HomeMy WebLinkAboutCarmel/NBD Bank Trust Agreement SENT BY' ICE .M [LLfR ; 9-13-96 : 3:41PM COpy CB'HER~ 3178443498:#12 1," -:-';;'-' TRUST AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OFCARMBL. INDIANA AND NBD..BANK, N.A. As Escrow Trustee Dated.as airy) :zt),1996 TRUST AGREEMENT This agreement (hereinafter the "Trust Agreement") made and entered into as of '-,2.5 , 1996, by and between the City of Carmel, Indiana (the "Issuer"), a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of.Indiana and NBD Bank, N.A. (hereinafter the "Escrow Trustee"), a banking and financial institution incorporated under the laws of the United States of America having its principal office in the City of Indianapolis, Indiana, as Escrow Trustee under this Trust Agreement with the Issuer. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Issuer has heretofore issued its Sewage Works Refunding Revenue Bonds of 1985, dated November 1,1985 (hereinafter; the "1985 Bonds") pursuant to Ordinance No. S-47 (the "1985 Ordinance"), in the total amount of Two Million Five Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars ($2,520,000) of which Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($800,000) in principal amount are now outstanding; and WHEREAS, the Issuer has accumulated moneys in the funds and accounts created by the 1985 Ordinance sufficient to pay the principal ,of and redemption premium and accrued interest on the ]985 Bonds until November 1, 1996, the earliest date on which the 1985 Bonds can be called for redemption; and WHEREAS, the Issuer has concurrently with the execution and delivery of this Trust Agreement, deposited with the Escrow Trustee $844,600 from moneys held pursuant to the 1985 Ordinance (the "Issuer's Funds"); and WHEREAS, the execution and delivery of this Trust Agreement have been in all respects duly and validly authorized by an ordinance duly passed and approved by the Common Council of the Issuer; NOW THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH: That in order to secure the payment of the principal of and redemption premium and interest on the ]985 Bonds according to their tenor, purport and effect, and in order to secure the performance and observance of all of the covenants and conditions herein and in the 1985 Bonds, and for and in consideration of the mutua] covenants herein contained, and of the acceptance by the Escrow Trustee of the trust hereby created, the Issuer has executed and delivered this Trust Agreement. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the Escrow Trustee, and its successor or successors and its or their assigns forever; IN TRUST, NEVERTHELESS, upon the terms l!nd trusts herein set forth, to secure the payment of the 1985 Bonds and the redemption premium and interest payable thereon, and to secure also the observance and performance of all the terms, provisions, covenants and 425511.1 :5b'n ~y: I Lc ill Iu.tl{ ; ::t-lt:i'-:tjb -;' w,;i!Lrm I LV,y Ll:l~ I t.l(.... ;)1 {tlH;)~:JO;7fB , , conditiQIIS of this Trost Agreement, and for tlieequal and ratable benefiiand security :of all and singular owners of aU 1985 Bonds without'preference,prj6rity o!",di,s!inction as to 1ieJ! ,or otherwise, ~xcept as otherwise. hcreiDafter pro~ded, of anyone 1985 Bond,or as between prillCipal and intenlst; and it isherel!y ll1\lt1ll\l1y covenanted a:nd a~thato,theterrm; and condilions upon' which the 19~ Bonds are to be paid and redeemed and a: portion of the IsIlUeI'S Pundsh1veSted, and the trusts and conditions i1p~Dwhich theplooged GovemmentObugliiions . - ,,- . -. ~ _ ~'_' -0, . and the Cash, Requirement (each as henlinafter defmed) are to be,held anddisbursed,are as follows: ' . ' ' ~i i: j~ 1. The Escrow Trustee acknowl~dgeS'[ece!pt, from llieIssuer,oftAeIssuer's Funds amHhe use thereoNo purchase' the securities set forth: ill Exhibit A attaChed bereto, (the "GoV~mlnenWbligatioDs") 'Ivith, the residlW to .be held ,as cash urthe amount 01'$ ;7 ..19, 7~ (the "Cash Requiremeni~) to be applied on .the principal of and }l1tere~ Oil the '1985 BQllds ma~ring qnNbyember I, 199~ atld thereafter arid to redeem on November 1, 1996 all 1985 Bo~, with a redemption prenllU~ of 2%. TIle GoVen;ment Obligations Mve been,4ePoSited with the <Escrow ~and will bear interest at:such rates and will mature at such, time and, insuchanlQullts so that, when paid attOrdilig:to'tIillir respective.tilft\s, together with the Cash Reqtiiremeill, suffi!liem mone)'s will be available to.pay the 1985cBonds maturing on and after November 1, 1996 with ititei'est thei'eon , and,to ~~ 011 November:t, 19.9'6,'flie eatliestdate the 1985 Bonds can be Called for redemption, ali remaining 198.5 Bonds, with ~a redemption premium of 2 % . - 2. (a) A Trust Acqounris ci'ealed:h~by. ThIlGov~nt.Qbliglltionsand ihe Cash Requimment win be held in trust by the Escrow Trustee in the Trust,Account andmch Government'Obligatiohson deposit with ,the EScro.'!I:' Trustee, including inte.restto be ~d thereon, together with tQe Cash Ret}uirement. are pleilged..solelYiand irrevocably for thebetJefit ofthe6'Yner~ oflbe 198!) Bcmas. .Pursuimt to thiS. Section, ,t!1e Issuer irrevocably instroctsthe' &crowTrus1ee to pay the principal of and interest 011 all ille 1985 Bonds matlJrlngCl!f November' I, 1996 arid to redeem on November!, 1996 al[l985 BOIlWl'witha ri:demption premium of 2 %, and the Escrow Trustee hereby agrees to follow said instruction. (b) The EscruwTrusteeand the Issuer agree to redeem o;p Npyember 1, 1996; all cfutst:ailding,1985 Boi1ds due Quam! after Novembeil, '199.7. 'The Escrow TJ\l8tee and the Issuer shall compietethe notice attached as Etllibit Band.maii the notice in acccirdai1ce with Exhibit B subStaittliilly in t:ljefomi _heG hereto'a.s Exhibit Ii. (e) All inierest ~g8 ~ene.ratedin the Trust Account which. remain in the Trust Account:af'ter redemption of all the 1985 Bonds;shlill be deposited with the Issuer,. 3. The .Bcrow Trnsteebereby Ilctept.'l the trusts i!p.posed 'upon it bY this TrllSt. Ag~einenlandagrees to perform said tnisls as a corporate t1:usteecoroinarily,woUldpedoIDlsliid trusts under a corporate <indenture. d.25SI1.1 - 2 ~ SENT BY ICE MlUER ; 9-13-96 3:44PM COpy CEl\'I'ER~ ;1l78443498:#15 , The Escrow'Trustee may execute any of ..the trus18 or powe~ hereof and pCtform',any of 'its duties by or through 'attorneys. agents; reCeivers or employees but ,shall be answerable for the conduct.Qf thfI,same inaecorrlancewith the'standMd specitied'Bl:lOye; aildshallbe entitled t<.) advice of COunsel concerpmgall matters Of trwts hereof andtht: duties ~reunder.,and may ,in all cases pay such,reasonable,compensation,tli "Usuch'attorneys, cerlifiedpublic accolJ1ltaD18, ageilts",j'eceiversandemployees as,may reasonably be,'employed iD. connection with the'trusts, hereof. The ,Escrow Trustee may ,aCl upon the opinion or advice of. anyattQmey (who may be the~ttomeyor attOrneys for the.Issuer). The Escrow Tnu;tee,shalt:not be responSible fof,any 'loss or ~age resulting from,any aeti6uornon-acti6nin good faith in reliance upon such opinion 9radvicc. . The Escrow 'Trustee aml,Lbe entitledJo'paYmetltaqdloneimbur-sem~D! tmmlhe Iisuer in colll1eCtion;with serVices. under this T~ Agreement. The Escrow TrusteeSJWLreceive its payment, in: the, loia! amount.af $ ,,f7:5,oQ ,upon the funding ,arthe. TrusLAccoom.The payment tu be made to the EscrOw TJ:listee slWl not .COl1lititute a lien against '!he TrustAccoun~,. 4. The ,Escrow Trustee shall have,the,powerrosell, ln1Illifer, requesUhe nldemption' oi'.atherviise diSpose of some.or all ofithe Gove=enrOblig!UioDS;in the 1)wt ACc<ni* meno substitute,o~ Oovenimei1tObli~tion;;,ofequal or greatenecunly therefor proVided 'that the Esl:row'Trustee shall receive the unqualified oPinion of'acerrified public aCcOunUmtot a.firm . .. . -.....'"":. '" 9f certit1ed,publii; #c.OllnlJi'n(~ (0 !h~, effe,ct .ihatsuch. disposition. and substitution shall not redUce the sufficiency and adequacy oCtile TrustAccount to fully provide for all paymeniS enumerated in.misTrust Agreement. ' IN Wl'TNE.'lS WHEREOF, the; parties hereto mvecause<Lthis Trust Agreejnem.19 be executed for and on their bcllilJfthe day ai)dyear fn:st hereinabQveWritten. CITY Of c::ARMEL,INDIANA .' ~~~ t]erk~Tre 8UJ:eT (SEAt.l. '~ ~ . /' .....~ . . -- , , ~ -.... .-0;, - 3 - '423511.1.. " SoW By:'lCE MllilR : \H3c96 ': 3:45PM: COpy CENTER~ Attest:. ~ -?;;AA~ ~AliL TERRI HAWl(iNS, TRUST OFFICER 42:5511.\ NaD'BANK, N.A. By: ~a~ Pri~; DANIEL A. LANE Title: VICE PRESIDENT -4 - 3178443498; #16 s~~ BY:](E,MILLER . , 2b6 r$,:// . 7~ Cash - $ 7/.,/- -. 415m:l ; ~-13~~6 ; 3:4-5PM ; COIW CENTER~ EXHIBIT A A~cb~d !O Illld .made a,Part of the Trust Agreement executed, by the City of ~m1el. Indianalind NBD Himk, N.A.. as Escrow Twstee Dated as-of 9-.:z'5, 1996' scliEDtJLe'oFUNITED ST:ATll,S OBliGATIONS Maturity /tJ.,5/-91, T." . Par Amount ;f~ IJt?tJ CO\lPonRale 317844-34~8;#17 SENT BY: ICE MlUER: : 9~13-96' : 3:46P~ COpy CENTER~ 3178443498.:#18 . '. - __ .EXHIBIT B NOTICE OF:RBD~ON Owliersof t!:e Five l{~red Fifty-fIVe Tho1lSalldDoliars ($555,000) in aggr:egiite pri~pal amount of Sewage Wofks. Refunding ~vetiue,Bopd~ of 1985" of the City of Carmel, Indiana. Qated November 1, ,1985, numbered .... through .' and. :maturingon November, 1,. 1997 through November 1, 1998 (the "BondS"), a:rehereby notifiild.that, ~h Bonds )Vill be redl;eined Upon P~iltlltion, .at the paying agent for theBO~. die prfucipal corporate trust office'ofNBD'Bank, N,A., AttentignCotporare Trust Departmeilt. One,lllrli.na Square, indianapolis, I1Kliana 46266, on November 1, 1996, at face value,plllS a premium of iwo percent (2%) olthe face value, 'plus. accrued interest to:Novembei' I, 1996. AIl.of such 130nlls shall.cease to bear interest on'Novembwl, 1996. Datcitthis c1S.yof' ~ 1996. NBD BANK; N.Ai. . CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA Mail to .registered owners at least thirtr(30) days but',nOt more thansikty (60) days prior to Nov. eniber 1, 1996. ' .. .- - - - 42551l.l ~1:1'1T tH' IU: ~\IL.l..l:.K "-1;j"t!0 ' ,;j' ~lJt?1I ;. LVt:1 LtJ~ I 1:11:7 ;jlllH5;j~t!t!; ~lt! , . . . ICE MILLER DONADIO & RYAN September 13. 1996. City of Carmel Carmel. Indiana Re: Sewage Works. Refundmg.ReVenue.Borids lif-l985 (the "Boruls") Ladies lUId Gt;ntlem<:n: We ,have eXlUllined Ii certifi~d tr!lllSCripi o.f p~oci:edinS~ refuting to tlie ,above:<:3ptioned . Bonds lUld a form of Trust Agreement which authorizes the defeasance and re\iemptjOll of the. Bonds. We have relied upon the Certified irailscriptQf procc;edi~gs of.the Gity of Cannel ('Issuer") and. the, form of Trust .Agreement.and liave,llotundertaken to verify any ,facts by independent investigaj,ism'i Tliel'edemptioii. aild defeasanCllcif the,Bqllds as'descrioed in the TruSt -Agreemellt will not be subject to.a transferred proceedS. penalty under.the Internal Revenue, Code of 1986. as <imende!i to this date. We ,.are e~PFtessing the P,I:l?fessionat Judgm~nl; of"th~ attornejs panicipa~ing in the lransaclion as 10 the legal issues ad4ressed herein. By ellpressing.Ulaljildgrnent. the umlersigned dQes p.ot be:\;omein insurer or guarantor of thaI exp~sion!lfpf9fessional ju<dgment or Qf the transaction. Nor does'tbe rendering of that judgment guarantee the outCome Qf any legal, dispute, that may arise out of the transaction. We are qualified to practice law only iil the state of!ndiana. We express noviews.with respect to the l1lvlst)f.llIly'jUrisdicgo.n other than the internallaw'sof.the State ofIndllina:aitd the federal laws of me united states of America. This' expression of judgment is based. upon laws ineffeCt,.on tliedite hereof and. we expressly disClaiin any underta.JCihgtO adviSe you of any subsequent chat)ges therein. 1'V,-ih,oJ)lt.:'I.,j." 11} 1~'I(~/f.(.~!l,p(J"s It'Iul.,,,'rJulb' Himd d,~c Am~rk;an,!-l(rt,;ir(:, ._' f~o~:~20(. I:.. '11:i:{li;tll.,!rH}ljs,-~jl1di:l~.~ ~<~~~j-l)O'I~ .,(~ 17)?~~~;~21 (.~U 'Ii,,_>:: q '7) 2~\<)'.2_219 ~~l'l'W(;~t,w:~shillgloh " :;yHe21.:l0 "'~()I_lT:h al:IJll.lil~~i;IIJ~116()(}1-17~5.' (~1 C~).~:~4:7.f)~~3 .'r;AX (:219) 2~~'~7~J({5 SENT BY: ICE MILLER S-13~96 3:47PM; CpfY CENTER'" J1784iJ4S8;#20 '..": . ..,....... City of Cannel September 13, 1996 Page 2' 1b.isiIlformation 'is being, furnished to you for your sole use only in' connection'with this tnUlSactionand no, other party is entitled to rely, onil wiihoutour written ,cQIllll:nt, Very iiulyyours, JJ J1;1tJ1;u /)cM~ ~ ~