HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes PC 07-17-07 \~ j \ / \"'J.-'f.oJ.~!!~// CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION JULY 17,2007 Minutes The Carmel Plan Commission met at 6:00 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Commission members present: Leo Dierckman, Kevin Heber, Rick Ripma, Sally Shapiro, Steve Stromquist, Madeleine Torres, Sue Westermeier, thereby establishing a quorum. DOCS Staff present: Mike Hollibaugh, Director; Angie Conn, Planning Administrator. John Molitor, Legal Counsel was also present. The minutes from the June 19, 2007 meeting were approved as submitted. John Molitor, Legal Counsel indicated that it had been intended to have a meeting of the Executive Committee to discuss possible initiation of litigation and then to discuss proposed rules of procedure in a regular meeting of the Executive Committ.ee. Because of some confusion regarding the notice, neither of those meetings occurred. Therefore, we can discuss at a later time when those meetings will be rescheduled, perhaps in conjunction with our regular committee meetings the first week in AUgust. Department Announcement, Angie Conn: Request to place Docket No. 07020020 OA: US 31 & 421 Overlay Architectural Design Amendment, on the August 7, 2007 Subdivision Committee agenda, rather than the August 7 Special Studies agenda, due to agenda length. This will take just a simple vote of the :commission. Also, both Holiday Inn iteins have been tabled per the petitioner's request-Dockets Number 07030035 DP and 070070009 ADLS. There has also been a request from two Plan Commission members-not present at this time-that the Irwin Bank agenda item be moved to the end of the meeting to allow for arrival and vote on that item. The. last item on the Agenda will be presented by Adrienne Keeling, DOCS staff. Adrienne Keeling, DOCS asked that the Commission refer to the materials distributed this evening. Adrienne indicated last month that the City Council passed a resolution directing the Plan Commission to prepare and evaluate a proposal to amend the zoning ordinance. Their requestis for the Plan Commission to consider eliminating the provisions which exempt lots in qualifying subdivisions which are ROSa lots, exempting them from the minimum lot area and set-back standards. The Council's request is for the S:fPlanCommission/Minutes/2007/PCjuly17 , ~:j~'~' Plan Commission to consider eliminating that particular exemption from the lot area and set-back standards. This specifically applies to zoning districts 8-1 through R-4. Pursuant to that resolution, the Department will be preparing an amendment for your consideration at the August Plan Commission meeting; a copy of that resolution is attached for your review. Leo Dierclanan asked for a motion to move Docket No. 07020020 OA: US 31 & 421 Overlay Architectural Design Amendment to the Sljbdivision Committee Meeting on August 7, 2007; Rick Ripma made the formal motion, seconded by Susan Westermeier, Approved 6-0. H. Public Hearings TABLED: 1 H. Docket No. 0703Q035 DP: Pro-Med Lane - Holiday Inn The applicant seeks site plan approval for a proposed full-service hotel. ADLSis under another docket no. below. The site is located at 136th Street and Pro-Med Lane, and is zoned B-6/Business within the US 31/Meridian Street Overlay. Filed by Stacey of DeBoy Land Development Services, Inc. for Justus Home Builders, Inc. 2H. Docket No. 07050013 PP: For~stal Estates Minor Subdivision The applicant seeks primary plat approval for 3 lots on 2.33 acres. The applicant also seeks the following subdivision waiver request: Docket No. 07050019 SW sca Chapter 6.03.19 Access to Collector Roads The site is located at the northeast corner of 141s1St. and Ditch Rd. and is zoned S-1/Residence. Filed by Stacey Fouts of DeBoy Land Development Services, Inc. Mike DeBoy of DeBoy Land Development presented for the applicant, M One Construction. The property currently has one house on the site which consists of 2.33 acres. There is a roundabout at 141 s',and Ditch Road Rd. located at the southwest corner of the property. The proposed development will consistof3 lots, 2 lots would have a shared access to 141 sl Street. Lot 3 would have a singular access off of Ditch Road at the northwest corner of the property. The detention for the site is located at the northeast comeraf the property. Sanitary serVices will be brought through Ditch Road to the west onto the site. The anticipated construction is one and one-half story homes, brick or stone, single family residences. The petitioner has received the Depart'ment Reports and has noted comments from the Staff. The petitioner has agreed to work with the Staff to answer any and all questions. The petitioner is putting together a tree preservation plan for this area along with a revised landscape plan as requested by Scott Brewer. S:lPlanCommissionJMinutesI2007/PCjuly17 2 '0;0". property as the Ordinance requires and allows the drive thtu to go to the north side of the property. This layout helps with problems at the front entrance-it moves the front entrance farther to the south, farther from the intersection of the access drives. It also allows a person who wants to go into the drive thru lane to turn right on to that lane. If that lane is blocked, the person can continue on, park the vehicle and go inside, or wait. The revised plan also helps with concerns from the Commission regarding the menu board and screening. When the building is rotated and the dumpster is located in the rear yard-the masonry screen wall enclosure for the dumpster helps block the menu board. With the addition of arborvitae plantings at the suggestion of Scott Brewer, the menu board will be effectively screened. The site development option helps answer several of those concerns. This does require a variance from the zoning requirements and that request is on flle and will be heard next Monday. The only other comment was a revision of the menu board sign. which includes a stone base that is similar to the base used, not just resting on single steel posts. Special Studies Committee Report, Steve Stromquist: The biggest concern regarding this project was the traffic in and out and queuing of the cars in the drive thru along with the menu board issue. Traffic in this area can be horrific, especially during the noon hour, and we wanted to see what would be the best solution to the problem. The Special Studies Committee wants to commend the petitioner for doing a great job working with us on this project and coming up with a solution that fits this particular parcel of land. The Committee gave aunaninious, positive vote. ~ -+ Rick Ripma - asked for further clarification on the sign board. Mike Dauss said that revised packets were distributed-there is stone underneath; the sign will be blocked by the dumpster enclosure. Steve Stromquist made formal motion to approve Docket No. 07040019 DP/ADLS: West Carmel Marketplace Burger King, seconded by Susan Westernieier, Approved 6-0. 41;Do-cl(et~Not070~002:1"IIi'~AfiCs~;",I'fi\Nih"tinlorf-Ba'"nlt~c~i'm';eI2S:eiWffce~8t~~1 ,'-"'YjJ:~~cti"g~!~,,~rctSf<11l:f~1f~::~"f~".~"'<<~~'': .~~. ~~~ ~,~ <~)'~~'<;~~~t'~tb.,~~c~ "=~_:"FtYe'ap'p1ica'rit s'8eks site plan and design approval for a bank building. The site is located at the 700 ploGk of West Carmel Dr. and is zoned M-3/Manufacturing. Filed by Jim Shinaver of Nelson & Frankenberger for Irwin Union Realty Corp. Jim Shinaver presented for the petitioner. The following persons also attended the meeting: Julie Strikes of Irwin Union Bank; Brandon Burke of Schneider Engineering; architect Todd Williams of Williams and Associates; Sean Green of Green Sign Company. The petitioner is requesting a DP/ADLS. The site is located within the Science and Technology Park. Mr. Shinaver displayed and reviewed a visual map of the real estate. Irwin Union desires to construct a bank on this property; the bank itself will be approximately 5,400 sq. f1. The Special Studies Committee gave this project a unanimous recommendation fat ~pproval at the June 28, 2007 meeting. Another visual S:lPlanCommission/M iuutes/2007 IPCjuly 17 9 exhibit of the landscape plan was shown and discussed. Access to the site is from City Center Drive; there is also access to Lake Front Court. Brandon Burke has been working closely with Scott Brewer, Urban Forester regarding the landscape plan for this site. Scott Brewer has approved the plan and there are no outstanding landscaping issues. Mr. Shinaver reviewed previous renderings of the project. Jim Shinaver indicated that a sample of the EFISwas brought inforthe Commission to see. Mr.. Shinaver also discussed lighting and signage plans. Irwin Union Bank decided not to putgreen parking spaces at the front with handicapp'ed parking-the feeling is that it is not warranted at that location. There Will be two (2) spCices on the site that will have the green designation. The trash enclosure area was relocated to the southwest corner of the parking lot and the enclosure itself will be taller than the receptacle designed to screen. The petitioner has added additional crosswalk striping in the parking lot area. A few trees were added to the eastern portion of the site which has the drive thru area. The roof material for the structure itself will be a TPO type of material thatis environmentally friendly. Gary Duncan, City Engineer's Office indicated in a meeting on Monday that all issues have been resolved, including the curb cuts. Special Studies Committee Report, Steve Stromquist: The attractiveness of the building was discussed-it was suggested that more brick and less EFIS be used and that more detail should be added to the building; however, nothing has changed. The petitioner meets all of the requirements set out by our ordinance. Traffic flow is still an issue. Angie Conn, DOCS. The City Engineering Department did send out an email on July 16. Basically they would like to withdraw the comment on the Department Report regarding the curb cut The Engineering Department feels that it is adequate at this time; IF, at a later date it is determined to be a problem, it could be taken out. Steve Stromquist noted that the petitioner adequately answered the questions on the signage. Mr. Stromquist asked the petitioner for more specifics on the white roof and skylights to provide some green building design. Jim Shinaver responded that there will be a white roof with a TPO material-a type of material that is environmentally friendly. Todd Williams explained that the way the bUilding is designed, a lot of light coniesthru the lobby atrium and the light helps to illuminated the building internally. There are some large window areas for the public lobby to bring' light in on the north side. All of the offices have large windows and Todd indicated the location of the windows on a visual. Angie Conn, DOCS said that the only outstanding issue is that it appears the ground sign is in the road right-of-way and will require a variance approval. The Department is recommending that this item be approved. Jim Shinaver indicated that an application for a variance has been submitted. Leo Oierckman asked about the etching on the stone. Todd Williams responded that this was introduced here in Carmel and is visible on the mock-up in the Chambers. The S:fPlanCommission/Minutes/2007/PCjuly17 10 .:"1'"-d colors were reviewed. Leo asked how you would define this architecture. Todd Williams responded that it is considered modern architecture with clean, crisp lines. Rick Ripma - indicated that he does not find the building attractive. Also discussed at this time was the need for "green spaces." Sally Shapiro said the vacuum tubes are exposed and asked If there was any way to enclose them and not have the pipes hanging down. Todd Williams said they might be able to take the horizontal portion of the tube and put in under the canopy arid possibly drop something doWn to cover it. Trying to enclose the tubes would be difficult. Irwin Bank does not do underground vacuum tubes. They were exposed intentionally, but since thIS is a modern building we do not feel we have to hide things, we need to study them. Sue Westermeier commented that it is not the most attractive building. Further discussion revolved around the architecture, site location, etc. Jim Shinaver reviewed the ordinances for this area which are all met by the project. Rick Ripma made formal motion to approve Docket No. 07040021 DP/ADLS: Irwin Union Bank, Carmel Science & TechPark, Block 11, Lot 3 with the exception of the "green" spaces (there are no green spaces) Madeleine Torres seconded the motion. The vote was 5 in favor, two opposed (Shapiro, Heber.) No Action Taken. Sue Westermeier then made formal motion to approve Docket No. 07040021 DP/ADLS: Irwin Union Bank, Carmel Science & Tech Park, Block 11, and Lot 3, seconded by Sally Shapiro, Approved 6 in favor, one opposed (Ripma.) 51. Docket No. 07040024 DP: 1328-1440 W. Main Street The applicant seeks development plan approval for five buildings. The site is located at the NE corner of US 31 (Meridian) and W. Main Street and is zoned B- 6/Business within the US 31 Overlay. Filed by Jamie Browning of Browning Real Estate Partners. Jaime. Browning presented. Mr. Browning was accompanied by Chris Wiseman, Paul Cripe, Civil Engineers and Matt Skelton, Esq. with Baker and Daniels. This is the second reading of our develo'pmerit plan for our project. As you may recall we submitted a rezone application earlier this year which was approved by the Plan Commission and City Council. Our development plan contemplates 4-5 structures, which would consist of office space, possibly medical office space, retail in the building on 131 stand Pennsylvania. As I noted with the Commission and City Council, our request for retail would require us to return fora variance. I did assure the Council that I would -restrict the amount of retail to no more than 15% of the gross area of the development. The circulation around the site includes a proposed Interchange to be constructed at 131 sl Street and Pennsylvania; also there is a plan contemplated to extend 13151 to Old Meridian via Grand Blvd. This part of 131 st is slated for interchange as part of the State's "Major Moves" program. We have submitted our utility drainage plans both to the S :/PlanCommission/Minutes/2007/PCjuly 17 11 City Engineer and the County Surveyor:. We have received their comments and have made modifications as requested. The petitioner submitted a tree survey to Scott Brewer for his review. Regarding the buffer zone, it is the intention not to remove any more trees than allowed by the Ordinance. Also, we intend to leave as many trees .as we can between the development and the adjoining residential property. Since the last Plan Commission meeting, the petitioner met with a group of the residents, discussed all of the issues, and unless there is anything to the contrary, it appears thCit all concerns have been effectively address at this time. In regards to open space, Mr. Browning displayed a visual showing the coverage rate to be 57%. the maximum coverage rate in the ordinance is 65%; and the petitioner is well within the allowable; we hope to maintain this green space as we move forward. Some concern was voiced that We will not be using green building practices or LEED certified practices. Our detention area which fronts on US 31 is a terminology called Best Management Practices in terms of water quality. This is an EPAcertified program that is also embraced by the City. Currently we are seeking Development Plan approval-any issues related to ADLS approval would be submitted on an individual basis' and information provided at that time. In that regard, we will do our very best to incorporate the suggestions of the Plan Commission related to green building practices. Steve Stromquist reported for the Special Studies Committee. Regarding the DP and ADLS-there is a lot of concrete and not enough green space. The petitioner did commit that no more than 15% of the development would be retail. -Ct ..- Jamie Browning: Subsequent to the Special Studies, we made changes to the secondary entrance. The concern of the Committee was that there was aroundabout to manage the traffic and secondly, the road really did not function well with the alignment with Grand Blvd. The request was to take that road and make it more of an ancillary road, more of an emergency use for fire trucks, so we have made that change and have highlighted that on the plan. Steve Stromquist said the petitioner agreed to green grass pavers for fire truck entrance and for emergency vehicles to enter and exit the site. The Committee voted unanirnously to go forward with this project. Angie Conn, DOCS ooted that the petitioner does comply with all requirements of the US 31 Overlay, however, the Department would still like to see a site that is more pedestrian friendly with bUildings grouped closer together,. more walk-able, since it is adjacent to the Old Meridian District. However the Department does recommend approval. Steve Stromquist commented that depending on who the tenant may be; there is the possibility of a parking garage being built. Madeleine Torres clarified that what is before the Commission at this time is the Development Plan; any changes made by the petitioner would require a return to the Plan Commission. Rick Ripma asked why the Department is recommending approval if they still want the petitioner to do something different. S:/PlanCommissionfMinutes/2007/PCjuly17 12