HomeMy WebLinkAboutHunt Paving Co./Street '\ ' H)!!.'! Pa"jng Company Street Department - 2007 Concrete Curb and Paving Project Appropriation #2201-502.00; P.O. #1886 Contract Not To Exceed $404.362.28 ~r'\iY~ ~ c51.0'6.o7. 05 APPROVED,~TO FORM BY: AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF GOODS AND SERVICES ( THIS AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF GOODS AND SERVICES ("Agreement") is hereby entered into by and between the City of Carmel, Indiana, acting by and through its Board of Public Works and Safety ("City") , and Hunt Paving Company (''Vendor''). . TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. ACKNOWLEDGMENT, ACCEPTANCE: Vendor acknowiedges that it has read and understands this Agreement, and agrees that its execution of same constitutes its acceptance of all of the Agreement's terms and conditions. 2. PERFORMANCE: City agrees to purchase the goods and/or services (the "Goods and Services") from Vendor using City budget appropriation number 2201-502.00 furds. Vendor agrees to provide the Goods and Services and to otherwise perform the requirements of this Agreement by applying at all times the highest technical and industry standards. 3. PRICE AND PAYMENT TERMS: 3.1 Vendor estimates that the total price for the Goods and Services to be provided to City hereunder shall be no more than Four Hundred Four Thousand Three Hundred Sixty Two Dollars and Twenty- Eight Cents ($404,362.28) (the "Estimate"). Vendor shall submit an invoice to City no more than once every thirty (30) days detailing the Goods and Services provided to City within such time period. City shall pay Vendor for such Goods and Services within sixty (60) days after the date of City's receipt of Vendor's invoice detailing same, so long as and to the extent such Goods and Services are not disputed, are in accordance with the specifications set forth in Exhibit A, are submitted on an invoice that contains the information. contained on attached Exhibit B, and Vendor has otherwise performed and satisfied all the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 3.2 Vendor agrees not to .provideany Goods and ,Services to City that would cause the total cost of the Goods and Services' provided by Vendor to City hereunder to exceed the Estimate, uniess ,City has previously agreed, in writing, to pay an amount in excess thereof. 4. WARRANTY: Vendor expressly warrants that the Goods and Services covered by this Agreement will conform to those certain specifications, descriptions and/or quotations regarding same as were provided to Vendor by City and/or by Vendor to and accepted by City pursuant to or as part of that certain City of Carmel Street Department Bid Proposal Package for" Concrete Curb and Paving Program" received by the City of Carmel Board of Public Works and Safety on or about June 14, 2007, all of which documents are incorporated herein by reference, and that the Goods and Services will be delivered ina timely, good and workmanlike manner and free from defect. Vendor acknowledges that it knows of City's intended use and expressly warrants that the Goods and Services provided to City pursuant to this Agreement have been selected by Vendor based upon City's stated use and are fit,and,sufficient for their particular purpose, rz~.E 1h>>'.\l)'DooimmwPro(cui""oll s.",jn::;\2001ll.,,,,u P.,ingc.....p..,yJoc:s,'nOO7 I \:11 AM] '. l~unt,Pav,ll1g Company Street Department -,2007 Concrete li~rb and P,aving Project Appropriation #nO "502.PO;, PO. #1886 Contract Not To Exceed $404;362'28 5. TIME AND PERFORMANCE: This Agreement shall become eli,actlve as'of the last date on which a party hereto,executes;same, ("Effective Date~'),and bQthpartles shaJrthereafterperform their obligatlonsherelmder ih aJimely manner. Time IS of the, essence of this Agreement 6. DiScLOSURE AND WARNINGS: If requested~y City, Vend_or shall promptly furnish 10 City; insueh form-and detail as City ,may direct, a lislo! all'cnemicals;, materials",subslances aild items~sed in or'dLiringtpe provision of the,Goods and Services provided hereunder, including the quantity; quality andconceniratlon thereof and .any otherinformatiQn [elating ther~to, At the time of the delivery of the.Goodsand Servleesprdvlded hereunder, Vendor agrees io f,urnishto City suffiCient written Wa,'rning'aodnotice (including appropriate!labels on:conlainersalid packing) of any hazardous material utiliz~d II) orthaiis apart of,jheGoodsrand Services. 7. LIENS: Vendor shall not cause or permitOthe filing of any lienon,any dfCity:sproperty.. In the,event any.such lien'is filed and Vendor fails to remove such'lienwitllinten (10),daysafter ihe filingtherecif, by payment or bondihg, City shall hal,'e'the right to:pay such lien orobtain such bond, aILafVendor's'sqle coslaildexpense. 8. DEfAULT: Inthe.ev~nt Vendor: (a) repudiates, breaches or defaults under any of the terms or conditions of this Agreemeni, including Vendor's. warranties; (b) fails to provide,the Goods and SerVices as specified herein; (c) fails to makeplOgt~ss so;as to endanger:limely and proper provision of Ihe.Goods and SerVices and does not correct such failure or oreach within fiVe (5) business di'!cYs (or such shorter period of time as is commercially reasonable undenhe crrcurnstances) after receipf,of notice from Cityspecifylng'such'failure or breach; or (d) becomes insolvent, is'placedinto receivership, makes a general assignment'for the benefit of creditors or dissolves, each'such eventcons!it!Jtinganevent oldefaulthereunder,.Cltyshall have'Ihe right to (1) teimina;e,all or any parts of this Agreement, without iiability td.Vendor;,and (2) exer,ciseall other rights and remedies available to City at lawand/ofln, equity, 9, INSURANCE:AND INDEMNIFICATION: Vendor shall procLire and main)amin f,ulI foreeang effect, during the term of this Agreemep!' with an in~urer licensed 10 do.bu,siness in the State of Indiana, such ihsuranceas.is nece~siJ.ryt9r the, protection of City and Vendor from all claims 'for damagesunde] any workers' compensation, occupational disease and/or uni;lrilployml3nt cOmpensation act; for bodily injuries including, b,ut not Iimiled to, personal inju~, sickness, disease or death oforto\any of Vendor's agehts, officerq, employees; contractors and subcontractors; and, for any injury 10 ordestrljctiOn qf property, including, but not limited io, any:loss of use requiting ihe[efrom. The,.co,yerage af)1Du[1ts shall be no less than those amounts se~forth In. attached, Exhi,bit C: Vendor shall cause'its insurers to name City asanad9itioQl)I inswed on all such insurance policies, shallpromptl(provide City, uponJequest, with qopiesof ail suchpolieies, and shall provicle that such: insurance policies shall not be canceled without thirty (30) clays',prior 'notice to City. Vi;lndor shan indemnify and holil'tiarmless CityJrom andagainsl anyandoall jiabilities, claims; demands or expenses (including; but not Jimiti?d to, reasonable attorney fees) iorinjury, death and/or damages to any persO[1 or property'arising from or in conneqtior'i:with Vendor:s provision of G60dsanq S~rvices pursu~nt to or,under this Agreement orVendQr'suse of City -1:z.~'E B.l,;,i'-\J}- D<J<;~[!]",i~\h~-ft$5i.:ma1 ~i~..i~)\Hiii'il i'.;...m~ C.omP:;'yd"d~"OO7 11'11 A\.11 2 B.\lnl PayjngCompany street Department -'2007 Concrete Curb and Paving Project Appropriatio;,#2201"'502.00;' p,'.o', #1886 Contract Not To 'Exceed $404,362'28 property. Vendor further agrees to indemnify"defena and hold'harmless City and its officers; offiCials, agents and employees fr(jm all claims and suits of whatever type,lncluding, but riot limited to, all couri cosis, .attOrl1eyfees, and other expenses, caused by any act or, omission 01 Vendor and/or; of any of Vendor'il agents, officers) employees, c9,ntractors or subcontractors JQ the pertor[l1ance of this Agreement. These ini!em~incatidh,obliga!jons:sh811 survive the termination of this Agreement. ' 10 "GOVERNMENT COfylPL,IANCE: Vendor agrees tocompiywithall federal, state and local laws, executive orders, rules, reguiations:andcodes which may De applicable to Verid9r'.s"peiiorma~ce of its obligalionil un,cter this Agreement, and' all relevant provisjo~s thereof are,incorporated herein byifiis,reference. Vendor agrees to indemnify' and hold harmless City from any loss, damage andlbr'liabilily resulting fronraDY such,violation of, s~cHJaws, orders;, rules, .regulation? and cQdes. This indemnification obligation shall survive the termination of this Agreemen1 11 , NONDISCRIMINATION: Ye~dor 'represents and warrants thaf it and all of. its officers, employees, agents, contractors and subcontractors shall 'comply with ;all laws; of the United, States, the' State of Indiana and Cilyprohibiting dis~!iminatjon against anyeroployee, applicant for employment or other person in.the provision of any Goods qQd Services provided by this Agreement with respect. to their hire, tenure, terms, conditions~nd privileges of employment and anyottier matierrelated 19 t,heii e,mploy,menror subcontracting, because of race"religion; c.ol.or,se~x,handicap, na~onal origin,ancestry, age, disabled veteran status ~aiidlor Vietnam er9' veteran status, 12, NO IMPLIED WAIVER: , . The failure .of either partyt.o r~q~ire performance by'the atherafany provisian of this Agreement shall not aHect the,right of, such party to .require such performance at anytime thereafter, hor shall the waiver by any party at a breach ah\~y, pr?vision onliiscAgreemenl cOMtitqte a w(liver of any succeeding breach of the same or any o)iler;provisionO,ereof.. 13. NON-ASSIGNMENT: Ventlorsha,il not assign or pledge:thisAgreement"whetheras,collateralfora loan;or dtherwisijl, and shall not delegate its obligationsunde~,!liisAgree'riierit wilh,OlHCityosprior written consent, 14. RELATIONSHIPOFPARTIES: The rel~li6nship bf'the parties,hereto,shall be as provldedforin,this Agreement; an(r~eitherVend6r noril.ny of its officers, employees,. contractors, subc6ntractbrs:aifd agents, are empiayeesol pty. The contract price set forth herein. shall be the full'and maximumcompen,satioQand monies required of City to ',be paid to Vendor;undElr or pursuanfto.this Agreement, 15. GOVERNING L;"W; LAWSUITs: Tllis Agreement is to be construedin'ac,cordance with,and governed by the. laws 'of the State af Indiana, except for .its conflict of lawsp[ovisions. ThElparties agree that, in the eventa lawsuit is filed hereunder, tiley waive their right taa jury'trial, agree 10 file l'Iny such lawsuit iwan .appropriate court in Hgmilton County; India~a only, and agreethalsuchcourtis,the appropriate venue for and hasjurisdiction over same. rl;lf. ~~\f~T):joo;uljJ~':fu~i~aj]~i<'_""'~()g'''H~ni ~.';.,g Com~IJ',~::ll_~-'M7,ll'12 A.-~l - " Hunt Paving Company Sireet i5e~arime~t - 2007 o _." Concrete Curb and Paving, f:roiect Appropriatibn #2201-502'.60; 'p,0, #1886 Cantr.ctNat To Exceed,$404.362.28 . 16. SEVERABiliTY: If any term ofthis Agreement is invalid or unenforceable Urider a'i'ty statute, .rsgulation,ordina.nci!, executive order orother rule 6f law,;such Jarm ~halibe deemed reformed or deleted, bu,! on]ytothe extent necessary to comply with same,iandthe remaihing provisions of\his Agreement shall remain' In, full force and effect. 17, NOTICE: Any notice provided for in this Agreement'will be :sOHicie,nt if ,it is In writing ,and is delivered by postage prepaid U,S, certified mail, return.rec~ip! requ,eSitea, to the party )0 be notified ~t the address specified herein: IitoCily: City of Carmel One CiVic Squar,! Carmel, IndiaQa 46032 ATTN: AND DouglasG. ~Haney, City Attorney, Departmenhif Law OM Civic' Square Carmel! Indiana46032 If to Vendor: Hunl'Paving Company 2450 S. Tibbs Ave, P,O, Box 425.17 Indianapolis, Indiana 46242 Telephone: E-Mail: ATTENTION: NO!withstan,cjing thea~oye, ,notice of termination under paragraph 18:hereinbelow shall be. effective if given orally, as-long as written notice is thenprovided as seUorth hereinabovswithin five (5) business days from thedate,of'such oral notice. . . 18. TERMINATION: 18,1Not~ilh.stabding anything to thecoptrary contained in'lhis Agreement, City may, upon notice to Vendor, immediately terminate this AgreemenUor cause; :intheieve'1t of a default hereunder by VE!npor aQd/or if sUfficient funds are not.,approprialed or encumbered to pay-for the,Goods and Services,to be provided hereunder.. In theeveni ohuch tennination, Vendor shall ge entitled,to receive only payniehtlorlh,e uQdisp.uted invoice ~mo,~nt representing conforming Goods and Sarvices delivered as of the'date,ofterminatlon, except that suchp'ayment,amouritshall not exceed the Estima:te amount in effect ,at fhe lime o/termination, unless the. partjeshavepreviously'agreed-in writing to. a greater amount. [Z;\j; Jlm\M;' D<xwn<lJ\;.'J>1'6fM~l~~ scrii~~::!OO7l1Lw L ~~'- iul!l C~Il1P."';~-.,i.;.;:~C~~[~:J1 i"1; 12 MIJ' 4 Iiont Pav,ing Company Street Departrilent- 2007 Concrete. Curb "and 'P~fVing'Pn?ject Appropriation #2201~502.00; PO. #1886 Contract No\ To 'Exce~d$404;362,28 18:2 Either partyhereto.may terminate this Agreement'afany time upon .thirty (30) days prior notice to the other party., In the event of such lerm\ration; Venq()rsnall.beentilled to r$ceiveonly paymenUor the undisputed invoice amount of conforming: Goods and Services delivered as' of- the date of termination, except thgt such payment amount shalrl10t exceed the,Estimate amount in effect at the time oitermination, ,unlesslhe'parties have previously agreed in writing to a greater amount. 19. REPRESENTATIONS ANDWARRANTIES . -,,' ',.- '. 'i! _.- '- .- The partiesJepresent and warrant'tl1at 1l1ey are autl1orized'to enter into this.Agreemenl'and thaHhe persons eX'ecutin.g this'Agreemenl have the authority to bind:the party which they represent. 20. ADDITIONAL GOODS AND SERVICES . Ven.dor underslaQ~sand,agree!),that c;ity may, fromtiQletqti[ll!j, req~,est Vendor .to provide,additional goods and services'to City. When City desires additionaL goods' and services from Ven,dor,me City,shall notify Vendor of such' additional goods and services desirea"as ,well. as' the time frame'in'whlch same are to be provided,~ Only after City.'l1asapproved Vendor's time and cos(eslimate iorthe pro~islon of such additi;mll g06ds and services, has encumbered sOffiCient monies, t6 paylof' same, and has authorized Ye"ndof, in writing,to prC\vide ~uQh additional goodsaQd servic~s,shall such goods ana services be provided by Vendor to City: A copy onhe Citisauthorization documents forthe purctiaseofadditional goods and services sha.!1 be,numbered.and,atlached herelojnlheordef in wl)jcl)\hey are OlPprovedbyCity, 21. TERM Unless otherwise terminated in accordance with the termination provisionssekforthin Paragraph 18 hereinabove,this Agreement' shall beoineffed from the Effective Date through Decemoer 31, 2007, and shall, on the'fi[st clay of each Janu?rv there,after,.aQtpmati9ally'renewtoraperiod done (1) calendar year, unless otherwise agreed 'by the'parties.hereto. 22 HEADINGS AILheading and. sections oftnis Agreement are,-inserted for convenience only anej'do riotforma,part of tHis Agreemenl nor limit,expai)d o(otherw.ise [liter the meaQirg ofaQyproviSion hereof 23. BINDINGEFFEOT The parties, and 'their respective officers,ofticiais;agent~, partners, successors,. assigns and legal representalives, are bound to the other withrespecllo all6t thecovenanls,lerms, warranties and obligations set forth in Agieemef1I, 24. NO THIRD PARIY BENEFlqARIES. '.. This Agr,eemeot gives no rights or benefits to anyoneothedhan City and Vendor. 25. ADVICE'OF COUNSEL:. The parties warrantlhatthey havereatJ thisAgreementa'nd understand it, h?,ve had the,opportunityto obtain legal advice ancl,assl.sta:o~ce of'cQunsel'.\hroughoUl the negotiation oLtnis Agreement, and enterinio,same freely,; voluntarily, and without-any duress, undue ihfluence or coercion, (Z:~E ~~""Yu.X.~""I-"'Prnfe<.im;JIS;i.fL~~e.~rH~~L PI,'ingC<lni;Mil~~:H!'~'2007 Il:ll A.'::II 5 1-!lI11tPB~jng CompBny Street DepBrtment- 2007 Concrete Curb andPaving'Project AppropriBtion#220 1.502:00; P:O.,#1886 Contract NDt To Exceed $404,362.28 26. ENTIRE.AGREEMENT: This Agreel)lent,together, with any exhibits attached hereto or referenced herein, constilutesthe entire agreement between Vendor andCity,withrespecl to the subjeCt matterheteol, andsujJersedes,all prior oral or written representati9Ds and agreem~nts regarding same. NolWiilistanding any otherterm or condition. set forthherein"'but.subject to paragraph 16 hereof., 10 the,extentany term brcondition contained in any exhibit al1ached !othi~Agreemehl. or in any document referenced h'erein conflicts with a,ny 'termor condition contained in this Agreement, lhe, term or condilion contained in this Ag[eemenl shall ,govern and prevail. This, Agreement may only be modified by written amendment execUlea by both parties herelp, or their successorsjn i~tl?rest. . IN WITNESS \IV,HEREOF, the parties hereto have made. and executed this Agreement as follows: CITY OF CARMEL,INDIANA by" and through its Bogrdqf PubliG Works and Safety Hunt Paving Company 24508, TibbsAve',P:Q.-Box 42517 Indianapolis, Indiana 42517 By: Bb-. ~".If? Q)<J . / '. '. ,.____' ~ Authorized Signature ~a~JJ [) h!VIP( Priilted Narpe . GeM, iJ;Y. Title FIDiTlN: (p S )or'%-- 9' ?'.;j S- MAnn urke, Member Dale:' . 'q-~";"'07 ~'.~~ LoriS Watson, Member Date: SSN if'SolePropiiE)tor: Date: 54"? c2CJ 2007 /. . ATTEST: Diana.Cordray, lAM Dale: . ,DdraM.\1ri/insolJp D~puly Clerk for ,IZ:\~ Dlli'MYI~jrllltll'$\PT[]-I",;i$.o.l!S~,..ifetlOO71l{Wl1l'....jgg CCIWP;l[]~_\Ioo;:~r<J"l00T Il:l~ HIJ 6 EXHIBIT B Invoice Date: Name. of Camp/PlY: Address &'Zfp: Telephone Nq,: Fax No.: Project Name: InyoiceNo. ~tirchase Order No: Goods Services. Person Providing: Date ,Goods/Services Proviile!I' Oostper HOluly Total, Good~/ServiC.es. Goo$ls/ (Describe eat: h goodfs e rvice', Item Rate! ,. ~ Service . separatel~'and in.detail) . Hours Pl'oyided Worked GRAND TOTA~ Signature Printed Name EXHIBIT C INSURANCE COVERAGES Worker.'s Compensation &Dislibility 'statutory Limits Employer's 'tiabili ty Bodily Injury byAccidentfDisease: BoclilYJiljill'ybi ~ceioeIitlDis.ease BOdily Injury byAccideht/Disease: $1 QO,OOO.each employee ,$250,000 each accidenf S500,,000..policy Jimit Property. damage, COI}tras;tiialliability; pro'ducts-compleH:d operations: General Aggregate l,iinit (other than ProdilCtSjGdinpl.eted Operafiohs): Products/Completed Dperatl'ons: :S500;.0.00 5500,000 Personal & Aoveitising lnjiJ'r)T iolicy Linin: Each Occurrence Limi!:, Fire D,ai1}age(arjy one fire): Medical ExpenseiLimit (anyone person):: $5.00,000 $250000 . --., .,.- -- $250,006 $ 50,060 Comprehensive Auto Liahilit.f(owneo,]lired'and non~ownedj .Bodily'Single'Limit:. h1j1!ry aJ1d prbpertydaniage: Pollcy..\,irriit:, .~500igQO'ea:cli accident $500;000 'each accident $500,000 Umbtelhi Excess LiabilitY" Each occurrertce:and:aggregate: Maximum deouctil\)e:, $500,QOO $10,000