HomeMy WebLinkAboutMutal Aid/CFD/Washington Twshp Marion County WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP, MARION COlJNTY/CITYOF CMWEL,HM.11LTON'CQUNTY FIRE DEPARTMEI,'IT MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT Resulting, from discussions between officials, of the Washington ',Township Fire'Depahrnent /WfFD), (Marion Count)') and the City of Carmel FiieDepahrnent (CFD), (Hamilion,CoWlly) pertaining to the_ proyision ot'qptimuni fire and emei'gen.;y -medical' serVi~s a]6hg!tl'd, a~ja.~ent tn the Washiilgion Township/City of Carmel h<?Wldary"the,foHdwing agreement has been reacl1ed'pwsuani to fC.. ~6-1-7: 1. DUAL RESPONSE AREAS' I_I Pursuantto the request of the Washingtoil'TownshipFire Chief. the areas orthe Washington Township serVice district-listed'belowsha]).I",'desi),nated adlial response area: 1.1-] In tb,e event ofareportcdfuc {J;r:automatiealarm at anyC<!mmercial, instilutiooa!"induStriaj or muiii-fhmily,residentiaj occupanc;y, carrod Engind . . '.' ~. ," - .,- -- ...<' ~- . .' -. . - . . ,- " ... " - ,'" shall respond'on the initial dispatch with tbeappropriate WTFD apparatusm the folIowing-box.alarmareas: ,Oox 2235: ,an area_bomlded by'96th.Street to the.North"MeridianStteet:to the West, 91 st'Streettothc South fmdC611cgcAvenue ~Il the EaSt; Oox 2236: an area boundedby96lhStrcet to the North; CoHegeAvenue, to,the' West, 9lstStreet' to the South ,i;,d' Wesifield 'Boulevard, I~terstate 465 and Keystone Ave;ue to the qast. ' - - ," _ -, -. 00x2237: ,an -area ;bounded-by 96th ,Street to'the North, Westfield Boulevard, Interstate 465 and:KeystoneAvemje 00 the West, -79th',Street'lo:the,South and Whlte.Rivette the Easl. 'IrCarniel Engine 3 is out of.scrViee at th,e time of initial dispatch; no other CFD~gine ,shall_be 'dispatchco_ 1.2 l',ursuani tothe,reque~tofiheCityo[,Cou.mel Firec:hief"lheareas oftheCiry of.CarmeJ servicc'districtlisted below shall be designated-a;duaL response area: L2,! 'In,the evenl'ofil reported tire,or'automatiealarm at any commercial" instiMional,.indusiriai oj- multi-family residential oCC'upailcy, WTFDEngine 223shall:r<:spoi1~'llnthe initiaIdisp,aten with the appropriateCFD,apparatus'in the following box alarm , areas: ' - anare,a bo\ll1ded'by'j06th '~treet(ln,the North"MeridillQ S,!:een'o tl1~ West, 96th St:reetlO the. South and the WhiteRiyerw iIle East_ If Enginc 223 is not. 'available:no other WrFD engine_will be dispatched, 1,2,2 Ii\the'event ora'repOrted- ftie'Or'autnmatie,alarm,at,any commercial., institutionaUndusirlal or multi-family residential occupancy, WfFD Engine 224"shaJlrespondon,thc initial IDspatch.with the'appi'opriate'CFD~pparatus in the following'box -alarm area,r an ar,,#: bound~d 'bx 106\hStreei to tb,e North, Towne Road.!o the West, 96th~,- -Street to the SouW and Meridiao ,Street to the East. If Engine 224 is not available Mother \VrFD engine,will be diSjl~tch_ed, 2.0 GREATER ALARM RESPONSES 2.1 Pur~t;tothe request oLLhe Washington Township Fire Chief; the..CFD shall provide greater ,alarm mutual aid in the areas. of the WashihgtonTownship service district north of62l1d'Streetas Iisted.below: 2.1-1 In,Lheevent ofa.workingincidehtWithintlfearea' descrlbe'd in paragraph' 2.1 re<Juirin!\~seconaorLhi1d alarm, i1ieWfFD incidenf.~ommander.may r\Xlueg theresponse.6fili~ closestCFD cQll1paniesnOHO,exceect,one engiile andior one aerial 2.1-2 Ih,theovent ofaworking ;ncii:lentrequiring'asecond alarm response;CFD shali respond the closest availabieengine company to the following WTFD box alann areas: Box 221l:,an arelihOimded'bythe White River to the North and We~t, 71st Street to the Soul!J;and Keystone AVCnue to the East, Box'2213: an";'ea hOun~ed;by 79th. Street to the Norih, KeyStone,Avenue to the West, 7IstStre.et.lOthe.~outh and DeanRoa~ to theEast, Box:2216:,anarea hOimded'by 96thStreetNorth, the White River to the West, Interstate 465 tothe,Sbuth and a iine extcndiftg through Graham Road. to the East. Box 2217: an'lliea hOunded'by Iriterstate.465 fo the North, AllisonvilkRoad to the west, 79th Street t'o theSouth,.\n:d a lineex.tendilig through G~aham 'Road _,. .' '. '7, . "". _. '. '. . __ e' to !If~, I2~St, Box.2230: an area bqunded by 86th Street ,to the,North; College,Avenueto'the West,7jthStreet aUd,the White River to,the,Soutli.and.Keystotie:Avcnueto the Eastl Box.2234:an area boUtided'by 9lSt,Streetto the.Norih; Meridiiul' Street to the West: 86th street to the South aridC6llege Avei1u.~,to~iheEas), , , Box 2238: 'an area b(lunded.by 9ist.Street to the North, College, Avenue to' the West:; 86th.Streenoihe South and Keystone Avenue.lothe East; Bo:d139:an .area hOunded by Interstate 46nothe North,the While River' to the West; 79th,StreeUo the SoiLthandAllisonville Road to East, Box 2243: amarea bounded by '86th Street 6nthe North. ToWnship'Line,Road io'the WeSt, 79th SJieet totkSouth ,md Diteh Road totlie'East,' Bnx2244: an area'bouilded l5y96rhStrCet to the,Nrirth, Township Line Road.to the West, 861hStreetto ih~ South :rndDitch Roadto,the East:' " , . _ ._ . ~ 0 _ _ _. "" ~ ~ _ . . Bnx.22~5:' an ,area bOWlded by 96th,Street to the. North, , Ditch Road to the West, 86tbStreet to the Southand'MeridiimStreettothe East, 2:1.-3 Inrhe.eventofa workingincidenirequiring asicimd alarm response" theCFD sllallrespciIid'I:ai:lder1 to the following WTFD hox itl3irri,areas: the areas. pr,eviously',';:\escfilXd)n par~graplir I ~1 for:noxes 2235,22,~('j'and:2i370n which,Cl'I) Engille 3 respopqson.theinitil!l.dispatch, and:thearcas,]lrevi(lusly desciibed in paragraph 2,1"1 for Boxes i216,.2217,.2234,and 2238 on which thecloses\ CFD.engiile,company respond.,'ontl1eserond alann. 2.1-4 In the event'ofa wbrking'iilcident,iequirfrtga,thirdillarm response, theGFD shall respond the C10sestawilable ei1gme company to the.folloWing WTFD box alami ai'etis: Box 2212: ail area houndedby71si Street on the Noith, the White River.tothe .~ ".- - , ",." _ - . .' - "'. ". ..~: _ " . _ '. .' '_ ',... '. ..F -- West; 64th Street, EvanstonAvenue,and 62,ndStreet,toth.eSouth.and Keystone Ayenueto [he:EasE, Bo" 2214: JIlloire~ hoWlded by ;79thStreet to)he,Norili, O"an Road to .theWest, 71 stStre<:tto the South and Alfisonviile Road to the East, BQx2232:. an,area bo~deci by i5th'Street w,the North, Meridian StJ'ect to the Wcst, the oid city iimits.tothe'Soulh:and'CoIleg.eAveriue to the Eilst, Box i233: an area,bounded by'86th.$treet to the NortIi, Meridian street to the West, 75th Street to the Sciiith and GollegeAvenue to the East, ' .', .' -" . - l Z,.' _ Box 2242: an area 'hounded by 79th Street to the North, alineextending through TOW1\$il' U;'e Road wih,e' y.r~t, ajine,through67'th Street, 66th Street and Indigo Lane to th~South'~d Hoover Road-to the East, 8.0""2246: an 'area. bO)lIldedby 86th Stieet to the North' Dittli Road to theWest; 79th street,to the South arid Meridian'Street to th'e East 2.1-5 fntheevenl'of a.workingiheident rcquiring;athirp alariiicrespons~, ,the CfI) shall,respond Ladder' I io the fgUQwing WlFDbox alarm,areas; the areas, pr~Viou~lydesc~ibcd.'in paragraph'2.1-] {or Boxes,i230; 2239,i244 aDd 2245 on whiChthc closesl"CFD engine responds onihe.second.alarm;ancl the areas pi-eViomliy descrtbedcin2,1-3 for'Bom2233 and 2246 on whiCh the closeSt CFD engine responds on .ihe tIiii'd alarm, 2',2 '!'ui'suant to the requeSt of thdcity of Carmel Fire Chief, the WTFD shall proVide greater alarm mutuahidin the areas ofthc City,ofCarinelorS~laY.T~:SIiipseryice 'district North of 96thS)reet, SO!Jth OfCaiJ:11cl Dri~ebetv!,een Towne 13-0ad anp. Gray Road as llsH:d below: '2:2'1 In the cventof a working:!ncident within,.tIje.area:described,inparagraph 2,2 requiring a second.or third,alarm"thc CFD';ncidentcommander mayrequcst the respOnse of the c16sestWfFD compahiesmofto eKCeed one engine'iindl(lr (me aerial; , 3;(} MU'flJAL AID - EMERGENCY ASSISTAJ,!CE 3:1. ,Bursnan(to the request of the Wasliington'Township FireCliicf"in .the event ofa major - - . - - . " -. .. . ,- -. .--' ~ . " . . .: .' . - - ' . " , emergency of any narure,occurring,withinthc Washington Township fite service ,district, the on,scene WTFD incident commander mayrequcst-the respol1se of the closestavaiiabieCFDequ!(l1flent.ai1dpersonneJto briIlg the emergency Urider control. 3,2 Pursu:inttojl>ei'equeSt oftheqtyofCannclFire Chief, in the, event of a majqr em~ge.!,lcyofany miture occurring'within t~e'City,ofCann~! flfe,serylced\strict"theglJ- scene CFD ihcid~i commander ll\ay rcquestthe response ofthe,ctosestavailable WTFD equipment'and personnello briIlg theemergenCYWlder control. 4.D MUTUAL AID ~MOVE'Ul' ASSISTANCE 4,1 Pursuant to t1ie request of,the Wa:shinglOri TOwllship Fire.Cliief" in the event;Clfa major, emergency within' iJieWasnirtgton Toy;nship fitC'servicedisirjct requiring the ITl\:uded 'coinmitment ofWlFDequipmentang p,ersOnne1,to,the degree thli,t the ability of the WlFDto render emergency fire,and mellicalseryicesin ol,her m:eas, ofl!s. fire:~crvice <!istrict is severeiy impalred.i'.1e on".s,cene WrFD,incidenccommander may request,tQe; response of the closest availableCFD equipment and,personneltomoveuptoa'WTFD fire station, , 4.2 Pursu:intto the'requestafthc'City.ofCarmel Fire Ghier, intheeventofa'maj6r emergenCy"withintlfeCiry 6fCiinnel, fife service diSti'ld requiring' the extended COnimitme'nfofCFD,equipm<;ntand jlers,?rineIto.ihe d~gr~e that. theabfliiy oflheeI'D to renderemergeno/ ilic and medical !servicesjnoiherareasof itsfireservice'districLis sCv<;r,c,:ly imp~ired,.the,,?!,~scenetFb incjdenlcommand~,niayrequest,the response of the closest available WTFD equlpmenl and personnel to move up to a CFD,fire station, 5.0 MUTUAL AID- EMERGENGY MEDICAL SERVICES 5.1 In lhe event,bf a'medical emergenCy Within the'Washingtqll T'!wi1sIi1PfITe,servic~ district,' WfFD may requJs!the,responseof the clq,scstavaila)>leCFD p,.M.S.-apParatus sliould WTFD primary response apparat]lS b.e unavallabk 5,2 lnthec,:v<;nt of'amedica] emergencywithin,the qty of Came! fire service district,CFD ,may request,lheresponse'oftheclascst"available WTFD,E.M.S. apparatus should G:FD prunar5' response apparatus be unavailahle. . 5.3 Intheevmtof a medical emergenCy withm either fire sefvjce district"the transporting' l!epartment shall maintiiin sqle respon~ibility}or padent billing." '. ., 6.0 II'!CIDENT COMNIAl'IDAND COJlITROL '6,1 The rITe, departrnenthavingterritoria I jurisdiction maintains.ultimate, responsibility for overaIHncident;command: ' 6.] -I All iespondingpersonnelshaWcbniply with the Incident Commander's direclivc,:s;regardless oftheln,c,idC)1i,Conun'ander's Or persoimel;s department affiliation. ,6.1,2 Personnelaftiliated wiiil'lheassisting,fue department.shall have ,the same powers and dilties as sorresponding'personnel'emp]oyed' by the assisted department; but only iil'the,periodtheyare,engage<hiintctiVities'authorizedhy the~assiS1ed'department,' - 6,1-3 The dCl'artmeni proViding'assistancdemains rcsl'onsiblefor the'conduL1, ofilS perso~nel." - ,. ", - " 6,1-4 Every ctfort'sbaJr'bemade torctum the,assiSlingcdepartnlenfs apparatus to a run,readystatus as soon as possible, 7.11 FIRE CAUSE INVESTIGATION 7.1 The fire d&parmient having territorial jurisdiciion m~inlainsu1timate respovsibility for fiie cause aa'd origin ~ve~tig~tion, Within !Jidr fireservic"di~trh - ' 7,]-] Invesiig~tive assistancefrom,theWTFD,or,theCFD shall,lkmade:available to the'Incident CommandeLOfeithcr department upon request. 8.0 RESPONSE OBLIGATION 8,1 The Wasbingtoo TOWnship Fiie Departtnent'sliaJlnofbeob]jgated to respond as described ill t1iis agreeinen't if to do so would endanger,thecitizens of Washington' io~#ip Or u,,:paii the ~bility~fihcWa;~i~gt~ T';WI1sJ,1.ip'FiieDq,ar1meot torenOg emergency, ,fire or medil;al services within iis fITe service diStrict. 8.2. The CitY. of Cimnel Fire Department shall not beobligatedt6 respond.as d""crihed in tj1isagreemp,tiqo do,s.o,woul?,~d3ngci!Jie cil!z~!is of the City of Carmel or impair the ability of the Ciry ofCarroel,Fire DepaJ1mentlofender emergenCY tire or medicil services within.:its, lire serVice' district. 9.0 FINANCIAL OBLIGATION 9'1 Both fire departments' agree tliat tlie servkcidescribed'in this agreenieht snalLhe providerl to one ,an6tj1er without cosio . 9.1-1 Each'department remains.financially responsi~le for'any ofits'apP3!:al:U~or equipmentthat mayheloSl, stolen or damaged a/}d forany medicatt;<pen$Cs incUrred.by its:personnel. regardless of.the jurisdictiOn in'which the loss occurs. W.. INDEMNIFICATION 10.1 Wasliiri!ftohTownship agrees,to inaero:niiYand hoJd,harmlt\s,;:the City' of Carmel;' its fircdepaninem,andom!=~s,'agenIS'jUld ,etl1ployeciofeacl1 fr~m,any~d air elaull 9r ilirea'!ofclajm.'loss, liability, judgment or )ien, arising o,ul of the, negligence of Washington Township,itsfire,depJU1:inenH!nd:~ffi=s, agents or:employees ofe:l.ch in dispatching any equipmenuo any'incidentd~scribed within Ibis document.S,;,ch indemniWshali indudeatlorney's fees' and all costo[other expenses arising therefrom Or incurrea iii'connection thereWith, 1'0.2 The Ciry of qanneJagrees to, indemriiiy and'holdh:mnless Washington Township, its fire department. and ol'ft'=s; agents,arid ,employees ofelich from any ana all claim 'or . '- -'. ~ > - . ",' ~ ., . .. " --" . ". tlireato,f claim; 10ss,liabi1ilY, juagment 9.f lien'arisingotlt ofih~ negligence of the CilY, of Cannel,its, fire departmenland officers,.agen!s or, employees of each, in dispatching'anyequipmentto anY incident, described within thisdocumem. Such indemnilY,ShalLincltide anorntys fees,and,all cost ofothepexpenscs'arising'therefrrnn Or iilcurred in'cnhhection thereWith. . 11. EFFECT Il.l Once;signed, this agreement modifies ,,"dsupe~!;edesany a;nd a.Jl o!her mu!u,al ~idor dual. responseagreemenlS between ,the WasJiington TO\Vllship Fire-Departmenr and the Cit)',ofCarrocl Fire Department. 11,2 This agreemeiltshallrcinainin,fullforee aild.elfectuntil modifled or. terminated ,by mutUal Written cOnsent ofthc panies or upon thirty (30) dayS writlCl1'lloticc'by either party,(ot!ieothef pany ., " [;1f:' /)j, "~ , ,-:;;I / 't i 'so agreed,t's ,'9aY~ '19.zftJ Wasliin,gion wp. Trustee ~ fK uLL!e-. Washin .' wp, ,FlrcChief ,. - ".. - Approved by the .City of Carmel by'ana through,the Board of,Pub!ic Works and Safety :!:' .... . 'i( By: William Walker B~ y: L~ W.atson 'A~ Diana Cordray, Clerk-Trea C;\A TRNYlxT\A10RNYFl.LES\FORi\iS'\BP1}.rSlG.SM:T ADDmONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS . .. ~ The following additional terms and conditions.shall apply to and govemthatcertain document entitled Washington,Township, MarionCo;.fflty/CityofCariitel, H,amiltpn'CoiJiJ!yFire DepartmeiJ! Mutual Aid,Agreelllent (tHe "Agreement") dated . 1996!. by and between the City of Carmel Fire Department (the "CFD") .and the Washington Township Fire Department (the "WTFD") goveniing the,ptovisiorLofoptirilulllifire,artQ emergency medical services along and adja~eiJt,to theWa,shingt9n Township/City'ofCa,rmel boundary Notwithstanding anything to,the; contrary, the City of Garmel's liabilitywitl} re,spectto its obliga'tiori'toindemnify and holo Washington Townshiphannlessshilll be'limited'to the maximum of the lesser of (8:) the amount of insurance cov~ragef6rsuch claimiandin effect at the time of the c1aimor{b) the amount allowed under the Indiana Tort.Claims ,- .-. - -. . I'". . '-".- .- ,-."~ 1\,ct, IC 34-4-16,5-4, asamended,atthe tilT)e of the claim or (c)theartrount allowed under the IIidiaha Tort Claims Act, as amended, at'the time of execution of the, Agreement Notwlthstanding;anyi:hing to the contrary, Washington Township's.liabilitywith.respect to its obligation to.indemnifyand'hold City ofGanmellial1nless:shall be'lil1lited to the maximum of the lesser of (a) the amount of insurance coverage for suchc1aiI11.and in effect at the'time oHhe claim .or (b) the amount allo~ed' unde~ the Indiana Tort Clajrns Act, IC 34-4-16,5-4, aSap1ended, at the time ofth,e claim 'cirCc) th~dunotintallowedlinder th'eI'1diiu\a TOrt.Cliliiffs Act, as amended,at the time of execution 'of the Agreement, ~ V ,1996, ~ t;( I,)~k Washington ',wp. Fire Chief By: by the City of Carmel by and through the Board of Public Works and Safety, , I .RY'~~