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Form 9-1366
(Oct 2005)
APPROVED AS,TO FqR.., s& ~,ll!2
U;8. Department of the lriterlor Cilst=MV~
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Joint Funding Agreement PtcJoeI'" 00100
1tN I/: _0972
RlmdCcilll ~y'~"
AgnoOm:mI J~, "" L" J\lD
ThUS AGREEMENT is entered lnlo as oftha 18 day of SeR~ber.'2007. by the U.S. GEQLOGICAL SURVEY,
UNITED sTATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERI,OR, party of thel1rst part"and the City of, carnie!, party of Ilie
se~ndpart. '
1: The parties hereto agree that .supject to aVailability of appropiiatlDl'l$ end In ilccordance wllh their
rellpec::tlvB aU,thontleS' ihera shall'be, ,rnalnialned ,In cooperation tti,B Insll3l1aUon. 'o~D~i end
maintenance of strea.mllo_w,.gaglng~on On WlIlIa'Tis Creek at 96th street in Hamlltofl County,herein,
called the program. The USGS legal authorlty ia43USC ,360; 43 use 5O;Bn~ 43 use SOb,
2. The fOllowlng,amountuhallbe conlr1buted 10, cover all of , the ~ 0.' t!le'n.ecessaty field,andanalyt1cal
wOD:dlrectlyretated to thts program. 2(b) Inclloldes l!tKlnd ,SerVli::es In,lneamount of $0.
(s) $0:00
by \he party ofthafirstpart: during the period
october 1,2007 to Septerriber30;200S
by the party of the second part during the perlod
O~ber1. 2007 to :~lember30,200a
(b) $3,450
(e) Additional Qrreduoed amounts by each partyo during the t1bovapenod or succeeding periods9S
may be determined by mutual agreement'and sat forlli in an' eXchange Of lattel'll b&tweenthe
parties; ,
(d) The peffonnance period may be changed ,by mutual agreement end set 1brtl1ln an sxc:hange of
lelters between \tie parties; , . " ' , '
3. The costs of this progl1l.m m"Ybe paJd by either party In- c;onformitY with the:ktws and t:8lIulatlons
respectively gOll8mlng eaCh party. " ' ..' ," .
4. ihe field and enalytlcalwork pertaining to this program"6hailbe under tha,dJrealon of or subJ8d to
, periodic review by an l!Iutho~ed repre6ental!Yeof l!'apartY of theftrst pa'rtc" ' .
5. The 8regS, to be Included In thaprogl1l.ll] shell bedelennlned'b'y mutual agreement between the parties
hereto or their authoriled rePf'.8Sl;lntBtlyes. The methods. amptoyed In the field and Qffleeehe!lbe tllDJlB
adDpted by the party oflhe first part to 'Inaura lhorequlred'staridards of accuracy subject to mQdlflCatlon
tiy mutualllgreemant. "..
6. Ouririgthe course of this program, all tleld andana\ytlcel WOD: of, eIther party 'pertafnlnll to thlsPlOQram
shell be open to the InspectiOn ,of Ilie other party" erid'lHhe work'io not betng CarrIed tin In a. mutually
eatlsfaetDry manner, elther'p2rty may tennlnate ,this agreement upon 60 days Written notice ,to the, other
party. , , , . ~"" , "
7. Theoriglnel records rasultlng fromlhi~ program will be deposited 111 the oflica of orlglno,fthose reCOrds.
Upon !!KlUesl.,ooples:ofthe anginal recOrds.wllI beprollldedlo theofllceafthe othfJr POliti.
https:llgsyaresaO l.er.U5gs,govlWebfonnsl9~ 1366R.nsf!c:2b88604S 170c62185.25713300S4cSf4?OpeM1orm... 9121/2007
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Form 9.1366
U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. G'eological Survey
Joint Funding Agreement
Customer #:
Agreement #:
Project #;
TIN #,
8. The maps, records; or reports resulting from this program shall be made available to the public as
promptly as possible. The maps, records, or reports normally will be published by the party of the first part.
However, the party of the second part reserves the right to publish the results of this program and,if
already published 'by the party of the first part shall, upon request, be 'furnished by the party of the first
part, at costs, impressions suitable for purposes of reproductio'n similar to that for which the original copy
was prepared. The maps, records, or reports published by either party shall contain a statement of the
cooperative relations between the parties.
9. USGS will issue billings utilizing Department of the Interior Bill for Collection (form 01.1040). Billing
documents are to be rendered annually.. Payments of bills are due within 60 days after the billing date. If
not paid by the due date, interes\ will be charged at the current Treasury rate for each 30 day period, or
portion thereof, that the payment is delayed beyond the due date. (31 USC 3717; Comptroller General File
B-212222, August 23,1983).
U.S, Geological Survey
United States
Department of the Interior
City of Carmel
.U.SGS e.oint of C.o.lltltc.t
Cl,lstol}'1.J!.r PQLnt of Contact
Name: Scoll Morlock
Address: US Geological Survey
5957 Lakeside' Boulevard
Indianapolis, iN 46278
Telephone: 317-290-3333 x153
Emai!: smorlock@usgs.gov
Name: Mike McBride
Address: City of Carmel
One Civic Square
Carmel,. IN 46032
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Title: MOl 0/2
Sig nl!.tu res
By U~~, U
Name: William R. Guertal
Title: Director
DateJO-j -07
4","; 8 vtdc.e-
Na'm f.A) <: S
https://gsvaresaO 1.er.usgs.gov/WebfonllS/9.1366R:nsf/c2b886045170c623852571330054c8f4?OpenForm... 9/18/2007