or 31208,200.8 8arium 2 31138, 31110, 200.7 or 31208, 200.8 8eryllium 0.004 0-3645-938 or 31138, 200.9, 200.7 or 31208,200.8 Cadmium 0.005 31138,200.7,200.8,200.9 Chromium 0.1 31138,200.7 or 31208, 200.8,200.9 01688-90C, 01688-95C, or 31138; Copper 01688-90A, 01688-95A, or 3111 8; 200.7, or 31208; 200.8; 200.9 300.0,0-4327-91, or 41108; SPAONS, Fluoride 4 4500F-8,0; 01179-938, 4500F-C; 380- 75WE; 4500F-E, 129-71W Iron Lead 03559-90D, 03559-96, or 31138; 200.8; 200.9; 1001 Mercury 0.002 245.1, 03223-91, or 31128; 245.2; 200.8 Nickel 31138,200.9,31118,200.7,31208, 200.8 03867-908 or 4500-N03-E; 353.2, Nitrate (as N) 10 03867-90A, or 4500-N03-F; 4500-N03-0, or 601; 300.0, 04327-91, 411 OB, B-1011 Nitrate-Nitrite 300.0, 04327-91,41108, or B-1 011; Nitrite (as N) 1 353.2, 03867-90A, 4500-N03-F; 03867- 908, 4500-N03-E, 4500-N03-8 Selenium 0.05 03859-93A or 31148; 200.8; 200.9; 03859-938 or 31138 Sodium Sulfate Thallium 0.002 200.9, 200.8 pH 150.1, 150.2, 01293-84, 01293-95. 4500- H-8 Alkalinity 01067-928,23208 Conductivity 01125-91A, 01125-95A, 25108 Temperature 2550 I - I " - , ~ A-2. VOC and Oil & Grease Chemical Monitoring Requirements VOCs MCL Method (one of the listed) Benzene 0.005 502.2 rev 2.1, 524.2 rev 4.1 Vinyl chloride 0.002 502.2 rev 2.1 , 524.2 rev 4.1 Carbon tetrachloride 0.005 502.2 rev 2.1 , 524.2 rev 4.1 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.005 502.2 rev 2.1 , 524.2 rev 4.1 Trichloroethylene 0.005 502.2 rev 2.1 , 524.2 rev 4.1 1,1-Dichloroethylene 0.007 502.2 rev 2.1 , 524.2 rev 4.1 1,1,1- Trichloroethane 0.2 502.2 rev 2.1 , 524.2 rev 4.1 para-Dichlorobenzene 0.075 502.2 rev 2.1 , 524.2 rev 4.1 cis-1 ,2-Dichloroethylene 0.07 502.2 rev 2.1 , 524.2 rev 4.1 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.005 502.2 rev 2.1 , 524.2 rev 4.1 Ethyl benzene 0.7 502.2 rev 2.1, 524.2 rev 4.1 Monochlorobenzene 0.1 502.2 rev 2.1, 524.2 rev 4.1 ortho-Dichlorobenzene 0.6 502.2 rev 2.1, 524.2 rev 4.1 Styrene 0.1 502.2 rev 2.1, 524.2 rev 4.1 Tetrachloroethylene 0.005 502.2 rev 2.1, 524.2 rev 4.1 Toluene 1 502.2 rev 2.1 , 524.2 rev 4.1 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 0.1 502.2 rev 2.1 , 524.2 rev 4.1 Xylenes 10 502.2 rev 2.1 , 524.2 rev 4.1 Dichloromethane 0.005 502.2 rev 2.1 , 524.2 rev 4.1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.07 502.2 rev 2.1 , 524.2 rev 4.1 1,1 ,2- Trichloroethane 0.005 502.2 rev 2.1 , 524.2 rev 4.1 Oil and grease 413.1, 9071 i i ~~ ,. .. A-3. Bacteriological Chemical Monitoring Requirements Bacteria MCL Method. (one of the listed) 100 mL sample; analyze by: 9221 A and 9221 B; Total coliform 1 positive 9222A, 92228, and 9222C; 92210; 9223; Colisure test; E*Colite test; or m-ColiBlue24 test ! I .," ':;V.'. .. A-4. Radionuclide Chemical Monitoring Requirements Radionuclide Gross alpha particle activity MCL 15 Method one of the listed see 327 lAC 8 If gross alpha particle activity exceeds 5 pCi/L, radium-226 analyses is required. If radium-226 exceeds 3 pCi/L, a sample for radium-228 is required.