HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Notice lSllJZ-4~~U~69 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of Indiana SS: MARION County NOTJU;OFPUBLT<; IIEARING..BEFORElHE tARMElHLAN COMMISSION Dock'~t Nu mber:,07[J70()06 . - "DP/ADLS Notlc~ Is here_b.~ -given th~t th€_ Carmel PJan CQmmlsslon 'me.etih-gon'A.ugust-:nI20Q7 at 6:00" P~.m'; _l~ Jh"e. Gity, H?ll ;Cou[)Cil Chambers, 1 ~ -;iy1c Squ'an~l" Ca~melj_Indlan.a 46.032,:will huliJ"a Puhlic)i~~r- :~n-g IJPonaDPI.~DlS ap'phc<J~ liori in otd\,!r ~~_ _see.~! :s1~e p(~n/d~:si9n-:ap~.~ov~!f~H.? fIt- ne~s c~l1ler; r:eLflll blJlldlllg ;and ~~~~Plica.tian fS td€ntified as. Docket No. 07070006 DP/ADI,S' . T~e reD!." ~S1;at~~ffected by said ap~llc!tjon is descrlbeg as'forloWs; .BI(}c~"A";_in~'oWes.toil Park S~~~ IOI1(!ary 'Plat" the' pl.ot 0' which ;r~a~~~,~Jgl~~t~~~S~d~2~a~?:s 1I1Sfru.ment'200~OlJOJ~06~, ,in the Office. of the, Reco,rder of H2ImHtClI1'County,:Indiana, _ . AII'iiller~St-e:d pe~ons de~fnng to pra::.:ent:-t.J:iefl; Yiew~ on t~e alJov~ '8pplll:;ation~ either In wrmngm_ ._ver,?alJy: ~i11 be 9iVErJ .~n oPPl}rtundy l!=J b~ nea.rd at' the-above- mentron~ time and place; (S '07!':tQ - 4880~69) Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for said county ,md stare, the undersigned Karen Mullins who, being duly sworn, says that SHE is clerk of the INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS a DAILY STAR newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the English language in rhe city of fNDIANAPOUS in state and county aforesaid, and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, which was duly published in said paper for 1 time(s), between tht dates of: 07/10/2007 and 07/10/2007 ~~~~'''k Title Subscribed and swom 10 before me 011 07/1012007 6~k~ Notary Public STATE PRESCRIBED FORMULA "OFFICiAL SEAL" u he Notary Public, State of Indiana M C '. O~ _011 y . , ~f~~~- Form 65-REV 1-88 My commIssion -expires: 7.83 PICA COLUMN - 94 POINT 94 POINTS / 5.7 PT. TYPE - 16.49 1649 EMS / 250 - .06596 SQUARES .06596 SQUARES x $5.14 - .339 CENTS PER LINE 'I PUBLISHED I TIME = .339 PUBLISHED 2 TIMES= .509 PUBLISHED 3 TrMES= .679 PUBLISHED 4 TTMES= .848 Plan Commission Public Notice Sil!D Procedure: The petitioner shall incur the cost of the purchasing, placing, and removing the sign. The sign must be placed in a highly visible and legible location from the road on the property that is involved with the public hearing. The public notice sign shall meet the following requirements: I. 2. Must be placed on the subject property no less than 25 days prior to the public hearing The sign must follow the sign design requirements: Sign must be 24" x 36" - vertical Sign must be double sided Sign must be composed of weather resistant material, such as corrugated plastic or laminated poster board The sign must be mounted in a heavy-duty metal frame The sign must contain the following: o 12" x 24" PMS 288 Blue box with white text at the top. e White background with black text below. Go Text used in example to the right, with Application type and Date* of subject public hearing * The Date should be written in day, month, and date format. Example: Tuesday, January 17 The sign must be removed within 72 hours of the Public Hearing conclusion 3. 4. Public Notice Si20 Placemeot Affidavit: ':>.1 "';1pI.~ 1:P- v~... "'" _~b~ 1,,,~li;lJIt{ol'It}""",1 iO:.t;o;, 6:00 P.M. For More Inlormalion: (\lcb) www.carmel.in.go\' ( It 571-241 7 1 (We) John R. Turek do hereby certify that placement of the notice public sign to consider Docket Number070700D6. was placed on the subject property at least twenty-five (25) days prior to the date of the public hearing at the address listed below. . STATE OF INDIANA, COUNTY OF Mf'rlZ.-lllt--:'J --. :. . "The undersigned, having bee duly sworn, upon oath s --- . --- -he is informed and believes. ---- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30THday of J L-<-l- '1 , 200"7 . ~N~~~:::~ ~~"-- "R.E~bt"":'6 Ir-J t+er-JD~(L~( Ir-J My Commission Expires: q. U~vO S II Complete items 1, 2. and 3. Also complete ~em 4 If Restricted'Delivery is desired. II Prln\yaur name and address on the reverse sa 1hat Ws oan return the card to you, II Attach this card to the beck of the mailpiece, or on the fronl it space permits. I,. Article Addres.sed to: Mu}'llowcr p.,rk Ass(]ciaiiOIl Alrll: Bru.millg InveSlments 61 DO W. 9G''' Str""l, "200 lndiflIHIP(]hs, IN 46278 2. Artlcl. Number (Transfer frQm ~tvlr;e lab PS Form 3811, f\uguot2001 3. Servlc9 Type l:Y6ertified Mail D R8gislereu D Jrlsurnd Mall o EJl:prsss Mail ~8turn Receipt for Merchandis.e D C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Exlm Foo) DYes 7002 0860 0001 33101231 1. Article Addresse::l to: , , 3. serviCe Type ETCertilied Mail o Registered o Insured Mail o E:xpre-35 Mail 0""RlJllJrrl Aec€ipt for Merchandise DC.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Ex/ra Fee) o YI3~ Domestic Ft.etlJrn.Ascslpt . 2. Article Number (TnlMsfer from service: 102595-UZ-M'10"" PS Form 3811, August 2001 1 02595'02.r..I-1 035 ~NDER: ~OI\'l,:,r!ETi;'J-H/S~SE(mON-o' ' . : . Complete items 1, 2. and 3. Also complete item 0'1 if Restricted Delivery IS. desired. 1:1 Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card 10 you. . Attach this card to the back 01 t~e mailpieGe. or on the froni if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to; Pmk Norlhwcstf.,:rn Service Association, [ne. 47.50 W. Norihwt'::>L PIa7.O- Dr. Ztullwrlle_ IN <1li077 i I 12. Article Number ' . (fro",,{", {com """,I". I,. I ?S Form 3811, August 2001 I ..qoM~~ilf!iH1S1S~~JJONJON DELlVERYI 1 - -~" ..,;: B. D. Is den...ery address different from item 1? If YES, enter delivery Address below: ~, Se/Vica Type rrCertlnBd Mall o Register€d D In.urod Mall D EJ<press Mall o Roeturn Receipt for Merchan-d,se I D O.O.D. . 4. Restricted Delivery7 (Extm ~oo) o YflS 7002 0860 0001 33~0 1439 Domestic Re1urli f1el;elpt '0259S.U:i::.M"10~5' , "", ,~~~---~.-......- ...~~....~",-.":\,,,,~ "'. "" .EJ$'~~ CPl'!.P,LE~,THJ$'S~CTION, "~, I Complete Items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricled Delivery js desired. I Print your name and address on the reverse so that we Cil.r.L return the card 10 you. . Attach this card.to. the back of tile mal!piece, or on the froni if .spu~e permits. I. t'Article Addressed to: Big rict,lrc~ Holding, LLC clo Carte Blancl1e Lilllu 7171 M.ayflower PClrk Drivt; Zipnsvill>::. IN 4G077 I~. Artlcle Number (fr'$nsfer from :Semce .___', 'S Farm 3811, August 2001 3. seJ)'ICI3'. Type 0" Certified M3il D Regisie:red D 111SlHed r....lail o Express Mall l::J.-'Return Aeceir::t for Mer'chafldfse DC.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 7002 0860 0001 3310 1255 ~ DYes 7002 0860 0001 3310 1392 Domestic Retum Receipl 13 Complete i1eJTlS 1 , 2. and 3. Also complete Item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Ell Print your,flame and address on 1he reverse 30 that we can return the card to you. 111 Attoch this card to the back of the maHpieGe, or on the front if space permits_ 1. Artie:fe Addressed to: D. Is deli,,8f)' address diftorent from item 1? tf YES, tonier delivery flddress below: e,rr Mota, LLC 4629 Northwes!ern Drive Zionsvilk. IN ~(,077 3. Servic-e T ypa 0" Certified Mail D Registered o Insured Mail D EJ<press Mali l3'""Return Receipt 'or Merchandise D O.O.D. 4. Restricted DeJiv€rY? (EKtm Fes) DYe:; 2. AI1iGfe Number {Transfgr from sendee IBbeJj 7002 0860 0001 3310 1415 PS Form 3611, August 2001 Domes.tlc Return Re.;:;eipt 102S95.02.M.1-035 .. Complete items'1.-2,-alld'S.''i'Jso complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. m Print your Ilame and address on the reversa so that we can return the card to you. .. Attach this card to the back of the mallpiec.., or on the front it space permHs. 1. Article Addressed 10: D. Is deliver]' address diff-srent from Item 1? If YES, enter delll:ery address below: JPM AS3ocintes, LtC 7113 S. Muyflower P.lrk Drive ZiUllsvil!c, IN 46077 3. Sfll"Jice Type Q'C.rtifl.d Mall o Registered D Insuroc Mail o E;o;press Mall 0'" Return Reoeipt for MBfChandiS(l D 0.0.0. 4. Restri-oted DElfivery1 (&ira Fee) DYes Domestic Re1urn Receipt '.! /{1 2. Artfcle Number 1] (Transfer from service hmet) 1('"",o.oz,M'1035 . PS Form 3811. August 2001 Domestic ReiurIl Re.cBipt 102.S9s:-G2-M-1035 . Complete items 1, 2. and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery Is desired. EI Print your name and address on the reverse 50 Ihol we (;:arl return the l;I.-VU lo you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailplece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Artlcle Address.ed to: Noltillghaln, LLC ] 0650 N. Michigan Rond ZiansvillG, IN 46077 2. Article Number rnansfer I~Tim .selVic~ PS'Form 3811, August 2001 I 3. Servic~ Type 0Certi1ie-d Maif o Registered o I.lsured Mail o Expres5 Mail (3' Return Receipt for Merl;handise D C.O.D, 4. Restricted Delivery? (8<'ro Fee) D Ves 7002 0860 0001 331[].1316 7002 0860 0001 3310 1262 . Complete items 1,2, und 3JAlso com plata Item 4 if Restricted Deliver~liis desired. m Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mallplecB, or on the front If space- permits. 1. Article Addressed to: ~~~J;TtflS"sg~T,gli\fJN..,f'riEiJVERY ~ ~.~ .~ ,~ . Peurson Really. LLC 10650 N. Michigon Road Zjonsville, IN 46077 3. Service Type I3""Cortifiad Mail o REgis.tered o Insured Mail o Express Moil r::rRetLJm Recefpt for Mero:::Ilandis8 D 0.0.0 4, Restricioo Delll,lef)'? (Exrra Fee) DYes Domestic Return necelpt 2. Artiole Numher 1112!J9S.112-M.10;;J;:i. (Trans{f:Jr from service 'abe~. . PS Form 3811, Augusl2001 102595-02.M.~035 7002 0860 0001 3310 1309 Dome$tlc Return Receipt II" Conl.pWw ~$ms -1;:-1.. "1n43. NStr.r;Qmpl'4'i,g Ilem . If HC(llnctlXi n"livt>1V i" deili'B.1. a P~n~ y;'~w o.:,m!e ~nd m:fd~,tJ ~rn U~ t1:W'fff'Sti mo that W(x ~D t9Iufrt the cttrdio yow B AUooh tNfI card to: ttW' U'~k 01 t~~ maHptf':C&, 1>1' 00 the IrI>~1 ,j $1"""'" P'*'mi~, ,1. ,ArtitJlJI AQdtwMmd i:l:J{ ;,>, ',Is: i" ~, L(;c h,c, W!2J \V, ~H\'q /'iLHI;<-;'~'ilk, IN .1607'i ~~)r M'f.cl'i,;h0i~l';.,-"i;,\!,1 -0 ~~q#,#f{U.~~'! c! HtI'lV.~~ M:':(! kT"ftrtllr!i f-t:~fl?pt ~l.-."-1" ~~,;t~tit>~k!J-* .t 01\" ht~~1(o f'~;.,;~~N~r 7002 0860 0001 3310 1330 7002 0860 0001 3310 1408 n{l!h1"~'r~~1 k~H~4i ;G'l l~:;xx:h;-t- II' I . Print yr;;i~i' naX{.1U and adur-oos 00, thtt mvID':OO IJq tt'in~' W.!: - Cill'l tbttJt'n the ~~rd ~o yQl,l > ~ ,,Attach ~'h1S ~rd ~o tt~@ tme~ e<:' th~ maNpffJ-?:6. //" or 0" n", !rON IT ajl<lce lMitlfliul, 1...<," . Wo"" ~ if f16!\lfictild D!)1wety.,) dooimfJ, . Pdftl )iQJjL lli!HlfJ .Hrod.~ti~ 00 H'le .rQ_~t!rrt$' "9 Ill<\! "'0 CJ>n mum !he card tQ \'V". Ii AHllCMhi" back of 1M milllv~. (r< im!h~ "'QH! "fl'lC!'l parmi15, tcM'g,*,n",=,*~1-\;: '~~~...._.-..-,-"._-~~ If Yf.!t ~~J'f~r' :J$fvm'! wkIf~%s ~~tft-<; 0 No j.J\r\'*iijA_...mJ',,, D, tl J"i1S, fl(Iti.;r !jc0~~,..mi w'j;;~'>;w"S. twfi-.'t."( Kill..' ;,L-:;i~lJP:l [\l.'\t<'I l"LC S. \hTit.ku: S~, ~ )~l\Ii:\fli'~r=;.'l!i!~, IN ,j(,J(H MMi If C. P~"iJp<:ny .j71) ~,L Cl{ 'V,\~n, .IN f!(:d:n Oy@ 4, fffiMk4i{R-il i:'mU'~;r'? {EJ:tr"A F$~} o ~^. 7002 0860 0001 3310 1293 :;. Nticie Nl.J1'!!DfW 7002 0860 DaOl 33:10 ),422 hrJ.iiff6o:':"F.'b!.e'f.!$ 4, r1rebt~idfl;j 1:.a.rr~~4 Num.r~ 7002 08bO oao~ 3310 $286 ill Cl'Impli1:tIJ ll"m~1, ,t lli\.;j (I.Ai:>ri C(jrfjpJatd it&f\ it it Rf!-5c~ftcIOO,J)(JJ1Ve-ryltj ~rw"" II . Prln, y-our rmm-o'ijf1dlJdi:fres-u on th~ f'l)'i@NJW1 ilO rnJlI W!l ""'II ti.lUitll tfll1 Giltd \6 you 1:1 ,A,lfl\1Jllnhr (;~,tllO 'lhij,ooc~~ftM mll,lpiilC<l, or 'en the '~ron1ItspaGe p~fm~t$ 1. Nl~1~Addfij~I:18FJtl1a: WI% N;H.~f!t'~t,~II"I]!1k 107 N. 'L))j:1 F:lf{.::rpf"i:;.;:~~c ,n5i) N~xlhHtr;;! vhl,.:J [hf''-'C li(insvilk. IN ':I1:~U7r '1 () ~~ Vf:&, JiW~o)f iW.j!'i~\, I~.{~,-~('l!d}',} r#_t:i'N~ 1. .c\f1i(:I~})\~~dE~l:;;:;'Wit ~G-' :VkCrt:nil <m,~ f.-);~\~i 0 F;.'m'~~;J;:;: ~( f,) i'~";(~01rynm B 'fl~7hrm ~~l{;;i, ~cr Mf;~~\'mOO!:!:tt \Vftlr'r.:~'l D, .\:, '\iii1Di;i1.1 V ;';hl",llnjCi~d~ .";;111 kw C(\pl.'!.a;/lj.1\ Co'\. D:{,rS ITtc.~Ni0j M;,:,;4 [J H~~if>~~'ed o Ie ,fv.#~td M;ll-l o tl"'-J::1t';~ Mail f.3 RotHll'n HWNm fw Miflr'(,11m'R;\U Z:m~j~:ilk. !N ;160;"; -'l, ~~~;i~dc:?~~,j tJ 'ffff!, 7002 DpbD J0001,3310 fl. ".V(~::'!1il i'<lw0b~w tJ )'!@ Ar.k&n NL~~0i}" 3310 1279 Donw~~if:~ PS FOrm m Pf~H your mi that 'o!'"!-~ Ctln rehj({l -.6;twch thi-5 c~~ Kl the bmck-ed Of on ~h& fronf if !J:P~)(;@ f~.'f'fn~ts:. 1, All~~ M>JrM,e'l151 hJ-; I~ I I I Sii'!lply /inll;':"I'iHc, LI.,(' R ~ CSJ, t .r.C V,'e(, 0Ij~'l:\ I:\~~{)~].di~jo, c:.\ i} 10'25 :1. t~. ~). Ihl,'S. 19156 ;\~(,?~;In,-,if'i~;. \/.'\ ,~/~ cakc.!rt~{",,~d W P".4~~~ DJ(Ji;\.~..!'B:j~p' A.~~~dM N~HJ:~ 1323 OA~~t o Ad~~ Ollttf at' Deiiv-/il;ry 1, .Ji...r'M;t<'1 ^,;:k.?lJkwH~J fiJ\ -'-''''''''''o'''Y;$='",m"",_...~ ONo Hj\\.!d~~r~o ,!)\";, s. ~Jj~ L J.ii,lj;;;,'ilk, \N '~N)'7 T~tt:~'M,t5Mj III CCHnpkno it Jl~m 4 if F;;oeti~iQtoo Dailvery is t!!t?sirwi D Prim Y?>.1( rmm!','!.and ndtJ~$ Q~ :htl (~-e fro ~nm \"!@ can rofum t~Q C'Wtl to ValL li Attach lille @c,j '0 thO' l>ll::k "lllJamilll",,,,,,,. OtOn th~ trol11 p!)rmli~, ~-. At~~ ~~ 10; Swtlh 1;'(iH11!'f.fIWi,';;jlUi:.'IH:~, LL.C I', 0, Ih',\ IJ IX~ f\"111';1 i:k,it..:I1" CA 9~)55 r~j(!.>:-r;, f(,uds, L."rD , }lX ()Hhfil~ C'fhon~h!lt~, OH ;U215 (] E~.i~if~r;t: ~-1"t1il fT !%-!.lJYi n!K:.w~l r<Jco M"lJtGM<J'i;;;ii-if;~ tJ cg.{~~ ~. ,At1.'J;t~N~frnt..mr }fEAW!-f-~j e~Y~~'5 ~'<j~rtunl n~K-~);-t1S !"i-Ik~iJ-,NIJi"'#~}-.W 7002 0860 ODOl 3310 TER HORST, LAMSON 8675 Purdue Road Tndi'lnapolis, IN 46268 TLF ......-.. C () N S U l.T I N Ii EN [J IN fi [' H S & 2 0860 , .!,>4- ,~- -. h -. ~ ,',:.,.:;;.,~~ " . 0 "~.-.~J"o\'h., ,.....- iJ"R . IJ"CI .fiei/Sbk:~ Jl '//;/eJi";:"..,l.'ftrC >ltttfil . "....' <, XED /,.. Pt~iJ." '"'-R.. ""l1ft,. . -,:Wf" 0IIJI8(J .. ,Ct'.r..'!!lltfj """'-. III ~'l'i~' dllr!!SI --- - " I:li Q) lItt" -............:-...... (J{J Ito "fie,/:'OIi!r/iJ..,. ........... t reh1'iJ "If", ..".., Iq t...~ 'AtP,,,- I r~~m ~~ 0001' 3310 1217 Mayikwer Park Association Attn: Browning Investments 25] N. T11 llWis Street, Suite 200 Indiaml9olis, TN 46204 ~ f~ ii' ~ lG 0 "" '0 .0 .l'\l .~~1-!fJ-~I~.rI-:W,~l~.....,. "e' '["1' ,1t_""~'\ ........-'-1 .-." .~0' .....)';1 ~'?~j~~.\t;'r:'1Io.,':.:,.~- ~' ..../ -:... l~" ....~..::-:....:t:......()......\.... ...;..,.:....~~.'tl>. ~"'., ." /";".' ',"-'" ..,~~~~ (~~>~ ~"1 l \<....~~\.~~ , - ""'I'~ . ~'''./l . """r .~~ ~ ",.,71.;. '~ ''''' " .H;"" ij ';Vi )'J ", "^-~. ~ ~,,_..,tL.J,,:,.~'u~ ."Jr ~l _ \', .II 12 ~~i "" ..,...._,_...,., / ......- ".'"'''^''..''' ",..", ./ % ~"'f'>7~~'; ""r.~,..?1 . .;<.'.\,:~~~s.:!~'~lt'/~,......... 'rt'u~~~~h":1: H.,),~! .i~ ,,' ,_.___'^' U_,,_ _./ . '::i~:::o(.;irCf,..p+l.,'n-'}.j~;~~~?'~~'~..~I!') ~}~!'~3'>-,W'#" ~~~~t~""'~IU11"'~"';'~ MAYF2~~ 452 SE 1 N C 75 07/23/07 UNABLE TO FORWARD/FO~ ~EV%EW "'-"'"'C04'i** NO FCRWARD~NG ORDER ON FI~E RETURN TO POSTMASTER OF ORIGINAL ADcruESSEE FOR REVIEW Ese, 46?-04:1.9'('$50 PI"l *-O.::;<;L2-:1 D46S.-;'L ~~--4S :::'!.E;:;::;::';::~'.:E:i ~~~~.f;1'8 11111111111 i i j \ /11111 i Iii II i I i I j ,lllllI \ II i ,Ii 11111' I ! i i i i j I j! PETITIONER'S AFFIDAVIT OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION I (We) Ter Horst. Lams<;m & Fisk do hereby certify that notice of public hearing ofthe Carmel Plan Commission to consider Docket Number07070006 was registered and mailed at least twenty-five (25) days prior to the date of the public hearing to the below listed adjacent property owners: OWNER(S) NAME ADDRESS See attached list ......................................................................... STATE OF INDIANA, COUNTY OF Marion SS: The undersigned, having been duly sworn, upon oath says that the above information is true and correct as he is informed and believes. ......, Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..."':J My Commission Expires: $-,;20 -.;:LOO ~ Notary Public _., ;;(i}~ /J:~ .....a....amIB...................m.D..BD....o.a.....alm...a...aa..ma....aa.aa.. Signatures of adjacent property owners must be submitted on this affidavit. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION Docket Number: 07070006 DP! ADLS Notice is hereby given that the Cannel Plan Commission meeting on August 21, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1 Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032 will hold a Public Hearing upon a DP/ ADLS application in order to seek site plan/design approval for a fitness center, retail building and outlot. The application is identified as Docket No. 07070006 DP/ ADLS The real estate affected by said application is described as follows: Block "A" in Weston Park Secondary Plat, the plat of which was recorded March 12, 2004, in Plat Cabinet 3, Slide 364 as Instrument 200400016061, in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton Cm.mty, Indiana. All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above mentioned time and place. Recipients of Certified Mailing July 19, 2007 Mayflower Park Assoc. Attn: Browning Investments 251 N. Illinois Street Snite 200 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Mayflower Park Association Attn: Browning Investments 6100 W. 96th Street, #200 Indianapolis, IN 46278 Tosa Enterprises, LLC 4750 Northwest Plaza W. Drive Zionsville, IN 46077 Big Pictures Holding, LLC clo Carte Blanche Limo 7171 Mayflower Park Drive Zionsville, IN 46077 .lPM Associates, LLC 7113 S. Mayflower Park Drive Zionsville, IN 46077 Cropper, Warren D. & Sandra J. 27312 Viewpoint Circle San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Andrade Industrial Park Owners Assoc. 300 S. Madison Ave. #401 Greenwood, IN 46L42 Kite Michigan Road LLC 30 S. Meridian St. #110 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Pearson Realty, LLC 10650 N. Michigan Road Zionsville, IN 46077 Nottingham, LLC 10650 N. Michigan Road Zionsville, IN 46077 Rl CS3, LLC 220 West Crest Street Escondido, CA 92025 MSI N. Michigan Rd Zionsville Portfolio, LP 10679 N. Michigan Rd Zionsville, IN 46077 Garrison Enterprises, LLC P. O. Box 12409 Jackson, Wyoming 83002 P:\2007\1 00\2007-1 99\Admin\Carmel ADLS\Ccrtiticd Mail Rccipients,doc Recipients of Certified Mailing July 19, 2007 Lexington Limited LiabiIity Co. 129 W. North Street Indianapolis, IN 46204 McCann and Company LLC 4520 Northwestern Drive Zionsville, IN 46077 Simply Storage Zionsville, LLC P. O. Box 19156 Alexandria, V A 22320-0156 Fidelity Builders, Inc. 2601 S. 975 E. Zionsville, IN 46077 8MB, LLC 2272 Wynnedale Road Indianapolis, IN 46228 L. G. Enterprises, Inc. 8723 W. 96th Street Zionsville, IN 46077 Carr Moto, LLC 4629 Northwestern Drive Zionsville, IN 46077 JLC Property Management 470 N. CR 500E. Avon, IN 46123 Park Northwestern Service Association, Inc. 4750 W. Northwest Plaza Dr. Zionsville, IN 46077 Smith Family Investments, LLC P. O. Box 13185 Palm Desert, CA 92255 Glendale Partners W. Carmel Outlots, LLC 300 Wilmont Road Deerfield,IL 60015 Trident Foods, L TD 1328 Dublin Road, #300 Columbus, OR 43215 National Bank ofIndianapolis 107 N. Pennsylvania St. #700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 2 P:\2007\1 00\2007-1 99\Admin\Camlel ADLS\Certitied Mail Recipients.doc . HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITOR JI, ROBIN MILLS, AUDITOR OF HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, CERTIFY MY OFFICE HAS SEARCHED OUR RECORDS AND BASED ON THAT SEARCH, IT APPEARS THAT THE PROPERTY OWNERS IN EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO ARE THE PROPERTY OWNERS THAT ARE TWO PROPERTIES OR 660' FROM THE REAL ESTATE MARKED AS SUBJECT PROPERTY. THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS IS ACCURATE OR INCLUDES ALL PROPERTY OWNERS ENTITLED TO NOTICE PURSUANT TO LOCAL ORDINANCE. ANY PERSON SEEKING A MORE ACCURATE SEARCH OF THE REAL ESTATE RECORDS OF THE COUNTY SHOULD SEEK THE OPINION OF A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. ROBIN MILLS, HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITOR DATED: f)1/01/0 T ~j), ~ff pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code 5-14-3-3-(e), no person other than those authorized by the County may reproduce, grant access, deliver, or sell any information obtained from any department or office of the county to any ather person, partnership, or corporation. In addition, any person who receives information from the county shall not be permitted to use any mai 1 i n<;l 1 i sts, add rt;s~e~. or data bases for the pu rr?ose of sell i ng. . advertls1ng, or so11c1t1n9 the purchase of merchand1se, goods, serVlces, or to sell, loan, give away, or otherwise deliver the information obtained by the request to any other person. ~~~~~"~.:"9l'Z;;'9';Y~2'~~~~~~~:;mJ:ci1U~I<Fl.~-;;:~.ii}':'J.'_'&.'i~~*"~r,CJiIk.~'?!;v::a"t.n.l1;71.l1a':tti~*0iZt;i;;;:r;i"Wf~i~,"-'-,~...P.<."'~~~"~ ;,..,.'i:.,-,_~:~~W:-Efrif;,ijf,W~!j.:,;~~!J.~:JZiJ Monday, July 09, 2007 Page 10ft HAMILTON COUNTY NOTIFICATION LIST PREPA.RED BY THE flAMTLTON COUNTY A UD.lTORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPNtv'C PLEASE NOTIFY THE FOLLOWING PERSONS 17-13-07-00-18-004.000 Kite Michigan Road LLC 30 Meridian St s Ste 110 INDIANAPOLIS IN Subject 46204 17 -13-06-00-00-029.000 Pearson Realty LLC 10650 Michigan Rd N ZIONSVILLE IN Neighbor 46077 17 -13-06-00-00-030.001 Pearson Realty LLC 10650 Michigan Rd N ZIONSVILLE IN Neighbor 46077 17-13-06-00-00-030,002 Pearson Realty LLC 10650 Michigan Rd N ZIONSVILLE IN Neighbor 46077 17-1.3-06-00-00-030.102 Nollingham LLC 10650 Michigan Rd N - - ----- -ZIONSV1LLE IN Neighbor 46077 Monday, .Ju(v 09, 2007 Pagelof5 17 -13-06-00-00-030.202 Neighbor Nottingham LLC 10650 Michigan Rd N ZIONSVILLE IN 46077 17-13-06-00-12-001.000 Neighbor R1 CS3 LLC 220 Crest St W ESCONDIDO CA 17-13-06-00-12-002.000 Neighbor MSI North Michigan Road Zionsville Portfolio L P 10679 Michigan Rd N ZIONSVILLE IN 46077 17 -13-07 -00-00-001.001 Neighbor Garrison Enterprises Lie POBox 12409 Jackson WY 83002 17-13-07-00-01-001.000 Neighbor Lexington Limited Liability Co 129 North St W INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 17-13-07-00-01-002.000 Neighbor Kite Michigan Road LLC 30 Meridian SI S Ste 110 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 MOl/day, Jury 09, 2007 Page 2 of 5 17-13-07-00-01-002.001 Mccann And Company Lie POBox 782 Zionsville IN Neighbor 46077 17 -13-07 -00-01-003.000 Simply Storage Zionsville LLC POBox 19156 Store ALEXANDRIA VA Neighbor 17 -13-07 -00-01-004.001 Fidelity Builders Inc 2601 S 975 E ZIONSVILLE IN Neighbor 46077 17 -13-07-00-01-004.002 Simply Storage Zionsvllle LLC POBox 19156 PTA S ALEXANDRIA VA Neighbor 17 -13-07-00-01-005.000 5MB LlC 2272 INDIANAPOLIS Neighbor Wynnedale Rd IN 46228 17-13-07-00-01-009.000 L G Enterprises Ine Neighbor 8723 Zionsville 96th St w IN 46077 iHollday, Jllly 09, 2007 Page 3 015 17 -13-07 -00-01-010.001 Carr Moto LLC 4629 Northwestern Dr ZIONSVILLE IN Neighbor 46077 17 -13-07 -00 -01-011. 004 JLC Property Management 470 NCR500E AVON IN Neighbor 46123 17-13-07 -00-01-012.004 Park Northwestern Service Assoc Inc Neighbor 4750 Zionsville Northwest Plaza Dr W IN 46077 17-13-07-00-01-012.004 Park Northwestern Service Assoc Inc 4750 Northwest Plaza Dr W Neighbor Zionsville IN 46077 17-13-07-00-01-013.000 Neighbor Smith Family Investments LLC dba California Smith Fami POBox 13185 PALM DESERT CA 92255 17-13-07-00-12-001.000 Glendale Partners West Carmel Outlots LLC 300 Wilmont Rd DEERFIELD IL Neighbor 60015 lHollday, July 09, 2007 Page 4 of 5 17-13-07 -00-12-001.002 Trident Foods L TO 1328 Columbus Dublin Rd Ste 300 OH Neighbor 43215 17-13-07 -00-18-001.000 National Bank of Indianapolis 107 Pennsylvania St N Ste INDIANAPOLIS IN Neighbor 46204 17-13-07-00-18-002.000 Kite Michigan Road LLC 30 Meridian St S Ste 110 INDIANAPOLIS IN Neighbor 46204 17-13-07-00-18-003.000 Kite Michigan Road LLC 30 Meridian Sl S Ste 110 INDIANAPOLIS IN Neighbor 46204 17-13-07-00-18-005.000 Kite Michigan Road LLC 30 Meridian Sl S Ste 110 INDIANAPOLIS IN Monday, ]Ill;~ 09, 2007 Neighbor 46204 Page 50f5 I ~ ! I ! I I I i I I G I I I I I I I ! I ~~ I i I I I ~S I I I :j . .!l a~ ~ "l I I I I I I @; I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I n~ . I , I I I (0 I I I ~: I I I I I I I I I I @ I !! I I I I :::2: G- O C0 U? "':'t: N I"- o o N en --- I'-- c OJ ~ 'l .... 1i5 ll) ~ ro U - ~ '" ~ - f I l~ , gREET' -'Si[' I D-~~. -- 1- ---SCaletT6~ I . . I . o 290 580 870 1160;t IV Parcels Roads Road Names ,\ J Road Center ~ 'v" N Roads LA Fitness - Weston Park Block A, Hamilton County Boone County Adjoining Property Owners List 01926220021 MAYFLOWER PARK ASSOCIATION ATTN BROWNING INVESTMENTS - __~ I ---- -" --- 0191622004 TOSA ENTERPRISES LLC e:- -~ ~ ~ o -~ G. @.- 4750 NORTHWEST PLAZA W DRIVE 0191622003, BIG PICTURE HOLDINGS llC 0191622002 JPM ASSOCIATES lLC c/o CARTE BLANCHE LIMO 71 13S MAYFlOWER PARK DRIVE 0191622009. CROPPER WARREN D & SANDRA J 127312 VIEWPOINT CIRCLE 27312 VIEWPOINT CIRCLE ATTN BROWNING INVESTMENTS 0191622001 CROPPER WARREN D /I SANDRA J 0192622001 MAYFLOWER PARK ASSOCIATION 0190051001 ANDRADE INDUSTRIAL PARK OWNERS ASSOCIATION 0191086010 PEARSON REALTY LLC 10650 N MICHIGAN RD Owner Name: MAYFLOWER PARK ASSOCIATION Owner Address: ATTN BROWNING INVESTMENTS 251 N ILLINOIS 8T SUITE 200 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46204 Parcel Number: 019-26220-02 State Parcel Number: NA Property Address: Legal Description: MAYFLOWER PARK PRIVATE ROAD NO DITCH Subdivision: NA Acreage: 0 Section Townsttip Range: NA Last Land Transfer: NA Assessment: 0 Owner Name: TO SA ENTERPRISES LLC Owner Address: 4750 NORTHWEST PLAZA W DRIVE ZIONSVILLE, IN 46077 Parcel Number: 019-16220-04 State Parcel Number: NA Property Address: Legal Description: MAYFLOWER PARK SEC 2 LOT 4 & LOT 5A NO 0 ITCH Subdivision: NA Acreage: 3 Section Township Range: NA Last Land Transfer: NA Assessment: 72000 Owner Name: BIG PICTURE HOLDINGS LLC Owner Address: C/O CARTE BLANCHE LIMO 7171 MAYFLOWER PARK DR ZIONSVILLE, IN 46077 Parcel Number: 019-16220-03 State Parcel Number: NA Property Address: 7171 MAYFLOWER PARK DR Legal Description: MAYFLOWER PARK SEC 2 LOT 3 NO DITCH Subdivision: NA Acreage: 1 Section Township Range: NA Last land Transfer: NA Assessment: 349300 Owner Name: JPM ASSOCIATES LLC Owner Address: 7113 S MAYFLOWER PARK DRIVE ZIONSVILLE, IN 46077 Parcel Number: 019-16220-02 State Parcel Number: NA Property Address: Legal Description: MAYFLOWER PARK SEC 2 SOUTH PART LOT 2 NO DITCH Subdivision: NA Acreage: 3 Section Township Range: NA Last land Transfer: NA Assessment: 674800 Owner Name: CROPPER WARREN D & SANDRA J Owner Address: 27312 VIEWPOINT CIRCLE SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 Parcel Number: 019-16220-09 State Parcel Number: NA Property Address: Legal Description: MAYFLOWER PARK SEC 2 N 10 FT LOT 2 (.06) TRUSTEES OF THE CROPPER TRUST NO DITC H Subdivision: NA Acreage: 0.06 Section Township Range: NA Last Land Transfer: NA Assessment: 1400 Owner Name: CROPPER WARREN D & SANDRA J Owner Address: 27312 VIEWPOINT CIRCLE SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 Parcel Number: 019-16220-01 Slate Parcel Number: NA Property Address: Legal Description: MAYFLOWER PARK SEC 2 LOT 1 TRUSTEES OF CROPPER TRUST NO DITCH Subdivision: NA Acreage: 1.48 Section Township Range: NA Last Land Transfer: NA Assessment: 717500 Owner Name: MAYFLOWER PARK ASSOCIATION Owner Address: ATTN BROWNING INVESTMENTS 6100 W 96TH ST SUITE 200 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46278 Parcel Number: 019-26220-01 State Parcel Number: NA Property Address: Legal Description: MAYFLOWER PARK SEC 2 COMMON AREA .69 ACRES NO DITCH Subdivision: NA Acreage: 0.69 Section Township Range: NA Last land Transfer: NA Assessment: 7300 Owner Name: ANDRADE INDUSTRIAL PARK Owner Address: OWNERS ASSOCIATION 300 S MADISON AV SUITE 401 GREENWOOD, IN 46142 Parcel Number: 019-00510-01 State Parcel Number: NA Property Address: DE ANDRE DR. Legal Description: ANDRADE INDUSTRIAL COMMON LAKE AREA 1.81 003-00510- 00 Subdivision: NA Acreage: 1.81 Section Township Range: NA Last Land Transfer: NA Assessment: 14500 Owner Name: PEARSON REALTY LLC Owner Address: 10650 N MICHIGAN RD ZIONSVILLE, IN 46077 Parcel Number: 019-10860-10 State Parcel Number: NA Property Address: 106TH ST Legal Description: PT SE SE 01-17-2E.40 003-10860-00 Subdivision: NA Acreage: 0.4 Section Township Range: NA Last Land Transfer: NA Assessment: 2000 & TLF ...... CONSULTING ENGINEERS TER HORST, LAMSON & FISK, INC. 8675 Purdue Road Indianapo]is, IN 46268 Phone (317) 334-1500; Fax (317) 334-]552 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: City of Carmel Dept. of Conununity Services DATE: August 9, 2007 One Civie Square - 3rd floor RE: LA Fitness - Weston Park Block A Carmel, IN 46032 PROJECT NO.: 2007-199 ATTN: Angie Conn FROM: Mark N. Obergfell, P.E. WE ARE SENDING HEREWITH: WE ARE SENDING VIA: ,~ W.~ &- t:O ~ ;;;;" ,~ ' S ~:~ ~ .~ ~ D Drawing Prints 0 Engineering Report D Drawing Plots 0 Shop Drawings 0 Specifications r8J Other: 0 Regular Mail 0 DHL/Worldwide Express r8J Hand Delivered 0 NOW Courier Economy Ground 0 (3 hr del. If picked UP before 11 :OOam) 0 NOW Courier Standard 2nd day by 5:00 0 (3 hr delivery by 5:00p) D NOW Courier Express (90 min) Next afternoon 0 by 3:00p 0 NOW Courier (1 Hour) Express - del. 0 by noon 0 To Be Picked up hy Recipient 0 Other: COPIES DRAWING NO. DATE DESCRIPTION 1 -- vanous Proof of Notice: published notice, sign notice, certified mailings THESE ARE TRANSMITTED: o r8J [ZJ For Approval For Your Use As Requested o For Review and Cumment o As Noted o Revise and Resubmit D Return Corrected Prints D Rejected o Other: REMARKS: Docket No. 07070006 DP/ADLS Copies To: C8J File [ZJ John Zaich, John Turek - LA Fitness C8J Kristy Rexing - Architects FOTIlm D File Name P:\200711 0012007-1 99\AdminlTransmittalslCarmel notice affidav 08-09-2007.doc