HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence r a .. .. .' ,. .". ...., ~ , .. " ~ . .., . ,. .., , . . . ," ,- August 4, 2007 (~re"\\r Property IltlllrOVCI11cnt Specialists P.O. Box 3391, Carmel,]]\1 46082 Nt: 317-731-1000 Fx: ] 17-574-1875 \v\vy,,'. cre\vspeci aIis ts. com b. a. RECEIVED AUG 2:i 200"1_ Brandon Fischer DOCS Re: 1005 E. 106th St. Dear Mr. Fischer, My name is Eric Schneller, and along with Lorraine Ball' am a co-owner of the property located at 1003 East 106th Street, next to the above listed property. We have recently received communication from you notifiying us the new owner would like a Use Variance that would allow him to operate a small office from the residential property located at 1005 East 106th Street. I am writing to urge your support for this change. I will be out of town on the hearing date, and will be unable to attend the meeting, but please enter this letter into the public record for the hearing on Aug 27th. - Docket # 07070025 UV. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding this matter. Best Regards, Eric Schneller President -1 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactorv.com rOlll1dpeg. 1003 East 106\11 Street, Indianapolis, IN 46280.317.569.1396' 317.569.1389 (F) 4l .... August 6, 2007 I~ECEfVED David Littlejohn Planning and Zoning City of Carmel DOCS One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 I' ; .~l /'~07 DOCS To Whom It May Concern: My name is Lorraine Ball and I am a co-owner of the property located at 1003 East 106th Street. I have recently received communication from Brandon Fischer notifying us he is seeking a Use Variance that would allow him to operate a small office from the residential property at 1005 East 106th Street. I am writing to voice my support for this change. I will be unable to attend the meeting, but hope that this letter will be entered into the record for the public hearing on August 27th, 2007. - Docket # 07070025 UV. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding this matter. Sincr5' . ~tJ /) ;} ame ft{/\ Pr ident, Roundpeg Partner, LeRain LLC -1N1JtfY Ill~)JCI J ?)~) ?~N.f) 119 5)0-0 1Q4'tJJt~~J ~\\l<ttJi~ \ ~\J}?IJ . _ ~f~ ~\\f~ ',,>'." ,. . ", ~ '. .... "} '(.'. :\.'\~d o\::~(!L)~':' ';,:):("\',<:;' .:)() ~~,9t,~.NI s:nOd\t'N 'i;i'ICn,j 1 ,),..,> .. 'j" <, ," - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - -' L., ". \. 081.9\7 N\ 's~,odeue\PUI 1.\)90 ~ l,se] (00 ~ .:3 a dptmOJ. ___ r - .,. ..' ..... ..:. , 0,"- . . . ___----.-J'-.--,-~,;. -.-.....,. .".... HAMILTON COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT August 14, 2007 Mr. Brandon Fischer 1005 East 1061h Street Indianapolis, IN 46280 U.V. RE: ~equest S of 106th Street I E of College Avenue Clay Township Dear Mr. Fischer: This letter serves to acknowledge the request for rezone. After reviewing the request the Highway Department has the following comments: 1. Right-ot-Way is required in accordance with the Hamilton County Thoroughfare Plan. The Right-of-Way is a 55' half along 106th Street. 2. Please note that Decorative signs, sprinkler systems, trees, landscaping mounds, fences, light poles or other such amenities are not permitted within the Right-of-Way of 106th Street. 3. Any work within the Right-of-Way will require permits through this office. Please contact the Permit Inspector, Robb Chadwell, prior to undertaking any construction. If you have any questions or comments concerning this letter, please feel free to contact me at anytime. Sincerely, David E. Lucas Staff Engineer DL:dl 08-14-07.a cc: T AC Members G:IU SE RSldellRezone Requests\fischeNezone081407 1700 Suuth 10lh Street Noblesville, In. 46060 WWW.co.h3milton.in.us Office (317) 773-7770 Fax (3]7) 776-98]4 City of Carmel August 7,2007 Brandon Fischer 470 Saphire Dr. RE: 1005 E l06th St. -Fischer Business Dear Mr. Fischer: TIle following letter represents comments for this project specifically addressing the area of alternative transportation. I have reviewed the drawings submitted for the August 15, 2007 Technical Advisory Committee meeting and offer the following comments: ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION REV fEW COMMENTS 1) The Carmel Clay Alternative Transportation Plan requires the construction of 10' asphalt path along l06th Sl. This path should be locatt:d I' fi'om the edge of the right-of-way and should include ADA compliant ramps at all crosswalks. 2) The City of Carmel Parking Ordinance requires that all commercial developments include bicycle parking Bicycle parking spaces are required at a rate of five (5) bicycle parking spaces per one hundred (100) automobile parking spaces with a minimum of four (4) spaces. In this instance four( 4) spaces win be required. Please revise your plans to show these bicycle parking spaces on your site. Please see the City of Carmel's Parking Ordinance in order to detennine appropriate locations, specifications and construction details for the above. We request that all responses to our COl11l11ents be provided in writing. Failure to provide written responses may result in delay of the review process. It is critical that this office be made aware of all modification made on the plans being re-submitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please provide revised plans indicating all revisions. Please notify liS of any changes and specifically state any changes, including changes resulting from Plan Commission, Special Studies or otIler committee meetings. The Department of Conmmnity Services reserves the right to provide additional comments based on subsequent reviews. If you have questions, please cOlltaet me at 571-2417. Sincerely, David Littlejohn Alternative Transportation Coordinator Department of Community Services cc: Angie Conn, Department of Community Services Engineering Department Review Project File ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARl\-fEL, INDL\NA 46032 317/571-24"17 ~>_I,J';;;~) ANACOR5 08/0112007 To Whom it May Concern: My name is Brandon Fischer. My wife and I just completed the purc ase of the 'p. perty r- next door: 1 005 East 1 06th Street. I own a small software company in Carmel d would like to use this property as our new office. .,( -.. <';. We would occupy the property between Bam and 6pm, Monday through Friday. Traffic '._ ,to and from the property would be minimal - it would consist of myself and my three employees, and an occasional visit from a client or vendor. I have applied for a Use Variance that would allow me to operate a small office from the residential preperty. I h<;ive been in~tructed to send a Certified Letter to all adjoining property owners to notify you of the Public Hearing which will be held on August 27th. Additional details can be found on the next page. If you would like additional information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me day or night on my cell at 317-514-5000. Sincerely, Brandon Fischer Anacore,lnc. ...!. ': -'"~. ,. . :.- j' .'_ .. J.;_ Anacore.lnc. 9650 North Auausta Drive. Suite 521 C<'Irmel.lN 46032 Phone/Fax: (317) 324-1222 wwwanacore.com _ '- i, . ~. . 1 . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEUCLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Docket No. 07070025 UV 27th Notice is hereby given that the CarmeVClay Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on the day of August , 2Q~ at ~ p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 2nd floor of City Hall, One (1) Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032 will hold a Public Hearing upon a Use Variance application to allow property owner to use the residence as an office. property being known as 1005 East 106th Street The application is identified as Docket No. 07070025 UV The real estate affected by said application is described as follows: Tax # 17131201040030000 I 1005 East 106th Street - Indianapolis, IN 46280 All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above-mentioned time and place. Brandon Fischer PETITIONERS I ~ Paga 5018 - Z:"'hared~orms\BZA applicalions\Use VarianGe Application rev. 12129/2006 / ronndpeg... 1003 East 106th Street, Indianapo!is, IN 46280 . 317,569.1396 . 317.569.1339 IF) r'i ~~.1. ,'. b~ '., j' Jfr""". ",-1..,,1... "1/~.. '~i'o,n 1-., . ~ . 4f,,! August 6, 2007 David Littlejohn Planning and Zoning City of Carmel DOCS One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 /).i/) ,.. V(b~"t l,t) To Whom It May Concern: My name is Lorraine Ball and I am a co-owner of the property located at 1003 East 106th Street. I have recently received communication from Brandon Fischer notifying us he is seeking a Use Variance that would aLLow him to operate a small office from the residential property at 1005 East 106th Street. I am writing to voice my support for this change. I will be unable to attend the meeting, but hope that this letter will be entered into the record for the public hearing on August 27th, Z007. - Docket # 07070025 UV. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding this matter. ~ ~ . .. .. .'. . _ ....... _ .. e ~ , ..' ......., - . . .' . .. August 4, 2007 (~rcw Property Ilnpro"VClncnt Specialists P.O. Box 3391, Carmel, l]\l 46082- Ph: 317-731-1000 fx: 317-574-1875 www.crewspecialists.com "",~:A... +....'-2~f-'~~~ . Rl.f,",J~'!~' Brandon Fischer . ~Ji:" . L. ,~~ ,. Re: 1005 E. 106th St. Dear Mr. Fischer, My name is Eric Schneller, and along with Lorraine Balli am a co-owner of the property located at 1003 East 106th Street, next to the above listed property. We have recently received communication from you notifiying us the new owner would like a Use Variance that would allow him to operate a small office from the residential property located at 1005 East 106th Street. I am writing to urge your support for this change. I will be out of town on the hearing date, and will be unable to attend the meeting, but please enter this letter into the public record for the hearing on Aug 27th. - Docket # 07070025 UV. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding this matter. Best Regards, Eric Schneller President -1 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactorV.com