HomeMy WebLinkAboutTP Mechanical Constractors/Maint "l"'!~ichariicalr:ontractOIs {5-faintenance Department ~. ,'~' ",..~ -. - . ~ New Out5i<!e C",nd!,nsing Unit Appropriation#120S'SOl ;,PO: #16833 COlltract No(to E~ceed!h7:J89j2 Cott..r..ut.\J- cA.p6. 6Tol A. PP.RO.VE. 0, ~..H S . 0 FORM BY; {MY AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF GOODS AND SERVICES THIS'AGREEMENT FOflP~RCHASE OF GOODS.AND:SERVICES; CAgreeme'nl") ishereb{ehtered into by and between,the,City of Carmel, Indian~, acting by and ihrough.its Boardof.PublicWorksa~d Safety'("Cii'i"1,and TP Mechanical ConlraCtors ("Vendor"), TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. ACKNOWLEDGMENT, ACCEPTANCE:' Vendor ackl10wledgesthat it has read al1aun'derstands this Agreefneht, andeagrees that its execution of ,same cpnsiitutes ils 'acceptaQce of all of ihee,greement's.terms\lndcondilions:' ' 2: PERFORMN;JCE: City agrees to .purchase the, goods' and/or services (ihe "Goods andServices"j from 'Vendor using City bu'dge1'<lpprlipriation, number '1205' 501 fu:ncls: Ve'ndElr qgrees .10 provid~t~e Goods and Services and to other,vise; pe~o[m th,e requirements of Ihis AgreefTlent by applying at all tim~s the highest technical and 'industrystaridards, 3, PRICE AND PAYMENT TERMS: 31 Venao(estimates ,that the 101al price;forthe Goods and Services'to be provided to City hereunder " .. _ - - ~.- . _, . -.. ~" . -"," c" i _._ .. ,,_ _ - _ - _ - - ,- 'f -, -, ,-" shall be no more,than Thirty Seven Thousand One Hundred Eighty'Nine Dollars and. Thirty-Two Cents ($37;189.32) (the "Estiinate")Venaor'shaii'subl11itan'ih~bicelo City no more lhanonC,e every' lrirty (39) days d,~tailing t~e Goodsa,nd Seryices'proyidep to City withi~ such time period. Cily shall pay Vendor'forsuch Goods and Services within sixty (60)' days after the,date,'of City's receipt of Vendor's invoice detaIling same, ,so Io'ng as ;;tndtoth'ee'xter\l'su~h Goods ~nd Services are not disputed, are'in accordance with the specifications set fOrth in Exhibit A, are submitted on an invoice lhat colitains'the information containea on attached Exhibit B, aM venaor, has otherwise performed and satisfied alithe terms aha. cQnditibns of this Agreement. 3,2 yena,or agr",es notto p!ovLde ~ny qoods,mq~er:vic(;s t6 eity t~al. w,ould cau,se,lh(; .tpt?1 costol the Goods;and Services provided by Vendor to City hereunder to exceed the Estimate,. unless City has previously agreed, in:writing,,16pay anamou:fit inex(;essther~df. 4. WARRANTY: VeDdor expresslywa,rr~nJs'lhatthe Goods,and ServiQ(;scovered by'this ,t.,greel11ent will.c~nfo\mto lhose certain specificaiions, descriptions and/or quotations regarding same'aswere provided'lo Vendor by City all ' of; which docum~lI1ls'i:\re incorpor.@ted nerein by.reference,and th<j.l,lhe,Goods and Ser:tlces wil.l.be deliv~re~ in.a,tTmeiy, good.and workmarilikemanner'and free from defect.. Vendoracl<nowledges that'il knows of' Oity's intended use and express1i warrants that'the Goods and Se(yices provided ,tbeily pursua,nl to this Agreement h1fvebee~ selected by VeDdor based upon City's'stated use and arefil and sufficient. for their particular purpose, IZ:IE a..ii5'Mr OOCunI.otIW1'ro~-i-cllil! s~~w1oci7.TP M':"'''''''i~ C~dlr.rit doc,gjrn~ 'I'~-S'A,\--i] ",TP'MechanicaiContraetots Maintenance "Depa1tmeht New Outside Condensing Unit Appropriatiml #\205.501 ;P:O.:#1683J. Contract Not To Exceed $37189:32 5, TIME AND PERFORMANCE: '. '. . l ^' .'. '" -. _ ' '" . .. This'~greemeot shall become. effective as'oftne lasfdateon which a party hereto executes same (!'Effeclive, 'Date"), and both .partiesslJaIUne'reafter.pertorm their obligations'hereunder in a timely manner, Time is of the eSsencE! ofth[s, Agreement: . 6. DISCLQSQREAND WARNINGS: If requeslea ~y Cjty, Ven,do(,sha"llpromptlyfurnish to City; in such form and detail as City may direct, a fist of all chemicals,materiiils, substances and Hems used in or'during the p"zovision bUhe.Goods andSef\lites prpvided hefeun,der,inclLJding the quantity, qU,ality aDd COocEl.htratioh thereol and ,any other 'inf9rmation relating thereto. Mthe time onhe delivery of:the,Goods'and:Services,provided hereunder, Vendor,agrees to furnish to GitYsufficienl:written warhihg,anq notice ,(inpludirig appropriate labels 011 cont(liners;and packing) of any hazardous material utilizedioorlhaUs'a;panoftheGoods and Services, 7 LIENS Vendor..shall not cause or permit the filing,otany lien on aOy of City's property, In the,event any sLich lien is filed and \(endol fails,tp remove such lien wiJ,hinten (10) days:(jftefthe.filing th.ereoi; bY.paymeptor bonding, C[ty shall h~ve therighHo pay such lien or obtain such bond, all aLVendor's sole cost and expense. 8. DEFAULT: In the event Vendor: (a) repudiates, breaches. or defaults under any ol:the terms or, conditions of this. .Agregnieht, ihcluding V~nd6r:s warranties; (~) faJis to provide the GooasaOd Seryices;a~specifiedherein; (c) fails to rnake.Pfogressso as to endanger timely and proper provision ofthe,GoodsandServicesand does not correct sucn failure or bCreach .within five. (5) Dusiness days (or '.such shorter period of time as i" commercially.reaso,na,ble UQder the circumstanceS) after [eceipt of notice from City'specifying such. 'failureor breach; or (d) becomes Insolvent, is'placed,into receivership, makesageheral assignmentfor.thebenelitof c:rE!ditors'ofdissollies,each such E!yentconstitutihg ari event Ql.dE!faujt hereund~r, City si\aIC~ave.theJight to (1) terminateall or'any'parts of this Agreement, without liabilitY'to Vendor;,and (2) exercise.all other rights and remedies available to'City at law and/or ir1"equity. . 9. INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION: Vendor shall procure!and Il)aintaio in.fyll force and effect durin'g'the ter[l1oUtiis AgreemeO,t"with an insurer licensed to do business in the Slale of'lndiana, such insurance as'is necessa[YJorthe protection of CityaQd Vendm"from .all claims ;for damages under anY worKers' csimpeO!3atig,n, occupational'disease' and/or un!lIT1ploymen,t comrJepsation ect; for bodijy il)juries including,. but not limited to, personal injury,. sickness, disease or. death of'or to any of, Vendor'sagents;,offic~rs~erilplbye~s, contractors and subcontractbrs; and, for any injury to of destruction of property, including, but not lil"(lited tq;any loss of use resulting therefrom, The coverage amounts shall be no less than. those amounts set forth in attacliea Exhibit C, Vehdo! shall cause,itsinsurerst6nan'ie City as an additional insured on'?11 sychin!3urancepoiiGles,shailpromptly provide City, upon re,quest;wilh copies of all such policies, and shall provide that such insurance policies shall not 'be canceled without.thir:\y (30) days prior notice to. City" Vend,or shall indemnify and, hold, hermlg,ss City from and again.sf;any and all liabilities, claims; demands or expenses ~ncluding, bu', not limited to, reasonabie' attorney fees)'lor.irijury, death and/or damageslbany:pers6n"0):p(operty ari\,ingJrorn orJr1cQmie'ction wiUi Vendor's provision of G,oods.and Services pursuabttoor.under this Agr.eement o{Vendor's use olCity [Z;~~ ~~y ~ril~~Pi{]-fo..i",,:'l Scr'~rcl~.?Oi'iT'P ,M~..j~A c;'ai..d'liri'LOOc:3~]}I:lOO] 'lA5 Mil 2 "TP Mechanical ContraCtors Mainteriarice\Departnieht New Outside,CondensingUnit ApJiroptiatiOn"#1205~50 1 ;'P ,0. .#16833 Contracl NotTo Exce,ed$37, 1'89:32 10. 11. prope~y, Vendor f~rthEJragreesto indell)riify, defend and hold harmless City and its officers,;officials,.agents and empJoyees from all claims and suits of whatever type, 'including, but not limited to, all court'. costs, attorney fE!es,. and ol~er expenses, caused' by any aCt or, oniission .of. Veiidorand!or orany of Vendor's agenJs, officer~, emplqyees, contractors or,subcor'1tractors' .in the perfprmance qf this Agreement. These indemn ification.obl igations;shall.su rvivethe Ie rmination of this. Ag reement. GOVE8NMENT COMPLIANCE:, Vimdoragrees,to comply with all federal, state'and 10callaY/s, executive orders, rules; regulations and codes which may.be applicable to VeQdor:s,pertClrmance qntf06ligatlons under this AgreE!ment, and all releyanl 'provisions thereof are,incorporated herein by this reference. Vendor agrees to indemnify and ~old'harmless City lroll1ariy . loss, ,gamag~ andlor'liability resulting fro[11 any sychv,ioICili.o~ of such'law~,. orders, rules, regulations aM codes; This indemnificationobligalion shall survive thelermination of this Agre,ement NONGISCRlMINATioN: Vendor represents' '.and warrants that it and all of its officers, employe!,!s, agents, contractors abd subcontractors,s~all cOmplywit,h all laws ,of the, lJnited !3t<ltes, the, Slateo! Indiana andGityprohibiHng discrimination against any employee, applicant for employment or other person in the provision of ariy Goods and SefVices'pio.vided by tliis AgreemElrifwithrespect.tg"their hi.re,terwre, terflls, conditionsaod prjvileges of 'empl9yment and aoy Qther,matter relateclto theiii employment or subcontracting, because of. race, religion, color: sex; handicap, "national origin, ancestry, age,' disabled veteran status and/or Vietnam era'veteran slatus, 12. NO IMpLIED WAIVER: '.' . .' ' Th? fOjilure of either party.to (e.qui~eperformarce by Ihe, cither of any provision of this. Agreement shall not affect therightof such party to require such 'perfixmance at ahy time'thereafter; nor'shallthe,waiver by apy party ()fabreOjch oj anyproyisi()Q of Ihls Agreemeot con,stitute a waiver. ofaoy~ucceeclihg breach of the same or any other provision hereoL 13, NON,ASSIGNMENT: " -, ,,' ':.~" , Vendor. shall notassign'orpledge tKisAgreemeril; wtl~ther ascollaleraUor a Joan or Dtherwise,an,dshall not deieg~te.its'oQligatio:ns Ulider this Agreement.without, City's priorwritten consent. 1~t RELATIONSHIP OF'PARTIES:, T!1erelat10nshlp of thecpartles hereto shall be as:provided for in'this.Agreement; and n<litherVendor norqny of its officers, ell1ployees; contraCtors,.subcontiactorsanq,agents are'employees of City: Th,e contr~ct price' set forth !1erein sO,all-be lhe full and. maximum' compe.nsCition andmoriies required of City to be paid to Vendor under or pursuant to this Agreement. i 5. GOVERNING'LAW; .LAWsull'S: fhis AQreement'is 10 be ~construed in aqcordaocewith andgo\!er,ned by the laws oj the State of ,Indiana, excepUor its.conflict ofla\;'ls P.fovisions: The parties agree thai, in lhe event a lawsuit, is filed, hereunder, they waive their right 10 a jury trial, agree 10 fjle any,such lawsuit iO an a'ppropriatecoljrf in J1amillW Co~nty, Indiana,only"andagreethatsuch court is theappropriaievenue forand nas jurisdiction over same, [Z~_B.l..,-\lY!h:"-"'-cil,~r.,..;IIIi..!.Sirii~J\Ti'"MO<..b~i<.1Cw:d,Utli\oodf.l""OO79o\5A.'jl 3 'TRMechanical (:ontractws M"aintenance,:D"epartment" New Outside~ondensingUx;h. Apprnpriation#1205'50I';,P:O. #1'6833 .' - .., . -. ". '" Contract NotTo Exceeif$37,189"32 16. SEVERABILITY; If any term ofthisAgreement is invalid or unenforceable, underany statute, regulation, ordinance, executive brderorother rule aflaw, such term slialllie deeriIedreformed or oelete9, but ohlYto .the exleninecessary to comply.wlth;same,andthe remaining provlslons of this Agreement shalLremaindn'full force and .effect 17. NOTI8E: Any notice provided for'.in this Agreement: ..viILbe. suffiCient ilit is in writing, ana is delivered by postage Jirep'aid l:J:S. certified mail, return" receipt requesteo,' to the party to be,hbtifiedal the address specifiea herein: "toOity: . , City of Carmel One. Civic Square Carl1')el, Indiana 46032 ATIN:' AND Doliglas'C.Haney, CityAttor~ey, DepartmentOf Law Orie Civic Square Carmel, Indianq 46032 IUo Vendor: TP M~chanlcal Contr~clors 11902 Lakeside, Drive Suite 1619 F;ishers, Indiana 46038 Telephon.e: E:Mail: AnENTION: Notwithstanding the above, notfce of termination under pa'ragtaph 18 Ii'ereiiibelowshall.be effective if given orally,aslOng asw!ilten notice.isthwprovide.d as set fQrth hwein9cbove wilhi~ five (5) business days .from the date of. such oral notipe. 18, 'TERMINATIO~: 18,1 Notwithstanding anytning to the contrary containedin.,lhis.Agreemeilt, OitYmay, LiponnOtice to yend6r,immedi.atelytermiil,ate this AgreemeDl for-,cause, in;the event ala. default hereunder by VenqoranaJorif sufficient. funds are not appropriated or encumbered ,to parfor'the'Gbods and Services to be' provided liereunder. In the event of ,slich termination, Vendor shaH be entitled to recejve only paY[D.eDt jor the un~isputed Invoice amount repres'enting conformirig Goods and Services delivered as of ttie date .of terininaticin"except thats~uch' payment amouhtshall nolexceed .' .." - .'... - - -.. . ' -.. -, -. ..- the Est.irnateamount in. effect,atthe time of !erl)1lnation, unless the parties have,previously agreed in writing to,agreater,.amount. (Z~E aa:o.~Y'f Ck>cr::mal1tl"r11l&ioo~1 ~~'2007>rp M~d[wiul COOd-u"'iLd.x:~ln':'ClG7-9:4:S '\'~fT 4 "TPMeduiruca1 Contractors Mil i6tenance, DepartTri"ent; New'Outside, Condensing 'Unit Appropriation' #1205-50 I;P, 0 /# 1683 3 Contract NotTo Exceed$37,189:32 19, 20. 21. 22. 23. 18,2 Either party hereto niayterminate this Agreement aJ any time:upon thirty (30) days prior notice to the 6th,et party, In ,1ne,even!. of,sucht~rminatio[l; Ven.dor shall be entitled to receive only payment for the undisputed invoice amount of conforming Goods and SerVices', delivered as of -the, date of 'terniinajion, eXcept thatsLi~,h paY!']lent amount ~halL not exc~ed'theEsJii11ate,amount ine~ect aUhe time,oftermination, unless'the'parties have,previously agreed in writing to a greater amount. REPRESENT~TIONS ANDWARRANTIES i'heparties represent and warrant'ihatlhey are.autho'riiedtoenteririto this Agreementand.thatthe persons executiMgthis Agreement have the ?Wlhorijy t(J.bind the:party which,tMey. repres,ent ADDITIONAL GOODS AND SERVICE,S VendorunderstaMds:a(1q;agreesthat City may; from iimeto.lime,requeslVendor to proviaeaaditional gooas and services~to CHy, When City aesires adaitiona,1 goods and seryicesJrom Veri~or, th~ City shall notity Vendor of sOch.additio~al gcioaSa(1aservice$ aesirea, ,as well as 'the time frame in which same are to be providea. Only after City has approved Vendor's time ana cost estimate.fortheprovisio(1 of such additional goods a'nd services,. has encumbered.,sufficient monies Jo pay forsam,e" and has al!thorized Vendor,in writing, to prQviqe such a,ddjfiollaj goocts'andservices, shall such goods and services be provideaby Vendor to Gity, A copy of the City:s'auttiorization documents ior tne purchase qf additional goods and services shall be numberea aridat\ached hereto in th~,order inwpichthey are approve9 by Gity TERM Unie,ss otherwise terminajedin accordance with ihe termination provisions set forth In Paragraph 18 hereinabove, thisAgreemenf ~hall be in effect'from the Effective Date through OeQemtier, ~1..20Q7, and shall, onlne first day of each,Jan,~,ary thereafter,qu,tomatically'renewfor a;period of one (1) calenaaryear, unless otherwise agreed, by the.parties:hereto, HEADINGS All headinga'nd,s~ctions of this Ag're~'mef1t,areinsei1ed for ~onvehience.onlyaM' do hotfornia part,orthis' Agreement,nor limit"expand or. otherw[seglterthe meaning of. any provision.hereof, BINDING EFFECT The parties,., and their respective officers, olficials;agents, partners; successors, assigns ana Ie,gal . .,'_ .. ,'. _ . . . . '" __' .._. ,_ _ _ . n representatives; are'.bo'und:to'the oll1'er: with' respeQt to alj of the cOVenants, terms, warranties and obligations s\lUo~h in. Agreement , 24, NO THIRD PARTYBENEFIGIARIES This Agreementgives no ,rights or benefits to anyone othe'rthanCity'ana Venpor. 25. ADVICE OF COUNSEL: The parties warrant.thafthe:y' have read this Agreement a:ng.understand it,. havehadtheopporlunijy to obtain legal advice and assistance of: counsel throughout the,negotiation ofiliis Agreement, and enter intosanie freely, voluntarily, and wfthoutany auress;u'naue influence Or coeicio[1. (z;\t B~~I.J.~ ~c:uWio.u.\l'r~fmi_~'.l~-it~I2~t:P, ~~ani~!',r""'..:Lu,o-[li~:8tp~OO7 9A~A~, 5 .' TP M~cbanical Contractors ,Maintenance Department New Outside Condensing Unit Appropriation #1205-501; P.O. #16833 Contract Not To Exceed $37.189.32 26. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement, together with any exhibits attached hereto or referenced herein, constitutes the entire agreement between Vendor and City with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior oral or written representations and agreements regarding same, Notwithstanding any other term or condition set forth herein, but subject to paragraph 16 hereof, to the extent any term or condition contained in an{exhibit attached to this Agreement or in any document referenced herein conflicts with any term or condition contained in this Agreement, the term or condition ,contained in this Agreement shall govern and prevail. This Agreement may only be modified by written amendment executed by both parties hereto, or their successors in interest. IN WITNESS WHEREOF"the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement as.follows: CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA by and through its Board of Public Wor~s and Safety TP MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS By: ' By: ~"?~ ~uthorized Signature LJav;J DD.-e"r Printed Name -- J '13s Brainard, Presiding Office ~ 4.Jt5J/ Mary ~ke; Member ;;: rJ;::;O~ Lori ff:vatson, Member Date: <)4?r",'{'.() <;0 {-e~ Re-p Title FID/TIN: ;;t~O -;;..~ 1<./1 L/ 8lIdra JId J Deputy Cl obnsolJ, erktor SSN if Sole Proprietor: 8/;pl(C>? ATTEST: Date: J {Z:'.E B.lsJ'.'.IyOoMllmItProfes:siClD.ol ScMcd\2007\TP~i~ CWI1t.illn.dodJ2Y1OO79:.f5 A.\{j 6