HomeMy WebLinkAboutMining & Reclamation Plan ~! MINING AND RECLAMATION PLAN SAND AND GRAVEL EXTRACTION BY MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS, INC. MUELLER PROPERTY 10()lh Street and Hazel Dell Parkway . Carmel, Indiana. 1.0 INTRODUCTION Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. (''Martin Marietta") has filed related petitions with the Cannel-Clay Board of Zoning Appeals (the "BZA"). for approval to conduct a sand and. gravel.. extraction operation, utilizing a dredge, on the so-called Mueller property south ofKingswood Subdivision and north of lOlj1h Street, and to move an existing aggregate processing plant presently located east of Kingswood to a site on the ~ast side of Hazel Dell Parkway. The specific requests to the BZA are for approval of (i) sand and gravel extraction and the resulting lake as special uses permitted with BZA approval in the S-l zoning district; (ii) a variance of development standards to permit a reduction in required setback areas south ofKingswood and east of Carmel-Clay Park; and (ill) for a variance of use to permit the processing plant to be relocated to Martin Marietta property 'east of Hazel Dell Parkway. The proposed sand and gravel operations are substantially similar to those that have been. conducted for a number of years on property east of Kingswood. The folloWing report summarize~ Martin Marietta's mining and reclamation plans for sand and gravel extraction on the Mueller property north. of lOlj1h Street 2.0 MINING PLAN 2.1 Introduction The general geographic location of the. proposed sand and gravel extraction (the "Site') is between Hazel Dell Parkway and Gray Road on the north side of IO()lh Street, in Carmel, Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana. The Site is presently loCated outside the corporate boundaries of the City of Carmel, Indiana, though it is expected to be brought within those boundaries pursuant to a pending annexation case, Annexation C-214. The Site abuts Hazel Dell Parkway and 10~ Street. Kingswood subdivision and an existing Martin Marietta processing plant and lake are adjacent to . the Site to the north. The Martin Marietta North Indianapolis quarry and .related fucilities are located south of 106111 Street Martin Marietta owns additional property east of Hazel Dell Parkway. A City of Carmel well site and Carmel-Clay Park: are located to the west of the Site. -.. .; 1 I I '. The Site has been used for agricultmal pmposes, with the exception of the small portion excavated for sand and gravel extraction prior to May 2001. The sand and gravel extraction operation was stopped pursuant to the request of the Kingswood Homeowners Association in May 2001. A portion of the Site, at the comer of Gray Road and 1 O~ Street is wooded. This portion will not be mined. There are several areas of scrub fencerow vegetation. The majority of the Site is cultivated agricultural fields. The Site is located west of the White River. The Site is generally flat. Elevations in tlie Site range from a low of approximately 742 feet above mean sea level (CCams1'j to a high of approximately 750 feet amsl, with most elevations approximately 746 feet amsl. No perennial ~ are located within the Site. All drainage from mining shall be controlled by dikes, barriers, and drainage st:ruCtures such as retention basins, or settling ponds sufficient to prevent any chemicals, compounds, mixtures, silt, debris, or loose materials from entering into or filling any existing drainage course or encroaching on stteets or adjacent property, or entering into any stream, pond, well, subterranean waterway or other body of water on the Site. Martin Marietta will conform to any applicable legal requirements with respect to drainage. The excavation of the Site will result in the creation of a lake. Most of the water collected in the lake will be direct precipitation and groundwater infiltration with only a minor contribution from surface runoff. The maximum elevation of the lake will be controlled by natural interaction with groundwater. The sand and gravel extraction will not adversely impact groundwater levels. 2.2. Mining Method Martin Marietta will develop a sand and gravel extraction operation on the Site, to commence in 2002 and continue for approximately 14 years, depending on market conditions. The sand and gravel extraction will create a lake.. Reclamation of the Site will involve creating lake banks and providing vegetation SlUTOunding the lake. No surface operations shall be undertaken on the wooded portion of the Mueller. Property north of 10()lh Street located directly south of the existing park at the northeast comer of Gray Road and 10()lh . Street To reach the sand and gravel, Martin Marietta must remove approximately 5 feet of top soil and non- aggregate material known as "overburden." Overburden will be removed using earthmoving equipment, such as pans or front-end loaders. Martin Marietta will commit that overburden removal shall be completed during daylight hours (between one halfhour after sunrise and one half hour before sunset), dming the months of November through March (except as necessary to construct the temporary visual and noise barrier described below), and only on days other than Saturday or Sunday. Martin Marietta shall also cause any operations under its control, including overburden removal, to.be JJlldertak:en and conducted in a manner so as to minimi7.e noise, dust, light or smoke impact on surrounding properties. 2 I I From the overburden removed during sand and gravel extraction, Martin Marietta shall construct a permanent earthen landscape berm at least six (6) feet in height on the north side of 1 O~ Street on the Site (except the wooded portion of the Site located directly south of the existing park at the northeast comer of Gray Road and lO()"1 Street). To ~roYide a visual and noise barrier between the sand and gravel operations and Kingswood, Martin Marietta_~ prior to conducting any sand and gravel extraction, use overburden to establish a temporary berm along the entire south side of !9ngswood (the ''Temporary Berm'1- The Temporary Berm will ~e located 50 feet south of the @uth line ofKingswood (and inside a 6 foot high black chain link fence located north of the berm), and will be approximately 8 feet high. The Temporary Berm will have a base of 24 feet (1:1.5 slope), and shall be graded and seeded with grasses, wildflowers or appropriate vegetative cover consistent with the City's requirements. The Temporary Berm. will be removed when all sand and gravel extraction within seven hundred fifty (750) feet of the south line ofKingswood is completed, so that the northerly portion of the Site can be reclaimed with graded banks leading into the lake, and so that the lake is visible from Kingswood. Martin Marietta will work with the landowner, the Mueller Conservatorship, to grant, before mining commences, each adjoining property owner the right to use that portion of the 50-foot buffer area adjacent to such property owner's lot in Kingswood, subject to the right of Martin Marietta to maintain any perimeter landscaping as required by the City of Carmel. Removing overburden will expose the sand and graveL Martin Marietta will use a floating dredge to remove the sand and gravel. The dredge will start in the existing lake east ofK.ingswood, and progress into the Mueller property. As it does so, the lake will expand. Booster pumps will help convey the sand and gravel through a pipe to a processing plant not located on the Site. Martin Marietta will utilize. a closed loop system pursuant to which water pumped from the Site to the j>rocessing plant is retumed_tothe~ite {~~t 3!.!DAY_~)ost naturally through evaporation ~ in the _~ processing activity. A phased approach to mining and concurrent reclamation plan will be employed, pursuant to the ''North Mueller Surface Mine Plan Map" attached hereto. Extraction will occur in several phas~. Each phase is anticipated to require 2.to 4 years of extraction, depending upon market conditions and the demand for sand and gravel. Extraction will begin at the northeast portion of the Site and continue in the northern. portion of the Site moving east to west along Kingswood to the northwest '. QQ.mer of the Si~ Then, Martin Marietta will remove the sand and gravel from the southem portion of the Site, again working in a east to west direction until complete. Martin Marietta agrees that once it has commenced sand and gravel extraction on the Mueller ]i-oPerty, no sand and gravel from any source other than Site will be processed through the_ Processing Plant until extraction on the Mueller property north of 106th Street is com"lete, .3 I I There will be no aggregate or other mining, or other operations (including underground mining or blasting), on the Site, other than sand and gravel extraction utilizing a floating dredge as described herein, without obtaining a change in zoning classification or other zoning approval. In any event, to respond to the concerns expressed to the B even with such chan e in zoning classification or approval, Martin Marietta would not conduct blastin on the Site before 2025. Because san and . gravel e convey y a pIpe to a processing facility, traffic impacts will be minima). ~-- The sand and gravel extraction operation will require the use of petrolemn products such as hydraulic fluids, motor oil and fuels. The storage of these products shall meet all applicable guidelines and regulations contained in applicable environmental laws. The use of the dredge will necessitate refueling from a portable tank: mounted on a truck. Refueling may occur op. a daily basis and will therefore require the truck to be parked on site. Martin Marietta will take precautions with respect to groundwater protection by practicing safe handling procedures in accordance with all applicable local, state and federal guidelines. In addition to other requirements ~der applicable local, state and feckra1 guidelines, Martin Marietta shall report any spills for which reporting is required under 327 IAC 2-6.1 to the City of Carmel Department of Community Services (the "Department") at such time and in the manner as reporting is made to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (''IDEM'') pursuant to 327 IAC 2-6-1. A copy of any report submitted to IDEM shall suffice as to any written report to the Dep~ent On-site sewage disposal facilities will consist of portable lavatories (i.e. port-a-johns and holding tanks). Refuse generated on site such as paper debris, food stuffs, and any industrial waste generated by maintenance activities will be placed in on-site dumpsters and periodically removed by a qualified contractor to an approved landfill or waste disposal facility. Once a year, at the invitation ofKingswood, and for so long as Martin Marietta is conducting sand and gravel extraction or performing reclamation on the Site, Martin Marietta will send a representative to a meeting ofKingswood to report on Martin Marietta's activities on the Site. 2.3 Buffers and Screening .- -- 4 ".9 According to the Carmel-Clay Zoning Ordinance, Martin Marietta is required to have a minimum 25 foot-wide landscaped bufferyard along the south line ofKingswood and the east line of Carmel- Clay PaIk. Martin Marietta has proposed a buffer of 150 feet from Kingswood Subdivision and 100 feet from Carmel-Clay Park to the sand and gravel extraction. This area shall not be used for any other uSe in conjunction with sand and gravel extraction, except removal of overbmden in order to create slopes to the lake to be created, landscape berms, storage of overburden for landscaping purposes or the for the construction of visual barriers, and screening. As discussed above, Martin Marietta will, ~efore it begins sand and gravel extraction, construct the Temporary Berm. There is an existing tree-line along these bOlmdaries, and this will be utilized as part of the required landscape buffer to the extent permitted by the Department and its Urban Forester. Martin Marietta will prepare and carry out a landscape plan approved by the Department and the Urban For~ within the 50 feet south ofKingswood and the 25 feet east of Carmel-Clay Park, in accordance with the perimeter bufferyard requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. As sand and gravel extraction progresses, Martin Marietta will construct a permanent berm at least 6 feet high along the north side of 10(Yh Street . 2.4 Hours of Operation All ~verburden removal on the Mueller Property north of 10(Yh Street shall be completed during daylight hours (between one halfhour.after sunrise and one half hour before sunset), during the months of November through March, and only on days other than Saturday or Sunday. Sand and gravel extraction will be conducted only between the hours of 6:00 AM and 10:00 PM, Monday through Saturday, except in the case of unusual circumstances or in the event of special projects requiring greater production, and then only after notice to the Department. It is important to note that a dredge has been operating under these conditions for many years on the east side of Kingswood. A dredge generates minimal motor noise. 2.5 Pollution Control and Prevention of Environmental Damage Among its commitments, Martin Mari~tta will be responsible for all environmental matters arising from its operations, and will indemnify and hold harmless the adjacent homeowners in Kingswood with respect to any losses, claims or costs arising from such environmental matters. 2.5.1 Air Impacts Air quality at the Site will be affected to a limited extent by the generation of fugitive dust during operations. Dust particles generated from internal transportation and removal of overburden will be retained on the Site. The size of dust particles generated by these sources is large compared with other sourc~ ~ as a result, any dust generated will quickly settle to the ground and remain on the . Site. .5 t'~ Martin Marietta shall obtain and maintain all permits required for its operations pursuant to state and federal air pollution control laws and regulations. Martin Marietta shall also implement the following controls to minimi'7.e the generation of dust on the Site and minimi'7.e potential impacts to atr resources: 1. The setback areas to be left surrounding the proposed extraction area will serve to mitigate the potential for air impacts. 2. All interior roads and stockpile areas that will experience vehicle traffic shall be sprayed with water on an as needed basis to minimi'7.e the generation of dust. Records of water applications shall be retained for a period of at least three years at the site, and made available to the Department for inspection and copying. 3. Overburden berms will be graded and seeded promptly following completion of the berm to minimi'7.e wind erosion and help trap any fugitive dust within the Site boundaries. 4. Overburden removal shall be limited to the area expected to be mined during two operating seasons, except where Martin Marietta desires to construct earthen berms around any portion of a Site. 5. Trees and other existing natural vegetation will be left in and around the Site perimeter, where practical and additional landscaping will be installed at the locations and in the manner required by the Zoning Ordinance. 6. Martin Marietta will obtain permits for equipment as required pursuant to appropriate IDEM regulations. 7. Martin Marietta will install a wheelwash east of Hazel Dell Parkway concmrent with the relocation of the processing plant, office and scale. 8. All trucks entering public streets from operations conducted by Martin Marietta in Clay Township north of9(Yh Street shall have covered beds. 2.5.2 Noise Impacts 1. The dredge generates minimum noise. There is no blasting associated with sand and gravel extraction; 2. Noise from equipment is limited to meet the standards of the Mine Safety and Health Administration; 3. Vegetative cover will be retained in all areas outside the plant and stockpile area that are not being mined or prepared for mining; 4.,.- 1Iours of op~on will be limited as set forth in this plan; 5. The Site will utilize an existing processing plant that will not be closer to any existing . residential area than cUlTently; and 6 "'\I 6. Berms on the property boundaries will act as bamers to mitigate off-site noise levels. All plant employees and equipment operators will be instructed in the operation of equipment to reduce noise. Below is a list of techniques that will be employed at the Site to reduce noise: 1. Employees will be instructed in the proper operation and maintenance of all equipment; 2. Employees will be instructed not to "race" the engines of any equipment unnecessarily; 3. Employees will be instructed to report any operating irregularities in equipment that may increase the level of noise generated by that equipment; 4. Vehicle speeds will be controlled to reduce engine noise dming interior transport of material and; 5. All plant equipment will be properly maintained and secured. 2.5.3 Erosion Impacts Soil erosion will be controlled pursuant to an erosion control plan approved by IDEM. 2.5.4 Visual Impacts Mitigation measures include: 1. Reclamation of areas where mining has been completed to restore vegetation; 2. Construction of the Temporary Berm south ofKingswood and the permanent berm north of 106th Street 3.0 RECLAMATION 3.1 Reclamation Methods and Schedule -. -- 7 ",,! Martin Marietta shall reclaim the Site (except the wooded portion of the Mueller Property north of 1 O~ Street located directly south of the existing park: at the northeast comer of Gray Road and 10(ilh Street) as a lake ~th (i) slopes no steeper than 4 to 1, as depicted on the drawing entitled ''North Mueller Property Typical seCtions" attached hereto, (ii) a waterline not less than 150 feet from the nearest property line in the Kingswood Subdivision, assuming that the normal pool elevation, subject to seasonal variations, is 722 above mean sea level, and (ill) domestic grass coverage of not less than eighty percent per square yard. Reclamation shall begin on the northern portion of the Site, closest to Kingswood Subdivision, and move in a southerly direction. As part of the Site reclamation, Martin Marietta will remove the Temporary Berm after all sand and gravel extraction within seven htmdred fifty (750) feet of the south line ofKingswood is completed. All reclamation shall comply generally with the reclamation guidelines adopted by the Indiana Mineral Aggregates Association (''IMAA''), a current copy of which shall be provided to the Director annually. The reclamation plan is depicted on the "North Mueller ESC Proposed Reclamation Map" attached hereto. Concurrent recIamation will minimi7.e the exposed (tmvegetated) land surface necessazy for mining and thereby reduce dust, erosion and visual impacts. Consistent with the reclamation guidelines of the IMAA, areas incidental to mining other portions of the Site will not be reclaimed until they are no longer used. 3.2 Final Reclamation Plans and Objectives After sand and gravel extraction has ceased and pumping has stopped, the area of sand and gravel extraction north of 106lh Street is expected to fill with. water creating a lake. The water elevation of the lake will fluctuate, according to seasonal variation and other factors. The normal pool elevation of the lake is expected to be at least 722 above mean sea level, depending upon seasonal variation and operation of the City of Carmel's water wells. The lake will provide a temporary habitat for migrating birds. The lake will also provide a visually pleasing amenity for the adjacent homeowners in Kingswood. Upon completion of the sand and gravel extraction, Martin Marietta shall take no actions to drain the lake created, or to reduce the water level below 722 above mean sea level, subject to seasonal variations and natural fluctuations. The final land-use objective for the reclaimed Site is the lake described above. Portions of a strip ofland 150 feet wide adjoining Kingswood Subdivision will be offered for sale to adjoining property owners in Kingswood Those portions will be subdivided according to the Carmel-Clay Subdivision Control Orrllnanr.e and. will be subject to the covenants and restrictions covering lots in Kingswood 3.3 Disposition of Buildings, etc. As soon as practicable after the completion of reclamation of an area, Martin Marietta will remove and dispose of all equipment, parts, machine, tools, and structures in that area not compatible with the reclamation plan. Screening berms (other than the Temporary Berm) will be retained. Any un ed overburden will be sold or removed from the Site. 7 In connection with its petitions for special use approval for sand and gravel extraction and for variances of development standards for setbacks and use for the relocation of the processing plant, Martin Marietta has written commi1ments, which shall be in recordable form and enforceable by the City of Carmel. Among other things, those commitments impose res1rictions on operations as provided in this Plan. INDSOl DRW 4987075 MN - Sr-G {L!-<=- \ . fJ (~c.- ~~ ~___V 9 --------~~-~ ~ --------------