HomeMy WebLinkAboutErosion & Sediment Control Report D D D o a D D D o D o D o D D D o o D MUELLER PROPERTY SOUTH SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION EROSION AND SEDIMENT CO.NTROL REPORT PREPARED FOR MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS, INC. PREPARED BY SKELLY AND LOY, INC. ENGINEERS-CONSULTANTS JUNE 2004 10 o o ID o o o o o o o o Q o o o o o u I Jt} MUELLER PROPERTY SOUTH SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REPORT PREPARED FOR MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS, INC. 1980 EAST 116TH STREET, SUITE 200 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PREPARED BY SKELLY AND LOY, INC. ENGINEERS-CONSUL TANTS 2601 NORTH FRONT STREET HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA 17110 /<ilf-iv~T'~~;-~ /\ ~LU:!!.{I ~~~. ~~/ --J /,. A. "'~.,:';:' 00 REJ\\JEU. '. ::\,\ '. . 1 q/'ll\M \-j . r JUU ~ L.\JiJ~t I:::: I t'". uocs l'1~J JUNE 25,2004 1602227 o o o o o o o D U o o o o D o o o o u TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 1 2.0 EXISTING VEGETATION AND SITE CONDITIONS...................................................... 1 3.0 EXISTING AND PROPOSED CONTOURS AND DRAINAGE PATTERNS................... 1 4.0 TEMPORARY SEED I NG ................................................................................................. 2 5.0 PERMANENT SEEDING................................................................................................. 3 6.0 MUELLER PROPERTY SOUTH SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN.............. ....................................................... ......4 6.1 PERIMETER SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES ............................................ 4 6.2 PERMANENT EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES................ 6 6.3 SPECIFIC SEEDING INFORMATION ......................................... ........................ 6 6.4 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE.......................................................................... 6 - i- n U o o o o o o o o o o o APPENDIX A - DETAILS LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX B - SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX C - MAPS MUELLER PROPERTY SOUTH SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION FIGURE 1- EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN AFTER STREAM RELOCATION FIGURE 2 - EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN BEFORE STREAM RELOCATION FIGURE 3 - EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL AND PLANTING PLAN - POST MINING o o o iD o o u I I - ii- 10 o o o o D o o MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS MUELLER PROPERTY SOUTH SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REPORT 1.0 INTRODUCTION o This report addresses erosion and sediment control for Martin Marietta Materials' (Martin Marietta's) proposed Mueller Property South Sand and Gravel Operation. The surface sand and gravel extraction will be located on a portion of a 96.921-acre tract south of 106th Street between Gray Road and Hazel Dell Parkway in the City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana. All erosion and sediment control measures and procedures have been designed in accordance with the erosion and sediment control guidelines contained in the Indiana Handbook for Erosion Control in Developing Areas. Erosion and sediment control details are provided in Appendix A. Note that certain standard details were extracted from the Pennsvlvania Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Manual when required details were absent from the Indiana Handbook for Erosion Control in Developing Areas and when the details contained within the Pennsylvania Manual were considered to be more appropriate than those in the Indiana Handbook by the design engineer. u o o Q U Q o o o o 2.0 EXISTING VEGETATION AND SITE CONDITIONS Mueller Property South is currently an agricultural area. 3.0 EXISTING AND PROPOSED CONTOURS AND DRAINAGE PATTERNS The existing contours, contours during mining, and contours following reclamation for Mueller Property South are shown on the figures located in Appendix C. The majority of Mueller Property South drains from north to south and southeast to Blue Woods Creek. A portion of the southeastern corner of the subject property drains to the northwest, again into Blue Woods Creek. This creek is also a legal drain that is known as the Moffit and Williamson Drain. Blue Woods Creek will be the name used throughout this report. Off-site runoff from other properties onto the subject property will be limited. as surface runoff other than the flow in Blue Woods Creek is intercepted by existing Martin Marietta mining operations to the south and west of the subject property or will be diverted by berms. Runoff from the area east of the subject property drains to the north or east to the White River. - 1 - I ' Iii U o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o As part of the Mueller Property South development, Blue Woods Creek will be relocated. Approvals for the relocation of Blue Woods Creek have been obtained from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), and the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR). The use of appropriate erosion and sediment controls is a condition of the stream relocation permits and is included in the approved permit applications. The new Blue Woods Creek channel will be dewatered during construction and the growing period by pumping water that has collected in the channel into Sediment Basin 1 or 2 (discussed in Section 6.1 of this report), and/or pumping to a sediment filter bag. Calculations and details for the basins and a detail for the sediment filter bag are provided in Appendices A and B. Following the relocation of Blue Woods Creek, all runoff flowing to Mueller Property South from the west and north will be intercepted by the relocated stream and the associated berms created during construction of the stream. The berms will prevent off-site runoff from entering the site. On-site runoff will continue to drain into the former Blue Woods Creek channel until the affected area is excavated to a level below the former streambed elevation. A culvert in the abandoned channel is proposed as part of the stream relocation plan to convey any remnant flow in the channel through the proposed berm and off-site. 4.0 TEMPORARY SEEDING No temporary seeding is planned. The initial seeding application should be the final seeding. The use of the permanent seeding mixture in place of temporary seeding will eliminate the need to seed twice. Seeding growth will be monitored to assure that a sufficient cover is established and that it is adequately controlling erosion. If it is not, additional seed will be applied. However, in the event that temporary seeding becomes desirable due to weather conditions or other factors, temporary seeding mixtures are provided below. Temporary seeding will be used to reduce erosion and sedimentation by stabilizing disturbed areas if such areas will be dormant for a period of 15 days. Temporary seeding specifications were obtained from the Indiana Handbook for Erosion Control in DevelopinQ Areas and seed should be applied as follows. - 2- o o o o o o o o o Q o o o o Q o U D o SEED SPECIES RATE/ACRE PLANTING DEPTH OPTIMUM DATES Wheat or rye 150 Ibs. 1 to 1 1f2 in. 9/15 to 10/30 Spring oats 100 Ibs. 1 in. 3/1 to 4/15 Annual ryegrass 401bs. 1/4 in. 3/1 to 5/1; 8/1 to 9/1 German millet 401bs. 1 to 2 in. 5/1 to 6/1 Sudangrass 351bs. 1 to 2 in. 5/1 to 7/30 Perennial species may be used as a temporary cover, especially if the area to be seeded will remain idle for more than a year. Fertilizer as recommended by a soils analysis will be applied. In the absence of soil test results, the Indiana Handbook recommends that 12-12-12 fertilizer or equivalent be applied at a rate of 400 to 600 pounds per acre. Mulching with clean grain straw or hay at rate of 1.5 to 2 tons per acre to protect seedbed and encourage plant growth will be applied. Alternate mulching materials may be utilized as specified in the Indiana Handbook for Erosion Control in DevelopinQ Areas. 5.0 PERMANENT SEEDING Permanent seeding will be provided on all disturbed areas, such as berms, that are not active mining areas. Selected areas that will serve as screening areas, berms, and/or planting areas are to be seeded with domestic grasses (UNo.18 Mix, Wear and Tear") and warm season (prairie) grass seeding, as indicated on the Erosion and Sedimentation Control and Planting Plan- Post Mining, located in Appendix C. Seeding mixtures and specification for those two seeding mixes are provided on the plans. All disturbed areas will have a minimum of six inches of topsoil spread before permanent seeding. All other disturbed areas, including former agricultural areas that have not yet been mined and berms, shall be seeded with a permanent seeding mixture. The permanent seeding shall be uNo.18 Mix, Wear and Tear," as produced by the Indiana Seed Co. This mixture consists of 25% Omni perennial ryegrass, 20% Penguin perennial ryegrass, 20% SR 4200, and 35% Kentucky bluegrass. This seed shall be applied at a rate of approximately 200 pounds per acre. This mix shall be fertilized with 14-26-10 fertilizer applied at a rate of 220 pounds per acre. Lime shall be applied prior to seeding if soil test results indicate that the pH of the soil is not suitable for the success of the seed mix. Mulch of clean grain straw or hay shall be applied at a rate of 1.5 to 2 tons per acre or alternate approved mulching material shall be utilized. - 3- 10 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Future seed and fertilizer types and application rates will be as described above, unless they prove unsuccessful or the Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District recommends an alternative. Lime addition is not anticipated. 6.0 MUELLER PROPERTY SOUTH SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN The proposed Mueller Property South Sand and Gravel Operation will be located west of Hazel Dell Parkway and south of 106th Street. Sand and gravel extraction will occur on a portion of a 96.921-acre tract for which special use approval is being sought. No work is planned in the northeastern corner of the site. The proposed activities will result in creation of an open space area. A portion of the subject property currently lies within a Special Flood Hazard Area (floodplain). Blue Woods Creek flows along the southern boundary of the western portion of the site then roughly bisects the eastern half of the site. Martin Marietta proposes to relocate this portion of Blue Woods Creek so that it flows along the western and northern portions of the subject property. Mining may occur on some portions of the site prior to relocation of the stream, but mining activities on the entire area forwhich special use approval is being sought are dependent on the relocation of the stream. Erosion and sediment control during the channel construction is provided in the Construction Plans for Relocation of Blue Woods Creek, Hamilton County, Indiana, prepared by Weihe Engineers, Inc. This Mueller Property South Sand and Gravel Operation Erosion and Sediment Control Report supersedes the Erosion Control Sequence and Erosion Control Statement on Sheet 11 of the Blue Woods Creek Relocation Plans. The material removed to create the channel will be used to construct perimeter berms around the site. Approvals for the relocation of Blue Woods Creek have been obtained from the IDEM, the Corps, and the IDNR. The use of appropriate erosion and sediment controls is a condition of the stream relocation permits and is included in the approved permit applications. 6.1 Perimeter Sediment Control Measures Mining activities on Mueller Property South and the erosion and sediment controls needed for those activities are dependent on the sequencing of the Blue Woods Creek relocation. The stream may be relocated prior to mining activities or mining may start before the stream relocation. Erosion and sediment controls for each of these two scenarios are provided in the following paragraphs. - 4- I I o o o o o u o o o o o o o o o o o o o If Blue Woods Creek is relocated prior to mining, the stream and the associated berms will intercept all off-site runoff (see Figure 1) and a pipe culvert with flap gate will be installed in the former creek channel to allow for drainage of the creek channel in wet conditions prior to any other earth disturbance activity on the subject property. When earth disturbance starts, the flap gate will be closed to prevent on-site runoff draining through the culvert into the new channel. Martin Marietta will strip the overburden from south to north creating a positive slope to south and the on- site runoff during the stripping will flow south into the old Blue Woods Creek channel and then the existing pit located at the Martin Marietta North Indianapolis Plant mining operation. Currently, Martin Marietta is pumping water out of the existing North Indianapolis Plant pit to a retention pond. After mining starts, on-site runoff will tend to flow into the low mining sumps from the surrounding areas. If at any time other erosion and sediment control measures such as silt fences become necessary to prevent sediment from leaving the site, they will be installed. If Blue Woods Creek is not relocated prior to mining, two sediment basins and interceptor channels north of the Creek will be built to prevent the sediment laden runoff from flowing into the creek (see Figure 2). The sediment controls are located outside of the designated f100dway boundaries. No mining activities are expected within the floodway boundaries on both sides of the creek before the relocation of the Creek. Martin Marietta also cannot disturb earth beyond the control of the interceptor channels before some sumps are created. After the low sumps are formed in the mining area, Martin Marietta can mine across the interceptor channels but away from the f100dway boundaries and need to create a slope to the sumps so that the runoff will not flow towards the Creek. The sediment basins will discharge to the Blue Woods Creek and prior to this type of discharge, Martin Marietta would need to obtain an NPDES approval for the site. To the south side of the Creek, Martin Marietta has guaranteed and got agreement from the City that they are going to disturb this area in a way that all surface and groundwater south of the Creek will be directed south to the North Indianapolis Plant. Additionally, the fJoodway buffer areas on both sides of the creek can serve as vegetative filter strips, removing sediment from the water if some runoff flows to the channel direction accidentally. Sediment 3 on the E&S drawing is being shown as an option if unforeseen erosion control issues dictate the need for its installation. Detailed design information for the channels and basins is provided in Appendix B. Seeding is a major erosion control measure during the operation that will be implemented, regardless of the Blue Woods Creek relocation sequencing. Measures will be taken to control erosion and off-site drainage while overburden is being stripped. Any disturbed areas that will not be active mining areas will be seeded as soon as work is completed or final grade is attained. - 5- I I o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o D There may be a minor amount of runoff from the lateral support areas or berm outslopes, but they will normally be vegetated. 6.2 Permanent Erosion and Sediment Control Measures The permanent erosion and sediment control measures will consist of permanent seeding, as described in the preceding section of this narrative, and direction of all runoff or encountered groundwater to the south to the existing Martin Marietta operation. The affected area will be vegetated, and water will be directed to the south to an existing operation. 6.3 Specific Seeding Information Prior to mining activities, a vegetative cover will be established on dormant cropland. The vegetative cover will not consist of weeds. All dormant cropland areas within the limit of extraction and within the setback or buffer that do not have a vegetative cover consisting of vegetation other than weeds will be seeded with the permanent or the temporary seeding mixture. The decision as to which mixture to use is described previously. As mining activities commence, several areas of the site, including the 300-foot buffer and portion of the berm along 106th Street, are to have trees planted or prairie or domestic grass seed applied. The areas of seeding are indicated on Figure 3, Erosion and Sedimentation Control and Planting Plan - Post Mining. Seed will be applied as soon as final grade during mining operations is attained in these areas. In all other disturbed areas to be vegetated, including berms, permanent seeding will be applied as soon as final grade during mining operations is attained. 6.4 Construction Sequence 1. Prior to earth disturbance activities, appropriate erosion and sedimentation controls will be in place to prevent sediment from leaving the subject property. 2. Seed any former cropland areas that do not have a permanent, dense vegetative cover. 3. If Blue Woods Creek has been relocated, close the flap gate of the pipe culvert. This will prevent sediment that drains into the former stream from exiting the site. If Blue Woods Creek has not been relocated, install channels and sediment basins to capture runoff from disturbed areas prior to entering Blue Woods Creek. 4. Commence overburden removal and mining. - 6- o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 5. Seed all affected areas to be vegetated that are not active mining areas as soon as final grade is attained. 6. Temporary erosion and sediment controls, such as silt fences will remain in place until the contributing drainage areas are stabilized. These controls may be removed after the upslope areas are vegetated. - 7- I I :~ ; 0, o ;0',"' .. ,.,' Q,' tQ i -~ ", ./ : ~ ;J. ;~'D'< , ' ~,',Q 'Q " ::0' lcD " , ~ ~ APPEND:IXA l)'ETAlLS -I' " o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o u '/Z ROCK FILTERS - Rock filters may be used to control runoff within constructed channels until the protective lining is installed. They may also be used below construction work within an existing stream channel while flow is being diverted past the work area. In such cases, the filter should be located between the work area and the discharge from the bypass system. Rock filters may not be used in lieu of sediment basins. Rock filters may be used to control sediment originating within a channel, either during construction of the channel (before the channel is stabilized) or during a temporary disturbance within the channel. Rock filters may not be used in collector channels in lieu of sediment basins. Rock filters should not be used in lieu of appropriate channel linings. This practice often results in overtopping of the channel during storm events, scouring of the channel bottom below the filter; or erosion of the channel side slopes as sediment deposits build up behind the filter. Rock filters should not be used in lieu of an adequate protective lining in sediment basin emergency spillways. This can reduce the effective discharge capacity of the spillway and, in doing so, increase the possibility of embankment failure. Rock filters should be constructed according to the specifications shown in Standard Construction Detail #23. Rock filters should be constructed with Riprap sized as follows: For channels with Total Depth> 3 feet, use R-4. ~ For channels with Total Depth between 2 and 3 feet, use R-3. For channels with Total Depth between 1 and 2 feet, use R-2. Rock filters should not be used in channels of less than 1 foot total depth. The filter should be equal in height to % the total depth of the channel with a 6" depression in the center. A one foot thick layer of AASHTO #57 stone should be placed on the upstream side of the filter. NOTE: Filter fabric and straw bales should not be used in rock filters! Rock filters should be inspected weekly and after each runoff event. Clogged filter stone (AASHTO # 57) should be replaced. Needed repairs should be initiated immediately after the inspection. -Y <5E~ NckT .?/JGE:. FoR... RoCk D~.s/<SNI'9 7/0/\1S P4 E~..s ;PoauT/o/\/ CON/leOL- /?'J/I/!/uTlL 363-2134-008/ March 13, 2000/ Page 93 I IU iD '0 o o o o u U D ID D D o o D o o D 2/2- STANDARD CONSTRUCTION DETAIL # 23 Rock Filters FLOW R- Z ROCK AASHTO #57 ROCK SECTION A-A TOP OF BANK - o ("II - .... o ("II - o - - CD l' MIN. SECTION B-B . FOR 3' ~ D USE R-4 FOR 2' ~ D < 3' USE R-3 FOR l' ~ D < 2' USE R-2 ROCK FILTER NO. LOCATION o (FT.) RIPRAP SIZE r=JLL BEi<1?1 /9~ON<S /06-tA ~€.e7 /-2- J?-2-~ -* oR. R-3 Sediment must be removed when accumulations reach 1/2 the height of the filters. Immediately upon stabilization of each channel, remove accumulated sediment, remove Rock Filter, and stabilize disturbed areas. R-Z Rock - dmAx :::3// C' /1" cLso = /. v /// amI/V = 1'? _ J _ / -./ // /,oC/c- a/J?Ax. - ~ _/ - 3 // US;o - c!m/A/' .:: 2 / / 363-2134-008/ March 13, 2000/ Page 94 1<-3 o o ~ o o o o o o ~ o o o o o o o , o 'Iz Purpose (Exhibit 3. 25-A) * To reduce erosion in a drainage channel by slowing velocity of flow. (Check darns are commonly used (a) in channels that are degrading but where pennanent stabilization is impractical due to their short period of usefulness and (b) in eroding channels where construction delays or weather conditions prevent timely installation of erosion resistant linings. Do not use check dams in oer- ennial streams.) Exhibit 3.25-A. A rock check dam with a small sediment trap in a channel. Requirements (Exhibits 3.25-B and C) Contributing drainage area: 2 acres maximum. Dam center: 2 ft. maximum height but at least 9 in. lower than the outer edges at natural ground elevation. Dam side slope: 2: 1 or flatter. Distance between dams: Spaced so the toe of the upstream darn is the same elevation as the top of the downstream dam. Overflow areas along channel: Stabilized to resist erosion. Rock size: INDOT Revetment Riprap. r / Filter fabric Filter fabric \ 24 in. (max.) at center Exhibit 3.25-8. Forward and cross-section views of a rock check dam. 3.25-1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o zb- . Exhibit 3.2S-C. Space check dams in the channel so the up-stream dam toe elevation CA) and down-stream dam top elevation ca) are the same. Installation 1. Excavate a cutoff trench into the ditch banks, and extend it a minimum of 18 in. beyond the abutments. 2. Place the rock in the cutoff trench and channel to the lines and dimensions shown in Exhibit 3.25-B-i.e., center a maximum of2 ft. high yet 9 in. below where the dam abuts the channel banks. 3. Extend the rock at least 18 in. beyond the channel banks to keep overflow water from undercut- ting the dam as it re-enters the channel. 4. Install as many dams as necessary to satisfy the spacing requirement shown in Exhibit 3. 25-C. 5. Stabilize the channel above the uppermost dam. 6. Recognizing that water will flow over and around the lowermost dam, protect the channel down- stream from it with an erosion-resistant lining for a distance of 6 ft. unless the channel is pro- tected through other means. Maintenance · Inspect check dams and the channel after each storm event, and repair any damage immediately. · If significant erosion occurs between dams, install a riprap liner in that portion of the channel (practice 3.32). · Remove sediment accumulated behind each dam as needed to maintain channel capacity, to allow drainage through the dam, and to prevent large flows from displacing sediment. · Add rock to the dams as needed to maintain design height and cross section. · When the dams are no longer needed, remove the rock and stabilize channel, using an erosion-re- sistant lining if necessary. Rocks washed out-results in channel cutting; repair the washes and replace the rock. . Common concerns Dam too high-water flow erodes around the rock; to correct, remove the rock, extend the dam into the channel bank, then replace the rock. 3.25-2 . o o o o o o o o o o o o o o iD o U o D 1/3 STORM INLET PROTECTION Storm sewer Inlets should be protected from sediment pollution wherever the sewer system does not discharge into a functioning sediment basin. (NOTE: Since detention ponds do not effectively remove sediment prior to discharging, storm sewers discharging to detention ponds should be protected from sediment pollution.) Inlet protection may also be desirable in cases where it would be difficult or expensive to clean accumulated sediment from sewer lines, or where a temporary riser may have to be removed from a permanent basin prior to completion of all earthmoving. Inlet protection should be maintained until all earthwork within the tributary drainage area has been completed and stabilized. Silt fence and straw bale barriers are not intended for use in areas of concentrated flow such as is common at storm sewer inlets. Typically, the fence or straw bales fail, allowing unfiltered water to enter the inlet. In those rare instances where the fence or bales do not fail, runoff usually either bypasses the inlet, causing erosion and/or capacity,prpblems down gradient, or backs up to the point of creating flooding. This can create traffic hazards. INLET FILTER BAGS Filter bags should trap all particles larger than 150 Microns. Wherever filter bags are used they should be installed according to the manufacturer's specifications. Typical installation details should be provided on the drawings. NOTE: Filter bags designed to fit over the inlet grate are not recommended for most storm sewer inlets. Use of such filter bags could result in a severe reduction of the inlet capacity resulting in flooding or runoff bypassing the inlet. Wherever such bags are used, they should be located at topographic low points and limited to 1 acre maximum drainage areas. Inlet filter bags are not generally recommended as the primary BMP to remove sediment from site runoff water. Inlet filter bags should be inspected on a weekly basis and after each runoff event. Filter bags should be cleaned and/or replaced when the bag is % full. Damaged filter bags should be replaced. Needed repairs should be initiated immediatelyafter the inspection. CO CRETE BLOCK/GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION Wherever concrete block/grave I sed, it should be installed according to the details shown in Standard C etails #29 0 e of inlet protection should not be used w er 0 water would cause a traffic hazard. ;or; E'"Q?S PO~V7/0/V CO/V.I;e>oL ~AJ"h9L 363-2134-008/ March 13, 2000 / Page 104 10 o o iD o o iO D o o o o o o o o o o o 2/3 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION DETAIL #28 Filter Bag Inlet Protection Curbed roadway INSTALLATION DETAIL 2" X 2" X 3/4 n RUBBER BLOCK (TYP) 1/4" NYLON ROPE EXPANSION RESTRAINT BAG DETAIL 1" REBAR FOR BAG REMOVAL FROM INLET ~/ ISOMETRIC VIEW l' CURB ~ ELEVATION VIEW PLAN VIEW Maximum Drainage Area = % acre. Inlet protection is not required for inlet tributary to sediment basin or trap. Berms required for all installations. Earthen berm shall be maintained until roadway is stoned. Road subbase berm shall be maintained until roadway is paved. Six inch minimum height asphalt berm shall be maintained until roadway surface receives final coat. DO NOT USE ON MAJOR PAVED ROADWAYS WHERE PONDING MAY CAUSE TRAFFIC HAZARDS 363-2134-008/ March 13, 2000 / Page 105 I I o o o o o o o o o o o o o D D o o o o 3/3 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION DETAil #28a Filter Bag Inlet Protection Channel or Roadside Swale INSTALLATION DETAIL 2" X 2" X 3/4" RUBBER BLOCK (IYP) 1" REBAR FOR BAG REMOVAL FROM INLET BAG DETAIL 1" ISOMETRIC VIEW MIN 2 MIN I-I 2 MIN 1 ~1 ..., .........., "--- BERM ELEVA liON VIEW Maximum Drainage Area =% acre. PLAN VIEW Inlet protection is not required for inlet tributary to sediment basin or trap. Berms required for all installations. Earthen berm in roadway shall be maintained until roadway is stoned. Road subbase berm on roadway shall be' maintained until roadway is paved. Earthen berm in channel shall be maintained until permanent stabilization is completed or to remain permanently. DO NOT USE ON MAJOR PAVED ROADWAYS WHERE PONDING MAY CAUSE TRAFFIC HAZARDS 363-2134-008/ March 13,2000/ Page 106 o o ~ o o o o o o ~ o o o o o o o LI o 'IL Purpose (Exhibit 3.52-A) * To capture sediment at the entrance to a stonn drain, allowing full use of the stonn drain system during the construction period. Exhibit 3.52-A. A fabric drop inlet protection. Requirements (Exhibits 3.52-B) Contributing drainage area: 1 acre maximum. Capacity: Runoff from a 2-yr. frequency, 24-hr. duration storm event entering a storm drain with- out bypass flow. Fabric material: Geotextile fabric for filtration. Height of fabric: 1 to I Y2 ft., measured from top of inlet. Approach: Pool area flat (less than 1% slope) with sediment storage of 945 cu.ft.lacre disturbed. Stability: Structure must withstand 1 Y2 ft. head of water and sediment without collapsing or under- cutting. Support posts: Steel fence posts or 2 x 2-in. or 2 x 4-in. bard wood posts, 3 ft. minimum length, 3 ft. maximum spacing; top frame support recommended. Cross bracing tops of posts to opposite comers greatly strengthens support. 2x4-in. wood frame T T 1.5 ft. (max.) .1 T 3 ft. (max.) II II 1 II II ., Exhibit 3.62-8. Supporting frame and installation of the fabric. 3.52-1 10 0, Installation (Exhibit 3. 52-C) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Maintenance Common concerns 3.52-2 1)/2.. 1. To prevent runoff from bypassing the inlet, set the top of the fabric at least 6 in. below the down- slope ground elevation, OR build a temporaty dike (compacted to 6 in. higher than the fabric) on the low side of the inlet (see Exhibit 3.52-C). 2. Cut the fabric from a single roll to eliminate joints. (provide at least 2 ft. of overlap if a joint is needed.) 3. Bury the bottom of the fabric at least 1 ft. deep, backfill, and compact the backfill (see Exhibit 3. 52-B). 4. Space the support posts evenly against the inlet perimeter a maximum of 3 ft. apart, and drive them about 1 Y2 ft. into the ground. (Overflow must fall directly into the inlet and not on unpro- tected soil.) . Slope - -:. ./, r-:. ""'-"'d.... ~ / -~ _... prevent by-pass flow - ~ v~~ -~(~~h~:~U:) .- -- -'-;;:r- Runoff overflows ___ - / /" - into inlet ./ / ~.~~&~ ./ -0", ~ .-/ ~ '-.... ~,..",....... -..-// -'\.. ~- '. -:: ..::: -">- ~ ~ - ---- -=.;: - /' ~ -- ~ -- - .",- '\ '\. ~~~~~~--~' '"~~ - . --::;-.. . ------ - Exhibit 3.52-C. Prevent bypass flow with a temporary dike downslope of the inlet. · Inspect the fabric barrier after storm events, and make needed repairs immediately. · Remove sediment from the pool area to provide storage for the next storm. Avoid damaging or undercutting the fabric during sediment removal. · When the contributing drainage area has been stabilized, remove and properly dispose of all con- struction material and sediment, grade the area to the elevation of the top of the inlet, then stabil- ize. Posts and fabric not supported at tbe top-results in collapse of the structure. Fabric not properly buried at botto~results in undercutting. Top of fabric barrier set too bigh-results in the flow bypassing the storm inlet or collapsing the structure. Temporary dike below drop inlet not maintained-results in the flow bypassing the storm inlet. Sediment not removed from pool-results in inadequate storage volume for the next storm. Fence not erected against drop inlet-results in erosion and undercutting. Land slope at storm drain too steep-results in high flow velocity, poor trapping efficiency, and in- adequate storage volume; excavation of the sediment storage area may be necessary. . o o ~ o o o n l.J o o ~ o o o o o o o L' IU 1/2 Purpose (Exhibit 3. 54-A) * To capture sediment at the inlet to a stonn drain, allowing full use of the drain system during the construction period. NOTE: This practice not recommended for paved surfaces due to lack of an anchoring system. Requirements Figure 3.54-A. Straw bale drop inlet protection. Contributing drainage area: 1 acre maximum. Effective life: Less than 3 months. Capacity: RunofIfrom a 2-yr. frequency, 24-hr. duration stonn event entering a stonn drain with- out by-pass flow. Approach: Pool area flat (less than 1% slope), with sediment storage of 945 cu.ft./acre disturbed. Bale dimensions: Approximately 14 in. x 18 in. x 36 in. Height of bales above inlet: 14 in. (i.e., 18-in. high bales entrenched 4 in.). Anchoring: Two 36-in. long (minimum) steel rebars or 2 x 2-in. hardwood stakes driven through each bale. Installation (Exhibits 3.54-B and C) 1. To reduce by-pass flow, ensure that the top of the bales will be at least 6 in. below ground eleva- tion on the downslope side of the inlet. This may require constructing below the inlet a tempo- rary dike (compacted to 6 in. higher than the top of the bales) OR using the straw bale drop inlet protection in conjunction with an excavated drop inlet protection (Practice 3.51). 2. Excavate a trench at least 4 in. deep and a bale's width around the inlet. 3. Place the bales lengthwise in the trench so the bindings are oriented around the sides, rather than top and bottom, to minimize deterioration of the bindings. 4. Allow the bales to overlap at the comers, and abut them tightly against each other. 5. Anchor the bales by driving two 36-in. long steel rebars or 2x2-in. hardwood stakes through each bale until nearly flush with the top. Drive the first stake at an angle towards the previously laid bale to force the bales together. 6. Chink (i.e., tightly wedge) straw into any gaps between bales to prevent sediment-laden water from flowing directly into the inlet. 7. Backfill and compact the excavated soil 4 in. high against the outside of the bales. 3.54-1 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u 0 Maintenance 0 0 0 Common concerns 0 0 3.54-2 0 2/2 Drop inlet with grate Staked straw bale Compacted soil to prevent piping . Staked straw bales (two stakes per bale) Exhibit 3.54-8. Oblique view of a properly installed straw bale drop inlet protection. . Exhibit 3.54-C. Here's an almost totally ineffective straw bale drop inlet protection-bales oriented wrong (i.e., bindings exposed to the ground), and not overlapped, abutted, staked, or chinked. . Inspect the drop inlet protection after each storm event, and make needed repairs immediately. . Remove sediment from the pool area to ensure adequate runoff storage for the next rain, taking care to not damage or undercut the bales. . When the contributing drainage area has been stabilized, remove all bales, construction material, and sediment and dispose of properly, grade the disturbed area to the elevation of the top of the inlet and stabilize. Flow undercutting the bales-because the bales were not entrenched and backfilled. Bales dislodged.:.....\)ecause the bales were not securely anchored. Flow by-passing the inlet-because the dike was not maintained or was too low. Sediment not removed from pool-results in inadequate storage volume for the next storm event. Land slope at inlet too steep-results in high flow velocity, poor trapping efficiency, inadequate storage volume; to correct, excavate the sediment storage area. Bales falling apart-because they were laid with bindings running top and bottom rather than around sides or were utilized beyond their 3-mo. effective life. . o iO ~ I 0 o o o o o ~ o o o o o o o ~ o t/~ Purpose (Exhibit 3. 74-A) . To retain sediment from small, sloping disturbed areas by reducing the velocity of sheet flow. (NOTE: Silt fence captures sediment by ponding water to allow deposition, not by filtration. Al- though the practice usually works best in conjunction with temporary basins, traps, or diversions, it can be sufficiently effective to be used alone. A silt fence is not recommended for use as a di- version; nor is it to be used across a stream, channel, or anywhere that concentrated flow is antici- pated.) Exhibit 3.74-A. This silt fence protects the street from sediment. The last section of fence is angled toward the vacant lot to prevent runoff from bypassing the fence. Requirements (Exhibits 3. 74-B and C) Drainage area: Limited to 1/4 acre per 100 ft. offence; further restricted by slope steepness (see Exhibit 3. 74-B). Location: Fence nearly level, approximately following the land contour, and at least 10 ft. from toe of slope to provide a broad, shallow sediment pool. Trench: 8 in. minimum depth, flat-bottom or V-shaped, filled with compacted soil or gravel to bwy lower portion of support wire andlor fence fabric. Support posts: 2 x 2-in. hardwood posts (if used) or steel fence posts set at least 1 ft. deep.. (Steel posts should have projections for fastening fabric.) Spacing of posts: 8 ft. maximum iffence supported by wire, 6 ft. for extra-strength fabric without wire backing. Fence height: High enough so depth of impounded water does not exceed 1 ~ ft. at any point along fence line. Support wire (optional): 14 gauge, 6-in. mesh wire fence (needed if using standard-strength fabric). Fence fabric: Woven or non-woven geotextile fabric with specified filtering efficiency and tensile strength (see Ex- hibit 3. 74-C) and containing UV inhibitors and stabilizers to ensure 6-mo. minimum life at temperatures OO-120oF. · Some commercial slh fences come ready to install, with support posts at- tached and requiring no wire support. Exhibit 3.74-8. Maximum Land Slope and Distance for Which a Silt Fence Is Applicable. Land slope Max. distance above fence Less than 2% 2 to 5% 5 to 10% 10 to 20% More than 20% 100ft. 75 ft. 50 ft. 25 ft. 15 ft. 3.74-1 o 2/4 o Exhibit 3.74~. Specifications Minimums for Silt Fence Fabric. Physical property Woven fabric Non-woven fabric o o o o Filtering efficiency Tensile strength at 20% elongation: Standard strength Extra strength Sluny flow rate Water flow rate UV resistance 85% 85% . 30 lbs.ninear in. 50 Ibs.llinear in. 0.3 gal.lmin.lsq.ft. 15 gal.lmin.lsq.ft. 70% 50 Ibs.llinear in. 70 Ibs.llinear in. 4.5 gal.lmin.lsq.ft. 220 gal.lmin.lsq.ft. 85% Outlet (optional): To allow for safe stonn flow bypass with-out overtopping fence (see Exhibit 3.74-D). Placed along fence line to limit water depth to 1 Y2 ft. maximum; crest-l ft. high maxi- mum; weir width--4 ft. maximum; splash pad-5 ft. wide,S ft. long. 1 ft. thick minimum. o o o o o o. o o o o o o o Installation (Exhibits 3. 74-D. E. and F) SITE PREP ARA nON: 1. Plan for the fence to be at least 10ft. from the toe of the slope to provide a sediment storage area. 2. Provide access to the area if sediment cleanout will be needed. OUTLET CONSTRUCTION (OPTIONAL) (see Exhibit 3. 74-D): 1. Determine the appropriate location for a reinforced. stabilized bypass flow outlet (unless the fence is designed to retain all runoff from a 2-yr. frequency. 24-hr. duration storm.event). 2. Set the outlet elevation so that water depth cannot exceed 1 Y2 ft. at the lowest point along the fence line. 3. Locate the outlet weir support posts no more than 4 ft. apart, and install a horizontal brace be- tween them. (Weir height should be no more than than 1 ft. and water depth no more than 1 Y2 ft. anywhere else along the fence.) 4. Excavate the foundation for the outlet splash pad to minimums of 1 ft. deep. 5 ft. wide, and 5 ft. long on level grade. 5. Fill the excavated foundation with INDOT CA No. 1 stone. being careful that the finished sur- face blends with the surrounding area, allowing no overfall. 6. Stabilize the area around the pad. . . Exhibit 3.74..0. Overflow weir for a silt fence outlet. 3.74-2 o o ~ D o o o o o ~ o o o o o o o ~ o ~4 FENCE CONSTRUCTION (see Exhibit 3. 74-E): ' 1. Along the entire intended fence line, dig an 8-in. deep llat-bottomed or V-shaped trench. 2. On the downslope side of the trench, drive the wood or steel support posts at least 1 ft. into the ground (the deeper the better!), spacing them no more than 8 ft. apart if the fence is supported by wire or 6 ft. if extra-strength fabric is used without support wire. Adjust spacing, if necessary, to ensure that posts are set at the low points along the fence line. (NOTE: If the fence has pre-at- tached posts or stakes, drive them deep enough so the fabric is satisfactorily in the trench as de- scribed in Step 6.) 3. Fasten support wire fence (if the manufacturer recommends its use) to the upslope side of the posts, extending it 8 in, into the trench. 4, Run a continuous length of geotextile fabric in front ( upslope) of the support wire and posts. avoiding joints, particularly at low points in the fence line. 5, If a joint is necessary, nail the overlap to the nearest post with lath (see Exhibit 3. 74-F). 6. Place the bottom 1 ft. offabric in the 8-in. deep trench, extending the remaining 4 in. toward the upslope side. 7, Backfill the trench with compacted earth or gravel. NOTE: If using a pre-packed commercial silt fence rather than constructing one, follow manu- facturer's insta1lation instructions. , support wire Filter fabric --... ~ Slope Compacted ~ soil \ ~JI/~~ A t\:\ ' 1I1:1.!.ill-t!!!l::::.: . ::.;:''::.., "II=lm=IUI8!n, .~'.'::::-: ~ ":::.Iitiiil\= (min.) :' ...::;': --- ..:..... -::1\11 .'..: ,'. -=. , ':.;'.~'.; 1~4' ~ m. \1I1~ ~Ul' Exhibit 3.74-E. Detailed example of silt fence installation (showing f1atobottom and V04haped trenches). Maintenance Exhibit 3.74..f. Detail of a silt fence joint. * Inspect the silt fence periodically and after each storm event. * If fence fabric tears, starts to decompose, or in any way becomes ineffective, replace the affected portion immediately, 3.74-3 0 D 0 Common 0 concerns (Exhibit 3. 74-G) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.74-4 Jf/'f . Remove deposited sediment when it reaches half the height of the fence at its lowest point or is causing the fabric to bulge. . Take care to avoid undennining the fence during clean out. . After the contributing drainage area has been stabilized, remove the fence and sediment deposits, bring the disturbed area to grade, and stabilize. . Fence sags or collapses--because drainage area was too large, too much sediment accumulated be- fore cleanout, approach slope was too steep, or the fence was not adequately supported. Fence undercut or blown out at tbe bottom by excessive ronoff-because the fence bottom was not properly buried at all points, the trench was not backfilled with compacted earth or gravel, the fence was installed on excessive slope, or the fence was located across a drainageway. Fence overtopped-because the sediment storage area was inadequate, no provision was made for safe bypass of storm flow, or the fence was located across a drainageway. Erosion occurs around end of fence--because the fence tenninated at an elevation below the top of the sediment storage pool, the fence terminated in an unstabilized area, or the fence was in- stalled on excessive slope. Dense soil layers exposed by excavation or caused by equipment compaction-c3use difficulty in driving wooden posts to sufficient depth; solve by using steel posts. . . Exhibit 3.74.0. Concentrated now and excessive drainage area caused these silt fences to fail. o o o o o o o o D o U o o o o o o o o PLACE BAG ON AGGREGATE OR STRAW HIGH STRENGTH DOUBLE STITCHED "J" TYPE SEAMS SEWN IN SPOUT r ~ 0 ~ L 1 LENGTH .1 TOP VIEW HIGH STRENGTH STRAPPING TO HOLD HOSE IN PLACE PUMP DISCHARGE HOSE OPENING TO ACCOMODA TE UP TO 4" DISCHARGE HOSE filii 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 III I III1111111111111111111111111111111111111 :111==111==111==111==111==11 -111==111==111==111==111==111==111 AGGREGATE OR STRAW UNDERLAYMENT SIDE VIEW SEDIMENT FILTER BAG N.T.S. NOTES: FILTER BAGS SHALL BE MADE FROM NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTlLE MATERIAL SEWN WITH HIGH STRENGTH, DOUBLE STITCHED "J" TYPE SEAMS. THEY SHALL BE CAPABLE OF TRAPPING PARTICLES LARGER THAN 150 MICRONS. A SUITABLE MEANS OF ACCESSING THE BAG WITH MACHINERY REQUIRED FOR DISPOSAL PURPOSES MUST BE PROVIDED. FILTER BAGS SHALL BE REPACED WHEN THEY BECOME 1/2 FULL. SPARE BAGS SHALL BE KEPT AVAILABLE FOR REPLACEMENT OF THOSE THAT HAVE FAILED OR ARE FILLED. BAGS SHALL BE LOCATED IN WELL-VEGETATED (GRASSY) AREA, AND DISCHARGE ONTO STABLE. EROSION RESISTANT AREAS. WHERE THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE. A GEOTEXTILE FLOW PATH SHALL BE PROVIDED. BAGS SHALL NOT BE PLACED ON SLOPES GREATER THAN 5~ THE PUMP DISCHARGE HOSE SHALL BE INSERTED INTO THE BAGS IN THE MANNER SPECIFIED BY THE MANUFACTURER AND SECURELY CLAMPED. THE PUMPING RATE SHALL BE NO GREATER THAN 750 GPM OR 1/2 THE MAXIMUM SPECIFIED BY THE MANUFACTURER, WHICHEVER IS LESS. PUMP INTAKES SHOULD BE FLOATING AND SCREENED. FILTER BAGS SHALL BE INSPECTED DAILY. IF ANY PROBLEM IS DETECTED, PUMPING SHALL CEASE IMMEDIA TEL Y AND NOT RESUME UNTIL THE PROBLEM IS CORRECTED. ." ~'~ 1)0, I':' -, ID lU ..:~J . ... . . Ap.P.ENO.IXB- . .~SUPPORtING;6A.LCLJtA"tl;ON.S , ' , . " '.' , '. -' . ~ . . , . ." ' < ,) , '. \ '1 ....0... " ",' ~ . :' :..0 ILI<..ELL"V A..NIICL~"VJI INlC::. 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GJs d.'I- x36co x Ii). ~I~t\ el'Vff~Ot(c7 z;~ HWC:j cO-fat I\+td- Q ~ 7-& .efs Q =- CL..H 1-5 :::. d., 8' L H IS t-t::; O.5ft 7- g = c9. 8 '- x P. 5 Mi ~ L::= 7, q ft ~ L~ JO I In ,5 OvvoJ &tbte C,OLf.1'-+tt ex::= d.. 8;< ;;"0 )( 05 ::: 1'1.8 * t :P15cko.~ In-FMce~rv C~~15 Ctre oks,~tiecd ba.5eol 0 rJ ;)5 -tP.-r :e~. Q =- ).8 Cis j)rtt;V'~ Ctr-€A. for c(HI~l'lPl.i- sed hYreJ1:,f-' bc:l--s"V) 3 ::: / a (Jd... ~. fu 'SaJ}I€ d"n~~'(trt.\ W2<\'fr" for f)""e)vl j "$ -rtv.. eJe V'ct.f1/ccv,). ~r fSCL'S/;f\3 bt/r.e -.;tzJIj~e {l!::, +hb-~ t+ f3M"f\ fJ.. o D Channel 1 Worksheet for Trapezoidal Channel o D D o o o o o o D o o o o o o o Project Description Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For untitled.fm2 Channel 1 Trapezoidal Channel Manning's Formula Discharge Input Data Mannings Coefficient Channel Slope Depth Left Side Slope Right Side Slope Bottom Width 0.030 0.005000 ftlft 1.00 ft 3.000000 H : V 3.000000 H : V 3.00 ft Results Discharge Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow is subcritical. 06/24/04 07:08:42 PM r 3' 1 15.66 cfs 6.00 ft2 9.32 ft 9.00 ft 0.74 ft 0.017042 ftlft 2.61 ftls 0.11 ft 1.11 ft 0.56 Gt t tM.'~ 1 I I LI'r; if'<-t;- Haeslad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 FlowMasler v5.15 Page 1 of 1 D o D o o o o o U D U U U U U U U U o Channel 2 Worksheet for Trapezoidal Channel Project Description Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For untitled. fm2 Channel 2 Trapezoidal Channel Manning's Formula Discharge Input Data Mannings Coefficient Channel Slope Depth Left Side Slope Right Side Slope Bottom Width Results Discharge Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow is subcritical. 06/24/04 07:07:19 PM 0.030 0.001500 ftlft 1 .00 ft 3.000000 H : V 3.000000 H : V 3.00 ft 8.58 cfs 6.00 ft2 9.32 ft 9.00 ft ,0.53 ft 0.018588 ftlft 1 .43 ftls 0.03 ft 1.03 ft 0.31 ~ 3' 1 G rlt$ S L-/t1I'(LC/ () Haestad Methods. Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 FlowMaster v5.15 Page 1 of 1 .J. D o ,0..'; , .... " ;: ., 'u' ~',.." \_... ., 'APP"El\JDIXC." . . \.. ..... "MAPS