HomeMy WebLinkAboutInitial Drainage Report U D U o o Initial Drainage Report 11 U o o 0' lJ D D [J o u o u U D For Justus Office Building at Justus Business Park Development Plan/Primary Plat Carmel, Indiana Prepared for: Justus Home Builders, Inc. 1398 N. Shadeland Ave. Indianapolis, Indiana 46219 --~ ~, "k \ !~':1 !I -) (?J:/ :" '\.:\,"-- ~.. f I '"-''' .' " ., - \ ' , \ ,..... 'i~ -~ ,."""" . +~ . ~~ \ ~,;' -. h~Cl"" \ '. :;:' ;; lkl tlVfD \-; . .- 1'- ':', \~~\ : "" ','- .\ ' ':;O~('" .'f'" ~ _: L'J, .~,~ >...: '/;:','~ /,,' , -~y~ ,- ~- ~ \~,';'/.i ..:"\.1 1.'.'- //.:-....._.____--.'i;. \ to ,-'. ~ '<'"--'~, '. ,- . .. ~. - ~~- -' ' . :'. EMH&T Project No. 2007-0698 Prepared by: EMH&T, Inc. 7400 N. Shadeland Ave. Suite 150 Indianapolis, IN 46250 (31 7) 913-6930 Fax (317-913-6928 April 19, 2007 o u o o o D U U o o o o o u o u o u u INITIAL DRAINAGE DESIGN REPORT FOR Justus Office Building DPJprimarry Pial TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Project Description 1.2 Scope of Report ' 1.3 Existing Conditions 2.0 Hydrologic Method 3.0 Pre-Developed Drainage Conditions 4.0 Post-Developed Drainage Conditions 5.0 Conclusions Exhibits Appendix A - Site Development Plans for Pro Med Park (1994) o o o o (, u o o u u o o u o u u o u o o INITIAL DRAINAGE DESIGN REPORT FOR Justus Office Building DP/Primary Plall: 1.0 Introduction This report outlines the Initial design of the storm water management system to serve the proposed Justus Office Building in Carmel, Indiana. The scope of the report is to identify the design parameters for the storm water management system that will serve the development and is being filed in conjunction with the Preliminary Development Plans and Primary Plat for this project dated April 19, 2007. The project is located within the City of Carmel and is therefore subject to the design requirements of Carmel's Stormwater Ordinance and Design Manual. This report is preliminary in nature. A more detailed report with design calculations for the various stormwater management, quality, and conveyance systems will be submitted with the Final Construction Plans for this project. 1.1 Project Description This report outlines the preliminary design of the stormwater management system for Justus' Office Building, a proposed 40,000 sf office development to be constructed on a 4.6-acre site located at in the Pro Med Business Park at 'Smokey Row Road (136TH Street) and Old Meridian Street in Carmel, Indiana. Pro Med Park is a masterplanned business park with utilities and regional stormwater detention in place for planned office development. The park was designed in 1994 and constructed in the mid to late 1990's. The site is bounded by 136th Street (Smokey Row) to the north, Kensington Place Townhomes to the east, Meadowlark Office Park to the south, and Pro Med Lane to the east along with an undeveloped tract for future development. The project being undertaken by Justus Home Builders will serve as the company's corporate headquarters along with some office space for lease to other tenants. 1.2 Scope of Report This report summarizes the preliminary design for the overall storm water management system for the proposed office development which consists of a storm sewer collection system and 5 separate water quality structures. No detention is provided on site as the project will be served by a regional masterplanned detention pond serving Pro Med Park located to the south and east of the project site. Final water quality calculations and pipe sizing calculations for the storm sewers will be provided during the final constructi9n design submittal. Pipes will be sized to convey the peak flow imparted by a 10- year frequency storm event via gravity flow. 1.3 Existing Conditions The 4.6-acre site is currently undeveloped and heavily wooded. The FIRM Map Panel No. 18057C0207F dated February 19, 2003 indicates that a Flood Zone X (Unshaded) encompasses the entire site. On-site soils consist of Hennepin loam, Miami Clay loam, Miami silt loam and Shoals silt loam. The majority of the site's u o o INITIAL DRAINAGE DESIGN REPORT FOR .Justus Office Building DIP/Primary Plat o o o o u current storm water sheet drains to the east into a swale along the west side of Kensington Place. The southerly portion of the site sheet drains south into Meadowlark Office Park and to the off-site detention pond. A ravine in the middle of the site discharges to a yard inlet in Kensington Place. Additionally, some runoff in the western portion of the site sheet flow to Pro Med Lane and into the collection system in the street and, ultimately, to the off-site detention pond. 2.0 Hydrologic Method A preliminary analysis of the post-developed hydrology has been made using a spreadsheet method based on TR20 developed by the City of Milwaukee. This spreadsheet is used as a simple tool to assess the benefits derived from implementation of Low Impact Design (LID) Practices that will be incorporated into the design. Final calculations for the site hydrology will be based on a more detailed analysis using TR55 methodology. 3.0 Pre-Developed Drainage Analysis u A hydrologic analysis of pre-developed conditions will be provided under the final drainage design report for this project. Since the site is served by an off-site regional detention pond, allowable release rates are not applicable to this project assuming the proposed development is consistent with that envisioned under the design of the regional pond. u o o u Off-Site A small portion of the adjacent undeveloped tract to the east sheds onto the subject site. However, it is assumed that all of the runoff generated on the adjacent site will be managed internally to that site when it is developed. Thus, no off-site runoff contribution to the subject site is envisioned. 4.0 Post-Developed Drainage Analysis u U D o [J o The post-developed project site contains 4.6 acres of which approximately 3.5 acres will be disturbed. A 50-foot wooded buffer along the east property line and a 40-foot. wooded buffer along the north property line will remain undisturbed. Thus, preliminary hydraulic calculations using the Milwaukee LID Quicksheet are based on a 3.5-acre project site consistent with the disturbance area. A CN value for the site of 92 has been estimated. An exact CN value will be calculated under the final report. u [J u o o o o o u INITIAL DRAINAGE DESIGN REPORT FOR Justus Office Building DP/lPrrimary Plat In order to meet the water quality requirements of Camel's Manual, 5 BMP's are proposed as follows: . Bioretention for North Parking Lot (3,800 sf) fl Bioretention for North Parking Lot (4,000 sf) . Permeable Pavement for West Parking Lot (3,400 sf) o Permeable Pavement for Lower Patio Area (1,000 sf) . Vegetated Swale for Building Roof (1 ,200 sf) The following Table summarizes the Post-Developed undetained runoff rates using the LID Quicksheet with the incorporation of LID practices compared to rates if the site did not utilize any LID components: Table 2 r-' U 5.0 Conclusions u o o o o o o D U The proposed design will utilize the existing regional detention pond serving Pro Med Park for detention. The design will incorporate a number of LID stormwater quality practices that will serve to meet the treatment requirements of Carmel's manual and will also significantly reduce peak flows leaving the site through flow rate and volume attenuation. A more detailed design report will be prepared and submitted with the final construction plans for this project at a later date. o u D Line 1a 1b 2a 2b 2c D U u , o o o o o o o o u o o o u LID QuickSheet 1.2 SITE SUMMARY Enter data into the shaded boxes only. PRECIPITA T/ON and DRAINAGE AREA 2 years Return period for this storm even!. NRCS Type II Rainfall distribution. See RainDistribution sheet to change. P 2.66 inches Total precipitation. A 3.5 acres Drainage area. CN minimum 43 CNs must be greater than this value to generate runoff. 3a 3b NoLlD DESIGN CN Tc 91 Area-weighted average for the NoLID site design. 10 minutes Cannot be less than 5 minutes. LID DESIGN 4a Standard CN Determination CN 91 Area-weighted average for the LID site. 4b 4c 4d OJ)tionaJ eN Determination If option not used, enter zeroes in Lines 4b-4d. CNp 70 Composite CNp for pervious areas alone. Pimp 30% Actual percent impervious. 0.2 Decimal <= 1.0. Ratio of unconnected impervious area to total impervious area. (Enter "0. as the ratio if total impervious area is greater than 30% of site.) CN result: 77 (The "CNe" in TR-55 Appendix F) 4e 4f 4g Selected CN 91 Tc 20 Enter the value from Line 4a or Line 4e. minutes Cannot be less than 5 minutes. LID Retention Features rFor7ndivTc:Tuaj'feature~s:compareihecont;jbl.;iJngrunoff w;th'if;e"capacjty:~m'..........~m_. ; and take the lesser of the two. Summarize on Subarea Check sheet. Rain Garden Capacity 5a 12.0 inches Average ponding depth. 5b 24.0 inches Average soil mix depth available for retention (24 inches or less). 5c 0.28 (unit/ess) Average fillable porosity. Design Volume 5d 18.7 inches Storage per unit area. acre- thousand feet gallons 5e Rain Garden I 5.2% of drainage area used for rain gardens. 0.28 93 5f Coverage 7927.92 sq. ft. (average of top and bottom areas) 6a Rain 55.0 gallons Capacity of each rain barrel. 6b Barrels 0 Num ber of rain barrels. 0.00 0 7a Green Roofs 3.0 inches Maximum Water Capacity (MWC). 7b 0.50 Multiplier between 0.33 and 0.67. 7c 0 sq.ft. Area. 000 0 8 Cisterns 0 cu. ft. Sum of all cistern volumes. 0.00 0 9a Permeable 18.0 inches Water storage depth, or capacity per unit area. 9b Pavement 4400 sq. ft. Paved area. 0.15 49 10 Other 0 cu. ft. Additional storage not listed above. 0.00 0 Total 0.44 142 o o LID QuickSheet 1.2 URR SUMMARY Enter data into the shaded boxes only. o u Line Unit Release Rate Taraet 20 0.75 cfslacre See User Manual to select value. o 21a 21b 22a 22b Site Runoff NoLlD LID Reduction Depth inches 1,76 0.26 85% Volume ac-ft 0.51 0.08 Peak cfs 8.3 0.2 98% Peak/area cfslacre 2.37 0.05 Conventional Detention Needed to Meet Peak Flow Target NoLlD LID Reduction Depth inches 0.64 0.00 100% Volume ac-ft 0.19 0.00 LID Split Flow Option. If discharge above target rate is directed into retention at outlet, this retention volume can replace detention pond volume: Depth inches 0.00 (Compare to Line 23a, LID column) Volume ac-ft 0.00 (Compare to Line 23b, LID column) o o 23a 23b o u u 24a 24b 25 Runoff Hvdroqraphs for URR Analysis --0-URR Target NoLlD LID Detention I o 2.5 o 2.0 - Q) 1.5 ... 0 ~ - .t! 2.- 1.0 0- 0.5 0.0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 t (hours) o u u o Input by: Date: u Checked by: Date: u - r U @ 2005 by Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District. All rights reselVed. No ponion of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without fhe express written permission of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District. J ., J J J o u u u u o o u [J [J u o o o u LID QuickSheet 1.2 SITE SUMMARY Enter data into the shaded boxes only. Line 1a 1b 2a 2b 2c PRECIPITATION and DRAINAGE AREA 10 years Return period for this storm event. NRCS Type II Rainfall distribution. See RainDistribution sheet to change. P 3.83 inches Total precipitation. A 3.5 acres Drainage area. eN minimum 34 CNs must be greater than this value to generate runoff. 3a 3b NoLlD DESIGN eN Tc 91 Area-weighted average for the NoLlD site design. 10 minutes Cannot be less than 5 minutes. LID DESIGN 4a Standard eN Determination CN 91 Area-weighted average for the LID site. 4b 4c 4d Optional eN Determination If option not used, enter zeroes in Lines 4b-4d. CNp 70 Composite CNp for pervious areas alone. Pimp 30% Actual percent impervious. 0.2 Decimal <= 1.0. Ratio of unconnected impervious area to total impervious area. (Enter "0. as the ratio if total impetvious area is greater than 30% of site.) eN result: 77 (The "CNc" in TR-55 Appendix F) 4e 4f 4g Selected CN 91 Tc 20 Enter the value from Line 4a or Line 4e. minutes Cannot be less than 5 minutes. LID Retention Features !For indl;;iduaTie~atures:""compare-ihe"conirTbutT;;g'runOffwJih.The.capacfty,-................ i and take the lesser of the two. Summarize on Subarea Check sheet. Rain Garden Capacity 5a 12.0 inches Average ponding depth. 5b 24.0 inches Average soil mix depth available for retention (24 inches or less). 5c 0.28 (unit/ess) Average fillable porosity. Design Volume 5d 18.7 inches Storage per unit area. acre- thousand feet ga/fons 5e Rain Gardenl 5.2% of drainage area used for rain gardens. 0.28 93 5f Coverage 7927.92 sq. ft. (average of top and bottom areas) 6a Rain 55.0 gallons Capacity of each rain barrel. 6b Barrels 0 Number of rain barrels. 0.00 0 7a Green Roofs 3.0 inches Maximum Water Capacity (MWC). 7b 0.50 Mulliplier between 0.33 and 0.67. 7c 0 sq. ft. Area. 0.00 0 8 Cisterns 0 cU.ft. Sum of all cistern volumes. 0.00 0 9a Permeable 18.0 inches Water storage depth, or capacity per unit area. 9b Pavement 4400 sq. ft. Paved area. 015 49 10 Other 0 cu. ft. Additional storage not listed above. 0.00 0 Total 0.44 142 [J o LID QuickSheet 1.2 URR SUMMARY Enter data into the shaded boxes only. o o Line Unit Release Rate Target 20 0.75 cfs/acre See User Manual to select value. o 21a 21b 22a 22b Site Runoff NoLlD LID Reduction Depth inches 2.85 1.36 52% Volume ac-ft 0.83 0.40 Peak cfs 13.2 2.7 80% Peak/area cfslacre 3.78 0.77 Conventional Detention Needed to Meet Peak Flow Target NoLlD LID Reduction Depth inches 1.25 0.04 97% Volume ac-ft 0.37 0.01 LID Split Flow Option. If discharge above target rate is directed into retention at outlet, this retention volume can replace detention pond volume: Depth inches 0.00 (Compare to Line 23a, LID column) Volume ac-ft 0.00 (Compare to Line 23b, LID column) u 23a 23b o u o 24a 24b 25 Runoff Hvdroqraphs for URR Analvsis o o u u I [ --URR Target 4.0 3.5 3.0 ~ 2.5 (,) ('c:l Ii) 2.0 - (,) ;: 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 NoLlD LID Detention I u u u u 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 t (hours) 15 16 17 18 Input by: Date: Checked by: Date: o D @ 2005 by Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District. All rights reseiVed. No portion of this publica/ion may be reproduced or transmit/ed in any form or by any means without the express wrillen permission of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District. J J u ,I U u o u [J o u u u il u o u LJ o u o LID QuickSheet 1.2 SITE SUMMARY Enter data into the shaded boxes only. Line 1a 1b 2a 2b 2c PRECIPITATION and DRAINAGE AREA 100 years Return period for this storm event. NRCS Type II Rainfall distribution. See RainOistribution sheet to change. P 6.46 inches Total precipitation. A 3.5 acres Drainage area. CN minimum 24 CNs must be greater than this value to generate runoff. 3a 3b NoLlD DESIGN CN Te 91 Area-weighted average for the NoLlD site design. 10 minutes Cannot be less than 5 minutes. LID DESIGN 4a Standard CN Determination CN 91 Area-weighted average for the LID site. 4b 4c 4d Optional CN Determination If option not used, enter zeroes in Lines 4b-4d. CNp 70 Composite CNp for pervious areas alone. Pimp 30% Actual percent impervious. 0.2 Decimal <= 1.0. Ratio of unconnected impervious area to total impervious area. (Enter "on as the ratio if total impervious area is greater than 30% of site.) CN result: 77 (The "CNc" in TR-55 Appendix F) 4e 4f 4g Selected eN 91 Te 20 Enter the value from Line 4a or Line 4e. minutes Cannot be less than 5 minutes. LID Retention Features I'For"indi;;fduaTieatures, compareThe'conifj!JtJtfn-g runoff witH'ihe'capacity.~ ! and take the lesser of the two. Summarize on SubareaCheck sheet. Rain Garden Capacity 5a 12.0 inches Average ponding depth. 5b 24.0 inches Average soil mix depth available for retention (24 inches or less). 5c 0.28 (unitless) Average fillable porosity. DesiQn Volume 5d 18.7 inches Storage per unit area. acre- thousand feet gallons 5e Rain Gardenl 5.2% of drainage area used for rain gardens. 0.28 93 5f Coverage 7927.92 sq. ft. (average of top and bottom areas) Capacity of each rain barrel. , 6a Rain 55.0 gallons 6b Barrels 0 Number of rain barrels. 0.00 0 7a Green Roofs 3.0 inches Maximum Water Capacity (MWC). 7b 0.50 Multiplier between 0.33 and 0.67. 7c 0 sq. ft. Area 0.00 0 8 Cisterns 0 cu.rt. Sum of all cistern volumes. 0.00 0 9a Permeable 18.0 inches Water storage depth, or capacity per unit area. 9b Pavement 4400 sq. ft. Paved area. 0.15 49 10 Other 0 cu. ft. Additional storage not listed above. 0.00 0 Total 0.44 142 o o LID QuickSheet 1.2 URR SUMMARY Enter data into the shaded boxes only. u o o u o [J Line Unit Release Rate Tarqet 20 0.75 cfs/acre See User Manual to select value. 21a 21b 22a 22b Site Runoff NoLlD LID Reduction Depth inches 5.41 3.92 28% Volume ac-ft 1.58 1.14 Peak cfs 24.2 17.7 270/0 Peak/area cfs/acre 6.91 5.06 Conventional Detention Needed to Meet Peak Flow Target NollD LID Reduction Depth inches 2.60 1.81 30% Volume ac-ft 0.76 0.53 LID Split Flow Option. If discharge above target rate is directed into retention at outlet, this retention volume can replace detention pond volume: Depth inches 1.51 (Compare to Line 23a, LID column) Volume ac-ft 0.44 (Compare to Line 23b, LID column) 23a 23b 24a 24b u 25 Runoff Hvdroqraphs for URR Analvsis o o -0-URR Target NoLlD LID Detention I u 8.0 7.0 6.0 - ~ 5.0 u III Iii 4.0 - u ~ 3.0 2.0 1.0 _ 0.0 8 \ I ~\ --- ~ -- -- - - , 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 (hours) o u u o u Input by: Date: Checked by: Date: D D @ 2005 by Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District. Aft rights reserved. No portion of this publica/ion may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the express written permission of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District. u [J u [J o u o o o r-l U o o u INITIAL DRAINAGE DESIGN REPORT FOR ..Justus Office Building DP/Primary Plat EXHIBITS o o [J U o o U'Ll~ __ 6= ~ . t~s, SUMYOHS, PLANNERS. S:l;~~S ~ '" I EVANS, MECHWART. 00 .'~ HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC, ," j 6"99~ HlllS:JALE COURT 'L 'J INOIANAF'OLlS, INDIANA 4G250 . ~ TElEPHON:E 1317J 913.0930 . FACSIMilE (317} 9\3.-592[J 01 , I D' ., OJ '1 0_, I 01 'J [j1 I OJ I OJ , r -'I U," .1 [I r r-J Ur [] I q q :1 Lr I \1 u. I o (SMOKEY ROW -J Cl.. SITE z o tI- ll? .3 (/) 2 l1J ~ LITTLE COOL CREEK PARK LARK z -' LEGEN D - SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS INUNDATED BY lOO-YEAR FLOOD ZONE A ZONE AE No lJas.e flood elevations determfm:d. 8ase flood devations d.:termined_ ZONE AH - ~ ~ OTHER FLOOD AREAS ZONE AO Flood depths 0( 1 to ] feet (usu.11y .reas 01 ponding); base fIo.xl ",I",vations determined. Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (USlJally sheet flow 00 sloping terralnl; average depths determined. For areas of alluvial fan Qooding, velocities al50 deteni1ined. Areas of SOO-year flood; areas of lW-year flood wirh average depths of less than 1 foot or with dfillnaj5e areas less than 1 ~uare mile.- and are.s proll>cled by Ie.ees \rom lOG-year Rood, FlOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE lONE X lONE M9 To be protected flOm l00-,year flood by Federal flood protection system under con- struction; no base flood elevations deter- mined. ZONE V o OTHER AREAS Coastal flood with velocity hazard (wave actio.n~; -no base flood elevations dt'ter-mined. lONE X Areas dC'lcrmined to be oul5ide 50o-,'ear fioodplain, :"reas i/1 which flood hazards a,... undeter- mined, but possible. lONE VE Coastal /looo with velocity hazard (wave aruon); base /lood elevations determined. ZONE D EXHIBIT H FIRM MAP SCALE: N.T.S. Date: 11/05/04 SHEET No, .; Z OLD MERIDIAN & SMOKEY ROW ROAD SITE FEASIBILITY STUDY 1 of 1 e /" u o o u o UYeF MoC3 -- -- --- -~ -- -~ UiEER:SURV'Y-O;S. F1-'NNfRS~:il~~S ~ EVANS. MECHWART. " HAMBLETON & TilTON. INC. 69-94 HtlLSDALE COURT ci U" INDIANAPOLIS. INOIAN.' 46250 Z . ~~L~~~~~~eE (~11~J ~S""J~':SS;~ e EXHIBIT G SOILS MAP OLD MERIDIAN & SMOKEY ROW ROAD SITE FEASIBILITY STUDY MmB2 HeF o . HeF - Hennepin loam MoC3 - Miami clay loam MmB2 - Miami silt loam Sh - Shoals silt loam SCALE: 1"= 120' Dale: 11/05/04 SHEET No 1 of 1 01 I 01 J 01 J []I 0' J 01 i U, .I []I d Q o o o o o o L U 90; . ..."-. .....' tJOjIoa ,-,.-,..) ......jr... .1 (Ji: ..~ ~ , . I' ~". .:'i 'f I'IJ~(;\.., ". '\"p, . - e_ ..: . ... ," .... .'. . .22_....,~'i C. .. _ we-STI I '. ow. ! ,,0 I i ---"-r---~-j I ! I r I ! CARMEL, IND. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE 1990 eNGINEERS. SU~YORS~N:S~SC:T:~~S ; I EVANS, MECHWAAT. g _ HAMBLETON & TILTON. INC, U' 699'4 HllLSDA1.E COUAT INDIANAPOLIS. INDIANA 46.1:50 TELEPHONE 1317J 913-6930 - ~ACS.IMllE IJl7J 913-6928 EXHIBIT 0 WETLANDS MAP SCALE: NTS Date: ,; z OLD MERIDIAN & SMOKEY ROW ROAD SITE FEASIBILITY STUDY 11/05/04 SHEET No. 'e 1 of 1 ./ // >/~2 () ~~ .------- D..~. 01 ~ o~ o O~ 01 D~ d d (I I U I d/ d d u. d d I r " u. [J1 - -= IS ~ ! :=::::::::::::=:==~~ ~- ~ INC. ~ I ENGINEERS, SURVEYO.RS, ?lANNERS, SCIENTISTS g EVANS, MECHWART, N lJl HAM~9\~~~L~S~A~JLC~?'~i INC. .; .. INDI,QNAPOLlS, INDIANA 462'5(l Z I TEL~PHONE 1317J '913-6:)30 '0 FACSIMrll': !317J 31,3-139028- '-- / .... .. 10. PIle EX. HYDRANT DRAINAGE CONNECTION POINT o I u, fi"1 Q. D ~ . . j .yo:) . o SCALE: EXHIBIT E DRAINAGE MAP 1 "= 120' Date: 11/05/04 SHEET No, OLD MERIDIAN & SMOKEY ROW ROAD SITE FEASIBILITY STUDY 1 of 1 U D o [J o D o o [J ~ U o U J U U U o D INITIAL DRAINAGE DESIGN REPORT FOR Justus Office Building DP/Primary Plat APPENDIX A Site Development Plans for Pro Med Park (1994) !SHEET NO [NOEX OEseR lPTl ON i.:~_J --= f I riA ShH f I E~-- SIH L.AN ~- ~-=~_ b AO I Nb/Uf I 1.-1 fY leAN ~- 1 !>RO ION C-ONfROl-/ l---- nt f'RtStKvAlTONf'r-;;r;r- L--=-3-=- SAN I f ARY Sf-W';:RI~EQ-':J_L.~~_____ rn~f;-WTf':-PRV~~-5 _ ~~ f-N-fRAr:fC,1:--TcUL.-Ot-SAG OHA~ : 6':::=-_ DOI'GIT1JGf I ON Otf ~ ~~~- Sf'tC-If'IGAf IONS I , ~~-=-- r--- REV ISIONS SHEET NO DESCRIPHON 1-,;-C1 I)f;/0~ ~EvtST LoS P::R 'l.A-.( MEETiNG COW.At~as r--- 1------- .'D~~r~ I"," D l G 81.! ~~~ ., -;~~'\'\ /t,:;- "--\ - ;:c------.. k;...r c~--=--:.. ;;J'IfI'- ---....~~.. 1-gDO-382-55<1<1 C~L~ 8EF~qE you 01G ~ J If6 06V6~OPM6Nf r~ANS (OR lPR{ 0 MED9 ILl TD, ~1 elf] J ic11LJlll &: Smcokey Rcow R(()Jc11LJ C rilL lr m eJ 9 R Jl1l J i c11L ll1l rilL (O]dl I' ;'1 f II / ,.'/ rH(IH';;1' Jl[",~"'" '-If"'-,If QJ,~r: I-I ;j':::;' /!:J~. .~~ ! ! !N 1"( .- li~f' <.,'<c..,.,'''.."...., '" ,( II " \1 ~ ~ ~ Ii i I ! i II ~rjTr,p:[nf.i!:A-Y- I i -"""'1 '-./ -~~,fl( --->..--- '.L, ..._....,....____ -::: __.....4.......___ SI16 MAr? 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