HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication Conn. Angelina V From: Sent: To: Subject: Boone, Rachel M. Tuesday, September 04, 2007 11:42 AM Conn, Angelina V; Holmes, Christine B; Hancock, Ramona 8 FW: Revised Carmel AT&T Drawing Attachments: 4635_lndianapolis.pdf; _AVG certification_.txt 1E:1.:, tel 4535_Indianapolis. _AVG pdf (40 KB) tification_.txt (219 I Ladies, AT&T has decided to change their signage at the Parkwood Crossing East Building #9 they are going to present at tonight's Subdivision committee meeting. AT&T's new logo requires them to get a variance for logo percentage. They wish not to do this and have opted for no logo and all capital letters. The sign is still in compliance with the ADLS for the development. Please advise the committee. Thanks, Rachel -----Original Message~---- From: Brent Bennett [mailto:agent2@a1expeditors.com] Sent: TuesdaYr September 04, 2007 11:15 AM To: Boone, Rachel M. Subject: FW: Revised Carmel Drawing -----Original Message----- From: Darcey Keener [mailto:dkeener@iconid.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2007 11:06 AM To: agent2@alexpeditors.com Subject: Revised Carmel Drawing Brentr As discussed, please ensure that the attached drawing is submitted for the meeting today. If you have any questions, please let me know. <<4635_Irtdianapolis.pdf>> Thank You, Darcey Keener Account Manager Icon Identity Solutions 1418 Elmhurst Rd Elk Grove Villager IL 60007 P: (847) 631-3126 F: (847) 631-3767 C: (847 212-9533 This e-mail has been scanned by MessageLabs Email Security System. For more information please visit http;//www.messagelabs.com./email The following information contained in this transmission or any attachment may contain trade secrets or proprietary information and must be considered confidential and property of Icon Identity Solutions. This information is II' ~ N 0J \ 6:2 C\ 8'-3 1/2" Il-3D-CUSTOM IllUMINATED LETTERS BLACK BY DAY & WHITE BY NIGHT ACRYLIC. BLACK CANS AND BLACK TRIM CAP. fB _.;;s;; ,~'Q' i;U &1 .Q;;:' III SCALE: 3/4"= 1 '-0" ...... = ~.; , oJ "<,. I fb D;) C%J. C,j Q q LOCAllON: #4635 FILE: 4635 Jndianapolis PAGE: 1 of 1 07/17/07 at&t " 1418 Elmn'"'' &1. Indianapolis, IN DATE: 06/12/07 REVISED: 06/19/07 09/04/07 Ell- GfW! {lillage Illinoif 600a7 DRAWN: BV SCALE: As Noted l(lilMtity SOI\Jli;:;ns u u Page 1 of 1 Boone, Rachel M. From: Boone, Rachel M. Sent: Monday, August 06, 20074:08 PM To: Blanchard, Jim E; Brennan, Kevin S; Brewer, Scott I; Conn, Angelina V; Coy, Sue E; DeVore, Laura B; Hancock, Ramona B; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Holmes, Christine B; Keeling, Adrienne M; Littlejohn, David W; Stewart, Lisa M; Tingley, Connie S Cc; 'nancy@a1 expeditors.com' Subject: Docket No. Assignment: (ADLS Amend) AT&T - Signage (#07080005 ADLS Amend) I have notified the petitioner that I have issued the necessary Docket Number for (ADLS Amend) AT&T- Signage. It is the following: Docket No. 07080005 ADLS Amend: AT&T - Signage ADLS Application Fee: $277,50 $55.50 per sign (1) $5550 Total Fee; $333.00 Docket No. 07080005 ADLS Amend: AT&T - Signage The applicant seeks approval for 1 new wall sign. The site is located at 900 E 961ti SL It is zoned PUD in Parkwood Crossing. Filed by Nancy Long of A-1 Expeditors, Petitioner, please note the following: 1. This Item will not be on an agenda of the Techn ical Advisory Committee. 2. Mailed and Published Public Notice does not need to occur. 3. Proof of Notice is, not needed. 4. The Filing Fee and Eight (8) Information packets must be delivered to Plan Commission Secretary, Ramona Hancock, no later than 12:00 PM, Friday, August 24, 2007. If filing fee and materials are not delivered by this time, this application will be continued to the October 2,2007, meeting, 5. This Item will appear on the Tuesday, September 4,2007, agenda of the Plan Commission Special Studies Committee at 6:00 pm in the City Hall Caucus Rooms, Second Floor. PETITIONER: refer to your instruction sheet for more detail. Nancy Long can be contacted at 317-849-8845. Thanks. RetdteIr 1300-n€/ Sign Permit Reviewer DE'lpartment of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Carm'el, IN 46032' 317.571.2280 317.571.2426 fax www.ci.carmel.in.us/ 8/6/2007 ,- U.: ,'0 ADLS/ADLS AMENDMENT APPLICATION Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping and Signage ADLS Fees: $834.00 plus $111.00 per acre ADLS AMEND Fees: Sign only: $277.50, plus $55.50fsign Building/Site: $556.00, plus $55.50/acre DOCKET NO. Ol'D~ 0005 lr4?cSltVr1tnd RECEIVED JUL ":) 2007 Received Date Stamp: DATE: l.~~O-O-l ADLS ---i..- ADLS/Amend Checked By DOCS DP Attached Previous DP? Yes No Name of A -r- Project: Tg / Type of . Project: We>. II 'S/f;J /"rp?' C',,: J4'16pt;.-i , Project Address: HI J 90() t:: "76 S/./h:rl~ ~~DV ::L.tJ tielI/o Project Parcel ID #; 1- 2 - 1- -1 - ..L ~ - 0 0 - ...Q JL - ~ L 3: . 0 -2. ~ Legal Description: (please use separate sheet and attach) Applicant Address;)?8'11 Contact Person; AkJ'lt!'7 AL<r 1"'1 A-.1 ~ 'Y'd.j"r ~ 41~.J C"r~1.: K.J L\ \0 2- S& Name of Applicant: L-,~ - ") Telephone: '3' ,'1 . ~~/'f . g'? it ~ Fax No. '~i'" . .:;:'-1.,. 38 1'1 Email: A1r.:~tc I @ <Z 'L~J:I.:>/.:(. <,;>..-.,., Name of Landowner: V<.A i..... Zr; (, 1~ Telephone: "3/7' gog, (000 ~ 7ft r/ J ~j' .--; -.1 ~/ I( Landowner Address: 6, 00 e: 7 , -->7'"'....".~-t) .;n""r. I OJ) .:J..lJDr IN "'Y'6 Z 0 . Plot Size: q, '1lfi OlU.f S Zoning Classification:~. P \J D ~evi!!ed= 12-f29-/2CHl05 S:\FOrosS\PC Applications - cu:t:r.::nt\2007 pc npplications\ADL.SAMEN.APP 2C07_doc 1 u u Present Use I' I' I I of Property: ;11"", +1 eUl-l j)h a,l I-/~~.d 'E: I L'~, Proposed Use of Property: J J '" I' }- J1 New Construction? Y es_No~ NewlRevised Sign? Yes~No_ Remodeled Construction: Ye..<;_No~ New Parking? Yes_No~ New Landscaping'? Y es_No~ Note that required fees are due after the application has received a docket number, and not at the time of application submittal. Do NOT bring application fees at the time of submittal Revised: 12/2.9/20o-~ .s ~ \FOFcMS\P;: Applicaticm:s - C:lJrretlt:\2007 pc applica"f,ions\A.DLS1\HEN .APP 2007,doc 2 u u Parkin!! ~/A <'u-rrbG~ No. of Spaces Provided: No. Spaces Required: , Desil!:n Infonnation tJl'i c: l/JI"~rJv Type of Building: No. of Buildings: Square Footage: Height: No. of Stories Exterior Materials: Colors: Maximum No. of Tenants: Type of Uses: Water by: Sewer by: ~h LIGHTING tJlA CLtN&-..-b Type of Fixture: Height of Fixture: No. of Fixtures: Additional Lighting: :;< Plans to be su.bmitted showing Foot-candle spreads at property lines, per the ordinance. SIGNAGE I Type of Signs: w~,- t I I No. of Signs: 5'1P1 Location(s): -r:; N/~ ~}h o-fl gli; 'I; 0 j t ;( ll.:2 S (j 1~.C['j S.f- Total Height of each sign:_ '_ "30 /- Square Footage of each sign: II 10t( Y qq itS zo ,'75Sf Dimensions of each sign: LANDSCAPING * Plans to be submitted showing plan/types, sizes, and locations * ***** * ** ** * ** ** ** * ** ** ** * **** ***** * * ** ***** I the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief, submit the above information as true and correct. Signature of Revised: 12/29-/2.006 ~~\F('lR}'1.~\P-': J\pplications - curretlt\2Q07 pc applications\AT:LSAMEN.l>..PP 2COi.dDC 3 u ~ u ~~~ C"\ . t" Y 'b;It;~ 5 \ 9b:1 t) :: i ~ ....\,. ":. ~ . ~~r . <( - * * * * * * * *~ *~~ * EOY* ,\Q f4!!! *:1< * * * * * * * * *:1< * * -;:. ". p\J:€>v", ~ ~ ~ -. ." ~ ~ ~~ &:;:.~. ........;f"J /';/1 ,):\. . Y. ......." III} \\\\ liI/lI/ 11111 I III' Applicant: ******* State of Indiana, County of _~ '"- ~ . Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public f~ ~ County, State of Indiana, personally appeared ~_. ~~~nd acknowledged the executio of the foregoing in.trumentthis_ daYOb~' 20~ My ommission Expires: 1 Notary Public L~ CITY OF CARMEL AND CLAY TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT Of COMMUNITY SERVICES (DOCS) 1 Civic Square, Carmel, [N 46032 (3rd floor) 571-24L7 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, LIGHTING SIGNAGEREVIEW (REVIEW/APPROV AL) Procedure for Plan Commission For Business Zones, U.S. 31 Meridian Street Corridor, U.S. 431 Keystone Avenue Corridor and the o.S.421 Michigan Road Corridor 1. Allow plenty of time for review and approval process (approximately .two (2) months). 2. Discuss proposed project with DOCS staff (please call for an appointment to discuss review procedure and appropriate dates) first week of the month, works the best to begin a project. 3. INFORMATION NEEDED for fonna,l DOCS staff and Plan Commission review: a. Two copies of fonnal application with required informatlon b. Two copies of legal description c. Two location maps showing location of subject site, zoning and existing land uses of all adjacent properties. d. Two copies of a detailed site development plan showing: 1) Detailed drainage plan with drainage calculations. If project is in Clay Township, take to Kent Ward, County Surveyor (776-9626) and John South, U.S. Soil Conservation Service (773-1406). If project is in City of Carmel, discuss with Kate Boyle, City Engineer at 571-2441.. 2) Lighting plan - footcandle limits R~vised: 12/29-/2006 s: \ZORt"'lS\PL: Applica-r..ions. - current\2IJOi pc applicatlofls\ACLSJlMEN .}I....PP 2007.doc 4 " u u EXHillIT A PAGE 1 OF 2 A LAND BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION OF COMBINED BUILDING 4 & S P ARKWOOD CRoSSING HAMILToN COUNlY, INDIANA AUGUST 1,2000 A part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 17 North, Range 3 East, Hamilton County, Iodiana., described as follows: Conunencing at the southeast comer of said quarter section, said comer being 2,694.08 feet, measured along the south line of said quarter section from the southwest comer of said quarter section; thence South 90 degrees 00 minutcs 00 seconds West 1,120,66 feet along the south line of said quarter section; thence North 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East 43.00 feet to the southeast romer of the parcel of land known as Building 3, ParkwOQd Crossing and the POINT OF BEGINNING of this description: thence North 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East 978.94 feet along the east line of said Building 3 parcel and the east line of the land described in the deed to Indiana Insurance Company recorded in Instrument IIIJmber 92-49116 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana and along the northerly extension of said east line to the south right-of-way line of Interstate 465; thence South 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East 384.00 feet along said south right-of-way line to the northwest corner of the parcel ofland known as the Building 6 parcel; thence along the west line of said Building 6 parcel the following three (3) courses: (1) South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 147.31; (2) Southerly 64.58 feet along an arc to the right and having a radius of 225.00 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of South 08 degrees 13 minutes 20 seconds West and a length of64.36 feet; (3) South 16 degrees 26 minutes 40 seconds West 4.17 feet to a northeast comer of Common Use Parcel C; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 scwnds West 52.13 feet along the north line of said Common Use Parcel C to the northwest comer of said Conunon Use Parcel C; thence along the west and southwest lines of said Parcel C the following eight (8) courses: (1) South 16 degrees 26 minutes 40 seconds West 64.58 feet; (2) Southerly 64.58 feet along an arc to the left and having a radius of225.00 feet and sub tended by a long chord having a bearing of South 08 degrees 13 minutes 20 seconds West and a length of 64.36 feet; (3) South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 64.04 feet; (4) Southerly, and Southeasterly ]06.15 feet along an arc to the left and having a radius of 225.00 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of South 13 degrees 30 minutes 57 seconds &stand a length of 105.17 feet; (5) South 27 degrees 01 minute 54 seronds East 190.02 feet; (6) South 61 degrees 59 minutes 54 seconds East 57.50 feet; (7) South 05 degrees 26 minutes 33 seconds East 36.61 feet; (8) South 17 degrees 23 minutes 58 seconds East 250.71 feet to the north right-of-way line of West 96fb. Street; thence South 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 534.16 feet along said north line to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 8.693 acres, more or less. The bearings in this description are based upon the south line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section] I having a bearing of South 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West. EXHillIT A PAGE 10F2 \\lNDYlSRVLN\SV\Projects\l 6893\Parl;wood\Desc\Bldg 4-5.doc Prepan:d by Woo/pert UP 8ntOO 8:54 AM u u INDIANA CODE 32-1-2-37 BASE PARCEL NUMBER: 16-13-11~04-17-001.002 x EXISTENCE OF IMPROVEMENTS ON THE NEW TAX PARCEL TO BE CREATED ABSENCE OF IMPROVEMENTS ON THE NEW TAX PARCEL TO BE CREATED ACREAGE OF THE NEW TAX PARCEL TO BE CREATED: 8.693 PREPARED BY: Timothy W. Withers, Attorney at Law, Bose McKinney & Evans LLP, 600 East 96th Street, Suite 500, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 ;;QDMA"MHOOMO\\NOI ;38971;1 c' (, 1'v)\J ~ "\1] c; ~o . i\ rJl.O\..0 8'-3 1/2" \ \ "RP I n J\ ;:}Ov II SCALE: 3/4"=1'-0" LOCATION: #4635 FILE: 4635 _IndianapOlis PAGE: 1 of 1 07/17/07 at&t " 14/8 Ehnlmnl Rrl Indianapolis, IN DATE: 06/12/07 ~ElIISED: 06/19/07 09/04/07 Elk (;;I)[,'e Villrfg{; f/fitwiJ MilO7 DMWN: BV SCALE: As Noted "J~"tily S-ol::liun~ ~ N IL-30-CUSTOM ILLUMINATED LETTERS BLACK BY DAY & WHITE BY NIGHT ACRYLIC. BLACK CANS AND BLACK TRIM CAP. 'fIOlr ~ N 2'-6" ~ 0> \\ " ~ r:-; '~ G' 6'-0 1/4" 6" M !\0C"f ,tJ V ~ ro 3'-01/4' I n If Il-30-H-B IllUMINATED LETTERS NOTE: GLOBE: STANDARD WHITE ACRYLIC WITH BLACK OPAQUE VINYL ON BLACK CUTS LmERS: BLACK BY DAY & WHITE BY NIGHT ACRYLIC, BLACK CANS AND BLACK TRIM CAP. LEllERS SYMBOL SCALE: 3/4"=1'.0" ~ at&t LOCATION: #4635 Indianapolis, IN '?, ~~cs >'7= 7'':7 ~.~~, ~ '6;>~~~ FIlE: 4635 Indianapolis DATE: 06/12J07 DRAWN: BV PAG~, 1 of 1 REVISED Q6/19/07 SCAlE: As Noted 07/17/07 i~ Itl~~litl' SI)I..li~1'l05 /4111 Jl./lllhlJr.ot Rtf. Jill: Gr,UI: Vilhgi' Illio",,60007 "'" M- 0'> \ I iJ? '1,0 N ~ 2'-6" ~ ~ to .- \\ . .~I"J '.1 I. 6'-0 1/4" 6" Ii 3'-0 1/4" IL-30-H-B IllUMINATED LETTERS NOTE: GLOBE: STANDARD WHITE ACRVlIC WITH BLACK OPAQUE VINYL ON BLAGK CUTS LmERS: BLACK BY DAY & WHITE BY NIGHT AGRYLlC. BLACK GANS AND BLACK TRIM CAP. ~ at&t LDCATION: #4635 Indianapolis, IN I FILE: 4635Jndlanapolis DArE: 06/12107 DIlAWN: BV PAIlE: 1 011 RE\IISED: 06119/07 SCALE: As Noted f OV) C, \S I n I'~ L- ~ 0..- ~~~~ .-9 ~ :) <: ~ k L~. ~~, ,9 ? _ ~ .-- -.J' '> <::;"'r ~ C -CC;O~ , ~~ LETTERS SYMBOL I C SCALE: 3/4"=1'-0" 07/17/07 ko~ lil= I'llilV 8DltI~~411:' U18 Elmhu"" Rd Ell: Gm", VilloJ;' lIfi!lf)J:~ 60007 Roads Interstate US Highway State Road Major Roads Minor Roads Subdivision Roads New Subdivision Roads Private Road or Drive Parcels: April 2006 ~ Color Ortho Photo 2006 c (jJA ~-K v Map1 u 61 :I~'" .". .. t'" t .. . . 11:; '!;; '.... ~ ,~ r, ... s: ,. ~ IJ .:'>~ ~ ..- " N SCALE 1 : 2,268 ~ ~ VvQiV \ 0\ \oz \ 'ZD sf ~v 0\ C\{ V\1~ --I ........, ~ - [--- 200 0 200 FEET 400 600 PVD l.-~v?-..-D\ C).. S--O l -l- htto:/lais .ca rmel.in. aov/mao/ca rmel. mwf Wednesdav. Auaust 01. 2007 10:38 AM Dtke .~- ----~..-_._------_._~ -.--- I I '~_M_.__~_ j ! _____._ ___. i //;::~C}i=;=:;.: 's~" '--;";r'"'- -"- u"':'_ -- :..' .." , ,~'~';;''':"~~';'C 1 ~ i~~/~'~~J.r~I~ ~'J. ~!~.~.:~r[i_.J ~~";'~II,~~:r~ :~T?~~.f.}~'l:.:trll: \ 1,' j:f. ..fI~I~ I. . ." ,J _ l}!+dn'rO ~ ~~l~ ~~ ! "!" 'c' ~ ,-,,- l~. -~, :1-: .". :.;, -~. f' : ~../ .... '1 ~ ! ,. '\1'.,. [ n',L" '" n' ; !' . - ,~;. '. '; '0 J.; ;. .' ! : . '. I ' i. :.{ C,liiHl-SlHf!- 0 , 1... r ~ ~ .-;, Lnr'cd'u, t i ' I:' I .Ii';"! . i 'f 'l.i iJ \ ~ 'j' I J ,like" I' ,:: ':II'~ . ~"i ....." , ., . ~~: ':,: ~: I ~l"-~;'.!.:';-I'.~"U"!:.:""""'..""_C-:- J - "t; . ..., 'I..U,' .,.J" :~ 'I '''1'''' ",. . ..-..----,,' /,. . :.'l'. " r.~1 r II t~,"'nIJ'" .ll..lll ..~. .': .' :; _ 1}!'.fir'I'll ..", ' .,1 ffi'+8.!;-;-U; , " ..' , . ':. l r'~ z I I; ,'/:':"'::"':";:"::j" ..' i ,:':~ : '~:"';:-:;_';':'(LUl_L~~~' "~ ~ ,~L.~..~:~,:""~<",,-, l.lff-'~'t.~ \ '":; ~J..! 11';;":"';";'<<" .:..r!. /'~Ir]j ~~~ ''1'1 I . 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I\~ ., ~ Ii · 'I ~ ~~. -- L~.. . .. .41- .:..'~..... .. . . -,~,.;.~"."~ -~~ ~ . 11. .- ~ ".cQ~.....,-~ - ....::::- 7' ~ ~lC7 ~ .~ ..:.) .........Co TT _-.~ - -- ... ,.. ..--". - .- - _/" _:~,~J. '_ rj;""'1]I.Jli1i I! II II - WI ./-- Sign #: 003 Exterior Sign Type: Channel Letters Sign Configuration: Single Face Face Material: Flat Plastic Graphics Material: other Height Above Grade: 546" Face Height: 27" Face Width: 294" Depth: 8" Wall Material: Efis (Drivit) Illumination: Non Dluminated Raceway Required: No .- - I I I I . . .. I rf ..' II I, I' I Action Code: New Sign Type: Description: Required Site Work Message A: Message B: Restoration 8< Fabrication Notes: https://att.signchart.comlprintJprint_eng2.asp?site_id=3273&:wne _ id;: JO'- @at6t _e' 1- -I ~')~..j..~~ I Remove and Replace CUstom Custom One Color BLACK 30" Globe - Horizontal Black Ilium Entry Identity - 30" h x 73.25" w - .SOx Patch and repair existing wall surface to like new condition. Repaint to mab:h existing color finish. For brick or stone es 7lP S,~.