HomeMy WebLinkAboutFindings of Fact .:;; .~ CAI~. OO\RD OF ZCXHNG "J'I':~:J\l1:) CAIt1l~L, HmI1\N!\ Docket No; SU. G(J - g~ Pt:blic 1!C:..:lrin.CJ D,1te: ~Z8~ Petitioner: Amer1can Aggregates Notice llc'(juin.m.:ntn l,~(!t:_ __ ---COyPoration FINUINGS or FFCl' - SPf,c L\L lJSE r:XC[;l'rION~i -------..--.---..- _.._----.- 1. The Sp:!cial Use in Flood Plilll1 Oistrict, OrJin.:lJ\ce ZlGO, Section 21. G ill; anended (~) (aoos not) apply and all pn.~I-('(l,-li~.i tes have been lOClt by pctitioner as verified by: Schneider Engineering Corp. 2. '!he Special Use p.xception will be consistent \-lith the Ch.ullctcr and Permitted Land Us~ ,of th'l zoning Qistrict anq Canlcl-Cl.i1Y CO/11prchcn",ivc Plan Bcc<1use: AppJ.1cant s use 1S a spec1al use 1n the S...l and S...2 ReS1dent1al D1str1cts and the use 1S cons~ent wlth adjoining properties. ------,--- 3. Too Special Use is fmysically suituble for the! land in question Lccausc: Applicnat's use is a special use in the S...l and S...2 Resident i..~ 1 ni ~tl"'i ('!t ('lnCl thE' 11~oeo j oS con~; sr~nt wit-h 4. The~t.fi.iU~ ~1m6~\<n~l4"ioUS1Y or adversely affc:ct tho ~ljaccnt land or preperty values because: . Applicant's use is a special use in the S...1 and S...2 Resident.ial ni ~t.dct.~ . q~d the llse. ia.con~i.~tenLwith. nle~~fclliU~ BlmEt~drsc1Y affect vehicular or p(,xle:.otl"lan trilffic flw, nor th~ adequ::lnt~ aV.:lil..1bility of w:lter, :,(.....;1<.1.:, cr !;tOIllI drdinZl':Jc r,lc.ilities, or police or fire protection boc~use: Public utilities are not necessa~J~~~icant's proposed use and minimum t.raffic:is precUct.ed. __~___ 5. 6. Tha Board MS rcviCN\..>d the requi.~arcnts of Ordin.:1ncc Zl(iO, SL:ction 21.3 (1-25) as they relate to this Special Use, an::1 docs not find that un,,e criteria prewnt the gr.:mtin9 of the Excoption: . Yes. DfX:U; j CN IT IS T!lEI'-,EFOl\f. the decision of the C.'Ul1cl [banI of Zonill'J '-,prx!ills tIli.:ot Spe~ia1 Use Exc~pti':m~ Docket Nq.~U.- &:0. ,f3!.-__}s W.l gCiHltcd, subJect to uny cpndltloos st.:\tcd 10 th~ lIumltcs ot Ull~l l!cx:m', ~Ihi.ch ilre incorporated hCl"cin by rcfercnco and fl\;1dc u part liCL'L>()f. Adopted this 28th day of August , 1989 ~ Q - .~t~ Zoning Appeals CllAlwj'IN-;-l3O.:lrd of ~oniJl9 llf1)()Z\ls Conditions of the Doarcl arc listed 011 the back. (Petitioner or his rcprcse:ntative to siyn) EXHllaIT C y?-- ---.. CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CARMEL. INDIANA DOCKET NO: PETITIONER: SU-60-89 . .. American Aggregates Corporation FINDINGS OF FACT SPECIAL USE EXCEPTION. 1 . 2. 3. 4. s. 6. DATED THIS 28th DAY OF August 198.2-. " V.&I}~~ BOARD MEMB ~ 4/82