HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket 04-19-07 o o D D o D o U U U D U D [J o o u u [j BURGER KING CORPORA liON WEST CARMEL MARKETPLACE CARMEL, INDIANA .', '-....: _~I April 19, '2007 u u u I: U LEGAL DESCRITPION lJ L U A Part of Block H In the Secondary Plat for West Carmel Marketplace as per plat thereof recorded September 26,2006 In Plat Cabinet 4, Slide 149 as Instrument No. 200600056955 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana and also being part of Section 7, Township 17 North, Range 3 East, Hamilton County, Indiana, described a<; follows: u Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 7; thence South 88 degrees 44 minutes 27 seconds West 1,106.46 feet aLong the North line of said Southeast Quarter; thence South 00 degrees, 37 minutes 40 seconds East 1,255.30 feet; thence South 88 degrees 40 minutes 49 seconds West 1,432.61 feet to the Easterly Right- of-Way line orus. Highway 421; thence along said Easterly Right-of-Way line North 18 degrees 19 minutes 42 seconds West 26.76 feet to the POlNT OF BEGINNING oftllls description: thence continuing along said Easterly Right-of-Way line the following two (2) courses: 1) North 18 degrees 19 minutes 42 seconds West 55.96 feet; 2) North 2] degrees 11 minutes 28 seconds West 117.30 feet; thence North 69 degrees 03 minutes 23 seconds East 274.51 feet; thence South 20 degrees 56 minutes 37 seconds East 173.20 feet; thence South 69 degrees 03 minutes 23 seconds West 276.55 feet to the Point OF BEGINNING, containing 1.092 acres, more or less. I U U lJ [j Also known a<; Lot 5 In the Secondary Re-plat of West Carmel Marketplace per plat thereof recorded December 14, 2006 In Plat Cabinet 4, Slide 208 as Instrument No 200600056955 in the Office of the Recorder of HamiIton County, Indiana. LJ u u u I U I I U u L U W L U U U U I W ~ >< w I- Z o u o z - t- fJ') - >( w r ' " , w w u [j lJ U L L U Q Z < V') z o - I- < > U.d r-I I.U ,0 L.L.I tf) o Q.. o ~ em r ' w ~,~ ~ !!s ~~ !!s IU U ~ a u u .U u ~ u u ~ ~ ~ D ~ U ~ ~ .,hu I !n:il I !I !I ~I ~i ~Ii!: ~a ~ t l~ ~ I ~ ...J ~ I- ~~ ~~ J:!s s ~ ~ 5 ~ g ~ ~ ~ 0:. ~ tii.. a."' g~ ~ .. :~ ~ > ~-; ~.. ~., ~~ z o ;:: ~-; ~.. ., ~~ III ::1:., I- ~~ .., ~~ ~ ~ > ~-; ~ l ~ I ~ , ~ 'I ~ I 1 D U ~ U ~ U - -..--- U U ~ U U U i U U IU U ~ ~ u u ~ ~ u u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u u ~ u L L U U U U U r, U U U L U U L U U U U l:) z - ~ -J: t;) - ...I W t- .- f.I") w u ..d, -i'6ij):- @ w' HILTON - FLAT lENS (VariousreflectorsareprotectedbyU.SPatentNo.6,464,378.1 [J D lJ D u o u u D u o u D u u D D o HOUSING -large: One-piece spun aluminum housing with bottom door access. Hilton II and Hilton II Small: Round spun aluminum housing with a choice of two top- access covers (disc or dome). DOOR FRAMf/TOP GOVER FASTENERS -large: Four stainless steel captive door fasteners provide secure closure and allow easy access with no loose hardware. Far ease of installation, the door frame is field-removable. Hillonll and Hilton II Small: Three stainless steel captive top-cover fasteners provide secure closure and allow easy access with no loose hardware. The top LOver is attaclled to housing via a tether clip, which frees both hands while servicing. LENS/GASKET - The flat tempered glass lens, measuring 1/8" iilthickness, is sealed to the cast aluminum lens frame (large) or into the bottom of the top access housing (Hilton II and Hilton II Small) with continuous EPDM extruded gasketing. SOCKETS ~ Porcelain mogul-base sockets. All sockets are pulse-rated. LIGHT SOURCES . Pulse~Start Metal Halide, Super Metal Halide, Metal Halide, Metal Halide Reduced Envelope, or High Pressure Sodium, Clear lamp is supplied as standard. BALLASTS - High-power factor ballast designed for ~20" F operation. The removable ballast tray features a quick-disconnect plug. Pulse-Start Metal Halide, Super Metal Halide, Metal Halide, and 250 walt and above High Pressure Sodium fixtures feature a CWA ballast. 100 watt and 150 watt High Pressure Sodium fixtures feature an HX-HPF ballast. REFLECTORS/DISTRIBUTlON PAmANS . Large: Type III (3), Perimeter Forward Throw (FP), Automotive Forward Throw (FA), and Type V (5). Hillon II: Type III (3), Perimeter Forward Throw (FP), and Type V (5). Hilton II Small: Type II (2 ~ vertical only), Type III (3), Forward Throw (FTIFP), and Type V (5). All but Hilton II Small reflectors are field rotatable. Photometric data is tested in accordance with IESNA guidelines. BRACKETS -large Arm Mount: 2-1/2" x 6-7/8" x 6" extruded aluminum bracket is standard Bracket and housin[j attach to round pole with through-bolls and a one-piece, Dack-up pole nut plate (included with fixture). Hilton II and Hilton II Small Ann Mount A 2-112" x 5-3/8" x 6" length extruded aluminum bracket is Shipped standard. A round Pole Plate (RPP2) is provided as standard far mounting to 3" - 5" round poles. Pole Top: The cast aluminum mounting hub conceals the wiring compartment and mounts directly to LSI's unique "pole-top mounting plate", via a high-strength grade five steel bolt with nylon insert and split lock washer for double locking. Support arms consist of four 11/16" 0.0. aluminum rods and are pre-wired for ease of installation. FINISHES - Each fixture is finished with DuraGrip@, lSI's baked-an polyester powder finishing process. The DuraGrip polyester finish withstands extreme weather changes without cracking or peeling and is guaranteed for five full years. Standard finish colors are bronze, black, platinum plus, buff, white, satin verde green, metallic silver, and graphite. DECAL STRIPING - LSI oilers optional color-coordinated decals in 9 standard colors to accent the fixture. Decals are guaranteed for five years against peeling, cracking, or fading. PHOTOMETRieS - Please visit our web site at: www.lsi-induslries.com for detailed photometric data. C@US LISTED wet location ;S'HIPPINGJ~I~GHT~~-jHiIIDil;F,falii.enS:I:;''''='::'':OR'~ ,,' f "? '.~ Calalllg Number tIt. Weignt (kMI~I,l length (mnv1n.) Widll1 ~mmnn.1 H.ight (mm~n.) HFSH 16f36 610f24 610f24 425116.75 HFPSH 19f42 610124 61 0/24 629/24.75 HFSDH 17f37 610124 610124 425116.75 HFPSDH 20f 43 61 0124 610/24 629124.75 HFSV 16f36 61 0124 610/24 425/16.75 HFPSV 19142 610f24 610/24 629/24.75 HFSDV 17137 610124 610f24 425f16.75 HFPSDV 20143 610f24 610f24 62.9/24.75 HFR 24/52 77Sf30.S 775f30.5 559122 HFPR 261S7 762f30 762/30 724/28.5 HFRD 24f53 762f30 762/30 813132 HFPRD 26/58 762f30 762f30 B06/31.75 HFL 30f66 876f34.S B76/34.5 559122 HFPL 34f74 8S'f33.S 876f34.5 749/29.5 H!{ Flat.lensed fOOu res moot IESNA full cutoff .". classification. io'[MENSli'lNS~_~'~-l "" :<,".;; ..' ~:::c J [-".-........,~.w~.... ,n. ""' ao;,__~_~<i :tm:",?iF:..'i-Q'~.~~:~K..r'~'1r:<'~' Arm Mount r-=A_ ~i (152mm) ~~ ~J Pole Top Mount ~ I A I ~ ~ ~ Disc Top Dome Top ~ A ----, d~J] large O 8racket- 2,boll Pallern (Hillon II) ~ o Bracket- . 2-boll Pallern (Hilton large) ABC . /' 616mmi24-1/4' 447mmi17-112' 447mmi17-112' 702mmi27-51S' 334mmi15-11S' 334mmi15-11B' 616mm/24-1/4' -~UMINAIAE' EI?A-:GHARt ~.p'~ L. "7' ~ ,~ '. ::~-;,. "'\'" :.t.~ -"".:q~.~ {...... ~...~ ~.~ -"""'1J><' "'" ? ~1lI ~-f'7 k. ~ ""~.- ct.1 '-if.... Hilton Flat lens HFSV HFSOV HFR HFRO HFL (152mm16' Bracket) HFSH HFSOH .. Single 1.1 1.2 1.9 2.1 1.9 .... D1800 2.1 2.5 3.7 4.1 3.7 ~.. D9D. 1.8 2.2 3.3 3.6 3.4 .'.. T90" 2.9 3.4 5.2 5.7 5.2 -Ill TN120" 2.9 3.4 52 57 5.3 ~... + 09O" 3.7 4.4 6.7 7.4 68 I Pole Tap 1.1 1.3 1.8 2.0 2.0 Note: HDuse Side Shield adds to hxtun EPA, Cansull factory. @ 2007 LSIINDUSTRIES INC. Project Name BURGER KING - W. CARMEL MARKETPLC I Fixture Type 0 Catalog # HFL 3 750 PSMV F BRZ A c~mpa-rtywjtlr.1 5'~ ~icn.- D ~ u D u u D ~ ~ u ~ ~ u u u u u u ~ ~:- H IL TON@ FLAT LENS LUMINAIRE ORDERING INFORMATION Luminalre . . . Lamp . Line Luminalre Pretix Dlstnbuhon Walla e light Source Lens Vollage4 Finish Hilton n Small 3 - T~pe III 100 PSMH-Pulse-Start Metal Halide 'F - Flat Clearl 480 lBm'_- Bronzel Horizontal FT - orward Throw 150 320 Watt \T~mper~d Glarn MT - Multi Taf5 BLK - Black Disc Top 5 - Type V Square 175 MH - Metal Halide TT - Tri-Tap PLP - Platinum Plus H FSH - Arm Mount 250 175, 250 Watt BUF - Buff HFPSH - Pole Top 1 320 HPS - High Pressure Sodium WHT - White Dome Top 100, 150. 250 Watt HFSDH - Arm Mount SVG - Satin Verde HFPSDH - Pole Top 1 Green GPT - Graphite Hilton II Small 2 - Type II 100 PSMV-Pulse-Start Metal Halide MSV - Metallic Silver Vertical 3- Type III 150 175, 200, 250, 320 Watt Disc Top FP - Perimeter Forward 175 MH - Metal Halide HFSV - Arm Mount Throw 200 175, 250 Watt HFPSV - Pole Top 1 5 - Type V Round 250 HPS - High Pressure Sodium Dome Top 320 100,150 Watt HFSDV - Arm Mount HFPSDV. Pole Top 1 Hilton II 3 - TrPe III 200 PSMV-Pulse-Start Metal Halide Vertical FP - erimeter Forward 250 200,250,320.400 Watt Disc Top Throw 320 SMV-Super Metal Halide HFR - Arm Mount 5 - Type V Round 400 400 Watt HFPR - Pole Top 1 MH - Metal Halide Dome Top 250, 400 Watt HFRD - Arm Mount HPS - High Pressure Sodium HFPRD - Pole Top I 250, 400 Watt IHlliiiii~r~' ~3 -1 Pi!!O l7501 CP:S.MYliPu,se-Start Metal Raliaea l!ertical' ._ FP - ~enmeter Forward 1000 750, ..lO.OQ.2.~t~"""'----'- IHFL - Arm Mountl Throw MHR - Metal Halide Reduced HFPL-PoieTop1 FA - Automotive Forward 1000 Watt Throw HPS - High Pressure SodiuJll 5 - Type V Square 7503 Watt 5 1000 MHR F MT PlP peR EXAMPLE OF A TYPICAL ORDER II 1. When ordering pole lOp tixtures tor tenon mounting, a pole top adaptor must be ordered. 2- Tri- Tap is not available in 1 OOOW PSMV. Speclty voltage required. 3- Multi Tap is not available in 75fNJ HPS. Specity voltage required. 4- For international voltages, consult tactory. 5- MT - Multi Tap Is shipped standard unlp.~s otherwiSli specffied. Multi Tap consists of ,'OV. 20BV, 240V, and 277V. Multi Tap is pre-wired tor highest voltage. Alternate voltages will require field re-wiring. 6- Trl-Tap is shipped standard tor Canadian applications. Tri-Tap consists of 120V. 277V. and 347V. Tn-Tap is pre-wired tor highest voltage. Alternate voltages will require field re-wiring. 7- Externat photocell is compatible With Hilton II only. 8- peR compatible with Hilton Large only. peR factory installed and pre-wired for highest voltage. Alternate voltages will require field re-wiring. Hillon II Small Horizontal Color Decals Hilton II Slnall Vertical 45 - Light Gold PCI120 - Bunon Type Photocell Metallic PCI208 - Bullon Type Photocell PCI240 - Bullon Type Photocell 20 - Charcoal PCI277 - Button Type Photocell Melallic PCI347 - Button-Type Photocell 94 - Blue Metallic LL - Less Lamp 59 - Dark Green Hilton II Vertical 21 - Tomato Bed PCE120 - External Photocell7 55 - Black PCE208 - External Photocell7 50 - White PCE240 - External P~lOtocell7 51 - Dark Red PCE277 - External Photocell' 700 - Aztec Silver LL - Less Lamp . Hihon Large Vertical MetalliC PCR - Photoelectric Control ReceptacleB LL - Less Lamp ACCESSORY OROERING INFORMATION IAc~essones a'e fl~ld IlIstall,d, Description FK347 - Single Fusing HFL FPIFA HSS - House Side Shield HFR FPI3 HSS - House Side Shield -1JESH/HESY FP/3J:iS_S-=JiQUMLsidJLSmeld HFSV 2 HSS - House Side Shield BKA-RBO-WM-"-CLR Wall Mount Plate for use with RPP2 BKS-BO-WM-'-CLR Wall Mount Plate for Flat Arm + PC Photocell compatible with Hilton Large only ++ Fusmg must be located in the hand-hole ot the pole - not in the tixtuIC. HOUSE SIDE SH IELD +++ Black only ~ilton Large Hilton II (Disc and Dome Top) FORWARD THROW (FAlFP) ~ ~I (4343004) . 4-13/1P (ltI~~d 1<(_ 12-1/4" (122mm) ---:-J ........1_ 10-3/B" (311mm) (263mm) ~ '<oj.. N,.. BURGER KING - W. CARMEL MARKETP'C Fl.." '!P' 0 '......,1,,- HFL 3 750 PSMV F BRZ AC~",ny,.;<', s--...-'~.... Catalog # Order Number FK347++ 4343004++1 156383+++ 1685Q5~ 16B505+++ 12311TCLR- 123111 CLR Description PC120 - Photocell PC20B-277 - Photocell for 208V. 240V or 2TN PC347 - Photocell ....E.C180-=.fj]01ocell FK120 - Single Fusing FK277 . Single Fusing DFK208, 240 - Double Fusing -DFK4SO:-DOlibleFUsTiiQ Order Number 122514+ 122515+ 159516+ 1225J80~ FK120++ FK277H DFK208,240H --DlK480~ TYPE III AND FORWARD THROW (fP) (156383) Hilton II Small (Disc and Dome Top) I TYPE II, TYPE III, AND d ::l FORWARD THROW IfT/FPI 3-7/16";"'lIII (168505) (B7mm) ---=-J I ~_ 3-1/2" (89mm) @ 2007 LSIINDIISTRIES INC. [J ", J ~~ @ /F' H IL TON - F LA T l ENS (Vanous reflectors are protected by U.S. Patent Na. 6,464,378.) u HOUSING - large: One-piece spun aluminum housing with bottom door access. Hilton II and Hilton II Small: Round spun aluminum housing with a choice of two lop- access covers (disc or dome). DOOR FRAME/TOP COVER FASTENERS -Large: Four stainless steel captive door fasteners provide secure closure and allow easy access with no loose hardware. For ease of installation. the door frame is field-removable. Hilton II and Hilton II Small: Three stainless steel captive twcaver fasteners provide secure closure and allow easy access with no loose hardware. The top cover is attacheU to housing via a tether clip, which frees both hands while servicing. lENS/GASKET - The flat tempered glass lens, measuring 1/8" in thickness, is sealed to the cast aluminum lens frame (Large) or into the bottom of the top access housing (Hilton II and Hilton II Small) with continuous EPDM extruded gasketing. SOCKETS - Porcelain mogul-base sockets. All sockets are pulsNated. LIGHT SOURCES. Pulse-Start Metal Halide, Super Metal Halide, Metal Halide, Metal Halide ReUuced Envelope, or High Pressure Sodium. Clear lamp is supplied as standard. BALLASTS. High-power factor ballast designeU for -20" F operation. The removable ballast tray features a quick-disconnect plug. Pulse-Start Metal Halide, Super Metal Halide, Metal Halide, and 250 watt and above High Pressure Sodium fixtures feature a CWA ballast. 100 watt and 150 watt High Pressure Sodium fixtures feature an HX-HPF ballast REFlECTORS/OISTRIBUTlON PATTERNS -large: Type III (3), Perimeter Forward Throw (FP), Automotive Forward Throw (FA), and Type V (5). Hilton II: Type III (3), Perimeter Forward Throw (FP), and Type V (5). Hillon II Small: Type II (2 - vertical only), Type III (3), Forward Throw (Ff/FP), and Type V (5). All but Hilton II Small reflectors are field rotatable. Photometric data is tested in accordance with IESNA guidelines. BRACKETS - lallie Arm Mount: 2-112" x 6-7/8" x 6" extruded aluminum bracket is standard. Bracket and housing attach to round pole with through-bolts and a one-piece, back-up pOle nut plate (included with tixture). Hilton II and Hilton II Small Arm Mount: A 2-1/2" x 5-3/8" x 6" length extruded aluminum bracket is shipped standard. A round Pole Plate (RPP2) is provided as standard tor mounting to 3" - 5" round poles. Pole Top: The cast aluminum mounting hub conceals the wiring compartment and mounts directly to LSl's unique "pole-top mounting plate", via a high-strength grade five steel bolt with nylon insert and split lock washer for double locking. Support arms consist of four 11/16" 0.0. aluminum rods and are pre-wired for ease of installation. FINISHES - Each fixture is finished wrth DuraGrip@, LSl's baked-on polyester-powder finishing process. The DuraGnp polyester finish withstands extreme weather changes without cracking or peeling and is guaranteed for five full years. Standard finish colors are bronze, black, platinum plus, buff, white, satin verde green, metallic silver, and graph ite. DECAL STRIPING. LSI oilers optional color-coordinated decals in 9 standard colors to accent the fixture. Decals are guaranteed for five years against peeling, cracking, or fading. PHOTOMETRies - Please visit our web site at: www.lsHnduslries.com for detailoo photometric data. D o D u u [J o u o u o o rsHiR~[NGjw~iGHtS!~Hjfton:F'jatr~ens~~: ~!..:1!" H:C~ ;" '1;;; C@US Catalog "umoor El;1. WelghllkgAOj,) Length (mm/in.) Width Immfin.l Heig;j [mmAo.1 HFSH 16136 610/24 610/24 425/16.75 USTED HFPSH 19/42 610/24 610/24 629/24.75 wet 10(:811011 HFSDH 17/37 61 0/24 61 0/24 425/16.75 HFPSDH 20143 610/24 610/24 629/24.75 HFSV 16/36 610/24 61 0/24 425/16.75 HFPSV 19/42 610/24 610/24 629/24.75 HFSOV 17/37 61 0/24 610/24 425/16.75 HFPSOV 20/43 610/24 610/24 629/24.75 HFR 24/52 775/30.5 775/30.5 559/22 HFPR 26/57 762/30 762/30 724/28.5 HFRO 24/53 762/30 762/30 813/32 HFPRD 26/58 762/30 762/30 806/31.75 HFL 30/66 876/34.5 876134.5 559/22 HFPL 34/74 851/33.5 876/34.5 749/29.5 D o u o ~ @ 2007 LSIINDUSTRIES INC. Flat.lensed fixtures meet IESNA fullculoff ... ". classification. ..c,DIMENSToN8':~~\~~~:~;Jk...P "-I'k,~;:';". ;,Y~2.>!Jf '0; qr ::"'l";JI~tV?'~~r.jf 'V . 'r ;r~~~~~.M;-? Arm Mount r-=A_ ~; (152mm) ~J Pole Top Mount ~l I A I ~ ~ ~~"~ Jc L....J Disc Top Oome Top r--~----'l d Jj large O Bracket- 2-boll Pallern (Hillon II) [:] o Bracket- " 2-boll Patlem (Hilton Large) ABC HFSV/liFSH Arm Moont- Disc HfPSV/liFPSH Pole Top" Disc HfSOV FSOH Arm Mount - Dome HfPSDV/HfPSOH Pole To - Dome HFR Arm Mount - Olso HFPR Pol. Top . DiSC HFRD Arm Mount - Dome HFPRO Polo TOp - Dome HFl Arm Moo nt HFPl Pole To I . 560mml2S' S60rmn126" S60mm126" 660m m/2S" 737mm129" 737mml29" 356mm/l4" 356mm114" 447mm/17-112" 447Illm/17-1/2" 384mmI15-1I8" ~84mmI15-118' 616mm124-114" 702mm'27-o-/S' 616mml24-1I4' "-i1UMINAiRE,EBAlcifARr;o:'~~'~>~~" r-V:;rf'~~~ ",,'tI' ~ ..,. ~ ,;;:'... w ~ ,,~~ <:r< 'Yo" I......t_llid..'.......~ Hiltan Flat Lens HFSV HFSOV HFR HFRO HFL (152mm/S' Braokell HFSH HFSDH - - -GIll Single 1.1 1.2 1.9 2.1 1.9 ..-EIiI 0180. 2.1 2.5 3.7 4.1 3.7 '. 090. 1.8 2.2 3.3 36 3.4 -'.. - - T90. 2.9 3.4 5.2 5.7 5.2 III TN120. 2.9 3.4 5.2 57 5.3 -~~ ~ 090. 3.7 4.4 6.7 7.4 6.8 II Pole Top 1.1 1.3 1.8 2.0 2.0 Note: House Side Shield adds to fixture EPA. Consult factory. Project Name BURGER KING - W. CARMEL MARKETPLC Fixture Type C Catalog # HFL FA 750 PSMV F HSS BRZ A COm,D"/1.vwl~h ~ S'~V'-tJ-Who [J u. a u u u u ~ ~ u u ~ ~ u u .u ~ ~ u u HILTON@ FLAT LENS LUMINAIRE ORDERING INFORMATION Lumlnalre Lamp Line Lumlnalre Prefix Dlstrl~utlOn Walta e Light Source Lens Voltage4 Finish Klllon " Small 3 - Type III 100 PSMH-Pulse-Start Metal Halide f - Flat ClearL 480 rmg -:-Bro!]2e) Korbontal FT - Forward Throw 150 320 Walt lliml!ered Glass' MT - Multi Taps BLK - Black Disc Top 5 - Type V Square 175 MH - Metal Halide TT - Tri-Tap" PLP - Platinum Plus HFSH - Arm Mount 250 175, 250 Watt BUF - Buff HFPSH - Pole Top 1 320 HPS - High Pressure Sodium WHT - White Dome Top 100, 150, 250 Watt SVG - Satin Verde HFSDH - Arm Mount HFPSDH - Pole Top 1 Green GPT - Graphite Hilton II Small 2 - Type II 100 PSMV-Pulse-Start Metal Halide MSV - Metallic Silver Vertical 3-Tppelll 150 175, 200, 250, 320 Watt Disc Top FP - erimeter Forward 175 MH - Metal Halide HFSV - Arm Mount Th row 200 175,250 Watt HFPSV - Pole Top' 5 - Type V Round 250 HPS - High Pressure Sodium Dome Top 320 100, 150 Watt HFSDV - Arm Mount HFPSDV - Pole Top' Hilton II 3 - Tppe III 200 PSMV-Pulse-Start Metal Halide Vertical FP - erimeter Forward 250 200,250,320,400 Watt Disc Top Throw 320 SMV-Super Metal Halide HFR - Arm Mount 5 - Type V Round 400 400 Watt HFPR - Pole Top I MH - Metal Halide Dome Top 250, 400 Watt HFRD - AIm Mount HPS - High Pressure Sodium HFPRD- Pole TOpl 250, 400 Watt Hilton I.<ii'g~ 3 - Type III 1750. IpSMV - Pulse-Start Metal Riilde'l lVertlcaf_ _ FP - Perimeter Forward 1000 t7.50..l.0llQ2~tt~ 'HFL - Arm Mountl Jbrow _ . MHR - Metal Halide Reduced HFpnore Top 1 IFA - Automotive Forward' 1000 Watt -~hro~-- HPS - High Pressure Sodium 5 - ype Square 7503 Watt I 1 I I I I I I I HFL 5 1000 MHR F MT PLP peR 20 1 Options EXAMPLE OF A TYPICAL ORDER FOOTNOTES: Hlllon II Small Horizontal Color Decals Hilton II Small Vertical 45 - Light Gold PCt120 - Button Type Photocell Metallic PCI208 - Button Type Photocell 20 _ Charcoal PCI240 - Button Type Photocell Metallic PCI277 - Button Type Photocell PCI347 - Bulton-Type Photocell 94 - Blue Metallic LL - Less Lamp 59 - Dark Green Hilton II Vertical 21 - Tomato Red PCE120 - External PhotoceW 55 - Black PCE20B - External PhotoceW 50 - White PCE240 - External Photocell~ 51 - Dark Red PCE277 - External Photocell 700 - Aztec Silver LL - Less Lamp . Hilton Large Vertical Metallic peR - Photoelectric Control Receptacle" I LL - Less Lamp I 1- When ordering pole top fixtures lor tenon mounting. a pole top adaplor must he ordered. 2- Tri-Tap is not available in 1000W PSMV. Specify voltage required. 3- Multi Tap is not available in 750W HPS. Specify votlage required. 4- For international voltages. consult factory. 5- MT - Multi Tap Is shipped standard unless otllerwise specified. Multi Tap consists of 120V, 20BV, 240V, and 277V. Multi Tap is pre-wired for highest voltage. Alternate voltages will reQuire field re-wiring. 6- Tri-Tap is shipped standard for Canadian applications. TIi-Tap consists of 120V, 277V, and 34N. Tri-Tap Is pre-wired for highest voltage. Allernate voltages will require field Ie-wiring. 7- External photocell is compatible with Hilton II only. 8- PCR compatible with Hilton Large only. PCR factory Installed and pre-wired for highest voltage. Alternate voltages will require field re-wiring. ACCESSORY ORDERING INFORMATION (AcceSSOries a'e f eld Illstal'edJ Description PC120 - Photocell ~7i - Photocelllo! 20BV, 240V or 277V PC347 - Photocell PC480 - Photocell FK120 - Singl~Fusing JK277 - Single FUsing DFK20B, 240 - Double Fusing o FK480 - Double Fusina Description ~K347 - Single Fusing HFL FP/FA'HSS - House Side Shield~ HFR FPI3 HSS - House Side Shield HFSH/HFSV FPI3J:jSS - Hou-se Side Shield HFSV 2 HSS - House Side Shield -BKA~RB():WM-' -CLR Wall Mount Plate for use with RPP2 BKS-BO-WM-' -CLR Wall Mount Plate for Flat Arm + PC Photocell compatible with Hilton Large only ++ Fusing must be located in the hand-hoie of the pole - nol in Ihe fixture. + H Black only Hillon IIIDlsc and Dome Top) ~ ~ TYPEIIIAND I FORWARD THROW (FP) 4-13/1P - (156383) (122mm) ~ ........I~ 10-3/8" (263mm) Order Number FK347 ++ 4343004+++ 156383+++ 168505.+-+-+_ 168505+++ 123113CLR 123111 CLR Order Num~er 122514+ 122515+ 159516~- 1225180+ FK120++ FK277++ DFK208.24~ DFK480++ FORWARD THROW (FAlFP) (43430041 Hillon II Small (Disc and Dome Top) Q I TYPE II, TYPE III, AND FORWARO THROW {FTIFPI 3-7/16";"lIIl (168505) (87mm) ---:J I~ 3-112" (89mm) ~ 12-1/4" 1-(311mml Fixture Type C PlGjecl Name BURGER KING - W. CARMEL MARKETPLC Calalog # HFL FA 750 PSMV F HSS BRZ @2007 LSIINOUSTRIES iNC. ACnm,Mnywhna ~""'...>>o.... ~ RT A20C884-** u u "0" TopDiameter 1 1- I --- ~._-------- Pole cap with stainless steel screws u ~ Arm drilling specified by customer u Optional Tenon Mounting (specify) 2 3/8" 00 Tenon 3" 00 Tenon 4" 00 Tenon ~o "F" Dia. dJ CI,," u "G" u "A" Mounting Height .' . u . . '. ". '. to' u u (4) NC Galvanized Steel Anchor Bolts. MSHTO M314-90 Grade 55,10" of Threaded End Galvanized Per ASTM A153. (4) NC Galvanized Steel Hex. Nuts (4) Galvanized Steel Lockwashers (4) Galvanized Steel Flatwashers o ,- o "C" Butt Diameter ~ B'''' FI"" Alloy 356- TO JI \_ -' \r\Iith Bolt Covers and SS Hex Hd Screws ,. , III~il I I ~ ---- ~ u "E" Square --I ~ <[1- dur:t!I u NOTE: Anchor Boll Projection Must Be Increased When Leveling Nuts Are Used. STANDARD FINISHES: (add as suffix) BA Black Powder Paint BH White Powder Paint \~nze POWder pa'liill BV Dark Green Powder Paint 01 Satin u u General A B C D E F G H Shaft Mt~ Wall Bult Top Base Boll Bolt Net Lum Anchor Arm Maximum EPA Assembly Hg Thick. Oia. Oia. Dia. Circle Project Weight Weight Bolts Length 70 80 90 100 110 RTA 20 .156 8 4.5 11.25 11 -12 2.75 95 100 1x36x4 27.9 20.8 16.1 12.8 10.4 26252 Hillman Highway, Abingdon, VA 24210 Phone: 1-800-368-7171 Fax: 1-276-628-7707 Web: http://www.hapco.com u ~ I Customer P.O. #: r--= Finish: IBM 1 ~ ~ Date: I April 19, 2007 Quantity: I Your Name: I Project Name: I u ~ EAG LE II u HOUSING - The one-piece die-cast aluminum housing is available in small and medium. The one-piece housing gives a clean appearance while increasing housing strength and ensuring weather-tight construction. WAll MOUNT - Each Eagle II fixture is shipped complete with cast-in drilling templates and plugged, threaded 1/2" conduit outlets for installation convenience. Not recommended for ceiling mounting. DOOR FRAMES - Door fasteners have two captive brass screws to ensure proper locking. LENS/GASKET - A borosilicate prismatic pressed glass lens is sealed to the lens frame with silicone sealant The die-cast aluminum lens frame is hinged for easy frontal servicing. The lens frame has a one-piece silicone continuous gasket for maximum sealing to the housing. SOCKETS - Porcelain medium-base sockets are supplied with EG2 100 Watt MH, and 100, 150 Watt HPS. EG2 175 Watt MH and all EGM2 are supplied with porcelain mogUl-base sockets. All sockets feature a nickel-plated lamp grip screw shell. LIGHT SOURCES - Metal Halide or High Pressure Sodium. Clear lamp is su pplied as standard. BALLASTS - All high-power lactor type ballasts are rated for -200 F operation. REFLECTORS/DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS - The Eagle II fixture is offered with wide beam distribution. The hammertone reflector ensures maximum photometric pertomnance. Photometric data is tested in accordance with IESNA guidelines. FINISHES - Standard finish colors are bronze, black, platinum plus. and white. PHOTOMETRieS - Please visit our web site at www.lsi-industries.com for detailed photometric data. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ u ~ u ~ ~ ~ D u u ~ @ 2007 LSIINDUSTRIES INC. DIMENSIONS EG2 I r ('~mf I 13" (330mm) 7.1/T' 11191mml] I ) EGM2 17" (432mm) I II 9" (229L: I 1 SHIPPING WEIGHTS. Eagle II Calalog Number Est Weight (kW1bs.1 length (mm/in.) Width (mm/in.) EG2 10/21 506/20 361/15 EGM2 15/32 559/22 330/13 Height (mmA 343/13.5 533121 A ComlYny wrm. >--t&"' V".h&n. Prolect Name BURGER KING - W. CARMEL MARKETPLC Fix1ure Type B Calalog II EG2 WB 175 SMH PG BRZ ~ D u ~ u u u ~ u ~ ~ u u D o u u u I u D EAGLE II LUMINAIRE ORDERING INFORMATION Lummaire . Line Lumlnalre Prelix Distribution lamp Wattage Light Source lens Vollage 1 Fmish :Wi IMH - Metal Halide llllQ,17.5 Wattr- HPS - High Pressure Sodium 100,150 Watt (PG..=.P...r. ess ed.GJa.ssj 480 MT - Multi Tap2 TT - Tri- Tap3 tBBZ . BrQ!!l.llj BLK - Black PLP - Platinum Plus WHT - White @>> - i'Jidftflg 100 150 (1f5l EGM2 MH - Metal Halide 250, 400 Watt HPS - High Pressure Sodium 250 Watt 250 400 PG MT BRZ 175 MH WB EXAMPLE OF A TYPICAL ORDER ~ LL - Less Lamp FOOTNOTES: 1- Fnr internatIOnal voltages, consult factory. 2- MT - Multi Tap is shipped standard unless otherwlse specHled. Multi Tap consists of 120V. 208V, 240V, and 277V. Multi Tap is pre-wired for highest voltage. Alternate voltages will require field re-wlnng. 3. Trl-Tap Is shipped standard for Canadian applicatIOns. Tri-Tap consists Of 120V. 277V. and 347V. Tri-Tap is pre-wired lor highest voltage. Alternate voltages will require field re-wiring. ACCESSORY OROERING INFORMATION (Ac:essones a'e field Installed, Description PCE120 - External Photoelectric Control PCE208 - External Phoioelectric Control PCE240 - External Photoeleciiic ~Control PCE277 - External Photoelectric Control PVS - Polvcarbonate Vandal.Shleld(Sm.a.HorJIY) WGS - Steel Wire Guard (Small) WGM - Steel Wire Guard (Medium) Order Number 122547 122548 122549 122550 1225510 164739 166223 Descrlpllon ~Z!,-:.Single.FusiDll FK277 - Singltluslrlg DFK20B. 240 - Double Fu~ng DFK4BO - Double Fusirlg FK347. Sinale Fusing_ +Fusing not available on EG2 Order Number FK120+ FK277 + DFK208,240+ DFK4BO+ FK347+ ~ Project Name BURGER KING - W. CARMEL MARKETPLC Fixture Tvpe B Calalog # EG2 WB 175 SMH PG BRZ @ 2007 lSllNDUSTRIES INC. ACompolnywrttlll s--c-~ U ffEG U u o ~ ~ u u u u ~ ~ u o u D u u ~ ENCLOSED & GASKETED - STRAIGHT LENS PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS . Vaportight design . High-impact resistant, reinforced polyester, fiberglass housing . Available in 4' & 8" lengths . Standard diffuser formed with 15% high-impact DR acrylic for strength, secured by 6 (4') or 12 (B') locking latches . Gasketing is non toxic, fire-retardant, uniform width and thickness for a tight seal . National Sanitation Foundation and Canadian Standards Association approved and listed. CONSTRUCTION - Inner housing, lampholder brackets, end sections and channel cover constructed of code-gauge, die-formed, steel. Outer housing molded of high-impact, polyester/fiberglass with inner lip bonded with continuous, compressible, closed-cell neoprene gasketing. ELECTRICAL - All devices UUCUL listed. Suitable for damp locations. Damp location emergency pack must be specified separately. Ballasts are energy- saving solid-state electronic or electromagnetic as selected. Ballasts and lampholders replaceable without removing from ceiling. Discrete voltage must be specified for emergency pack options when wired with flex. Where lamps are included as part of the fixture, lamp CRI and color temperature must be specified. FINISH-All metal parts painted after fabrication following treatment with phosphate rust inhibitor. Finish coating of housing reflecting surfaces is with white, high reflectance (minimum 92%) polyester powder. PHOTOMETRieS - Please visit our web site at www.lsi-industrles.com for detailed photometric data. c@us USTED damp locatio, SHIPPING WEIGHTS - Sentinal " Series CalalDg Number EG (4' 11.2m) EG (8' I 204m) Est, Weight (kg /Ibs.' 7115 14/31 LUMINAIRE ORDERINlllNFORMATlON SENTINEL" SERIES DIMENSIONS l 1 2 PrefiX Lamps Lamp Type Ballasts Options Voltage 'ffil 4 Foot 211 - T5 211W 54 - T5 54W HO 32 - T8 32W 48" 34 - T12 34W 48" 44HO- T8HO 48' 48 - 48' SL 48HO - T12HO 48" Note: FDr landem confugurations SUffix number above with ',2" 8 Fool 59 - 96" T B 96 - 96' SL 96HO - T12HO 96" SS~R - T~ Rapid Start SS5HO - T5HO is.S.o:r.a)!1S!an!:.SJart. SSOD - T8 Dimming SSOL - T8 Low Watt SSOHL - T8 High Power Factor SSOR - T8 Rapid Start 5S010 - T8 dO% THO 5S12 - T12 Electronic M12 - T12 Magnetic SS8HO - T8HO Electronic SS12HO - T12HO Electronic EXAMPLE OF A TYPICAL ORDER k 59/16" (1411mml I \ '- ~ 79/16' (192mm) ~ ~.2o..;..120VJ 277 - 277V 347 - 347V UE - Universal Electronic (120-277V) UE ACCESSORY ORDERING INFORMATION IAccessor,es are fldu Installed! Project Name BURGER KING - W. CARMEL MARKETPLC FiI1ure Type A Catalog It EG 2 32 SSO 120 l 5 9/16' (144 79116' (192mm) Order Number CHS-3 CHS-5 @ 2007 LSIINDUSTRIES INC. A~~~-~.>--C~ F. Fusing TP - Tamper resistant latches and screws SL - Stainless Steel latches WL - U.L. Listed lor Wet Location wi fitting PA - Prismatic acrylic diffuser CD - DR Crepe acrylic dilfuser - 50% DR EM - Emergency Pack EMDL - Emergency Pack - Damp Location LM - Lamps included (Specify) MB - Mounting Bracket WDMWS - Wide Distribition Specular Sliver Reflector Description (2) 3 ft. Chain sets and mounting brackets (2) 5 ft. Chain sets and mounting brackets I l... r L L L L I' l..l L L ~ L L L I . ~ , I ~ I.U ~ (.J W -<C r Z ~. ~ IlIIIi.- r:..n I ~ u.I I- l - c.n 0 c:::: c:::::! E:.J I::::J C1 ~ ~ c:J (0' ') [pI = ~LP 50fT rt I 6'.()" S/F WALL SIGt ITEM # BK 0203'/2"_ '1~'/2' 6'-{)' CABINET 5'.'1. VISUAL OPENING A~ ~ tii z 16 1\ 9 ic ~ z ~ o ~ '" 5' .. c:: c:= ~ I II [ z L 11~'X1'X.062 ~ ALUM. ANGLE RETAINER .:i~"'"'lI"'~:lI:. GRIP GUARD HS #RST-S67 VINYL SEAM FRONT ELEVATION 6' SINGLE FACE WALL SIGN SCALE: :JJ4'=l'-Q" FACE COLOR SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS II - WHITE 3M VINYL 3635-30 2nd SURFACE a - YELLOW 3630-125 VINYL 2nd SURFACE III ,BWE 363()'B703 VINYL 2nd SURFACE iii ,RED 363().33 VINYL 2nd SURFACE GENERAL NOTES RETAINERS & OR JEWEUTE TO BE FASTENED TO EXTRUSION WITH A MINIMUM OF #10 PHILLIPS liS" X 3/4' SCREWS I' FROM JOINT@ MAXIMUM SPACING OF 16" ON CENTER, FACE FORMING BEGINS AT EDGE OF VISIBLE OPENING. FACE TO BE REMOVED FOR SIGN SERVICE BY UNSCREWING FACE & RETAINER FROM FILLER. STRUCTURAL VIEW 8' SINGLE FACE WALL SIGN 3'-6' MOUNTING ...--....., , . , SEE RETAINER ;- DETAIL . ~ ~ 1/2." THREADED 000-- r WITH ANGLE STRINGER BEHIND STUe WA.lLS I::J c:: t::::I L:J ~ C" I::J ~ .080 ALUM (BACK) .:i~"'"1I.<J=-.. .063 ALUM (RETURN) / ( .:~~.:lII"'J;;J.. / ~~16' MOUNTING HOLES I ~~I~~~~~~JAWM NUTS) 4-3/4" SPHERE-I EMBOSSMENT F-8~1 SS496.&.T LOCKABLE SWITCH--........ ON 2<4 JUNCTION BeX ",,,,11I N~ 100.. (U.L UlTl'!D) TO PRIMARY ELECTRIC .... 'I~ NIC to04 (U-L. UllIiD) 2)(4 ELECTRIC....L BOx CENTERED IN CABINET, 120V BAl1.AST Wl1'1-".- GL.FW1 FUSE AND HOWER ....'EIltU!Ct00-3 ~, 3/B" ANCHOR BOLTWl- ~ EXPANSION SHIEUD FOR 11 7 SOUD W^U CONDITIONS I I I L INDIVIDUALLY 'HIRED TOGGLE SWITCH WITHIN LOGO (2FA04-7Jl.20AMPI u.L unlD g I"EA NEe ~ Fiona Paul f'rqed./I.owUOfl BURGER KING # STANDARD (2) FJ6T12CWHO LAMPS [4) F64T12CWHO LAMPS (1) SS 496 AT BALlAST (1) GLR-ll FUSE AND HOLDER (1) 20 AMP TOGGLE SWlTCH TOTAL AMPS - 2.5 CIRCUITS REQ'D " (1) 120V/2OA THIS SIGN IS TO MEET OR EXCEED N.E.C. STANDARDS FOR GROUNDING AND BONDING. AS PEIl NEe 250-11 & NEt !Oo-7 PHILLIPS HEAD "'lOX 1/8" X 314" SELF-TAPPING S,M. SCREW (SILVER) 112"I'X.062- AWM, RETAINER L ~ c...~ 18) PHIWPS HEAD -r/1' #IOXII8"X3I4"SELF-TAPPING }1 S,M, SCREW (SILVER) 1,'" RIoDIUS ---./ ,118 CLEAR------- POLYCARBONATE (SPARTECH) WI CO-EXTRUDED UY INHIBITO R SCALE: 3/4"-1 '-{)' .'J "'''.'j.'~ ~~ ~'~'I . SECTION VIEW W' FLUSH MOUNT WELDEDIjjl~ INTERSECTION { I I ,053 AlUMINUM -' INTERIOR COVERED UGHT ENHANCEMENT PAINT o RETAINER DETAIL NOT TO SCALE /' .oeoALUM, BACK LIGHT ENHANCEMENT PAINT ITEM # BK 0203 ... FEDERAL ... HEATH Ot'lnO/fp...~ 0Cf'ar'IS~ -Los ~es. Las 1Ie-'~ t.KOt"'Ia-/n(llMOl~'/!'-'W'llla\M)I'CJCk fL<~S - HmlSron - Sa1 Mcfllo (ctpus (}Yfo;ll- Mlt.wull'~ TUf'ln - AtlMt8 - Oa)1:0l'\/! fll5ld1 SIGN COMPANY www_F'f!d~t3IHo!'aln.(Om 1985 T3fTp.lR:JJC OkJyfl6l. rot Hon ~1]1B'i~IS ~:2.!14-32lM Fd.'.IS\3ISS4-JOJ7 flVioJrll,/o....,q~hrh1Tlt:.r.&.JirrSlI C:ie'ntt\pproo.olI.'D.JtC'; J\c(O\..n~ "'ep' rrc,ea........gor Cindy Chapman [:,.J..YT1Sy . Dennis Radtke L.VYJIoIlJ".r;P'lN,wOdte F"'N~' j.Jb.."k.f.rroe1" ThiS orl~'in.Ji1 orawlll!:l t5p~.'\5r~n:oto'l pl.JIl:lI:'(J project anC i! not to t>e t~hit:It('(';. copi~d Of 'l!:pmQlJu~d w,thout [he .....rlar-n Ff",mh!;lOn or J-ed:rClI He..Hh S1gn Cnm['l..'lf'lY lLC or Ju o'll.:t!loraed ag~nc. Do" 4-29-2005 She-etN~,:1 or ""GON,""'" T05135 1::::J~1::J~~c:::t:::=~I::::!C::.::::JI::J~c::Ic=c:=r==I::J~ 11! 'magcs(>; 3871 Turkcyfoot Road ('-Lx? S1) ~l. ~D.u '" I ~~ ~lP y,O' Burger King Drive Thru Menu Board j t-j.'2.~ I ~.e~ II 37" 815/8" 1251/4" ! ~ 171fe" ---j 5F/,6" I 173/6" ~~"~Ul, ~~111~ .IIIN_"_IL"~LH .....1'tmII~'I, ,-....-"I:I.Llt, ~~I "!'~--'--ll.~J!!!!!I-" _~..----.!o!"_~.! .........-..-!L ,~"II! II .-..~ r-""~". ....r-.-.. -," . - ..... .. .~..........-----'" ,~~~'7~:~ ];~ "'" _"""-;!TTT..rn_ I!IlIiti.D:1I~13 ___~JJlJ:,n .:fo---".L.._fl--.Jol,JL...""-,,,,- ~M---1-l' ~.""~""_~---" JIlI!"fIIII t,I' ....."'"~_--'~! .1llflOllJlM--.1.I' _....'"'_~U1.!J ________IlLU ' .M'II__.......II_!!" dl :..1.11 ..,.._----.-------L.,"'LII' ......- _ 1.11 iiiI1i'il"'.-...',' :::=.r~_---, ::::. ~. ...._--------1tlll.~!!\"....I"""!'!'_ .,.... ..,....!.!.,l!, t!-',n'.'::I.~/II'.'n"~..I'~""-'LIlJ.1l, ~=..~:}, =:"'--.:i __-'1lUI, ~',..~.hl"'~ 491fa" L\.O~ 1 5" T Drive Thru Menu Board Item # DTMB.l WEIGHT: 225 LBS. VOLTS: 3.6 Amps. @ 120 VAC 60Hz BALLAST: ADVANCE #RC-4S60-TP LAMPS (48"): F48T12CWH.O. (QTY 4) LAMPS (36"): F36T12CWH.O. (QTY 1) . Erlanger. Ky 41011l . (BOO) 546-1513 . FAX (B5<J) 342-2275 . www.lsi.irrnges,cofll C=~C'""c::::1~~t:::::JC::C::::C:::c='-==~CJC-C:::C:=C=C:= ~s. Burger King Pre Sell Menu Board \ I y,ot 49W' Pre Sell Menu Board Item # PSMB-' Top View \ y,19 517/16" II · c) ~ 50, C+ . I 81f4" I ~' 5~ LAMPS (48"): F48TI2CWH.O. (QTY 4) WEIGHT: 150 LBS. VOLTS: 2.4 Amps. @ 120 VAC 60Hz BALLAST: ADVANCE #RC-4560-TP 3871 TurkeyfcIDt Roan . Erlanger, Ky 41018 . (800) 54(,-1513 . FAX (859) 342-2275 . www.lsi.images.com 1 - 5" T 173/8" CANOPY SYSTEM SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" COlOR PLACEMENT: I. K'IN!'.? FINISHED AlUMIr-AiM 'AWAAD MUE" 2. 3M HPWHITEVI\IYl# 7725-10 3. RED - GRIP GARD TO W,TCH 'CARDlNAl RED" 4. BLUE - GRIP Guo.RD #TO W,TCH PMS 286 BLUE ALl FAINT: AKZO - NOBEL "GRIP GUAAD" ACRVUC POll'URETHANE 6'-8 " I KYNAR FINISHED ALUMINUM ~ /leD "AWARD BLUE" STANDING I SEAM ROOF ON ALUMINUM FRAME (2" Xl") ~ 6'-0" --l 18" \ 3 EA. 12rN flUORESCENT TUBING (INSIDE AWNINGl 6" SQUARE WI .120" WALL 8'-6" t=: MIC : COMAARWEm "STOP" DECAL . re HIGH PERFORMANCE VINYL ~ ~./~] 3" X 6" CUT OUT FOR ACCESS TO DELPHI SYSTEM --~ ! TEXAS DIGITAL OCU 13" X 13" X 3/4" PLATE WI 6" DIA. HOLE r- IN CENTER & FOUR 141 / 1" DIA. HOLES IN EACH CORNER 2" FROM END & FOUR (4) ANCHOR SUPPORTS. 3" X 5" ACCESS TO ELECTRICAL 3'-6 " 3/4" CONDUIT LOOP UNDER PAVEMENT FOOTING DETAIL (~~~~:N~~~) l FOUR (4) J-BOLT ANCHOR SUPPORTS 2'-0 " ~ = CUENT: ~[J ~~~]ru ~L liJ~ S,F. N/ A ~ N IDeATION Various - : I IISCIlE I'DATE03 12 06 ~ ~ "l DWG# Dwg\ U81\ Burger King\Pivoting Canopy 3/8"=1'.0" I -- = · r-. I SALES K B I I DESIGNER M B I APPROVED: U ftl- S t rue t ur. s, I ftC.r-. Note: This is ;n Orl~~~d~aWing by Barnes Quality Signs, Inc. And submitted for your personal use In connection wtth : pro~~~~g planned for you by Bames Quali Si ns Inc. And is not 10 be shown to an on ut'd r r ni" . ... c:. c::: CJ c=! c::! ~ d- CI. S:\: # 'OU~\ ' ~~ 0 '7 u ~ J.;J '-it) -=:J \ ~. \L9 { 3'.1718' IT: I..ClO ;:.&c 1-:. +- i .; o <1 '" ~ _L <;> '" "'~++.++..+I/. - . -.....+~++~~... . "+.<;'+~;'- '~~~~ '~..+... ,+~.t ; ''$:t. . -~ '. ".{)' 1-- FRONT ELEVATION ,'-lj', 3'0()" DIF DIRECTIONAL SIGN c:I ~ c:: c::: -== c= c::: c:J c:; ~ 1:::::= I r "'1211- liB' r--A I 3'.113116"-1 SEE DETAil 0,,/'---\ L"" ., ~ F!I FEDERAL .. HEATH SIGN COMPANY www.FederaIHealh.com 3"'a~ Wl1p.l 1I0<1',j OlaSrnOlf, n Jv..n IS'JI8'~~"15 !&lJl2B~-..J1U4 F.:!I> jUlJl~""XJJ] r- I ~ ~ I 1-- ,,~ 1/8' ELECTRIC HOLE FOR BOX ~A ELECTRICAL SPECS ... (02) F36T12CWHO LAMPS (01) SS 396 AT BALlAST (01l GLR.B FUSE & HOLDER (01) 20.0. TOGGLE SWITCH TOTAL AMPS . 1.10 A CIRCUITS REO'D . 1 (12DVI20A) AU Wl;lRICAL COUPO'lEtm. TO BlLJ,L lIS1tO ,PPflj]/ED AJJ[) WoRKED PfR N.EC. WJ-4. "'U TOBE ruCTJOC-.LLVGIlCUt.lOEDPEj;l N.E.C,2~. ""U PflWER SUPPUES TO BE fUSED PER U. L ~., 28.2, I GMtJliD1NG M.O BONCI!IJ PE'" tH.C. 2&O-SO. -82,-94,-96. SIGN TO MEET ~.E.G. ANO U_ L 4B STA.NOARDS FOR B..ECTRIC"l SlGI'J5 GROUNDING & BO!oJOING .&oS PER N.E.C. 2~~O 50 NEe &:lO-7 SCALE: 3i4'.,'.(l" SIDE VIEW e SECTION VIEW ONE-I'ART FACE ~IMARIES A~m ANAL CONNEC"ON TO StGN BY: CERTaAEO ELECmlCIMol ~'L.ol.dl'(;fl. BURGER KING # STANDARD ~,,~1 Ott,"o."~1lIYlf.. Fiona Paul ~ounI:R~O OCN'\slcr - L.osNyle~ -La,>> ~ T:lr:ccma -1ndlan.!pO'ts - Wfuawbfcoil: PCO,<cl ~...-"", Cindy Chapman Eul~j;5. "iousron. SM1 AntQfllo Corpus QyluJ. MltNa.Miee TlnIaI- At'18t\Ul . DaytOJ"la Ileacn Di~!Jti. Dennis Radtke ~o.oiIIr)~Fc:rM...rr.w'lB.Jwitn Cilt'flL.~O'..d!:'D.JtC'; l..arldIoro /'(pn;va~Uiltt FI~N.Yl~ . Jr1(jNllrnl1t'l Doll" 4-27 -2005 Shi:o:t NtJr~i:t'1: 1 Of 2 De,,,,, N,c'.... T05097 rrm oflgincli tlfd.....,mg I~ pn;Md1:'d os=; pari or "' pll'lnne-o prOjen an:1 is l1et to be t'xhbtal COplf'd or reproClurr-d WIthout tile wntt:l~ ;) e r m is 5 Ion ell Ff"dror.ll Heotth Si,:" Company. llC or Iii i\..Jt"tJnri2!"d dtJUlt. c:: I::J ~ 1:::1 I:::::l 1:::1 c:I -== c= CJ c::J Cl a:= ~ CJ 1""--' ~ c= ~ '5. b ~,~' l V'v\l.sA \z ~ >g. \1) 1'-7" X 3' 1-718" DIF DIRECTIONAL SIGN ITEM # BK 0251 Ea. ".2" Ea. Ea. {MOO l:l!I Ea. Ea. I EO. I c EO. ;m @0iJ\t@[f @[fQDW \ /S!IJ UDUCilOiJlli ~@[[] ~ 1.1/16" EO. ~ I I EO. I EO. ~ C I EO I @~ '-1/'6" @[fQD~ I [Q)~W~ U[}G ~lliJ ~ ;;; EO. Ea. 1 a '" ~ ;;; I g I~ d w N ;;; 5i i 1-1/16' / I Ea. I I EO I Ea. EO. C - " j~ EO. D( Ea. ~ ~ @~ @~ "! ;;; EO. <J<1<1 [>c;[> Ea. t j EO, EO. EO, EO. EO. EO. EI /r3 @~C? EO, EO. ~ @OUU@[? l:l!I ~ EO, <J <J<fi [>L>l> EO. t j Ea, ~ Ea. Ea, I d '" m ~ C>L>D[> <f<J<J ~ d LU g Ea. OIN'lOlftl;:t~llo ... FEDERAL ... HEATH (kM",Skl~. i.L1~ ~~. L.r. vegas ~-loWillf\ilptl~;.UJ1~~~~ Eu~s' Houllcn. Son NlIQf'b Cl'll'f)lrll:hmti.M~N<Il~ T\Jf\Oo"Il-l\tl.\nt8-D~ !iMCh SIGN COMPANY www.fl..dl..r.aIHl..alh.com iCJ85 ToIl';J~ IlQjcj O',~ R H6n i811l855-oH15 IB~CI ;zs.4-J244 F.a;.; ISIJI 85&...30Jl ~..,O.NIly~F,;wAn~l\o~, Ckf'I~..fIa.'dVDd'le: La~,~dllD.!lC' "<Ou," "'" Fiona Paul """,M.'""" Cindy Chapman D._1ly Dennis Radtke hqect/lotJLiOrl BURGER KING # STANDARD . Thi'> o'.gin.J1 Uf.JW';l<J 'j; j:';fQYldeI;;I ~s pNt 01 d' ;)I"nneo P~[]J~ct ard is not (0 bE' eJlt-oiti'l':eC:. COp~l"rt or rr-p"OdlJf.t"t: Wltt'.out the' '...miter; p~rml~~lofl of F"~dt.'r~r Ht'..th Sl;,lll (O""Pill'1Y. I.L::: or It! a1J[h'J'~d agt'Tl[. i.JlJ~\a,ll~ Da" 4-27 -2005 """" """".. 2 "" 2 A.r N.vrr' ",,,,,,,,,"0" T05097 I::J c:: r:.:..... PART NO #BK0380 L::i' ~ ~ I::J ~ c..... -=::)1 .:=; I:=: I:=: II::] r:::: E::J' LJ 8'.5%- PAINT !K RED lKG T-S' I 5" NEW CLEARANCE PANEL ! IS' I 1- eK YfUOW3632-Ja02 IHeCHT 10 VAA'I BY LOCATIO ' watch your head! ~earance x' Xu B .~ :. bt ----.... Keep Joint lubricated ,-------------------------------------------------------------, t ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - --. , , , , , , 3'-1" t 3'-1" STRUCTURAL VIEW SCAlE: 3/"-1'"0" liS' ALUMINUM IS FASTENED TO 1-1/2',1/8', II' STt:EL FlAlllARS THAT AIlE WELDED TO 2-112' DIA, STEEL PIPE. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS REPLACEMENT CLEARANCE PANEL COpy TO READ 'WATCH YOUR HEAD! CLEARANCE WI ACTUAL HEIGHT SHOWN" S'-S" SIGN PANel IS 1/8' THICK ALUMINUM FASTENED BY 1/4" NUT. BOLT WASHER ASSEMBLY TO EXISTING 1-1;2")( 1/8":ll II' STEEL FLAT BAR (3 REOUIRED) WHICH ARE WELDED TO 2-1i2' D1A"'ETER STEEL PIPE THAT SLEEVES INTO 3' DIAMETER STEEL PIPE. 8'-5" 1>-8' " BLU E TO MATCH PMS 2738 STANDARD SWIVEL ARM CLEARANCE SIGN FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 3/4'~I'-o' 1 ~- 10.--1 PART NO #BK0380 D<.gn"""O<I T05161 R-1 SIDE VIEW lB'-~ E:J c:::! ... FEDERAL ... HEATH ~IGN COMP^NY Otl'k'totr'a~ ()cr,]"~. to5 Ntg~~ . LM ~as Tacoma" ~~ 0,' - WIlrOwort)Cl<l MtI\o\Iauc..~ . EUe-m. Sa" /InIDnIo AUana- 't.Impa. D~ Bextl ~r~~s.pyfv'''''~.~'oI!'U ~$i~ I ADD FOOTER JCR 10-4-2005 ,....TO<Jfl!iiep: Fiona Paul "''1"'' '''''''F' Cindy Chapman Of~~ Dennis Radtke Pqec;:/Loc.1W"l BURGER KING VARIOUS ~ 0161 ~0I.'.4/Ddr U'ldkXd~...'D.I1J:: ".~.., \;1"M1gIl.~JS ;JJto!J pI~~ ..-.ll~.-o;r.ot>ee..~.~io:l:OI ~OCI.ad wf.\'U ~..ot' wrn~ ~j~ 0' ha\:f~1 rle"Ul !:f,ln C.J""Pd'1j' LLC or 111 .....lII'l)o2l'd~ JClb Num~r: r_eN.1me: D.:!le' _5:2.2_()O~_ Sheet NLlmttr: 01 1