HomeMy WebLinkAboutNationwide Mutual/CPD (2) Nationwide MUlllllI CPD Donation ~. \\ I <\~ ~l ~S~ APPROVED, AS TO FORM BV:-Q--- Contract No. 7874 AGREEMENT 1. SCOPE This Agreement ("Agreement") constitutes the agreement by and between the City of Carmel Board of Public Works and Safety on behalf of the CarmelPolice Department, Three Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032 (hereinafter "Recipient"), and Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company, One Nationwide Plaza, Columbus, Ohio 43215-2220 (hereinafter "Nationwide"), made this -1Ji!.!day of .~ ,.1997. Subject to the terms and conditions contained herein, Nationwide agrees to donate to Recipient, for good and valuable consideration received, the used equipment (hereinafter "Equipment") listed on Exhibit A as attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference. 2. RISK OF LOSS Risk ofloss shall pass to Recipient immediately upon receipt of the Equipment. 3. INDEMNlFICATION Recipient shall indemnify, defend and hold Nationwide harmless from any and all claims, actions, suits, proceedings, costs, expenses, damages and liabilities, including attorney fees, arising out of, connected with or resulting from the use, ownership, control, or disposal of the Equipment by Recipient after title to the Equipment has passed to Recipient. 4. WARRANTIES EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE SPECIFlCALL Y PROVIDED HEREJN, NATIONWIDE MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF A.~ KlND,.EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT. TO THE CONDIDTION, DESIGN OR PERFORMANCE OF THE EQUlPJ:vlENT, AND EXCLUDES WITHOUT LOOT ATION ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTIBILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE SPECIFlCALL Y PROVIDED HEREJN. THE EQUlPMENT IS DONATED ON AN "AS IS"BASIS, AND NATIONWIDE SHALL, AFTER TITLE HAS PASSED TO RECIPIENT, HAVE NO LIABILITY TO RECIPIENT FOR ANY CLAIM BY RECIPIENT FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO RECIPIENT OF A.NY KIND OR NATURE WHATSOEVER ARlSJNG OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT, THE DEFICIENCY OR JNADEQUACY OF THE EQUIPMENT FOR ANY PURPOSE, ANY DEFICIENCY OR DEFECT IN THE EQUlPMENT, THE I Nationwide Mutunl CPD Donation USE OR PERFOR.M.ANCE OF1:HE EQUIPMENT,ORANY LaSS OF BUSlNESS:INCUF.REDBYRECIPlENT AS A REStrLTTHEREOF: INNO EVENT SHALL NATIONWIDE BE LIABLE FOR Al'lY DIRECT, INDIREct. INCIDENT ALSPECrAL 'CONSEQUEmlAL, OKOTHERDAMAGES TO ), ~. " . . '. > . . - RECj:pIENTARISIN'G OUT OF o.RIN: C0NNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT OR TI::IE.OWNERSHIP; CpNTROL OR. USE,OFTHE EQUIPMENT BY RECIPIENT AFTERTITLE TO. SAMEHASP AS SED TO. RECIPIHNT. 6. A-M'ENDMENTS AND NON-WAIVER . 1\10 provision dr-this' Ag;eement shall be deenled waivea,ari1ended~ ormodified' unless such waiver, amel1drnent, or modification shall beinwriting'l!l1dsigl1edby both ,parti~s. Any canse,nt by any pany to, or waiver of; a.breach by the other , whether express or implied, shall not constitute a consent to, waiver. of; or excuse for any other ditTerentor subsequent breach. 7. MlSCELLANEOUS a.This Agreement shall be interpreted and construed in :accordance 'With the laws of the State ofo.hio. Ifany provision IntbisAgreement should be held i,nvalia or unenforceable, the validity,.andellforceability of the remaining'provisions of this AgretO!l1ent:shalJ not be atl'ecte!i'thertOby. b. This. Agre.ement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding\\pon.the parties hereto, their representatives, successors and assigns, No right or interest of either party irI this. Agreement shall be assigned by the other party 'Without the prior wrjtttOn.consentofsuch other party, which'co,nsent shalLnot 1:110 unreasonably.withheld, and no delegation of any obligation of either party shall be.made withmMhe prior written consent of the other party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. --.- --- THE PARTIES ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT, UNDERSTAND IT AND AGREE TO. BE BOUNDByn'S'TERMS AND FURTHER AGREE:rnAT THIS AGREE1v1ENT AND INCORPORATED EXHIBITJS THE COMPLETE AND EXCLUSIVESTATElVIENTOF THE AGREEMENT.BETWEEN THE P ARiIES; WHICH SUPERSEDES f,LLPROPOSALS,ORAL OR WRlTTEN; AND ALL o.THER COM;M'Ul:nCATIONS BETWEEN THE PARTIES,RELATINGTO THE SUBJECT MATTER ,OF TIDS'AGREEMENT EACH PARTY; HAS FULL POWER AND AUTHORITY TO E1'-JTER il'l'TO AND PERFORM THIS AGREEMENT, AND THE PERSo.N SIGNING TInS AGREElvIEN'r ON BEHALF OF EACH HAS BEE;NPROPEltlXAOTHo.RIZED AND EMPo.WERED TO ENTER INTO TIDS AGREEMENT. 2 Nation\vidO Mutual CPD Donation ;Natiollwide Mutual Insurance Company By:~Rt4 Peter J. B an's~ EIPS. Bus~eSS;;~nager Date: '7 r ) " . City of CafIDelBoardof Public Works and Safety, on beha . of Carmel Police D'epartment By: M r James Brainard Date: If I', 1'1 j ~ Date: ~t//i6/tf? AZ;;~ DianaL. Cordray, C!eik-Tr. rer 3 EXHrBlTA LIST 0 fEQ U f?MENT: Q!y, Model Drscrivt~~~\ I l:U', Laserjet Seriesll Printer 7 Compaq C~lIltoura' Laptops Serial Number, 339938 7,250HCF31129 7416HDJ41274 73521'rrii42390 h50HCF~ \"l7} 7225HCF3146J. 74 t OHDJ422 19 -U!1khown* 'Serial cumber removed as.evidence,by the CarmeIPolic.e"DepaI1menL