HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes PC 06-19-07 .~ j , / " / "/!'Q..I~"'.~//. City of Carmel CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION June 19, 2007 Minutes The regularly scheduled meeting of the Carmel Plan Conunission met at 6:00 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Cannel, Indiana. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Members present: Leo Dierckman, Jay Dorman, Wayne Haney, Kevin Heber, Rick Ripma, Carol Schleif, Sally Shapiro, thereby constituting a quomm. DOCS Staff in attendance: Angelina Conn, Adrienne Keeling. John Molitor, legal counsel was also present. The minutes of the May 15, 2007 meeting were approved as submitted. LegaL Report, John Molitor. There is a gray area with sharing emails with more than 3 ~. Conmlission members. The Open Door Law will probably be amended and that will mean a change to the Rules of Procedure as well. At this time, it is recommended that no one Plan Commission member send an email to more than one person at a time until changes are made regarding rights and responsibilities. Ifthere is an urgent situation, it would be addressed by the President prior to the next meeting. Department Report, Angie Conn: Regarding Item 2H, Pro-Med Lane Holiday Inn has had no new submissions, nothing new to report, and the Department is recommending this item be tabled to the next meeting, July 17, 2007. Rick Ripma made fOffilal motion to TABLE Docket No. 07030035DP, Pro-Med Lane Holiday Inn to the July 17th meeting, seconded by Carol Schleif, Approved 7-0. H. Public Hearings IH. TABLED to JULY 17 Meeting: Docket No. 07030037 DP/ADLS: Midland Atlantic-Market Place at West Carmel The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for a proposed one story, 21,600 square foot retail bail ding on 2.73 acres. The site is located at the northeast corner of 98tH Street and Michigan Road, and is zoned B3/Eusiness, and is within tho US 121 Ovorlay. Filed by Paul Rois of Eo so McKinney & E';ans, LLP for Midland Atlantic Properties S:/PlanCommissionlMinutes/2007/PCjune 19 1 ONE CIVIC SQUi\RE CARrvffiL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 2B. TABLED to July 17, 2007 Docket No. 07030035 DP: Pro-Med Lane - Holiday Inn The applicant seeks site plan approval for a proposed full-service hotel. Elevations and an ADLSIDP Amend application will be submitted at a later date. The site is located at 1361h Street and Pro-Med Lane, and is zoned B-6/Business within the US 31IMeridian Street Overlay. Filed by Stacey of DeBoy Land Development Services, Inc. for Justus Home Builders, Inc. Note.:.~Hem~,..,..3H'and~AH-weFe~heaF4 together. i..; ..' ". '. =,:"-.:,,-1 3 H.f~ '-c- -Docket~No-rO#:()it90~Z~RJ}:arlinUS::;Jl~stffe~~fPl:t1!1~~.JoJ~-'-1;;c% The apprrcant seeks primary plat approval for 2 lots on 7.:1'98 acres. The site is located at the southeast corner of 136th 8t. and Pro Med Ln. and is zoned B-6fBusiness within the US 31 Overlay Filed by Paul Reis of Bose McKinney & Evans for Justus Home Builders Paul Reis, Attorney, Bose McKinney & Evans, 301 Pennsylvania Parkway, Suite 300, Indianapolis, 46280 appeared before the Commission representing the applicant. Also present: Chris Miller, Justus Homes, Inc., Rick Reynolds, EMH&T, Engineers. The subject site is located at the southeast corner of 136th Street and Pro Med Lane. The immediate " - area includes St. Vincent Cannel Hospital, and the Kensington condominium development to the east. In 2005, Justus Home Builders proposed a mixed-use development that included a two-story office building. The Plan Commission approved the development plan as well as the ADLS for the office building and forwarded the recommendation for the rezoning of the site to permit a mixed-use development. However, the rezoning Ordinance was rejected by the City Council and the zoning for the site remains B-6 US 31 Overlay. At this time, Justus is submitting a primary plat to sub-divide the site and allow for commercial development consistent with the B-6 zoning and the US 31 Overlay Zone. The proposed development plan will cover the office building site The matter that was tabled this evening, the Pro-Med Holiday Inn site, contains the development plan for the balance of the site as is required by the US 31 Overlay. Justus Home Builders is proposing to locate the office building to the east side of the parcel and provide for parking along Pro-Med Lane and the adjacent parcel as shown on the site plan within the information booklet. The movement ofthe office building canses the development plan to come before the Plan Commission and the required public hearing. In addition to the preservation of the 50-foot tree preservation area, directly to the east between the condominium development and the office building, there is substantial preservation to the north and S :/PlanCornrnissionlMinutesI2007/PCjune 19 2 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARtviEL, INDIAN-i\ 46032 317/571-2417 south. There are also significant environmental features-a retention area and a permeable pavement section at the entrance. The purpose is to decrease the amount of storm-water runoffthan was previously collected and placed in the detention pond. The bicycle parking is located directly adjacent to the main entrance to the building and a sidewalk divides access from the bike parking area to the lO-foot asphalt path being constructed adjacent to Smokey Row Road. As developments are constmcted along Smokey Row Road, hopefully the asphalt path will continue to the east to connect with the Monon Trail. The floor area ratio of the building is on the site plan tiled with the Department--20%--the maximum allowable floor area ratio is 70% for the Overlay Zone. The landscape plan identifies all of the species per the office building site as well as the buffered areas and retention areas. Based on email correspondence with Scott Brewer, Urban Forester, all issues dealing with the landscape plan have been addressed as well as the tree preservation plan that is included in the infornlation booklet. The tree preservation plan is required on this project because it is part of the zoning commitments that were made in 1990 regarding the rezoning of this site. The office building being presented is approximately the exact, same building that was previously approved by the Plan Commission. The building has been enlarged to 40,000 square feet, but it is still two stories; due to the topography of the land, there is a partial basement. The building elevations, materials, etc. can be discussed at the Committee level. The Justus Company intends to occupy this building as its headquarters. The revised lighting plan was submitted, although the incorrect plan was inc1udedin the information booklets. The correct plan is being distributed this evening. The petitioner has confirmed with the Engineering Department that all of the issues regarding their concerns and storm water drainage have been addressed at this time. The primary plat is included in the infonnation booklet. There are two lots, 1 and 2, and will accommodate the development of two projects on the overall site. The approval of the primary plat basically allows the Justus Companies to sell off the portion of land that they do not intend to develop to another developer. As you know, there is a petition on file for the development of a Holiday lrm on the site. Members of the public were invited to speak in favor of the petition; the following appeared. .Public Remonstrance, General/Unfavorable Virginia Kerr, 13595 Kensington Place, CarmeL. Ms. Kerr is a former Plan Commission member who participated in crafting the Meridian Corridor Overlay. The neighbors are very happy to see the office building project as long as it meets the criteria of the US 31/Meridian Overlay. FYI: Kensington Place is a Townhome development, not Condominium. The residents are concerned with subdividing 7 acres and spinning off approximately 2.65 acres-the Overlay requirements need to be a part of whatever development comes in. The residents request that any development be S:/PlanCommissionIMinutes/2007/PCjune 19 3 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARLvffiL, INDIANl\. 46032 317 !571~2417 required to meet the criteria of the Overlay. The residents also feel that it should be a complete office park and not a Holiday Inn on a portion of the site. Sharon Oldham, 13534 Kensington Place HOA president, looks forward to being good neighbors and is very happy about the office development. Ms. Oldham asked if a traffic study had been done in this area. Ms. Oldham said she had spoken with the Cannel Police Dept. and they were just tryiugto get an idea of traffic considerations and things that have gone In. In the past year, there have been 44 reported accidents at the location of Smokey Rowl136th Street and US 31/Meridian Street. The residents are wondering if traffic has been addressed as a part ofthis development. John Kerr, 13595 Kensington Place, Managing Partner of Kensington Partners, expressed concern about the drainage easement from the parking lot on the north side of the site to a beehive behind Lot 17 at Kensington Place. It was, Mr. Kerr's understanding that the drainage would flow south to a retention pond. If some of the detailed drawings still show the drainage as going to the beehi ve behind lot 17, it would be a major concern because of the runoff and would like to be apprised of the situation by Justus Homes. Rebuttal: Paul Reis apologized for terming Kensington as condominiums-they arc townhomes. In checking with the engineer on the storm water drainage, the drainage plan has been submitted and there arc no issues. However, the petitioner will look into the drainage situation and ifthere is a negati ve impact on lot 17, it will be addressed at this stage. Paul Reis stated that in 1990, when the entire tract of land was being rezoned, there was a lot of talk .. ~ about traffic study and what was to be done at this intersection and Smokey Row Road. Since that time, the State came in and took a lot of additional right-of-way and also re-align'ed the intersection with US 31. At the preset time, there is not enough right-of-way within the City of Carmel to address it without coordinating it with the State. The understanding is that this will be addressed when the up-grade is done to US 31-the City and the Mayor are currently studying the situation. The development must comply with the US 31 development standards unless someone seeks a vanance. Department Report, Angie Conn: The petitioner has addressed items 3 and 4 in the Dept. Report regarding the lighting plan and floor area ratio. The Engineering Dept. and Urban Forestry are still reviewing plans and have tentatively approved them. The Department does recommend that this item be sent to the June 28, 2007 Special Studies Conill1ittee. Commission Comments: Sally Shapiro: Suggested permeable pavers and the addition of hybrid car parking spaces-green spaces-blue for handicap, green for hybrid to promote being green. Rick Ripma: OK with the green spaces but suggested they be located as far away from the front door as possible so as not to take up spaces for other patrons. The sidewalk to Sma key Row Road goes to a tree area-is there anything else going there that would cause those trees to be tom out? Rick said he hated to see the trees tom down but also hated not to see a sidewalk connected. Is there S :iPlanCommissionilvIinutesl2007 /PCjune 19 4 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARlvlEL, INDIANA 46032 317 /571-2417 any way to do some type of material that would allow a walk around the trees so people could still walk/ride through the area without harming the trees. Paul Reis responded that the utilities were coming off of Pro Med Lane and not off Smokey Row. Paul Reis said he would make a note to check with David Littlejohn, Alternative Transportation, to see ifhe would have some suggestion; otherwise, it would have to come out at Pro Med Lane. Kevin Heber noted that on the south side, the trail would not connect to anything basically from the front entrance to the south edge-it just sort of dead-ends. Would there be a more creative way to remedy that? Paul Reis responded that they would look into that. Carol Schleif asked if was possible to use a light color roofing that would not create more heat in the building or utilize sky lights to get daylight into the building. Natural dayLight decreases the cooling loads. Carol offered to email information to Mr. Reis. Paul Reis responded that the petitioner is using the same building that has already been designed. If additional information is needed, Mr. Reis said he would contact Carol Schlei( Wayne Haney commented that most of the mansards are basically just screen walls for mechanical equipment so that they would not add to the heat-load of the building. Leo Dierckman asked that Paul Reis talk with Mrs. Kerr regarding the path. Docket No. 07040022 PP, Justus Business Park, lots 1-2; was forwarded to the Special Studies Committee for further review on June 28, 2007 at 6:00 PM in the Caucus Rooms of City Hall, Carm.el. ,___t1IJ.=lJo.~l}~:t~,pb,{t~1;l4.Q.Q2~tD~~A"Dl,endl~I)ES~Am--en'd':~ ~Jusius"Buslh'essi-I!ar:k, lot 2 - ~-:JUstus;Qfjlce' B iiiltl in .g. ., The applicant seeks site plan & design approvat for an office building. The site is located southeast of 136th S1. and Pro Med Ln. and is zoned B-6/Business within the US 31 Overlay. Filed by Paul Reis of Bose McKinney & Evans for Justus Home Builders. See Item 3H. SH. Docket No. 07030037 DP/ADl,S: West Carmel Marketplace - Burger King The applicant seeks site ptan and design approvat for a proposed restaurant building. The site is located at 9853 N Michigan Rd, and is zoned B-3/Business within the US 421 Overlay. Filed by Richard Sampson of Burger King Corp. S:lPlanCommission/Minutes/2007/PCj une 19 5 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CAlUvffiL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417