HomeMy WebLinkAboutJones & Henry/Engr ", . ... , ;. ii' ,ENGmF.ERING SERVICE AGREEMENT 'THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered intothis&,y. of , 1994, :by and be:tw!"en the City of Camef, 'Indiana, through thEiBoard of Public Works & -Safety" 'hereinafter called "OWNER," and Jones &: HeJ1ry EngineerS, Inc., with offices at 2420 North Coliseum Boulevard, Suit.e 214, Fort Wayne, Indiana 4680'5; hereinafte'r caitec( "ENGINEER,'" . , WITNESSETH:' WHEREAS" OwNER intends' to uti1:i:ze the services of the ENGINEER as de'fired' lriLetters af 'Agreement tha.t will ,be. ,issued from time to tim-e a's',Ainendinehts'ta this Agreement, (hereihaffer called the "Pr9ject "); and WHEREAS,the OWNER and ENGINEER wish 'to .,stablish,a ,basis of performance 'and compensation for 'such, services' performed by ..ENGINEER as 'a'uthor ized' by OWNER. NOW, THEREFORE, OwNER and ENGINEER, in consideration of their mutual covenants ~ he r'aidi agree. 'as fo11ows'=- SECTION: 1 - BASIC SERVICES OF ENGINEER 1..1. General. i .1 .1.; ENGINEER shan provide for OWNER 'professional engineeFing servfces 'in all phases of the, Project to which this,Agreement applies as. ,hereinafter '-provided, TheseserviceswHl include serving' 'as QWNER,; s professiona'l'engineering iepre'sentat'ive for the Project, providing professional, engineering consultation and advice; and furnis,hing" -,customary' c'ivIl; e~yir~:H}1T!:entai., st.ructura.lj Il1ecohan:i.:cal,. and electrical engineering servic'es andcustO'mary "architectural ~.~rvices' :incide1it~al -theret'o:,; , . -, '- ,1, ,2 .3. Provide ana'lyses of OwNER"s needs, e"/a.luations' and comparative ,studies of 'solutions. planning surveys, prospectiyesites site a.nd 1:,:2..4 , Provide a general economic analysis of OwNER's requirements applicable 'to 'various alternatives. '1.2.5. Adv:;,se c)WNER as . to ,the necessity of OwNER' s'pr-oviding 910 obta'ining ftom others data or services of the types 'descr'ibed in, Paragraph '(3.4.. and assist OWl>1ER'in abtainin.g s)1ch data andser'vices. L2.'6. Pr'epare a Report conta'ining conceptual design, criteria with appropriate exhibits, to indicate, c1eariy the considera,tipns iJ'volved (including applicable require",ents,of governm.ental authorities having jurisdi,cti6n as 'aforesa'idl and the' 'alternative solutions, available .~3:J.4~CJ'R Pa.ge 1 of 11 1~3093 c, .~ i' 7 ii. '. to OWNER and setting forth ENGI~ER' s findings and recommendations. This Report will be accompanied, by ENGlNEEl'l'S opinion of probable costs for the Project inCluding the folJ:owing: Const,cuC:!;ion Cost, allowance for ehgineedng cost's and contingencies and, if (furnished by' OWNER) allowances ,for sU,ch other items ascgarges o,f'a],l other professionals and, consultants, for the cost,of land, and rights~of- way, fo; compens.atiQn for '?" dam,ages'to pfoperHes, for'interestand financing charges, and for other services to be pI:ovide'd by others 'for OWNER pursuant ,to 'Pa:ragraphs 3.7 through, 3.11. inclusive. The total of all such" costs'. allowances, etc.; is, hereinafter called "Total Project' Costs n: 1.2.,7. 'Furnish five copies ,of the . Report and present and, review it with OWNER. 1.3. pre:rim1:nary Design Phase. After written authorization to ;prpceed with, the Design Phase, ENGINEER shal11': .1. '3. L ,In 'consu'L1;ation 'with, OWNER, and on the' basis of the accepted Study "and Report c1ocume.pts;, qete,rrni~ne the, general scop", extent ,,:nd character. of the project,- "1.,3.2" Prepare ,preH'minary D"sign documents consisti:ng, of final design cfiter~ia, prel.:i,I!\il}ary drawings; out:J.ine specifications' anq. 'writt,en descriptions of, the, pro'ject:. services, of the ,types' ,and ass'Ls,t OWNERfn '1.,3.3. Advise, OWNER if' additional data or 'described In 'paragraph '~,.4 'are necessary obtaining suchdaj:.a andserv;ices. 11.3.4. Based on the information COntained in 'the preliminary design documents', submit a revised opinion o'f: probable, Total ,Project Costs. 1.3.5, 'Furnish five ,copies ,of the above Preliminary'Design,dOC1,lments and present ,and review"them in, pers,onwith OwNER-,- I_ 4. tinal Design, Phase. 1.4,.1. On the bas is of, the .accepted Preliminary Design,Documents and the revised opinion oJ probable TO,tal Project' Costs, prepare for incorporation in the Contract Doc'uments fi'nal drawi'ngs to show the general sc'ope,exierit,,' and, chara'ete'r ot the work to b,e' furnished, and performed 'by Contractor (s) (herei:nafter called "Drawings") and Specifications. 1.4:2. :Provide,technical criteria, writ'ten, descriptions, ,and design data. for OWNER's use in filing applications for .permits with or obtaining approvals of such governmental authorities as have jurisdiction 'to 'approve the design of,'the, Project, and assist OWNER in consultation's with appropriate authorities. 1.4.3. Advise OwNER of. .any adjustments to ,the latErst Opinion of 'probenle Total Project' Costs ,caused 'by' changes in general, scope, extent,or, character ai' desigri 'requirement.s of the Project or Construction Costs. Furnish to OWNER~ a revised opinion of probable Total ~roject Costs based op t~eDrawings and Specific~tions. 1..4.4. Prepare for .revi'ew, and approval by OWNER" its iegal. counsel and other, adviSors 'contract, agreement forms, general conditions al'ld supplementary conditions, and (where .appropriat~) , bid';' forms" 233~J(:;,..m Pa'ge 2 of 17 "~" ,,' ihvitltions t'o bId and ing't'ructions 'to bid.ders, al).d ass'il:)t in the pr'eparation of other related documents'. L 40.5,. Furnish five, copies of the ,above docilments and of the Drawings and Specifications and present ,and' review them with OwNER. 1.5, Bidding or Negotlatlng Phase: After written authorization 'to proceed with the'CQnstruction Phase, ENGlNEERshail: 1. 5..,1. AssiSt' OWNER in advertising far and obtaining bids or 'negotiating proposals "fot each separate p,rime 'contract forconstruc- tion, mateHalS, equipment and 'servicEls; and, ",hllreappJ:iCable, maintain a record o,f pro,spective bidders to whom' Bidding Documents hil-ve'oeen issued, at'tend pre~b'id conferen'ces andrecei:ve and..process deposits 'for Bidding Documents. 1.S .2,. Lssue adelendaas, appropriate ,to interpret, clari'fy or expand the Bidding Documents. 1 . 5.3 . Consult with and aelvise OWNER as to the acceptability of: subcontractors, suppliers and ,other persons, ~n~ o~ganizati9n~ 'prqposed by the prime contractor (s) (herein called "Contractor(s)") for tho,se portions ,,01' the wo.r~ as to which such'acceptab'ility is requrred by the Bidaing 'Dqcumerits; , 1..5.4. Consult,with OWNER concerning and determine the acceptability of substitute materials and equipmen'ti proposed :by Contractor (s)' when substitution p;'ior, to the' award; -of contracts is 'allowed. by' the 'BIdding Documents. ' ' 1.5. 5,. Attend the bid opening, prepare bid tabulation sheets and assist OWNER in evaltiating bids ,orproposa1s 'and' 'in asseliibHng and aw"arding contr-act's for construction, 'materials, eqqipIfl.:E;::f,lf..' and se-rvices ~ 1.6. Construction Phase. 1.6.1., Consult with and advise OWNER and act a,s his representative as provided in the Ge.neral Co!,ditions of the Construction',Contract. The, extent, 'and limit-ations of the duties, res'ponsibiHties and authority of ENGINEER as iissigned' in said General Condit'ions ,shall n'ot be modified, except to 'the extent ,provided herein and except as ENGINEER may otherwise agree in writing. Ail' of OWNER"sinstructions to Contractor (s) wfll be issu'ed through 'ENGINEER who wil'l ' have authoiit,,i to act on 'behalf of OWNER to the e"t,ent provide.d in said General Conditions except, as otherwise ,pr:ovided 'in writing. 1.6.2. Make visits to the site at interyals appropriate to the vanous 'stages of construct1onas ENGINE,ER deems neces~ary in or<:!~r t'o observe as an experienced and qualified, design professlomd the progr~"s that has been ma,de:and thequ'a.Hty'of. the various aspects of' Contractor',s executed, work'. Based "ohinformation obtained' during such visits and, observations"ENGINEER shall endeavor far the,b,,,mifit of OWNER to determjene, in gener"l, if the work is' ;proceeding in aC,corda.nce )"'iththe Contract Documents. ENGINEER will not be requir'ed to make exha\ist'iv'e or continuous on-site inspections, to che,ck, the quality or qu,antity of Contrastor"s work.,ENGINE,ER'(S efforts will ,be directed toward providing for, OWNER a, greater degree of c,onfidence.that the' completed wotk-' will conform generally to the Contract, Documents. On the' basis of such vis'its and 'on-she ooservations, ENGINEER ,will keep 'the OWNEIl., informed of the ,progr!"ss iJJ~31::.JR Page 3 of 17 '-., . 2J:3.~43CJ-R ,.' of the work and wil'l endeavor' to guard OWNER against defective work. Duri;ng 0]:"' as'a result q,f ,ENGINEE]<' s on-site visits or obser'{ations of Contractor's work ENGINEER will not supervise, direct, control Or have 'authorit'y ove'r or be responsible for' Contractor' Ii means,' methods, techniques, s'eguences or procedures of consfruction, -Or the. sa.fe!,-yprecaut,ionsand, programsinc::iqent the>:;eto, or for. any:failure of CONTRACTOR .to comply with Laws ana RegulatiOns. applicaole to the furnlsh{ng 'or pe'rformance of the work. ENGINEER 'wfU . not he responsible for Contractor (s) failure to perform or furnish the work in accordance with ,the Contract Documents. 1.6.3. Review Shop Drawings' an'd Samples,.but oilly to determine if the items covered' by, the' submittal'S' wi'll, after installation or incorporation, in 'the' work, conform to the informat'ion given. in the Contract' Documents and be' compatibiewith .the design concept, of ,the complete'ctproject 'as a fun6tionirigwhoTe as .indicatedby'the, Contract DO,cuments, ENGINEER: s review and approval wiit. not extend to means, methqds, techn~'ques; sequence,s, or procedu.F~s ,of constructipn, (except where' a particular mean's, method, t'echhique, sequence or, pro-cedure of dinstruction is' s'ped-fically and' expressl'li called for by the Contract DocumehtS) o'r to safety precautions or programs inc'ident tQereto _ ' " 1.6.4. Issue w:lth reasonable promptness suchwtitten' clarificatiolls or interpretations, of, the requirements of the,Contract,Documents (in the farm of Drawings orotherwisel as ENGINEER. may determine neces'sar'y,. which shall be consistent' with 'the int'<;n't of and reas'on- ably 'infe'rable fioin Contract Document's. ENGI'NEER may .authorize minor variations in the work from ,the requirements of the Gontract D,ocuments which do' riot "inVOlve an adjustment ,in the Contract 'Price or' the Contract Times and are comPatible with the des[gn ~oncept of the completed ,ProjeCt as, ,a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract' Documents~ These'may be 'acco~lished by a .Field Order. 1. 6.5. Haveauthori't;y to dis'approve, or .reject work which ,ENGINEER believes'to.,be defective. o'i:: :that ENGINEER believes wi,ll not produce a complet.Bd, Project that CPl1to~s.t,othe. Contract Do<;uments .orthat win prejudice, the integrity .of the .design concept of the completed pr'c:iject" 'as a functiC,niilg 'whole as indicated' by' 'theCori,t'ract 'Docu.,: ments, ENGINEER }fiill als9 have authority' to requiie special inspection or testing of the work" whether or not'- the :work is fabricated, installedo~ c~mpleted1 0' " 1...6.6'. Act as initial interpre,ter of the requirelllerlts of' the Contract Documents and judge of the acceptability of the work t.hereunder and ,make. decisions on all claims of OWNER and C'ontrac- t6r(8) relatingto'theacceptability of the ,!,otk or theinterpi-eta~ tiori of the requirements of the. Contract DocunieIits pertaining to the execution and progrBss of the ,work. ENGINEER shan :noLbe liable for the results of any ,suc'hinterpretations or decisIons rendered in good faith,_ 1,6.:7. Based on. ENGINEER's on-site observations as an experienced and qualified design professional, on information provided by the Resident' p'roject Representat"!v;, and on review of applications for payment and. the, accompanying data and schedu,les, ENGI.NEER, .sha1)l determine the "amounts owing.to Contractor (s) and recommend in,writing pa'ymerits to Contractor'(s) iq such 1Unounts, Such recommendations' of paymeht will, constitute 'a representation to OWNER,. b..,Se'd on S\.i'ch obs.ervations and review,. that~ the work ,has progressed to theppint indicated; and that, to the best of ENGINEER' s knowledge, information and belief, :the quality o'f such work is 'gene'raiiy in. ac'cordance 'with the Contract DocUments (sliliject to an evaluation of such work' as 'it Page 4. of 17 "~,. .' funct;ion.tng whole prior to oruponS,ub,stantla:l Comp'letion, to the ,results of any s~sequent'tests called for in the Contract Documents and to any other qualifications stated in the 'recommendation). Ih the case of unit, prie,;' work, 'ENGINEER's recommendations; of payment will 'iilclude final determinations ,'of quantities and' classi'fications of such work, (subject to any subsequentad'justmentsaHowed by' ,the Contract'Documents); By recommending any payment E~GINEER wii~ not thereby be deemed ,to have represented that' exhaustive, continuous or detailed reviews Or examinations have been made by ENGINEER t'o check the qUal'it.y- or q"ant.ftyof Contractor(s) iwprk asft is furr>,isl1ed and performed" beyond lOne responsibilities sped fica1'1j1assigned, t'o ENGlNEERfn this Agreemeilt, and the Contract Documents. ENGINEER's review' of Contractor-(s'l' work for, the purposes: of recommending payments wj,l;L not 'i:mpose on 'ENGINEER responsibilJtyto,sup.ervise, direCt or 'control such work' or'for the means,metl.\ods, tec:lmiques, sequences" or procedures of construction or safetj(pr<waut'ions or programs 'incident 'thereto or Contractor(sl compliance with laws, rtl1esJ ,regulat.;ions.,. o!:,dinances, codes. or orders ,,~pplicable' to their furnishing;;n'ci performing' .th'e' work. .'ri:. will also riot impose respon'sibility on'ENGlNEER to ','make' any eXa.lninationtoascertai!:, how or '(or 'what', 'purposes ,any Contractor has used ,themon'eys', paid on acc'ountofthe, Contract Price; .or to determine ,that title to, any of the worK, materials or equipmentHhas passedio OWNER free "1l1d, clear of, any l'ien, 'claims, security ,interests or encuroDrances, 'Or that there"maYIlot",be other matters, at issue between OWNER and CONTRACTOR that rrii9J:1t a'ff,,,5t fli'e amount that shouldl;)e,'paid. 1.6.8. Conduct, ,an inspect ion to determine if the Project, > is substantially complete and a final inspection to determine if the worki's accep:tabl:e so ,chat ENGINEER may recommend, in wd'ting, final payment to' each Coritractor and'may give, 'written notice, to' OWNER and the Contractor (s l that ,the, work is aCceptable ('subj'ect to' any condit,i9ns therein expressed) "b~t any such ,recommendation and n.otice shall 'be subject ,t,o the limitations expressedil1 Paragraph 1.6.7. 1 . 6. 9 . ENGINEER shall not be, te'spons ibl e for ,the act s or omi ssions of- Om.rgRj. ~ny: .Ccntz:actor" 0):' of any subcontractor, 0; supplie'l.:":', or- any of' the Contractor (s)' or, subcontra.ctors', Or' supplier ,> agents or e'mplcyees or any' other' persons, (except ENGINEER's own 'ernploye'es and agents) at the site or otherwise :furnishing or performing 'any of the Contractor (s) '; work; however, ,nothing contained in 'Paragraphs 1.6.1., througli.'i .0.,9., 'inc'lusiv'e; shall: he construed to release, ENGINEER 'f.rO]1t liabiBty fo,. 'failure 't6 pr6perly perform duties'assumed' by ENGINEER in the Contract Documerits,. SECTION 2 - ADDITIONAL SERVICES OF.ENGINEER 2 . 1 . General. If authorized in writing by OWNER, ,ENGINEER ,shall 'furnish, or obtain from others' Additional Services of the! types listed in, Paragraphs 2.1.1. through ,2.1..22.. , 'inclusive,. These services are not included a.s'pa,rt of B~sic -Seryice~' e:-;cept ~o' ,tl:!e extent pr_q,y.j;ded ot-her"!ise in Sectio'n 1, these wirltfe paid for ,by OWNER as indic'ated in Sectlo'n 5. ' 2,,1.1. Prepa'ration of applicati:ons 'andsupport'ing documents (in addition to' those 'furnished un'der, ,Basic Ser"v'ices') for pr'ivate or governmental grants, ,roans, or advances, in connection with the ,Pr()<tec('j)repa,pition or ,re....iew o,f environmental, ,assessment,.. ;"nd fmpact stat<~meriti'; review ana 'evaluation, of th!" effect o'n the' design re,quirernents: of the Project of any' such statementS and- ,do cillnent s' ,2J~4JCJR' Page '50fl:? 233o\3CJR "., . prepared by others, and assista,nce in gbt,aining authoriUeshavIng' jU.tisdict'ion aver 'the anticipated impact, of the Pro j'ect . 2.1.2., Services to make measured drawings' of' or to in'Ces,tigate e"istfng conditions' or fa:cii'ii:i:<is, or t'o 'verify 'theaccurady of drawing's' or other 'information furriishedbY OWNER. approvals of en v:l.foriment a1 2..1.3. Services result:i'ng from significant changes ,in the general scope, e*tent; orcnaracter of"',the ProJect or its des~9n including', but not limited to, changes .in ,s'ize,comple,<'it.y, OWNER's sCheaule, s:haracter of construction Or method of finari'cing; and rR'Cising previou'sly, accepted studies', report,s, aesign documents Or Contract Documents when 'such re'Cisioris are re'quiredby changes in laws, ,,'ules, regulations, ordinances, codes or orders enacted 'subs",quent to the preparation of such studies,:repcrts Qr docume~ts, or are due 'to any' other, causes ,beyond ENGINEER',s control. 2. i. 4,. Providing renderings Or models for OWNER's use" 2.1.5. Preparing documents for a1 terna.te bids requested by OwNER for Contractor (sf i work whtch is not' executed or do;:'umerits 'for out-of- sequence work. 2'.1,,6:; Inve.stigations andstuq,ies ipvo,1ving, but not limited tc,. detailed consideration of operations, maintenance and overhead expenses:. providing Value Ehgineering during the gaurse 'of'design; the .preparation of feas~b.ilJ- ty studies, cash f1pw and ec.onomic eval;"atian's,. 'rate schedules aod appraisa1in assistan'ee' i'n obtain'ing financing for the' Project';evil1uating' prooesses availabl"e for licensing and, assisting OWNER in obtaining, process'J!icensing;. de'ta),le,d quantity surv,,\ys .of material, e'IlJipm,ent and ,labor; aod audit's or inventories reqUired in connection with c~nstruction perfortned by OWNER. ' 2.1.7. Furnishing" the , services of ,independent professional associates and' consultan,;i for other than Basic Ser'Cices (which include, but are not 'limit'",j to, customary civil, structural, mec!lanical, and electric."l engineering, and customary 'architectural' design incidental 'thereto); and providing data or services' of the ~ypes desqribed in Paragraph 3.4. WCl1en owNER .employs ENGIN,EER to p'iovide stich data or services in lieu of' furnishing the same' in accordance, with Para,graph 3.4. 2'.1.8. Serv'ices ,'resu1tfrig -fromt-he award of more separate prlme c'Orit.racts'for const"ruction... mat~r.i:al's.J' ,equi:p'Inent' or services for the P,rojec,t 'than are: cont,empla1Oed' in .Section 1, and services resulting from "t,he arranging for performance by persons, other, than the prii'i'cipal prime Contractors of services for the:OWNER and'actminister- ing OWNER's con'teracts for such services. 2.1..9., $,er'Cices during out-of'-t,own tr"ve1, :r::equireq o,f'ENGI!.ffiER other than visits 'to the site or O?/NER's office 'as requJ.red by Section 1, 2.:1..10. Assis,tance' in 'connection with ,bid protests, r:enegot;i.ating~' contracts fo;- constI;~9t,ton.j' materi~.l,sl services. reJ5idding Or equiplL!ent or t.}" 1~,. 'Providing any type, 'of p.oper,ty: surv,eys Or re1at,ed engineer.:i:ng s,ery~ce,~ ,needed for the "t-rajlsfe_r,. ,of: i_n,:terests tn, rea,l property and field s4rVeys for desfgn:poIposes. and eng-ineer'ing" survey~ and st~,kin-g t.o enable Contractortsl 'to 'proceed'with their work;, andprovicting athe. special, field surve~. Page 6 o,f 17 2'.1.]:'2. Preparation, of. operating, and maintenance. manuals; assistance ih .the utilization of any equipment or system (such as ini'tial start',- up, . testi'rig; adju'sting, 'and bala,1cing)!' and training personnel for cperat'ion .and maintenance.. . 2.1.13. Preparing to serve or serving a,s a consulta.tlt or witness, for OWNER,in a'ny nfigation, arnitration., or ,other, lega.1 or admini:stra- tive ,prClceedirlg involving the 'proJeCt (except for assiStance in consultations which is included. as part of Ba.sic Services under paI:agraph.s 1.2.3. and 1,.4.2.). ..2: 1.:1.4. Add:td.onal-servi,c:es ,in conl)ection with the .Project" including ser.vic.es whichar~ to be. furni.shed .by .oWNER .in. accordance with Sect ion 3, and servic~s not. .0therwJse provided for in this Agreement. ,2 A .15. Services in 'connection with work' directiv",' changes'and change orders, to reflect, changes requested .byOWNER if the resulting change in compensation for. Basic Services is not commensurate with the additiona:l services render'e'd. ... 2.1.16. Services in maki'ng rev:i:sion.s to Drawings and Specifications 6cca~~on~d by the acceptance of substi.t;utions 'propoE;ed by Gontrac- to'i(s); andseryices after .the award of each contract in evaluating. 'and determining the acceptabi.lity of' an unreasonable Dr excessive. number. of substitutions proposed by Contractor. 2.1..17. Services resulting from s:i<jnificant delays, changes or price increases occurring as. a direct' or.' indirect result', of material, equipment o~ energy shortages. 2,1.18 . AdditiOnal or extended.: services dur'irig construction made necessary by (1) '!'9rk damaged by fire or other" caus.e during construc- UonJ (2) a signi.ficant .amount of defective or neglected work of any' .Contractor, (3) acceleration of, the progress schedule involving services' 'beyond 'normai worKing hOurs, . and H):default b"y 'any Contractor.. . 2.1.19. Services 'in connection 'with any,partial utilhaHon of any part of the p'tojectby OWNER prior .to Substantial' s:;ompleti!on.. 2..1.20. Evaluati.ng'an unreasonable or extensive number of claims .sublllitted by Contractor (s) Or ot)1ers in connection ~ith the work. '2.1.21. Services after cOl1lp1et'ion >of the Construction ,Phase, stich as .inspections .during any guarantee pe"iod atld reporting' observed discrepa,ncies undergtlarantees callE;<1 for in any contrac,t for the Project. 2.1.2? Copies of the Contract. Documents needed for the Bidding and Negotiating Phase and Constru.ction Phase. 2.1.23. .Preparing for OWNER, on request, a .set"of. reprOducible .record prints..of Drawings showing' those cha.nges made during the construction process, based on the rna.r~ed-up prints, d.ra}<.ings and ot:her data furnished by Contractor(s) to, ENGINEER and which ENGINEER considers significant': 2.2, 'Resi:dent'Ser;vices During Constr'lict:.ion. .2..2.1. I f requested. by OWNER or reCOmmended. by' ENGINEER and agreed to in writing by the other, . a. Resident Projec,t Rf!P.resen.tativa, al)d nec'essary ,"isis,tant residEmt project repiesentatfve(s) will' 1>e .furnished and will act as directed by ENGINEER in order to. .assist p34JCJR Page 7' of 17 ENGINEER, in observing 'per~ormance of ' the work of Contractor (5) " Such services will be paid for by OWNER,as indicated in Baragraph, 5.1,2..3. 2.2,;,2. The duties and respofjsibilities .ahd'the limi,tat'iol'ls Ol'l the authority ,o"fthe'Resident Project Representative and a,ssistants are set forth in Exhibit A "Duties, Responsibilities and Limitation of Authority of Resident Project Representative", ,attached to and made a' part of this' Agreement, " , 2.'2.3, Through more extensive on-.site observations of the work in progr",ss and field checks of materiaisano. equipment by tlieResident Project'Representative (if furnished) and assistants, ENGINEER shall endeavor to provide further protection for, OWNER against defects and deficief,leies ,in ,the worK 9f Contractor (s:):;. bu): the furnishing of sue!} ;r;esiderit, p,ro'ject representation win riot, makeEN:GINE,ERre'sporisible for _construction means, methods, techniqpes, sequences Or ~rocedure5 or' for safety precautions or programs" .orEor Contractor (.s)' failure to "pe.forrn thei. worle, in ,accordance .with the .Contract Docum.ents. SECTION 3 - OWNER'SRESPONSIBILnIES ,3,1. 3.2. 3.3. 3,4. QWNER sh,aU:' Designate 'ih writ-ing a persqn to a~t as. O~ERt s representative .With respect. ,to the services 'to be rendered under this Agreement. Such person' shall nave c'omplete authority' to t,ransmit ins"tliuctions, receive', information, interpret and deti'ne OWNER's policies 'and decision's wi1:h respect to ENGINEER' s.services for the 'Pro~ect. Provide. a.n criteria and full information as' to OWNERfs requirement's r"orthe,PrOject" including 'design objectives and constrai:nts,spac'e, capacity and performance ':r:equire'ments',flex:l.bi1:{ty and expanqability, and any budgeta,ry liInitat ions:' and furnish copies of all. de s.i gn a.nd const.'ruc'tioil standar(!s whi'eh OWNER will require 'to'be,iricluded;in the Drawings and Spec'ifications. Assist ENGINEER by placing at ENGINEER's. disposala'll available inforrnat,ion.pertinent .100 the Project, including previous' reports 'and any 'other data relative to design o'r c'onstr'uct.i'on of the proje'ct. Furnish to .ENGINEER, as required .for performance of ENGINEER's Basic Services' (except.' to' the extent 'provided otherWise h'erei:n), the following' " " ," , 3.,4-.1." bata prepared by Or services of qth",rs'i i:ncludinq without l.:tniitation'bor:i:hgs" probings and.s'ubsurfaee explorations, hydroqraph.,. ic surveys, laboratory tests and inspections of samples, mate'riab and equipment. . 3.4.2 . Appropriate professional interpretations df the Eoregoi:ng. 3.4. ~, Environmental assessment and" impact .statements.. 3.,4.4" ,Property,boundary, easement, riqht...,of-way, topographic, and utility surveys, 3-.,4.5", Proper,ty <:lescripti~ms. 3.,4.6., Zoning, deed, and other land, use restrictions,. 3.4'.7",' Other spec.ial data .or consultations not covered in S:ection 2. 2J3..'3C.JR Page 8 of i'7 A:ll Of which ENGIm;;ER may use, and rely upon in' performing hi's s.ervices, ,un~~r. 1;.his Agrel:?ment.. 3.5,. Provide 'en'gineering surveys to establish reference point's (e,il:c'ept to the extent, provided otherwise herein) to enable Contractor(sf to proceed with the 'layout of the work, 3.6. Arrange for access to and make a11,provisio'n's for ENGINEER to eriter upon public ,and private property as required for ENGINEER to perform hi~ s~rvic~~ unger th~s,Agreement. 3.7. Examine, all studies', reports, sketche's, 'Drawing!!" Specifications, proposals, and other' documents presented by' ENGINEER; obtain advice of . a~_ attorney, ins\1rance' coupselor, and. other, consul tantsas _ O~R deems BEpropriate" for-such 'exdir!ina'ti:on; and. render, 'in wrfting decisions pertaining theretq, within a 'reasonable time so as not to delay the services of ENGINEER. 3.8. Furnish approvals and permits fr9m "aB gover'nmenta1auth"rities ha~ing juri'sdiction overi the Project' and such approvals and oonsents from othe,rs 'as may b.e necessary for cOmpletion oft?e Project. 3.,9. Provide, such accounting, independent cost estimating and insurance counseling s,ervices' as' may be, requ}red, for, the Pro:fect, such legal services as OWNER,may require or ENGINEER may reasonably reguest with regard :to legal is'sues' pertaining to the ,Project inCluding-any, that may' be r'aised by Contractor (03), such audittrig service as OWNER 'may require to ascertain how or for ~hat'purpose any'Contractor ihas used t,he, moneys paid, tohi!lt unde" ,the con"!truct.~on c,ontract", and such inspection services as OWNER,may require to ascertain that, 90n,trac- tor (s) are complying with,any',1:aw, rule, regulation, ordinance, code, or order app1:icable to their furnishing, and performing the work. 3.10. If OWNER designates, a 'pers'on to, ,represent: OWNER, at 'the' ,si te wno is not Et>lGINEER or 'j;NGINEER',s 'agent or employee, the duties, respons~,.. biHties , and limitations of authority of such other person and, t~e effect therecf ont.he duties and resporisibilities o'f ENGINEER and"the 'Resident: ,Proje'ct Representative (aDd any a.ssistants), will be set forth in an exhibit that is to be identified, attached to, and made a part .<>J this Agreern,ent before s\lch, se,rvices begin. 3.11. If 'more than one prime contract is :to be awa'-rde'dfor' const:wctio'n, materials, e'quipment, and services for the, entire Project, designate a person. or organiz,ation ,-to have ~aut:.hori,ty _ and responsiptlity for coordlnat-ingth..e', activities. amq"'ng the .var_io~s -pr.im~: co~tractor5,~ 3,12, Furnish. to ENGINEER data or, estimat,ed figure,S as to OwNE,il.' s ,antici- pated costs for; services to be provided bY' o,thers for Owm:~ (such as serVices pursuant' to Parag'raphs 3.7. through 3,.11., inclusive and other cost's of the types referred to in Paragraph 1.2.6.) so' that' ,ENGINEER may make the' necessary findings to support opinions of pr~9a!:>ie Total Project Cost~. 3,13. Attend the pte~bi'dcanference, b:ld opening,preconstruction confer- ences, canstruct~on progress and o,ther jOJ:> relat",d I!)eetings, ,and substantia'l compl'etion iri?pectians ari,d final' payment insI',ectians. 3,14 . Give prompt ,written notice to ENGINEER whenever OWNER observes or (Jtherwise b,ecomes aware of any d",velopment that af,fects 1:.he sc,?pe or, ,timing of, E~GINEER' s services,or ,!ny' d,efect in tlie work ,o,f Con1;rac- tor l,s) , ~-33}?C~ P~g$_ g of 1'7 3'.15. Furnish,or direct ENGINEER to provide, necessary, Additional Services as stipuiatect in S-ection 2 of this Ag~eemeD't or" ather services as requheCl. ' ,'. , , " B'ear all costs i,ncident'to compliance with the requirements ,ot, this Section 3. ' 3'.16, SECTION 4 - PERIO,D OF SERVI,CE: 4.. 1. The provisions of ' this Section 4 and the various rates, of compe'nsa- tion, for ENGINEER's services provided for elsewhere ,in this Agr'e..rrie.nt hayebeenagreed to in anticipation of the orderly and contJnuous progress of the Projecttl1t:"ou9h comr:Letio" ot the Constructi$)fi Phas,e" ENGINEER's obligation to render services hereunder wHl extend, for a pe,ri'od whi'ch may' reasonably b<=,requiredfor', the, design, 'aw'ard of contracts, and c,onstruction of the 'Project including ext';ra work' and requhed ~"tension1i theFeto. If l!pecific per-iods ,of t).mefor rendering services are set forth or specific dates by' which, s'en-ices are to be completed areprovkded e-ls'ewhere, in this Agreement, and,if such oates are exceeded through no fault of ENGINEER, all rates, 'measures', 'and amounts of, compens,ationprovidedher.efn 'sh,,!ll be subject to e'quitable adjustment" 4.2. The services called for in the Study and Report Phase will be campreted and, the Report submitt<:,d:within a'sd,i;mlated period' agreed to. 4.3. ~ft,e!, Elccepta'lce py O~l'. of the. Study and Report Phase documents indicating any specific 11!0dificat,ions or changes in .the gener,al scope, extent or character of"the Project desired 'by OWNER, an,i"upon written ,authorization from Owm,R, ENGINEER shall proceed with the performance 0 l' the services called for in the P.reliminary Design Ph<\se:an'd shall del'ive:.;- pr~h'iIi,inai-y desiqri dOcuments and:, a' reVised opinion of probable, 'Total Pro'ject Costs. '." ' 4.4, After acceptance by OWNER of the Preliminary Design Phase documents and' revised opinion of probable TotaiProject Costs., 'indicatirig'a.ny specific modifIcations Or cnanges in the genera:lscope, e-xterit or character o,f the Project: desi'red, l.JyOWNER, ENGINEER s.hall, proceed withthep-",r:Eor!tlanc~o,f theserviqes called ,for in the,Fin,al Desig" Phase: andsh,Hldeliver Contract Documents and a revised opinion of prol5il.ble Total Project Cost's foiilll work of Contractor(s) on the Project, 4,5__ ENGINEER's services under the st'u'dyand R~port Phase, PreHmina'.'Y Design Phas'e, and 'Final Design 'Phase shaH each be, considered complete at ,the eailie,r of, (1) the date ,when the, submissions for that. phase have, been accepted by OWNER or (2) thirty days after ',the date when such ,submissi'ons are' ,delivered to OwNER for final ,a,cceptance" plus in each case ,stich additional 'Urne as maY'be corisidered reason- able 'for obt'aining approval of governrn",ntal ,authorities having jUFis4ictionto approve the design of the Project. 4,,6. Af,teracceptance by OWNER of' the ENGrNEER"s, Drawings, Specifications and other Final Design Phase documenta,tion including tile most. recent opinion of probable Total Project Costs and upon written, authoriza- tion' 'to' procee'd, ENGINEER sh'all' proceed with pe'fforrnance' of' the servicescalied for ,in the Bidding Or 'Negotiatihg' Phase. This ,Phase shall terminate and the 'services to be rendered 'thereunder :shall be cOnsidered' cOmplete upon commencement of the Consf::}:,uct.fcm. Phase or upon cessat'ion 'ofnegotiatio'n's with prospective' Contractor (5) . 23143CJ'R Page 10 "o.f -1.7 4.7. The construction Phase" will, COmmence with the execution of the first priwecontrac~ to be executed for the work of the Pr~ject Or. any part th~reof a!1d willterrn.:fnate upo!1 writtellreconunendatlol! by ENGI}lEER or final, payment on . the last. prime contract ,to pe completed. Constr.uct'ion Phase servic"es may .be rendered at. different ,t"irnes .in re.spe~t o~,' :separate prime cont'ra~t5' if1,tl1e'Proje_ct involves'm6re than one p'rime contract.. 4,8, N/A. 4.9, If OWNER has requested significant modifications' or changes in the general scope" ext,e,nt" or character of tlie, Project', t'i,e'timeof performance of ENGINEER's services sh'all be, adjusted equitabl.y" 4,10, If OWNER fail's to give :f'r6mpt written authorization to proceed with any phase of servicesaft"er coi!ipleti6i1 o'f the iinmectiately' preced'i'r1g pha'se, 'or :L'f the Construction Phase has ,not', 'commented'within 180 calendar days "iter completion of the Design Phase, ENGINEER may" aftetgbiing s'even days' wrhten notice t'oOWNER, susp!'nct services under this Agreement. 4.11. If' El-!GINEEJ>:'s ,:;ervices for' d~sign or'during constructloI1 of the Proje,ct' are, delayed Or suspended in whole; or in 'part by OWNER, for 'more tha.n three months for rea'sons beyona ENGINEEI<:"s control, ENGINEER shall o.n written demand to. OWNER (but withaut termination o.f this, Agreement) be paid as provided in paragraph 5' ,j. 2; If such delay' o'r suspension extehds fat more him on'eyear for reasons beyond ENGINEER's, contral, or 'i'f ENGINEER, far any reason :is required to' renderConstructian Phase ser,vices in respect, of any prime contract for cQnst.f'uctian,mater,ials 'or equipment more l'han one year ,,,,fter Substant'ial Co'mpletian' 'is aCh:ievedunderthis Contract, the varIous rates -of co.mpe.hsationprOvided'f6r -elsewhere in this Agreement shall be subject to equitable adjustment. 4,12, In the eV,ent that th'e work d~s';gned or specified, byENGI~ER is to be furnishedo.r performed under more thanane prime contract, or ~f 'ENGINEER's services are to be sep~rately sequenced w;Lth t'he work of c,ne fOr maFe pri,!"e contractors (such 'as ,ln, the ca~e o.ffast,-trac)<ing), OWNER and ENGINEER shaH, priar to cornmencem!,nt. of the ,Fina'l Design Phase, deveiop a'. scliedule' for performance of .ENGINEER'sservic'es during ,the, Final Design, Bidding or Negotiating, and Construction ,Phases il1 ord_ertc ,sequepce and coprdinate pr9perly such, S,e]:y~ces ,as applicable to 'the work ufider' stich separate canf,racts.. This schedule is 'to. be prepared whether or hot the, work under such contracts is to pro<;eed concurrently,and, the .provisions of Paragraphs 4.4, thraugh 4,10." ;Lnclusive', w;Lll be;,modified accordingly,. SECTION 5' - PAYMENTS TO ENGINEER 5,1, MethodS of Payment ,for seriices and, Exp~nses o'f ENG~, 5.1: .1 . For Basic, Services. OWNER ..shall pay' 'ENGINEER fdiBas it Services rendered u~der 'Sectio.n 1 as follows: 5.1.1:.1. ,An amount ec;tualt6 'ENGINEER's payrall Cost,times a,factor of 2. 2 far all Basic, Services ren'dered by prinoi- pals a,nd e!l)play,ees ,engaged directly on the 'Pr.oj'ect" 5'.1..1.2. N/A. 5..,1,1.3." Professional 'Associates, and Consultants. ,For services and Reim:l:nlrsable E"Eens'es af ihdE,pendent profes- 7.3j4~'C...m; Page 11 .o'f 17 sional associates and consultants employed by ENGINEER to render Basic Services, the amount billed to ENGINEER therefor times a factor of 1.3. N/A. The total amount of compensation to be paid to ENGINEER for Basic Services pursuant to Paragraphs 5.1.1. and 5.1.3. shall not exceed the amount included in an Amendment to this Agreement. 5.1.2. For Additional Services. OWNER shall pay ENGINEER for .Additional Services rendered under Section 2 as follows: General - For Additional Services of ENGINEER's principals and employees engaged directly on the Project and rendered pursuant to Paragraph 2.1., on the basis of ENGINEER's Payroll Costs times a factor of 2.2. Professional Associates and Consultants For services and reimbursable Expenses of independent profes- sional associates and consultants employed by ENGINEER to render Additional Services pursuant to Paragraph 2.1., the amount billed to ENGINEER therefor times a factor of 1.3. 5.1..2.3. Resident Project Services For services of ENGINEER's Resident Project Representative (and assistants) furnished under Paragraph 2.2., on the basis of Payroll Costs times a factor of 1.9 for services rendered by principals and employees assigned to resident Project representation. 5..1.3. For Reimbursable Expenses. In addition to payments provided for in Paragraphs 5.1.1. and 5.1.2., OWNER shall pay ENGINEER the actual costs of all Reimbursable Expenses incurred in connection with all Basic and Additional Services times a factor of 1.1. 5.1.4. The terms "Payroll Costs" and "Reimbursable Expenses" will have the meanings assigned to them in Paragraph 5.4. 5. 2. Times of Payments. 5.2.1. ENGINEER shall submit Additional. Services rendered and OWNER shall make prompt monthly monthly invoices. monthly invoices for Basic and for Reimbursable Expenses incurred. payments in response to ENGINEER's 5.3. other Provisions Concerning Payments. 5.3.1. If OWNER fails to make any payment due ENGINEER for services and expenses within thirty days after receipt of ENGINEER's invoice ENGINEER may, after giving seven days' written notice to OWNER, suspend services under this Agreement until ENGINEER has been paid in full all amounts due him for services, expenses, and charges. 5.3.2. In the event of termination by OWNER under Paragraph 7.1., upon the completion of any phase of the Basic Services, progress payments due ENGINEER for services rendered through such phase shall cons'titute total payment for such services. In the event of such termination by OWNER during any phase of the Basic Services, ENGINEER will be paid for services rendered during that phase on the basis of ENGINEER's Payroll Costs times a factor of 2.1 for services rendered during that phase to date of termination by ENGINEER's principals and 23343CJR Page 12 of 17 employees engaged directly on the Project. In the event of any such termination, ENGINEER also will be reimbursed for the charges of independent professional associates and consultants employed by ENGINEER to render' Basic Services, and paid for all unpaid Additional Services and unpaid Reimbursable Expenses, plus all termination expenses. Termination expenses mean additional Reimbursable Expenses directly attributable to termination. 5.4. Definitions. 5.4.1. The Payroll Costs used as a basis for payment mean salaries and wages (basic and incentive), including overtime if required for the performance, paid to all personnel engaged directly on the Project, including, but not limited to, ~ngineers, architects, surveyors, designers, drafters, specification writers, estimators, and other technical and business personnel; plus the cost of customary and statutory benefits including, but not limited to, social security contributions, unemployment, excise and payroll taxes, workers' compensation, health and retirement benefits, sick leave, vacation and holiday pay and other group benefits. The amount of customary and statutory benefits of all personnel of ENGINEER will be considered equal to 30% of salaries and wages. It is understood that overtime requiring premium pay will be used only when necessary to meet schedules and program objectives established and approved by OWNER. 5.4.2. Reimbursable Expenses mean the actual expenses incurred by ENGINEER or ENGINEER's independent professional associates or consultants directly or indirectly in connection with the Project, such as expenses for: transportation and subsistence incidental thereto; obtaining bids or proposals from Contractor(s); providing and maintaining field office facilities including furnishings and utilities; subsistence and transportation of Resident Project Representatives and their assistants; toll telephone calls and telegrams; reproduction of reports, Drawings, Specifications, and similar Project-related items. In addition, Reimbursable Expenses include expenses incurred for computer times and other highly specialized equipment, including an appropriate charge for previously established programs, and expenses of photographic production techniques. SECTION 6 - CONSTRUCTION COST AND OPINIONS OF COST 6. 1. Construction Cost. 6.1.1. The construction cost of the entire Project (herein referred to as "Construction Cost") means the total cost to OWNER of those portions of the entire Project designed and specified by ENGINEER, but it will not include ENGINEER's compensation and expenses, the cost of land, rights-of-way, or compensation. for or, damages to, properties unless this Agreement so specifies, nor will it include OWNER' 5 legal, accounting, insurance counseling or auditing services, or interest and financing charges incurred in connection with the Project or the cost of services to be provided by others to OWNER pursuant to Paragraphs 3.7. through 3.11., inclusive. (Construction Cost is one of the items comprising Total Project Costs which is defined in Paragraph 1.2.6..) 6.2. Opinions of Cost. 6.2.1. Since ENGINEER has no control over the cost of labor, material~, equipment or services furnished by others, or over the 2JJ43CJR Page 13 of 17 Cont,ractor (sl' methods of, determining prices,or Over cO!":Retitive b,ipding ,or mar;kT:t ,C?nditio~s, h"~:, opinil;>ns of, pr'?lJab1:e;r'otB#Project Cos:ts and Construct~on Cost prov~ded for here~n are to 'b,e made 'on the basis of ENGINEER!s experience and qualifications and represent ENGtNEER's))est judgment as an experienced and qualHiedprofessionai engineer, fainiLiar with' 'the, cons.fruction industry; but ENGINEER caiu'lot and 'does hotg.,arantee' ,that proposals, bids or actual Total Project or Construction, Costs will not vary fromopi!lions of,probable CO,St prepared by ENGINEER. If prior. to the Constr,uctionPhase, OWNER wishes greater assurance as to Total Project or Construction Costs, ~."-' - "" - .", ~-.'- . ,_ ...... -'-a'--,.. -,' .. 1_-' _,' ... ,-- .~~ n.".. -, OWNER shall employ an ,~ndependent cost, est~matorasprov:~ded' ~n Pa'ragraph 3.9." ' SECTION 7- GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 7,1. Termination. 7. r .,1. The obligati'orf to provide further, services under thHi Agreement maybe terminated by either party upon thhty days" written notice in the event of'substantial ,failure by the, othe'r party' 'to perfgrm i'nac'cordance wi t'hthe t'eo,ns hereof throu'9h !lO fault iif' the terminating party. 7. 2. ,Reuse, of Documents,. 7..2,;1,: Al'l documents including D'rawings and Speci ficatiOTIS pr'epared or furnished 'by;ENGINEER (and' ENGmEER' s'independent professional assoc'iates. -and consultants) pursuant -to this'Agreement~ iart;! lnst_ru- ments of services in respect .of the ProJect and, ENGINEER ihall retain an owner'ship and property',friterest thereiil whetner or not the Project is completed. OWNER may" make and retaincopie's ,for' information arid re.:E~_renc_~ J.n ca!lneqt'i~!l with :t:.he,u.s:e and" occuP~!lcy oJ. tl-Hi!,P.:P?jec't 'by OWNER ~f1d others; how'eve.:J:'.;- such doc'uments are ~riot tntended or represented to be suitable for 'reuse hy OWNER or othersonextens'ions of thePrO'ject or on 'any other project. Any reuse without written verification or adaptation by ENGINEER ,for the 'specific purpose iiltended wiU"be at OWNER's soledsk and without li:a'biiity or le'gal expo'sure to 'ENGINEER', or.' to :ENGINEER's iridepende'nt professional ~ssociates qr c'?!1au1:t:-,ant's, ~nd, O}ffiER, shall ,indemn.fOfy :aJ1d hc?ld harmless ENGINEER AND ENGINEER"s ,independent, pro.fessional associates a,nd Cop:s~Jt:.arit:s from :aJi. ,c}ai_x:us, ,dam,ages, Ipsses~nq.expenses inc'1uding attorneys' fees arising out of"or result1ng'the'refrom.Any such verifi<::ation or adaptation will ent itTe. ENGINEER to f.urther cOmpensation at ,rates to be agreed upon by OWNER ard,ENGINEEg. 7.3. Insurance. 7..3. J., ENGI~~R sha~l procure and maintain ~nsuraJ1.ce far protection from cla.iIl!s' under workers~' . compeps.ation acts;. c.l:':lims for dama'ges because of' ,bodily injury 'including :personal,injury:, sickness or disease., or death of al\yand all emploY,ees or of',any person, other than such employe,es,. and from clai!11sordamages because of injury to or dest'ruction o'f prope"ty ,inc'luding, loss of u,se resulting therefrom, 1,4 . Controlii.ng La... 7 .4. L Th is,1~greement is. to be governe.d I:lY the 1 aw of the principal place 'of business of ENGINEER. 23:'43CJR Page l4 .o'i 17 ",!. 7'.5. Successors and ,.Assigns. 7.5.1. OWNER and ENGINEER each is hereby bound'ana t.he partners, s.uccessors'j exec'utorS'r > administrators,,- and le,gal repreB.e'nt:a-ti~esr of O\'INER, and ENGINEER (and to th,e ~xtent permitted by paragraph 7.5;2. the assigns of' OWNER and ENGINEER) are hereby .boundto the other party, to this' Ag!",iement and to the partners, , succes6ors,e"ecut6i::s, adfuiilistrators,. and. legal representatives (a'nd' said assign's.) of .such o~he:c.par.ty, in respect to all covenants, agreements', and.,obligations of thi's' Agreem,ent. "" 7.5.2. Neither OWNER nor ENGINEEJ<.. shall assign, sublet, 0,: tian'sfe,: any right:s' under 0': interest in (inCluding, but. ,witholit l'imitatioh" mo,neys that may become dUe:' or. m.oneys tha.t' are due) this Agreement without the wHtten consent: 'of the other; except to. the extent ,that any 'assig'nmeht,,' sUbletting, or "transfer is mandat'ed 'by' law or the effect of .this limitation may 'berestdcted by law', 'and except ENGINEER may transfer itsdghts and 'interests to a succeSsor company that, has substa'nt'ialiy the, same: ownership. Unless s'pecificaliy stated t'o the contrary in ani' '~r.itten 'consent to- an' assi:g,nme,nt,. :no. assignm"ntwill releas,e, or discha,:ge the, as,signo,: from 'any duty or respops~bility unde,r thisAgreemept.,Not;hi!,g co!)tai,ned"in this p'aragraph :shall prevent ENGINEER from eni'ployirig such independent 'profes'sional associ:ates and. con'su:1tahts as ENGINEER' may deem appropriate to assist him in,the 'pe~formance of services hereunder. 7..6. 7.7. 7.8, 2~~oi;~c~.; 7.;5,.3; Nothing heretn shall be construed to give aoy rights or ,benefit:s in this Agreement t..o anyone other" than OWNER and ENGINEER and all dut'ies and xesponsibilit'ies undertaken Pllrsuant to" this Agreement will be 'for the sole and exclusive 'benefit of OWNER and ENGlNijER and not 'for the liene fit of any othe'r' party. ' :N/A. It is, ,underst'ood and agreed tnat, rn seeking services of ENGINEER under' tniSAgreement the, OWNER is requesting ENGINEER to undertak'e some, uninsurable, obligations for ,the OWNER's benefit in advising" requiringJ or, ob:tainiqg- ,o:f ai1Y form. of insurance., suret.ys:h~p, Or t;on~f. 'Therefore,. the OWNE'R agrees to 'hold harmless, inctemni:fy, and defend ENGINEEH ffom and against' any and all, Claims', losse's, damages,., liability, and, cost, including but not limit,edto oosts of defense, arLsil1g Ol,lt .of Or .i-nany, way gonl):ected with actvisin9' -r~quiring'r_ or obtaIi>'ing of any' forms of; insurance, suretyship; or :bond; ,or failure to do so. ' ' ,In consideration af tlleunavai).abil:ity ot,' proEessig.nal :li'agil'ity insuraI1ce, it is agreed 'that the OWNER shall indemnify and hold 'harmless, ENGINEER" and their oonsultant's" ,agents, directors, of~icers and employees from and against all ciaims, damages, losses and expenses, 'direct and indirect, and consequential damages, in'eluding' but not limited to fees: arid charges of .attorneys and court and arbitration 'costs..arising olit of o,r resulthig fromt.he perfor- mance of the work by ENGINEER, Or claims against ENGINEER arising from the work of others, ,involving ,.pollution-related activities, to thefuHest extent permissibl:eby law, regardless of any' action or omission (a"t:ive, passive or comparat:ivenegligence, included) on; the patt 'of ENGINEER. The <\b.ov!= in4ernnificatianproy:,1sion extends to claims against ENGINEER which arise out of, Or related to, or are based. upon, 'the actual, alleged. o'r' th'':eatened discharg'e, dispersal" release', 'or escape of pollutants, and any directive, 'to test 'for, morti:tor, qle?ln ~P, r~move, c9ntain, ,tre~t, detoxi.fy< or neutral.ize po'lluta,nts, !'POLLUTANTS" meap apy solid, liquid, gaseous Or, thermal PagelS of 17 ,~ ir,ritant or contaminant,. including smoke, vapor,. soot... fUmes':, acids or alka'lis', chemicals and waste.. 7.9. In consideration of the' tinavai-lability ofprofessiona'l' liabinty insurance, it is agreed that the OJ"INER sha.ll indemnify and, hold harmles?J E.NGINEER ,and;tJl~ir r;:an:?~ltal:)ts:,. "ageJ1,ts. di'recto.rs, o;f-ficers and emplcyees from and against, an: cl:aims, damages, losses, and expenses,. direct and indirect, and consequential damages, including ,but n?t limited t,o fees and' charges of attorneys and court and arb1trat:ion costs, ar'i.si:ng '!=lut of, or, resulting f~om tile perl'o",nance of tlie work oy ENGINEER, or c'laims agalns't 'ENGINEER 'arising from the work of others, related 'to asbestos activities, to the fullest extent ',permissible by law, regardless of any ,action or omission JE'cti,ve, passive or comparative negligence included) on the part of' ENGINEER. "ASBESTOS ACTIVITIES" means any specificatiori of: a product, ,material of process containirig' asbestos, 'faiTure to detect the existence or 'proportioriof asbestos in a' product, material. or process and 'the 'perf.Q::smance or fail_ure .to ,:per:f9~ aba;tement... :rep1.acem~nt .or rem.oval o~. a p~o~tict., maJ:erial or. pro~ess: cant~ining asbesto?~. 7.10,. OWNER shall require the COhtractor to the fullest extent permitted by Laws and ;Reglilations, to indemnify and hold harmless ENGINEER, ENGr'NEER's Consultants andtheoffid\';ts, directors, employees, agenb and other consultants' of each, and ahy of them from and against. all Claims', costs, iosses aI)d damages (iilcluding but not Li'!'itect to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, at'torneys and '?ther pioiess'io'nals 'and all caurt< or arbitration or other di'splite resolu- tioncosts,) caused by, arising out of or :resulting from'the perfor- ,mance of the, work, provided tl)at any such claim, cost, 1'oss or damage: (i) is attributable to bodily' injury, sickness, disease, or death,' or t'o' injury to or destrucdon af ,tangible property (other 'than the work itself)" including the loss of use resulting therefrom, and (HI is caused in whole or in part by any ne,gl.i:gent act. Or omission of Contra.::!;or, anySUb.contractor',: any Suppli",r, any person c)t organizat'ion, di'rectlyor inairectly employed by any ofthern to perfoim 'or, 'furnish anYdf the, work or anyone for whose a'cts any of them may pe liable, regardless of whetheri or ,not caused in part .by any negligence' or omission of a person or entity indemnified hereun'1:ler or whether liability is irtipose'd upon' such indemnified pariiy by Laws arid Regulations .regardless of' the negligence of any such persqn or ent ity ~ The 'indeIl'lI1J-f~cati<O'n op!iga:t~",ons .of gp_ntrac~<?r shan nat' extend to the liability of ENGINEER and ENGINEER~s Consultants,: officers, directors, employees or ,agebts 'caused by the prafessional negligence~ errors ar' omissions of :any of them. SECTION 8 ..., ,SI?ECIJl.LFROVISIONS, EXHIBITS ,AND SCHEDULES 8.1. This AqreemEOnt is subjEOct to thEOfollowing spEOc:i.al provisions: B. L 1 > OWNER hereby ,agrees that to the, fu'l1est ext;en;;perinitted by law design' prDfesslonal-'S total liability to 'oWNER' for any' and a,l1 injuries,. claims,., losses" expenses'; or dama-qes ~hatsoever arising O\lt of or in any w.ay,,:eiateii to the P,,:oject ortilisAgre~,men~ froJll any cause or' causes including but' not limited' to design professional'S ;:neg.ligenc;:e.. err6't's', om~ssions,. strict li.8bility'~ bfea'tp. 9,( contr~ct ,orbr"ach qf warrantysh;>ll not ex_ceed the amou~t, of, ENGINEER's fee, B. 2 . The following Exhibit, is attached to and made a ,part, of this Agreement: 8.2.1. Exhibit A, - Duties" Responsibilities and 'Limitatrons of Authority of Resident Project ,Representative '.23-3013.CJR' Page :H of n , - , ~ 8.3. This Agreel1\ent (consisting of Pages I to, 17, fnclus:Lve), together wHh the Exhibit identified abpve' constitute the entire agreement between OWNER .and 'ENGIl>1EER and supe.I:seae an prior writt,en or o.ra,I understan"di:ngs . Thl's Agreement. .and sid.d,Exhibitmay only be amended" supplemented. modified or. cancelled by a duly executed written inst.rument .- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 'the parties' 'hereto 'have .made and executed thi.s Agreement as' of the, day ,.and year' first above written. ,BOARD OF ,PUBLIC WORKS &. SAFETY CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA witness: 'B By ":hd' Q ~ ~Q~ . By -- y .APPROVED By Attorney 23.~_OC.JR Page 17 .of 17