HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication PP . u u Page 1 of2 Conn, Angelina V From: Conn, Angelina V Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 20074:44 PM To: Stewart, Lisa M Cc: Coy, Sue E; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Keeling, Adrienne M; Brewer, Scott I; Hancock, Ramona B; Brennan, Kevin S; Littlejohn, David W; DeVore, LauraB; Lillard, Sarah N; Holmes, Christine B; 'jmolitor@prodigy.net'; Boone, Rachel M.; Tirigley, Connie S; Duncan, Gary R; 'Reis, Paul'; 'indianapolis@emhLcom' Subject: Docket No. Assignment: (PP, DPAmend/ADLSAmend) Justus Business Park (#07040022 PP & 07040023 DP Amend/ADLS Amend) I have notified the petitioner, updated the file, and issued the necessary docket number & fees for (PP, DP Amend/ADLS Amend) Justus Business Park plat & Justus Office Building. They are the following: Docket No. 07040022 PP: Justus Business Park, lots 1-2 Docket No. 07040023 DP Amend/ADLSAmend: Justus Business Park, lot 2 - Justus Office Building PP Application Fee: $834.00 + ($111 1< 2 lots) = $1056.00 DP Amend Application Fee: $834.00 Plus $111/acre x 4.6 acres: $510.60 ADLS Amend Application Fee: $556.00 Total Fee: $2,956.60 Docket No. 07040022 PP: Justus Business Park, lots 1-2 The applicant seeks primary plat approval for 2 lots on 7.298 acres. The site is located at the southeast corner of 136th SI. and Pro Med Ln. and is zoned B-6/Business within the US 31 Overlay. Filed by Paul Reis of Bose McKinney & Evans for Justus Home Builders. Docket No. 07040023 DP Amend/ADLS Amend: Justus Business Park, lot 2 - Justus Office Building The applicant seeks site plan & design approval for an office building. The site is located southeast of 136th S1. and Pro Med Ln. and is zoned B-6/Business within the US 31 Overlay. Filed by Paul Reis of Bose. McKinney & EVans for Justus Home Builders. Petitioner, please note the following: 1. This item will be on the May 16 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). The petitioner must submit plans and review materials to all TAC members directly by May 1. (Failure to submit plans and review materials to TAC members by this time will result in the tabling of this petition to the June 20 TAC meeting, and subsequently the July 17 Plan Commission meeting. For a list of current TAC members go to: http://www.ci.carmeLin.us/services/DOCSn- AC2007/T AC%20members%20revised%20 11 .29.06. pdf ) 2. Mailed and Published Public NOtice needs to occur no later than Friday, May 25,2007. Published notice is required within the Indianapolis Star. Note: the placement of a public hearing sign on the property is required; see DP application. 3. The Filing Fee and Fifteen (15) Informational Packets must be delivered to Plan Commission Secretary Ramona Hancock no later than NOON, Friday, June 8. 4. Proof of Notice will need to be received by this Department no later than Noon, Friday, June 15. Failure to submit Proof of Notice by this time will result in the tabling of the petition. 5. These items will appear on the June 19 agenda of the Plan Commission (under "Public Hearings"). 6. These items will also appear on the Thursday, June 28, agenda of the Plan Commission Special Studies Committee. PETITIONER: refer to your instruction sheet for more detail. 4/24/2007 if u u Page 2 of2 Mr. Reis can be contaCted at 684-5369 (phone), (fax) 223-0369, or preis@boselaw.com (email). -- Please Note - a review letter will be forthcoming. Angie Conn, Planning Administrator Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 317.571.2417 phone 317.571.2426 fax 4/24/2007 ,,-r:- -- u u ~t~ APPLICA TION FOR ; J; fl_ . '-'~,"/lI!:'h "~I rt tfJ '. UOl tloes PRIMARY PLAT Fee: $834.00 plus $111.00 per lot (ORREPLAT) ($277.50 plus $] 11.00 per lot) 01040027- pp DATE: April 20, 2007 DOCKET NO. The undersigned, for itself and its successors and assigns in ownership, as well as for any party that holds an interest in the real estate coven:d by this application, agrees that the then current owner of the real estate, as well as the holder of any interest in the real estate at that time, will cause any construction, reconstruction, enlargement, relocation or alteration of structun::s,or any change in the use of land or structures requested by this application on the real estate to comply with and conform to all applicable laws of the State ofIndiana and the zoning ordinance of Cannel, Indiana, adopted under the authority of Acts of 1979, Public Law 178, Sec. 1, et scq., General Assembly of the State of Indiana, and all Acts amendatory thereto. Name of Applicant: Fax No, 352-1570 Address of Applicant: 1398 N. Shadeland Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46219 Justus Home Builders. Inc. Phone No. 353-8311 Name of Owner: Justus Home Builders. Inc. Phone No. 353-8311 Name of Subdivision: Justus Business Park legal Description: (To be typewritten on separate sheet and attached) (See Attached) Area (in acres): 7.298 to be dedicated to public use: Number of Lots: o 2 Length (in miles) of new streets Surveyor certifying plat: Richard J. Kelly EMH & T Address: 7400 N. Shadeland Avenue. Indianapolis. IN 46250 Phone No. 913-6930 ***********************;********************************************************************************************* STATE OF INDIANA, SS: COUNTY OF HAMILTON The undersigned having been duly sworn, upon oath says that the above information is true and correct as he or she is informed and believes. JUSTUS HOME BUilDERS, INC, SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: By: S~~t and s~~~ lflbefore me, a My Commission Expires: '7... aJ --DS Print: PAf./l. 6. Rc/$ in and for said County and State, this ;;:ryt".l day of ~~_:- nnted Slgnatur-.e " ---: /' - ~. Resident of Heme-oet:- County, Indiana *** ** *" **** *' '* ** '" ,*" '" ***,.. '* * * * '* * * ****" ,*" '" ** '* 11 **1r*'* ***** **,****,*w**1iw *'1f****** *****'*,* " , Application for Primary PIal (Or Replot) 873905 _1.Doe ~ee., ~ ~OS lo / oV ~Qj u u EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION - OVERALL SUBDIVISION JUSTUS BUSINESS PARK Part ofthc Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 18 North. Range 3 East of the Second Principal Meridian in Hamilton County, Indiana, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast comer of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Seclion 25, Township 18 North, Range 03 East; thence on the Easlline of said Quartcr-Quarter, South 00 degrees 08 minutes 12 seconds East (assumed bearing) 777.80 feet; South 88 degrees 38 minutes 05 seconds West 184.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described real estate; thence continuing South 88 degrees 38 minutes 05 seconds West 267,05 teet to a point on the East right-of-way line of Pro-Med Lane, the grant of righl-of-way of which is recorded mlnstrumenl Number 95-51428 in the Office of the Hamilton County Recorder; thence on and along said right-of- way line the following eight (8) courses: I) North 00 degrees 08 mi nutes 12 seconds West 266.26 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave southeasterly, having a central angle of 48 degrees 11 minutes 23 seconds and a radius 01'25.00 feet; 2) Northerly and Northeasterly along said curve an arc dislIlI1ce onl.03 teet (said arc being subtended by a long chord wh1ch bears North 23 degrees 57 minutes 29 seconds East 20AI feet) toa point ofreversl: curvature with a curve concave southwesterly, having a central angle of 187 degrees 36 minutes 28 seconds and a radius of 50.00 feet; 3) Northeasterly, Northerly, Northwesterly, Westerly, and Sourhwesterly along said r.:urve an arc distance of 163,72 feet (said arr.: br.:ing subtended by a long chord .which bears North 45 degrees 45 minutes 04 seconds West 99.78 feet) to a point of reverse curvature with a curve concave northwesterly, having a r.:entral angle 01'48 degrees II minutes 23 ser.:onds and a radius 01'25,00 fcet; 4) Southwesterly and Westerly along said curve an arc distance of 2103 feet (said arc being subtended by a long chord which bears South 64 degrees 32 minut(;s 24 ser.:onds \Vest 20Al fe(;t) to Ih(; point of tangency thcreoi~ 5) South 88 degrees 38 minutes 05 seconds West 95.84 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave northerly, having a central angle of36 degrees 53 minutes 27 ser.:onds and a radius of240,00 feet; 6) Westerly and Northwesterly along said curve an arc dislance of 154.53 feet (said arc being sub tended by a long chord which bears North 72 degrees 55 minutes 11 seconds West 151.87 feet) to the point of tangency ther(;of; 7) North 54 degrees 28 minutes 28 seconds West 98.92 feet; 8) North 09 degrees 25 mmutes 44 seconds West 42.39 feet to the southern right-of-way line of old U.S.R. 31, being on a non-tangent curve, r.:oncave southeaste,rly, having a central angle of 03 degrees 56 minutes 59 seconds and a radius of 2814.79 feet; thence Northeasterly along said right-ofcway line and said curve an arc distance of 194.04 feel to the southern right-of-way tine of Smokey Row Road [136th Street per Warranty Deed to the State ofIndiana dated October 7,1971, the plans for said road being a part of the relocation ofU.S.R. 31, designated IS1-IC (INDOT) Project No. ST-F-222(9)] (said arc being subtended by a long r.:hord which bears North 37 degrees 50 minutes 01 second East) 94,00 feet), to the point of compound curvature of a non"langent curve concave southerly, having a central angle of 36 degrees 59 minutes 54 seconds and a radius of437.46 feet; thence Northcasterly and Easterly along said right-of-way 11Ile and said curve an are dlstance of 282.49 feet (said arc being subtended by a long chord which bears North 70 degrees 10 minutes 47 seconds East 277.60 feet) to a non-tangenlline; then(;e r.:ontinuing along said right-or.way line, North 75 degrees l2 minutes 25 seconds Easl 96.34 feet; thence perpendicular to the north line of said quarter-quarter section, North 0 I degree 2] minutes 55 seconds West 20.00 feet to the north line of said qUilrter-quarter section; thence along said north line North 88 degrees 38 minutes 05 seconds East 166.04 feet to a point distant South 88 degrees 38 minutes 05 seconds West 221.00 feet from the northeasl comer of said quarter-quarter section; thence parallel with the cast line of said quarter-quarter section, South 00 degrees OS minutes 12 seconds Ea::>t 217.00 teet; thence parallel with the north line of said quarter-quarter ser.:tion, North 88 degrees 38 mimltes 05 seconds East 3700 feet; thence parallel with said East line, South 00 degrees 08 minutes 12 seconds East 560.80 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 7.298 acres, more or less, subject to rights-oF-way, easements, and restrictions. BME 873816_1 Hamilton Co., IN - Online Reports Page 1 of I Online Services Parcel Information R~port 1. report type r Reset I 2. property s~arch [ new searccl ..1 3. view reports It genecal par~€1 infp. . JI r spl"ing tqx statemEnt I falltq~ staterneflt ] It tax p~Yl1leflts II property card 1 Disclaimer: The informatioil i'lvaHable through this program is current as of 4/2/2007. This program allows you to view afld print certain public records. Each n:lpm't rEflects inrQrmaticm as of a specific date; so tile information provided by different reports may flot match. All information has been derived from pubiic records that are mnstafltly undergoing change afld is flot warranted for content or accuracy, It may not reflect the currertt irtformation pertaining to the property of interest. I Parcel No: 16"09- 25-QO-I'HJ-003 ,QOO II I Property Address: Deeded Owner: Justus Home Builders Inc o 136th St W & Pro Med Ln Owner Ar:!dress: CARMEL, IN 46032 1398 Shadeland Ave N INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46219 Legal Description: 199-2331/15/74 ANNEXED 1\1ISC 139-451 10/9/85351-913 FRM CUTFORTH 9/12/95 R/IN SPLIT 9551428 I Section/Township/Range: 25/18/03 I I Subdivision Name: I I Block: I I Deeded Acres: 3,63 I PoliticalTownship: Clay I Lot Number(s): Most Recent Recorded Date: 12/10/2004 (Recorded Date might be due to a variety of changes; such as annexatiort, right-of-way, spiit, or deed,) This application is developed and maintained by the Information System Services Department. If you have allY questions or comments, please contact the YY.cRiD.i1stcf. (C) 2005 Hamilton Co. WebsiteSu_Qgf!stIQOSQcJS.SlLe2 I S::_Qlldltions of LJse I Prjv-,.KvP"QIi,c:y. l;;jte.r~aR I TecI1DiC.3JJ::l.iOlp I l:!Q.lvli; @ 200G, Hamilton County, [ncliana - all rights resel-ved. http://www.co.hamiIton.in.us/app/reports/JTltparcelinfo.asp ?sparcclno= 16092 5 0000003 OOO&dSearch=&dreport=parcelinfo&dRcportN a... 5/10/2007 n " 1:1 " I t1I I r' J " !I:I .J 11 ~ ~ .. Il'~ .. ~ ~ " " oJ '" '1 1;1 ~ -~ '"loll r, I {. L J I L .J ... Il:' .. ~ ," ... '.1 I " n '1 ~ 'i'6A Sheet 68 See Sh:e ShB~t Be a'ru 'I II '. i ~ ..., -.. , ...... \ 12 32 '> ;~.....''''''''.... .... ,Mila ell" o 100 200 - 400 600 800 Feet , Harm/ron County Aerial Source. Source' FEMA Flood Informallon , X A - SHEET 5 APPENDIG Alternatives 5" F & " ental Feature " Envlronm I Statement t Ilmpac D ft En.ironmen a ." County, Indiana ra Hamlhon o '. o -(' Ie' PROPOSED TWO-STORY BUILDING WI PARTIAL BASEMENT 40,000 SF 162 TOTAL SPACEV~ ~ 4.05 Spaces per J9W gsf : / / / &~ //j ( I I ;:/f' bb:: I .1 ;1 ~I I~ I~ I! I I Ii ' : : ~ :: I IL ____- - - - ---'0' PLANTING STRIP -L.. ~- "", -.c .:. ,r,--;::--.,,-!lt\ 'tl: , .. \ -" \ \ \ ~ vi I:J 1.! l.4 ,~ l> !l.a b b 1.! I.> I.> to '-loU\. IA. '" \0 '" '" b b \0 \0 b.& \0 \0 vi \0 '" \0 \0 '" \0 Lo "" '" '" I i-' ~ h \. to lei l.4 ..., '\z ~7 b I.> b L \.0 \.., \..6 l. ~ ~ b t.J :.. ... 'Jo.. \..'11 ~ b t.J ~ ~ ... u t. I,' \.> \:I I" to to t. t. \..t -. I b \t \a '-t 10 \:I b ~ 10 U 1, II \. b "" I 10 \0 '" \. ,. 107 ... \7 ~ lo l.l .'=-::,.. '~~~ II I 1\ 1\ \ \\1 / / / 5iJ'TRI:?E PERSt=:RVATlON AREA SO' GREEN BELT Q,;i ~.... b LOT 18 / / t /JPT 17A t ~ LOT 16 LOT 15 LOT 14A LOT 13A BLOCK B / ... , ---T - - - - - - . L~_..____..__~._J__._- ~m~.--'-----'---'---'----'----'" (".phnltj SMOKEY ROW RD ':,~-----3'~~ .~-"'~ "f-" ~~ ~~,,~ ____ 10' ASPHALT P T ~~ 40' B.S.L. ':i w (() .... '" '" ~. z ~ w I. \.l ,-, ~, 1LI a:: <::> .... \.0 to 1.0 'l.o !l" 'l.o !u 111 t. \.0 \, '0 '^ to t.o '" \4 I... I.. La '1.0 ~ to .. '0.. 50' a: \4 T t, \. Iii :)(l'TREE PERSERVATION 0 h I.> \. "5 AR A Z <t I 1= \. '" t.. 4 \> ,,' \, 1.0 \. .... ... ~ 5 "' " c.. \. '" I.t t. 4 !u b to b .... '4 b ~ \. .. b l.t to b ~ I.> 1> \7 \0 '4 '" .. .... La I, I.> t.. l.t .. b '4 ... '" .. ~ l:r b 1.1 1.1 b "I'" .. '" b \, '" ,j lI. 1.0 .. .... vi ai lI. .. ~. \, ~ <:> III \.1 1.1 1, b \. b \, 10- 4 ... !u ~ to b .... ~ \. 1.0 ,-, l.o b .... '" \3 1.0 b t. r4m to \.0 .... .. \0 1.0 \. l.o b !u .... I... 1... ..., ... '" ,. .. b '-' 1., _. .... \0 <=- BLOCK C LOT 21A LOT i4 LOT 70' &. . -- ./ --- ~ ~ ,/ PROPOSED ,/ TWO-STORY ,/ BUILDING WI PARTIAL BASEMENT ,/ 40,000 SF LOT 162 TOTAL SPACEV~ n 4.05 Spaces per;.peo gsf D ,/ \, ,/ ,\ ,/ \\ I. i! LOT t;r L01 " ...-.:' jo- . ...~.........,..._. ~ . .....< i ...t,,' '1r'~'~~ -- 1-""'.-_ a . 1 ,:.~ ;-~~~- -''''''-'-1~1 ~ t ..~ . Ii .: . o '" t..... a ~ -/ j ! I r ~ I i l I ~ Dill'n . , '\ ..... COHMLTKBNTS COHCERNING 'rHE USE J\HD DEVELOPMENT OF REAL ES'l'ATE 902091.4 The undersigned (hereafter "OWner"), being the Owner of the real estate described in Exhibits A (Real Estate 2), Exhibit A-l (Real Estate 3), Exhibit A~2 (Real Eatate 4), Exhibit A-3 (Real Estate. S) and Exl'tibit A-4 {Real E:<itate 6) respectively (hereinaft,er sometimes jointly referred to' as the "Real Estate") hereby unilaterally and voluntarily conunits to the Carmel plan Commission (hereafter the .Commission;') as follolll'B: 1. Description of Real Estate -See Exhibits A through A-4 inclusive. l 1 1 I \ 2. Docket No. - 40-90-Z 1'111& IMtI'unIenI RtlCOfded <;J ,oJ. '1:> 1990 StIIlfon K. Cherry, Rogjroor. HomillOn County. IN 3. Statement of Commitments A,. OWner commits that Real Estate 2 and Real Estate 3 shall be developed pursuant to the Site Development plan attached hereto as Exhibit B (Site Development Plan). B. Owner commits that the Site Development Plan as to Real Estate 2 and Real Estate 3 shall not be suPstantially altered except as recommended by the Department of Community Develbpme:-lt, the Carmel Plan Commission or the Carmel City C-:.uncil. C. OWner consents to the annexation of the Real Estate to the City of Carmel, Indiana. D. OWner, in conjunction wit~h Tri-County Mental Health Center, Inc., commits to cause the roadway improvements described on Exhibit C hereto to be constructed. E. Owner commits that the provisions of the B-6 Business District Classification notwithstanding, the permitted ,uses and special uses listed on Exhibit D hereto shall be prohibited on the Real Estate. ~ F. Owner commits that notwithstanding the permitted uses and special uses provided for in the B-6 Business District Classification, the uses defined as "Excluded Uses," under Section 23.01-7 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Carmel, Indiana shall be prohibited on the Real Estate. G. Owner commits that development of Real Estate 2 and Real Estate 3 shall be subject to Carmel Plan Commission review and approval of. architectural design, landscaping, lighting and signage as provided in Section 23.01 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Carmel, Indiana. H. Owner commits that no building constructed on Real Estate 2 shall exceed the lesser of 50 feet or 4 stories in height. .- ~En ~ ". ,,,",,,-,, '. J ~) C A f\J t '!~,~" i, ,",' j L , L -:,:~.... . .. . I.. Owner conunits that, the use of Real Estate 3 by Owner shall be limited to signage. 4. Binding on Successors and Assigns. These commitments are binding .on the Owner of the Real Estate, each subsequent Owner of 1:he Real Estate ,and each other person acquiring an interest jnthe Real Estate, unless modified or terminated by the COInInission. Thase commibnerits .may be modified or terminated only by a decision of the Commission made at a public hearing after notice as provided by the rules of the Commission. 5. Effective Date. The cominitments contained herein shall be effective upon .the adoptlon of an ordinance by the Ca:qnel City' Council changing the zoning classification of the Real Estate2 and Real Estate 3 from R-2 to B-6. 6. Recording. The uDd:ersigneq hereby authorized the Director of Community Development or the Secretary of the Carmel Plan Commission to record these commitments in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana upon the granting of the approvals referred to in paragraph 5 above. 7. Enforcement. These commitments may be enforced by the Carmel Plan Commission and the City of Cannel, Indiana. 8. Comcliance Confirmation. The Director of the Department o~ Community Development; Carme~, Indiana, shall, when requested by the OWner: give written assurance, in letter form, that the Owner has or has not complied with these conunitments. Executed this ~ day of JvvnD- , 1990. PRO-MEO LTD., a~ 'Indiana Limited Partnership BY ::: " ) JPo :I: :l:: ;p. _:::l::::C rroO -l::.X ,-, c.i _ :z ;lJr' 000 om::: ~ :;0 r"l .... ::0 z :;:, -< 2 90 ')..0 91 t.f ~. .... t--.) t..o.j :.:J:;:.a .:0 rr1 ;:oc:') m~ ~.< om XI c' ::J . c...> ~ co -0 == t..!:> C":' II!lIl . - ;""'1 ! f I I I ! ~ ~ ~.( ij/: ~it ~? ,\ , Ii IllliliI {'" '=', .> STATE OF INDIAl\A COUNTY OF HAMILTON ) ) } ss: The undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and , State, acknowledged the execution of the foregoing by Robert Hughes, Mallaging General Partner of Pro-Mad Ltd., an Indiana Limited Partnership. WITNESSETH this ~ day of June, 1990. My ConunisslonExpires: ;. t: Re~~~ County Prepared by: James J. Nelson, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, 3021 East 98th Stree't, Suite 220, India.napolis, IN 46280 06/14/90 90;)..09'4 ~ ;,,:~. 3 L ., ~ > III .II ,f'" : Part of tho Northo:.>:ot Quartor of thE:' Northwo~t OU.Jdm- IJf Sc.ctlcn 2~, 'j,;wr.:;tiip 16 .North, Range.} t:iJst In Hamilton County, lndl<lna~ dl]':>cr-ibcd <;:A fOllow::: ~~t~ ~ , 80glnnlng at a point on the East Ilno of :Anle: Northwo:;t Quarti)r SecTion ~outtl 00 degrees 06 mlnutos 12 soeonds East (assumod boarlng) "/77.BO fo",1' f.c.m He r.orthaast corner thereof; thence continuing along 5nld SrJuth I inn ~outh 00 degrees 08 minutes 12 seconds East 19.60 foot; then co South 10 de,;rQ05 42 mlnu'tos 23 seconds 1"lo:;t 92.32 feotJ thonCQ South 39 d()'JrOQ~' 1') mir,u-:-nJ 01 !'.oconds E051- 56.39 to'lt: thonco South 06 dogrQos 09 f11I'nutCl!; 02 :;m:on~:; rl<!::.t 144.99 foot. thence ::'outh 53' dogroos 39 mlnutos 23 !,;ocond:.. Wo~t 150.43 :o.:ot; thence South 18 dogroes 30. inlnufi)s 08 soconds Wo~t 68.06 foot; thonco South (,8 degroos 29 ~lnutGs 46 socondsWos~ 258.76 feot to a point on tho South I Ino of s~ld Quel"tal" Qual"Tcr Soctlon 925,:00 toot from tho !:;Qu1-hwo::.t cornol" thercof; thence along tho South Ilno of' said Oual"tar Quarter Soction South 68 de~rce5 44 minutes 03 saconds Wost 394.71 foeta 'thonco North 35 mlnute~ 31 secor,ds 32 seconds Cast 512.22 foot toa point on <J CUI"VO to tho rIght havIng il I"cGlus of 300.00 foet, the r4dlu5 point of silJd curve bODI"5 North 67 dog reGS l~ minutes 21 sIXonds East fl"om saId point; thence tlorthlolllstcrly along soid Curve 118.37 fo~t to the point of tangoncy thereof, tho r:3dlu~ point of ~ald curvo bNlrs North 89 dogroes 51 mlilufos46 sOt:ond~ ED5t fron: ~lIld polntj 1'h{mcf! JI.;)l"tI'. 00 dog'roes 08 minutes 12 seconds Wost 283.38 teat to fho point of cu.vcturo of i: curve to the lett h~v1ng a radius of 25.00 feot, tha rlldlus poInt of s~id curvo boars South 89 dogreos 51 mlnutG!: 40 socondsWost from 5illd point; . -thenco Northel"ly ilnd 11ostorly olong 5illd CUI"VO 39.01 foet to tho point of ta~9ancy thoreof, tho I"adlus point of said curvo bGilrS 50ut:1 1 dogroc~ 21 minutes 55 sacond~ E/)ST from sold point; thonco South 00 dcgl"oos 313 rr.inuto:; 05 ~oConds i~Ol>t 1 ;50.64 foot to tho point 01 curvilturo of II curvo to tha right hiJvlnglJ rDdlus of 300.00 foot, tho r~dlu5 point of !w,ld curvobr,):)rr. t~o;th Cl de9roe~ 21 minutes .15 soconds Wostfroin 5~ld poln1; thcnco Westor'ly and lIorthwo$torJy alonf) said curvo 193.16 foot to tho poInt of t:'lngoncy tl.oraot. tho radIus point of said curve bears North 35 dogroI'J5 31 mlnutos 32 Sc:conds E"5t from saId pOliltJ thGnco NOl"th 54 "degrcos 20 minutes 28 soconds Wcr.i 90.93 foet to tho Southol"ly line of Old U.S. HlghwaY.31 ~ thonco tllong saId Sbutr,orly line North 35 dOgl"M!> 31 mlnutos 32 soconds East 83.63 foo'l 10 t'!lo point of c:urvaturo of a CUl"'/iJ to the rlgM h'lVlng 11 radIus of 2814.713 foot, tho r,Jdll!::; point or saId cUI".a boars South 54 dogl"uos 28 rnlnutoo:> 2IJ !:oconds Eo~t fr"c.m s~ld poInt; thenco NorthGastorly along said curvo 210.41 foot to a point ~n e.~IIo;t A .~~~~~.~~~ . .'. ~~!~~iL'\i,:~~;::;;:( .:';j~~,,~;:;;:::' ,':::;:::::~i;;::!G?,~: , ~f.1:;l".1I,.\lie1w..a'I~i1.~.-;,~,:,~;...~..J,~s"~"'~~'.;w. flW~llt"I'"V"":'t 'lif':I~~'f;.'"l;''64!'' "''',~ . 'I. ~ll:.~_IT-fij~.til.~~te'''.1-l'B..f...r)_E.4 ~,,~....,....,!:'V'ij.Ji 'I.-,"M iil.l.lM1r....'1l -HIi.dl' ,-....,.~...-' 4' r..,IWI; f.:n~'l"-~--i . ";(~~~~~;~~ii~~S.4r.;ir;;i~~i~ - .." " '~~]iL\:d".};il1r:l,~fitr'I"1~'~~W."i)~I!;\~~ L , _f L r ...::..-~... .... . I tho Southe...r.,...l!Jht of lItay line of Sl~okcy HOt! HQ~d (1~ljth ~trrF.t) por h'lj,renty Deed to the Stat 0 of Ind I ana. d/lltod Cdobol'" 1. 19'11. 7h~ pi an5 'c..r :;iiJl d rOOld as e part of tho rolocatlon of U.S. IlIghtloy 31 dllS I~lnated as ,SHe Project ST-r-22219l. tho raeUus point boars South 50 degroos 11 mlnutos 29 seconds East frOlll said point; said poInt also bolng on iJ non-tangent curve to tho ...Ight having a radiu::o of 4:n."6 foot, tno redlus point of said curiO bUilr5 South 36 degreos 11 mlnuTcs 10 secol'ids. Eo>t frO<1l said point; ttl(:nco l."oS1orly along s,ld curve 23Z.49 foat to 6 point t~at bc~rs North 01 dogrees 19 minutes 16 soconds Hest from said radIus point; thance North 15 degrees 12 minutes 25 seconds East 96.34 feat. along sal d r 19M of ttltV n no: thunco porpcnd leu I or to tho North I I !:Ie of siJldQuor'ter QUDrtor Soctlon Nor1h 01 degrees 21 r.linutoti 55 _-seconds Wast 20.00 foot to a poinT en the NQrfh IlnQ of said Quarter Quartor Seetlon; thence along said Nortl. Ilno North 66 dogroos 36 minutes 05 ~oconds E",t 165.99 toot to <) poJnct 221.00 f\loth'ost of tho t~ortho.llst cor no!" 01 saId Quarto,. Quarter SoctIon; thence pllrOllI'ul \'Ifth tho East IlnQ of f.llld Quarter Querter Section South 00 d09~aos 08 mlnut~s 12 seconds Eust 217.00 tcet; thenee po...allol ~Ith tho North Ilno of ~D'd Quarto!" Qu~rtor SectIon North Be degreos 30 alnuto$ 05 ~oconds East 37.00 foot; thunco parullol with said East line Sooth 00 dogroCls 08 mlnutos 12 soconds En..t 560.0Q fr.-ot; thonce parollol lilth Si2ld Hor-th nno N~l'"th 6S dogroos 313 mlnutos 05 saconds fu~t 181\.00 fMt to thO plaee of bl'glMlng, containing 14,09 lie,..,)!;. ooro Qr le!is. uod subjoct tq all logal ea:.or..clilt!;. rlgllts of twy nod oar,ol1lonts. ~\lbit P, ~ ~.n~ ;"",c! 9o:J,oQ,ct IlIIIl!l .., ~ . ;; , ! _J r Part cf tho llortt,wcst Quartor at ~cct l..:ln 25. Town:;h i p 1 e "orth, Pungo 3 L.:.r,t In Hill:lllton County, lrldlana, dO$cr Ibod olS fo110105: Commonelng lrt 1'~o rJ.:;,-theast COrner or saId Q..or1cr Sm;1IQn; tilOnl;"Q arc.r.g t!"~ Ilorth Hno theraof Sou"th 88 dOQroo~ 18 IlIlnu1o<; 0:" '.o:::;It\J~ tlu...t 1<J~:;t.:r-:(:d lioarrng) 666.01 foct to tho Soufho.;:;1udy llmj t<)d OCC(>::':. r1~..t of l>I.:Jy I in') of U.S. tilghttaV 31 po!'" pl.:ns thorcof ~asI9nat.-.d 1~,ilC ProJvct ST-f-227{,)); thcnC:Q alDlig silld right of 1<0,. llna Soufh <;.: I.I->c;rco-:. Gl rr.f!'lut...;; ;'_j ~occ.n~s Wo~1 2:50,;)6 toot to tho ,'lace of D09'nnlrg.s~ld point bcln~ on il a0n-1cn~uf11 ~llrv~ to too r! gilt hil.;1 n!J i) r <ld Ius 0 f ~96... 72 f Dot. ~oJ I tJ po I nt <J 1':0 ~'H",~ on Hm tlor1'nwos,"erJy right .:It way I Ino .of Old U.S. Illghw':'y }I dc-..lr,n''l,etl I!.Ht: ProjecT 22Z-SectDon n diJtQd 1931. tho, radlu!> pO,lnt ot :;ald curve.. ~e~r!;. !~of'th ::;0 dc!;roas 24 lII'nutos ?~ socond!:. wo:.t f[Or.! SOlid p,)lnt; ttwnCI) ~rcn'l ~,11'C: curvrJ ~~d" I rll\rted ac:ee:.s ol!}ht of' ~ay I In.., s.,uthlolcsterly 361.,jf tout to .: "oint thnt bear::; South 25 '~o~rou:> II minutes 'J1 sccond~ fn>m silld "'il~lU!; "oll'1t; thf'flCC: olDng sj!lld Ilmltod .:!ccoss r1g!lt of WflV Ilno South 6 degroes ;.!/1 mlr'\itQ:; ~tJ sceondsWsst 1!7.2:S footJ tl;onco South 61 d~9"'OOS OU lIIinufes 54 $ot:OIl~S [il~t 102.86 foot to "the t:OI"thwost"rly right otwaV 11M of Oltl U.S. Hlgt.""ay 31: tllenc~ along !I.lld !I\)rfl1l1o:>torly r" I !Jilt of "")1 Ilnl) l;orth ~'~J dO'lru<.!!. 3' !ll:!,,!trJ:' 32 seconds Ea:.t lAl.lf} foot: to' th'o ~.;Int of CUI v,:,turo of ~ (.urvt: to ft,.' r iSh1 I.,)..,,"!} a ',."dltj$ o~ 2\'H.4.79 foct. tllft '"adlus point ot !;uld ClJh"la.'<l'!. ::"11.110 54. dogrpos 28 mlnuto5 2'3 seconds ,Eliist!,r,)t:'l 5,1 I d po I of; 1'hf!ncr, Uon Low,1 t.' I v .....lonCJ s~ld rl~t of 'oIi9'1 I ino llnd curva 130.~) fcot to tho pl,JCIJ of bogli.llin'l. c:onfclnlng 0.85 3cros. more or loss. oJnd subJoct to 1.111 h)!}al hlg/'.Wll)':', rlqh't~ of' waV end Dasomont~. a~"oit- ~ -I ~ B II -, ! 11111 r P<!rt of the Northoast Quarter of tho Northlmst QUilrtcrof ~octlon 25. Township '18 North. Rango 3 East In Hamilton Co:mty. Indl~mn. .doSCI'Tbcd Os fOlio....!:: ~,:. ~ ~ " '- Beginning a't tho Souhwost Cr)rnor of :laid QUlIrtor QIJOrter Soctlon; tl:oncc a Ipn9 thB Ifest I I no thoroof (on an "ssurllcd boarl ng of) North 00 d09rOtl~ 06 mInutes 32 seconds West 276,..12 foot t? tho center of a strcHm~: (tho nax"!' 12 courS8S lJre along s.:!ld stre~am~~ .i.henco North 80 dogt:cos 07 mInutes 41 5QConJ!> East 54.25 feet ;'the'nc:c South 73 .degroes 57 ,mr I)Ut05. 41socond:; LlI!> t 4~. 55 feet~ thenCe 'South 82dagrees 1.2 minutes 46 soc:;onds fllst .54.J1 feet; thence South 2 degrees 50 mInutes 58 seconds West 21.65 foet; thenco South 3~ degrees 04 m J nutes 05 :;econds West 41.98 fcet; thonce South 18 dogreo:. 54 r:i1nutn~ 1.9 s$CondsEast 20.26 taet; thenco South 58 do~rGos 01 mInutes 55 s(jCvnd~ h,:t 5'.:52100t. thonco South 67. dogroos 51 mlnutu5 n Soconc]:;. ED!;t 115.13 10(:1'; thence tJorth 74 dClgrees 49. mlnutos. 06 soconds East 41.36 feet; lnonco South 60 dogl"$OS 49 mrnutos ~rj seconds East 50'.69 foot ;th~nce Sout~ 65 dG3rcer. ~8 minutes 09 soc;ondsEJst 81.49 foet: thonco South 5lJ dogrEJO!:i 09 minute::; 49 seconds Eest 11'5.05 fcOf;thence Soulfl 3S dogroo~ 31 Qllnute:; 3l ~OCom:!> 110:.t 37. IS teot to tho Sou.th If no of s.. hi Quartor QU~r:tor Soct: on.thonco ill <:'IHf sa'rJ South llno Southe8 .dogroos 44 minutos 03 5OConds tlpst $30.29 foct 10 the ploeo of boglnnf"ng. contlllnrn9 1.90 acros. moro or loss. and SUbject 10 otl leg9' hlghliays. rlg!lts of way ilnd casements. ~~lba A - , ....--.---. '.---....-0-......__......... _ . . .f . ...,"\. .' I......, M.f.ito!., ........ l;or~.I..~>~.:,.t~i!w5".~lt.. '~It I ..... ..IH ~.1... .'- -I ~ ~.,~ ,'.;: ..,.3'.,."_",,, J'~...ml'~:tl'l;I.l~i;m;:ni~'..~tr::.. J!~r.!1I411f;,;?ft~.;!-;t;':t" "t.!! ..~l.'1'~~~'1;;":'~, ~t- ~..' ......r...k.... ~. ."~........~I....-......t.... '.." . '..' ,...,.~..... ....... ~.c..tt.!..i.~;, '.. 'I'~ '~~...~ ;.i~::":' .O-.!;-~:f1irt...'.....'i::.'t'i. .. "':, I.". "i!~~I!~ t.,!..::.!! .; . ,j~~*,i!;"i~!.m!'~I~ill~t;~:I"'\t;WI;'i.~:\';!~*':;;!i:.. :~~\.~rWA. ~. . J;o/>q:~>1-l~ll..\..~~I.".'oi'Hl.""'.......h."~~.J!.<i""'~, 1, ~ \l~l.I';~1K;..1I1l.li~~IjLllltl:, ,~:n,{I.aP'-.I!Jitk'Il..':'.u:~_r \~(".'fttiiJF.tV~, .Coil, .> .' '.. . , . ,. ."",.. , 90;).091 "" ~. ... .;:-;~f:~:~;;t:~1;:Sit~{~2~_i: ' . 1.~fa;,,,";M;f.t,"k:I~?r';';;,,M.~..j~.~.; .~ L 1 @ """ > Port o.f tho NorthoasT Quartor Gnd tho /':orthwb:it puartor of ~Ol;. t Ion 25', "To'fnshlp 16 North, RiJnga 3 East In Hamilton County, Inellana, dcs.crlbed ar, tollOlls: BegInning at " point Of! tho Wost Ilno of saId Northoa~t Q.uador ~octlon .$olJth 00 dogrees 08 mInutes t2soconds: Eos+ (Olssumod bOQr I n!.l) 7<::17 .40 'foot tn.:... tha NOl"thlfBst corner thereof; thenco Sout,hU9 dO!VOCl$ 02 mlnutos 22 socond~ East 506.22 toet along the South IIno .ot frooman (Dood Rocord 194, page 127> to en oxto05100 of tho 110~tQI"lV IIno of tho H<lmllton' County ?orkDnd Rccro<lHon l30ard (OeedRocord 307. pogo no): fhonc,o along $.")Id ,'xf(Jnslon ;)nd I'/o::;torly linG South 14 dogroes 46 minutes 36soconds Wost 4~3.30 foeti tbencc,!iouth 0 de9ieos 13 mInutes 24 soconds East 347.00 foot to " poInt 1051.90 feet North of the South II ne of sal d Northea$tQuarter, Sectl.on as m"i1sured para II 01 'If I th fl10 Eost 1109 of thQ l'lest Hal f of said Northeilst Quarter S(jctlon; thcf1ca South 68 ~~greos 42 mlnutos 47 s:oconds l'Iast 777.30 foot to 0 point ~25.00 feet East of the Wast lIne at tho East Half of said Northwost QUDrt~r and 265.CO feet Sputll of tha North I rn~ of tho Southeast Quartor of thf;l sill,d l~orthI1c~t Quarter ;thonce North 00 dogroos 05 mt nutos 3~ 5'ocond_s Wost parilll clwith the Wast Ilno ot the .Eas1 Half of sal-dNor-i)1)11~stQuortor 265.00 feat to t.ho North line of the Southeast Quartol" of saId Northwost Quartor: thence trorth EB degrees 29 mInutes 45 seconds East 258.78 foot~ thence South 30 dogn:'QS 59 mInutes 19 seconds East 65.38 feot,~ thonce North 87 dogroos 30 minutes 11 secondsEas~ 81.07 foot: thence North 73 dogreos 52 mlnu10s 14 ~oconds Eust ,'22.90 feet: thonc/) South 63 d~groas 27 minutes 2"1 socondsELlst 76.40 feet: thence North 60 degroes 19 minutes 30 SOC!'flQs EaST 80.46 feef.fhcnco !Iorth 03 degr~es,-36 mInutes ,7' seconds East 49.41 foet; thence North 39 degrees 19 . mInutes 0' seconds cost 83.36 .foet: tharlco North OZ dogreos 43 minute!:. 3~ sotonds.Wost 163.31 feat; thenco North 29 dogr(lO~ 25 mlflutos S2 !;Qcond!'> [os1' 98.00 foet, them:e North 74 dogreos 35 mInutes 00 socond~ Wost 99.9i foct;.' thance SDutll 61 dogroos 01 minutos 46 socol1ds ~1ost 92.13 fOl;1 j thenco tlorTh 51 degrees 55 mlnutos42 seconds Wast 104.56 feot; thonco '~rth 84 dogroo5 01 mlnutos 20 sccondS 11051' 74.10 feot; thenco Ho.rth 01 dQgroo!i 4::' minutes 23 socond.s East 20.76 fao1'. to tho placo of boglnnlng. cOfltalning 1.62 neros, rroro or jo~s. and subject 10 all logol hIDh~OY5, rights of way andCn60mOGts~ &\.nb;t- 1\-3 . .:,.'" ~ -..~ 1.1. -, \ IIi -.... ~ ..... f~',~.~ I......".-.~'., .'~tf\,}}~j\tl:~i;::~~t;t~.;~.e~~~~~z;~~~~~~;~~~::\W~i~~r;,'~~ 'lP'.p;.oo',.,.:t':!1_;'O....t.I.~.,J.~.;>l.l.~~\~._lt\. "'''il" .'t(=:.......:....~",...L:...,':1~ '."...., :.* "..,.....'t~.t~. ~ .'.r~a.4.~'~'1;I.~~:~~.~l:r . -'.?- ':.: ,-~~.p~~~.tf.~~r:i"+r~-;~-~~~, ~;w~ fli,!;.l,"1b~~~lt..I:.l.~,l!l"3,~.. 'r. . '";'", ,...'.,,' "...."";1\nwl\i''ln~i.l'l.1:;;:l I Ii Ii ~.a:.......r. '~, ~ g 11Iili:! r Part of tho Northoi:l5t Quartor ond tho Northwos t Quod 0'" of ::oc:;t Ion 25. Townsh Ip ~6 North. Rango 3 Ea5t In H.lmrl ton Coun-ty. 1 nd I ,ma, do~c,. i bod os follo\lls: ?~_.... 'i 1: ! Co."lli"lenclng at the Northwost cornC>r" of s&lld NprthOilst Quarter; thence ulon9 tho Wast Ilna thereat ~outh 00 dogroos D~ mlnuto~ I~ 5oconds ED~t (ussure~d boarlng) 797.40 foot: thenco South 10 degroo:; 1.2 mlnutos 23 ~oconds ~C5t 20.76 feet to the Point of I3D91nnlng; ihol1Co cOrltlnuln!l South 10 dO!jroos 42 minutes 23 soconds West 71.56 feot; thonco South 39 dogroes 19 mlnutU5 01 seconc~ Eost 56.39 feet; thenco South 06 degrees 09 mlnutos 02 socond:; ~:est 144.9S1 feet: t~once South 53 degrees 39 minutes l3 seconds Wost 150.43 fc~t; thonco South lQ dogrees 36 minutes 00 soconds Wost 66.06 feet; thonce South 30 dogrees 59 minutes 19 seconds fast 66,38 feot; thence North 67 dogroo~ 30 mlnutos 11 spconds East 87.07 foeti thance North 73 degroQs 52 mlnutos 14 soconds East 122.90 feet; thence South 63 dogroDs 21 mlnuto~ 27 soconds Ea~t 76.40 feot; thenco-North 60 degrees 19 minutes 30 ~oconds [nst 00.46 fnQt~ tho nee North 03 degrees 36mlnut65 n seconds E<l51 4tJ.41 feot. thonco North 39 dogroos 19 mInutes 01 secondr. E~st 83.36 foot; thonco North 02 d09rcos 43 mlnutc~ 34 _soconds WO$f 163.31 foat; thence North 29dogrocs 25 minutes 52 soconds Cast 96.00 faet; t~ence North 74 dogroos 35 mlnutas O~ ~ccond~ Wo~t 99.91 foot; thencoSouth 67 degreos 07 minutes 46 seconds Wost 92.7j fo~t; thonco North 51 degrees 55 mlnutos 42 ~~onds West 104.56 toot; thonco Norfh 84 dogrees Ot minutes 20 seconds :'Iest 74.10 foat to thu placo of 'bilglnnlng. containIng 3.10 acres" mora or Jt}S5, and subJoct to -all logal hl9hwQYs. rights of WB.y and casements. ~~,1O,," A.1f ~- - - , ~. V"""'~'1I<l>~diIo.< ,,,,,,..1'~:r<""VI>I;it,lt1.t~~.I~,t1-~..,,- ~< .:.i!:a..,".J;.fl>,~~,"..~~~ -fill ~. '-'.. ,.,,~ , 1L ~ ~ . '~~lf~'#Jiiii~~~~f{~~~ -., '.itt!~!':'1'r.:'~ -. . ..-, ,;. 1:..r.iJ:f~~l. 0 ~a.;ib"T a !'DE ,\\lll.I'" I " I' .':-:. '. . . _ ',' ," " ; ql -."'. \ \l/\ \~ ';H~q\ :. "J~. t ,).:. ( (I u}):.~ "....'.11,'-\ \ _.:.J.:_~.1r I. I ,;;;:;,../' 11L,~~1 I 1'1 r r. -: .' ~_.\. "-. '1' '. ~",,,,II:: :.. __ . \ . '\ - ,,-, a, ,/ . : ,.. ... . '\ .', --. I- . ;z: "" ..., ... - J ~II II 0 II l! .;! ,.._ i ~ ~ ~ 1Il f! ii ;i lW~; ~;.illiii~!.15 1.niliJllil g2 :1 ~,iji :'; :jl.;.i I:!m.:; l' ~l ,,,!: ,I! lij ~l12 III d.1 Ii i it:!.. I~i -iri :~~ ill! ~I;'''~ .' .., . 1.. . ii ". ! Ll'; ./11. ;' ..:. :. i'i i'- I. "ll! ~; j;'j' .: ;;' ;: ,H i; :, ; i (_.j !: p! p , 'I i! ! i :i; :! i ; ~ .. J i;i :' ! , qo;;.Oqtt/ ~ f r t~f('" ,{ I I; ~. -<;:- ... I II i~ OIlFl . , .. ~...". " i* ~~ 90A09/L/ ~~',b;f- C.- II. i , I i ; I ~ I : r ......... i !;; ',' " Auto parts and tire center Automobile or mobile home sales Automobile service station Boat sales Bowling alley Commercial parking lot Farm implement sales Furniture store Indoor theater Kennel, residential License bureau L~er or building materials sales (enclosed) Motor bus or railroad passenger station Power transmission line Recreational vehicle sales Stadium or coliseum Tavern or night club Tennis or racquet ball facility Veterinary hospital, without kennel Automobile or truck repair (enclosed) Carnivals, fairs, circuses, etc. Cemetery Commercial greenhouse Commercial recreational enterprise or facility Country club Drive-in restaurant (curb or window service) Garden shop Golf course Grocery store Meat market Mineral extraction, borrow pit, top soil removal & their storage 1010bile home, temporary uses (one year roa:cimu..<n) Newspaper publishing or printing plant Plant nursery Rental agency Roadside sales stand Skating :rink Supermarket Veterinary hospital, with kennel 5? - 2.-3 1990 Thla IlIa1rumenl Aecorded IN 5n1U'0fI K. Cll8rry. Rei:Ordof. HamUlaR COUnty. fAhilo.~t 0 '.' ",.l, ~ _ 'Jo 90;),,091 L/ r' r r~ . ,}t~~:~~~~~. _....~- : --1""';' ',;., . ',' 1; -,' ~ 'i'~ .". ~ - ~\':__;;f:. f , , \ J '':f--'~'-' f \ , I i :"\ I .'[ ~.~ '" 0. , , ~'I"'.".'...".'=.' , ~',,\ .: -~j 0'.' :I " '. I ~ I ~ .. .. I I f IlIli! 9020917 comnTmm'l'S COBCBlUaING THE USE AIm DlNELOP!lBlft' OF REAL E5n'I'B The undersigned. Pro-Ked. Ltd. (hereafter "Pro-MOO"). the owner of the following described Real EE'tate located in Hamilton County, Indiana (hereafter the -Real Estate~), makes the following COMMITMENTS concerning, ,the use of the Real Estate to the Carmel Plan Commission and the City of Carmel (hereafter jointly the ~Commissionn); 1. Description o!-B~~l Estate - See Exhibit A attached hereto ("Real Estate"). 2. Docket No. - 40-90-8. 3. Statement of Commitment~ (a) Pro-Mad commits that the review process of the COmmi8sion as to architectural design, landscaping, lighting and signage ("ADLS") shall include a public hearing with no~ice p~ovided pursuant to the rules of the Commission. (b) Pro-Med commits that the ADLS application will include a definitive tree prese~ation plan. (e) Pro-Med, in conjunctIon with Tri-County Mental Health Center, Inc. and other o~~er8 of real estate i~ the vicinity of the Real Estlllte, commits, to contribute its fair share to the cost and preparation of a t.raffi..: study by an engineering firm selected by the City of Carmel, except that the fair share of pro-Med and Tri-County Mental Health Center, Inc., in the aggregate, shall not exceed $ 4-COC.AQ . 4. B,tndir.g.on Successors' and A8siqns - Thb,commitment is bInding on the Owner of theR~al Est,ate, each 8ubBoquent owner of the Real Estate and GUlch othe,r personacqulring an lntereSlt in the Rael Estate, unleo8 modified. or terminated by the Commlulon. Thils CommltmentmllY be modified or t0rm1nated only by a decIsion of the. Commhsion made at a public hearing attar noUce as provided by the rulem of the Commission. 5. Effective Dat@ - The Commitment containGd herein 8hall be effective upon the adoption of an ordinance by the Carmel City Council changing the zoning classification of the Real Kmtate from the R-2 District Classification to the 9-6 District Classification. 6. Recordina - Ths underBigned horeby authorizes the Director of Community.Development or the Secretary of the Carmel Plan Commiuion to record this Commitment in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana upon the granting of the approvals referred to in paragraph 5 above. 7. Enforc@ment ~ Thio Commitment may be enforced by the Carmel Plan Commission and the City of Carmel. Executed this ~ day of July, 1990. Thf8lna1rUmont Rl!Cordid ~.. J..3 ,m SIUlrtHl K, CMrry,lloeotdtr. Hamlllon Counl)l.IN p BY~ DOCD f~- t: ~ ! <r, - '- -- r STA'1'E OF IImIAD. ) ) 55.: COOlf'.fY OF mutIIlfON ) The undersigned" a Notary Public in and for said County and State, acknowledged the execution of the foregoing by Robert Hughes, Nanaqing General Par,nl3r of pro-Ned Ltd., an ::indiana LiMited Partnership. WITHESS~~ this =\~ day of July, 1990. " ~~- Not ' 11 _~ ~1-~" ~~"~'\ Printed Name \ County 01/05190 l'RBPARBll liY: JlIIHilI J, 2'#t.t111"11, Att"t'11Ii1Y lit L/1" == '" IJa :z: ~:a~ ~f'!'IQ O-t.:')z <:) :t::u?= (')co Q",,= 1 ::Vm .... :tI at :;12 "'< qo ')tjql? I!!iIII it "" '~ tow g FR ~il ~ '::1 ' Co'"=' DOCO ;o~:,:.. 1 t_. ~ c:: \- - < 0'- lB I-.\- u::) (f") <-:J ~ l_ ... ... <L~~," " ,,"e,~ ~. G Par'" of thO! Northo~::;t Quartor of tho Norttn{o~t Quilrtor of '.lc.etlon 2~. lQ..mstolp 18 North. Rango 3 East In Hilmllton County. Indl~na, dc::;cribud ~~ fol IQ.~: Boglnnlng at a point on tho Eo~t Ilno of sold Northwo::;t Ouartor :;ectic,1"l ~outtl DO degrees 06 mlnutos 12 soconds Ea~t (assumod boarlng) 777.80 fQ(Jt fr0f;l tt.o Ilorth:oast corner fhereof; thonce continuing i"llong said :)outh lino ~0uth 00 degrees O~ mlnutos 1'2 soconds E1I5t 19.60 foot; thenco South I 0 do~r'JO:> .112 mlnutos 23 seconds \'/ost 92.}2 feot; thonco South Yl do')roos \') r.llnutl}~ 01 !oo~onds Easf 56.:59 fO'3t: thonco South 05 do~roQ~ 09 mlnutos 02 ~()Ccn'':s W(l~t 144.99" fO~J"h thcnco South 53 degroos.39 mlnuto', 2~ socond:. Wo..t 1~O.4~ It;ct; thonco South 18 doSrOElS 3B mlnutos Oil soconds WlJ!.t 68.06 foot; th(!r,crJ :;outh t.3 degreos 29 mlnuto!> ~5 soconds Wost 258.78 fGot to 0 pctlnt on tho ~outh Ilno at said Quarter" Quarter Section 925.00 foot from the $outhwO!lt ~ornc.r thereot; thane" along th~South ilfloot said Quartor Quartor Soc.tiOfl "South 88deljre05 "4 minutes 03 soconds Wast 394.71 footl thooco North 35 minutes 31 ~oconds 32t::::: seconds East 512 .22100t to a pO I nf (In a curve to tho r 19M hay I og oJ r.::<l [U5 of 300.00 foot, tlw r.Jdlu~ point af saId curvo boars .North 67 dO'1l"oo<, I~ minutes 2' !,oconds East from said point; thenco tlorth\jo~tQrly 010n9 :ioid curve 116.37 'fo'Jt to the point of tangoncy thoroof. tho r'1dlu~ point of ~ald curvl) bp'lrs North 69 dogroes ~1 mlnutos 48 so!:onds Eost from sold poInt; 1h(Joc'" fI.::.r1to 00 ~o9"OEl:; 08 mlnutos .12 'soc:onds WlJst 2!B.36 fent to thQ point 01 c;ur'"vaturlJ of i:l curvlll to the lett Mvl.l'lg a ri3dlus of 25.00 tcot, tho rod.lu~polnt at Silld curvCJ bears South 89 dog:"130S 51 mlf1utal:: 46 soconds Wast from sold paint; thOnco Norther!y iJnd "/astorly along said curvo 39.01 feot to tho point of tangoncy tlloreof, tl10 radius point of saId curVQ boars Sout:, I dQ!Jroo~ 21 mln\Jtos 55 seconds ElIst from said polntJ thoncQ South ao llcgreo:; 313 l1'.inutc:;. 05 l;oconds \tost 130.64 foot to tho point of <;urvafufo of 0 curvo to tl10 rl9ht having Q radlu!> of }OO.OO foot, tho rlllllus point of silld curvl') hl,10n. ~~r;r'"111 C1 dogroos 2.1 minutes ;'5 s('conds Wost from said point; thcnco Wl~~lllrly iJnd tlorfhwo5torty aIel"!') said curvo 193.16 foot to 'tho point of i...n!joncy tl.orl)ot, tho r~dlu! point 01 said curvo bears North 35 dogroo~ 31 mlnuto~ }Z ::;econd~ Eest from 50ld point. thoneo North 54 dogreos 20 mlnutos 28 socond~ Wc~t 'lC.9} foot to thoSout.hurly Ilno of Old U,S. Highway 31. thollco along soIl! Soutl1orly tllltll North 35 dogrco~ 31mlnut(ls 32 soconds EoJst 83.6:5 foot to 1110 polnt at curvaturo at 8 turvo to tho right h~vlng D r~dlus of 2014.79 foot, tho rQdlus point ot s.ald curvoboors South 54 dGgroe5 26 mlnuto,; 20 ~Qr.ond$ E()~t 1rcfI\ said point; theneo NorthoDstDrly 010n9 sold curvo 210.41 foot to a point on .... thO Southor I y r I nht of '(tovll nD of Sl:\okoy Il,..>", lIam! (I %t h '.ltrw.t' pur \1,jr reot y Ooecl to tho Stoio of IndlDn.:J, dlltod Odobor .,~ 19'11, thQ pl<ln~. ttJr' ':>{llll roed as 0 part of tho t"oIOC.:ltlon of U.S. IHgh\llIlY 31 dQsl~ln..~torJ i1~ I:;HC Project ST-f..222C9l, tho radius poInt boers South ~O doqrcns. 11 rnlnlltos 2'J ~.cconds rast from sa.ld point: said point OlliO bolng on ;] lIon-tanfjOnt <;urvl.! to tho right having a ra~luG of 4l7.46 f~ot, tno rodlu~ point ot said cur'~ L~ors . South 38 do!)roos 1')n"nuTo5 10 secon'::> EIJl>t from SillI.J point: thfJn-':1I Lo~1vrly t"\ olong sllld e\,lrvo 202,49 foet to Q point tl1.Jt Il('un, North 01 dogrcr:s 1') mlnll~o5 "01 16 $OCOndsW9st from silld redlus I)l,)lot. ttlonco North 75 dQ!]rot:!l 12 r,llnutos 2:; soconds East 96.3" fr:ot along sold rl9M of 'WoV llno~ thonco pf'Jrpondlculor to ~ 1hoNortl'l I 'riG of silhl. Quartor Quartor Soct 'un North 01 dlJgreos 21 r.aillutut. 55 ~ -C SGcol'lds Wost 20.00 foot to It poln" en tho North Iln" of !laid Ouartor Quartor _ Suction. fhonCQ .elcng sD!d NQrth. Ilno Nortn 06 dOfJroos ~a 101001tO~ 05 ::oco".ds ~ Eilst 165.99 foot to D point 221.00 '\)ot Wost of tho /lorthoest CQrnor 01 o;.old Quartor Quador Soctlon, thonce per",lol wIth tho Eo!ot Ilno of ~old QUilrtC'r Qut,lrtQr Sactlon South 00 dogroos 08 mFnut.15 12 second:; East 211.00 teet; thanco parallol Irl.tti tho North Ilno of sold Quador OU;JrtlJr Section NQrth Of) dogreos 30 ~Inuto$ 05 soconds Eost 37.00 foot; thonce parilllel with !lilld EO$t line SOll,th 00 t1ogro,J!i 08 mlnutos 12 soconds (ast' ~t)O.[lO h,01: thoncc pllrllllol with sale North I :r.o :'brth 88 dogroe:; <~l\ m!nuto~ 05 !;oc()nd~ Et:~t 1811.00 fQ!}t to theploce of bt':Jlnnlng, contalnlllg 14.139 (lcnJ~" morc or Ic~~, .1n~ subjoct to 011 IO!}i11 .."__....nl::,, rtal1tr. of tiny t1nd oil,>ofl1onb. ~ l fr ,d :- ..... r '- L a .. ... ,,\~t . Part of tho UorthwDst Quartor' of 50C'llo,n 25. Town=-h I p 10 t:')r1 h, Hor:go 3 [,,!;t In Hur.lllton County, IndIana, doscrlbotl <15 foIIQ"S: CommencIng at tho tlodheast cornor of !;ald Quortcr Sod 1011; t\)Onc(: 1I1cng tL~l North II no thereof South .88 dogroo~ 30 rnl T\uln~ O~ ~oc'.>nd~. ~lfJ~ t (iJ~'~~r.;cd boarlng} 686.01 fcot ta tho Sou'tho.)~;turly Ilmit<lt.l occc:;~ rl!]I,t of tley lin0 c:.f tI.S. t1lgh1l/8V31 por pla!!s thoroof doslgnatoej I~;/IC ProJoc.t ST-F'-2Z2(,)); 1hence a 10[19 SiJ Id right of WDY 1'1013 Sdu1 h "i':: d.)1Jroo~ 01 m I nutto:.; ~U ~f1conll':i ~Ic~t 230.56 foot to thO ('lace of Ooglnnlrg.sold point boln,:)' on D nlJn.tcnCj(Jnt CUryo to tha right having i3 ro1dlusof 3964.12 toot, silld pornt 03L::o b'~lr'H t;.In HIO tlorthwestel"ly right of way I ino of Ofd U.S. IIlghway 31 dc~rrrn;n-od l!:iiC Project 22Z-Sectron D dotod 1931pthoradl1.l5 poInt of snld curyo boars Nor1't. 30 dc-groes 24 Illlnutos 15 soconds Wo~t from SOlid point; thonCI3 aion'i ~.1Id cur'lr-, and limited o<:c:e::.s rlght of 'dcyllM Southll'<!stcrly 361.31 fout 1'0 .:: ,,<;Int fhDt be~rsSouth 25 dogroos 11 1Illnu tes 07 second!> t rom !>D 11,1 ru<ll U5 po I nt; tt.nncc alpl1g sold Ilmltod .;:ccoss rlghtot ."f1Y 11no South 6 dogroes l4 mlr.uto~ ~u seconds West 117.23 topt: thenco South 61. dogroos OU minuto5 54 ZOCOIl~5 Last 10~~B6 foot to 'thO t:odhlfostorly r1!lht of W;Jy Ilna of OltlU.!.i. IHgln.:ay 31; therico along so) I d 1t.'rthlfiJstody r I ~ht 0 f IoI,'V II no Ul)rth~5 tlll'}lor}!:. .3' m: !II,h,s :54' soconds Ellst 282. OJ' foot to tho F<.ltnt of ClIl v.Jturo of .:J (.111""Vl) ~'O 1 :.l' r I ghi ',livIng a radius of 29'U.79 foot. fila '"i1dlus poInt of Si,Jld cun" becr~ ~oulh ~4 dcgroes 28 mlnutu~ 2g seconds Etlst fnl"l 5,\111 poInt; ttll'JnC'J tlOrTho,I!;H.rly illong satd right of W3Y Ilno and curve 130.(15 foot to tho placo of DQgillll in~,. contlllnlng 0.85 acros. more or less. .Jnd subject to all logal hI9hwc:y~. rIghts ot'way and oasomonts. ~#d.3 '11I1s lrmrument RecordetS . 1990 SharonK. Cherry. Recorder, Hamilloll county,lN 90d~o9/7 "-:~"'tAl Dace jUJ 16. 1012;-' - ~J..;\J RECEIVED VP;c.:~ fi {. 1: "? \ ! , ~ ~ -A 4~ ~ j'" .. ~." .- .... Ill!' r' 2~ 'O:J~8e 9433478 c...AoA~~S CONCERNING THE USE .. ~.-t.~.~'~ AND DEVELOPMENT OF REAL ESTATE ~~:~. S,zldl.... ;. Pro;.Med. Ltd., an Indiana Limited Partnership, and Tri-County Center, Inc., an Indiana corporation (jointly bereafter, "Owner"), make the following Connnitments to the Cannel Plan Commission (hereafter, "Commission''): 1. DesaiDtion of Real EstRfe: ..n See Exhibits "A" and "A-I" ("Real Estate") V"l ;: ,S~ ~~~ g~0 .. ;:0 r-~; I-f = ::: ri1 -< A. ""Tl l'::: 0::0 r- ;:OJ fT1 ~'~o ~:.~ j7l ~ r)~ - Om -f."" Xl 0 I'-.) 0 c...) Owner commits 10 install the roadway improvements at the intersection of Old Meridian and U. S. 31 pursuant to the plans therefor on file with the Department of Conmnmity Development under Docket No. 40-90-Z ("Roadway hnprovements"), at the request of the Cannel Board of Public Works and Safety following the date of December 31, 1997, if the Indiana Department of Transportation ("INDOT") has not commenced construction of its proposed project for similar or like improvements at the intersection of Old Meridian and U. S. 31 prior 10 December 31, 1997. 2. Docket No. 56-94-DP/ADLS 3. Sitllemellt of COMMUmellis B. Owner further commita to install the Roadway Improvements prior to December 31. 1997. at the request of the Carmel Board of Public Works and Safety, upon the determination by the Carmel Soanl of Public Works and Safety that the project of IN DOT baa been cancetled, The foregoing notwithlltandlng. it is und~tood BJ1d acknowledged that the plans for the Roadwr.y Improvements, if installed by Owner, requires the approval and consent of INOOT. C. Owner commits to,install sidewalks within the right-of-way of and adjn.cent to Old MeridilUl and Smokey Row Road in conjunction with the constnlction of the Roadway Improvements, pursuant to plans approved by the Office of the City Engineer end INDOT. ,f. SilftliRll tyD SlIccemrs ,,,4 AS6~"S. These commitments are binding on the Owner of the Real. Estate. each subsequent Owner of the Real Estate, and each other person acquirinS BJ1_intereBt in tho ROllI Estate. unless modified or terminated by the Commission. These commitinimta may be modified or terminated only by a decision of the Commission made at a public hearing after notice u provided by the rules ~f the Commission. S. E~ Dtlte. The commitments contained herein shall be effective upon the approval of the applications filed with the Commission under Docket No. 56-94-DP/ADLS. ;;c.~...".,...,,,-,,,,-~-!"'-"-'~-""~ ,~ L ^ -' I~ , f t ~ I 1 r i ~' =, ~ :., ;Jz~jf~'; I ~t?'pii~;,~::,1 ! .i , ; 6. Rectlrdilfl(. The under-,isned hereby authorizes the Secretluyof the CommiHion to record thee commitmentl in the Office of the Recorder of Hamlltorr County, Indiana, upon the grantina of the approval. referred to in pmsmph S, above. 7. Eill'orctlRWlt. ThellC commibnenta may be enforced by the Commi~ and the City of Carmel, Indiana. 8. COFifl)litIfICe C"ldhtlJdo18. Tho Director of the Department of Community Development, C~l, Indiana; GnaU, when rcquc'lod by the Owner, give written assurance. in letter form. that the Owner hu or hM not complied with thea::s commitments. Executed this ~ dtly 01 Jllne, 19'.,. PRO-MEDt LTD. An InrUana Limited Partnenhlp ~I/~ . Robert HU2be~ I "'::--..' ,;~. -;,.,'. TItle: Mao.llgine Genen. Partner STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF HAMILTON ) , , i I . BEFORE ME, a Notary Public~n arid for said County and State, personally ap~cared Robert Hughes, the Managing Gco.eralPartncr of Pro-Mild, Ltd., who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing CommitmentS.. WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal is 1-1 U'day of June, 1994. . ' f'.~1l' _ Notary Public, State of Indiana - IiIil It ., i , " ! I "~ ..<n....... ".. ,'. :-\.\ ~. / (: -- :~~.~'"~.~~~.:;:~ -:.... ~"... .!!."::~;.,.~" :,' -:.- ~;~....:i;.,- J\ ::~ . - . Residing inJJ'f'ritJIv County My Commission Expires 7/ r /4 b , \ ", ,". .:.-..... -2- 9433"'73 I ..... r UU.....":;OllNTY CENTER., iNC. By:~~ Printed: LaITY'L. Burch Title: /r~ ~~, STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF HAMILTON ) BEFORE ME, ~ NoiaIy Public maud fOf said County and StatQ,personally appeared Lany L. Burch. the Executive Director of Tri-County Center, Inc;, who acknowledged the execution oftbe foregoing Commitments. WITNESS my hand, and Notarial Seal thi~~ay of June, 1.994: N~H.:sr::./d;::4- Residing in m~ounty My Commission Expires ,3).::ta I q p . l~. ,~ . .r, " ., '." .t.: : .~: , \ i , :.:,;:,';~:; I '''' . "1 ~~~X~.:, ..-:i.;.;~~, 'v,"-" ..", ti~;"~~:~1 Rt{if:'i"~~~'?~:~'1 #:~1t j This Instnunent 'Prepared By: Jam~ 1. Nelson NELSON &. FRANKENBERGER 3021 East 98th Street Suite 220 Indiana]'9lis; Indiana 46280 -3- 743347g L . "\..\C"~ .' <A ........ " ..... v." , . . I .... f; .,- , 'VI" )0.,.... .... ~'? ',Q. 1.-...... I ", ,- .'. ...~ ~-~ :~l ... ;,!~ C-\ ~l~, 1./",:'-' i>- .... ,":f:) .."", ./ ........... f') "I . DIi' 1 j ~ i t i ~ ;, ~ "III iii ......,~, .n\... k ~ ., " 1 ! ~~ .. PARCEL 1 \. Part oCthe Northeast Qwuter aDd the Northwest Quarter of Section 25, Township) 8 Nonh, Range 3 :East in Hamilion Coonty, Indiana. described asfulJows: CoIl1ma1cinS IilUbe NorsheutCOll'Da' of said Quarter Quarter Section;' tbencealong the North line tbenoroa MUItltIJedbearingofSouth 88 degn:es38 ~tes05 seconds West 1306.37 feet to the Nocthwest,cornu or Aid ~arter Quarter Section; thence along the West line or naidQuarter QuuterSect10n South 00 degrees 06'minutes 3.2.seconds East 892.61 feet to ti:lo South right otway Uno oCoId U.S. Highway 31 (Mendlan Street) said point mJsobeina tlwrPoint ofBesbming thence Wons _ri$htofway ,line North 35 degrees 31 minut"32 seconcb ~~S;OO feet to the South llneorln 8~Ce$S road; thence along said' Souti1 hSouth 54 degrees 28 minutes 28 seconds E~t 98:93 feet to the point ~fcurva~ ota e&arvo tq. t}le left having a radiu$ of300.O? f~. the radius, point thereofbeatl North 3S ~ 31 minlJtes32tec!:mds East rromSAld pomt; th~nce along said curve and:laJd SouthliMSou~terlyanlrEasterly 193.16 feet to thepomtof tangency't~r, thendius po!ntbelais Nonh 1 degrees 21 Jl'li~utes 55 secondsWe~t froin saidpoiat;.thence eotit~ along said Sou'th line Nor1h88 deg~es 38 minutes 05 :ec.ond.. East 130.64 ~ totb6polnt Cl(curyatutc ofa curve~otbe right having a radius of25.oo f~thllrmdlua PO!ntof'l8fd cur'\fe~s South 1 dcgrees.21 minutes 5Sscconds Ent ft'omlllidpolntrahancoEuterly and Southerly along said curve 39.81 feet to the point ortanaefteY thereof; the racijulJpolntof8ald curve bears South 89. degrees 5 I mmute3 41'sec:onds Woar&om ~ point, 'said ,pOint is also in the Wes~ri8ht of way line of acu!~e-sac IStreett thence !'Ions AId We$t d8hc of Wily line South 00 degrees 08 minutes 12 Jecondll, East283.31..feet to. the pointotCUtvllture ora curve to the Iefl'ha\'ing a. radius of 300.00 feet. the mdlu9point ofaaid curvo bearlNorth 89 degrees 51 minulcs48 ' second",Eul.&om said point; t~c:e Southeuter,y alo.nH said curve, 118.37 feet to ,\ point that bears South 61 dfgrees!5 mlnutes'(ll geConds West tram said radius poblt; thence South 35 de~31 mfnutta32 BeCOnds Weat47S.J2 feet to the center ofa slream(thc J:\l:x& 12 course81U'1 aJonsaaJdstream); thenco North 59 degn'Cs 09 minute1l49 seconds West I U.19feet; theneeNorth 85 degrees 38mi~ute.s 09 seconds West 81.491cct, thence N?rth 60~egrgs: 4~ minutes 49 seconds West 50.89 (eet; thence South 74 dcgrc.cl49 rrunutell OS itCOndlJ West 47.36 teet; thence North 67 dC&"f.ees S I minutes n sl'conds Weit 1 1.5.13 feet;lh~ North ,58 dear~ 01min~tes 56 secQnd,s We.st:S l.32 1ccl;JhL'ncc N~nh 1? dearees 05~nut"'11 secondl West 20,26 feet; l.henceNortbJ5'd~g~cs 04 ~uttl OSS4JC9ndJEast 41,98 ttlet;tbenccNortb 02 degrees 50minutes' S8 seconds East 21.65 itet; tMnce Nonh 82.deg1'ee8 12 mhlllteB 46 seconds West 51,31 feet; thence North 13 deBrees 57 mltiu~es"l JeCondS West 45.55 feet; thence SOl,lth'SO degrees 07 minutes 41. secondll. West '''.25 teet to the W~stnne ofsaJd Quarter QU8ltcr Scclion; 1l,le/lce along $a.I~ "':est hne No~h 00 degrees. 06 ~liutes 32 seconds West 144.97 fe~t to the place uf beglnmns, contaIning J 1.30 acres, more or less, and subject to aU legal highway.'{nghls of way an(J easements. . I ?.t/J31-13 Exhibit "A" L .....i ,~ l' PARCEL 2 '. Partof'tbeNortb.ea$t Quarter:ofthe Northwest. Quarter of~ion 25. Township 18 NOrth. Range 3 ~'in Hamilton County. Indima. described as follows: Beginnin8 1It.a~ OIIJ theEut line ofGaid Northwest QUartet Section SoUth 00 degrees OS miautesl12 ~ East(aswmod bearing) 777.10 feet trom the ~heast comer tMreoe theDce c:iO~akma lNJidI South line South OOdegreel08 mmutes 12 seconds East 19.60 feet;tbmce s.bUth 10~42 ~tes 23 se:condaWesa 92.32 f4..'d; thence South 39 degrees l~miuutesOl SClXIf1l:b East 56.39 feet; thenceSou~b 06 degrees 09 'minutes 02 SE!CoDdSWeSt 144.99 feet; 1heme South 53 degrees 39 minutes 23 seconds West 150.43 feet; thence South 18 degrees 38 minutes 08 seconds West 68.06 feet~ thence South 68 degrees 29 minutes 46 seconds West 2$8.78 feet to a point on the, South line of said Quarter Quarter sCction m.oo reet from the Southwest ~omer thereof; thence along tbeSouth line ofll8id Quarter Quarter section South 88 ckgrea 44 minutes OJ seconds West 394.71feet'thenceNort1lu3S degrees)l minutes 32 seconds East 512.22 ft..'Ct to a point on A c:urve'tothorlgb! ~l1mdiua of3oo:oo feet.tberadius point of said CUlve buns NorJJ. 61 detJroea 15 minuteo 21 seconds E4st from saidpoint~ (f:tence Nurthwcswrly alon, 8&id curve 110.37 fltet to the point oftanscncylhereof, the radius point (lfsaid eurv8 beanNMb 89 degees SI mfnuta 418 seconds East itom.aid point; thence NOl1h 00 d~ 08 minutes 12 secandi W. 283.38 feet to thepolnt OfCUlVll1turc oh curve 10 the left ~ I mdiua oUS.OO :€bet, t1he radlus point ofWd curve bears South 89 dcgre.\:s 51 minutes 48 ~ Watftc'M aaid polnt~ thence Nortberty ancfWesterly aluns said curve 39.81 feet to th'poimoftangen&:ythereot; the'radlus point of said curve bc.-.an South I ~ 21 rninu1el'l "S iJeconda East &om !aid point; thence Sooth BR degrees 38 minum 05 ooeOndi Welt 130.64 ht So the point or curvature oh curve to the riuht havins ar.s otJOO.OO h, tbl radJull point of said curve bears.Nonh 01 degrees 21 minutia '5 Hoood3. W.: tom sldd point; thenco Westerly and Northwesterly along saki CUM J93.16 feet totbe polilt ottqency thorGQf, tho rldiuJ point ofaaJd curve bears Nonh 35 d....:nmJnutlj 32 ~ Eut fttjm said poiN.' 2~ North 54 dCQf(.'CS 28 minut" 2(1 ~ West 9&.93 _10 tho South<<ty'UnlJ otOld U,S. HlShwIY ,) t. .hel\l'~ along MkI ~ n.ntNonh 35 dtaren 31 rMl!.i\ttl32 1O<<)ftd& Welt 8J.63 focI 10 the point of ~"natureOrB cUrve CO tbfi rJsbt hlvi1l31l1~dNlI of2814.19 reet~ tho rltdluJl.ppjnt otsalcl GU:~ btan ~b5't ~ 28 mlnut0l2$I8Conda East.l:tom Aid point; thence N~heart...rly IkmtI HlCIcurve 210.41 tbet to a point on thoSoutberiy rillht orway'line of Sr.IOJcey "'ow ROad (U6tb SfNot)I* Wamu'ity Deed to lho- Slato of,Indiana, daced . Oct.cOOt 1,. 197J.the plana ftHo saki roAd 18 a ,part ortbe l~r~.don of U.S. Hi!;hwli)' 31 d~ltlnate/'J IU JSHC Project Sr.p-222(9), t~ I'Rdlus ~tntbearl Sooth SO dCBtl'~~S J I numnes ~9 seconds E.iut ftom said point; said pofnta1$O lx.'ing ona non.tauJ.lcnt turv~ to the right '~~m rmdlus of437.46 ~t. the radius prtint otllai4 CUM bears Soulh 38 degrt't.l119 rmnutes 10 seconds Eut from hid point~ Chenee ~astedy .long said curve :28~.491~ to a point that beeB NonhOI degrtea 19 minutes 16 aec:ondl!l WeNt from ,~aid radIus point; thel1Cfl North 75 degrees 12 minutes 25 i{.'t'ondil.East 96 34 fccc allllln S11id Exhibit "A_II' 9IJ:!4?i L ~- ".' " ,.- L " !- . . A ';: . IllI m "':1 line; thence perpendicular to tbeNorth line of said Quarter Quarter Section North 01 degrees 21 minutes 55 secondi 'West 20.09 feet t() a point on the North line ,of said Quartet;' Quarter Section~ thence.alollg said North line North 88 degt"ees38 minutes 05 seconds East 16S:99 feet to lipoint 221.00 feet West orthe Northeast comer of said Quarter Quarter Section; thence parallel with the East line ofsair:lQuartcrQuartcr Section South 00 degrees 08 minutes12-seconds East217.00feet~ thenc\.~ para!!e!with the North line ofsaid Quarter QUarter Section North 88 degrees 38 minutes 05 seconds East 37.00 feet; thence parallel wit~ said East line South 00 degl.'ees 08 mirnlles 12 seconds East 560.80 feet; thence parallel Witb'.said NorthJine-North 88 degrees 38 minutes 05 seconds East 184.00 feet to the place ofbegillning.containing 14.89 acres, more or less, and subject to all regal easement~ rights ofwa}' and easements. llisInsk1lnootAleonled~L2 91994 Shwl It C!leriy, FI!lconJI;. HaIIIb C'AIurdr,II I . . . ?4.J3412 ...." .........~...,~. . ~ CiQu8 a-dem1ce to COIllm1tlaeat C1ID<<mIq IIlle aDd developaeat ofRtal latai. Recorded AlOJUIi 23,I99tt iQ thlll Oftkeofille Rerorder orHaaDtoe ColUltY ,'JH.iau u4er JmtnJriestfil9028914. ~??~S~~~~CDrd in HAPllL TON ~TY, llrolAHJ:I I'lA RY L CLARK . 12-H-2'OOl 0212" pD. AFFIDAVIT 13.OQ AFFID,&VIT Robert E. Hughes, bei;;!g tim dulyswom, now depo~ and says tha2: I. He is the ManaiiDg 6meraI partnet ofPro-Med. Ltd., and Indiana Limited Partnership, ("Pro- Ml'd") 2 Tba1 Pro-Med on the l8th day of June. 1990. executed and delivmd to the Cannel Plan Commission Co~ Concerning The Use and Dewlopmtnt of Real Estate owned by Pro-:Mtd. ("CoI!lll1itmm1s") 3. That the Commitments were recorded on August 23, 1990, in the Office of the Recorder of ~on County, Indiana. as IlISIrulDcIIt Number 9020914. 4. That the Carmel Plan Commission on the "9th day of July, 1994. approved Docket Numbcr57-94CC. permitting an amendment to the Comrnitmr;nts,. Bnd further approved Dockc:t Number 56-94DP/ADLS, adoptiDg a developmmt plan for the real estate for the real estate described in the Co!lllllitJnenl3 (" RdU Estate"). a copy of wbicbdevelopmen1 plan is attscbed hereto and marked Exhibit A ("Development Plan") . 5_ That the approved arne:nd.mcll to the Conmitmen1s provided for the reduction in the lIUttlber of enttaooes to the RcaI Estate from Smoker Row Road as shown on the Site: Development Plan. 6.. The purpose oft:his affidavit is 10 place ofpublic record the actions taken by the Cannel Plan Commission under the Docl:et nU11lhCrs n:fi:rred to in Paregraph 4 hereof: ,scription: Hamil ton, IN Docwnent-Year.DocID 2001.82971 Page: 1 of 3 .der: 126263 Comm",nt:: ----.-~-~----~-- -- ------------ iooluding approval of the ~'Jelor:mem Plan, Il1ld to confirm the plan of dc~lopmenl now being implemented by Pro.Med. .~/lyi STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) ss: COUNTY OF MESA ) Subscnbed and sworn to before IDe, a Notary Public, in and fur said CoLtl:dy and State, persomilly appeared Robert E. Hughes, and acknowledged the execuUonoftbe foregoing Affida.vit. WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal this :tiuay of November, 2001 My Conunissioo Expires: ~ 3~ hJ \n~~I~j NotaJy Public ~ Residingin_rAP')tL Cowny,Colorado ~Ql.dV\~ m JOCDUt'L Primed Neme This lnstrumc:otprepered by : ]8lDCS J. Nc:ooD, Nc:lscin & F~, Attorney" 302] E. 98th Street, Suite 220, Indismpow. In. 46280. (317) 844--0106 ~scription: Hamilton,IN Document-Year.DocID 2001.82971 Page: 2 of 3 r~~~. 1?~?~~ ~~mmQn~~ J '."'.... "M:J( ;.~~. : t r!~ " 1;;';,1, ,.. j~ ~ " , . . . ~. 10,,_ l' _.",...... -I': BEST POSSIBLE iMAGE \ I t ~! ~ I. ...~~ t- \ , 14_ .... I ~ \ '~,..- ,,"... "I ~lf: \ . ":~:......_..u ....,{ ..._.....~~ __~---"..t--_..."u._- --1.. It ;!. i- '\ "\.. If J: \. ~ .____..1 I ("-',:~ !~t:~::::::~.,.~=:::.,..-,.._.,: l ',_..'"r ... i! ..".......~..._-_.~..:" [! I' ' .: \ ij ~ :~ ~ i :1 , ~L l ............,. HHiHimUl Illllh.ullll t. 1l!l1lt."llli~ 1~:l/lW=Wl Il:l:/llllllrl !!HW1H!HI l;rin ~i~lD ~I~lhll u; t !!l~ . J~- .... !B ;:1i .j "''t .......'/1 ?l 11M ~__~__~._..,....l..l"_ .... tXHIIHT A \ \ \ \ \ \ ~cription: Hamilton,IN Document-Year.DocID 2001.82971 Page: 3 of 3 I ~o__. 1"'~".c':J t""'......"....rTlO'..........