HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket 06-18-02 ADLS Fees: $834.00 plus $111.00 per acre AD~ AMEND Fees: Sign only: $277.50, plus $S5.50/sign ,,' .~\j ',', BulldinglSite: $556.00, plus $S5.50/acre DOCKET NO. (?log00l3 ADt..S" A'ml Vi d APLS/ADLS AMENDMENf APPLICATION Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping and Signage DATE: \'-\ ADLS Received Date Stamp: X ADLS/Amend Checked By DP Attached Previous DP? Yes No Name of Project: ~ lJJ../{)O../'J~ ~ b tz...O~S Type of Project: f\J CB.V 5 / (!:> ..j Project Address: J "3 Y. 00 0 L;D (V\ ~ "::'1 ~ Sr: Project Parcel ID #: -L 2 - .Q 1.. -...l S- - 2- ~ - ~ E- - Q ~ .!.-. 0 E.E.- 17 - ~ - 2S - 00 -00-0"2-1- ' <=>00 Legal Description: (please use separate sheet and attach) Name of Applicant: S<..>NO::lw..J G-~~=-r.J ~ Applicant Address: /3 ~Do 01..-'0 Contact Person: -k,OD c,;z..e Fax No. C::O'-J 0' '-fer "0 Email: M ~ (;:)} ~ sr- Telephone: S\t-}-~ 'O<01,c> tbdJ @ SUI" JOWI)!5 o...~e.n So, CO,~ Name of 1L.f\JAfP Luv\ rr"l-'1? Landowner: I' ~~~/lfelephone: Landowner Address: I 34-00 OL-D M ~lt.-I 01 ~ -:rr: 1> <k, .tXoz-o Plot Size: G.7'-fS pC... OM I ,.,.,~ Zoning Classification: Revised: 12/29/2006 S:\fORMS\PC Applications - current\2007 pc applicationa\ADLSlIMEN.APP 2007.doc 1 Present Use of Property: G~i20~ ~~ / f0()rts~ Proposed Use of Property: 5~1l1 <!: New Construction? Yes_No1 NewlRevised Sign? Yes~No_ Remodeled Construction: Yes_No -/ New Parking? Yes_No -V' New Landscaping? Yes~o_ Note that required fees are due after the appUcation has received a docket number, and not at the time of appUcation submittal. Do NOT bring appUcation fees at the time of submittal Revised: 12/29/2006 s: \fORMS\PC Applications - current\2007 pc appl1cations\ADLSJIMEN.APP 2007.<Ioc 2 ParkinS! No. of Spaces Provided: No. Spaces Required: Desio Infonnation Type of Building: No. of Buildings: Square Footage: Height: No. of Stories_ Exterior Materials: Colors: Maximum No. of Tenants: Type of Uses: Water by: Sewer by: LIGHTING Type of Fixture: Height of Fixture: No. of Fixtures: Additional Lighting: * Plans to be submitted showing Foot-candle spreads at property lines, per the ordinance. SIGNAGE No. of Signs: J Type of Signs: G-RovfVO Square Footage of each sign: See.. P ~ Clr-. I ~ x (0" too ee/ Location(s): Dimensions of each sign: Total Height of each sign: LANQSCAPING * Plans to be submitted showing plant types, sizes, and locations ******************************************** I the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief, submit the above information as true and correct. Signature of Revbed: 12/2912006 S.\FORMS\PC Applieatiotul - eurrent\2007 pe appl1cat1ons\ADLSAM[N.APP 2007.doc 3 Applicant: Title: Date: (Print) ******************************************** State of Indiana, S8: County of Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for State of Indiana, personally appeared execution of the foregoing instrument this day of My Commission I Expires: Nor Public I I CITY OF CARMEL AND CLAY TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT ~F pOMMUNITY SERVICES (DOCS) 1 Civic Square, urre1, IN ~6032 (3rd floor) 571-2417 I . ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, LIGHTING SIGNAGE REVIEW (REVIEW/APPROVAL) Procedu~ for Plan Comml~ion County, and acknowledged the ,20_ For Business Zones, U.S. 31 Meridian Street Corridor, U.S. 431 Keystone Avenue Corridor and the U.S.421 Michigan Road Corridor 1. Allow plenty of time for review and approval process (approximately .two (2) months). 2. Discuss proposed project with DOCS staff (please call for an appointment to discuss review procedure and appropriate dates) first week of the month, works the best to begin a project. 3. INFORMATION NEEDED forifonnal DOCS staff and Plan Commission review: a. Two copies of fonnal application with required information b. Two copies of legal description c. Two location maps showing location of subject site, zoning and existing land uses of all adjacent properties. d. Two copies of a detailed si~ development plan showing: 1) Detailed drainage plan :with drainage calculations. If project is in Clay Township, take to Kent Ward, County Surveyor (776-9626) and John South, U.S. Soil Conservation ~ervice (773-1406). If project is in City of Carmel, discuss with Kate Boyle, City Engineer at 571-2441.. 2) Lighting plan - footcandle limits Revised: 12/.29/.2006 S:\FORMS\PC Applications - current\2007 pc applications\ADLSAME!l.APP 2007.doc 4 .... "" .~.,. ;. I . .'. " . ,,' .: ,", . 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LOGO AND PERIMTER BORDER STANDING -BACKGROUND PAINTED L T. CREAM -LETTERS PAINTED RED PANTONE #1797 -PERIMETER BORDER PAINTED GREEN PANTONE #3435 -BOARDS ATTACHED TO CUSTOMER SUPPLIED STONE MONUMENT STRUCTURE --.-. - CUSTOMER SUPPLIED STONE MONUMENT STRUCTURE PLAN VIEW SHOW "V-SHAPE" SIGN STRUCTURE /( - ''-- "- '19. 'O~ " ',- " )/ /.. --',,- ( "-, J }.- /' / sf /F> // "",.' " II Project 11 Sundown Gardens I!Address:----------- d 'I 13400 Old Meridian 81. ir--.-------~--.--- .----.----- !iCity / State: Design Date: ,I Carmel. IN Feb. 16.2007 ___ i!Oesign'l.O,:---------- Photo-r~- 11 Ii MG.285.Dl.BQ.RO liscaie:-----.--- 'j 318" = 1'.0" Account Rep: Mike Gary FfequeSII.D. ----------- Client Approval: I 5., C" I' i ....',I.g' .:11'('II "'.o"m, I in. ;,a..!Ii":".". !. :'i"I:", I ! .jl: I. '. .i/' 1 , 'r-". .... ,I.! I, 3/". ,Ii I"',. II I.NDIANAP()IL'S~! 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'0 Account Rep: Mike Gary Request 1.0, Design Dale: Feb. 16.2007 PhOlo 1.0, c ... ~....._... ......r ....,."....~ .~;t .~....~... ...-,,- ~'.' ",.-,,""" ,.#", .-. .........._;., ~.,....l..~ ~'-;l"~' .--."".. .... ;'c"~'~l ",1 ....0\:;.::- ~ ..... 11.... ,-~ ""',.,r,..... ~ ........ 11"'.... .........."'" -.(l ,uo._1 '.' A,r.., ..... '.r "', ".._,.._~ ., '.1-~~'" ..."'......."".. .... '-,.- .r.... ""r.., .....'" '.....,T......"-.... ..'....,....."...-,oIl..~...."...1--.._.Rt..... , SINGLE SIDED DIMENSIONAL H!GH DENSITY URETHf\NE BOI;RD . -2" BOARD THICKNESS ! -BACKROUND ROUTED DOWN 1/2" '. I LEAVING LETTERS. LOGO AND 1 PERIMTER BORDER STANDING -BACKGROUND PAINTED LT. CREAM -LETTERS PAINTED RED PANTONE #1797 -PERIMETER BORDER PAINTED GREEN PANTONE #3435 -BOARDS ATTACHED TO CUSTOMER SUPPLIED STONE MONUMENT STRUCTURE _ __~._o_______ ----.-.- .------ --,~_." - - ---. --- _.- .... - CUSTOMEH SUPPLIED STONE 1.1ONUMENT STRUCTURE Client Approval: Sign Company', Inc. II INDIANAPOLIS, IN I 3150 Rand Rd., 46241 II __' ~~~~~620 ~-800,-_889-7311 !]