HomeMy WebLinkAboutReith-Riley Constr/Engr Ri:ith'RileyCOllstruction CO" Inc, Engineering Department - 2007 I 16'" Street ~f1d'Pennsyl\'ania ParkwaY'Path Projects APPRO Appropriation'#2200"44622; .P,O #[6346 ." '. . V ~ri, ,1\$ TO Contract Not To 'ExceedS29~,200,OO fORM lJ~ AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF GOODS AND SERVICES Con -\fact::lt: .Qq, I q . D1 ,Q I T~IS AGREEMENT FOR,PU'RCHAsEOF GOOOS AND SERVICES CAgreement'')'ishereby entereddnto by arid between the CilY of Carmel, [ndiana, ~acting bY',iln9 through its Board QI PUQllc Wbr~s <lnd Safety ("City"), and Reith Riley.Construction Co:, Inc, ("Ve,ndor"), ' TERMS AND CONDITiONS 1, ACKNOWlEOGM~N:r,~CCEPTAN,CE: Vendor, acknowl~dg~s lhatit has 'read and understandsAhis Agreement, andag[eesthat its execution of same constitutes its acceptance of-all of th'eAgreement'sJerms,and conditions, 2, 'PERFORMANCE: City agrees to'purchase the ,goo,ds and/or services (the "Good,s'and Servic,es") from, Vendorusil'lg City budget appropriation number 2200.44622 fund?, Vendor agrees to provide ilie Goods and Services and to otherwise: perform the requirements,of this Agreement bY' applying ,at all limes the highest technical ilna Indusiry s!amjards, ' ' 3, Pf;lICE.AND PAYMENT TERMS: 3.1 Vendor estimates that 'the total price farihe Goods'and Services to be provided to City hereunder shali'be no more-than Two Huhdred NinetY Six Thousana Two Hundred Dollars ($296;200,00) (the "Estimate"), Venggr shaiisubmltaninvoiceto City no more than once every thirty (30) days detailing the Goods and. Services provided to City within such time period, City shall pay Vendorfor'su'ch GoodsangServiceswithinsixty (69) days (lfter t,heqale'of,CitY'srecejPfofVerdor's jnvoice'de,tailiryg same, so' tong ,as^and, to the extent such Goods"and Services'are noldisputed, are in accordance witil,the specificatiofls sel !orth in Exhibit A, are subm!tted ?nan inv6icethat Mntains,,the,iril.orma)iQJ'l contain,edon atta~hed Exhibit B, aDd Vendor has otherwise performed 'and satisfied, alllheiterms and conditionS,ofthis Agreement.. 3,2, Ve[1dor agrees not to'provide any Goods and Services to City that would cause the:total cost orthe' Goods and Services provided by Ve'ridor,to City'hePeunderto exceed the Estimate, unless Cjty has previouslY'(lgreed, in writing, to pay an aQ10unl in excess thereol, 4, WARRANTY: Vendor expressly warrants tliat the Goods and Services covered by this Agreement will cohform to those, certain, specifications, descriptions 'arid[orquota]ions regarding same as wer~ Rrovided to' Ve,ndorby Gity and/or by Verl,dor'to and acc~pted,pyCitypursuanfto or as part of that certain Crtyof Carmel'Engineering Department Bid Proposal Package for "1161h StreetPa:th.andPennsylval1ia,Parkway path" received by the 9ity of Carmel Board qf Pu~lic ,Works;and.Safety on or about'August ,15,2007, all of which documents are ihcorporated herein by reference, and thaHme Goods.and'services"will be delivEjred in,atimeiy, 9900 i3nd workmanliKe rnanoer ana free from delect Vendor,f1C;:Knowiedges'thal'i,l knows, of City's Intended use and expressly-warrants that-lhe Goods, and Services provided to Cltypursuant'tothis Agreement nave,lSeen selecfed'by Vendor. based upon Cit~~sstateduse.and are fit'snd suffici,e~Uorlhei(particular:purpose, IZ;\iE lhto-I.'"I" llooi.lllel,ii..f'wr~i,;;,;,l ~rvi~\~go7',R<;~~]_oyCoo.tr:"o~li~i_ Cl\_d~:E'I~'2J!Y1_ Hn~ A~IJ J. / Reitll'Riley Constructlan Ca., [nc, Engi.neering Department - 2007 1'1 6ti'Street and Pennsylvania Parkw'ayPatbPfajects Appropriation #2200.44622;P,Q, #16846 . Contract NobTa EXceed$296~200,OO 5. TIME AND'PERFORMANCE: This:Agreem~nrs~all becom~enective as oijhe last~ateon which~PSlrtyheret6executes;saij1e ("Efjective Date"), and ,both parties shall thereafter perrormfhelr obligations'hereunder in a;timely manner. Time is of the esserice (JfthisAgr~ement. 6. DISCLOSURE AND WARNINGS. If requested oy,Qity, Venaorshallprornptly furnishtO,City,.ln such jClrm anddetafl as City may direct; a Iistoi all chemicals, materials, substances 'and items used in or during the provision o(the Goods and SelVices provided. hereunder, includihg th,e qLiantity, ,quality ancj concehtration thereof and ~riY other iriformation relating thereto. At the time'oHhe delivery of'the Goods andSelVlces provided hereunder, Vendor agrees to furnish to Citysufficlenfwritten Warni~g and notice (including approp'ri~te labelso'ncontiiiners and packing) of any ha.zard.oUsmaterial utilized in o.r thatis a parrof the Goods aodSelVices. 7. LIENS: Vendor shall not' cause or permit the filing of any'lien on any of City's property~ In the event,any such lien is !iled and .Venaor fails to,remove such lien within .ten (10) days a,Herthe'filihgthereof, by payment or bohding, City,shall have the right .to paY9l!ch liep or obtainsu'chrbend; all al.yendor's sole cost and e~pi:;nse. 8, DEFAULT: 11\ tQe ev~rit Vendor: (a) repudlates~ bre~ches or defaults under anY' of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, including Vendor's warranties; (b) fails to provide!the Goods andSeivices' ,as specified herein; (c)iails tpma.Ke:pr();;fresssoas to endangi:;[timely and proper provision of'fhe Goods aild SelVicesanddoes not correct such/ailure or breach within five (;i) ~usiness days (or such shorter perjod of'tim~ as is c.onimercially r~(lsonabJe under the cir9umstances) ~fter receiptof noti~e from, 8ity si?ecifYlng such failure or breach; or (d) becomes insolvent, isplaced'intocreceivership, makes'ageneral assignment for the benefit of ~.redit6isor dissolves, eabhsuch'event constituting"an 'event,oldefaultt]ereunder, ~Ity sha!LhaVe th~ right t.o (1) 'te'rminateall or any parts of this~greement, without liability to Vendor;. and' (2) exercise ail ether rights and remedies available to City at law ana/orin equity, '. . 9 INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFiCAtiON: Vendor shall Woc~re}md mail1Jain ,in f~11 force abd, effect:during th,e term of this Agreeme}l,t, Ylith an iilsurer licensed Ill. do,bu~ines~in, theState.of Indiana"sucl1insu~anqeas is necessaryfor'theprotection of City and Vendor from all claims for damages under any workers' compensation" occ~patibi1al disease and/or unemploymenrcRmpen'sation'acK for bodilyinjCJrLes including; but..hOt lii'flited to; persooalinjury"sick,ness; disease ,or death of or to any oniendor'sagents, offtcers, employees, contractersand,subcantractors; and, for any injury to or destruction of property, ir\cl4ding, butnbrlimited 1.6, any lo~sof use resulting therefroh". '. I - . ... .- --- .. The coverage amounts shall be !1o.lessthan tliese"amountssei forth in attached Exhioit C. Vendor shall cause its .insurers to name City asan addilional irisureg on all such insuranCe! policies, shall 'promptly proVide CitY"upoh requ.es\, with copies of all such pgllcies; and shall provide:that such insurance policies shall not be canceled without thirty (30) days prior, notice to City. Venaor'shall indemnify.ana hold harmless City f~om and against any and all liaQiiitie's, c;1(ljms; demands or expe[isi:;s (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney fees) for injury, deathoand/.oridamages Ie any person or property,arising from or .in con'neciion with Vel1doi'sprovision6fGoods!a'nd Servjcespursuantto or under this AgreeJ11ent 01 V~n~d6r'sj~se 6f City [D,E 13.1"'\MYDoo-"UI-mlo'J'mfc:;.;i~'~IS"';-i~.1~7'_~"'!.ll R:I"r:Co_n5lnl~i~1 C~.dtlC,~i!:t.~7 t~~~ ,~~f) \2' Reith Riley CouslnlclionCo., Inc. 1"'Igi.......mg DepanmeIIt.- 2007 116*StruellIIId ~eIII1II~lV1ll1ia~y, Pnth Projec1o Apj"o)!UiatiOn #22~; P;O.#16846 Contract Not To Bxeeed 529<>,200.00 10. property. Vendof.fUitlier Eigrilest(f1ndemnlfy, defend and Mid hannless CUy and lIsofflcers, 'offlcials,BlIenlsandemployees.fromall claims and.sults ofVlhatevef tYPe, Incl~dlng, but not limited " .... ,'- .. _ - .,-" .., .. '. ".. _," .. -.. , -~. - "_ 'I _ .. _.. _ " .. ~ 10, a1lcourtcosts,.attomeyfees, arid. other eXpenses, cau~ byany act~oro,mjssion.OfVendor andlor 'of any Of Vendo~s agenls, ofIicers, emp,loyees,ccintraclQra orsubccintraclolS In the performance' Of this Agreement: These Indemnification obligations shall survive Ihetermlnatlcmof lh1sAe~ment: ' .GOVERNMENT COMPLIANCE: 'Vendor agrees 10 comply wtihall federal, State and 10caLlaws, executive orderS, rules,f6gula1lons and codes which ~ may be, applicable 10 Vendo(s performance of Its obligations under this Agreemen~and allJelevanl provisions thereaf are incorpor.lled, herein by this nife'ren~. Vendor agrea~ 1o'ln~enini1Yand hold harmless City from any loss, damageand/or lIabllilyresulling from any such violation of s.uch I~, ortfeis, rul~, regulatlon~ and codes, this Indemnification obligation shall surviVe ,the termlnation'Ofthls AQ['lieii1!illl f{ONDISCRlMINATION: Vendor nepresenlll and warrants that II and all ,of lis offlcers, employees, agents, contractors and sulJcOntraCto~ shaM comply ~' all laws of t[1e United States, the Slate Of Indiana and ~Ity prohlbllfngdlscnminatlon againSt li/iYemployee, al!pllc~nt for employment or other person ,In the ' provision Of any Goods ani:l"Servlcesprovlded by this Agneement witI1 respecllo thelr,hlre, tenure, terms, conditions.and,piMlegesoiemp.loyment and any oiher matter re!ated'lo !he!r.e,mployment or sUbcon,tractlng, because, Of race, rellglon..color,sex, handicap, national oOrigln, ani:6stry, age, dlsabled,vetei'an'Sl3tus andlorVletnem era veteranstatiis, 11, 12. NO IMf)L1ED WAIVER: The failure of eltherparly to require performance'by the other'of any provision Of this Agneement . shall not affect the righlOfsuch party io reQuire ,such performance at ariy'tiri)e t[ie,reafter, nor. shall Ih8 waive~:by any parlyofa breactfOfany provision of this Agreement conStltlJte a walV:er Of any sucCeeding breach Of Ih!l same or any other'provlslon hereof.. . NON-ASSIGNMENT: Verydorshall not.BS!!ign or pledge this Ag'reameh!; wnether as.con~ralfora 19anorotherwise, and shall not delegalelts,obllgations under this Agreement without CitYs'prior wrthefl consertt RELATIONSHIP ClF PARTIES: . .. ThereJ8tlonshlpof Jhe parties hereto shall be as provided for In this Agreement, arid n!llther vendor nor !lny'Of'1ts oflli:ers, e)l1ploYBes;:coritra~ors,.suticontractorsa~d agents areempl<?yees of City, The contract price set forth. herein shall be the full ,end rnaxlmum compensation and monies required of City tO,be paid to Vandorlindei' or pUrSuarli tothlsAgreement. GOVERNINGLAV"; LAWSUITS: Thls'Agreeifief\tlslo be construed In:acoordance with and governed by the laws 6fthe State of Il1diana, '~xceptfor Itseor,rlllct?f laws provisions, ,The parth$ agree that,lh .the event e Iaw.sU~ Is flied hereun.der,.they waive their right to aJqry..lrial, agree to file,any stich lawsuitlnan apprppriate court'ln ~amlllon County, Indiana only, and agree iliat such court Is the, appropriate venue for and has jurisdiction over same. . .. ." -, 13, 14. 15, J 'Reith RileY Constniclioll Co,;Inc, Engineering Department -'2007 116""Stre<:1 and PenllSyl~ani~i"rkway pathprojeds Appropri"tion#2200'4~622;' PD, #16846 Contract Not To Excee"ctS29,G;200.bo 16, SEVERABILITY: If apy'term of this Agreemenl'iSinvalid.orUr\~nforceabl,eUnderqny stat~te, regulation, ocainance"executive order oJ olher r,ule.oflawnsuch term. shall be ,deemed reformed or deleted, but only 10 the extent necessary to comply with same, and the remaining provisionsoUnis,Agreemenfshall remain in fuli force and effect. . 17. NOTICE: Any nolice provicjed'for inlhis Agreement Viill be..sWicient [f i! is in writing \lnd Is:'delivered l5y postage prepaid U.S. certified' mail, return recelptrequestea, to the party to be notified at the' address specified 'herein: Uto Gity: City of Carmel One Civic S,quiire, ~tr~~I, ~~Z,4~ ~ AND Do~glas'c.Han~y, CWy Attorney, Department'ofLa:IN One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana46032 If'toVendor: Reith Riiey Construction Co., Inc. 17StW,.Minnesota St:, P:O..Box Telephone: 317-634-5561 E'Mail: ATTENTION:' Notwith,standl~gtlie'above, notice of terminafion under paragraph 18 hereinbelow shall be effective if given orally, asJong as wrifien notice is then provided as set forth hereinabove witj"Jin five (5) bu~iness, days from the date otsuch oral notice. 18, TERMINA"(ION: 18,1 Notwithsianding anything to the contrary contained in. this Agreement" City may, upon notice to Vendor, 'immediately terminale this Agreement lor,cause, in the,eyent of a default hereunder by Vend9rand/orif sufficient funds are Qot'appropriated or encumbered to pay for the. Goods and SerVices'to be provided he'reun'der.. In thEfevent ctsuch terminatiim, vendor ,shall be entitled)~ recelye only payment for the. undisputed invoice amo~nL representing conforming Goods and Services delivered aso((he.date'of:termination, excepl ihC!tsuch paymentamou'nl snail not exceed the Estirnate"ri1o-urit in effect.at the:tifDe ofterminat[on, LLhlesslhe parties have previously agreed in writing lo'a greater amount. [l;\F: B,m,>,.,,, Oorum""""J'roi~i'llllill :Si:i,,~..ioo1,i:t...rlb Ril<l'C",-"Liucli.:., coi .M::9~.~/Ji1Il7 ID:'i8~A.';"1. 4 Reith"Riley' ConstQlcrion Co" Inc. Engll~eeTing,Depa-~.~~~nL -.2Q07 - 116'" Street and Pennsylvania ~arkway Faih rr~jects Appropriation #2f06-4~6?2; PA #1 (j84,6. Contract NOITo Ex,eed,S296,200,QO 18,2 Either party. hereto may terminate.thls Agreement at any time upon thirty (30) days prior notice to the other,partx- In the ,event 9f such termination', Vendor'shall be. entitled to.receive only payment for th!) unaisp~ted, invqice aITl.ount of conlorming (]ood.s, and,SerJices delivered as of the' date of termination, except that such payment amount shalL not exceed th'e;Estimate amount in effect at the time of termiriatio'n"unle,ssthe parties bave previously agreed in '{I'riting to a greater am.ount. 19, REPRESENTATIONS ANDWARRANTIES The, parliesiep[esent qnd warrant thattoey are authorized to enter into this Agreement and tharthe.persons executinglhis Agreement have theauthorityto'bind Hie.party which.theyr'epresent 20. ADDITIONAL GOODS AND SERVICES Vendor understands and agrees.tllat City may; froiTi'tirne'to tiiiie, request Vendor to provide additional go.ods }md serJicest9 C'ily; W'hen City desires addltionalgoods' and services from vendor,the Cityshail notify Vendor. of such additional goods and services,desired, as,welLas the time lrahle,'in which same 'ire to be' provided .only after City bas'approv,!d Vendor's:!ime arid cost ~stimate,.for thepro\ljsio~ of sy.cb.gdditional goods ang services, has encumbered sufficient monies,fo pay for same, and has' authorized Vendor, in writing, to pr6vide such additional goods,and;services"shaILsucn goods and services be provided by Vendor 10 City: Pi copy onheCiiy's:a~t,horization documents forthepurchaseof additional goods and.seriices shall . benumberedand,attached heretoin theiorder in which th'ey are approved by City. .,. .1 21, TERM Unless, otherwise terminated in accordance with the terminatiol) pr6.visioQs 'slJtiortQin li'asagraph 18 h~reina9ove, thisAgreerrjentsQall be [nelfecilrom the Effective Date'through December 31, 2007, and shall, on the first day of each January ttYereafter, automaticallY renew for aperiod'o! one (1) calendar year, unlessotherviise agreed by the piirties heret9.' 22. HEADINGS All he~ding'andsections of ihis Agreement are inserted for convenience onlyand'do not form a parlor this Agreement norlimii, expand orot~erwise:aiterlhe'meaning ofahy provision hereof. 23. BIf,j'DING EFFECT T,he parties, ami their respective officers, official.li, 'agenls, partners, s.uccesso,rs" asjigns and lega) represe'ntatives, are,bound to the other with respect to all of the covenants, terms, warranties 'and obligations setforth,'in Agreement. 24. NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES This,ll,greementgivesoo rights> or t)snefits to anyone ot~er Ihan City and Vendor. 25. ADVICE OF COUNSEL: The parties warrant that they have rei!d this'Agreement and understand it, have had the.opportunitK to.obtain legal advice and assistance otcounselthrougnout the;n'egotiation ofthis~greefJ1lJnt, ahd en@inlo same' freely, voluntllrily, and without any duress, un,due i.nfluence 9r coercion, [1.\10 1ho.\.'rl,,-lloruIHrnl\\Profmlon;ll "",.",06'.l(~mie.rilll.ltile~ Coo!il;m~Ii"". t(l:da<:"-9~II::ii~OO7 11):2=:':;U1] 5 Reith Riloy Construction Co., Inc. Engineering Dep.rtment:'" 2007 IJ61h Street-and Penn~ylvania Parkway Path'Projects~ Ajlpropli.tioll#2200,44622;. P,O,,#] 6846 Contract. Not To Exceed $296,200.00 1) O~\G\N~\. 26. ENTlREAGREEMENT: This Agreement; together with any -exhibits attached. hereto or reference.d herein, constitutes the entire agreement betWeen V~ndorand City with respflct to the subject matterl1ereof, and supersedes all prior oral or written representations,and agreeml;!nts.regafding same.. NotWithstanding any otlier teim or condrtion set forth h~rein,butsubil;!ct,topar~graph16hereof, to the extent any 'term or condition conlainedin a~y eXDibit atlacli'e'd 10 't~is .Agreemeot. orin any documenl refer~nced herein conflicts !'lith. any. tef(!) or condition contained .in this Agreement; the. term or condiHon contained in this Agneflment shall govern. and j)revail. This' AgreemenY may only be m.odified by written amendtnent executed by both parties hereto. or their successors in interest. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made arid executed this Agreement as follows: CITY OF CARMEL"INDIANA by. and throughifS Board of Public . Worksancj Safely Rieth- xreitN Riley-CoriStfuctiohCc., Inc. 1751'W. Minnesota St.. P:O. Box 276 Indi~hapolis, Indiana 46206 ,'-," ..........,....1'0:-...... '~ Paul J", Tate' Printed Name .' , . ~"":' ':;:..-,.~---.~c"..* ;:>;.~ '- ",..,;; ..-'7:- - -: -":: ~ -.. ~ .--- . ., '--._~ _. '; \::;:;;:-,-c-<,":~~5/ :'~..,;..-~'_::' "~~, ,~.., By' . m'es Brainard, PresJding Officer Date: iJ~,Mem~r . Date: -'I..-tJ 7 No-t CP~~llr Lilri S. wats9n,terrtr Date' q I q ,0 1- .f ., Regional VP Central IN Tille FIDfflN: .35-0918397 SSN if Sole'Proprietor: ATTEST:. ~~;;:J Diana Cordr/,IAMi. Clark'Treasurer Date: ~ / ql (J'r- Date:, September: 12, 2007 [z..-IoE wu.M~ Doc~mtl~r""dhrlaul 5a'litux.:.'\RdI~ Riii:)' c""~lcrl." OL-tl;>L.,.w-ll.~'i 10:;1;'",.\11 6 'l .. i. I I I I I I I I I I I I I . - - f] I. . 2.1 PART 2 BID PROPOSAL Base Bid The undersigned Bidder proposes to furnish all nec~ssary labor, machinery, tools, appm:atus, materials, equipment~ service and.otber necessary supplies, angto perfonn and fulfill a.u. obligations 'incident theretO ili strict accordance' with and within the timels) proVided by th~ tennsand conditio[)s of-the Contract DocUlnents for the above deScribed Work and p,roject; including any and all addenda therei~~ for .the Unit Prices applicable to the Contnict Ite~' as stated'in: Part 3. hereof, which' Unit Prices. whenniUltipJied by estima,teci unit'quantitiesfor such Con~tItems,total Two Bundnd Ninetv Six Thousand Two HundredBnd 00/100, .....,- Dollars ($ 296.200.00 ), The Bidder acknowledges> !hat evalUation of the lowest BiC! shall be based on such price and further ackhowledges thanhe unit quantities listed il:1 Part 3' ilfthisProposal are estimates solely for ~e purpose of Bid evaluation ,and Contract award, and are i1Q~. to be constroed as exact or binding. 'The .Bidder. further understands that all Work which may'result on the Contract shall be cornpensated for on a Unit Price basis and that the OWl:ffiR and ENGINEER canhot:and do not guarantee'theamciunt or quantity ,of any itelll.ofWorkto be p,erfqnnedor furnished under the Contract. IIEXHIBIT .f if) ~, .,< \ . '.... PARJ 3 CONTRACT ITEMS AND JlN'rT PRICES [This Part to, be wed 01iIy forBidding on Unit Price ContractsfortheConIraCtltemsshown] Itemized Proposal 1 16th Street and Pennsvlvania Parkway Path Projects item #,1 Item 01il!llltity Unit UnitCost 1 COnstnJctionErigfueerin14 1 LS $,4,555.00 $ 2 Mobilization I DemoBilization 1 LS $ 14,6150.00 3> 3 Maintenance of Traffic 1 LS $ 7,200.00 $ 4 Cl . , RiJdltofWav 1 LS 3> 13,500.00 3> 5 Linear~ 4925 LIT $ 5.80 $ 6 . Inlet, TvneE 2 EA $ 1,900:00 $ 7 Inlet, TvneJ 3 EA $ 1,700.00 3> 8 Inlet, Type A ,._~, "'''''1-''': "'Ek $.t,600:00 3> 9 COreExiRtin~Structure 2 EA $ 600.00 3> 10 12" Rep==-" 455 LIT $ 42.00 $ n 12" Concrete,Pine End Section 4 EA . $ 740.00 $ 12 B-Borrow for. Structu1'eBaeldill 80 CYS $ 16.00 $ 13 Pioo fur Underdrairi - 4" 250 LFT $ 6.20 $ 14 Affu Uilderdrilin 10CYS $ 55:00$ 15 Geotextilesfor Underdni.in' 140 SYS 3> 7.30$ 16 Rip Ran, Revetmenl;,MaXimUIIi 6;in. '24 SYS'$ .25.00' 3> 17 liMA SUrfa.Ce.for.Path 370 TON 3> 79.00 $ 18 lIMA Intermediate for Path 610 TON $ 59.00 '$' 19 HMA SurfBce forPatchina:2 TONS 370.00$ 20 Concrete,for Street Renair. Denth -12~' 16 SYS $ '130.00 3> 21 FlowaBle Fill for Street Renair 20 CYS "$ 81.00'$ 22 ComnactedAaa. No. ,53; Base 1225 TON'$ 21.00 $ 23 4" Concrete-5idewDlk 7 SYS$ 78:00 $ 24 AdiuSt ManholeCBstinutOGra:de 3 EA S 350;00 S 25 Rec6ristruct, Sanitary Manhole lEA, 3> 4,80mOO 3> 26 ReconstrUCt, StOrm, Manhole 1 EA$ 2,500.00 $ 27 . Relocate; Light Pole 1. EA 3> 840;00 3> 28 Curb and Gutter; Concrete 60 LFT $ 3 LOO $ 29 Stra111ht Concrete Curb 220 LIT $ 38.00 3> 30 Curb Ramp, Type G 24 SYS 3> 110.00 $ 31 Gurb Ramn, Type.H 90 SY;S $ 100.00 ,$ 32 Curb Ramn,Tvpe K 52 SYS.$ no.oo,.$ Total Cost 4,5,55.00 14.660.00 7,200.00 13,500.00 28,565.00 '3,800.00 5,100.00 1,600.00 1,200.00 19,110.00 '2:9150.00 1,280.00 1,550.00 550.00 1,022.00 600.00 29,230:00 35.990.00 740.00 2,080.00 1,620.00 25,725.00 546.00 1,050.00 4,800.00 2,500.00 840.00 1,860.00 8;360.00 2,640.00 9,000,00 5,'720.00 i'EXHIBH t 2/3 . II .~ 33 Modified Curb ..,TvDea 1'8 SYS $ 100.00 $ 1,800.00 34 Modified Curb Ramo, TVoe L 44 SYS $ 110.00 $. 4.840.00 35 SOddiruz. NurserY 8085 SYS $ 4~20 $ 33,957.00 36 EroSion ContmrMeasures 1 LS $ 9,300.00 $ 9.300.00 TtansverseMSrlOng, Paint, Solia, 37 White, 4 in. 670 LFT $ 5.00 $ 3,350.00 38 SiJ!:ll Relocation I .LS. $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000:00 Total Bid $ 296,200.00 UEXHIBIT if3/3 " Septi:nnber20, 2007 Mr. Paul Tate RIETJ-I-RiLEY CONSTRUGTION 1251 W. Minnesota',Street PO B6x276 Indianapolis; IN 46206 RE: Agreefu"ent for Purchase, of Goods and Services City of Cannel,EngineedngDepartment No: 09..t9.07,ol " Dear Mr., Tate OnSepteniber 19,,2007, the Boaid'ofFublicWorks' and,'Safety approved the.above,referenced Agreements to db business with your, company. Encfosed isa fully executed c;oPY for your records. Please i'eview Jhe ,enclosed sample invoice, Exhibit B of your contract. Although we-,do not requite you,to use this.specific.form! we cto:ask thatyoupleasesubmitthe.information reqi.u::sted on'the'sample invoice-in a,similad1\yout when subrilittil}ga,ninvoice for'sel;vices rend,ered. This .format replaces any othet,,fonnpr~viouslyused by:lhe,Cityahd'is'effectiVeupon approvaJ'of your contract. If you have any questions or. concerns, please do not 'hesitate to c.Q'htact ine. at 3]7,571.2628. Thank you f6ryour atteiition to theiabove-referehced matters. Sincerely, Sandra Johnson D~puty Clerk-Treasurer Enclosures