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Carmel/Cen. IN Reg. Transp. Auth
~.~ . (\. vJ1 ! .C\{\, ,c\ \,>-0" \\)10 . INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT APPROV~. . 0 FORMB. . ~ WHERAS, Indiana, Cocleprovides for ihc adoption of interlocal agreements. by comillonrcsoluiion; ani:!, ' WHEREAS" the City ofCanl1el, Indiana desires. to enter into an interlocaJ agreement withthose other'ilmnicipalities which plan t6 participate ill' the!("eiitrallndlana R()gional Tni,nsportatioh Auihority; and, WHEREAS, Exhibit B. attached hereto anil made part hereo'f constitutes the identity of each partihipatingmun'icipaliiy;the ar;'lOunt. which each muniCipality is agreeingio proviQe;!o suppoit:,the apti\dtics,of the RegibmU TriulsportationALithoiitjhnd the IJlogram of works. for whiCh suchfuncls shaiibe used, ' t':l0W,THEREF0RE,itishereby Agreed"as follows: Section 1. Thal' the eity of Cannel, Indiana shall pay thosc sums sel'out iIi EJ.lliibit B forthqse purposes'ii:lentified' therein. This Agreement maybe executed ill'as many counterparts 'as there are'municipalities,participating. Section 2. This.Intefjocal AgreemcntshaJl be null andv6id if..the F()d()ral, State and' City of Indianapolis governments; acting by and tJ1rqugh Uteir appropriate juris?ictionalli6dies do'not provide funding at the approximate levels indicat~dO on. Exhibit.B. Or in.the absence of such fundif1g'*grc~m~ntstha! ai1othersourceoHundiilgis. secured and participating imJnicipal coi'jlorationsjndividiJally agree to 'procecd with ,the' formation of the Regional Transportation,Authority, In no evenLshall funding)e'vels for. individual parlicipaiingmmnicipal corporations exceed'th.e'levels indicated OIl ExhibiVB withol!t thil! municipal 'col'Jloration's. consent. Invoicing for participatii)g .municipal corporations will not occur until all. individual funding 'agreements iil exgcss' of $50,000.00 have, been secur.ed. .IN WITNESS WHEREOF; CITY OF CARivjEL, J:Nl)JA. NA . - - . byand'through its.Board ofPilblic Works andSafet)' BY: ;J~~ 8~ tIme,S Brain;1: M1r'L Date. ,10 8 7 (- ,t, - .' Billy Walker; Member' ~'-, . . .. -- 'Date: Exh'ibi t Il PROPPSED RTA 2 YEAR START~P pUDGET ,SOURCE REG'IONAL MAJOR CONTR.ACT TOTAL 6 MO. #. T~At!S'i T' INveST. MANG:MT, DUE ADV. Db.. _T.'--, .PLAN. STUDY PYMl;. MI~M. FEDERAL .1500000 l'500000 NPO 200000 1 ~SOOO ,J 28000 STATE '2)0000 2~0000 ~ I NOPLS. 25000 1'2'50.00 16000. 166000 415,00 j IIAMTN' CO 40'00 ~ 1250 Spoo J 8 2'5 0 .9) 88 1 ., ',\.' - . BOONE ,co 4.000 JOOO 7000 17.s:b i HENDK ,CO ~ogo 3600 7000 1750 1 MORON, l<O 400U JOOO 7000 1750 I J.oHifs CO 4000 JOOO 7000 n50 I SULBY CO 4000 3000 7000 1750 i IIANCK CO 4000 3000 7000 (750. l NADSN CO 4000 JOOO 7000 1'75"0 I NOBSYLLE 4000, J1250 JOOO 38250 911l's 1,/4 C/'R!4EL 4000 .J"I2~ 0 JOOO j 8)~0 9188 1/4 FISHERS 4000 31-2.50 JOOO 38250 9.18.8 1,/04 GRNWOOD 4060 3000 7000 17 SO 1/4 ~'A!I'RENqE ~OOO 300'0 1'0.00 1759 1/4'- 0 SPEEDWAY 4.000 3000 7000 1750 1/4- 0 De' GROVE ol00'll 3000 7000 1750 1/4- D SOUTIIPRT .\000 3000 7000 17 50 1/-1- 0 CICERO 900 '700 16UO 400 0 VfESTFLD 9.0.0 700 i600 400 0 ZNSV~L'E 9.00 700 !690 ~oo 0 LEBANON 900 700 16'00 ftoq 0 B.RwNsrid 960 700 1600 400 0 AVON 900 700 1600 400. 0 PLAINFLD 900 700 1600 400 0 MRESVLLE 9.00 700 1.600 400' 0 NRTNSVL;E 9.00 70.0 1600 400 0 FRANKLIN ,909 700 160b 40'0 0 SHBl;YVLE 9,00 i06 1600 400 6 ,GRNF I ELi> 900 700 11500 4'09, 0 -- ...', ~.'..', '900' 400 MCCRDSVL 700 1600' 0 FORTVLLE .900 700 1600 400 0 'PENDbETN ,900. 700 1600 400 0 TOTAL J02500 2000000 202500 ,250.JOOO 1'06875 5-16 - " RECEIVED FEB 2 t, ~, I \ ,~' CARMELCL[~K lREASUf'ER STATEMENT City of Carmel 1 Civic Square Carmel, IN 46Q32 Btatement Dil,te Project Title Jartuary:26,2000 Northell.'it Corridor, Major InveslIilent Study Contribution to the Project $31,250,00 Al11ourifPai1l $7;812.50 Balance Due -$23,;'137.50 Please, Remit Upou Receipt, to: City ofIndianapolis Department ofrVretropolitan Developmerit 200E. Wllshington.St., Su;te 18,60 lridianapolis,JN 46204 Atth: CherYl Lamb Please make'checkpayableto the City of:Indianapolis - . .' ~ City of Carmel I Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Statement Date Eroject Title' }i:mtiary 26,2000 Regional Transit Servicc,\'lan Contribution to the, Project Amou.ntPaid 'Balance Due Please Remit Upon ReceijJtto": .', ,..- City of Indianf}polis 'De~artment,ofMetropolitan Development' 200 E. Washington St., S'uite 1860 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Attn: Cheryl Lli'l}1.b Please make check payable to the City ofIndianapolis $4;000 $0 $4,000