HomeMy WebLinkAboutJones & Henry/Engr '. f;-_ " , '." ENGI.NEERING SER.VlCE AGREEMENT /~,L, I,A. Gu hlYO,OJ, [OOOS,;)-- THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this jjf!z day of , 1993-: ,by' 'and between the City, of Carniel, Indiana, through ,the 'of Public, Works & Safety" ,herein,after c:alled "OwNER," and Jones & nry Engin~;2rs" Inc., ,:,ithOff)ces at 'U?ONorth Colis~um B<;>ulevarc[" S,uite 214, Fort 'wayne,.. Indiana 46805, hereinafter called "ENqNEER",n WITNESSETH; WHEREAS, OWNER intends to utilize the '~ervic<:,s ,of the ENGINEER as' defin~d in'Letters of 'Agreement that w~ll be issued from time to ti'me 'as Amenctment's t6 thl's Agreement', (hereinafter called the ",'hojec't");' an.d WHEREAS" the OWNER and 'ENGINEER ,wish to establbha basi'S of performahc'e a'nd 2ompensation for' such servic~s ,performed by 'ENGINEER a's authorized ,by OWNER. NOW, THEREFORE, OWNER and ENGINEER" Tn consideratio'ri of' their :mutua,l covenants'ther.efn .,ag.ree as, fo-tldws: 'SECTION" 1 '- BASIC SERV'ICES' OE' ENGINEER 1.1. General. 1 .1.'1. ENGINEER shal'l prov,ide for OWNER professional engineering services in all phases o,f the Project to whicch this 'Agreement, ,\pplies ~s. h.erein~fte:t;' "!2rov,ideQ. Th~$eServ~ceS.~4i)) i~cluae se:pying as 'OWNER!,sptofessi'onal engine,ering rep,res<:>,ntative ,for ,th~ P)"oject, .pr6v~din.<g, pr6.fess'~onal.. engineering consultat~on ang: advice, . aha -fur'ni~hirig customary. ci"v-il,.. envir6nmenta~, structural, me'chanical-.. a!'td 'eiectr,tc.9-.J. sflgi{ke,ering .'servAces and' c.us:t:o~~ry a-rchi'tectur-al sei~ices iD~id~ntalther~tq; Study, and ReportPhas.e. 1,2. ENGINEER sha<l-l; 1 ,2.1 , 'Consult" with OWNER to clari fy and de fine OWNER's -requirements for .the E:roject. and review available q,a!-.". 1,2'.2. Identify and analyze,reqliirements dfgdveYmnental authoriti'es having' 'j.urisdict'ion to 'approve, the des'ign of the p'roje:ct and P?rticipate in cQns.ultat':i;ons wi-t~ ~uch ~1.,lthorittes. 1,,2'.3. 'Provide aha'lyses of OWNER"s needs, evaluat;ioiis and, ,compa'iativ'e: s,tudies of sq)cU_t!9I}S . p}~nning surveys, prospecb've' site's si-t~ arid' 1..2,..4. .Prov"ioe a gener'al ecori'omic,.an'alysi'.s 'Of, ,OWNER'.,s re'qu~irement:S appl~icable to v,ariaus alternatives,. 1-.2.'5., 'Aavise OI'lNER 'as' 'to the ne:ces"sity of OWNER's prmiiding or obta'ining from others data o,rs..iivice's of the, types described in Par-agraph 3.4:" and, ass:icst' OWNER 'in Obtaining ,such .data and.,serVices. 1. 2..'6. Prepare a'Report containing 'conceptual design cr'iteria with ~ppr-opr{ate oexh)btts. to :indicat-e ,c-l'early- the . c.onsi-der.:itlorfs invol::""ed' (including'applicabJ:e' requi>rements of governmenta'l author'it,ies having jUl:"i"sdi~c~.i6n -as afore;safdl, ?lndth~ -,?-~-t',erna.t~ve solutions available~ '2JJ~J;:..J~h Page'l 'of, 17 0,12793 '1,3, 1. 4, 2i:i4J.C_JR' " to OWNER and setti'ngforthENGINEER's findings and recornmendati"6ns, ThisR<=port will qe ,accompanied' 'by ',ENGINEER's opini,On of: proba15le c'!stsfor the Project including -the foll,Owtng: CQnst"uction 'Co",t, allowance for engineering costs a(ld contingencies and i'f' (furnished' by' OWNER) a1lowanc'es for'such other items a's' 'charges of 'all other' profe,ssiona1s and consultants, for the cost, of. land and rights~of- way; _for c'9mpensation far. or- qamages to properties.. for. interest _ and- frn'an"cing:- charges"and for at;.herser~ices' J,Q be provided by otI1e-r's for OWNER pursuant' to Fara,graphs, 3,,7 througli .3, n ,'friCli:iSive, 'The to,ta1 of all such, costs, allowances', etc :', is hereinafter, called I~T-ot'al proJec"t 'Costs!! ;--- - ., i ,2., 7" Furnish five 'copie's Of the Report and present and niview ,it with OwNEIL 'Preliminary ,Design, Phase, A~ter written authoriz.ation 'to proc<=ed ,with the Design Phase, ENGI,NEER shall: 1.3,1, In cOhsu'ltaU:orl with OWNER' and On the basis of the accepted Study"nd Repo,rt documents, determine the 'general scope, ext'ent and charac,!:er of' th,! pro'j,ect. 1,3.,2. P,repare ,Prel:l'rniriary Design documerl,ts' consi'sting of fin'al ~e~ign criteri?, f:!r.~~~;rn,iI}ary_ d;r,awi:ngs'l 'outline sp.ec,i,fi~ations; 'a,n'd wri't,ten descri<pt.1'a~s ,of \t'he Proj,ect. 1..3.3,. Advise OWNER :if additiona'! data or services of th'e ,types described in paragraph ,3..4, are, nec,essary and assist OWNER' in obta:.Lnir1C;:f ,such d~fa~' aDd ,servi ce.S'. 1.3,.4.. Based On th'e ,information cont'ained ;,h,the, prelimInary design 'doc;urnen:t'.s', s\.l.l:)mit a .rev:l'sed opinion ~.Qf probable:' T.otal P'r9ject Costs,. 1-..3,'5. F-urnish 'fi've copies of'the above Preliniinary'Design docUments, and present arid review th'ertf 'in person 'with OWNER. ' Fin,al Design Phase, 1.4.1" On,the pasis of, theaccepte'd Pr:elimihary ,pesi'gn Documents, and th<= revised op~nion, oJ probabl,eToJaI ,Project Costs, preJ2a,re ,for incorporation In the Contract Documents final drawings to show ,the gen'h,fl scope, 'e-xt'ent, :and character, of'the 'wO'rk 'to be furnish'ed an'd performedoy' Contractor,(sl (hereinafter c,a1led nDrawings~') arid Spe~.if.i,c_at'_~9ns ., 1.,4.2, 'hovidetechnical criteria,wFitt'endescriptions, andd"sign data for OWNER"s :usein filing applications ',for permits with 'o,r: Qbtaining approvals of' suc,h 'governm<=ntal,authorities' a"c ha,ye jurisdiction 'to approve the design .of the Pr,o j'ect, and, assist OWNER' iii' consult-atfons w~i;t,B approprlate, autj1orl.t'ies. . -- ., - - 1.4.,3. Advise OWNER, of any adjustmel)ts to the, 'latest, op~n'ion of prOJ;>1ible Tot"lPr.oject 'Costs caused bych,anges in genera,I scope, extent I, or character or design' te-gyire'me:nts of t:he Pro-je.ct or G_ons.truction' Cgsts", c_ Furnisl'j. to' ,OWNER' -a revi's-,eq. Qpihi,on -tiE probable T~o.~al Pr9 ject Cost;;:; "9aseo., on t!1.E, ,rir:.~_w:tJlg~' ,Bfld. Spe,~1_f'ications ~ 1...4,.4, prepare for r'eviE,,;" and 'app.roval by' OWNER, its legal counsel and oth,er 'advisors cont'ract agreement forms, gene,ra'l conditions arid SupPlel11e,ntary conditions;' and (where appropria1:ceJ bid forms, Page 2 of '1'7 '012793 1. 5. 1,6. .i:b,,:ic:i!t " " invitations to bid' and 'inst-ructions to bidders, and assist in the :preparation Of ot'her r'el:ated documents. 1. 4.5. 'Furnisli 'five copies of' the above, documents a,od of the Ora"'ings and Specifications and present and' review them wit:h 'OWNER. Bidding or Negotiaiing Pha~e. Afte,r wd'tterLau'thorization to proceed with the, Construction ,Phase, ENGINEER shaLt,: 1.5,1,. Assist OWNER in ,a'dvert,ising -for and 6btaini'ng bids Or negotiating prop,osals for each separate, prime contract for cori'.struc-' t'ion,_ _ mate~ials.. _ _ equipment _ and services"; _ ancL ,where applicabi'e" maintain_ a record. of'Pi::osp;8~t'-~ve_ bidders to whom -Sideling Dcfcuments have. been. issued, atterid pre-bid corife~ence€ and rece{~e'and process deposits for ,Bidding Documents. 1.5.'2. Issue, Addenda as appropriate to ,interpret; clarify or expa,nd' the ~idding'Documents. l,S.a, Consult 'wit'h ,and advise OWNER as to the.ac'ceptability of ,~l;1bco~.t-~.?~'!:qrs, _ SUl?Pli~:s ?nq. "p.t'0~r _ -persp~s' ,a!ld <?fg?I)'i~aeion^s :proposed by the prime contractor (s) (herein called. "Contractor(s) ".) for those portions, 6f the work 'as to which such acceptability' is required by t,he Bidding Documents. 1.5.4. Consult .with OWNER ,concerning and determ'irie the accept,abHity of substitute ,materials and ,equ'ipment proposed by Cont;J;actor (s I when s,ubstit,ution prior to the award e>f con.tracts: i's allowed'by th,e Bidd,i:ng, DocuI!ients:. 1.5.:5. Atten'd 'the ,bid opentng, prepare bid ,tabuTation sheets and assist .oWNER. in evaluat,ing bids o'r proposals. and 'in 'assembling and aw?rd~ng c.ontracts for co~struct)oflf m,ateria'l.s" ~qtJ)..pmen"t. and service's. construction Phase. 1.6.'1. Consult with and advise OWNER and act as 'his representati've as provided in ,the General ,Conditio'ns of the. Construction Contract,. Tl}e _ extept ~n~d +im~~at.i:ons ',o'f. 'tQ_e. dut.ies ~ responsibilities and aui:h<<rityof 'ENGINEER as asstgned in s'a'i,d General Condi:tionsshail .n"ot 'bemooiTiec:i', except to ;the exteri"t provided 'herein, and except.a"s ,ENGINEER may ottif"rwise, agree yn writing. ,All of' .oWNER! sihstruct'ions. to Contractor (s) 'will 'be, issued through ENGINEER whO will have authority to ad on behalf' of: OWNER to'the extent provided in said Gene'raol"} Condi't'ions -except as otherwise' provided' {nw-r.t'-t~'n'g,-; 1.,6.'2.. Make" visits to the, site' at, interva'ls appI:'opriate to the' yaripus stages of construction as, ENGINEEf, d~ems l1e,ces,sary if! or>ier to observe ,as', 'an experiencedandqua'lifi'ed, design 'professional,'the progress that 'has been made an'd' the' quality of the "ailous - aspe'cts' of Contractor's e;x:ecuted 'work" ,Bas'eq Ol1:~ iliformatTon- op'tained.du'r.:i;ng such visits and observations, ENGINEER shall ende"vor .for-the benefi't- of O~iNER: to ;.cteterrni-n'e;, in gene.~;;j:-l/ - "'i"i" the work. -is .praceeciL;g in accordance, 'with the ContI:'ai::t Documents: ENGINEER wi'll 'fl'ot be ~~~_ired ,'to ma~e exp~_u~ti,,:e_ ,or c9ni;inu9u~' ():Q....;.s-Lt,e. inspeC'tioI!s_1;:O check the qualit."Y or quantity of Contractor' s work, ENGINEER's efforts will be directed"t6wardp-roviding far OWNER a 'greater degree of confi,dence that, t,he completed work will conform generally to the; Contract_ Documents. On the :basi"s of suc.h vJstts an('j on-s{te, observations" ENGINEER wi'll keep tne OWNER iriforined. of hie .progr"ess Page .;3 ,of 1'7 012793 2j)Q3C'JR' of the pork and will end~~v~r to guard O~ER against def~ctI~e ~Qrk. . Duri'rig' 'or as a result of ENGINE~R' s oil-site vis~ts or obs~rva:t'ion;s O'f COhtractoF's work ENGI'NEER will.:no~_ sUI:iervise!. direct I 6'ont-rol- of have ,authority over or be respoIl::rible for Contractor's rn'eans, methods; :tE~chniqu'es, sequences or procedures of construction, or the sa'fety precautions' and programs' incident.th,neto; orfo[- ,anyfi.dlure of CONTRACTOR to comply "tith Laws and Regulations applicable fo the furnishing or ,performimce. of the, work. ENGINEER wfll not be, responsible for Contractor,(s) failure tp perform or furnish the wO.rk in accordance~ith. the Cont'ractbocwnerits"~ 1. ~. 3. Re,view S~RP Drawings and Samples, but orhy to deserinineif the items covereo by the submittal's 'wil'l; after installation 'Or incoPrporati-on,. --in the work" -con~foim 'to :the" information "given in- the Contract Documents .and be compatible, with the deOsighconcept of the cqmpleted Project a~ La fun"t1pning who],e'as 'indicated by the Contract Documents. ENGINEER',s review' and approval wrll not ext.end to means, -.. :, ,_ .-' _-' _.' "'_ '" - .-,J.' ., _.'..' -, .... . .' methods'l tecllrii-ques.. sequences Or' procedures of ccinstruct-~ioh (except wher-e a,' 'pa-rtlcular mean's.. method, technique', _seqUence ,or "procedure of cOf)struction is specific~liy "nel exp"essly ca'n",d ,for by the Contra'ct Documents) or' to safety precautions or programs incident, th'er'eto. " '. ~', , ' , , , 1.6',4.. issue with reasonable,promptness.such"written ,clar.ifications or' -interpr~ta'h.io:~s qf t.he.reqUireIt1er;t-sof. t'he _~pntract Docurner.ts \,in the form of 'Drawrn1j-s, or oth'e"i'wisel: 'as ENGINEER ,may determine necessary, which shall be consistent 'with t,he intent of and reason-' ably, inferable from Contract Documents, ENGINEER,may authorize minor v'ari.itib~s 'i~n the wcn;k f~QIIl_ the ~ requ.~,rernentos Oft ;:t'P~ Con.t_!"act" Documents' which 'do not' :involve an adjust'merit.in' 't'he, Contra'ct Price Or the Contra~t -Times and are-_ compatible w-it:h the design corl'cept" of the completed' Pro~ect as a functioning whole as indicated by the . '_ '". ' - ,'.... '.' . - "_ " . .c. . Contract Documents . These may be accompliShed by afield Order. 1. 6.5 . Have authori ~yto di'sapP':.9:V,e or "e;j"ct work which ENGIN]::ER believes to be defectl've, or.th.at ENGINEER .believes will not 'produce a c"ompleti,dPr<:iject 'that cOl;forms toche cori"t~aci: D'ocuments' or that will prejudice the 'integrity of the design concept qf the comElet,ed 'Project as.a~func:tioning' whole 'as indl-cated by the Contract Doct)-' ments. 'ENGINEER will also have, authority to require special j,nspect~on Or testing oft,he, "work" whether, or !lot the' work ,is, fabr ic"ated" ,{nsta"lled' Or completed . l, 6,. 6. Act as .bnlt"ia'1 int,erpreter of the tequirements of the Contract Documents ,and judge 'if' the aC,ceptabiHty o( ,the ,work thereunder. and ma'ke ,deci'Sion~s. ',on a'11 claims ,of OWNER and; Contra-c- tori 51 r,elating to "the acceptability ,of the work or: ,the 'lnterpreta- ti'on oft'he' requi-rement-s ,of't-he Contract Document,s pe:r,tain{ng to the execution and progress of the work . 'ENGINEER shall not be liable ,for the' results o.f any" such interpietiat-ions "o"r 'deci's'ions :refidere_ct in~ qp_od' faith.. 1..6.7. Ba's"ed of!- ENGINEER1"s on~~'i't~. of?seryations as an €,xp'erien~c,ed, and' qualified' design professional, on information provi'ded by the' Resident Project' ,Representative and on review of: 'appl'ications 'for ,payment and t'he accompanying, dat" and schedules, ENGTNEER shall de'termine' the amou~'ts, 'owing to _Co"QtI.:_act:6rds) 8,rlct ~ecornr:aend Jin ,wr;ittl1.9.' payments tq Contractc:lr (s.) .in. ,such amounts' ~ Such r'ecommenaat'-{ons of' ,paYl1'€pt ,w~ll',cqnstOitute ~'. repr~senta.tign to OWNER: ba'sed on .such observations and r.eview, t:h~t the work:. has progressed to. the poi'nt indicated, and'that,,. to the best of ENi:;INEER"s know~edge, information and belief, the quality of such work is 'generally in accordance with the Contragt D09urnen"ts' {I$ubj~ct< 'tQ'C!.n eva'llia'tion 9f such work as it; Page 4 of 17 0121.93 .1,7. funct'ionlng' whole prior to or" upon Substant'ial Completion, to the results of' any subsequent tests called for in the Contract :Documents and't'o any other qualiffcations stated in the, I:'ecofmnendadon)-. In the case of unit ,price "'ork', ENGINEER' s. recommendat'iohs of' payment' ~111 'include. final determinations of quan'tities and classificat'ions of such work (subj,ectto any subsequent adjustments allowed' by the' Contract Document's), By recommending 'a'ny 'payment' ENGINEER ~in not thereby'be deemed to have represented that exhaustive, continuous or <;l.etailed reviews or examinations have. beenm'!d"e by ,ENGINEER to 'check tlfe quality <;>r quantity of' CoryJ:rac~or(sl" work as it, is ,furnished and performed . beyond the rE'sponsibilities specl'fically assignei:l' 'to. :ENGINEER in this Agreement. and 'the Contract DocUment's" ENGINEER's revi'ew of Contracior,(sl' work. ,~or the'purposes of recommending payments. will not impose on ENGINEER responsibility to supervise, di-rect- :'or control such' wor}C 65= . for" t:he- me~ns, methods i techniques, sequences', oz;:, prdce"quies'of construe'tianor, safet~ preCcautions or ,progr,ams 'i~ciqent. th~r~t;9 or' ,Cont,ractor ('s) compli:an'ce ~wlt'h l,~ws, rules,_ .regulations, ,o.rdinances;, codes or orde:r;s' applicable tg :tneir furri.lshing:_ilOd: perforniing tlie work. 'It will 'also not impbiie responsibility on ENGINEER to make ,any examinat:i:'on to', asce'rtain ,how orf9rwhat . purpO,ses any Contract",.r. h"s u_sed the moneys paid on account of-tlie_ Contrllct Price"; or, to' determine ,that tit'l~ to any of the work, ma'ter.iii-ls or' equipment has passed ,to OWNER free and clear o"f any "lien, cl:aims, security In:t'erests or .en'~uriJb~"arices, 9r th'ab therem,!y not be other. mi"tters at isslle betweer {)WNER .and, CONTRACTOR 'th,at might affect th.e.amount that. should be paid., 1.,6.,8. Conduct an inspect'ion to det'ermine, ff, the Project is substantiai'lycomplete: 'and .,~ firya'l inspection to,. determine. if the work is acceptable so that ENGINEER m:ay reconunend, inwr~ting; .final payment to'each ,Contractor arid may give wr'1tten notie'e to OWNER 'and the Contracj:or (s) .that the work 'is acceptable (subject 'to any conditions ,ther:~in ,expressed)} but any s~ch r!=conuneJ:')dat-i6n,andnot'ice shall -be subject to'the,limitations e~pressed: in 'puag'raph). 6..7. i. 6.9, ENGINEER sha'llnot 'be responsible for the acts or omissions of "o'WNER, any Contractor; . or .o.fany subcontractor, 'or supplier, or '". '~,' , ", . ", ,- , - ,'.' '~- ' j," - -. , . - ". '- - ~ ..: . ,- :', -' any of die Contra'ctot(s)' or subconfractors', or supplier, agents Or employ~esor any other persons (except ENGINEER's own employees and agents) at the site or' c,therwise ,furnishing or performing 'any of the Contract.or (5)' wo':k; however, nothing contained in p,aragraphs i, 6,1, through .i .6',9" inclusive, shan 'be construed to release ENG'INEER from .liabiTi.ty for faEure to 'properly' pedo'rm dut'ies 'assumed by ,ENGINEER in ,the Contract Documents. ' N/A. 2.1. SECTION. ,2' - ADDITI9NALSERVICE'S OF EN~~NEER General,. 23J4JCJ:R.' If authorhed lnwritfng by OWNER, 'ENGtNEER shall. furnish or obtain trom 'others Additional Services of the :types iisted' in Paragraphs 2,1,_,1, through 2..1.22'., inclusive.. These. s'e'rvrces are :not -included as ,pa-r't of Basi-e 'Services' ex(:ept, to ,the.ext,ent~'proyidea.otherwi'se' ,in Section 1: these will 'be;< :pa'id f.or by OWlo!ER, as indicated in Section 5. :1. '1. I, Prepa!;a:tioq of applications and supporting documents addition to those furpish,!'d l,lnder Basic. Seryices) for private -g'overnmental =g'-rants, loans; _ or advances in co.nnection w~t.h Pro~ect'..- pr.eparat'ion or review o'f envi:ronmental assessments (in. or. the ah\:i, Page .5 ,of ,1'7 012793 :i:J30CJF impact" st'atement-s; review a.J!5~ ev~_l~atiop of thf=. effectoIJ th~'desiogn re'q,Jirements of, the Project of ,any such statements ah'd documents prepared by others: arid assis'tanc,e in obtaining ,appr,ovals Of authorities 'having j~risdiction Over ~he anticipated environmental impact of the PrOJect'.' " , , ' 2.1..2. Services to make measured drawings of or to i~vestigat~ existing conditions or. fac11'i:t'ies'~ ,Or '"to veri'fy the accu~'a.GY gf drawings or 6th'er tnformatibn furnished by' OWNER. 2.,1 ~3. Servj..ces r~sulting from sig!,ific!,-nt ch"nges in, the general ~cope, ext,enti o!;char,acter of the p'roj",ct oi,:ltE! de.~ign ~n(;luding, but hot l'imited to, changes in. size, complexity, OWNER's .schedule; character of canstr1..1ct.:i;6n or method of financing:;, ,and I:'ev-i'sfng previouslyaccepted'studies, reports, des'ign documents Or C.ontract Docum~rits when such- revicsions are reguiredl:>y cha'-ng.es f'i; laws; -~u-lesf regu-latians, ordinances, codes Or or'dersenact-ect"'su,bsequent" to 'tile pre"parat'ion of such Btud~~~.s,... peports or" documents, or a',re :due,to ~'3ny. other causes beyond El)1GINEER~ S co"trol. ' 2.1. 4. pravi'din-g renderings 'or models far OWNER/os use,. 2: 1.5.. Preparing, documents for alternate bids..requested'lSy OWNER ,for Corit'raCtor'(s.),' workwhi:ch is: not executed Or documents for out-of"- sequence work. 2,1. 9," Investigations and studi"s tnyolvi.ng, but not limited to , detailed consideration of operations', maintenance and overhead e"'pens'es:pi'oviding Va'lue 'Engineering .'dur1rig' the, course of' aes"ign: the. prepaiatio~ of (e:3-.sil:;>ility studies', cash flow andecoQo-Itlic evaluations... rate -schedu-les and appraisals: assistance inobtai'ning financing for, the- proj'ectp e-va-luat-ing. proce-sses .availabl1e"fbr licensing and assisting O~R 1n ob~ainirig' p~ocess licensing: de.t?iJed ,q\.!_a~ti.ty~ su};-vey?, ,qJ- Il}at~Fial,. eql,ri'pmel1t ~nd 1~9~; '-~nd audits or inventories r~qui:red in c,o~_nection ~,,(i'th cons(tu'cti'on performed by OWNER. 2.1..7.+ Furnishing' the 'se;t:'v~c~s" of i.ndep.~I"!den,t rPFO,fessiona), associa'tes and. ,consultants for 6ther than Basic' Services (which incluae'-, but a:re not' 'lTmite'd to,. custdritary civfl, ,st-ructUral, mechanical.. .an9- electr"i.cal engineering, _ and custOmary. ar~chit'-ectur.al design inciciental thereto): ,and providing d.a,ta or services oft!,>e types describedi'n Paragra.ph 3, L .when OWNER employs ENGINEER to prov'ide sU'ch. data .or services 'in l"leu, of ,"furnishing th-e same in accordance. .wi th Paragraph 3.,4. 2'.1:8. Services result~ng from the award of mOre separate P.Fime. contracts for construction, rnateria'lsl equipment.-br'services for the ,project_ than are' 'Gont~mplated 'in Sect'lon-. '-1" and services result'ing from ,the a.rranging fO.t performance by persons ot.her than the ,pri'ncip'!'J prime ~ontra{;toI's Of 'services for the .OWNER and"sJro~nis:ter~ ing qWNER's contract-sf6-r such services. 2.L 9.. Services duringout-of-town trav.el required of ENGINEER other than visits to the sit'e 'c>r OwNER's office'as requireaby Section 1 , 2'.1.:1'0'. Assist'ance in connection !'lith bid protests, r,enegotiat'ing contracts for co n,s q:u cti on , ma1;:erials, services '; reliidding or, equipmert O.r Z'. l: 1'1. Provi'ding, any, type of property ,surveys ,or related.engineer.ing servi:ces needed for t,he transfer oil inte_rests in !:,ea_1 'property. and .fiel-ct surveys ',t:O'r -'de~sign I?urpa'sesa'nd -eng,ineeririg ~uJ;yeyt/ and s'taki;ljg pa:ge 6 of 17 01.2793 2.3J43CJ~' " to enable Cant'ractor (s) to proceed with the:'-t, 'work; and providing other special field survey . 2.1.1'2. Preparation of operat'ing and maintenance manuals; assis:tance in the utilizat{on of any equipment 0'; syste'm (such as in'itial start- up,. tes:tAng, adjusting, and b'alancing); and training per'sorinel for qperatio~ ani:; rr1air1tenanc~'. 2.,1'.13. Preparing to serve, Or serving as a consultant' or witne'ss for OWNER. in arw :Utiga~ion, .arbAtratiofi, or o,ther legal Or adrnin'istra- tive procee'dinginvolving the Project Jexcept for assistance in consultations which is included' as part of Ba,H'c, ?ervices under Paragraphs 1.2.3,. and 1. 4. 2.) . 2.1.14. Additionaf. ,seri,iic~s in connection '\"iththe,pr,9ject, includi,ng services whiCh ilre to ,be furnished by OWNER in accordance, with Section -3, and ser,vices:not otherwise,:provided 'for: in this Agreement., 2.1.:15. Services ,in cionnec~ion, with I....mr~ d'irecti-ve' changes and' change oraers to teflect,changes'teqUest:edbji OWNER if' tnei:e,suiting ch~nge i.n _~Qmpef1sGltion, for BasIc Services is not corrun'ensurate 'with 'the additional services r~ndered. :L,1.-1-6,. Services in making revision'S to' D'rawingsl and Sp'ecifiqat'ions< occasi.oned by the acceptance of substltuti'ons proposed by,Confrac- tor,(,s); and services after ,the award of each contract 10, evaluating and deterin1.ningthe acceptabi1iI<j of 'ail ,uh're"asori:ableor ~xces'sive number of substitutions proposed 'by Contractor. 2,'1,17. Services'resul,ting,J;'rom,.s'i90iflca,nt delays, chang~s, or price' .lDCre'ases. occ.uir];-rig as a- di,teet ,or. 'indirect .ie-su-it o'f materi9-'l, eq1i"ipmentdr 'energy sliortages. ' 2.,1.18. Addit'ionai. or extended servi'ces during, construction made ,neces~;-iu'Y by (11 'i,io'rk damaged' by fire or other cause during construc- tion-, (2) a sign'i-'ficaht amount" ,of defect'ive .or neglected work o{ any Contractor" .(3i acceleration of the. 'progress schedule involving s"p-:ices bey,ond normal working, hours, and (4) default by any Contra"ctor- . 2.1..1~L S?~vices irt C9nr:~qt,~.onwi:t'r1 ~n~( p~r:tia) ,utA_:liza,tionof 'any part" of th" Project: 'by OWNER prior to .S1;lbs;:anti:a1 ,Co'!'p1e.tion. 2,,1.'20. Evaluating ,an unreas'onable Or extensive number of, c'l"aims s.ubmfttedby Contractor(sl or 'o,thers in connect.ion with the work,. 2.1.21. Servi'ces after c6mpl-etioI"\ of the Constructi'o,n Ph~.S"'i s9ch as' inspections dur:i:ng .any guarantee period and repdrt'-ing ob.s.erv~d discrepancies under guarantees c'ailed fat in any contract for the Project. 2.1.22. Copies o'f theC6ritract Docurilentsneedea 'for the Biddihg and l'fegotta1;tngp:hase '~nd Cons't-'ruct"ion Phase, 2..l. 23. Preparing foi: O~INER, on,request, a set. of rep!'od"cible "record' ,prints, of' p~awfngs showing- th'ose change's' made~ during tne coristr-lfct:.ion, process, based on the'rnarked~up prints, drawings and o,ther' data furniShed by Contractar(,s)' to ENGINEER a,nd which ENGINEER considers s~gnifrcant. . Page 70f 17 012793 2.2. Resident S~rvi~~s,During Construct~on, 2 . 2. L. I'f' request ed by OWNER Or recommended bY, ENGINEER and agreed 'to 'in writing by the other, aResidentProjec't Representative "n'd necessary ass i!"t a"t ire"lident proj",ct, .repr~sentativ'7, (s) will be furnished and wi'll' act as direc'ted by ENGINEER in order to assist ENGINEER, in 'oh:serving perform'ance o'f the' worko'fCo,ntractor (s) . .. Su'ch services will be paid for by OWNER as 'indicated in Paragraph .5.1.2.'3. 2.2.2. The 'duties and responsibilities arid the limitat'ions, on the authority of the Resident Project:, Repres~ntative and assistants are set forth in 'Exhibit A "Duties, Responsibilities, and Limitation of Autllority ,0'fResi'dent Project' Representative;'" attached to and made a. part 'of thi's Aqreement.' ' '" " 2.2.,3. Through more ',extensive on-sH,e observations, of the work ,in progress ,and'fi~ld checks, 'of materials and. ecruipme.:'!, by tpe Resid"rlt 'Proj'ect ,Representative (if' furnished) and assistants"ENGlNEERshall endeavor to provide further protection for OWNER ag'ainst defects and deficiencies in the ,",ork of 'COntract.or (s).: but the furl)ishingof s!,ch resident Project repr~s",ntation will not ,make ENGINEER resp;onsible for construc~ion meanSI methods, techniques I sequences or procedures or 'for -~afety preca.ut-,io,ns or pregrams-.. cfr' fo'r Contractor (8) .. -fa,'itlire ,to perform their work 'in .accordance 'lith the Contract' Documents. SECTION 3 ~ OWNER'S RESFONSIEILITIES 3.1. 3.2, 3.3.. 3.4. ~33qC.m OWNER shall': Desl.gna'te in writing a person to, act as OWNER's representative, with' respect t,o ,the Services to, be, r'OQdered uQcler this ~greem;=nt. Such .pefrs"'on s'hall h,ive compl"ete a'uthor'ity to tran.smit instruct~ons/ . rec'e1-v,e ."'in-format i011:':, inter-piet and de"fl"ne OWNERf ~f pol~'c-ies and' .decisions' w'ithrespect to ENGI'NEER's services for the Project... 'Provide. all cri'teria and .fullinformation as to OWNER"s .requirements foithe ,p.ra}ec't',iri-c'lud'{ng :desi'gn oq.j"ectives- :~n1 c6'ris-tra:iX1'ts{~p.a'ce" capa city a nd p:erfor~ance'.requi remeht'~: fJ:exibi~lityand.,e~pan3labi l'i t-y.. ,and any budg!2'tary :limitations:.. and ,fl),rnish copies of all design and cons'truction standards whicn OWNER will require to be included' in the Dr'awiriqs and :Spec::(fications. ., " , Assist ENGIN:E;ER 'by' plaCing at, ENGINEER"s disposal aU availabi'e inforrna"tion pertinent, to the Project intl\,1ding p:pevi9us -:rteI=?o;r~s _o?-ncf any other data 'relative 'to design or construction 'qf the Project, Furnish to ENGINEER, asrequi'red for performance of ENGINEER's Basic Se~v{.ces (except. to the extent provided o~1!:e~r~~se :he.re-il1f,. t,ile following: 3.4.1. Datap,rep"red' ):;>yor services .of others, including without limitatfon borings, 'probings and subsurface exp'rorationSi hydrograph- ic surveys,. lab-o"ratory. t.~st's ~a.rfd f'nspect-{oti~ 'o'f s~p'iesl ma;i;-erials and 'equipment. ' 3.4'.2. 3A.]. Appropifilte profe",sional int.erpr"tations of the foregoing. Envir_onmepta:l assessment, and impact, sta'tem'ents. 3.4.-4. Proper~Yi boundary J eas,e'ment.{ right~of:-wa.y, topog,r:aphi'c; :3:nQ. utility surv'eys. rage,S of 17 0.12793 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. 3.8, 3.9. 3.10. 3,11. 3,,12. ~,1:3 , ,:?334~C:_.JH. 3.4.5. Proper.ty descr~ptions. Z'oning"dee-d, ?,nd o~her ,.lancL-use ;restri,cti.ops ~ 3';A.6. 3..4.7. 2. Other special. data or consultations not covered, i'n Section Al'l ,of which ENGINEER 'may use' and rely ,upon in 'performing' his services under "this Agreement,. Provide. engineering surveys to establ'ish reference!points (except to the exte'rit provided' "otheiwbehe'reih) to enable, Contractor'( s ita, proceed, with' the layout of the wOrk. . Arrange for access' to and. make. all provisions for ENGINEER to enter Lipon pub:Lic antlprivate 'property as reqUired fo'r ENGINEER ~to perform h;1.:s services \underthis Agreemeht. ;ExamIne all.. s"tudi'€sj repor'ts, sk-et'ches', 'Drawings" S:peci'fi~c.at:ions, proposals, and other docum'ents piesen't.ed by, ..ENGINEER; obtairi advice 'o,f a,n a,tt:6rney, "insy:ranc~ cp.unselor'I' a~d other .consu1.tants a-s: 'Q,WNER Deems appropriate. for ",uch examination; and render in writing declSlo'ns pertain'ing thereto ,w~'tllih a 'reasonable' time so as not to. de1ay the services Of 'ENGINEER. '0 , furnish app,o'lal;; and permits~ from all governmental authorities 'navirig jurisdiction aver .the Project and such :approvals andcgnsents frornothers as may be nece's'sary for completion ,,'fihe Project, Proyide, such account'inq; independeDt _ cost_estimat-ing and insur~n_ce. couns"e'lirig g'er-v'ices as, may be- requrred for- the. P"ro.ject:; such -,l~ga) serv;~cesas OWNER,may requi.re or ENGINEER;may reasonablY reque'st. with regard to legal. isslCles ,perta~ning tethe Project; including. any tha.t may' be raised by ContraCtor (s) ,such auditing se,rvice' as OWNER may require' to as'certain '0'0';' Or, .for what purpo'se.any 'Cont'ractor hasi used "the ':moneys paid to h-im linder" the 'c'Bnstru'ction contra'ct, and stich inspeqtlon s<e,rvices a$ OWJJER m.ayr~qgipeto ,ascertain tpat Cont'ra,c- tor,(s) are. c'omplyingwith any lawi ,rule, regulation, ordinance, code, Or o'rder appHcable to thei'r furnishing and performing the 'work.. If OwNER designates a: person. to represent OWNER at the site' who is ,not. ENGINEER OF ENGINEE;R! s. agent or: employee', .the. duties, responsi- ,bilities a'nd 'li~Rations, of inithod~y of such other person af,ld .the effe'ct' thereof on the duties ana respons"ibilit'ies of ENGINEER and the Resident Pr.oject: Representative (and any assistants) will be set forth in an exhibit t.hat is to be identified, attached to, and.made a part' of thTs Agreement before such services 'b"gi", If 'more. than one prime ,contract i.s to 'be awarded for c,6nst~ruct'ion.. mate'rials;equipment,and s.ervices ,for the ,entire'Projecti designate' a person or. 6rganizationto :l1av", ,authority and responsibility for .c'o'ordi'n-ating the activTties. among the various: prime eontiadtors'. . Furnish tOENGINEE~ data or estimated figures as to. ,OWNER's antid- p'ated' costs :for 'services' t'o be provided by o.th",'rsfor OWNER (such as services pursLiant to Paragraph's 3 .7. tliroUgh.3 ,,11,; incl'us'i've': and ather Co.sts of the types' .referred to in Paragraph L 2.6. )so tnat ENGINEER may ma,ke. the, necessary findings to support opin'ions of 'probable Total project Costs. At't~endthe pre;-:~~d qon'f.,erenC~_1" bid 9pen-tng". pre~?J.1s,t'ruct~o_n confer- ences, con'struc:tion progress and other jab related meetings" and s,ubstahtialcompletiO'n rnsp'e.ct'ions -and: Jiria'l payme:nt i'"nspect-ions;. Page 9 of '17 012793 3.14. Givep!omp,t w'ritten notice toENGI:NEER whemeve'r- OWNER 'observes Or othe>;wise beco!"e,s aware oj[ any development that a,ffects the. scope or timirig 'of E.lj"GINEER's. s.ervices., or :,any defect in the wori< of Co'!.trac~ tor (,s) . Furnish, or direct ENGINEER to provide, necessary Additional Services as ;:'tiptilated in Section. '2 of' thi's ,p,greement or other services as required. 3.16. ,Bear ali costs incident .to compliance with, the requirem.mts, of thi's Se",tion 3. 3.15. 4.1. SECTION 4 - PERioD OF SERVICE 4,2, 4.3. 4,4. 4.5. 4.6,. 13J4J~J!l: The provisions of this Section 4 arid'the various rates of compensa- tion far ENGINEER's servi:ces provjLiied for el'sewli,de'in this Agreement have been agreed _to,.+n ,~anticipaCion of~ the, ,orde_rly and. cCntinupus' progress ofthePiojec,2 t'Krough completioll' o'f the Construct2on Ph~se" .ENGINEER' s, obli'gatioh to r,endersei,vices' ;hereunderwill extend for a, period which, may reasonably be, required for the design, 'award .of contracts, and construction of the Project including extra ,work and reqUire'd- ext"ens.ions the"reto. if speci"fic per i9ds" - o'f" time fc.r;- rendering 'services' are ,set. forth or specifiC da'-tes bywh~ich se-r"vices-' are ,to, be completed 'are provided ,elsewhere in'th'isA,greement, and iCf such dates 'a're exceeded 'through no ,fault of 'ENGINEER, ,all rates, measutes,.and' amounts - of' compen$at<"ioo',provid"ed he:p;ein -.shari be sUbJ'ect to e~it,able -adjustment. ' , " ,'" - , The services' called for in the 'Study and Report Phase will be, complete'ci a'ndthe Report s'ubmitted within a stip'u,lat~d period agre,,,d to. ,After acceptance by OWNER, of: the 'Study and' Report ,Phase, documents indtcatTng 'any :speci~f-d:c rr(ocfi'fications" or - changes in 'the g-eneral scope, extent or character of the Project desire'd by OWNER, 'arid upon written authorization from ,OWNER, ENGINEER shan proceed with the perforl1\ance of th,e' services~?-i,led tor in the Pfelil[lil1ary Design Phase;. and sha,'H deliver preliinin'ary design document,s' and ,a revised opinion, of probable' Tot'al 'Project Cos-ts, Afte.racceptance, by OWNER 9fthe prel:l.mina,ry Design ~hase documenb and 'r'evi'sed op'in'ian of probable Tot'al Pro ject COS1:S, indicating any specific modiffcat-ians' or, chang'es Tn the genera'l ,scopel exteirt or character of the Project, desired by OWNER, ENGINEER shall proceed w~,tl1t~e jpe~fo';-II]arC~ ,?f -th~ se:r,y~ce's calle.d _fo,r iT! the ,FiD,Ci.1' D~sign' ',Phase:; and shall ,deli-ver Contract DO'ctiments ,ano a revised opin'ion 'of probable Total Project Costs for arI work' at' Cant-factor (5) on the Project, - - -ENGINEER! s services under the Sttiiiy and, Report prias'e, Prehrriiilary' Design ,Phase, and., Final Design Phase shall 'each be considered c,ompl,et;.e.at the earlier of(l} tre,'date,whel) th_e submissions far that phase have been accepted by OWNER or' (2) thirty days after the, date 'when such sulSmi'ssiohs are' aeliv'erea to OWNER for finacl acceptance, plus. i~. e-ach" .ca'se such addit'~onal time 13'-5. may 'be consiqered reason--: able' for abtai'ning 'approva+ of gov",rnmental authorities having jurisdi.c.tipn' r-o approve t,he desigI1 9f the Praje,ct . Aft,er ,a'cceptance by OWNER of'the ENGlNEER~'s Drawings, Sped'ficat'ions anti other Final Design Pha8~-I>,dacum_entatio_n inCludi:'ng the most r'ecent op1ilio,n ofproba.ble Total p'roject Costs and upon writte_n _authoriza- t'ion. toproce-ed.. -" ENGH';rEER sha'll p"roceed wit.h' p'erform~ance oi' the; Page 10 of ,1.7 0-12793 > services ca.lled fo.r in the Bidding or Negotiating Ph":se., 'This Pha.se shall terminate and the services to be renderedthe.reunder shall be c-o"ns,'iders"4"comple--te 'upon' coi'nmencement' Of the: COhstruction ~hase or upon cessation ofne'godations with prospe'ctive ;Contracj:o:r(s) " 4,? The Construction. Phase will commence with the 'execution of the first prime contract to tie ",xec'uted for the work 'off-he Pro'ject or ,a'}!? par;t 'ther.eofand .willte:rrninate' llPon written recommendatTon' b'y ENGINEER of final pay~ent on the last ,prime contract ~o be completed. Cons-t;;u_ctiQn '~h~s~ se~vice~ __m~y _be 'render,t;!p "a.t diff.erent times 1m resp~9t, of ,separ~te pr~me contractsorf the Project i~vdlves mOre than one 'prime 'cont,ra'ct-. 4,8, N/A. 4,,9. If OWNER has requested significant modifications ,or changes iil the genera'l scope, extent, or character 'of the 'Project, the time of performange 0 f ENGINEER's services shall be adjusted 'equitably. .4.10, If OWNER, fa:il's to give prompt written authorization to proc'eed with any. phase o~s~,rvi,ces_ after completion of thebnmediately ,pr;ecedi'Ilg pnase,. or if the Construction 'Phase has not commenced.within 180 calendar days after complet'i'on of the - Des'i'g'i' Phase, ,ENGINEER' ma-y i after giving seyen days' 'written. notice to OWNER" suspend servit'e,s' under this ~greement. 4, 11 , If ENGINEER's 'se-tvic'es for design Or during' construct'ion O'f' the Project are delayed or suspended in 'whole Or i-n, part by OWNERfo-t, ,more than 't!hree ,months for reasons beyond ,ENGINEER~ s ,contro'l, ENGINEER-shan on written demand to OWNER' {but wfthoutterminatron of this Agreement; be: p,li'd '03:S' 'provided' 'InC-Paragraph 5. 3_.:i. - If such d~layoi suspensi'on exten~s for mar"e than;' one ye'ar" 'for reasons bey6ri.d" ENGI1'fE;&R's Icontroi., or x'f< EN/~)~~J:R fo_r. a'lY ',re?l:son ,is' ,required .tg render ConsJ.~uct-i9n P.has~ services ,in 'respect of any pr~'m~:~on~ra,~t, for cons"truction: ma"t:.erials or equipment more than' one'year af.ter Substantial 'Complet'ion isachi'eved under this .Cont'ract, the various rates of compensation provided for elsewhere in this Agreement shall be subject to' equid,hle adJustment, "... _.. ." ". 4.12, In the event that the work designed or. specified, by ENGINEER is to be furnished Or performed under more than one prime contract, or if ,ENGINEER'.s se;"vit'es are to be "separately sequenced with ,the, "'ork of. orie" or' mo're prime c"orit-rac't.'ors.: (sCucfi :as "in the Case oE' fa-st.:....tracJ.ting,) I OWNER and ENGINEER shall, priortocommencemerit- o'f the 'F,inal 'Desigi"J' Phase, cieveiop asch,edule' for Ee~rfo:rrnance' of 'ENGINEER'S services during the F.inal Design, Bidding .'. or Negoti'at'ing, and Construction Phase's iil, 'order'-!:oseqUerfce, and c'oordfnateproperly, such s.,r"ices, as applicable .to the work under such. separate contracts". Thi's schedule' i:s to be- prepared. whether or not the1work under- s\J.c;h, contracts is .to .proceed co'ncu'rrently, and the provisions of par~.g":,aphS 4: 4. through 4 .10 .,/ :'inclus'ive, 'wil'l be modified ~accoiaingly. ,SECTIONS ~ PAYMENTS TO ENGINEER 5.1. Methods of _Payme.nt for Services '_and Expenses' of' !".NGINEER. 5.-1,.1,. For Basic ,Serv'ice-s, OWNER- shall pay ENGINEER: for Basic" SerYJ.:cesrendere'd ),under' ,Section 1 as follows.: 5.1,,1, l..' An amount ,eqUal to ENGINEER's' PayrOll Cost times- a factor of 2-,1 for al-l Basic Services renciered oy'princi- pals ahd 'emplQ.yees engaged ,direct'ly on the 'Project',. ' "~3::143~~" Page n of, 17 0127,93 5.2. 5.3. 23:H3C.m. 5.'1.1.2. N/A. 5.1.1..3. Professional Associates and Consul.tants . For services and R.eiii1brirsab'le E'lipenses oJ inciepend~nt PF(Jfes- sional associa.tes and cons'ultants' employed 'by ENGINEER to render Basic SeI:vices, the amount' tiilled to ENGINEER theI:efoI: . times a {actor of ,1..3'0 5.i.1.4,. N/A. 5.'1.1,5. "The toU'1 amount. of compensati.ollt.o ,.be {>aid to ENGINEER :fOr Basic Services j:mrsuant 'to Paragr'aphs 5'.1.1. and 5.1.3. shall not e'xceed the amOunt' included in an )\menc:iment to .thi's Agreement.. 5.1.2. 'For 'Additionai Services. OWNER shall pay ENGINEER, for Addi.t"1ona1 Services rendered under Section, 2 'as follows,:" , 5::1.. 2,1. General - -For Ad'ditional Services of ENGINEER's prinCfpa1s and employees engagedd'irect.iy, on ;the 'P!'o'j ect. and rendered pursuant tOPar.agraph, ,2.1., on the ba's'is of :ENGINEER' Os r'ayr.oll Costs times a factor of. :1. i. 5'.1.2,2'. Professional'Associate"s and Consultants For s~rvrc~s an~. re~mPuF~able E~p~nses of independent_pr.qfes~ sional assoClatesand consultants, employed by ENGINEER to r,,'nder Addit'iona'l Set-vi"es pur'suant 'to Para,graph .2.1., th'e amount billed. to ENGINEER therefor times a factor of 1.3. 5.1'.2; 3,: R<;,sident p;-oject Services For: services of ,ENGINEER's Resident Project ,Representative (and 'assistants) furni'shed under Pa'ragraph: 2.2.., on the, ,basi''; "Of PayrOLl Costs times a, ',factol:- of 1.8 'for sel?vices ,rendered by f;r'i~cipals and employ",es, assigned :co 'resident Project rep~resentation ~ 5~ 1. 3 . ,For Reimbursable Expenses. In ,addition' t", paymen!-s. provided for in Paragraphs 5 .1 ,1;. and S,.1.2", OWNE,R shall. pay .ENGINEER the actual co'sts of all Reiffibu"sabfe Expenses' in'c:ur"l:ed ih conn~ction w'ith al'l 'Basic and Add'it'ional Services times a factor of '1. L 5.1.4" have "the T-he "ternis. "Pay.roll Cost's II and lIReirnbursable E_xR~nses'" will 'meaningsass{gned to them :fn Pilragrapl'i 5.4.. Times of Payments. 5.2,'r. ENGINEER shal'l sU,bmit Additional, Serv~ces rendered and OWNER shall !]lake prompt monthly monthly invoi:ees. mo'nthly ioyoices for Basic 'and for Re-irnbursable Expense"s incurred. payments 'in "'esponse 'to ENGINEER's other Provisions Concerning Payments. 5.:3:L If 'OWNER fails 1:0 make anYtpayment due ENGINEER for services and expenses within th'Hty days after receipt o'fENGINEE'R's invoice 'ENGINEER may, after, gi;ving ,se\Cen' days' w,ri tten, 'ootice, to OWNER, suspend services undeI:, ,this Agreement untll ENGINEER has been 'paid in fu~.l a.l~l amounts du't? 'him for s'erv'fces--, - expen's~.~";" and cha.rges.. 5.3,.2,. In the :event of te,rmination. by . OWNER under Paragraph 7:.1., upon the completion of, .any 'phase of the Basic Services, progress, . . . . Q . . . -,. -' - ~ ~ -' . . -,,' ""'.,... ,--.>' - --. - "- paym'"nts due ENGINEER for services ,renderedthi::oughsuch phase 'shall 'constitute tota,Lpaymeht for su'i:h, ,'services. 'Ih the. Ceven't at' "such Page 12, of 11' 012793 " 5.4. termination by bWNER during any phase of the 'Ba'sit: Se'rvices, ENGINEER will b.e;paid for ~ervicesi:endere,d during. that phase on the basis of ENGINEER's Payroll Costs tiines a factor of 2.1 for. services ,rendered during that phase t'.odateof termination by ENGINEEW'S pr'inCipals and employees engaged direct,ly 6n the .Project. .In the' eVent of' any slieh termination" EN!3INEE,R also will be. .reimbursed far the, charges of in<:lependen't 'professiOnal assai:,i:at;es :anq capsuitants emp!PYed by ENGINEER. to render Basic Services. and paid for' all unpaid Additional Services and unpaid. Reimbursable Expenses. phlS' all..te'rlI\ination expenses. ierrn-inat{on~ex:penses rnean"addi'1:i'ona:f Reimbursable--Expenses di'rectly at'tiib,stabh" 'to t'ernlination'. ' Definitio~s. 5.4.1. The Payroll Costs used as 'a basis -for, payment mean salaries and wages (basic and inc,ehtive)" incl"uding overtime if requ'ired' for th,e ,performance, paia to all persol'),nel engaged. directly 6n the Pr_oject-, 4.nc~luding, ,but: not l.tl1li',te"d tq" eng;in~,~rsl archi'tects, surveyors,- desi~gners/' dra-fters.1" ,specfficat-'l.on writers~,. estim_ators, and other technicai and, bus'fness personnel;' plus the Cost': 'of, c\1s:tomaryanci, statutory benefits inc:J-uding, but not limited to, s?"ci~l s.ecurity _ coptrip\ltions.. ,~nerr.rp~qy~entl ~~ci-se and paY~r.()ll "taxes, workers' co~mpensation, hea'lth and :retirement 'b"epefits, sick. leave; vacati:on and holiday ,pay and other group !benefit's,' The, amount of custom~ry and sta:tut,?ry b~nefit,? of all' Personnel of ,ENGINEER' wHl be cofts'ideied equal to 30% 'of salaries and wages. It is understpo'd "that Overtime 'requiring premium pay wHl be ,used oil1ywhen 'necessarcy to meet s,chedules and programobjeCti,ves established and approv'ed by OWNER, ' 5.,1,,2. Reimbursable, Expenses mean theact'ua'l expenses incu'rred' by ENI:';IlqEER or ENGINEER's indepepd,ent professiona1 associ'ates or consultants directly or indirectly ,in 'connection with the Project, s~ch a"s' 'expe_n~es for: t_ianspori;.'atio~ 'and ,sub~l~_-t~n:c.e _ 'inciden't.;al thereto: ol'it'itini'ng bids or, proposals fromConti,actor CSI'" providi"ng and ,mainta:iming fiela offJ:ce facilities includi'ng, fllrnisnings,and utllities: 'subsistence and, transportation of Resident Project Representatives and their assi"stanj:;s; toll.tel!"phon", calls and teleWgrams; reproduct.i6n of "r-epoi'ts', -Dra'wing>'s'J Spec'ificatlon's, and simflar Project-related items: In addition, ':Reimbursable Exp'enses include e'ipe~ses inCUI;re(f fS'r CO[I1Plltertimes alld,other highly specia:l.i"zed _eqUipmerit~, _i:'ncluding an appropriate charge for previously e"stablished progra'ms', 'and, expenses of photogra,phi'c" production techniques. ' 6.1, SECTION' 6 - CONSTRUCTION COST AND OPINIONS O~ COST Construo~ion Cost. 2~J,-ol3.cJR' 6,,1.1. The construction ,t60S!:' of the: e"ti:re Proje<:t (herein refe'rr'ed to as "Con'struction Cost") means the total, cost, t'o OWNER 0.E tho~se portions 9f the enti"eProject designed andspeciffied by EN.GI-NEER, tnit' it will not .~nclude EPG_lNEER.' s c-o.mpen~ation anq e::=P"en,~,es{ 'the cost _of .land" r"ight"s-df-way, or, -C--ompe"ns'at'ioh for or damages ;,to, ;properties uI)l.e.s~ .t.his }\greeroent so spe9.i'fies, no,r. wJIl it inclu_de OWNER',s legal ,account-ir)g, insurance colJnseling,- or auditing service,sl 'Or. i'nterest and :fina'ncihg cliar'ges 'incurred in connect.ion '-wi:th" .the E'roject or the ,cost of seri.!;ices to, be prov'idedby others to OWNER pursu!'nt .to Paragraphs 3,.7. tl!roug)1 3. ~ L, inqusiVe. (Construction Cost is one of' the items ,compris'ing Total Project Costs which is defined in p'aragi'aph 1. 2 . 6,) ,,, " , Page 1'3' of 17 012793 " 6.2. op~n~ons of'Cost. 6.2, I. Since 'ENGINEERha,s ,no contFol over ,the ,cost of lab"r, materials, ,equipment,' or" s~ervices fuinished by others, Or over th.e_ Cont.:ractor'{s) ~ inet'hods of' det'ermin'ing prices., or _,over competitive bidding or'ffiftrket conditions, his opi~ions of probable ~otal Project Cost's and' Construction Cost provided for herein are to be made on, the basis of d;:NGINEER',s experiEih'ce 'and qualifi'oations an'd represent ENGINEER's ,best 'judgment as an experienced ,'andqU,Hi:fied'prof~ssi'onal engineer, ,f?Jlliliar with ,the construction industry; but ENGINEER cannot and does not guarantee'that proposals, bids' or actual Total proj,eet or CoristructYon Costs wil'l not 'Vary from opinions of proqaiile cost prepar"d by ENGINEER. ,'If prior 'to the Construction Phase, OWNER' wishes greater 'aSSurance as to'Tata-l Prodect or Construct-fan Co_sts1 OWNER, shall' employ anindependel1t cost estimato!,' as provide,din Paragraph' 3.9.' 7.1, SECTION 7 - GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Termination. 7.2. 7.3. 7,4. 2.J3.4J~J1< 7. L 1. The obligation to provide further, 'services under this Agreement may be term'inatedo"by ;eit'her p'arty upon t:hirty d,ays" written n'Otice in the event, of substantial 'failure by' ,the other party to' Re:rform, 'in acco,rdance with :the 1;erms 'hereof through .,no t"ult of the terminating party. 'Reu.se qf ''Documents, 7.2.1. All document's i,ncludirig Drawings 'and. Spec:ificat'ion'sprepared "r furnished by ,ENGINEER (and :ENGINEER',s il1dependentprofession<<l as,sociat~s and consultant's') ,pursuant. tothi"s Ag_reernent are ins.~ru- ment's of ser~icesii1 respec'ic' 6f the Project and ENGINEER shall retain anown'edh'ip' and property interest, therein whether or 'n'ot, the Project' is completed. OWNER may'rn,ake and retain copies' for ihformationand reference 'in connection with-the _1,.lse, and ;OCCUpat1cy" of the Proj',ect' by 'OWNE"R and ,others-;- -'however-, s_uch d"oc\lments are not intended 0.1: representedfo be suitable 'for reuSe bY OWNER o'i' others on extensions of the'Proj'ect or on, any other 'project. lmY reUSe without written verification Or adaptat'ion by ENGINEEH for the sped frc purpose intended .';ill 'be at OwNER's sole risk ,and,without li'ability or legal e'xposu:i::e to- ENGINEER, 'or to ENGINEER's 'in'depend,,'rit "professlonai associates or ..consultants', and. OWNER Shall' indemnify and hola harmless ENGINEER AND ENGINEER',s, independent profess!:ona!. associates a"nd consultant:s i'rom- 'all'- cla'ims;: cla.mages, losses.' 'and, expeflses including attorney's' fees aiisin'g out"cf or resultin'gtnere'from.. ' Any such verification oradsptation' will entit'le ENGINEER to further compensation at, rates t" be agreed upon .by miNER, and "ENGINEER, "Insura.nce. 7.3,.1. ENG'INEE~ sl).all,pro,cure'",ndmaintain insuran"e. for, protection frcim cl'aims underwork'ers' compensat'ion acts, clai~s - far' damage,s ,because' oCf -bbdi'1y injur'y inqiudin.g: 'persona:( in-jury', si'cknes's or disease or death of; any' arid all employees Or of any'pe'rson' other' than such ell,lploy,ees, ,and, :from. claims or damages becaljse, ot" injyry to or destruction "6fprop~rty iI')c'ludin'g loss: of use r~sulting tnerefr\?m. Controlling Law. 7,4.1. Th'is Agreement is to be governed 'I:>~ the. 1 a:':' of thepdncip,a'i .place of business of ENGINEER', Page 14, of 17 012793 7.5. 7.6, 7.7. 7, B. ':2:l:l4;'CJi't '. Successors and Assigns. 7,,5.1. OWNER anii ENGINEER. each ,is 'h..,reby bopnd and the part')er,s, sllccessorSi executors,; _adtnini!stra'tors:..ana. ieg'al repres~n.tatiyes of OWNER, al1d,ENGI,NEER (and to th~:. "xtent' permitted ,by Paragraph 7.5.2. ,the assigns of qWNER .and ,ENQIljEER) ar~ he]:'eby hound to the other .l")arty to,"t.his _Agreement ai'1_cf to_ ttlepartners'_I: successo,rs,. executors, admiilistra'tors, and ,legal representati;'e's' (i'md "aia as'signs) o'f such at'her ,party, in respect to 'all covenants, 'agreements. a'nd '6blig'atio'ns" of this Agreement. 7',5'.:2. Neither- OWNER nOr' ENGINEER ,sliall assign, sublet, or transfer any rights. under'.or intere"st in (including,1.r but without limitatl.on.. moneys that may, become due or, moneys that are due) this Agreement without the written consen~ of the other, except to'the extent that any .asshj.pment/. s"ublett"fng1 'ortr-ansfer 'i's ,mandated by L3.\..1'or th'e effect of this, limitation may be ,restricted by law', and except ENGINE:'E~ mpy transfer 'its .ig!>tsand interests to ,a succes.sor f'ompal1Y that hassub'stantially, the same ownership . Unless 'specifically st'ated t'o the contrary'in any written consent to' an 'assignment, no assignment will 'releas,e or' discharge the assi'gnor from any duty or responsibility under this Agreement. Nothing contained 1n this 'paragraph. shallpre;,.eiit' ,ENGINEER 'frOll) employing such independent, professional associates and consui'tants as ENGINEER may deem appropriat.e to assist him in the' performance. of servx'ces hereunder,. 7.5'0'3. Nothingheiein shall be construed to, give any r~ghts or bene'fits in this Agreement "te> anyone other than OWNER "arid ENGINEER and all duties, and respons'ibilit'ies undertaken pursuant to this ~greement will be' for ,the sole an~ e.xclusive, qenefit of, OWNER '<1l1.d ENGINEER and' not for the benefit of, any' other party. :-&/A. It is underst'ood and agreed that,' in s'e'eking serVlces of ENGINEER under this Agre,ement toe o.WNER is requesting' ENGINEER t01,lndertake sO,m~ ;1.mi~surabl.e, obHgatiol}s for tl)e' q~E:R~'s ,bel}efit in, advising, requ1r.ing',. or obta.iningof ,anY f017ffi_ ,ofin-?urance-, sur~~y~hiPi ,or 'bond, Tnerefore, tene OwNER, agre'es to hold 'ha'imless, indemn'ify~ and det'end ENGINEER, from and' against any and ail claims ,losses, damages, l:;:ab'uity, and cost, including 'but, ,not limited' ,to costs' ,of defense, a~is'ing Qut'9-i qr < fn _ any ~~Y, conn~ct~e9. ~it~h~dv~s.ing" ,~equi.r.~qg,( or obta'ining' of any .fo'rms: of in sui-a-nceJ, s-uretyship, or- borid, or~ failu:t:'e to do 'so. ' In conside,ra,:tion of the unavailab2lity of professional ,liab'ility ,insurance, 'it is, agreed that the OWNER shall indemnify' aiidhold h~r~iess, ~NGI~ER, and ~he~r consult~0ts, _age~t51 directorsr officers and ,employees from and ,against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, di'rect a.nd' i'.ndirect, and ,consequentia.l damage~, inchi'ding but not'limited to fees and'charge'sof 'attorneys 'and Gohrt and arbitration costs, arising out of orre'sulttng' from the, per,fot- "l<1nceoj the work by ENGINEEJ':.o or clai;",s against $N'GINE'ER. arising from the work- of others, involv:lng,pol,lutiori-related activities, to the ,fullest extent permissible"by, law, 'rE,gardle'ss of any 'action ot a~ission _ t~.9t~"e.. pas.~iv:e or co~paratiye ne'gligenc'e i-n.-clti'ded) opthe part 0; ENGINEER, The, ab,ove indemnHica1:}on, pr():-,ision ext,?n,ds to, chii'ms agai~ns't. ENGINEER" ,';'hi'ch a.ise outO'f, or related to" or"re based upon" the actual, 'alleged ,or, 'thr.eatened discharge, disper'sal, relea~e-~ or .escepe of pollutan~s_', ang. ~ny dtrectL\[e to test tor, mpnitor, Gl~an ~p~ r~~C?ver contail!:, ;tr.~a1;_. d~.toxi~,y ;or _Q.eu~;ralize;. pollutants. !'POtLUTANTS", mean any sol id, l,iquid, gaseou's' or ,ther!1\~l Page 15 of'U 012793 7.51. 7.10. ;.' irritant or c'ontamin'arit, including .sin6ke, vapor,-, soot.';, fumes, ac-ids. or a l)cal.l S I chemicals and 'was'te. Inconsiderat'ion 'of the una'vailabil.ity 0 f pro fess ional, liability insurance, it is: agreed that tJ:le OVlliER shal'l indemnHyanCl hold harmless :ENGINE;~R~ aJtd ;the~':r- consult'~n:t--~, _ ag,ents, d.i;rectais, -officers and employees f'rom and' against all claims, damages, .losses', and expenses, direct and indirect, andcon'sequen-t-ial damages, including but not limited to' fees and, charges of attorneys ,and court ,-and arbitra",ioncost~,arising out of or resuiting, t~rOm the performance. of .the work by ENGINEE~~ or c~~i~s ,agains~ E~GINEER arising from the work of at-hers, rela'ted to asbestos activities, to the fullest extent permissible bylaw, regardlessC, .of any action or omission, (att-ive, passive or comparative negligence inclUded) on the:part of.ENGINEER. "ASBESTOS' AGTIVITIES" means any specification of a product, material or proces's containing a.sbestos, fai'lli-re'- to detect- the - exist'-ence. or proportion o'f asbestos ina ,product, material or ,process and the performance Or, fai'Iure to :p~rfo:~m. apate.me_nt, repl.acement or removal of a prO-duct'" m'a't~ria'l or process' 'cont~ainin9' 4.sbes:tos;. OWt:lER shall requi.re the Col1tractor to the, fulIestex!,ent ,pe"miq;ed by Laws'and R!,gulation;:;, to. ind.emnHy and. ho~dharm~ess~ E.t'!GlNEER, ENGINEER!, 5 'C6nsu'lt'ants arid the of,fice'rs, di'rectors, employees~J agents" and other consultants' of each arid any' _of' tliem from and,agilihst "cl-l claims, "os:ts, .Iosse~, and damages ,(-including but .not Hmi'ted to a'll fees and cha,rges of enq~ne,ers'..., archi,tects-, attorneys <a(ld o~her, professionals' ahdail cOll,it - or a-::cbi'i',ration or o'th~~'. df'sp'ute r'7s'cilu- tion costs} ca~sed by, arJsing aut a'f or, _resulting' f.rom . the 'perfor- mance of th~ work., prov~ded that} any s:uch cia':i.mr cost, loss or <,iall).age: ('i') is anril?).'taple 1',0 bpdily injury, sickn,ess, dis,e,!s,e or, deat.h, or to ihjury to ordest-ruction' of tangible propert.y (other thah.th'e work itselfl" ihc~udi'ng' the loss' o'f use,'result'lhg the'refrom, ,a):19 rii) is caused' ,ion ~hole"o:r i[1, part ,by 'a,ny' ne'g-ligent act or omissio[l, ,o~_ Cont:racto:ci ~any Subcantrac,tor', any_ Supplier" any person or organizatioh directly Or' inoirectly employed by 'any of 'them to perform. or' .furni'sh any' of. the' work or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable,regarclleSS. !Jf whether or. not ca,:,sed in part by any' neg11gence ,or omis~ion .9f a persoh Or ent:i'1:,-Y. ingemnif~'e4 hereunder or whether liability is imj:i6sed upon su.ch' indemnified. party by Laws and l<egulat~pns .regardless of' the 'negligence .of any s)lch person o:rentity. ,The in,demn..Hication obligations of Cont:r,,-otor shall not extend to the liabi-l:i:ty ,o'f ENGINEER and ENGINEER's Consultants, 6fficers" cU-'rectots, etnpl'o'yees, or ageht,g, caused by the professional negligen~e, errors or omissions o~any of them. 8.1. SECTION 8 .., SPECIAl! PROVISIONS,EXH:IBITS AND SCHEDULES This AgreeIfl8nt is subject to the following special proyisions: 8.2'. Z3j~3C'Jn' 8..1.1. OWNERher"eby agrees that. to .the fullest extent permitted by law design, professional'; s total, liabil'ityto O.~ER for 'any and Call inejuri;.es" Glaims.. losses:, .e?CRen.sep, _o~:di?ID.age~ ~h~t'so.~v~r a__:r;i"?ing p:qt~ of or in any way t'Ediated to the" Project or this Agreement fro!!) 'any cause or causes includinq'but not ~imtted to design pro~es3ional's negligence, err9rs_, omissions;, strict i~ability:, brea-c~ oft cont'ract. or breach of ~arranty ,stail'not ixceed'the amount of ENGINEER'S fee. 'The following Exhibit is, attached to and made a part of this Agreement: 8.2.1. 'ExhHiit A - Duties, ResponsibiliUes and .Limita'dOns' cif Authority of. Resideht Pro"ject- Representative I Page 1'6 of 17 0127.9,3 '. 8.3. This Agreement (consi!sting of Rages Ita 17 , inclusive), 'togethei with the Exhiblt ,idemtified above canstftute, the entire, agreement between OWNER an'd ENi3INEER. and supersede all prior written' or oral understandings., This Agreemen't arid said, Exhibit !may only be 'amended, supp'lemented', modified or cancelJ:ed :by 'a du1y' exec'ut'ed wiitt'en il"!~tr1iment-_.- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto havema'de an'd exe'cuted this Agreement, as of, the day and year ,'first above written. [ 1<\ /4 By BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS-&; . SAFETY 'CITY OF CARMEL', c,:Wbr'ANA', ::-.., \ '~~~, f ^~V----. /J ...t;V- . '...~'"\ , """'---::- wi tness": ~ , .-.- : , /' . ~- - ..... --..:: - ---- By By r ,..' ."" .",.:"'-:--' ",..- ,"" , ..... (I ~ " APPROVED AS TO FORM. HENRY Witness; ~~ ;;t. 5/-~ ~;;.f A!~ By By Attorney 2JJ.4JCJR Page 1:j of 1,7 0'12.793