HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Notice -- j"' _.....~'-~ . ... PROOF OF PUBLICATION State of Indiana, ss: County of Hamilton, Before me, a Notary Public in and for the Coue\Y of HaIIJilton and State of Indiana, personally appeared. . . . . . . ~ . ~ . .' ~ .. who ~eing duly sworn upon his oath, deposes and says, that she is General Manager of the Noblesville Daily Ledger, a newspaper of general circulation in Hamilton County, State of Indiana, printed in the English language and printed and published daily in the city of Noblesville, Hamilton County, State of Indiana, and that said Noblesville Daily Ledger has been published continuously for more than five years last past, in said county and state; that the Notice of publication, a true copy of which is hereto annexed was duly published in said newspaper, for . . .1. weekfOnsertiont-stte7 eessi h::lyj which publications were made as follows: .. .?-:~... .t.~ I.r.~.?....... Nollce of Public Hearing Before The . CARMEL BOARD OF . ZONING APPEALs .' Docket No. V 10.87 - _ _ NOllcels hereby given-that the Carmel Board 01 Zoning 'Appeals meellng on the 23rd 01 Febrilary, 1987 at 7:00 PM, In tne Chy Meet- Ing Hall, 15 First- Avenue. N.E., Carmel, Indlena 46032 will hold a Public Hearing upon a Sign <Yanlillic;e appJ1catlon tor en'over.: sized sign. '(Transler Irom renewal to permanent variance for sign.) _ The appliCation being known as Docket No. V 10-87. The real estate affected by'sald appliCation Is deScribed as lollows:: E-11201 S.E. QuarterofSec 33,' Twp 18, Renge 4 East Qommon Address: 5300 E. 116th Street, .Carmel, IN 46032. _ Ail interested persons desiring to present their views on the aboveappllcallon will be given the opportunhy to be heard at the above-mentjoned time end place. Written ObJections-to the proposal , that are filed with the Secretary 01 the Carmel Board 01 Zoning Appe- als belore the ,hearing will be I considered. . I ' A copy 01 the propOSal Is on file ! at the Carmel Department of Cornmunhy Development, 40 E. Main Street, Carmel, Indlena I Hearings may be cpnlinued i Irom'lIme to lime as - found , neCessarY; , . AMERICAN AGGREGATI;S CORPORATION - Petilloner . . Feb. 13 ................................................................................ -..... I And that all of said publications were ~~~~~~~a:~~~~.... .. Subsc/ii~:i' and sworn to before me this .... ....?S{ji:::. o~. ~~i~~~' (Seal.) .. . / /_ tf- f7 . My commISSIon expIres. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I~-:t_ p- ~Ub~lisher'S Fee, $. . . . .:t. ?:. .< .?'/.. .. ~~ fJ-(-~~ -~ t' ....,___. ''i. ,j.:.) -r ~(\~OQ y)(j-{ '-I ~+ , rec e"'\j e~ a.. r ~+\Jn'\ \' ~c eO, pt +\CW~"' ~f''\\'\~ \-\<A'l WC\rE: Ql{' ~Q.t~ Jt) ~\j\s" ~~CL\h~ J. - \~ -Z7 Ri.VISED IN 1/84 PETI'l'IONER' S AFFIDAVIT OF NOl'ICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CARMEL PIAN CCl+IISSION ard BOARD OF ZCNIN3 APPEAlS I (WE) . AMERICAN AGGREGATES CORPORATION by Wende Harm~n 00 HEREm ~ '!HAT NCfI'ICE OF PUBUC HF.AIUN:; CE '!HE Fe b r u a r y 23, 1 987 - B. Z . A . WILL CONSIDER Docket Number V 1 0 - 87 , 'MlS registered and INk; 1 ed at leas ten (10) days prior to the date of the Public Hearing to the below listed adja- cent property owners: GJNERS' NAME . Cottongim, Willlam H. and Steckley, James R. AOORESS 111 S. Rangeline Rd., Carmel, IN 46032 Ware, Bertha May 5836 E. 116th St., Carmel, IN 46032 Pursel, Edward Leon & Rosalea Keller, James R. & Dorothy M. Hllnt, A 1 P.y E. Davis, Betty Jo Queisser. Herbert Huckleberry, Maurice . . . .'. * * . . * . . * * * . . * . . . . R.1, Box 328, Carmel, IN 46032 46032 E. 116th, R.R. 1, Box 327, Carmel, IN / R. 1. Box 201. Carmel, IN 46032 R. 1, Box 199, Carmel, IN 46032 11533 N. River Rd., Indpls., IN 46280 11533 N. River Rd., Indpls., IN 462HU * . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * STATE OF INDIANA HAMIL TON COUNT'i, ss: '. " '!be undersigned having 'been duly s..orn, upon oath, says that the al:ove inforxre.- tion is true and correct and he is infoDred and believes. ~~~ AMERICAN AGGREGATES CORP. - WENDE HARMON Signature of Petitioner ,,' ~ --; ~'/// ..-____ I ~" -.-. .....~.<'" ~ ~~~ '": ,/ -.:.- . :............., :: ...- s~ 5W:>RN 'IO BEFORE ME 'lHIS __ -:..,..... ~r'-'; 2 - ........."~,' .::.~ ....-...-~,.". ~ ,....' . ~~_~?~ J./A'~J__) Notary ~lh'lC _ Catherine F. Wilharm 12th DAY OF February '1987 ,......" County Residence: Hamilton MY CXl+SISSI~ EXPImS: 12-12-90 * * * * * * * * * * * * * . * * . * * * * . * * * * * * * * * * .* ** * * * * * * SI~ CE ~ P~ER'lY CWNE.RS M.JST BE StmMI'rl'ED CN THIS 1tFF'IDAVI.T. --- ~ ---- -~ ---~-~---~-~---------~-~------ Ii y P-610 184 01.1 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAil NO INSURANCE COYfRAGE PROVlOED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIl ( ee Rev, se) <D $ M It) ... ~~E ci a; Cl vi ::> s Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Rest"cted Delivery Fee Return Recelp! showing to whom and Dale Delivered III ~ Return"Recelpt showing to whom. ... Dale, and Address of Delivery QI c: ::J .., ~ E (; lL en Q. P-610184 O:LO RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAil ~o INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATiONAl MAil (See Reverse), P.;..610 184 009 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COYfRAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR IIfTERHATlONAl MAIL (See Reverse) I Sent to~' ,~~ ~ ~~-S t. ci St\,\\ a~ u.~ a; P(O. Slate and~IP GQllI. C! 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Return Receipt ShOW"'g !o wr-om. Date. and Address of O.,ilVery ill c: :J ., o ~ E ~ u. (Jl 0.. '., '" OJ 1.1- 0>- a; > 8 m o '" Cl. C/) l.L '0' o {1 ,:,., ~ :; '" rr ~, ...I ;( :Ie ('\. O~.... W~j M ~ fq, 0 "'i ~ a: -Q) ~ W'~j ~ cO CJu~lX: M a:~!!t O:l3Vl 0 u. ~ ~ '_ M li:.;i ..a - z I W CJ Q. W a: V> 21 , i ry', ~ ! ~ 1:' ;;;::: ~J ~-,o u c- :> "':"' cr E: ~.2 .~ ~ rr2 c .> ); :, '.oJ., .:/:;. "'~-.~~:.~"I. ~'~ r ...... 'i. (~\ "0 \ .(.v' ~.~\ C' ,.J ~. ~.~ .,S ~i.: I ~ ~~. ~ .:) ,. ",r, H ~l ~.; ,." c C" :"': :1.> CJ~ rro a: CI> u.. CI> >- U. a; ~ ~ CI> -a; 8l ~ 0 u. ~ al j ~ g & ~ 1,;; '" C/) cr -' <t . ,. 2 586l eunr S96l aunr 'oo~ WJO:l Sd P-b10 184 015 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIOED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAil (See Reverse) lD S t 10 \ I $ ~K~E MuttL~ M ~ Srjernjl tv. 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