HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket 08-21-07 In ,L..i Ie TRILLIUM L '0 iu o OPEN SPACE CONSERVATION REPORT PREPARED FOR: Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel. Indiana 46032 r' U DEVELOPER: o D o 10 '0 D o o o D o :J I Adams & Marshall Homes, Inc. C. Willis Adams III, President 9310 North Meridian Street Suite 100 Indianapolis, Indiana 46260 (317) 844-8494 PREPARED BY: Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS 7965 East 10r/h Street Fishers, Indiana 46038 (317) 849-5935 DATE PREPARED: June 21,2007 Revised: August 1, 2007 ^ L\ o D o o o o 10 o o o o o ! Table of Contents I. Primary Plat Application with Legal Description II. Color Exhibit / Primary Plat III. Aerial IV. Utility Summary V. Construction Sequence Summary VI. Open Space Area Description / Schedule Form VII. Open Space Calculation Map VIII. Site Context Plan IX. Tree Preservation Plan X. Landscape Plan XI. Preliminary Light & Sign age Plan XII. Commitments with Examples of Home Elevations ;-l I.j XIII. Sample Maintenance and Operation Plan o u o o o D XIV. Sample Maintenance Plan and Budget XV. Primary Plat (24 x 36) Landscape Plan (24 x 36) Open Space Calculation Map (24 x 36) u u u U D U U U PRIMARY PLAT APPLICATION wI LEGAL DESCRIPTION U U U U U D U U U U U u u APPLICATION FOR f) U PRIMARY PLAT Fee: $834.00 plus $111.00 per lot DATE: June 22, 2007 (OR REPLAT) ($277.50 plus $111.00 per lot) u DOCKET NO. r 1 U The undersigned agrees that any construction, reconstruction, enlargement, relocation or alteration of structure, or any change in the use of land or structures requested by this application will comply with, and conform to, all applicable laws of the State of Indiana, and the "Zoning Ordinance of Carmel, Indiana - 1980", adopted under the authority of Acts of 1979, Public Law 178 Sec. 1, et seq, General Assembly of the State of Indiana, and all Acts amendatory thereto. N f A (. t Adams & Marshall Homes, Inc. Ph N (317) 844-8494 ame 0 pp Ican : one o. Fax No. (317) 844-8495 u u u u u u u o u u o o o u Address of Applicant: 9310 North Meridian Street, Suite 100, Indianapolis, Indiana 46260 Name of Owner: Adams & Marshall Homes, Inc. Phone No. (317) 844-8494 Name of Subdivision: Trillium Legal Description: (To be typewritten on separate sheet and attached) Area (in acres): 32.447 Number of Lots: 57 to be dedicated to public use: 0.88 Surveyor certifying plat: Dennis D. Olmstead 7965 East 106th Street Address: Fishers. Indiana 46038 Length (in miles) of new streets Phone No. (317) 849-5935 ******************************************************************************~'-J\'-E: ()F= I~[)I)\~~ COUNTY OF Hamilton , SS: ' The undersigned having been duly sworn, upon oath says that the above information is true and correct as he or she is informed and believes. SIGNATURE OF APPLlCANT:C~--:t' Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of June Print: C. Willis Adams III .' '.\\\" II """" :\",~ 'Co. BR~ """ $' ~ ~ .......... D/ _"~ ~ - 't<.~ ". ..... ""Go ~ ~ ~F \ ",., i (~O!.~Fly, % My Commission Expires: 09/06/2014 ~ \ SEAL) ~ ~ d'\... - · ~ ~ ****************************************************************************. ** ~~, ......--~ .$ ~ ~7h .....:-^~..,'~ 5.1.10 Aoolication for Primary Plat. Two (2) copies, or more if necessary, of the primary prtf.,<<:OF '\"lv\,\,''> and of the construction plans together with supporting documents shall be submitted to the Director of "'"11"\\\ Current Planning with this application. These plans to be distributed to all Technical Advisorv Committee authorities bv applicant. FEE: Received by: Z:\shared\forms\PC applications\primaryplat 12/29/2006 u u u u u u u u u u u u u o o o o o Part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 29, Township 18 North, Range 3 East in Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana, described as follows: Beginning on the South line of the Southeast Quarter of Section 29, Township 18 North, Range 3 East 1351.40 feet South 89 degrees 03 minutes 05 seconds West (assumed bearing) from the Southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter; thence North 00 degrees 45 minutes 04 seconds West 8.00 feet; thence North 52 degrees 54 minutes 10 seconds East 14.45 feet; thence North 23 degrees 16 minutes 30 seconds East 27.27 feet; thence North 00 degrees 12 minutes 40 seconds West 1453.10 feet; thence South 89 degrees 37 minutes 08 seconds West parallel with the North line of said Southeast Quarter 107.69 feet; thence North 00 degrees 23 minutes 32 seconds East 1138.63 feet to a point on the North line of said Southeast Quarter which is 1443.58 feet South 89 degrees 37 minutes 08 seconds West of the Northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 37 minutes 08 seconds West on said North line 393.42 feet; thence South 00 degrees 19 minutes 13 seconds West 1193.76 feet; thence South 88 degrees 55 minutes 43 seconds West 153.46 feet; thence South 00 degrees 22 minutes 21 seconds East 1441.68 feet to the South line of said Southeast Quarter; thence North 89 degrees 14 minutes 56 seconds East on said South line 627.25 feet to the place of beginning, containing 32.447 acres, more or less. s/55960/legaI/Cripe LTS legal aligned '-1 U u o U lJ U U o o u o u u u u u U D D o COLOREXHmIT/p~RYPLAT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u~~ si te plall T rill ill 111 A Maintained Lilest-lJle COnll1TUnity i -< u.J ~ -< ~ u.J u... u... ~ co Q u.J U Z -< ::r:: Z u.J TRILLIUM CARMEL, INDIANA April 2, 2007 Option D 44 S2 ZONING: 70' wide lots D 80' wide lots SITE == 32.447 Ac.::l:: 57 lots 1.75u/a ill 3~ .'1 11.996Ac.::l:: Open Space (36.9%) including pond area) IX 17 I 1(, I I I I 15 I I I 1-1 I 21 I I \ \ ,16 \ I : 35 I I : 3-1 I ..... I I I 3.1 I I I : 31 l_____ -~ l.1 22 grilhon ~Ir~cl c.. I ?' I I ~3 I I ~ I I I I II I I -~ I IU : I I 24 I r----- : 31 I I I .10 I I I 15 I 29 .!x J 't. t " (1 "( 126th STREET t1i'L k.'??E.. L. iit'" ,p~. . 'e." "',""' :J:\.l '-!,- , Sto-eppefuwdli ~ a,,,~, :J flC. CONSUL liNG ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS (317) 849-5935 FAX:(317) 849-5942 7965 EAST 106th STREET - FISHERS. INDIANA 46038 THIS INSlRU"ENT PREPARED BY: DENMS o. QU,lSlEAD STOEPPEl.wtRTH AND ASSOOA TES INC. 7965 EAST 106TH SlREET FlSiiERS, INDIANA 46038 PHONE: (317) S49-!l9~ THIS INSTRutolENT PRrPARED FOR: AOAWS 6: tolARSHAU. PO eox 800111 INOIANAPOuS, INDIANA 46280 CQIITACT: PETE ADAWS PHONE: (317) 844-84904 SITE DATA LARGEST LOT SMALLEST LOT A VERAGE LOT SIZE TOTAL LOTS TOTAL ACRES GROSS DENSI TV TOTAL COMMON AREA PRESENT ZONING SUBMITTAL DATE 12,394 s . ft. 9,041 s .ft. 9921 5 .ft, 57 .32.447 Ac:f:. 1.75 U A 11.996 Ac.:f: S-2 6/22/07 SECTION 1 SECTION 2 TOTAL LOTS TOTAl.. ACRES 36 19.089 Ac.:I: 21 13.358 Ac.:I: 57 32.447 "c.:I: TOTAl.. C,A, 6.297 Ac.:I: S.65111 Ac.:I: 1Ug15 Ac.:!: I SPEED L1MI T, 25 MPH I LEGEND D o * """" -.... .....-a .. SIR<<_ MPCaIl 4V me. -.... o PU'lIlDfEIEIlJ(;lIMIIU ...-......--e ~s::c:=fCf/OI -..., - .-..a_1lIl1J€ DI5IIIG UB nmJIC III: PI5lIII: 000ll DD:IIC L.-s DlSl.:..:II~UIIE DmIC""""'lJIE; .-cu DmlCiWtTMfIWlJllllT DlSlllC5flIII!hEILlC:IUlIIUaDCllECllll ;,0; DmIl; IEDft[ III_lILT I SPEED LIMIT, 25 MPH I . ~:=Ai~Ac( . . -:. :.., .,. f5J COMPACTED STONE PREPARED SUBCRAOE PAVEMENT COMPOSITIONS INTERIOR PUBUC STREETS (T, Y.P.) NOT -TO-SCALE r_G'1;.oO ,:~-~';I! [, .- .::. i"I~ '~"':""'1-- l'II'lCM.~stC'ItDII .fICSI'IOC[_JllEClNSHII.I.IE'lUJIlW'll!\:ll1&1 ...It'IlA.lOllIf~IIIIa'A'1OII.....gytC!UlI/I_ JClllIlo:mtUOtJUflL ..-:IlCtCIIWl.~"lt.IQ5.~Il$.IICOllM::l ~sr~~lv=""'Ct. WlI~ SIaPI~.m IV r::~ ~ \ ..;2"::~~~ ""_"___10<-' :tIIll:~~ OT'I' OF CARMEl.. srAN;)~ """"..... t. ..~- I ./-.cft:~t""1NlDlIllllI _v ~~~~~;~;;~~~ ~P~knc.. ~:=r:.::.MZ ~"'- 10 D.E, D.U.AS.E. D.U.AS.5.E. D..tu.E. D.U.5.5.E.&l.M.A.E, C-E. B.L C-A. N.A.E.. R.D.E. LE. S.LE. T.P.E. LEGEND LOT DR SBlENT OR WTY &: SEWER EASOlENT OR wTY a: SANITARY SEYlER EASEMENT OR unuTY EASEWENT DRAINAGE unuTY SANITARY SE\\ER EASEtolENT It LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ACCESS tASDlENT CONSERVATION EASEMENT BUILDiNG UNE COItINON AREA NON-ACCESS EASOIENT REGULATED ORAlN ["$[WENT LANDSCAPE EASEMENT SIGN AND lANDSCAPE EASEMENT TREE PRESERVATION EASEMENT f "-_ -,:; I - -- T'fPICAL SIOEWAlJ( SEClION - i ~~~~..~c;.~I~fHICK, llDOStllllll'lUrlllllH\tlt1l1llCllD. ~.r TRilliUM PRIMARY PLAT ZONNa S-2/AOSO 1J6TH STREET ., .. 52 ,. 53 'e ... SOILS MAP Sr, erA SCALE: l' ~ 800' Part of tne SOUthllClBt a...on.. of Sectioll 29, Town...ip 1B North. Rong_ 3 ECllrt in Cia)' TownstTip. Hamlltan Count)', Indiana. de.cribed all follows: BlIQinninlOJ on the South lin. of the Southeallt Ol.lOTt. of Section 29, TOllflltlip 1B Narth. Ranve 3 East ~:OO:.:~jdSS:the:o~~:3 ;~:.~~ aoOtla:;:..\~~o~~,:f:, ~.:J~~~ W:~ ~.;t,:~~ thlWlce NortI'l 52 d'ljp"tft 54 minut.. 10 ..conM EOlt 14,4~ feet: thence Harth 23 devoe. 16 mmultl. 3Q Hcandll Eoat 27.27 ,..t; thenctl Ncrth 00 degren 12 minutu o4CI II8CQrIdll Weat 1453.10 feet; thence South 89 degren 37 minute. 08 Mcand. West paroll. with the Harth IIn. of lIoid SouthRiIt Quarter 107.611 fut; th&'lCl Ncrth 00 d89'HlI 23 minula 32 seconds Eoat 1138.63 feet to 0 point on the North line of BClid SauthftJSt Quort.. 1It\ic:tT ill 1443.58 feet SOl.Ith a9 dew'" 37 minT.lt.. 08 pcondl Wnt of the NortI'Ieosl com.,. of BoicI Southeolrt Duarte-: thence South 89 degr... 37 mlnut.. D8 HCf:Illd. Wut on said North line 393.42 feet: thence South 00 dlgrees 111 mlnutn 13 .econde West 1193.76 reet; thence Soutl'l 68 dll9'eel 6$ minutes 43 ..condl West 1!l3.46 r..t; thence Soutl'l DO degrees 22 minutel 21 HCCndl Ec.t 1441.68 feet to the Soutl'l line of loid Sc:tJtheoll Duarler; thence North 89 de;rlll 104 minutes 56 IIconds Eost on BClid South line 627.25 rut to the plcce of beginning, Cl:JI"ItoiniM!iI 32..447 ocres, more or less. ~~Lt5~lII" PARCEl. 10 TAX' 17-09- 2!i1-00-OD-D12.DDD CURVE TABLE CURVE LENGTH ANGEN CHORD CHORD BEARING DELTA C-l 133.41' ,. 130.9!l' 91 , '". C-' 16.11' 70.81' , N' 6'1S.W C-3 149. S' .3D' 14~ 9'Ui. 4 '4 ' C-' 147.15' 77.09' 14 s. N21,r22-W 4 "[]9'24- C-' 117.81' 152.13' 114. l' N22,r 0 45"00'00- C-. :!IS.62' 150.0 ' 21213' N4" '40.W 90'0Cl'00. C-7 715.00' 38.0 ' 75. S' "3 '~t 04'21'1S. c-e 1!54.14' n.3' 1!53.'99' NOO.,S'3S-W S"49'!l . C-' 7 ,,' 9. 9' 7 901"5' 'w , ' " C-10 1 35.6 ' , , ,:r 5 .," 0'00. C-11 1 71.03' 7. g' ., " '"W 40'4" C-12 00.00' 84.6S' 4.91' e' N" " .,' C-13 00.00' 8. 4' , ..' 85. 7' I '4.W 4"47J. GRAPHIC SCALE '~ ~ i ( IN FEET ) 1 lDcb . 200 fL 13 ~ ! ~ "' ! ~ .. ~ ~ I!! :t5 ~z :r~ ~'" ~ 2 ~~ o . ,,"0 ~ lI:ll5~~ f2~~25 S~~~ ~C~..J ,,~~~ ~<::~ ~~~m OOiSC !;lDt; o::bI~~ OIl.lZ~ ~~~~ .:~\ i No. 'b' I 900012 i 1 \ STATEOF / j \,<;f!;c~...~oll:/ ....,.",..~~~I;......., ...........- tlSDCDmI'ElfSl"Al. .... ......""""".... ..... """"" """" ..... ...... ...... DlSllCCl8.Et.V,1'a.E ElISlICCl8.Et.'I:~ OI$JIC~_fIlU ..... .... ...... DmM; IUm: ~.. (-.- (~~ I ._ -.. I ------..-- ....__M_......____... ------..--.-..-- ----,-------- --..."'''..-- 47 .. ~_':=:.=- .... ~ -- '" S g; ffi u d III 3: '" ~ V; ~ ; m ~ '" ~ iil , < m (3 C '" .... ~ 5 .... " 5- '" old li 0 ~ < -Ii III c: ~ ..:d ffi ~ ~ m i:!: ...... ~ ~ :z ;;; , m <3 '" 0::: :z ~ ~ !5 ...... .... 0 5- I.&J :z 0 . c.. F ~ S c.. ...J m If. I.&J iil .... ~ :z 0 (I) U R: ~ ... Z ... is ~ ,.: g .... z i OJ 0 U ~ Z 0 .... I- --' s <( ... -J ~ :I: 0.. ::::> >- -J a:::: -J <( a:::: ~ I- a:::: 0.. 0- J: V1 ~ 0 .... )- ... --' U 0"'8' GDK """ .. 1 '" ""'" s....I08 MO. 55960ADM GENERAL NOTES: 11 ALL WElLHEADS Wlu.. BE ABANDONED BY STATE HEALTH PROCEDURES DuRING CONSTRUCTION, 2) CONTRACTOR SHAlL CONTACT lHE DEPAR'NENT OF' ENGINEERING TO SOiELDULE A PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING FOR REVIEW OF REOUJRtolENTS. 3) AlL EXISTING PAVEMENT TO BE SAW CUT TO A c..EAN EDGE "ERE NEW PAVEMENT w:u.. BE INSTAllEO. 4) ALL PA\1NG tolUST BE COMPLETEO IN ONE PA'v'lNG SEASON. !l) NO PORTION OF THIS SITE UES WIT1'IIN 1HE FLOOOWAY PER FlRM 180S7C020SF DATEO FEB. 111, 2003 mJ~~-=m I I Fr.D.b.~r...t'"':"'.'4 ,~~..'t::~'~~ . CONCRE1E S1DEWAlJ( PIPtLlN~ (t,pao....~) II:IIt:"P.SillU.ClIlWOll~10ll(~~::.-S[tIlll.__17 Of._Sl'CII'lU-~.DoS. --~--:".'~7~~""1USIIt CITY OF CAJ'IMEL ST.-.NOAFICS 10-" ,.... .. 56 .. 57 ....... C.A.IS C.A,111 3. SEC- 3. SEC. C.A.,3 38 C-A.,. 17 3. ,. lB ,. ,. 2D 33 14 21 32 C.A.p 13 .. '2 23 31 11 24 3D 10 2> 2' 2e , C.A. 126th STREET ..""""'... HALF R/W Iii ~ ~ i5 ~ EXlSTMC 4ft HALF R/W EIlISTlNC~ HAl}' R/W In ~ ""'....... HALF""" ElCISTNfACCEL ...... ".."""..... .......... .[ElCIS1'IIC:llRADE [XISTIICPATH '-<f' ~.r THIS INSTRUNENT PREPARED BY: DENNIS D. CUlSTEAQ STOEPPELM:RTH AND ASSOCIATES INe. n8S EAST 106TH STREET FISHERS, INDIANA 460.38 PHONE: (317) 849-$935 THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED FOR: ADAWS 6: MARSHALl PO BOX S0019 INDIANAPOUS. INDIANA 482E10 Cc;t.lTACT: PETE AO.....S PHONE: (317) 844-8494 ~ ,- / / /}/ --,/-> /' /' /" . /' . ";!~~~;L2~t;::~f:=~~~~=-~~-'== / I /' I / / /" I I I / ;: I / 1// I I r I I I I ( .l--.. tlCl COIMIIImts...~ T.tir7'IllL~ /0 ] -- I 1 ~I~ ;11 ~... ~ I TRilliUM PRIMARY PLAT ZONING 8-2 ZONING 8-2/ROSO ._-~.j. ./. IlIlEMIJtK1NDCQMMUIiII'll[s.~ .--lMSt.1llL2Oll2lXID323IO BRenIOf 1JCl CQlMMmU. lLC . IlIS'1",ND.2Clll2lIIIll323 .1 r CUR\'E TABU: CURVE RADIUS LENGTH ANGEN CHORD CHORD BEARING DELTA c-' 00.00' , 3.." . " ,JO. 5" . 8. 38'3'11- C-' 200.00' 135.11' 70.Bl' 133.50' Nli"Q6'16-W 3~Il'J5- C-3 200.00' '''9.26' 78.30' '''5.8 ' S O"59',S " ".S'36- C-4 .00' 147.1 I 77. 9' 1"3.86' N2,,7'2.W 4 "09' 4- C-S 1!lO.00' 117.81' 62.13' 114.81' . ,,7' 4~"OO'00. C-8 150.00' 23~.62' lSo.00' 21.1 ' N45'2'40-W 90"0(]'OO. C-7 '0 0' 78. 38.0 ' 7S.11S' SO ' 9"E 4 ,', C-8 , 0.00' , ,.. n 153.99' . , , .w ". ' 5. C-' 1000.00' 7.'5' 781 ' 01'51'58. 4 '39- C-10 150.00' .8 ' , .00' ,,' S4S ',. 0'00'00- C-11 100.0 ' 71 OJ' 37.0g' 9.S" S1 . 8' .w 40"41' 3- C-12 200.00' 84.S6' 42.97' 84.0J' Nl1'54'54- 24' 'OS- C-l.] 200.00' S6.54' 43.llS' 85.87' 511"38'4 -W 4"47'3 - ) oc..i.o.L-=-- ! - -=- .....~ -~ -=-- ~ ,........ ~ -~-------~// ' l7'! ( ( I .. ,~~::~ - ~:::;. ~.~ '.~~'"'t--:::.::::~:;:::;.:t~...& .1 I ~I~ ~! 61 .... H LI>lE ........... ....."""... """""'- B: < """""''''''''' z < 15 """"".. I ~ ..... ...... "" ,: """ ...... """" l- ... .................. Z :0 ....,..... OISlIICcatu.1IlU 0 DlSIIIGCMllT.'I.l'EllESf"L i U DI51IICIllmtICd..P'II! Z 0 ......... ...... l- I-- -' DII5W -n: tIII1IIlI. IllI ~ ':E ~c.a"''lE <( < """'...... -1 ~ :I: Dl5*." IlE1EIt 0.. :::> ~.1EIl.UE .-J ..........., >- .....- e:::: .-J <( e:::: ~ I-- e:::: 0.. GRAPHIC SCALE ':' ~ i ( 110'= l 1 inch ... 100 ~ '0 O.E. O..u.,kS.E. O.U.a:S.S.E. O.a:u.E. D.U.S.S,E.ti...N.A..E.. c.E. S.L c... N.A.E. R.D.E.. U. S.L(. TP.!.. LEGEND lOT NUMBER DRAINAGE EASENENT DRAINAGE unuTY 6: SE~ EASEMENT DRAINAGE UTUTY 6: SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT DRAINAGE. unuTY E"salENT DRAINAGE U11l..lTY SANITARY SEWER EASEYENT 6: LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ACCESS EASEMENT CONSERVATlCIIl EASEWENT BUII.DtrIC UNE CONNON AREA NON-ACCESS EASEMENT REGlJi.A TED CRAIN EASDlENT LANDSCAPE EASEMENT SIGN AND lANDSCAPE EASEMENT TREE PRESERVATlCJll EASENENT LEGEND ~. ~ lDllIEI N'GPl" IlE:!UFIDIC ~ lEIGIESNODIr__ * IlOlO1t1ll11DColl".... ______ l'ID'D:lEDu..-..alllG OJ I'lII'lIi5Ell ("fA" lDIC....mns I, 1'lII'lIi5Ell!lEl~1LWIlU . - -+- -.... =:="~~smae _'oII_~.1ElI1JI[ DI51IIOaNJIBGIlIC_ ElIStIIGInIElHoCIa&1IIC1.:!I um.__ ::~c _..__ ~ UIID IIl.!MIlI: IJIlf. ..... ....... ... OImIIlUlEDCIIU T.'I.1.11: ..... .. ... ..... .... .. .. -- DalICSAIIuaT:lE'ElUIIE: IlINCU ..... ..... ..... ...........= Dl5TllG5JlIIIKlDlIE;..-cI.[tOCllill:llll I '3 ..... ... "" DI5lIIlIEDlW.. DJllIUT DISlIII;.,..1U11Ul" ..... .... ... GENERAl. NOlES: 1) AU.. WEu.HEAOS YI1Ll BE ABANDONED BY STATE HEALTH PROCEDURES DURING CONSTRUCTION. 2) CONTRACTOR SHALl. CONTACT THE OEPARlMENT CF ENQNEERlNCi TO SCHELDULE A PRE-CONSlRUCTlON NEETlNG FOR REVIEW or REOUIRWENTS. 3) ALL EXISTING P,t.\lEMENT TO BE SAW CUT TO A CLEAN EDGE WHERE NEW PAVEMENT WIll. BE INSTAllED. 4) AU.. PAVING MUST BE COWPLETEO IN ONE PAVING S(ASON. 5) NO PORTION OF THIS SITE UES WITHIN THE FLOOOWAY PER F1RW 1S057C0205F" DATED FEB. 19, 2003 s~ ~ ~ ~ 1 5 ~ " ~ ~ "' ilo! ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ :0 ~Io! Q < <;'0 ~ I!!l!i~~ ~1-c:i5 o;<~ ~tl"g ~.c~.J ~~~~ ~.c~~ !!!~~iil Clcg< il!:!m15 ~~~> ~~~~ ~a::~iil ~~""""O."OL~".:"'" ,,'~'O"--'''''oS),''~ /@'/~TE~\~\ \ (. ~;/) \~~o'l:-" """"" S(jR~~::"/ ,..,....".", ... ~ ...... "' s ;;: "' ffi u cJ Vl ~ ~ en ~ ~ m ~ 0:: ; ~ ~ , < m (3 Cl ., ... ~ :z ... ~ :5 '" 5- :! ~ < "'ll ii Vl ;;: I old ~ ~ j:!: jj i :z iii ~ 0::: <5 ~ 15 ~ ... ~ ~ 5- LU :z Q I 0.. ~ ~ 0.. ...J "' ~ m LU ... ~ :z 0 '-' . "- I V1 ~ o I- >- ~ u DO'''' GDK 2 <7 ""'" S ill A'" IIICl. 55960ADM l 'U ~ r- U D i~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. o o o o D D ~ AERIAL I;...i'--l~~~~~~~~r.....;t '--1 ~ ~ T rill ill 111 A Maintained Li{estljle Conlnl11nitlj 1 , 15 , , ~'J , , , " , ~ I , , I' " j , " I :;; , , , 1I I i :.1 IH , 25 , , j '[, .;' l.i ~~~~~ ~"""~ '~....:..: - , s fuepp efuteJdIi ~ (L, (J ociafuj, :J fU:,. CONSULTING ENG INEERS LAND SURVEYORS (317) 849-5935 FAX:(317) 849~5942 7965 EAST 106th STREET. FISHERS, INDIANA 46038 u w u u U D U D o D D D U W U ~ U D D UTILITY SUMMARY u U D [J U U o U U I U U U UTILITY SUMMARY FOR TRILLIUM Electric Electric service will be provided by Duke Energy. The development will be served by existing power service along 131 st Street, 126th Street and from surrounding service in existing subdivisions. Telephone Telephone service will be provided by AT & T. The development will be serviced by existing telephone lines along 131 st Street, 126th Street and from surrounding service in existing subdivisions. Water Water service will be provided by the City of Carmel. The development will be served by a main extension to the site along 131 st Street and 126th Street. Sanitary Sewer Sanitary sewer service will be provided by the City of Carmel. The development will be served by extending sanitary sewers from an existing 10" sanitary sewer line on the North side of 126th Street. Upon completion of the sanitary sewer construction, the developers will be dedicating the sanitary sewers to the City of Carmel. Drainage u U D D U o U The stormwater for this development will be collected in a series of swales and conveyed to detention areas where it will be stored and released at a controlled rate before being discharged into the JW Brendle Drain. Gas Natural gas service will be provided by Vectem Energy. The development will be serviced by a main extension to the site along 131 st Street, 126th Street and connections into surrounding subdivisions. S:\5 5960\Blue _Book\Applications _Notice\UtilitySummary.doc June 19,2007 u u ~ u u u o o D U U U U ~ D U U o CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE SUMMARY r -, ~ u u o u u u u u U IU [j U "U. :1 U U U U lJ U Construction Sequence Summary This project will be built in two sections. Construction will begin with an entrance on 126th Street. Section One will contain Lots 1 through 36 (all inclusive), Common Areas 1 through 7 (all inclusive) and Pond 1. Section Two will contain Lots 37 through 57, Common Areas 8 through 11 (all inclusive) and Pond 2. Earthwork and excavation material will be placed in appropriate fill areas. All streets, utilities and other infrastructures will be built at the time of this development, along with any off-site improvements that may be required for this development. S :\55960\Blue _ Book\Appl i cations _Notice\Construction Sequence Summary. doc June 19, 2007 u u u u u u W I ~ OPEN SPACE AREA DESCRIPTION I SCHEDULE FORM I U D IU o IU U U U W U W u u 1- u u u u u u o iU o U U o U U U U U Open Space Area Description This development will consist of several parks and two tree conservation areas located at the Northeast comer of the site off of 131 st Street and in the center of the site North of Lot 19. Additional tree buffers have been added along the West and East property lines. Common Areas 1 through 11 (excluding Common Areas 6 and 8 (northern area)) will be designed open space that will be seeded and landscaped. Common Areas 6 and the Northern area of 8 will be natural open space. Sitting areas, gazebos and other park-like features will be placed in several Common Areas throughout the development. All common areas will be jointly owned by a Home Owner's Association and will be maintained by a professional management company. Details for maintenance and operation and a sample maintenance plan and budget will follow in this report. S:\55960\Blue _ Book\Applications _ Notice\OpenSpaceDescription.doc. June 19, 2007 u u o u u u u u o u u U LJ 'U o u u u o EXHIBIT A OPEN SPACE SCHEDULE 1. SITE ACREAGE 2. ZONE DISTRICT S-2 3. MINIMUM OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENT (SOSR) 20% / 6.48 acres 36.9% / 11.996 acres 4. OPEN SPACE PROVIDED (OSP) 5. PRIMARY CONSERVATION AREAS 0 Well-head Protection Area 0 FEMAlIDNR 100 year Flood Fringe 0 White River Corridor 0 Steep slopes (10%) 0 Mature Woodland 0 Special Opportunity corridor (identify) 0 Other 6. NATURAL OPEN SPACE PROVIDED 7. AGRICULTURAL OPEN SPACE 8. DESIGNED OPEN SPACE o FEMA/IDNR 100 year Floodway o Wetlands (>1/4 ac.) o Scrub Woodland V Young Woodland o Historic Structures/Sites o Square t/ Boulevard o Trails o Other q' Parks o Greenbelt o Golf Courses 8.2% / 2.659 acres / N/A acres 28.7% / 9.337 acres ~ Green 0 Paths .t Pond (see below) 9. CONSERVANCY LOTS no. lots N/ A acres 10. PONDS total measured perimeter (in linear feet) 1,653 l.f. total measured accessible perimeter (not bounded) 1,389 l.f. 84 % I D D D I~ ~ ~ D D D IU Iu D D ~ D D D o U OPEN SPACE CALCULATION MAP THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: DENNIS D. OLMSTEAD STO[PPELWERTH AND ASSOCIATES INC. 7965 EAST 106TH STREET FISHERS. INOIANA 46038 PHONE: (317) 649-5935 THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED FOR: ADAMS 6: MARSHALL PO BOX 3001 9 lNOlANAPOUS. "DIANA 48260 CONTACT: PETE ADAMS PHONE: (317) 844-8494 ~ .. TRilliUM OPEN SPACE CALCULATION MAP OPEN SPACE TABLE 32.447 "C.%: S-2 11.996 Ac:.% N A N A 1,653 In.ft. 1389 In.ft. g .. ~ OSP 36.8ll: ~/ "v. ~;;;; F%71,/ t22;1 DESIGNED OPEN-SPACE 9.337 Ac:..% - 28.7% ~ ,. __'- -~Vy yV"){v " x....... X X' -- - - - ,;' ,;' ,;' ,;' ,;' ,;' ,;' ,;' f f f f f f f f f f I I I I ,/' ,/' ~ j I -- ~ I yy/~~ !~ ~\u'a....1t. "'I \\ 20 \ ~ \ ..1f. .... It. 1 \ \ " : ! I........~ I ~ I 3ll I i 1...00....1t.1 ~ I I~ I I F""~~ I J 37 III / I t1.81~....It.~ -f f - '>:'-"" 'J NATURAL dPEN-SPACE 2.659 Ad, - 8.2ll: ...... bf~- ia ii:e ~ I~L. I ...:::-Tt""ar--- ~ E .... ...... ,~ ,"" e = ~.L._ _ f-- ............. --I S _I j':;;1 if ~I J )< :x )< ----- ,..,........'D."'Q'i.."',.."" ...~~.s>"'.'. {!(~..f\ i \ STATEOF / i \,,~~~<...o(~/ ~"',....".~~~.;.."..""" ,/ / / - - - ",,- ,;' ,;' ,;' ,;' ,;' f I f I f f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I f I I f I I I I I I I / / L:.I':;~ S-PEEi' 2.~f~ SF.cTlONI - ;r.;; ~ / , , / , , / , / / , , I , , I , , I , , I , , I , , / g ~~~~ t=;~~ S~~~ w<~...I ~~i~ ~<li;~ i!!~~m ClcaC !iED!; a:: bl;i > cwz~ ~lf~lE iOll!l!iiil C.A.I3- __~a::..~ ~, ocn<N , .. ~I r' 11 . 1..'oo....It.l"11 I 17 I: : ...,... ~ II : ,. I: I "'31 oq. ft. I ~ ~ " \ \ rL411.tt. ,11 I ,. "'Ill : "715 ~ ft. ~I , i 13 Ii I ..ell.... n. ]1 I II E .",'~~ I I II lei I ..013........ Ie 1... '.......-li ro Tl'l!1lr tl- : "'4~~ft.~ I ~ II 1\ ius'..... n. \ \ ' \ \<o.21~"" fL I 1'~ \ X : ....'....~=i ~~ I 7 f, '~_ I I.Q7 ...:;,wl I "'~r- fA I . ~~ ~ :'''''''~I~ ql I . I' ~. )( 1..7!lCI....~~i ~ : =.." ill 'x ~ . .\'I X I ..'I1....1t. , 't \ 11.,,,,31..... fl.. ~ ~I II I 1 ~..,02~ft.1 I r I I ; I I I .,.,~...I I I (fIl<IlIlj '~I.,.,~~i I It'A~ d r--~'f~ 1 l.xt lUlL ~-~ I f"~~i: I ~ ~ n...!:' ~i : I 30 ~ 1 11 "'00"'""-1 I :11 .,J:.~: I I I ~i!""~~i It ~ "^ I "F ..,oo2'!,. fl - IllATCH UNE " ~ ..... '" S 0: '" ffi u c..S '" ~ 0:: ~ vi ~ ~ ~ ~ 0:: , ::> ~ , -< V1 ~ ~ <:> ., -" Z " ~ en < ~ '" ...J .r - , ., .lll ~ ~ " -Ii VI 0: c old 0 0:: ~ ., LU ~ - ~ i:5 LU ~ Ii z ;;; , a:: G ~ i .:: z ~ g~ ~ LU ..... '" .... Z ~ .. a. ;::: 5 a. ...J '" if ::> " ~ VI z I- 0 VI u l!i O~ ~ ~....~ ~ ~~ ;TI '3 OJ I ..11....11.. ~l II .. 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S" GDK 1 " ""'" ,,,A.GIIQ. 55960ADM I U U U W D D D D U W D U D D D D D D D SITE CONTEXT PLAN ~~~~~~~~I..../~I.....I~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiii C.A.#11 SEC SEC C.A.#3 1. = 200' c======= I i ~ 136TH STREET -= ~ 7~;;:;:<;''''- =- ~~ ~I/ ~ ~A'9 C.A,'O ~ ~A.~ \\ :::::=ll I 50 I ;t 511 I I 52 I ~9 I I I -"- 1 5-.U 148 Tt tt-~ 41U , 54 I 47 I I 55 T 1 I 46 1 I 56 I I I 45 l 57 ) II I '/ / . . . I POND'2 ... , . . /. \ C.A.'~ ~A.~ r. .... ........ I- - - - n-~ 1- 421 141 I 44 43 40 .~ ~~."~ ,.J. 38\ I ,I .1 ~~.... ~-~ -~ U ,,~. I SE I 18 SE I 17 C.A. #6 35 I I 16 19 I 34 I I 15 \ 20 \ I 33 I I I \ I 14 21 I 32 I '- I I I 13 22 I 12 I 23 << If\1i lL11 _ ~ ~2~ I' 30 I rf1 _-L- , 10 -2~ I 29 I I 9 ~ \\ 26 I I 28 I I 8 \ '~ 27 I I 7 / ~oC~ ~ r;- ; I 6 .' -- I C~A. 4 ~ 2 I ! C.A. ,,\ I 4 ~) 3 I . '0'1 I G/ . - POND#1. '--- -€:A.-ur - - ~..~ - l- . - ~~ '- , == ..::::- -::::::- C.2 C.1 C.A. #7 126th STREET .- SITE CONTEXT PLAN CON S U L TIN G E N GIN E E R S TR I LLI U M LAND SURVEYORS 7965 EAST 106th STREET. Fishers, IN 46038 (317) 849-5935 . 1-800-728-6917 . FAX: (317) 849-5942 CONIROl , 55960ADM u u u w u w u u u u U D U D D U U U D TREE PRESERVATION PLAN 1....1 ii....I ~ ~ '--I ~ '--I ~ '--IiI ~ 1....1I '--1 r....i ~ r....I ~ '-iI ~ ~ tree preservation exhibit T rilli 11111 A Maintained Lifestyle Conlnl11nity I --< t.I.l er::: --< 50 er::: t.I.l LL. -It) LL. ~ co -IX 0 t.I.l U -17 Z --< ,t(, ::c z t.I.l \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \~ \ .\ \ \ \. , '\ \ \ \ pond \ \ \ \ I I \ , , , , , \ , , I , J : d, /0, 0)------- 00: . -1-1 4.'\ -12 -II -10 52 : 53 I 54 ":\ 5(\ I X 17 16 15 2006 AERIAL PHOTO .'.' 1,1 21 32 L_____ 12 " .....J r----- : 31 , , , .10 I I : . ,24 . 1-------. - TREE PRESERVATION I(EY J L '[ d1j 1.1 22 granun "Ir~~d II 24 Iii 25 . TREES TO CONSERVE/PRESERVE ~~I- t) , I ~'-- ~.",- ._~- 2X ftt\ TREES TO FURTHER EVALUATE TO CONSERVE/PRESERVE ~ OR POSSIBLE TRANSPLANT ONSITE 27 I I I I __00 /' '\0 i I , , I i I pond: I i , I. : ~~::::~ (FURTHER EVALUATION WILL OCCUR FOR THE OPEN SPACE CONSERV ATION PLAN AS PART OF THE PRIMARY PLAT PENDING A TREE INVENTORY AND STAKE SURVEY) 6 -I I \ \ , o PROPOSED LANDSCAPING /~ A"PELItt.: tl. ~k '~ l S~pefuwdli ~ ~~~, :inc. ..nO \:To 1261h STREET CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS (317) 849-5935 FAX:(317) 849-5942 7965 EAST 106th STREET - FISHERS. INDIANA 46038 w ~ I .. U' U U U U 'U U o u U J J LANDSCAPE PLAN THIS INSTRU~ENT PREPARED BY: DENNIS 0, Q.MSTEAQ STOEPPELWERTH AND ASSOOA1'[S INC. 7965 EAST l06TH STREET FISHERS, INDIANA 46038 PHONE: (317) 849-5935 THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED FOR: ,t.[JAMS .t MARSHAU PO 80ll 60019 lNDIANAPQ.IS. INOlANA 46280 CONTACT: PET[ ADAMS PHONE: (317) 844-8494 TRilliUM LANDSCAPE PLAN STREET J 2&tl'r . STREET " i I ~ ~ ; ~ ~ I i ~ d ~ ~ '" ~ " ~ ~ 2 ~ .... SYMBOL Q COMMON NAME BOTANIC NAME SIZE ~ "- e '" ", NORWAY 0 SPRUCE S 0 " >= ACER RUBRU~ ffi '" REO SUNSET MAPLE 'FRANKSREC' U cJ (/) ~ 0:: (l) ~ ~ V; ~ c SWAMP WHITE OAK QUERCUS BICOLCR ~ 0:: ~ ill :k , c:( ~ ~ ~ 0 Cl '" .... @ ~ z .... ~ :5 " !3 '" " HONEYlOCUST GLEDlTSIA TRIACANTHOS (f) ;; ~ ~ J c:( ~ .. (J') 0: ~ cId 0:: ~ W ~ . WHITEPW\IE i= W ~ ] Z ~ 13 ~ ~ Z '" .... ~ 0 i w c PRAlRtFIRECFlABAH'Lf UAlUS 'PRAIRlFIRE' ~ ". C> 0 ! ~ z j I Q.. 5 ~ 0 DWARF EUNYMUS ALATUS Q.. :::> " BURNING BUSH 'CQf,lPACTUM' ~ (J') f2 z 0 (f) U . GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 DO 100 .... _..01 ' I r-... _ I , ( IN PEE'r) 1 inch - 100 ft. <( Z <( is ~ ,: >- Z ::::J o U Z o >- --' :E <( ~ I ::) :J .....J a::: t- z <( .....J 0- W 0- <( () (f) o z <( .....J Cl. I Ul ~ o >- >- <( ..J U DELPHINIUM DESIGN LLC 281 Lansdowne l)rM" NobIesville, Indiana 46060 (317) 379-9691 ~DSCAPE PlAN FOR tRILLIUM Scale: 1- = 100'.0- j I 1 ~ 1 !H!E1'5 S"" JllI NO. 55960AOM D U U ~ u I~ 'Q u u u IU I :u I~ D D ,W I~ u u PRIMARY LIGHT & SIGNAGE PLAN THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY; DENNIS D. OLMSTEAD STOEPPELWERTH AND ASSOCIATES INC. 7965 EAST 106TH STREET FISHERS. INDIANA 45038 PHONE: (317) 849-5935 THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED FOR: ADAt.1S &: MARSHALL PO BOX 80019 INDIANAPOLIS. INDIANA 45280 CONTACT: PETE ADAI.'IS PHONE: (317) 844-8494 8 :Q: STOP SIGN LIGHT POLE NOTE: ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS (STOP, SPEED LIMIT, YIELD, NO PARKING) REQUIRE ORDINANCES APPROVED BY CARMEL CITY COUNCIL CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INST ALLA TION OF ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS. GRAPHIC SCALE 'to _.J ~ '~I r-_ _ I . ( IN PEET ) t inch:: 100 ft. C.A.#ll SEC.2 SEC.1 C.A.#3 TRilliUM PRELIMINARY LIGHTING AND SIGNAGE PLAN 0-' o lij25~~ ~~lr~ 0....0<[... w> < ~~~g :~~~ ~<lr~ !G~~i7l ~850<[ ~~: Owz ~~~ ~ ~ z o in ~ ~ < > ~ o ~ ;;, 8 '" ~ u U'l ~ 15 >- vf~ ...., 0:: ~ .....::> , -< U'l ~ g~~~~ Vl:5 -~ ~ "1l i ~ ~ ;;: old [5 w ~ ~ 0:: z ~ w ~ ~ w ~ 0.. ::> ~ !Q ..... 0 en U . / o o ~ ~ ..;..., ....... . ~ ~ '1 ili In ~ ~ ~ ;::- ;!! 5. z <( ...J a. W Cl <( Z Cl iii o z <( Cl Z i= :r: Cl ::::; >- a:: <( z ~ ::::; w a:: a. <( Z <( o "" ,.: t- Z => o L) z o >- ..J '" <( :::iE :t: :::> -l -l a::: .- TRILLIUM TYPICAL SPEED LIMIT SIGN 136th STREET " " -'''-' C.A. #8 - 39 44 43 42 41 40 .2 38 .1 MEADOWSWEET WAY ~" 37 - -- '() V ~~ SEC. SEC 18 36 C.A.#6 17 35 16 19 34 15 20 ~ 33 s::: 14 0 21 32 '- C. 0 z fJ) 13 fTl 22 fTl < GRAFTON ST. 0 fTl 0 ,- 12 ;:0 23 ~ < < fTl --i 31 fTl ,- 24 fTl 11 )> '1 CD 30 10 0 25 c ,- 29 fTl < 9 26 )> ;:0 0 28 8 '\ ,--C.A.#6 N 27 7 ~ ~ ~ ~W ;"'1 6 1 'Il 5 ] 2 / C.A. #11 I : 4 ~ 3 : POND#l I C.A#3 I "._...J C.A.#~ ~, ff \.'" ~ r = GDK Of 1 SHEETS SoI:^..oIlNo. 55960ADM C.A.#ll SEC SEC C.A.#3 2 .1 51 50 '1 fTl )> --i 52 I 49 fTl ;:0 CD 53 fTl ,- ,- 48 CD 0 54 c ,- 47 fTl < 55 )> ;:0 0 46 56 45 57 TRILLIUM r TYPICAL STOP LIMIT SIGN I A.#7 "', ) ... ! PONO#2" I I i l C.A.#10; ... - ... ----'" r TRILLIUM ,- TYPICAL TRAFFIC AND STREET SIGN ,J '" C.A.#8 39 44 43 42 41 40 38 MEAOOWSWEEr WAY X) , ~ 37 SEC.2 ISEC.1 126th STREET --------------- 36 WESTMONT TYPICAL \ o IW W U U U U o u u W D U U U o U W U COMMITMENTS with EXAMPLES OF HOME ELEVATIONS D o u o u o D o D o o o o D D o o D U COMMITMENTS CONCERJUNG THE USE AND DEVELOPMENT OF REAL ESTATE Adams & Marshall Homes, Inc. (the "Developer") makes the following commitments to the Cannel City Council (the "Council") regarding the use and development of the following described real estate (the "Real Estate") located in Hamilton County, Indiana: Section 1. Description of Real Estate: See attached Exhibit "A". 2007028298 MISC $39.00 OS/23/2007 02:06:43P 14 PGS Jennifer J Hayden HRMILTON Counly Recorder IN Recorded as Presenled Section 2. Petition: 06100023 Z Section 3. Statement of Commitments: These commitments shall run \vith the land, be binding on the Developer of the Real Estate, subsequent owners of the Real Estate and other persons acquiring an interest therein. A. Only single-family detached residential dwellings and residential accessory structures, as permitted by the S-2/Residence zoning district of the Cannel Zoning Ordinance, shall be permitted. B. The number of homes on the Real Estate shall not exceed fifty-seven (57). C. Lots shall have a minimum lot width of seventy feet (70'). D. The Real Estate shall be developed in substantial compliance with the site plan (the "Site Plan") attached hereto as Exhibit "B." E. Homes built on the Real Estate shall comply '\\-lth the architectural standards attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and shall be substantially similar in quality and character as the Illustrative Home Elevations attached hereto as Exhibit "D." F. Homes built on the Real Estate shall include a first floor masonry wrap. No vinyl siding shall be permitted. G. The Real Estate shall comply with the Perimeter Buffering standards of the Cannel Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 26.04). Perimeter Buffering planting shall be located '\\-ithin a common area, as shown on the Site Plan, and shall be installed and maintained by the Real Estate's Homeo'\\-ners' Association. H. An increased number of Perimeter Buffering plantings shall be installed along the perimeter of the Real Estate at the location identified as "Enhanced Buffer Area" on the Concept Plan. The Enhanced Buffer Area shall include a minimum of twenty- six (26) trees per one hundred lineal feet (100'), including a minimum of three (3) shade, three (3) ornamental and twenty (20) evergreen trees planted in a double BDDBOl 4691378v5 u o D D D D D D D o D D D D U D D D D staggered row. Evergreen trees shall be a minimum of eight feet (8') tall at planting. The Developer shall work Vvith the Herbisons in the selection and final placement of said buffering plantings. 1. The Real Estate shall comply with the open space standards of the Carmel Subdivision Control Ordinance (Chapter 7). At a minimum, the existing woodlands identified on the Tree Preservation Exhibit, attached hereto as Exhibit "E", shall be designated as open space in the Open Space Conservation Plan submitted with the primary plat. J. All homes shall be one or one and one-half story. K. All lots shall have a minimum lot landscaping package as shown on the Trillium Typical Lot Landscaping exhibit, attached hereto as Exhibit "F". The minimum number of plantings shall be as shown, however, the location of the plantings shall be permitted to vary. 1. Street signs and streetlight poles and fixtures utilized on the Real Estate shall complement the quality and style of those illustrated by the attached Exhibit "G". Street lights shall have optical controls that limit the distribution of light in a primarily downward direction to prevent excessive skyward lighting. An example of an optical control alternative are acorn cutoffs (caps) shown in Exhibit "G". M. Wood fencing shall be prohibited adjacent to the Herbisons' property, located to the west of the Real Estate. N. Developer agrees to install a mounding and/or landscaping screening at the 131 sl Street entrance to minimize car headlight spill onto the Herbisons' property, located to the west of the Real Estate. O. Developer agrees to provide any excess dirt from the Real Estate to the Herbisons at no charge, including hauling and spreading. P. Drainage. The Real Estate shall be developed so that there will be no general sheet drainage on to lands adjoining the Real Estate. All storm water runoff shall be treated as required by law. The drainage plan proposed for the Real Estate, once developed, will be designed in furtherance of the objective that, while accepting storm water runoff from adjoining properties, the Real Estate, once developed, will not sheet-drain on adjoining properties as it currently does and, as such, there \vill be no general sheet drainage onto properties adjoining the Real Estate. Section 4. Modification of Commitments These commitments may be modified or terminated only by a decision made by the Carmel City Council at a public hearing after notice has been given in accordance with the City Council's Rules of Procedures. BDDB014691378v5 U D U Section 5. Effective Date o U D U D U U U D U D D D D D U The commitments contained herein shall be effective upon the approval of Petition 06100023 Z and shall continue in effect until modified or terminated by the Carmel City Council. Section 6. Recording The undersigned hereby authorizes the Secretary of the Council to record these commitments in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana, upon approval of Petition 06100023 Z. Section 7. Enforcement These commitments may be enforced by the City Council of the City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Adams & Marshall Homes, Inc., has caused this commitment to be executed as of the p;:}.l& day of t\11\.( ,2007. ~ - ~ ~Ru. Adams & Marshall Homes, Inc. By: Its: ~s l ~T (Title) STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF HAMIL TON ) Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared C. vJlI:...i-I.-s. ~A-M<::;' ""'iiT", who having been du1y sworn acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Commitments. . Witness my hand and Notarial Seal this ~d day of YV~, 2007. ~ f~Jv My Commission Expires: g --I {)- ;;'011 Notary Public Printed L- vida e < SlU1IP.er Residing in '-fj1ilAJ..CJt County I affirm, under the penalties for peIjury, that I have taken reasonable care to redact each Social Security number in this document, unless required by law: Steven D. Hardin. This document was prepared by Steven D. Hardin, Attorney at Law, Baker & Daniels, LLP, 600 East 96th Street, Suite 600, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240, (317) 569-9600. BDDBOl 4691378v5 lJ D U o U U U o U U o D U o o u U D U EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 29, Township 18 North, Range 3 East in Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana, described as follows: Beginning on the South line ofthe Southeast Quarter of Section 29, Township 18 North, Range 3 East 1351.40 feet South 89 degrees 03 minutes 05 seconds West (assumed bearing) from the Southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter; thence North 00 degrees 56 minutes 55 seconds West 8.00 feet; thence North 52 degrees 42 minutes 19 seconds East 14.45 feet; thence North 23 degrees 04 minutes 39 seconds East 27.27 feet; thence North 00 degrees 24 minutes 31 seconds West 1453.10 feet; thence South 89 degrees 25 minutes 00 seconds West parallel with the North line of said Southeast Quarter 107.69 feet; thence North 00 degrees 11 minutes 13 seconds East 1138.58 feet to a point on the North line of said Southeast Quarter which is 1443.58 feet South 89 degrees 25 minutes 00 seconds West of the Northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 25 minutes 00 seconds West on said North line 393.42 feet; thence South 00 degrees 07 minutes 05 seconds West 1193.76 feet; thence South 88 degrees 41 minutes 35 seconds West 153.46 feet; thence South 00 degrees 34 minutes 29 seconds East 1441.57 feet to the South line of said Southeast Quarter; thence North 89 degrees 03 minutes 05 seconds East on said South line 627.20 feet to the place of beginning, containing 32.447 acres, more or less. D D a D u Q U U C U C D U D ~ U U ~ U si te plan T rilli 11111 A Maintained Lifestyle COl1.1l11Unity EXHIBIT B r -< ~ ~ -< ~ ~ :3 co Q ~ U Z -< ~ ~ ! TRILLIUM CARMEL, INDIANA April 2, 2007 D 70' wide lots 80' wide lots SITE = 32.447 Ac.::I: 57 units 1.75u/a 10.OAc.::I: Open Space (30.8% not including pond area) l l 1.. r 126th STREET ' l. A.~. a:.,. .. "''6 \c .- Sw.eppeluwtiA.( a.,.0.ciate6, 3m;. CONSUL lING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS (317) ~4~_5935 FA:>;:(317) 649-6942 7965 EAST 106t~ STREET. FISHERS. INDIANA 46036 u u u u u u u u u u o D U U U U U U lJ EXHffiIT C ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS STRUCTURE AND DESIGN STANDARDS AND PROVISIONS Buildings shall maintain a consistent architectural style, in both form and trim, throughout. The trim shall be present on all sides ofthe building, as appropriate. Appropriateness shall be defined as utilizing features and forms that are considered typical to the chosen architectural style, and shall be determined by staff review. All building elements are subject to the most current edition of the Indiana Building Code. A. WINDOWS 1. At least two (2) windows shall be present on each fa9ade, and each occupied level. One (1) window shall be permitted on half stories. 2. All windows, on all sides of the house, shall have trim as architecturally appropriate. B. ENTRYWAYS 1. Entryways shall be clearly visible and shall be the dominant feature of the front fa9ade, or the side facade. 2. Porches shall be a minimum of six feet deep, and shall be provided where architecturally appropriate. C.CIDMNEYS 1. Chimneys shall extend fully to the ground, and above the eaves, if external. 2. Chimneys shall be made of masonry or stucco material or panels, or material with a similar, durable appearance. 3. "Shed-style" or bump-out chimneys shall not be permitted. D. GARAGES 1. If off-set or side-loading (courtyard loading), the fa9ade facing the street shall have at least two (2) windows. E. ROOFLINES 1. Roofs shall have minimum twelve-inch (12") overhangs, on all sides of the structure, if architecturally appropriate. F. MATERIALS 1. If more than one material or color is used, the transition between materials and/or colors shall be logical, i.e. to highlight an architectural feature. Aluminum and vinyl siding shall not be used. BDDBOI 4691378v3 u o u u o u" u ~ D U 'U I o o u u u u u o u u u U Q U D a u IU U ~ U U U U U U o u U EXHIBIT D U U ~ [i!!/~ U U D U Q U IU U ~ U U U U U o u u u u u U Q o Q U U U U U U U :D I U U IU tree preservation exhibit EXHIBIT E u T rilli 11111 A Maintained Lifestyle Community u o u u r -< U-l c:: -< c:: ~ Ci: :::J co Q "'" U ~ Z "'" L Q u ~ u u u u u u u u u 126th STREET u 2.QQ~AJ:;.RIAL!'HQTQ TREE PRESERVATION KEY J 1~ ~jJ 1 . TREES TO CONSERVE/PRESERVE fi\ TREES TO FURTHER EV ALUA TE TO CONSERVE/PRESERVE ~ OR POSSIBLE TRANSPLANT ONSITE (FURTHER EV ALlJA TION W1LL OCCUR FOR THE OPEN SPACE CONSERVATION PLAN AS PART OF THE PRIMARY PLAT PENDING A TREE INVENTORY AND STAKE SURVEY) o PROPOSED LANDSCAPING i . ., , Si<LeppefuwttA J: (L,00.ciat.e6, 3m:. CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS (317)1149_51135 FAX:(31r/84!1-S\l42 71165 EASll(l61~STRE[:T. FISHERS. INDIANA 46038 u u u u u o u u o u u o u u u u u u u l"- e e N U ~ en w ::E o ::I: .....I <i. ::I: en 0:: <C ::E oCS en ~ <C o <C @ 24" tHRU 48" SHRUB (7 TOTAl) MULCH BED VARIOUS PLANTING YARDS ARE TO BE SOOED TREE AND SHRUB LOCATIONS WILL VARY PER CUSTOMER REOUESTS NOT SHOWN ARE REQUIRED STREET TREES AND PERIMETER LANDSCAPE BUFFER 70' -0" TYPICAL LOT WIDtH r------------------------- EXHIBIT F SHADE TREE 2 1/2" CAliPER ORNAMENTAL TREE 2 1/2" CALIPER ORNAMENTAL TREE 1 1/2" CALIPER i= a.. ..... o I- 9 ..... < u ~ ..... ..... e:a: ..... .....0.. <::J 1-< ~u :;:&' <~ ~: 6 . o I in ,.,., GL o p. . 0 SHADE TREE 2 1/2" CAliPER -----------------~ ITRILLIUM TYPICAL LOT LANDSCAPING I SCALE: 1" = 15'-0' lI) .. ~, ~ .. lI)la uJt~ ~~~ ClCln! 62 <Co >-l )-UJ <CU:: :2z If)UJ z\.U o[l ~~ <C 0 ,,.., U lL UJ ozz -l::>0 -l0~ iil:3 I- (5 I-I-UJZ Ou::>O z<coo I- ltlo = n! 'll ! tn fil z't 1 ~z't Cl-(j) - "'t n!lI)<e u.J::i, ~ ~O't ~ .0... 't Z<(<e oZ~ E:9 _ ~ l'- = ~Cl- (j)~!2 z ~ :) ~ lL ....J u.J ~ lL I- <( U (j) o z :) u.J .. ~ 1-<( 9z u u u u U D U D D U U U U U U U U U U u u u u u U D a u u u 'U u u u u u u u u '0 u u u u u u U IU U U U U U U U SAMPLE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION PLAN I -'. 1 i i~ I U C~ [ '! c: c:=: C', ~ c=: c::::J c=:=! L; CJ c: c=: c=: c=: c: c=: c===; c::::: Please note that this budget' is an estimate based on the infonnation provided. .IAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL %OF BUDGET EXPENSES 105 70 35 105 70 35 105 70 35 105 70 35 INCOME 343 351 8 8 375 8 8 399 8 8 423 8 8 ASSOCIATION FEES 33170 580 280 35438 580 280 37706 580 200 39974 580 315 149683 DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTION 0 0 0 20810 0 0 28373 0 0 8487 0 0 57670 TOTAL INCOME 33170 580 280 56248 580 280 66079 580 200 48461 580 315 207353 EXPENSES MANAGEMENT FEES 1755 1795 1835 1875 1915 1955 1995 2035 2075 2115 2155 2200 23705 14.00% PRINTING OTHER 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 1620 1.00% POSTAGE OTHER 116 25 25 124 25 25 132 25 25 140 25 25 712 1.00% AMINISTRA TIVE OTHER 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 300 0.00% LEGAuPROFESSIONAL 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 250 * TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE 2051 2000 2041 2180 2121 2161 2308 2241 2281 2436 2361 2406 26587 INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5500 0 0 0 0 5500 3.00% PROPERTY TAX 0 0 0 0 2234 0 0 0 0 0 2234 0 4468 .. TOTALINSURANCIDTAX 0 0 0 0 2234 0 0 5500 0 0 2234 0 9968 ELECTRIC 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 4800 3.00% WATER/SEWER 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 ~ TOTAL UTILITIES 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 SNOW REMOVAL 3550 3550 3550 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3550 14200 8.00% MOWING 0 0 0 4038 4039 4039 4039 4039 4039 4039 4039 0 32311 19.00% SHRUB &. TREE MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 1569 1570 1570 1570 1570 1570 1570 1570 0 12559 7.00% TURF PROGRAM 0 0 0 1258 1258 1258 1258 1258 1258 1258 1258 0 10064 6.00'10 LANDSCAPING OTHER 0 0 0 3427 3427 3427 3428 3428 3428 3428 3428 0 27421 16.00% POND MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 1733 0 0 0 1733 0 0 0 0 3466 2.00% OTHER GROUD MAINTENANCE 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 774 774 774 774 9280 5.00% IRRIGATION 0 0 300 30 30 30 30 30 30 300 0 0 780 1.00'/. g TOTAL GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 4323 4323 4623 12828 11097 11097 11098 12831 11 099 11369 11069 4324 110081 PLUMBING 0 0 0 0 200 0 0 0 0 200 0 0 400 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 130 130 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 1570 I 1.00'10 r POOL PHONE 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 660 I 1.00% I POOL 0 0 0 0 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 0 0 0 12000 7.00'10 TOTAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE m:z ~ 2586 2586 2586 386 186 186 14630 16714 913 NET INCOME (LOSS) 25889 -6650 -7292 40332 -18380 -16286 49365 -23300 a 33548 -15992 -7323 37 CURRENT y. 1/VE FUND 8293 140 70 8860 140 70 9427 140 9994 140 3 NET CASH FLOW 17596 -6510 -7362 31472 -18520 -16356 39938 -23440 -16418 23554 -16132 -7402 MONTHLY EXPENSE % 4.00% 4.00% 5.00'/. 9.00'/. 11.00'/0 10.00% 10.00'10 1400% 10.00'10 9.00% 10.00'10 4.00% 100.00% (EXAMPLE ONLY) u u u u u u u u u u ,~ u u u U iU o U U SAMPLE MAINTENANCE PLAN AND BUDGET u ; -( w u HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION 2001 BUDGET NOTES u INCOME: u 4001 Association Fees: Association fees of$150.00 quarterly, 553 total lots. Budgeted income based on sales projections as follow (currently 343 lots sold): '(--- ILJ I I _ I U u u u u o u u u Total Lots Sold First Quarter 367 24 Second Quarter 391 24 Third Quarter 414 24 Fourth Quarter 440 25 4002 Developer Contribution: Developer funding of association shortfall. Theflrst month of each quarter is based on 90% of the homeowners paying their dues. Pro-rated dues, which are in the second and third months of each quarter, are based on 100% of the homeowner's payment because they are paid out of closing. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES: 6001 Management Fee: A monthly fee paid to the management company for their services. Fee is $5.00 per month per lot. Minimum of$500.00 per month. 6016 Printing: Newsletters, budget packets, invoice payment copies and other correspondence mailings/copies (Annual estimate - $1,620). 6022 Postafle: Postage for invoices, newsletters, violation letters and other correspondence (Annual estimate - $721). 6044 Administrative Other: Stationary, envelopes, checks, accounting supplies, long distance calls and faxes (Annual estimate - $300). -i i U U U U 6602 Legal/Professional: Filing of Federal/State tax returns and legal representation (Annual estimate - $250). u u u u u u , u U IU iU [j U U U HOMEWOENERS ASSOCIA nON 2001 BUDGET NOTES INSURANCErr AXES: 6100 Insurance: Liability and property insurance for common areas within the association, including pool, pool house, playground, tennis and basketball court (Annual premium $5,500). 6501 Propertv Tax: Property taxes on common area land, including pool, pool house, playground, tennis and basketball court. Payment in May and November (Estimated at $2,234 a half). 6510 Taxes: Corporate Federal and State taxes (Estimated at $50). UTILITIES: 6200 Electric: Electricity usage for entryways, pool house and streetlights. Based on 2000 usage (Annual estimate - $4,300). 6209 Water/Sewer: Water and sewer service for irrigation, pool and pool house. Based on 2000 usage (Annual estimate - $3,864). GROUNDS EXPENSES: 6301 Snow Removal Contracted: Snow removal for all streets. Snow removal on one 2 inch to 3.9 inch pull is $1,700 per pull, one 4 inch to 5.9 inch pull is $1,850. Estimated snow removal cost for the 2001 budget 0 $14,200 ($3,550 a month - Jan/Feb/Mar/Dec). 6410 Mowinf!: 26 mows to common area grounds at $1,151.22 per mow. Two edgings at $1,190 each. Estimated mowing/edging cost for the 2001 budget - $32,311.72 ($4,039 per month - April through November). II ~ 6416 Turf Program: Four turf fertilizations at $2,203.00 per application and $1,252.00 for grub control. Estimated turf program cost for the 2001 budget - $10,064.00 (Roughly $1,258 per month - April through November). u u U [J u u u u u u HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION 2001 BUDGET NOTES 6423 Shrub/Tree Maintenance: Includes shrub trimming at $1,939, tree pruning at $1,348.67, tree/shrub fertilizer at $4,737.50 and tree/shrub dormant oil at $1,511.55 and two tree/shrub insect control at $1,511.55 each. Estimated shrub/tree maintenance cost for the 2001 budget. $12,559.82 (Roughly $1,570 per month - April through November). n W 6442 Landscaoe Other: Mulch installation at $6,800, bed edging at $1,996.22, tree ring edging at $1,599.24, mulch herbicide at $1,331, mulch handweed will be done 30 times at $159 per service - $4,770, yard clean-up at $667, annual summer flower installation at $1,235, spring pansies installation at $1,710, fall mum installation at $2,023, overall flow maintenance for the season at $270.00 and additional $5,000 for re-mulch/misc. Estimated landscape other cost for the 2001 budget - $27,421.46 (Roughly $3,428 per month - April through November). u o u u u 6450 Pond Maintenance: Monitoring of the lakes from April through October. Estimated pond maintenance cost for the 2001 budget - $3,465.00 (Billed $1,733 in April and August). 6490 Ground Maintenance: Litter clean-up in common area and all other miscellaneous jobs not having specific line item. Ground maintenance approximately 4 hours a week at $25.00 an hour, $40 a month for landscape lighting repair and $4,000 miscellaneous expense. Estimated ground maintenance cost for the 2001 budget- $9,280 (Roughly $773 a month - Jan. through Dec.). u u 6551 Irrigation: Includes spring start-up, maintenance and winterization. Estimated irrigation cost for the 2001 budget - $780. BUILDING MAINTENANCE: 'I LJ 6203 Plumbing: Any necessary plumbing work to the pool house. Winterization of the pool house at $200.00 and spring start-up at $200. Estimated plumbing cost for the 2001 budget - $400 (Cost to occur between April and October). u r- U U U u u o u u u u u u HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION 200 I BUDGET NOTES 6206 Buildinf! Maintenance: Maintenance to pool house. Approximately $55.00 for general maintenance and $5.00 a month for building light maintenance. $800 miscellaneous. Estimated building maintenance cost for the 2001 budget - $1,570 (Roughly $131.00 a month). 6500 Pool Phone: $55.00 per month service charge. Estimated pool phones - $660.00 ($55.00 a month). 7000 Pool Maintenance: POOL OPENS MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND! Includes opening and closing of the pool, daily visits to chemically treating the pool, pool deck and restrooms. Chemicals and supplies on a will call basis. Estimated pool maintenance cost for the 2001 budget - $12,000 - Price does not include lifeguard or monitors. RESERVE: I -I U U U Reserve Funding: Deposit of 25% of regular assessment to the Reserve. Please note that this budget is an estimate based on the information provided. FI AlFonnslHomeAssocBudget u u u u u u u ~ ~ ~ D D D D ~ D PRIMARY PLAT (24 X 36) LANDSCAPE PLAN (24 X 36) OPEN SPACE CALCULATION MAP (24 X 36) ,.--, , I ,III D D D D D D D o U