HomeMy WebLinkAboutSigns (proposed vs existing) " ., DPiltaDDPaD~D~DD ?~4 t> Page: Sign: 1 Sq. 143 Ft 18'-3 1/8" Overall - ~ ""';yj,:'::~~- ~:~, 1!: tJI-- :'r' !L 'Ito ... ..J ;t',,",, ~'A" ~:,.,. This rendering is @ Staley Signs. Inc.. submitted for use in connection with the stated project. Customer: THOMSON Display, Distribution or Duplication without prior written consent is strictly prohibited. Notes: . Colors shown are representative only, and are not intended for purposes of exact matching. STALEY SIGNS, INC. P. O. Box 515 Indianapolis, IN 46206 Tel: 317.637.4567. fax: 317.221.0123 \vww.staleysigns.com Project: North Elevation Exterior Wall-Mounted Channel Letters & Logo Drawn 06/21/2007 By: VA. Roemer Sign: 1 3/32" = 1'-0" Scale: . f., i- 'r' l ~r""'\'- ~ "jT PRge SIgn: 02 ~{J 143 ,-- .. - J~_i~!.~~~~ ,fr:~L .~ ,;: :$... ~tt.:l" __ -:II .....""-.- oj- - -. *;...", , ;~~...~ This rendering is lC> Staley Signs, Inc.. submitted for use in connection with the stated project. Customer: THOMSON Display. Distribution or Duplication without prior written consent is strictly prohibited. Notes: . Colors shown a--e repr~entatI~ only, and are r.ot intended for p\lrpos$S of B,(act malcf"ling PlOjed: North Elevation Exterior Wall-Mounted Channel Letters 06/21/2007 By: VA. Roemer ~',o<n' I r.',2:>'ZOO1 SiQn: 02 3f32" = 1 '-0" Drawn V"'" Rr.f"l'TlP.f Scale ._'~'~. , _n. ""'"'""-,_ ... ,_._.....~_.. .~,~.. ~'... _ ,--,_.' ,,~..... , , IJDillGD [PCID~rnDD a~ ~, . ..~=:;r -. =- ~1l!aCI''' '\ 11 '-0" Overall 12" :=J 7 7/8" \ THCZ!;!/!b~'::IJ I Ill' ........... I Page: Sign: 2 Sq. 51% Ft: This rendering is @ Staley Signs, Inc., submitted for use in connection with the stated project. Display. Distribution or Duplication without prior written consent is strictly prohibited. Customer. THOMSON Netes: . Colers shewn are represenlative only, and are not intended Prejett: fer purposes oJ exact matching, STALEY SIGNS, INC. P. O. Box 515 Indianapolis, IN 46206 Tel: 317.637.4567. Fax: 317.221.0123 \-vww.stalcysigns.com Main (West) Entrance Exterior Wall-Mounted Flat-Cut Letters & Logo Drawn: 06/21/2007 By: VA. Roemer Sign: 2 Y4" = 1 '-0" Scale: -, !\.~Wij""-tolo1- t. <lj f, ;'iif' 1 ~ 6Ii., i, !II ~ '" ;,~ ~~;~'"" <, " .~ Y"'" c.-;' ,g:' :;~ ',It 1Id, J ",.' .~ , , ~ l, l 4 ( ,\ ~...",,,~ , ) \) l~ 1 . ~ r __ ..." -".....,,""'1. ( ~;hl ..It :.~~ , ~ 1.'l",,1Zl V~,' l!l1ll '~' . r ~ 1. 1 \ I , 1< ;r'1::.0N ) ~\ m ~ This rendering is @ Staley Signs. Inc., submitted for use in connection with the stated project. wstom.r: Pa~~: Sign: 03 5; 511/2 F: THOMSON Display, Distribution or Duplication wilhout prior written consent is strictly prohihited Netes: . Color, s.hown arc rrpresentati\oe Qflly. and are noI intl:!f1ded for purp;::ses or eltact matching, ~roiect Main (West) Entrance Exterior Wall-Mounted Channel Letters 06/21/2007 B~ VA. Roemer R."..."I wn~)(\;.VA R,~., Sig1: 03 ~"= 1'-0" Drawn: Scale ,. . IPrnCIDIPCID~D$DD 11'-0" Overall ~~":"-- ~ f 4.-a[ THOMSON M Overall images & beyonp",.J. L 12" =1 7 7/8" _..~ ....~~-- ~. L' .""'-. .1 . ",. - r. ''''L......' tit' Page: Sign: 3 Sq 51% FI: i ~ j I This rendering is @ Staley Signs, Inc., submitted for use in connection with the stated project. Display, Distribution or Duplication without prior written consent is strictly prohibited. Customer: THOMSON Notes: , Colors shown are representative only. and are not intended lor purposos of oxact matching. STALEY SIGNS, INC. p, O. Box 5 15 . Indianapolis, IN 46206 Tel: 317.637.4567' Fax: 317.221.0123 www.stalcysigns.com Project: South Entrance Exterior Wall-Mounted Flat-Cut Letters & Logo Drawn: 06/21/2007 By: VA. Roemer Sign: Scale: ~"= 1'-0" 3 ~; T , " Ii. ' Page: Sign: 07 s~~ 51% ~~ ~.'.' .......i'.: ~~;:;~.~.~g~~.';'~~~.~14......~fj~~ .~,~,. . ',~.:.. ". ~'N ':("""" . .q.~" '- . .. -. ':"-. . -.. '-.:; _ 1lA.. :.... - ~ '_~"~L .'. . _ ~~. II II ~ i,;t'P' ~ '" iIIr " ~. " ~~ 0(; t' ';, . '" This rendering is @ Staley Signs. Inc.. submitted for use in connection with the stated project. Cu'5torner : THOMSON Display, Distribution or Duplication without prior written consent is striclly prohibited. N~es' . Colors. shown are repre~~tatJve only. and are nol intended for purposes of e..aCl matctllng Pm;ect: South Entrance Exterior Wall-Mounted Channel Letters 06/21/2007 8y: VA. Roemer R.~~"'I 01<23::'007 Sign. Drawl1: vt.. Rrftr....' Scale: 07 ~" = 1'-0" , [lD maD [lD(])&0 mDD 11'-0" Overall Page: Sign: 4 Sq. 51% Ft: --- .fi:i!~ .:...';L!{~W.~,;~ 0' ..~ ,~ 12" =:J 7 7/8" '\ THOMSON ~ images & beyond~ 1- 4'-8 3/8" Overall 1- .....-- - - ~ I " This rendering is @ Staley Signs. Inc., submitted for use in connection with the stated project. Display. Distribution or Duplication without prior written consent is strictly prohibited. Customer: "I""LJOMSON Nates: I r-. .. Colors shown are representati\ie only. and are not intended for purposes of exact matching. STALEY SIGNS, INC. P. O. Box 515 Indianapolis, IN 46206 Tel: 317.637.4567. Fax: 317.221.0123 www.staleysigns.com Project North Entrance Exterior Wall-Mounted Flat-Cut Letters & Logo Drawn: 06/21/2007 By: VA. Roemer Sign: Scale: 4 W' -1'-0" .( Page: 5,gn: 12 's 51% i ~ I, ...~iIi.:i1 iaJi'~>: .. - -II" ,;., ~~~ , " 1 ~JJ:tt..J,~ J ~\ This rendering is ~ Staley Signs. Inc., submitted for use in connection with the stated project. Cll5tomer: TI-lOMSON DIsplay. Distribution or Duplication without prior written consent is strictly prohibited. N Cle.: . Cotor$ st~n arc rcprC"Jentatlve on!;', 8'ld are not in:l:Oded for purposes. Qt eJlact matching ProJect: North Entrance Exterior Wall-Mounted Channel Letters D-awn: 06/21/2007 B): VA. Roemer R,,,,,.<< I Gii23'....:7 8'9n: 12 %" - 1'-0" ~A Hr~'p, Scae: I' Page: Sign: 5 Sq. 143 Ft: IlDil~CIDIPQD~D~DD ",",,' ... , . .. ~t; , ow .... v-r '"'. ~ i This rendering is @ Staley Signs. Inc.. submitted for use in connection with the stated project. Customer: STALEY SIGNS, INC. P. O. Box 515 1ndianapolis, IN 46206 Tel: 317.637.4567. Fax: 317.221.0123 www.stalcysigns.com THOMSON Display. Distribution or Duplication without prior written consent is strictly prohibited. Noles: . Colors shown are representative only. and are not intended for purposes of exact matching. Project: East Elevation Exterior Wall-Mounted Channel Letters & Logo Drawn: 06/21/2007 By: VA. Roemer Sign: Scale: 5 1/32" = 1'_0" 1'~7 ~ 1 ~'" "-"v ~<:;:: ~ \~ ( .: .L i', -- }~ ~': I;,: ... .,.~~ ~. I':~""""'~ t.; ,.... - 6rr ,'till #; "' I gl' J~ , "'1" Vi<=' ~J !:i.. ~J ~, tJj ;0 " ~, f ~' 1 -~ " ~:l , Pag~: S'gn: 13 S'i 143 r, THOMSON Display. Distribution or Duplication without prior written consent is strictly prohibited. Not~s: . Colors snown are represeotat'Ve only. and are nol in\endeo lor purpows 01 C<:lct malct"ng This rendering is'" Staley Signs. Inc.. submitted for use in connection with the stated project. Customef: Proj<:ct: South Elevation Exterior Wall-Mounted Channel Letters Drawn: 06/21/2007 By VA. Roemer ..."",,1 O'i2,7001.V' R,,.,,,.,,, Sign: 13 %" = 1'-0" Scale: