HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence u (.;) Transmittal h . I r 12821 E. New Market Street, Ste. 100., Carmel, Indiana 46032. Telephone: 317/569-8112. Fax: 317/826-6410. WWW.5chneidercoro.com FROM: Roxanne Harrison DATE: 8/30/02 JOB #: 1238.015 PROJECT: Village of WestClay, Blk C RE: recorded plat FAX#: TELEPHONE #: 569-8112 TO: Jon Dobosiewicz Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 WE ARE SENDING YOU: [gI Attached Via: 0 Mail 0 Fed Ex [gI UPS 0 Courier 0 Pick Up 0 Other 0 Fax # Copies Date Description 1 mylar of reocrded plat 3 paper copies of recorded plat THE ABOVE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: o For approval [gI As requested 0 FOR BIDS DUE [gI For your use 0 For review and comment 0 Other REMARKS: COPY TO: File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. Offices in Indianapolis, Avon, Carmel, and Lafayette, Indiana n:112381015Idocsltransmittalsldobosiewicz083002.doc i, 1, o (,;) ~ '''I \ L'_,,~! ! i'::' 0,",\\...J-~-- '-<--, I ',,, ",,-"" -. >~ /. ",/ . h h,"-../ ...dIl \ @0/ f} ~'1 " ----; ,-r' fj ." -! J//;V CfI/I;:-O -:. ~j 5 Pa ,:.) /'\ IJDCS tip -c) ~, ..,/<, ' , ,,"y....-. J:Sj/' >,~ \ C' I /--;--;';;1-'- \. '\J t ,~......, \ -_...'2:::-- '-~ Schneider June 4, 2002 Jon Dobosiewicz Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: VILLAGE OF WEST CLAY - BLOCK C SECONDARY PLAT Dear Jon, Please find enclosed one set of Site Construction Plans and Secondary Plat for Block C in the Village of West Clay. The plans and plat have been revised to include the various comments made at the May 22, 2002 TAC meeting and your comment letter dated May 28, 2002. Revisions and/or comments with respect to your comment letter are as follows: L The Secondary Plat Docket numbers (41-99-SP and 69-02-SP) have been added to the Plat. 2. On the Plat, Block 11 has been revised to denote it can be subdivided into 4 lots rather than 3. 3. On the Plat, the key map has been clarified to denote only Block C. 4. The Plat will be signed by our surveyor and the owner prior to signature by the director. 5. The construction plans have been revised to denote a pavement width of 17.5' in the vicinity of the interior island. 6. Existing curb depressions have been denoted on the construction plans where proposed walks meet the street (handicap ramps). I have also enclosed a copy of our response letters to Carmel Clay Schools, Carmel Fire Department, Hamilton County Highway and Hamilton County Soil & Water for your reference. If you should have any questions, or are in need of additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, THE SCHN. EIDER PRP.7RA RA nON ~UW Dave Sexton, P.E. Director - Residential Development Services ~ N\ I 23X\O 15\docs\BlockC\tacrcsuhlllit06.0402doJ,; THI:: SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-826-6410 www.schneidercorp.com u w Schneider June 4, 2002 John South Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 S. 9'h Street Noblesville, IN 46060 RE: VILLAGE OF WEST CLAY - BLOCK C SECONDARY PLAT Dear John, Please find enclosed one set of Site Construction plans and Secondary Plat for Block C in the Village of West Clay. The plans and plat have been revised to include the various comments made at the May 22, 2002 T AC meeting and your comment letter dated May 21, 2002. Revisions and/or comments with respect to your comment letter are as follows: I. Additional erosion protection has been added to the existing inlet located along the Eastern side of the site. 2. A note has been added to the erosion control plan stating that building pads should be seeded if construction of the building is not expected to start within 14 days. 3. A note has been added to the erosion control plan stating that as each building is completed disturbed areas should be immediately seeded or sodded. If you should have any questions, or are in need of additional infonnation, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, CS;:D(]~R~TION Dave Sexton, P.E. Director - Residential Development Services 4Qt~~~1 N \ 12 JX\O I ~\"(lcs\1l1(lckC\lacrcsuollljI06-().l(I2l1n!' SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 3J 7-826-6410 www.sctlneidercorp.COIl1 o o ~~ Schneider June 4, 2002 Steven Broermann Hamilton County Highway Department 1700 South 10'h Street Noblesville, IN 46060 RE: VILLACE OF WEST CLAY - BLOCK C SECONDARY PLAT Dear Steven, Please find enclosed one set of Site Construction plans and Secondary Plat for Block C in the Village of West Clay. The plans and plat have been revised to include the various comments made at the May 22, 2002 T AC meeting and your comment letter dated May 22, 2002. Revisions and/or comments with respect to your comment letter are as follows: I. Areas where existing curb cuts are located have been identified on the plans and includes the necessary details for curb replacement, etc.. 2. HCHD details C-3, C-4 and C-5 have been added to the plans. 3. Existing curb depressions have been denoted on the construction plans where proposed walks meet the street (handicap ramps). No additional ramps are being proposed. If you should have any questions, or are in need of additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, ~CHNEIDER C~RPORA nON ~~ \0 - c-\- Dave Sexton, P.E. Director - Residential Development Services ~4 NI I 23XIO I "J(\c,lIl1(lc~CI1"crcstlbrnit06-0402ih~ SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-826-6410 www.schneidercorp.com o Q Schneider June 4,2002 Gary Hoyt Carmel Fire Department 2 Civic Square Camlel, IN 46032 RE: VILLAGE OF WEST CLA Y - BLOCK C SECONDARY PLAT Dear Gary, Please find enclosed one set of Site Construction plans and Secondary Plat for Block C in the Village of West Clay, The plans and plat have been revised to include the various comments made at the May 22, 2002 T AC meeting and your comment letter dated May 13,2002. Revisions and/or comments with respect to your comment letter are as follows: I. The pavement width in the vicinity of the island on the Eastern portion of the site has been increased to 17.5'. 2. The Water Distribution Plan (Sheet C701) has been revised to include the perimeter water and hydrant locations. 3. The townhbmes are not proposed to be sprinkled. 4. Al buildings will be 3 stories in height and will not have basements. If you should have any questions, or are in need of additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, THE SCHNE[d:~r TlON ~PE Director - Residential Development Services q~ N I 11JRIO I 5IdocsllllodCllacrc",hmilOl,-O-l01-ffit SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317.569-8112 Fax 317.826-6410 www.schneidercorp.com , . u u ~., Schneider June 4, 2002 Ron Farrand Carmel Clay Schools 5185 E. 13 I" Street Carmel, IN 46033 RE: VILLAGE OF WEST CLA Y - BLOCK C SECONDARY PLAT Dear Ron, Please find enclosed one set of Site Construction Plans and Secondary Plat for Block C in the Village of West Clay. The plans and plat have been revised to include the various comments made at the May 22, 2002 TAC meeting and your comment letter dated May 9, 2002. Revisions and/or comments with respect to your comment letter are as follows: I. A sidewalk has been added between Blocks 4 & 5 to provide access to Broughton Street. If you should have any questions, or are in need of additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORA nON ~ J.D- Dave Sexton, P.E. Director - Residential Development Services ~1 NI I :!JXIO I 5IdocsllllockCltacrcsuhl1l;tO(.-()-W2 tWi! SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-826-6410 www.schneidercorp.com u u City of Carmel VIA FAX: 826-6410 Original by mail May 28, 2002 Mr. Dave Sexton, P .E. The Schneider Corporation 12821 E. New Market Street, Suite 100 Carmel, IN 46032 RE: The Village of West Clay, Block C, Secondary Plat Application Dear Dave: This letter is in response to your Secondary Plat application for Block C of The Village of West Clay. The following issues must be resolved prior to signature of the plat by the director: 1. Add the Secondary Plat Docket Numbers to the plat (41-99 SP & 69-02 SP.) 2. Change the note of Block 11 to be subdivided into 4 lots, not 3. 3. Note: on the Key Map, please only identify and highlight Block C. There appears to be another block highlighted other than Block C. 4. Have Mylar signed by property owner and surveyor (with R.L.S. seal) prior to signature by director. 5. Note: as discussed at TAC, on the construction plans and primary plat change the width of the east interior island so the alley pavement width of 17.5' can be maintained. 6. Identify curb depressions at comers of blocks where the sidewalks intersect. Please submit a revised Secondary Plat with the above-mentioned changes. Once these changes have been made and comments addressed, please produce a Mylar copy for signature by this Department. Two paper copies of the plat must be filed with the Mylar prior to recording, and three paper copies and a Mylar of the recorded plat must be submitted following recording. Our approval of the secondary plat ( signature) will be forthcoming upon revision of the plans according to the items listed above. Sincerely, !::c~ Planning Administrator Village of West Clay-Block C-SPl Page 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 '" ~ '~()d' ~p ;.,>' SUBMITTED BY: Brenwick 1ND Communities 12821 East New Market Street Suite 200 Carmel, In 46032 317-574-3400 ERO N AND SEDIMENT CONTR PLAN TECHNICAL REVIEW AND COMMENT Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District _/\/~;(;]i]j-"L(;~ 1108 South 9th Street, Noblesville IN 46060 /1<>;,,)/ "'(~'^ Ph- 317-773-1432 or Email atjohn-south@iaswcd.org(~.// .f. "'<~;\ Village of West Clay Sec. 3004 ~/~l FA r">\ DOC /"),/ ~~~\ S ;- J Mr. D~vid Sexton \:::~\; /~;:; Schneider Corp. '':.:::'',/'-, __-c'-\'\ > ...... I J ,,'-,..-:-'-; te"'. \ 'v' 12821 East New Market Street;SUit~_lo.O>:'/ Carmel, IN 46032 PROJECT NAME: REVIEWED BY: John B. South P.E. Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURE: Site Visit Date: Plan Review Date: 5/21/02 Acreage: ?? LOCATION: Village of West Clay LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 26 TOWNSHIP: 18N RANGE: 3E CIVIL TOWNSHIP: Clay SOIL SURVEY MAP SHEET: 49 The technical review and comments are intended to evaluate the completeness of the erosion and sediment control plan for the project, The erosion and sediment control plan submitted was not reviewed for the adequacy of the engineering design. All practices included in the plan, as well as those recommended in the comments should be evaluated as to their feasibility by a qualified individual with structural practices designed by a qualified engineer. The plan has not been reviewedfor local, state, or federal permits that may be required to proceed with this project. Additional information, including design calculations may be requested to further evaluate the erosion and sediment control plan. The erosion and sediment control plan has been reviewed and it has been determined that the plan: X Satisfies the minimum requirements and intent of 3271AC 15-5 (Rule 5). Notification will be forwarded to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. X Refer to the comments section for additional information. Proper implementation of the erosion and sediment control plan and inspections of the construction site by the developer or a representative are necessary to minimize off-site sedimentation. The developer should be aware that unforeseen construction activities and weather conditions may effect the performance of a practice or the erosion and sediment control plan. The plan must be a flexible document, with provisions to modifY or substitute practices as necessary. Revised 4 197 ... ERO~N AND SEDIMENT CONTROgLAN TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMENTS ~ PROJECT: Village of West Clay Sec. 3004 Page 2 of2 Note: All erosion and sediment control measures shown on the plans and referenced in this review must meet the design criteria, standards, and specifications outlined in the "Indiana Handbookfor Erosion Control in Developing Areas" from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Soil Conservation or similar Guidance Documents. The existing inlet on the east side needs to be protected. If the building pads will be dormant for a month or more they need to be seeded or stabilized with stone. As each set of buildings is completed, the disturbed area needs to be seeded. A bit more detail could be provided in the construction sequence. Cc: Carmel DOCS Ha. Co. Surveyor Ha. Co. Highway IDEM File ,- OS/22/02 14:19 FAX _ HAMILTON CO HWY. ~~~ Carmel DOCD U .. V HAMILTON COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT ~ 002/002 .. ~"-O;) ~p May 22, 2002 Mr. Dave Sexton The Schneider Corporation 12821 East New Market Street, Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 RE: Village of West Clay, Section 3004, Block C Secondary Plat and Construction Plans S of 1316t Street/W of Towne Road Clay Township Dear Dave: This letter serves to acknowledge receipt of a transmittal dated 5/8102 containing the plans for the above-mentioned project. After reviewing the plans the Highway Department has the following comments: 1. All areas where the existing curb cuts are located and not being used will need to be removed and replaced with chairback curb. Please note the areas on the plans and included the necessary details for the curb replacement. 2. Include HCHD standard plans C-3, C-4 and C-5 in the plans and reference them at all necessary areas. Remove the details showing these curb types from the plans that are not HCHD approved. 3. Any ADA ramps not induded in the original chairback curb will need to be installed. If you have any questions or comments concerning this letter, please feel free to contact me at anytime. Sincerely, /!:o{ ?=:-- Staff Engineer cc: Jon Dobosiewicz Steve Cash G:\USERS\SB\02T AC\05-22-o2wc3004C.doc 1700 Soutb 10'~ Street Noblesville, In. 46060 www.co.bamilton.in.us Office (317) 773-7770 Fax (317) 776-9814 OS/22/02 14:19 FAX HAMILTON CO HWY. ~~~ Carmel DOCD U HAMILTON. COUNTY ; .~. ~ . ":":~' HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT "'1", '''''' . I!' OF \l~O .. . u @OOll002 FAX TRANSMllTAL SHEET ----~~----------------_._------------ -. , #PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SHEET): ( 2. ) "TO: Jott,a D, "S~. CM.. COMPANY: TITLE: "PAY'(: -S-f"")(''t'O"H FAX.#: DATE: S;/2."L. 2002 . ( ) FROM: FAXIt: (317) ':~776-9814.-' TITLE: SUBJECT: -1{~~~t 'PU\lrouS 5ELtceAl 'D IS ~fl A-t..o fM- "^~ Soot ~5'B IY... .~ ,; .,,*,, () () '>Johnson, Sue E ',- From: Sent: To: Jay Alley [Jay@ctrwd.org] Monday, May 20, 2002 4:03 PM rfarrand@ccs.k12.in.us; DHill@ci.carmel.in.us; DJenkins@cLcarmel.in.us; Ghoyt@ci.carmel.in.us; JKendall@ci.carmel.in.us; JPFoster@ci.carmel.in.us; MBrisco@ci.carmel.in.us; MFogarty@ci.carmel.in.us; ParksPrograms@ci.carmel.in.us; PPace@ci.carmel.in.us; PWilliams@ci.carmel.in.us; RAuler@ci.carmel.in.us; SJohnson@ci.carmel.in.us; W Akers@ci.carmel.in.us; rmcclain@cinergy.com; thomas.ordway@cinergy.com; sprater@cmsenergy.com; sjb@co.hamilton.in.us; stc@co.hamilton.in.us; john-south@iaswcd.org; rahendricks@in-hc-Iepc.org; tina.alexander@IWCR.com; jeff.s. rice@msg.ameritech.com; tony.holmes@twcable.com; tskolak@usps.gov; cshupperd@vectren.com josek@brenwick.com; Candy Feltner; rlauritsen@slmaco.com Re: May 22, 2002 T AC Comments Cc: Subject: Hello everyone: Following are CTRWD comments on the agenda items effecting our sanitary sewers or service area for the May 22nd TAC meeting. Please feel free to copy and distribute this email or attach it to your meeting minutes. We have also created a new page on our website linked to the "Construction" page where we have posted all CTRWD TAC comments from 2001 and 2002 meetings held to date. We will continue to add to this page every month so please let everyone know they can view our comments online now too. Village of West Clay Commercial Building No. 2 Our comments remain the same from last month: District specifications should be added to the plans. The plans are not clear as to the location of the sewer connection. Building permits should NOT be issued unless the District has issued connection permits. The developer needs to submit current plans to the District for review. Village of West Clay, Section 3004, Block C, Townhomes The plans received by the District only show the mainline sewer for the development but there must be individual connections for each unit in each building in case these are sold as condominiums. Revised plans need to be submitted showing each building with its own individual connection to the District's sewer along with an address list for permits and inspections. Building permits should NOT be issued unless the District has issued connection permits. West Carmel Center Block D, Lot 2 - 5th 3rd Bank The plans show a questionable connection to sanitary sewers along US 421. The project developers will need to consult with the District as to the appropriate lateral connection point which may be within the West Carmel Center development, not along US 421. In any event, the District will not allow a direct connection to the main along US 421 which appears to be represented on the plans we received. Building permits should NOT be issued unless the District has issued connection permits. Hayden Run Section 2 The District has received plans but it is unclear whether the developer has sent a set to the District's consulting engineers at Samuel L. Moore & Associates for review. Please have the petitioner do so if they have not already. Hamilton Crossing Building No. 5 It was our understanding that this project had been abandoned. As such, the District needs current plans to review, so please advise the developer to provide plans. Building permits should NOT be issued unless the District has issued connection permits. Dixie Hi-Way Addition Lot 8 Rezone 1 P' ....... u o rThe District has no comments on the re-plat unless it effects the sanitary sewers in developm~t. Please remind all TAC applicants to provide plans directly to the District at our main office address at: 10701 N. College Avenue, Suite A, Indianapolis, IN 46280-1098. If there are questions about the District's requirements, then please refer to our website for current information on the District's construction specification and permit standards. We are a member of the IUPPS underground locate network so call 1-800-382-5544 before you dig! Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or need additional information. Thanks! Jay W. Alley, Utility Manager Clay Township Regional Waste District Hamilton County, IN, USA http://www.ctrwd.org/ 317-844-9200 (phone) 317-844-9203 (fax) >>> "Johnson, Sue E" <SJohnson@ci.carmel.in.us> 05/14/02 11:04AM >>> Attached are the minutes from the April 17, 2002 TAC meeting and the agenda for May 22, 2002. <<TAC2002apr.doc>> <<TAC2002-0522.rtf>> Sue Ellen Johnson Planning and Zoning Assistant City of Carmel One civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 (317) 571-2417 phone (317) 571-2426 fax 2 " u u '.. CITY OF CARMEL Department of Community SelVices One CMc Square Carmel, IN 40032 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 ,Fax To: \)~~ d~~~ Fax: 'l? ~l.-lD I./fe From= ~~~ ~tl~ ~ Pages: Phone= Date= Reo ~, ..~~&- 1!!>~~",Q"l. CCl o Urgent Cl Far Review Cl P.lease Comment $-c:QI-O D- . o Please Reply CJ Please Recyele ~ L-__ ~~ .~~ ~L.L-{,~ \-~~ (~"e2.;1) ~ vv.. 'V't"\ ---', ~ .h~~tJ;j ~~~'. I, ./ u u CARMEL/CLAY TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMl~fE:It '.' 1 AGENDA REcr- HAY ./IVED 1.1 2002 DOCS Date: May 22, 2002 Place:Department of Community Services Conference Room 3rd Floor - Carmel City BaD 0v g.oo II m g.'Ollm ~(., ~4V Q'40 II m ~ V 10'00 II m t->V 10"0 a m ,J U 10.40 P m ~C/ 11 '00 II m Vdlage of West Clay, Commercial Building No. 21Construction Plans) The site is located at the southeast comer of 131 Street and Towne Road within the Village of West Clay. The site is zoned PUDlPlanned Unit Development (Z-330). Filed by Dave Sexton of the Schneider Corporation for Brenwick TND Communities. Vdlage of West Clay, Section 3004, Block C; Townhomes (Secondary Plat & Construction Plans) The site is located at the southeast comer of 131 st Street and Towne Road within the Village of West Clay. The site is zoned PUDIPlanned Unit Development (Z-330). Filed by Dave Sexton of the Schneider Corporation for Brenwick TND Communities. West Carmel Center, Block D, Lot 2- Fifth Third Bank (Development Plan) The applicant seeks development plan approval to construct a financial institution. Filed by Jeffery C. Klump of Klump & Associates. Hayden Run, Section 2 (Secondary Plat & Construction Plans) The site is located on the south side of West 131 st Street approximately one half mile west of Towne Road. The site is zoned S-llResidential. Filed by Edward E. Fleming of Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. for Centex Homes. Settlers Ridge at Haverstick, Section 3 (Secondary Plat &Construction Plans) The site is located northwest of East 131 st Street and River Road. The site is zoned S-lIresidence. Filed by Edward E. Fleming of Stoeppelwerth & Associates for Centex Homes. WiIIiaIm Ridge Subdivision (Primary & Secondary Plat) The site is located on the north side of 116tb Street, Y2 mile west of Gray Road. The site is zoned R-IlResidence. Filed by David R. Barnes of Weihe Engineers. Old National Bank - Cannel Banking Center (Development Plan) Petitioner seeks approval to Remodel and expand the existing building (Walden Bookstore) into a financial institution. The site is located at 1430 South Rangeline Road. The site is zoned B-3/Business. Filed by 1. William White of A.I. Armstrong, Inc. -Next Page- j:Ji:ani1i:.mdle Pin('llin'~ Co he?S no cornp5\ny ~:::acH;tj<~~'~ ,. invOlved in this project cr-~-1.~G!dd~ _ 5"-/~~<?_ 2-.. "iqM(!j Date i . u u Dobosiewicz, Jon C From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dobosiewicz, Jon C Tuesday, May 14,20022:48 PM Johnson, Sue E Lillig, Laurence M; Lawrence, Kelli A; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Hanson, Brian P Docket Number Assignment - Secondary Plat; Village of West Clay, Section 3004, Block C; Townhomes Sue Ellen, Please issue the necessary Docket Number for Village of West Clay, Section 3004, Block C; Townhomes Secondary Plat application. It will be the following: (oq ....02 SP Total Fee: Village of West la, Ion 3004, Block C; Townhomes (Secondary Plat & Construction Plans) The site is located at the southeast comer of l3pl Street and Towne Road within the Village of West Clay. The site is zoned PUDlPlanned Unit Development (Z-330). Filed by Dave Sexton of the Schneider Corporation for Brenwick TND Communities. Please note the following: · This item has been placed on the May 22nd agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee. · This item will be reviewed administratively by the Department. Please contact Dave Sexton at 826-6402 (Fax: 826-6410) with this information. Once the docket is assigned please return the file to my o~ Thanks, t== ~ ~ ~ - /(." - e d.... I D ) \ C;;; +v. oM. ' Jon ic5 ~. ~:v ~1:/?? I' Q 1 ~. . -Fax u u CITY OF CARMEL Department of Community Services One CMc sC{l.I3re Carmel, IN 40032 (317) 571.2417 Fax: (317) 571.2426 To: ~~ cl6~~ Fax: 8 dLo-Co ~J'D From' ~ ~ Pages: ~ Date: S -, ~ _0 'Cl-., Phone: Re: ~~ ~4- ~~~~'M_.,> CC= [J Urgent D Far Review D P.lease Comment C1 Please Reply CI Please Rec~le c> u u Dave Sexton, P.E. Schneider Corporation 12821 E. New Market St. Suite 100 Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Village of Clay West, Section 3004, Block C Townhomes LETTER OF APPROVAL bf ---o&-. 5;0 The undersigned has reviewed the proposed plans for Village of Clay West, Section 3001-A, Block J fh":" 01 # and has approved the plans subject to the following: 1. We are requesting that the island at the eastside of the project be reduced in size as so to provide a street width of 17.5 feet instead of 13.5 feet. 2. Our office needs a set of plans indicating the water distribution plan on the bordering streets to see where hydrants are installed to determine if additional hydrants will be required inside the Townhome area. 3. Are these Townhomes to be sprinklered? If so, an exterior entrance to the riser room will be required and a meeting will need to be scheduled to discuss the location of the fire department connection.. 4. What are the height of the buildings and with the buildings have basements? 5. 6. Please respond to the above noted condition(s) in writing and submit to our office prior to the scheduled Technical Advisory Meeting for this project. Date: Mav 13. 2002 By: Gary Hoyt, Fire Marshal Carmel Fire Department u U Carmel Clay Schools - Continuing Excellence in Education May 9, 2002 --1"\3T~ cP_, \ )_J-'._~ ! <P 1<" ~"'~~/ ~ ~~ :~!\ ~\,~~~ l\t \- I~ ~\.; ~t). tt~\) \;; \;i ,,~).\l ~ ~~ \-:1, ~\')\; AI..-. \,r:;:\:, \1, " /, " 'y'?:,,;.,':-. / -~..' "~,J " '--, -'"' "'"' ''ZC r! i ",:;0'1'-\ \ '" ~_.-Y'-- Dave Sexton, P.E. The Schneider Corporation 12821 E. New Market Street, Suite 100 Carmel,' IN 46032 Re: Village of West Clay Section 3004 Block "e" Townhomes Dear Mr. Sexton; I have reviewed the TAC submittal drawings for the above referenced project that you recently submitted to my office. I recommend a sidewalk be placed between buildings Block #4 and Block #5 to provide walk access to Broughton Street. This would provide a safer walk route for school age children to bus stop locations. Due to the narrow streets and small turning radii, school buses will not be allowed to enter the interior portions of this section of the development. Sincerely, 2~t!t. Director, Facilities and Transportation C: John Dobosiewicz, Dept. of Community Services Facilitt'es & Transportation Department - 5185 East 131st Street, Canne~ IN 46033 317/815-3962 -Fax 317/571-4089 u u CITY OF CARMEL Department of Community Services One CMc square Carme~ IN 4SJ32 (317) 571-2417 F~ (317) 571-2.426 -Fax To: ~ ~~ Fax: ~ts,- G,y, D From: ~~~ :? -;; -Ie -c> ~ Pages: Phone: Date: Re: ~i ~~ 'O~ \~~ cc: [J Urgent [J Far Review [J P.lease Comment CI Please Reply CJ Please Recyele ~I-- ........" --~- E: ' ,~\ . { . pm, q~^o \~~ ~'h'\~~ ~. L~. ~L~ C- ~. ~~ ~l... CS>~ W...,.c....." ~ \e~~~w.~ ~ i)\\0 ~ (.\: " u u ~~ Schneider . - . May 6, 2002 ~ ~~t~~~~ \\~~ 6 20Q2 DOCS . \ Jon Dobosiewicz Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: VILLAGE OF WESTCLA Y, SECTION 3004, BLOCK 'c' TOWNHOMES Dear Jon, Please find enclosed the following materials related to the above referenced project: 1. 2 sets of the Secondary Plat and Site Construction Plans 2. Secondary Plat Application 3. Land Description 4. Copies ofletters to TAC members 5. Narrative of Water, Sanitary & Storm Sewer systems The above referenced materials are for your review and suggestions with respect to Secondary Platting. It is my understanding that this matter will be on the agenda of the May 22,2002 Technical Advisory Committee meeting. In the interim, if you should have any questions, or are in need of additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION ~~-I Dave Sexton, P.E. Director - Residential Development Enclosure ,\CARMEL _NTlYOb'\l23'IO"\do"IBI~kC\dob"'';'';~ ~ ~~2-2002 THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-826-6410 www.schneidercorp.com ~ .. u ~~ Schneider u May 6, 2002 ~ J.t [Pj~({;rtiJfIj~ ~y 6 2002 DocS Gary Hoyt City of Carmel Fire Department Two Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Village of West Clay, Section 3004, Block "e" Townhomes Dear Gary: Please find enclosed one copy of the Title Sheet, Development Plan, Water Distribution Plan and Secondary Plat for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the May 22,2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and for ward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, TH~EIDER~ORATION BY:~ \-J~ Dave Sexton, P .E. Director of Residential Development Services Enclosure H:\1238\OlS\docs\BlockC\tacsubOS-06-02.doc A~ /' ~~ THE SCHNEIDER CORPORA nON 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317.569-8112 Fax 317-82&6410 www.schneidercorp.com i i u u ~~ Schneider May 6, 2002 Bill Akers Carmel/Clay Communications 31 First Avenue, N.W. Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Village of West Clay, Section 3004, Block "C" Townhomes Dear Bill: Please find enclosed one copy of the Title Sheet, Development Plan and Secondary Plat for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the May 22, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and for ward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER BY:~ ORATION Dave Sexton, P.E. Director of Residential Development Services Enclosure H:\ 1238\0 IS\docs\BlockC\tacsubOS-06-02.doc ~ THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel. Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-826-B410 www.schneidercorp.com ~ i u u ~~ Schneider May 6, 2002 Ron Farrand Carmel/Clay Schools 5201 East 131 sl Street Carmel, IN 46033 RE: Village of West Clay, Section 3004, Block "C" Townhomes Dear Ron: Please find enclosed one copy of the Title Sheet, Development Plan and Secondary Plat for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the May 22, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and for ward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, By: Dave Sexton, P .E. Director of Residential Development Services Enclosure H:\ 1238\0 15\docs\BlockC\tacsub05-06-02.doc ~ THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-826-6410 www.schneidercorp.com . l. u (,;) ~" Schneider May 6, 2002 L. Joe Cook Hamilton County Sheriff s Department 18100 Cumberland Road Noblesville, IN 46060 RE: Village of West Clay, Section 3004, Block "C" Townhomes Dear Joe: Please find enclosed one copy of the Title Sheet, Development Plan and Secondary Plat for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the May 22, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and for ward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE ~IDER CORPORATION By: ~Jrt Dave Sexton, P .E. Director of Residential Development Services Enclosure H:\ 1238\0 15\docs\BlockC\tacsub05-06-02.doc ~ THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel. Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-826-6410 www.schneidercorp.com .. -1. u u ~.., Schneider May 6, 2002 Jay Alley Clay Township Regional Waste District 10701 North College Avenue, Suite A Indianapolis, IN 46280 RE: Village of West Clay, Section 3004, Block "C" Townhomes Dear Jay: Please find enclosed one set of the site Construction Plans and Secondary Plat for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the May 22, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and for ward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION By: ~ 0d- Dave Sexton, P .E. Director of Residential Development Services Cc: Ron Lauritsen (including enclosure) Enclosure H:\ 1238\0 15\docs\BlockC\tacsub05-06-02.doc ~ THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-826-6410 www.schneidercorp.com ".- i u Q ~~ Schneider May 6, 2002 Ron Lauritsen, P .E. Samuel L. Moore & Associates 7102 Lakeview Parkway West Drive Indianapolis, IN 46268 RE: Village of West Clay, Section 3004, Block "C" Townhomes Dear Ron: Please find enclosed one set of the site Construction Plans and Secondary Plat for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the May 22, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and for ward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, ::ESO::ORP~JON Dave Sexton, P.R Director of Residential Development Services Cc: Jay Alley (including enclosure) Enclosure H:\ 1238\0 15\docs\BlockC\tacsub05-06-02.doc ~ THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-826-6410 www.schneidercorp.com if t, u (;) ~~ Schneider May 6, 2002 John Lester CarmeVClay Parks Department 1055 3rd Ave. S.W. Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Village of West Clay, Section 3004, Block "C" Townhomes Dear John: Please find enclosed one copy of the Title Sheet, Development Plan and Secondary Plat for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the May 22, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and for ward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CO By: ~$>. Dave Sexton, P .E. Director of Residential Development Services Enclosure H:\ 1238\0 15\docs\BlockC\tacsub05-06-02.doc ~ THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-826-6410 www.schneidercorp.com i' 'a u o ~~ Schneider May 6, 2002 Rick McClain Cinergy 1441 South Guilford Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Village of West Clay, Section 3004, Block "C" Townhomes Dear Rick: Please find enclosed one copy of the Title Sheet, Development Plan and Secondary Plat for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the May 22, 2002 meeting of the ~armel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and for ward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CO (?-) BY:~ Dave Sexton, P .E. Director of Residential Development Services Enclosure H:\ 1238\0 15\docs\BlockC\tacsub05-06-02.doc ~ THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-826-6410 www.schneidercorp.com . u u ~~ Schneider May 6, 2002 Jeff Rice Ameritech 5858 North College Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46220 RE: Village of West Clay, Section 3004, Block "e" Townhomes Dear Jeff: Please find enclosed one copy of the Title Sheet, Development Plan and Secondary Plat for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the May 22,2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and for ward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, Dave Sexton, P .E. Director of Residential Development Services ::~ERC Enclosure H:\ 1238\0 IS\docs\BlockC\tacsubOS-06-02.doc A ~ /' ~~ THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-826-6410 www.schneidercorp.com .. u Q ~"1 Schneider May 6, 2002 Tim Gibson Time Warner Cable 516 East Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Village of West Clay, Section 3004, Block "C" Townhomes Dear Tim: Please find enclosed one copy of the Title Sheet, Development Plan and Secondary Plat for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the May 22,2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and for ward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, ::Eg;:JiTION Director of Residential Development Services Enclosure H:\ 1238\0 15\docs\BlockC\tacsub05-06-02.doc ~ THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-826-6410 www.schneidercorp.com '< (j Q ~~ Schneider May 6, 2002 Steve Cash Hamilton County Surveyor's Office One Hamilton County Square, Suite 188 Noblesville, IN 46060 RE: Village of West Clay, Section 3004, Block "C" Townhomes Dear Steve: Please find enclosed one set of the site Construction Plans and Secondary Plat for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the May 22, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and for ward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION BY:~~ Director of Residential Development Services Enclosure H:\ 1238\0 15\docs\BlockC\tacsub05-06-02.doc ~ THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel. Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-82EHl410 www.schneidercorp.com .. o u ~~ Schneider May 6, 2002 Sharon Prater Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company 9371 Zionsville Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 RE: Village of West Clay, Section 3004, Block "C" Townhomes Dear Sharon: Please find enclosed one copy of the Title Sheet, Development Plan and Secondary Plat for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the May 22, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and for ward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, THE ~EIDER By: ~~ Dave Sexton, P .E. Director of Residential Development Services Enclosure H:\ 1238\0 15\docs\BlockC\tacsub05-06-02.doc ~ THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-82€H5410 www.schneidercorp.com . .. (.) u ~~ Schneider May 6, 2002 John South, P .E. Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street Noblesville, IN 46060 RE: Village of West Clay, Section 3004, Block "C" Townhomes Dear John: Please find enclosed one set of the site Construction Plans and Secondary Plat for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the May 22,2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and for ward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER C By: Us> Dave Sexton, P .E. Director of Residential Development Services Enclosure H:\ 1238\0 15\docs\BlockC\tacsub05-06-02.doc A ~ /' ~~ THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-826-6410 www.schneidercorp.com ~' .. (j u ~~ Schneider May 6, 2002 Chuck Shupperd Indiana Gas Company 16000 Allisonville Road Noblesville, IN 46060 RE: Village of West Clay, Section 3004, Block "e" Townhomes Dear Chuck: Please find enclosed one copy of the Title Sheet, Development Plan and Secondary Plat for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the May 22, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and for ward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER C BY:~ Dave Sexton, P .E. Director of Residential Development Services Enclosure H:\ 1238\0 15\docs\BlockC\tacsub05-06-02.doc A ~ /' ~~ THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-826-6410 www.schneidercorp.com ;; . u Q '-~ Schneider May 6, 2002 Jeff Kendall City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Village of WestClay, Section 3004, Block "C" Townhomes Dear Jeff: Please find enclosed one copy of the Title Sheet, Development Plan and Secondary Plat for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the May 22, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and for ward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION BY:~2~Sd Dave Sexton, P.E. Director of Residential Development Services Enclosure H:\1238\OI5\docs\BlockC\tacsub05-06-02.doc Arl. /' ~~ THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-826-6410 www.schneidercorp.com ~j,( .)I u ~~ Schneider u May 6, 2002 Barry McNulty Hamilton County Health Dept. Hamilton County Judicial Center, Suite 30 Noblesville, IN 46060 RE: Village of West Clay; Section 3004, Block "C" Townhomes Dear Barry: Please find enclosed one copy of the Title Sheet, Development Plan and Secondary Plat for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the May 22,2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Cominittee. Would you please review the enclosed material and for ward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION By: ~)Q \. \, ct Dave Sexton, P .E. Director of Residential Development Services Enclosure H:\ 1238\0 15\docs\BlockC\tacsub05-06-02.doc ~ THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-826-6410 www.schneidercorp.com ~I .,~ . u ~~ Schneider u May 6, 2002 Scott Brewer Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Village of West Clay, Section 3004, Block "e" Townhomes Dear Scott: Please find enclosed one copy of the Title Sheet, Development Plan and Secondary Plat for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the May 22, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and for ward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION BY:~n\Jci Director of Residential Development Services Enclosure H:\ 1238\0 15\docs\Blockatacsub05-06-02.doc ~ THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-826-6410 www.schneidercorp.com -1 .,' -. u ~~ Schneider u May 6, 2002 Steven J. Broermann Engineering Technician Hamilton County Highway Department 1700 South 10th Street Noblesville, IN 46060 RE: Village of West Clay, Section 3004, Block "C" Townhomes Dear Steve: Please find enclosed an Application for Project Review along with one set of the site construction Plans and Secondary Plat for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the May 22, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and for ward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION By: U'1? ,-_\f Dave Sexton, P .E. Director of Residential Development Services Enclosure H:\ 1238\0 15\docs\BlockC\tacsub05-06-02,doc ~ THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E, New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-826-6410 www.schneidercorp.com .j 1;- '. Developer Information: Engineer/Survey/Architect Information: Company Name: Brenwick TND Communties, L.L.C. Company Name: The Schneider Corporation Address: 12821 E. New Market Street, Suite 200 Address: 12821 E. New Market Street, Suite 100 City: Carmel State: IN Zip: 46032 City: Carmel State: IN Zip: 46032 Phone #: (317) 574-3400 Phone #: (317) 569-8112 Fax#: (317) 574-3419 Fax#: (317) 826-6410 Contact Person: Keith Lash, P.E. Contact Person: Dave Sexton, P.E. Title: Vice President of Operations Title: Director - Residential Development Project Information: Project Name: Village of WestClay Section(s): Section 3004, Block 'C' Adjoining Road Name: Grenville Street Hamilton County Map Grid: C-17 Nearest Intersection: ON OS ~E OW of Broad Street (miles) (road name) Number of Lots: 40 lots Number of Road Miles: 0 Will Storm Sewer Be Regulated? ~Yes ONo OUnknown Planning Jurisdiction of Project: Carmel Township: Clay Is this a new project? ~Yes DNo If no, enter HCHD Project #: - - Type of Review(s) Requested: D Determination of Jurisdiction Review: No Fee o Primary Plat Review: $400.00 Each = ~ Secondary Plat Review: $400.00 X 1 (# of sections) = $400.00 ~ Construction Plan Review: $500.00 X 1 (# of sections) = $500.00 o Small ( < 5 Lot) Subdivision Review: (Combined primary and secondary with no new roads) $100.00 Each = o Variance Review: (# of locations) ([his fee not required when variance request is part of another paid review) $100.00 X = - TOTAL FEE = $900.00 ~ n Signature of Applicant: ( ~l )0 - Date: 5/6/02 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Printed Name and Title: Dave Sexton, P.E. Director Residential - The Schneider Corporation Check #: Receipt #: Reviewed by: Note: Review Date: 1. All correspondence regarding this project should reference the HCHD project # (except initial application). 2. Make check or money order payable to the "Hamilton County Treasurer" (cash can not be accepted). Received Date: 3. Submit fees, application, plans and/or plat to: Hamilton County Highway Department Attn: Transportation Development Engineer 1700 E. 10th Street Noblesville, IN 46060 4. All sections of this form must be completely filled out and fee paid for review to be made. \\CARMEL _ NTI \jobs\ 1238\0 15\docs\BlockC\Highway ApplforProjectReview05-06-02.doc