HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplications Page 1 0[2 "1"' Conn, Angelina V From: Conn, Angelina V Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2007 9:43 AM To: Conn, Angelina V; Stewart, Lisa M Cc: Coy, Sue E; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Keeling, Adrienne M; Brewer, Scott I; Hancock, Ramona B; Brennan, Kevin S; Littlejohn, David W; DeVore, Laura B; Lillard, Sarah N; Holmes, Christine B; 'jmolitor@prodigy.net'; Boone, Rachel M.; Tingley, Connie S; Duncan, Gary R; 'Greg Snelling'; 'Reis, Paul'; Donahue-Wold, Alexia K Subject: RE: Docket No. Assignment: (DP/ADLS) Old Meridian Professional Village (#07070005 DP/ADLS) Note - the plan commission meeting is August 21. not the 20th. Angie Conn, Planning Administrator Dept. of Community Services - Planning & Zoning 1 Civic Squate. 3rd Floor City of Carmel, IN 46032 p.317-571-2417 f.317-571-2426 aconn@carmel.in.gov From: Conn, Angelina V Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 1: 15 PM To: Stewart, Lisa M Cc: Coy, Sue E; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Keeling, Adrienne M; Brewer, Scott I; Hancock, Ramona B; Brennan, Kevin S; Littlejohn, David W; DeVore, Laura B; Lillard, Sarah N; Holmes, Christine B; 'jmolitor@prodigy.net'; Boone, Rachel M.; Tingley, Connie 5; Duncan, Gary R; 'Greg Snelling'; 'Reis, Paul'; Donahue-Wold, Alexia K Subject: Docket No. Assignment: (DPtADLS) Old Meridian Professional Village (#07070005 oPt ADLS) I have issued the necessary Docket Number for (DP/ADLS) Old Meridian Professional Village. It is the following: Docket No. 07070005 DPfADlS: Old Meridian Professional Village DP A Iication Fee: ADLS A lication Fee: $111 er acre x 6.25: Total Fee: $ 834.00 $ 834.00 $693.75 $2,361.75 Docket No. 07070005 DPJADlS: Old Meridian Professional Village ThE: applicant seeks site plan and design approval for 7 buildings on 6.25 acres. The site is located at 12346 Old Meridian SI. and is zoned OM/O - Old Meridian District, Office. Filed by Paul Reis of Bose McKinney & Evans for AL TA Business Communications, LLC. Petitioner, please note the following: 1. This item will be on the July 18 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). The petitioner must submit plans and review materials to all TAC members directly by July 3. {Failure to submit plans and review materials to TAC members by this time will resuliin the tabling of this petition to the August 15 TAC meeting, and subsequently the August 21 Plan Commission meeting. For a list of current TAC members go to: htlR:llwww.ci.carmel.in.us/services/DOCS/T AC2007/T AC%20members%20revised %2011 .29 .06.pdf ) 2. Mailed and Published Public Notice needs to occur no later than Friday, July 27. Published notice is required within the Indianapolis Star. Note: the placement of a public hearing sign on the property is required; see PP application. 3. The Filing Fee and Fifteen (15) Informational Packets must be delivered to Plan Commission Secretary Ramona Hancock no later than NOON, Friday, August 10. 4. Proof of Notice will need to be received by this Department no later than Noon, Friday, August 17. Failure to submit Proof of Notice by this time will result in the tabling of the petition. 8/1512007 Page 20f2 ~. 5. These items will appear on the August 20 agenda of the Plan Commission (under "Public Hearings"). 6. These items will also appear on the Sept 4 agenda of the Plan Commission Special Studies Committee. Mr. Reis can be contacted at 317-684-5369. PETITIONER: refer to your instruction sheet for more detail. _ Please Note - a review letter will be forthcoming. Angie Conn. Planning Administrator Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 317.571.2417 phone 317571.2426 fax ,~ AltaBC Building Business Communities for Success 6233 Avery Road Dublin, Ohio 43016 614.258.4500 [volu;1 614.889.8996 [fa'l 614.893.4185 [cdl: J. Kurt Dehner PreSIdent kurt.dehner@altabc.Lom www.altabc.com All affiliate of DBS COll1pames ~Dublin Building Systems Todd Rieser Director. Pre-Construction Services 614) 889-1445 Fax (614) 889-5437 trieser@dublinbuilding.com wwwdub/inbuilding.com 6233 Avery Road Box 370 Dublin Ohio 43017 Design Build Contractors and Engineers & CSO Architects ARC1.IITI-:CTl1R~ . lNTEl~IOJ{ l}ES[CrN T BRI'.NT DAVTS, AI" Prlllcil::h11 C()fporo/r: SIHdiD 180 E~ISl 9tSlh SUTCl, SUitt;:' ] 00. Indianapolis, IN 46240 . CSOinClll':1 f\,htill 317 JHfL7800 - l:;ax 317_ 574.0957 . hdavi~@csninc.net 8/1 5/2007 u u Page 1 of 1 Conn, Angelina V From: Conn, Angelina V Sent: Monday, July 02,2007 1: 15 PM To: Stewart, Lisa M Cc: Coy, Sue E; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Keeling, Adrienne M; Brewer, Scott I; Hancock, Ramona B; Brennan, Kevin S; Littlejohn, David W; DeVore, Laura B; Lillard, Sarah N; Holmes, Christine B; 'jmolitor@prodigy.net'; Boone, Rachel M.; Tingley, Connie S; Duncan, Gary R; 'Greg Snelling'; 'Reis, Paul'; Donahue-Wold, Alexia K Subject: Docket No. Assignment: (DP/ADLS) Old Meridian Professional Village (#07070005 DP/ADLS) I have issued the necessary Docket Number for (DP/ADLS) Old Meridian Professional Village. It is the following: Docket No. 07070005 DP/ADLS: Old Meridian Professional Village DP A Iication Fee: ADLS A lication Fee: $111 er acre x 6.25: Total Fee: $ 834.00 $ 834.00 $693.75 $2,361.75 Docket No. 07070005 DP/ADLS: Old Meridian Professional Village The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for 7 buildings on 6.25 acres. The site is located at 12346 Old Meridian St. and is zoned OM/O - Old Meridian District, Office. Filed by Paul Reis of Bose McKinney & Evans for AL TA Business CGmmunicatioFrS. LLC. c.o~l'II\.;,Jvv-\t-e S Petitioner, please note the following: 1. This item will be on the July 18 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee (T AC). The petitioner must submit plans and review materials to all TAC members directly by July 3. (Failure to submit plans and review materials to TAC members by this time will result in the tabling of this petition to the August 15 TAC meeting, and subsequently the August 21 Plan Commission meeting. For a list of current TAC members go to: http://www.ci.carmel.in.us/services/DOCS/T AC2007/T AC%20members%20revised%20 11.29 .06.Rdf ) 2. Mailed and Published Public Notic;e needs to occur no later than Friday, July 27. Published notice is required within the Indianapolis Star. Note: the placement of a public hearing sign on the property is required; see PP application. 3. The Filing Fee and Fifteen (15) Informational Packets must be delivered to Plan Commission Secretary Ramona Hancock no later than NOON, Friday, August 10. 4; Proof of Notice will need to be received by this Department no later than Noon, Friday, August 17. Failure to submit Proof of Notice by this time will result in the tabling of the petition. 5. These items will appear on the August 20 agenda of the Plan Commission (under "Public Hearings"). 6. These items will also appear on the Sept 4 agenda of the Plan Commission Special Studies Committee. Mr. Reis can be contacted at 317-684-5369. PETITIONER: refer to your instruction sheet for more detail. m Please Note - a review letter will be forthcoming. Angie Conn, Planning Administrator Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel. Indiana 46032 317.571.2417 phone 317.571.2426 fax 7/2/2007 ~- u u \ '" ADLS/ADLS AMENDMENT APPLICATION Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping and Signage 1$3 ~ ADLS Fees: $834.00 plus $111.00 per acre .Jt~:~~()tttJ ADLS AMEND Fees: Sign only: $277.50, plus $55.50/sign Building/Site: $556.00, plus $55.50/acre OOcs . DOCKET NO. mOL CDO S ~bl) DATE: June 22,2007 x ADLS Received Date Stamp: ADLS/Amend Checked By x DP Attached Previous DP? Yes No Name of Project: Old Meridian Professional Village Type of Project: Professional Office Development Project Address: 12346 Old Meridian Street Project Parcel ID #: L2 - JLJL -2-.2-- JLJL - JL~ - JL 2-~ - JLJL JL Legal Desctiption: (please use separate sheet and attach) Name of Applicant: CG~\Ji;\i ~~ AL T A Business Commlln.ication~, LLC Applicant Address: 6233 Avery Road, Dublin, Ohio 43016 Contact Person: Paul G. Reis, Applicant's Attorney Telephone: (317) 684-5369 Fax No. (317) 223-0369 Email: preisCW,boselaw.coin Name of Landowner: Joyce P. Sproman & Joyce P. Spannan, Trustee Telephone: c/o Mary Salada, Esq. (317) 635-8900 Landowner Address: 7235 Riverwalk Way North, Apt. 214, Noblesville, IN 46062 Landowner's Attorney: Mary E. Solada (msolada(ci)binghammchale.com), Bingham McHale LLP 2700 Market Tower. 10 W. Market StTeet. Indianapolis, IN 46204 .ADI..5jADLS AMENDr-1ENT AFFLICATION/ALTA Business communi ties 9183B6vl 1 ~ f~1 ~'>lo'. -'S w u ~. .,. Plot Size: 7.92 Zoning Zoning Classification: Old Meridian District - Office Present Use of Property: Undeveloped Proposed Use ofPToperty: Professional offices, retail and financial institutions New Construction? Yes X No New/Revised Sign? Yes X No Remodeled Construction: Yes No X New Parking? Yes X No New Landscaping? Yes X No Note that required fees are due after the application has received a docket number, and not at the time of application submittal. Do NOT bring application fees at the time of submittal Parking No. of Spaces Provided: 356 No. Spaces Required: 148 Design Information Type of Building: Office/Retail No. of Buildings: 7 Square Footage: varies Height: see building elevations No. of Stories 1 and 2 Exterior Materials: see building elevations Colors: see building elevations Maximum No. of Ten ants: variable Type of Uses: retail. professional offices, financial institutions Water by: Cannel Sewer by: Carmel LIGHTING Type of Fixture: see attached cut sheets Height of Fixture: 24' No. of Fixtures: see ljghting plan Additional Lighting: * Plans to be submitted showing Foot-candle spreads atproperty lines, per the ordinance. SIGNAGE No. of Signs: see sign plan Type of Signs: see sign plan Location(s): as shown on sign plan/building elevations ADLS/ADLS AMENDr-eNi l\PPl.:ICATION!ALTA Business communities 916-38-6-vl 2 u u ;;. Dimensions of each sign: see attached sign plan Square Footage of each sign: per sign plan Total Height of each sign: per sign plan LANDSCAPING * Plans to be submitted shmving plant types, sizes, and locations * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief, submit the above infonnation as true and correct. Signalurc of 6; 6 Applicant: ~t.' () Paul . R ' (Print) Title: Attorney for AHa Business Communities, LLC Date: June 2 L 2007 ********* * ****** * * * * ******** * * ****** * ******* State of Indiana, ss: County of Hamilton Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Paul G. Reis and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrumenl this 2] sl day of June , 2007. (] My Commission Expires: ~- ~ OCTOBl:?i2.. 23j ?L)()9, I Notary Public Resident of MJ~:e.J OiJ. County, Indiana ~~ B. bR.A(I.)#.)t!::tL Printed Signature CITY OF CARMEL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES (DOCS) 1 Civic Square, Cannel, IN 46032 (3rd floor) 571-2417 ADLS/ADi..S AMENDMENT APPLICATION/Midland Atlantic B5'19]Sl_1 3 - ---. u u DEVELOPMENT PLAN / DP Amendment APPLICATION , f, "'~. 'f" ~~' . ;p'-t....~. I', r ~ ji!,. , ?1 . evUCS Fee: $834.00 plus $111.00 per acre DATE: June 22, 2007 DOCKET NO. X DP Received Date Stamp: DP/Amend Checked By X ADLS/ADLS AMEND Attached Name of Project: Old Meridian Professional Village Project Address: 12346 Old Meridian Street Project Parcel 10 #: 11 - Q 2 - 11 - Q Q - Q Q - Q ~ li - Q Q Q Legal Description: Attached Name of Applicant: Alta Business Communities, LLC Applicant Address: 6233 Avery Road, Dublin, Ohio 43016 Contact Person: J. Kurt Dehner Telephone: (614) 889-1003 Fax No. (614) 889-8996 Email: kUli.dehner@altabc.com Applicant's Attorney: Paul G. Reis (preis@boselaw.com) Bose McKinney & Evans LLP 301 PelIDsy1vania Parkway, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46280 Phone: (317) 684-5369 Fax: (317)223-0369 Name of Landowner: Joyce P. Spannan & Joyce P. Spannan, Trustee Telephone: c/o Mary Solada, Esq. (317) 635-8900 916445\ - ~ , u u Landowner Address: 7235 Riverwalk Way North, Apt. 214 Noblesville, IN 46062 Landowner's Attomey: Mary E. Salada (msolada(a),binghammchale.cam) Bingham McJ-iale LLP 2700 Market Tower 10 W. Market Street Indianapolis, IN 46204 (3] 7) 635-8900 Plot Size: 7.92 Zoning Classification: Old Meridian District - Office Present Use of Property: Undeveloped Proposed Use of Property: Professional offices, retail and financial institutions 2 91G445I . ... u u OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT The undersigned, for itself and its successors and assigns in ownership, as well as for any party that holds an interest in the real estate covered by this application, agrees that the then current owner of the real estate, as well as the holder of any interest in the real estate at that time, will cause any construction, reconstruction, enlargement, relocation or alteration of structures, or any change in the use of land or structures requested by this application on the real estate to comply with and conform to all applicable laws of the State of Indiana and the zoning ordinance of Carmel, Indiana, adopted under the authority of Acts of 1979, Public Law 178, See, 1, et seq., General Assembly of the State ofIndiana, and all Acts amendatory thereto. OWNER By: AHa Business Communities, LLC, contract purchaser By: usiness Communities, LLC COUNTY OF HAMILTON ) )8S: ) STATE OF INDIANA Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Paul G. Reis, who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument for and on behalf of AHa Business Communities, LLC. Dated this 2. 2~ay of T \J r....a- , 2007. b~.~ {Notary Public Signature My Commission Expires: Srw~ B. (;,OkAJf0UL (Printed or Typed) Ocro 36'lZ-- -Z~. 2006 1 Resident of ~1Z1 ON County, Indiana 3 916445,1 u u I. ", Land Description of Old Meridian Professional ViHaqe Development Site A part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 35, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, in Clay Township, Hamilton County, City of Carmel, State of Indiana and being a portion of the real estate described in that certain Deed of Distribution, recorded as Inst. No. 9523509 in the Office of the Hamilton County Recorder, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Section 35, being marked by a Harrison Monument, per ties; thence North 88 degrees 53 minutes 58 seconds East, basis of bearings assumed, 2658.54 feet to the Northwest corner of said Quarter Quarter Section, being marked by a small MAG Nail, per ties; thence North 88 degrees 35 minutes 59 seconds East along the North line of said Quarter Quarter Section 41.00 feet to the Northeast corner of the Right of Way described in that certain Warranty Deed, recorded as Inst. No. 199909959388 and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the real estate described herein, the following six (6) calls being along the established East line of said Inst. No. 199909959388; 1) thence South 00 degrees 14 minutes 48 seconds East 0.91 feet; 2) thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 41 seconds East 86.25 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the right having a radius of 3864.72 feet, the radius point of which bears South 89 degrees 48 minutes 19 seconds West; 3) thence Southerly along said curve an arc length of 202.36 feet to a paint which bears South 87 degrees 11 minutes 41 seconds East from said radius poiht; 4) thence South 02 degrees 48 minutes 19 seconds West 29.25 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the left having a radius of 3774.72 feet, the radius point of which bears South 87 degrees 11 minutes 41 seconds East; 5) thence Southerly along said curve an arc length of 197.62 feet to a point which bears South 89 degrees 48 minutes 19 seconds West from said radius point; 6) thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 41 seconds East 189.32 feet to a point on a North line of the Right of Way described in that certain Warranty Deed, recorded as Jnst. No. 200300117246, the following five (5) calls being along the Northern lines thereof; 1) thence South 44 degrees 54 minutes 32 seconds East 39.02 feet; 2) thence South 75 degrees 37 minutes 40 seconds East 45.70 feet; 3) thence North 58 degrees 01 minutes 47 seconds East 42.65 feet; 4) thence North 35 degrees 24 minutes 35 seconds East 167.32 feet; 5) thence North 42 degrees 33 minutes 11 seconds East 70.87 feet to a point on the Northwest right of way line of Old Meridian Street, having a 50.00' half right of way width; thence North 35 degrees 21 minutes 15 seconds East along said Northwest right of way line 672.92 feet to a paint on the South right of way line of Carmel Drive, said point being on the North line of said Quarter Quarter Section; thence South 88 degrees 35 minutes 59 seconds West along said North line 632.83 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of this description, containing 6.25 acres, more or less, and being subject to any and all covenants, conditions, easements, rights of way and restrictions of record. r1-q /01 Aerial Photo - 00 Meridian ProfessiQ,al Village Site 'r~" III A Aerial Photo - Old Meridian Professional Village Site ""- A (' ~= JNrt.ondS_~,,~.t"'..dIl:rDa"~eff'Jf~~ ~~I'I9.UC ~~CS"!~-~ 110.12.1113 ~vririF P....."""" ........~I.....J ~~- .. ,1.,...4..~ :'&;11 ~..,.~ ~:.::':~ ;.,~~~i:.: ;:;;: "~~=;:,-= 2:~ ~:~ :' ,,;.:::~ ::;-'; .~~~:. 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S44~~ SP.i.'3r4tn: k'oA"OI'A1"E N350l"~ N42"3'-'1"'E t.t1S7t'15"E ....,..,"'" I /I~~~ ~ 'l1ijthStrerl SYMBOL LEGEND i ;t;.......,.-.__"" t I. - .- l .AAAJiLQJJP- Land Surve>yors 433 Well>! ~rm61 ~ Pl'IcM'l&: J1' .IJoW.33'33 Ca1TJ1Vl, IN 46032 Fu: 317.844,33133 ....-...row.SE"GrOl.lpllC.com Spannan Estate 12346 Old Meridian Street Carmel, IN 46032 PROJECT LOCATED IN: SECTION 35- TOWNSHIP 1S00RTH. RANGE 03 EAST ClAYTO\\'NSHlP. HAMilTON COUNTY ALTNACSM LAND TITLE SURVEY PREPARED FOR: SNELLING ENGINEERING, LLC Attn: GREG SNELLING 13295I1foo.s:r.., 5....141 c.rmeI, IN 46031 3' '.603.3206 . PHONE NUMBER REV. # DATE REV, DESC. 1 05129107 COMMENTS (BMM) ~~ New Desc. tion BMM DRAWING LEGEND VICINITY MAP. NOT TO SCALE /" ,.,...... '-~ '..., ~ .I .......l~ "r.,_-~ ; , i ~ SITE * , 1 "fr' II 11111)101. Approved By: Drmwn 8'1: Date oILa" Field Work: Dale Plotted: BCR BMM 0412412007 04/2512007 Reference #: 1-428 Project Number: C7 -0821 Sheet Number: of - ---'~ '<.~ ~' ./ .. ".. . l ~ ~ ~ I I ~ I i , i I- I -- .. U fA ~/THDNfA L/GHTfNG'" FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS u Catalog Nljmhe-r KVR2 400M INTENDED USE- Use for parking lots, streets and surrounding areas, CONSTRUCTION ~ Heavy-gauge, spun aluminum housing. Integral structural support plate for mounting arm and electrical components ensures rigidity and strengtn. Hinged aluminum door frame incorporates stainless steel nardware. Continu~us silicone gasketing surrounds lens tor weatheHigl1tseaL Optional tool-less hardware is available to ease installation and maintenance, Thermal, shock-resistant, tempered flat or drop glass lens, FINISH - Standard finish is dark brOllle. electrostatically applied powder paint Linear embossed accent reveals are standard. Additi~nal architectural colors and striping arc available; see WNW.lithonia,com/archcolo rs. DPTICS-Mostflat-lens conligumtlons meetfull-cut~ff criteria. See www.lithonia.com for details. Vertical-lamp reflectors are one-piece spun and formed anodized aluminum. High-performance segmented aluminum reflectors also are available for use with hori- lOntallamps. Reflectors are rotatable and interchangeable. ELECTRICAlSYSTEM-AII electrical components are mounted to a heavy-gauge plate to maximize heat dissipstion snd ensure strllcturai integrity for opTimal componenr life, Constant wattage autotransformer ballasts are copper-wound and 100% factory tested. Super CWA pulse-start ballast is standard for 320illJ and 350W ond is available for other wattages, Mogul-base porcelain socket with copper alloy, 11ickel-platcd screw shell and center contact INSTALLATION - Arms are available for pole IIIDUntlng, wall mounting and other configurations. LISTING - Listed and laheledto UL standards for wet locations listed and labeled 10 CSA standardslsee Optionsl. NOMCettified (see Optionsl ORDERING INFORMATION KVR2 I se~ies I KVR2 Ivol}age I 120 Z03 240 211 341 43D TB' Wattage Metal halide miM 250M 320M 350M ~IIMJ 1000M' I:Il!lh DrA-SS-lJre sodium 250S 400S 1000S',1 DistribLltion Vertic",1 ramn:3 SYM Symmetric square ASY__ Asymmetric VFA Vertical fDrward throw automot~....e~ Horizomallamo:3. R2__ Type II A3__ Type III Hiah-oerfcnrnance horizolltal lamn: SA2rL Type II roadwav SA3FL Type III osY'l1metric SR4SCFL Type IV forward Ihrow, sharp cutoff SR4WFl T' e IV forward throw, Wide see calculations for distribution requirements NOTES: 1 ASY or SYM distribution, Dilly. Reduced jacket lamp required, 2 Stalldard E025 lamp, 3 For drop lens. specify Dl. For tlat le"s, s ecil FL. Example: SYMOLDr A2Fl. 4 Not ,",il.ble with 1000M or WOOS. 5 Optionai multi-tap ballast (t20, 208. 240, 271V; 120,271. 347V in Canada). 6 For arm mountillg, refer to tech.nical data section for drilling template, 7 12:" arm required when toNo or more lumi- naires are oriented on a 90' drilling pattern. , rvpe Specification Rourid'Area Lighting K R2 ~Joles Old Meridian Professional ARM MOUNTING METAL HALIDE: 175-'OOOW H IG H PRESSURE SODIUM: 250-' OOOW 20' to 4D' Mounting T $pecificatfons H CPA: 1,50 it' (,49m') (illcludes 9" arm) Diameter: 25.9 [65.71 Helghl itlo! lellsl: I ~ (355! Helyhtldrop lens), 17143,11 Weight: 56 Ibs 125 kg! ~D 1 A-l MOUllLimJ Outioll Dfillina~!mlkL~t~ SPDxx,APDxx. 5 All dimensrolls are inches (cfHltimetersl WBOxx u unless olherwlSe specilied. V'IWOxx 7 For shortest lead times, configure product using standard options (shown in bold). Example: KVR2 400M SYMDL 120 RPD09 SF DNA LPI Ballast (blank I Magnetic ballast CWI Con,t,nl wattage isolated' Pulse Sforl ~~2'!:~~'!'- SCWA Super CWA pul,e start ballast' Mounting"' KMA Mast arm 8'xternal filter RPD04 Round pole - 4" arm RPD09 Round pole - 9" arm RPD1Z Round pole - 12" arm SPD04 Square pol, .4"erm SPD09 Square pole - 9" ,rm SPD1Z Square paiD - 12" >em WBOW Wall brackel- 9' arm WB01Z Woll br"ckel- 12" arm VVWD09 Wood pole orwall. 9" arm WW012 Wood pole o,wall 1Z' a rill Options Sl1iooec.l installeu in fixture SF Single fuse 120. 277, 347Vro D F Double fuse 208, 240, 480VlO KW1 KlloWatch'" 120V comrol relay",ll KW4 KrloWetch'" 2T1V co"tro1 rolilyle,11 PER NEMA twist,lock receptaole only Iphotocontrol not includedl o.RS o.uartzreslrike sy,tem Imax allowable waltage lamp irlcluded) ORSTD URS time delay Ima. allowable w.tT.ge lamp included) EHS External houseside shield (matches fi~turafinish. included in the cartonl EHSB External houseside shield black Ipainted black to maximize light cQ-ntro~. included In the carton] TL$ loci-less <JeeP-55 CSA. Listed and labeled to comply With CanadiCln St,mrlards NOM NDM Certified SJlmRod 'e~ VG Vandal guard At;ces:;:ories KVR2VG V,ndal guard (specify colorl KVR2EHS External housoside ,I:ield I,pe 0 ify colorl" NEMA twi,Hock PE [120, 208, 240V) NEMA twisl'lock PE 13~7VI NfMA Iwlst-Iock PE 14BOVI NEMA lWist-lock PE 12l1VI PEl PE3 PE4 PEl SC 8 Isolatt;d two-c-oj~ SYS.lBnl f1l8e-ts C.:lrladlan electricel code req"irements for 20BV, 240'1 and 4BOV applicalions. 9 N01 avail. biB with 175M in horizontal distribuiions, WNot evail.hle with IB, Must s~ecify voltage. 11 Available in vertical lamp orip-Illation only_ 12UseKVA2EHSFL_lor,eyrn"ntedrelleclors. Tenon 0.0. One 13 Othar RAt and Lilhonia Llghti"y colors 2-3/8" (61 120-190 and str!~lng are available. Reter to www.lithonia.comlarohcolors. 2-l/S" {7.31 T25.190 14MList be specified. 4" (1021 T35-190 Shortir1g cap Accessories: TenDn Mounting Slip fitter r---L~~I lPI lamp included UlP Less lamp Finish"-I (blankf Dark bronze DBl Black DGC Charcoal gray DfI/lB Medium brome DNA Natural aluminum DWH WhIte CR Corrosion resistant CRT Non-stick protective coali1ig OcP Ooor'reme painted" to match housing Order as $~parale cat.alog nLfmller. Number 01 fixtures. Two@lSO' Two@90' Three@120'Three@90'Four@90' T20-280 T20-290 T20-320 TZO-390 T20.490 T25-280 T25-290 T25-320 T25-390 T25-490 135- 280 135-290 T35-320 T35-390 T35-490 Outdoor 06/18/2007 AL-540 Linda Stewart, LightSQURCE (317) 598-6900 Sheet #: KVR2-M-S 1 of 2 ,,7' '-- '" U KVR2 Arm-Mounted Area Lighting u KVR2 400M SYMDL TEST NO: l Tl11175 ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT (FooteanOIO) 400w Iliet.!;!l halide lamp, raled ;'36(01) ItJmen~. FootcLJ,[ldle valucs hr-lsell un 30' rTIourllil1!;ll1eighl. KVR2 400M ASYDL TEST NO: l Tl11170 ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT (Foolcandlo) -2 e- -1 ffi ill I '" Z o ;:: Z :J o ;;' LL 10 '" f- Z :l 2 <= w U Z -< f- 3 ~ 40DW nle1al halide lamp, ratBd 36000 Jumens.t=[)otcandle valuO's based or. 30' mounting heigh!. NOTES: 1 Photometri, data far other distributions can be ao,"ssed from the Utller"a LiyllLing Web site Iwww.fithonia.coml. For el8Clric-El1 cllaracleristics, consult technic<il data lab. Te,ted to current fES aod NEMA standards IiIlder stabilized laboratory conditions. Vi3riOllS operatingfilctors Ciln callSS differences betvvee.n laboratory and actual field rneas:urem8'llts. O!m[!nsions andspEcifications are based on the mCJ.'it currflnt 81!uilBble ui.1te and ore subjec:t t(J change. KVR2 400M ASYDL EH S TEST NO: l Tl11171 ISQILLUMINANCE PlaT (Foot~arldle) .2 -2 ., ~ ill I '" z D ;:: Z :l o ;:; LL 10 Vl t- Z ::J 2 ~ '" (,J Z ;0 3 ~ t- -1 ~ W r ~ o ;:: Z ::J o :;< "- '0 U) f- Z ::J 2 ;!; w '" z -< f- U) 3 is 400W metalnalia.e-Ia-rnp, rated 36000 lumens. Footcandl€ ~'aIJjes based all 30' mOLlnling heighl Mounting Height Correction Factor IMultiply tne fc level by ,h. oorrectlol1 factorl 20 ft.' 2.25 25 ft., 1.44 35 ft.' 0.73 40 ft.= 0.56 2 Existing MountingHeighl) C . f = orrccllOn actor New MOll nting Height An <-<AcuityBrands Company 4,/THDN/A L/GHT/NG@ - KVR2-M-S lithonia lighting O"tdool Lighting One. Lithoni, Woy. Cnnye". GA 30012 Plio,,": 770-922-9000 FoX: 770-91 B- 1209 www,llUlonie.clJrll 06/18/2007 @2007 Acu;1\' Brands Lighting, Inc., 4124/01 Linda Stewart, LightSOURCE (317) 598-6900 2 of 2 u u .' I /, ':. ~;'.~j'~ ';::)) 'L~I ~ ,::1n,,-,..., , .LJ'b.."~ ..,~ ....'~l Old Meridian Professional Village Drainage Calculations SNELLING ENGINEERING, LlC "1]2')5 Illinois Slrec!. Suite 142 CiJrmel. IN 46032 ph: 1317) &63-320&' r,'K [31,7) 663-3201l WW\V, ;;ne'll i ngeng.com Prepared by: Gregory S. Snelling, PE Date: June 22,2007 ~ u u DRAINAGE SUMMARY General The existing 6.25 acre site is located between Old Meridian Street, Pennsylvania Street and Carmel Drive south of the Meijer detention basin within the city limits of Cannel. The site is presently occupied by a combination of lawn and woods with several small old structures. The site drains to the east with nmoff exiting the site at a culvert under constmction for Old Meridian Street. The culvert discharges into the Fertig Drain. The site is not located within a FEMA flood hazard area. AltaBC is proposing to constmct a mixed-use office and retail development on the site. The project will have 7 buildings totaling 88,500 SF and 356 surface parking spaces. Pre-Development Conditions Due to downstream restrictions, the 100-year allowable discharge for projects within the Fertig Drain watershed is 0.25 cfs/acre. Therefore, the 1 OO-year allowable discharge for this site is 1.56 cfs. Post-Developed Conditions An 87,200 CF underground detention system will be installed under the parking lot to control the peak release rate. Due to the footprint of the underground system with respect to the outlet location, offsite area must be routed through the detention system. However, the underground system was initially sized for the 6.25 acre onsite area. Calculations were then performed to determine the outlet pipe size required to accommodate the upstream watershed comprised mostly of the Pennsylvania Street right-of-way between Carmel Drive and the round-about currently under construction to the south. For the onsite calculation, a 5.7 inch orifice would be needed to control the peak discharge to 1.54 cfs. With the offsite runoff included, a 12 inch orifice flowing into an 18-inch pipe is required. In both cases, the detention system would fill almost completely during a lOO-year 24-hour event with a SCS Type II rainfall distribution. Two structural BMP's will be installed for the project TheseBMP's will consist of Streamguard Model 3001 catch basin inserts and an Aquaswirl AS~ 7 storm water quality unit. Independent testing for the Streamguard Mode13001 by King County Surface Water Management Division of Washington State demonstrated oil removal efficiencies of 88% when tested in a park-and-ride lot catch basin. Streamguard Model 3001 Catch basin inserts installed at an international airport's passenger pick-up area show average removal efficiencies for Total Suspended Solids of 80%, and for oil & grease of94%. Aquaswirl products are typically accepted by the City of CarD1el as BMP's. The Aquaswirl AS- 7 for this project was sized for a l~inch 24~hoUT rain event as required. A Post~Development Watershed Map and Time of Concentration calculations are also included in the Appendix. In addition, Detention Calculations and Pipe Sizing Calculations are also included. u u Conclusion The project has generally been designed in accordance with City of Carmel and Hamilton County standards. In addition, the project is not anticipated to cause any adverse effects to upstream of downstream properties. City of Carmel (Extraterritorial Jurisdiction) 180081 86.09' 22. 5" 3'3058' 07.5" City of Carmel 180081 Hamilton County I U nincorp.orated I Areas 180080 - o o lzzND $T - o =-- COLLEGE DR f- (J) :.: u o u z <t, I APPROXIMATE SCALE 500 0 ~ ~ r----t 500 FEET I NP.TlONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA AND INCORPORATED AREAS c (SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT ?RINTEDl ~ PAN.EL SUfFIX ,.""" 1aroJ:l Q2~ M,~~l,I ~ t,;,~,n,~ ro,;A~ NI.JM8f.R ;llQ\iol'1 ow,... Ihg~1d: ell ~&lid M.Il"pl.d~ ffilIi:) ordlffll: tllll COMMUNITY' NUMllffl :V.lI'W~ -lib"". -PuIoJicl ~ lIS~d 9n il1~UrliTJOe 1:;l~~CI;oIQR:I.~ Iin!- lll:IoioElct -C:OI'I'I,T\lJniw. c MAP NUMBER lB057G0209F EFFECTIVE DATE. FEBRUARY 19,2003 Federal Emergency Management Agency This is an official oopy ofa portlorl of the above referenced flood map. It was extracted LJsin.g F-MIT On-Line, This map does not reflect chan~e6 or amendments whiCh may have been madie 'Su.bsequent to the date on tile title cloek. For the rat est product information about National Flood Insur.am:::e Program flood maP3 check the FE_MA Flood Map Store at WW"N.msc.fema.gov u Project: Old Meridian Professional Village Location: Carmel,IN Prepared By: GSS Channel Flow: Str. 208 Grass 0.15 65' 2.64 0.010 un aved 123 0 0.010 0000 1.613 0.000 '\).~X)~()'2j~ i)<f,i(!l!,O:OO Bottom Width....................ft Depth.................... ft Left' Side Slope ?: 1 Riqht Side Slope ?'1 Cross sectional flow area, a.... ......ft^2 0 0 Wetted perimeter, Pw....................ft 0 0 Hydraulic'radius, r=a1Pw Compute r....ft 0 0 Channel slope,s...... .... .......... ..ftfft Manninq's rouqhness coeff.,n.. V =(1.49 r^2/3 s^1/2)/n Computed V...ftIs 0 0 Flow lenoth, L ........................ft. Tt = U(3600 V)..........Computed Tt..hr. . --'.Qi(j.OO: ;'::::.J):OQ() Total Time of Concentration: Watershed or subarea Tc or Tt.....hr Watershed or subarea Tc or Tt.....min o 0 o 0 OiQ:O"Q;' ~ .:O]jOO .. All Time of Concentration values are assumed to be a minimum of 5 min utes. u Date: 6/20/2007 u Water Quality Prepared by Snelling Engineering, LLC HydroCAD@ 8.00 sin 003943 @ 2006 HydraCAD Software Solutions LLC Runoff = Subcatchment PR: Proposed Site 8.44 cfs @ 12.04 hrs, Volume= 0.527 af, Depth> 0.79" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-24.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 1 in-24hour Rainfall=1.00" Area (ac) 8.010 8.010 Tc Length (min) (feet) 12.6 CN Description 98 Urban commercial, 85% imp, HSG C Impervious Area Slope Velocity Capacity Description (fUft) (fUsee) (efs) Direct Entry. u Type 1/24-hr 1in-24hour Rainfa//=1.00" Page 1 6/22/2007 ( . u u Postdeveloped Prepared by Snelling Engineering, LLC HydroCAD@ 8.00 sfn 003943 @ 2006 HydroCADSoftware Solutions LLC Type If 24-hr 100yr-24hr Rainfa//=6.46" Page 1 6/22/2007 Runoff = 5ubcatchment 15: Overall 45.76 efs @ 12.04 hrs, Volume= 3.042 af, Depth= 5.87" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span: O.OOA8.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 100yr-24hr Rainfall=6.46" Area (ac) 1.480 2.480 0.350 1.910 6.220 0.933 5.287 T c Length (min) (feet) 12.6 . Inflow Area = Inflow = Outflow ;;;: Primary : CN Description 95 Urban commercial, 85%. imp, HSG D 95 Urban commercial, 85% imp, HSG 0 94 Urban commercial, 85% imp, HSG C 94 Urban commercial, 85% imp, HSG C 95 Weighted Average Pervious Area Impervious Area Slope Velocity Capacity Description (ft/f!) (fUsee) (efs) Direct Entry, Pond 2P: Underground Storage 6.220 ac, Inflow Depth = 5.87" 45.76 cfs @ 1204 hrs, Volume= 1.54 cfs @ 14.13 hrs, Volume= 1.54 cfs @ 14.13 hrs, Volume= for 1 00yr-24hr event 3.042 af 2.919 aI, Atten= 97%, Lag= 125.8 min 2.919 af Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-48.00 hrs; dl= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 853.42' @ 14.13 hrs Surf.Area= 051 Storage= 87,157 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 693.7 min calculated lor 2919 af (96% of inflow) Center-aI-Mass del. time= 669.0 min ( 1,433.2 - 764.2 ) Volume #1 Elevation (feet) 849.92 85342 Device RoutinQ #1 Primary Invert 849.92' AvaiLSloraqe Sloraqe Description 87,200 cf Custom Stage Data Listed below Cum.Store (cubic-feet) o 87,200 Invert Outlet Devices 84992' 5.7" Vert. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 Primary OutFlow Max=1.54 cfs @ 14,13 hrsHW=853.42' (Free Discharge) L1=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 1.54 efs @ 869 fps) u u Postdeveloped with Offsite Prepared by Snelling Engineering, LLC HydroCAD@ 8,00 sin 003943 @ 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Type /I 24-hr 100yr-24hr Rainfal/=6.46" Page 1 6/22/2007 Runoff ::: Subcatchment 1 S: Overall 58.92 cfs @ 12.04 hrs, Volume= 3.917 af, DeptlF 5.87" Runoff by SGS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-48.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 100yr-24hr Rainfall=6.46" Area (ac) 5.126 2.884 8.010 1.202 6.809 Tc Length (min) (feet) 12.6 Infiow Area = Infiow = Outflow = Primary = eN Description 95 Urban commercial, 85% imp, HSG D 94 Urban commercial, 85% imp, HSG C 95 Weighted Average Pervious Area Impervious Area Slope Velocity Capacity Description (ftIft) (ft/sec) ( cfs) Direct Entry, Pond 2P: Underground Storage 8.010 ac, Inflow Depth = 5.87" 58,92 cfs @ 12.04 hrs, Volume= 6.49 cfs @ 12.54 hrs, Volume= 6.49 cfs @ 12.54 hrs, Volume= for 1 OOyr-24hr event 3.917 af 3.884 af, Atten= 89%, Lag= 30.5 min 3.884 af Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0,00-48,00 hrs, dl= 0,01 hrs Peak Elev= 85336' @ 12.54 hrs Surf,Area= 0 sf Storage= 86,558 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 2034 min calculated for 3,883 af (99% of inflow) Center-of-Mass del time= 198.0 min ( 962.2 - 764.2) Volume #1 Elevation (feet) 849,92 853.42 Device ROlltinq #1 Primary Invert 849.92' Avail.Storage Storage Description 88,000 cf Custom Stage Data Listed below Cum.Store (cubic-feet) o 88,000 Invert Outlet Devices 849.92' 12.0" Vert. Orifice/Grate C= 0,600 Primary OutFlow Max=6.49 cfs @ 12.54 hrs HW=853.36' (Free Discharge) L1=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 649 cfs @ 8.26 fps) Rererer1C~ Nodn [I I ~o' EO' OLD MERIDIAN PROFESSIONAL Ci\RMEL, INDIAN."" VILLAGE 1111 11- ~...",...".... JU:"l<;! 22', 2007 CSO Architects r~ AltoBC Builciflg Bw;;in<!.>~ Cornnulll[ies for SUUBSS c c SNELLI NG EI'\!CINE;EIl.INC,l.l.;: ,j ~ 0.\ m....., !o..... ,,,l,,'d.;! ~~",~tl'7':]~~~ ..............,;~..'II..." & ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ! ~ ~I 51 ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~I ~ ~ ~ :\'l' ~ ~ S :IiI:g ;]; ;j~!liiii1.;jii1.ii1,nl .5 ig :I"!.~:I~I"'l:lII~lI::;r; E~."E.E~'~'~ . 2J ~ OJ!; <'Ij;; w-.: ~ ~~...~~: ~~~...~; Pi 0" ct ." ~ : ~: f'! :.; ~ ~ ;'!: ~ ~ ;i "" ~ ~ :; ." ! ! d d ~ ~ ;t ;l ~ :t: ;ill ~ ;r! ";";~ii:i; e:~t";~a~ ... ....._"":e...:;;:...;rJ ~t- !!~~!LC>!~!S~~ :!~~~~~~~~~~ o~~~~d ~~~~!!~!!H~!!~ ~~ ~ _ 5,.,j~ ..;_,; 1'5 ~~=:J~~~ I- ~ ~~~~!~ ~ ..' ~~,., ~~... <'! '" "" ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ;; ;: ;{ ;; i! ~ 2 l! ~ i5 il 5 L 1: i ... & 1i ~ u ~'2 ~ $ s: PJ "'- ~: ~ 2 ;;j' ~ ;; ii ii ~. ~ ~ ~' ; ~ ~~ ~ ..... "" -.r ! !! ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ;~ ;! $ ~ ~ ... 5 ~ ~ !l ~ ~ !l! lil lOI ;;:; ":1' ~::;: . ~ ~... ~.,~.",:q !:!~::~~; ~:~:~!~~ ~~ .. Ii (t d .s ~ ~ $ag~8;ig:t .... '" ........,.; "'......, !'a m. S:Ii "" <:1"":0:<;"'; (>.j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :; ~ ~ !}S~~!i ~ ~ "" ~ ~ .;; E ~ ; . ~ '" ,: ~ ~ !! ~ ~ ; ~ :; B ~ ~ ~ ~ ." iiil Iia !o; 1iI Ii2 e ~ UiilH:U~ .;H.~~~ ~. '0 ~ ~ S; .i ~ ! 5 ...: .. ~ ~ - ~ .. ~ S! ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ! ~ 11 ~ :3 ~ ',C! ':!- ~ ~ ~ 5~~~'1S."'~k ~ ~ ~~~~~~::~ ~3 HB~B~ ;:; ~ ~ : c B ~H~BB -d ~ -ci~' ~ d d .... ~ : ~ : ~ ~ d d ~~_ <:0 dO: E ~ _ ~ ~ - - - i.1 ~ E ... u ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ iOi <"'! ~ ~;i! .., ii;: ~a~,,~.;l.~~ ;;~~~~~~.;.. ~ ;1 ~ 5 ..: ~ ~ ~ '- ;; ~ ~ d ... ~ "': " a. !i ~ ... :j:j :; ! ~ ti ~ .... !! .,- ; - ~ - ~ .- ~ ~ ;c;: __5~_-.l~~:~"'; !~ :t: ai; 3 ~ 'I; J'l_:R ~ :E ~ .>>"'... ............ ....,;;'" 0- y~ ~~~...,~...g5~: _ _ o:J ! ~ ~-~ ~~~08~~~~~~ d d '=' d~~ ~ ~ c< ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~ ~ ~ 0 d :;) ~ ~ i'I ~ ~ " Ii i'I B !l ;; ~ ;; ~ ~ ::i ~ ... ~ I . 0: ~ ~ ~ :<: ~~~~ = ~ ; ~ : :3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;r. ;; ~ = ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ '" ~~~'" E. ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ !i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i! ~ i:5.~ i5 M o a:: ~- I City -- ~ <; 2 <( ~ >- '" Z Z w "- Hamilton County Unincorporated Are 180080 126TH cP - 9.58' 07.5" 86.09' 22. 5 " City of Carmel (Extraterritorial Jurisdiction) 180081 Hamil ton County Unincorporated Areas 180080 APPROXIMATE SCALE 500 0 I---l I--l I---l 500 FEET I NATIONAl fLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA AND INCORPORATED AREAS c \SI:;E MAP INDEX FOA PANELS NOT PR.INTEDJ ~ ~ SUFF~X 1$OOIJI 0,11' looOoo o~m ~OOOIn c N"liu tc lhiQ!"; ThM MAP IiUN5E~ Ihoio.'n ~aw ~-tiglJil:ltJ. woo ~III'I I'Jllidr.Q 1Mj:l c.rdl'>r.l: h C.DMMUNITY NlJM8Ell. :shO'MI ..t....... lihwld be 'JH~ go In:!IW'''~ ~UOo1tiQr.., 1<:1f the wtjllC1 CQrnMlInfr,.. MAP NUMBER 18057C0207F EFFECTIVE DATE: FEBRUARY 19. 2003 Federal Emergency Management Agency This is an offidi3:1 copy of a portion orthe above referenced flood map. It was extracted using F-MIT On-Une. This map does not .reflect cllanges or amendments wnich may have been made $ubsequent to the date an th-e title block, For the latest product ihformation about NationaJ Flood Insur<'lncc Program -noed maps check the FEMA Flood Map Store at ............./\N.msc,fem.~Lgov