HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication Page 1 of2 u u Conn, Angelina V From: Conn, Angelina V Sent: Thursday, August 02,2007 10:58 AM To: Stewart, Lisa M Cc: Coy, Sue E; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Keeling, Adrienne M; Brewer, Scott I; Hancock, Ramona B; Brennan, Kevin S; Littlt1john, David W; DeVore, Laura B; Lillard, Sarah N; Holmes, Christine B; 'jmolitor@prodigy.net'; Boone, Rachel M.; Tingley, Connie S; Duncan, Gary R; Donahue-Wold, Alexia K; 'Kelly, Rich'; 'cmiller@justus.net' Subject: Docket No. Assignment: (SP) Justus Business Park (#07080002 SP) I have. issued the necessary Docket Number for (SP) Justus Business Park, lots 1-2. It is the following: Application Fee: $111 per lot x 2: Total Fee: $834.00 $222.00 $1,056 (PAID) Docket No. 07080002 SP: Justl!S Business Park, Lots 1-2 The applicant seeks secondary plat approval for 1 lot on 7.3 acres. The site is located at the southeast corner of 136th S1. and Pro Med Ln. and is zoned B-6/Business within the US 31 Overlay. Filed by Rich Kelly of EMH& T for Justus Home Builders, Inc. Petitioner, please note the following: 1. This item does not need to be on an agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). 2. Mailed and published public notice does not need to occur. 3. Proof of Notice is not needed. 4. This item will be reviewed administratively. 5. The filing fee has already been paid 6. Mylar must be signed by the property owner before the Director can sign the plat. Mr. Kelly can be contacted at 913-6930. PETITIONER: refer to your instruction sheet for more detail and please complete the fOllowinrJ items: 1. Please add docket no. 07080002 SP and 07040022 PP to the plat. 2. Please add the zoning. to the plat: B~6lBusjness within the US 31 Overlay. 3. Sheet 2: include the dedication of road right of way, within the dedication certificate. 4. Include the instrument no. for the covenants and its date, within the dedication certificate. 5. Please submit a revised Secondary Plat after making above~mentioned changes. Once these changes have been made and comments addressed,. please produce.a Mylar copy for signature by this Department. Two paper copies of the plat must be filed with the Mylar prior to recording, and two paper copies and a Mylar of the recorded plat must be submitted following recording. Our approval of the secondary plat (signature) will be forthcoming upon .revision of the plans according to the items listed above. Also, the staff has been advised that we cannot present a Secondary Plat to the Director for signature from this point forward until Terry Krueskamp (tkrueskamp@carmel.in.gov) in Information Systems has received an e-mail with an electronic file attached (MicroStation .dgn is preferred, or AutoCad .dwg of the subdivision) and it (the e-mail) has been copied to myself (aconn@carmel.in.gov). AI~o, the Dept would also like a .pdf file of the plat, as we move toward a paperless office. If you have any questions or if I may be of assistance, please feel free to call. Angie Conn, Planning Administrator Department of Community Services 8/2/2007 r cj! "1 I?tCf!fflE:lJ u u '.~;Jl /JOCS . APPLICATION FOR SECONDARY PLAT OR (REPLA T) DATE; 7/31/07 Fee: $834.00. plus $111.00 per lot OR ($277.50 plus $111.00 per Jot) DOCKET # 0 IO~ The undersigned agrees that any construction, reconstruction, enlargement, relocation or alteration of structure, or any change in the use of land or structures requested by this application will comply with, and conform to, aU applicable laws of the State of Indiana, and the Zoning Ordinance of Carmel, Indiana - 1980, adopted under the authority of Acts of 1979, Public Law 178, Sec. 1, et. seq. General Assembly of the State of Indiana, and all Acts amendatory thereto. Name of Applicant: Justus Home Builders, Inc. Phone # ( 317) 353-8311 Fax # (317) 352-1570 Address of Applicant: 1398 N. Shadeland Avenue Name of Owner: Justus Home Builders, Inc. Name of Subdivision: Justus Office Park Legal Description (To be typewritten on separate sheet and attached). Area (in acres): 7.3 Number of Lots: 2 Length in miles of new streets to be dedicated to public use: Surveyor certifying plat: Evans I Meehwart, Hambleton & Til ton, Inc. (EMHrl') Signature of Applicant: TnLE: President Avenue, suite 150, Indianapolis. IN 46250 (Print) walter E. Justus ************************************ ********************************************* STATE OF INDIANA S5: County of MARION Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for Shelby County, State of Indiana, personally-appeared and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing instrumenllhis 31l~ .,JO 07 No ry Public Karen Saville My Commission Expires: July 26, 2014 5.1.10 ADDlication for Secondary Plat: Two (2) copies, or more if necessary, of the secondary plat and the construction plans, together with supporting documents, shall be submitted to the Building Commissioner with this application and the application fee as indicated in Section 29.6 of the Zoning Ordinance. Additional plans to be distributed to necessary authorities by applicant. FEE: Received By: S;\FORMs\PC Applications - currenl\2007 pc applications\Secondary Plat 2007.doc Revised 12/29/2006 - u u SECONDARY PLAT CHECK LIST Justus Home Builders, Inc. Name of Applicant: Justus Office Park Name of Subdivision: July 31, 2007 Reviewed by: Date of Submission: Date of Preliminary Plat Approval: A. MYLAR AND TWO COPIES OF PLAT TO ILLUSTRATE: /1. ./2. \/3. 4. v.: 5. V 6. ~7. 8. 9. //10. /' ,,11. ./" 12. ~, 13. ~v ~;: 16. , /17. //18. v' 19. 20. Name of subdivision Words "Secondary Plat" Date of submission or latest revision Plat drawn SO' = 1" scale with north arrow I" ~ 80 I Names/ addresses, phone numbers: Owner/ subdivider/ surveyor Registered surveyor's signature, seal and date Accurate tract boundary lines: Show dimensions/ angles/ bearings Source of title of ownership and legal description Streets and rights-of-way (existing and proposed) a. Locations b. Names c. Widths Complete curve notes Dimensions of land to be dedicated or reserved Monuments and markers (location/ type, material, size) Easements (location, widths, use) Building setback lines Legends and notes Registered land surveyor's certificate Certification of dedication of streets and public property Certificate of approval by Commission (opening page) Certificate of acceptance by Board of Works or County Commissioners Restrictions or covenants a. Fences in detention/retention areas b. Lighting - dusk to dawn lights c. Maintenance of common areas Subdivider Agreemel)t Form B. SECONDARY SUPPORTING DATA TO BE PROVIDED. 21. 1. Letters of approval submitted by the following: a. Hamilton County Surveyor b. Hamilton County Highway Department c. Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation District d. Carmel City Engineer e. Fire Chief - Carmel Fire Department f. Carmel City Utilities Department S:\FORMS\PC Applications ~ current\2007 pc applications\Secondary Plat 2007.doc Revised 12/29/2006 IlLr","~o;s:jul:1 .~~1.'l:liit: 1,[.\.l;l GLl!:!Jt" 'NI'SI10dWNVIIlNl "'31"" q~q"H!U -.N1i'6t~ -::JNI .S3iWOH snJ.'snr ~'~'-'-I ~ 'All qinlYliiI.d iN;;1ili HI ~,~ j'. r,.' ~ . ~~ B~l ~ JiI 51 l~ U~ h i 1 [J I ,... , ~ I " ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ I. ::- ' ~ j S ; ~ J ~ ~S it!, , 'i<' 1~ l !~. ! 111 Pi ~ ~i itIil! i; Il]i -"h:lp ~ ti !l~ I!' ,~! l"!:o.) iI.U~~ e:;;!:J"'q 'H=l' ! ~:] II i i~,.~~~ ='Hh :in~~ II ~I .. , .' ~'f . ~ LI 1fi-'-l"'"'-''''' I' , i 1\ f i ,j H ! 1: ", . n " .~ 'Ii !I~ 1!l; ~IH iliH I' i~H nil < ~ .... ~.' ~~ ~~H ~~IA ~dj Ig.t ~~.t ., :'~ -,.,.' Ii '....i """""il! r;-I~ \ _....1., t. ._..._.._.____ I.... _r... ".-....-- I "I" ""'..'.....]..-.-..i-.--r...... /1" I If; ! I N~"d 31dV3S0NV' YNVl{]NI.Al.NrlOO N(JJ.llmK '13~ti"':J 8NI0llns 301';';0 Snlsnr ." SNlfld lN3i"Jd013^30 "'j nIl f!l> ~nl ;f'f ..li ;.1" i !"l !.j i :w UP :1',1 hl! 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