HomeMy WebLinkAboutPanhandle Eastern Pipe Line/Reimbursement .. " APPROViED.'Jf TO FORM BY; PIPELINE RELOCATION AND REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN PANHANDLE EASTERN PIPE LINE COMPANY, LP AND CITY OF CAR1\ffiL FOR CASINGREMOV AL ON LINE # 41-06-004-2800 (ZIONSVILLE 400) AT TOWNE ROAD HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA Date AUGUST 29, 2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE PAGE I FACILITY DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION 3 n PAYMENT AND REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS 4 III AUDIT 5 IV DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 5 V RIGHT OF WAY 6 VI INDEMNIFICA TION 6 vn NOTIFICATION 7 vrn ASSIGN1'vrENTS 7 XIV FURTHER ASSURANCES 8 X MISCELLANEOUS 8 XI FORCE MAJEURE 8 AUTHORIZED APPROVALS 10 EXHIBIT A- DRAWING DESCRIPTION Of.FACILITIES EXHIBIT B - AMENDMENT OF AGREEMENTS 2 PIPELINE RELOCA nON AND REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT This Pipeline Relocation and Reimbursement Agreement ("Agreement") is made this 29th day of August, 2007 by and between Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company, LP ("COMPANY"), a Delaware limited partnership with its principal office in Houston, Texas and City ofCamlel ("CUSTOMER"), an Indiana municipal corporation located in Hamilton County, Indiana, with its principal office in Carmel, Indiana. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, COMPANY is an interstate natural gas transmission company rendering gas transportation service to the public; and WHEREAS, CUSTOMER is an Indiana municipal corporation that owns and maintains roads within its jurisdiction for the benefit of its residents, includingTowne Road; and WHEREAS, COMPANY owns, operates and maintains a 30-inch diameter high pressure natural gas pipeline (line number 4]-06-004-2800) (the "Pipeline") within Customer's city limits; and WHEREAS, CUSTOMER has requested COMPANY remove its Pipeline to facilitate the widening of Towne Road; and WHEREAS, COMPANY is willing to faci litate such casing removal under the terms and conditions set forth herein; and WHEREAS, CUSTOMER has agreed to reimburse COMPANY for its casingremoval costs in an amount not to exceed the amount set f0l1h in Section 2.1 below, ,subject to the terms of this Agreement, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises above, and the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, COM P ANY and CUSTOMER (the "Parties" hereto; each is a "Party") agree as follows: ARTICLE I FACILITY DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION 1.1 COMPANY shall remove its existing 34-inch casing on its Pipeline under the CUSTOMER's Towne Road property. 3 .- , ". ARTICLE II PAYMENT AND REIMBURSEMENTOF COSTS 2.1 CUSTOMER agrees to reimburse COMPANY for costs incurred to remove the existing casing, il\Cluding, but not limited to: engineering, surveying, labor, equipment use, materials, inspections,. general and administrative expenses, and any other costs incurred directly or indirectly with respect to the work to be perfonned not to exceed $34,350 and is contingent on CUSTOMER providing the following: 2.1.1 All labor and equipment to design, plan and implement a maintenance of traffic plan to meet all State, County and City requirements for a Monday through Friday Towne road Closure; 2.1.2 All labor, equipment and material to remove asphalt portion of Towne Road in the area to be excavated by Company and haul off for disposal along with the excess spoil from excavation by COMPANY; 2.1.3 All labor, equipment and material to repair damage to Towne Road as a result of casing removal by COMPANY; 2.1.4 All labor, equipment and material to backfill area of excavation created by COMPANY for removal of casing after COMPANY backfills excavation to a minimum of one foot over exiting Pipeline with flowable fill. 2.2 CUSTOMER shall make prepayment to COMPANY of the amount.set forth in Section 2.1 above. COMPANY is under no obligation to proceed with any phase of the project until the payment is received from CUSTOMER. 2.3 Upon completion of the project, when all costs are fully determined, COMPANY shall provide a detailed cost accounting to CUSTOMER. COMPANY shall refund, within 30 days of the transmittal date of the final cost accounting, any amount prepaid by CUSTOMER that is in excess of the final cost 2.4 In the event the project should be cancelled for any reason prior to the start of construction, CUSTOMER shall only be responsible for actual costs incurredby COMPANY at the time of cancellation, plus any additional costs to Closeout the project and settle existing commitments and less any refunds to COMPANY. 4 ARTICl;EIll AUDIT 3.1 GUS:rOMER,.shillr~llve the rfghtto audit, atjts,own expense, the records of COMJ>ANY relevant t(J'COMRANY'sCosIClfthepipeline casing removal. project for one!( l)year .from.the'dateof coMp ANY's final invoice; provided; how~ver, that CUSf()ME~shaILnothaye any right.!o audit-COMP ANY'sinilirect ~~sts or any aspecttlieredf Dlitjng suCljone yeafpenbd, COMPANY shall maintain all necessary'.records, including baek'up data,Jor stich'costs. 3.2 All audits snail be, p~rformecl d\ll'i'lg CQMP}~NY ~s rioriilalbusiness hours and at. COMPAN.Y's principal place of-business.in Houston, l~e=$as. ARTICLE IV DESIGN ANbCONstRUCTION 4.1 COMPANY shalLhave so1e:.nithority and rpsponsibiJib'Yorthe,d!"sigiloftlie Pipeline, selection ofmateriaJs,J)rocedures for. relocation and/or,'lowe"ii1g of the Pipeline, andforthe selectionand.man~gemenlo'fthe contractor utilized. to perfotil1 the work A)Uj~signsshiil1 be: iriMcord,!ricewithDO,TTitle 49'CFR Part '192'and applicablefederal, statea,Yd'locai safetY,an.t! environmental regulations andinaccorciance:with sound and prudent natural' gas.pipeline industry practices. ThecQntraCtor,shall'beselcctedJhrough C,OlylP ANY's normal competitive'bid proces.s or lise,of COMPA:NY's"appfoved'~I.li.a.nce,colit[actor'or use of COMPANY personnel. 4.2 Approximate pipeliJie;casinglemoval,as s(iowh on}he,atla,ched gra!yings ("Exhibit A") shall not be altered without the approval of COMPANY; which approval. C.OlV1PANY' may'withhold: atits.sole, discretion, 4,3 COMP ANY shall besolelyresponsibldor obtainingallapplicab1e state'img federal permiispertainingto.\he Pipeline casin? removal project. 4.4 COMPANY\agrees,that it wJlI use reas6nabieefforts.to have t1kaboveW9rK substanfiallycomplete within 90 days ofreceipt ofthe:prepaymeilt; provided.. ". JiQw.ever,)Hat under. nocir.cumstances.shall GOMPANYbe hab1eto CUSTOMER or any bth'er party f6f,collsequertiaJ, special" pUnitiV~ oraJ,1Y otl1~r'.ii1dire<.:t damages"ciaims.orexpenses broughtabout, by'either C0MPANY's failure to substantially complete such work by such date or.Jor any other reason. 5' ~ CUSTOMER lierebyagrees to !!1edemnity,defend aiid.l1old,COMPAl\JY and its affiliated companies hannless with'i'espect toany.s~ch liabilities, AR~tCLE V RIGHT-Of-WAY 5, I CUSTOMER,agrees.that, \1])011 completion Of the pipe] i lie casing removaLat CUSTOMER's property, iFShalLbc responsible for any liabilities; costs, expenses, ,claims or,judgments whjcltal1sejll any marillerregarding.theproperty covered,by the easement and CUST{)tylERagrees tha:titwill deTef,d, iiidemnify;an(! hold COMPANY' and its affl,Jiated.companieshamllesswith,respecFto such property and'the'lIse:thereof. ARTICtE VI INDEMNWHJATION 6,IIti~ expressly understo6d.tlmt (I) COMPf\.NYisjrino respect.and for no purpose thC'agent.of CUSJ0MER; ~nd ('.:nCUSTOME;Rshall aLalllimes be responsible forthe:acts ororriissions o[,its employees, agents and,representatives, subcontraitors.orsum:iliers or'their employees, agents ai;dxepreselitatives. AJUICL:E'{fI NO'FIFIcA1'ION, 7.1. All notices and cithercommuriications between the parties, unless otherwise specifi~aliy provided; shall be in Writing and deemedlo.l1ave,beeri ~uly:given when delivered 'in person or deposited with the United StaiesPostal Service, First Class, with postage prepaid,aadressed,as follows: If to CUSTOMER: CUS1;OMER AITN: Michael McBl'iCle. FE. '--..- .'. - ....... -" Gity of CahnelJfidiana One Civic Square; Carmel, rn460,3~ Voice: 317-571-2441 Fax: 3h~571-2439 6 ~ . Uto COMPANY ForPavments; As instructed on the invoice For'AII Other GOJumunications: David Parham, Manager E&C Panhandle Eastern PipeLine Company. 8910 Purdue,Rbad, Suite 300 _ ' . -." .'0 Indianapolis, InA6268, Voice: (17) 879:3047 F.ax: (-317) 879-30.09 Ecmaildavid"parham@sug:coni Or to sucli\)th.era4ar~ssas~eiUier'partY:fromtin1~ to tjme inay des,igr1ate,foritseJ f. ARTICLE VIII ASSIGNMENT.S 8: 1 This Kgreementmay b"'.<lssigned Qy~ither.p'ai:ty, wi!tii;lut!he consenrofthe otper, to an affiJiate:orany'otnercompany wh.icll,shall succeed'itbypurchase,merger, consolidation, or,othertransfer of substantially all. assetsoftheorjglnalparty: Such succes~or sh~11 be entitled ,10 the rights.al)dshali be subject to ,theqbligationS. of its predecessor tinder this Agrceriient: OtheryJlse, heitherpattY.~hilJlasiigIi. this Agreement withounhe prior written consent of the'otJ,er(,';hich consent,shal1 not be uru:easonably wit\ih,eld. In no:eyent.shrili the-party.assigningits interest b.ereleased from any of its obljgatiOTis to the;othefpartY. NClthingherein containedshilllprevent onestricteitherpaityfrom,pjedging; grantinga,securityinterest in, or assigning as collateral all or any portion,of sllchpartY'sjni"erestin'this Agreement to secure any debt.or obligationiofsuchp3ti): ljiid,erany niorfg@l;deed Mtfust;-securily or;sin~ilar instrument. ARTTCLEIX FlJRTJ-IERASSUR:ANCES 9.1 CUSTOMER and~COMI'ANY agre~,arth~ request,oftheothef, to executeil,.iii deliver alLsuch other and additional instruments:and documents and take such other reasonable,action as:may .be,necessary or. desirable iil order tomore.fillly-and effectively carryo'ut lhe'iIltent~ ~nd purr.oses of this agrgement. 7 _.< ~ J\RTICLtx MISCELLANEOUS 10,1 nriS,AGREEMENTSHALLBE GOVERNED BY AND IN'l'ERPRETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TflE LAWS OFTHE,'ST ATE OFTEXAS"EXCEPY FOR, ~I-/EC0:t':l.FLICTOFLAWS PRO\:!~lPNS THEREOF WHlCH WQlJLD REFER APARTY TO THE LAWS OF ANOTHER'JURl,~DICTION. 10,2 Eacl1'partysh,il1tprqrnpt\y no~ify th~ other of any,actiori, circumsqmce, condition, or reasonably likely potential occurrence'that might haye,ainaterial effec~ on the ability ofsuch.partylo' perform:1tsintendectobiig!ltions under,this Agreement IO.3 This Agreement is, expressly pfadesllbject t6'all'statlites4Ildl6rregtJl~tiljn~of any governmentaJ'bodyhavil1g Jawfuljurisdictionover Go~panyor Customer, as the _case,may be, ARTICLE XI FORCE MAJEtlRE 11.1 If, by reason offorcemajeur~, any party hereto shall1:ie.rendered unable, wholly or partially tl) carryoutany6Bligations it may, have under this Agreement, except CUSTOMER' sobligat\onsto'makepayrnenfto COMPANYW14.e{this AgreemeIlt, as specified inArticleIT,'then ifsuchpartyshall ,give.notice,as soon as'practicableand full details thereafler,in ,writing of such force,majeure to the otherpaity within a'reasonable time after the oc,c{lrr~>>ce anile eyent oTsause relied on, the obligationsofthe-partY'glvingsuchilotice, socfar as,affccted by such force majeure;,shalrbe suspended duringtheccontinuance,oftheinallilitYiso cal,\$edbut fOl\nO 101}ger, period, iln(j:mcl1party:sh~11 endea'lorto,remove (jr overcomeslIch inabilityoso caused with"all,reasonabledispatch, Theterm "force majeure:' as employed herein-shail mean acts:o(God, inability to obtain permits; strike~; lock6Ilt,,~, and any oilier industrial ,disturb.mces; acts o'f-thepublic enemy, orders ohnykihd oftl1~,go'lenimeiitor a)1yg6veriJrrlentalauthority lfavjIlg or assertingjuri'sdiction over the premises, any civil or niilitaryauthority, insurre~tions, riots, ,epid~mics, lamlslides, lighiing; earthqllakes,fires"hunicanes, storms, acts of;goyerhmellt oT,p"eople, Civil disturbances, explosions; brei'kag,:,-~or accident'ofmachin~rx or pipelines,or,inability on the part' of anypartyl1ereto to carryoutits obligations under;this,Agreemenl.on.accountofany other cause or cases nor reasonably ~itliin'tIie"c0l1tr6l (jf sllchRartySe~t1eITl~nt of all labor, dIsputes shall be in the sole discretion' of the, party having' the difficulty, ,~ ,.. . IN WITNESS THEREOF, the'parties hereto h~vecausec1thisagreenielit to be executed by theiLduly <lUthorlzed,offlcers as ,ofthe, day"aild yeaLabove first. written, AGREED TO AND 4.~~~rED this 2..'1 day oC . " ,'20Q7 PANHANDLE E' STERN PIPE LINE COlVIRAN1\LP By: rr1.'k..Aj)~:,. '- TITEE: AGREEDTOAN~t4, :rE~ ' this~ day,o ' ,,2007 ::'V,AMElA ~ TITLE: ~ 0,/ 9