HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977/Carmel/Purdue/Lynwood/Util AGREEMENT heLl '1 <rJ' 12 ./ ,I 01. 1//OUj 6,7 ~ \,4-'{';, -..I! / y - . 0" j, l .l,,/','} 'J ;, L1 v~ ). .0' ,i . ..... t j,) -d 'h .ir, ./ .,.. VI / THIS AGREEMENT" madettlis. -24. day of May '7, by 'and bet\~een THE: CITY OF CAJ!.MEL./ INDIANA (hereinafter 'erred to as "Carmel") and THE TRUSTEES OF 'PUp,DUE' UNIVERSITY ,reinafter referred to as "Purdue") lVITNJ';SSETil: WHEREAS, Carmel wishes to purchase .from purdue a .tain tract of real. 'e.state congis'tirig' of 160,000 square feet .ch. \Vas originall~ part of the'Lynnwood Farm, and title t'o ,ch is held by..the stat.,: of Indi'ana for the, use and benefit Purdue university:, for 'use as a wat~r'wellsite; WHEREAS, Purdue ,is, willing to cause, sa,iq prope:i'ty to conveyed to Ca:i;mel in accord('lrc'e ~~i tt,i ~he procedure.s set: .th in I.C. 1971, !i20-12"':S...:i et. seq~ upon .c:ej:'taiil conditions j. restrictionp as hereihafter s'et fort'h:, NOW, THE'REFORE, for and in cohsideratiol1 of the ,mises and the conveyance by Purdue to ,Carmel of 'the re.a:l :ate aforesaid, the pattiesh_er~by agree .as follows: 1. Purdue agrees to cause the' fP'HoWJ.ri,g-descrfbed II estate, lo.cated in. Hcifuil:toll County,; .Indiana: ., A parcel' of land in theS.outhwes.t' Quarter of the. Southwest Quarter of Sec- tion 27, Town~hip 18 North, Range 4 East ,in' Hamilton Cq\~n.ty, :J:hCligna more ,parti'", cularly described as follm'is.: . Beginning at the southwest, corner o'f Section 27 ,tnence North alo'ngthe 11e!i't line of the, sou'th0est Quarter .of Section . -/.;," 27 four ,hundred (400.00) feel; thence' East four h,mdr!,!d (400.00) feet and par,aUel to the South line 'of the Sotfthwe't;t ,Ollarter of Section .271 thence South four h~rd~ed (400.00) ,feet and paralleL 'toth~Westline of the, Southwest Quarter ofSectj.:on 27; thence West four hundred (400,00) feeta'long the South 'i:ine of "tl1esoutliwest 'Quader of' " sectiort 27 to ,the point of,'beginning, con- tainingl6 0, 00 o square feet,. ,andsubj '" ct to any and all 'exi,s'dng highways and easements and r,estrictiofis of record. ) be conveyed to Carmel upon the Rayment by CArmel to pu~dlie the sum of Twent'y-t:,..,o ,ThoUsand T,hirty-eight DoBars ;22,038.00) and the, executiqn qy Garmel of this Agreement. 2., Should Carmel ever cease :to USe said real estate mstructiori" use and' maintenance of a single water we'll in mnection' with CaimEil,'s water "ystem, together-with ,all, neces- try structures, equipment and roadways, :;Eor ingress and egress, ld for no other purpose. 4. All structures ,il.nd equipl)1ent placed on the prop- :ty by Carmel shall ,first be approved in writing by Pi:ll;due. . trmel shall landscape t:he< propert,y ih an attractive manner ld ,if the adjoining property- now owned by 't,h'e StatEi of \dianafor the use al1Cl benefit of Purdue University is'e,ver It to other than agricu'ltural iIse, Carmel .shall screen' aii .. .,.2... Iprovements on the a}6ve, re.a'l estate lna marmer acceptable , PeuI-dile. 5. C""rinel shall maintaIn the real estate in a clean < Id sightly manner" 6. 'Carmel grants to' Purdue ,the:dc;ihtto farm that ,rtion of the above real estate ,whiCh is., hOt reasonabcly needed , Carmel for its well site. 7. Carmel shall indemnify and hold Purdue harmless 'om any <indall claiI1!s and damages restiltil}gfroIil,tte ownership, ,cupation, and use o"f the, above .site by Garroel. Carmel fur,ther, lrrants an'd agrees t:hat its use ,of th~ above property as, a well ~te will not adv,",rseTy effe,ctine operatiqnof other ~~at~r wells 1 the area. e. In the event p"urdue or .i,t:3 successors in .title Jvelops all or any part of the. :property commohlyknovm as the rnnwood Farm, Carmel. agrees to 'I)rovide water to the above ,tea~, ;tate at a cost n<;:> greater than thE" existing acreage develop-ment ~e of Five Dolia:t:'s ($5.00) for one, thousand '(1,000) ,sqila:t:'e feet, )r the first one hundred (iOO) acres' :so developed.. ,IN HITNE'SS WHEREOF, ~he parb;es have caused this Agree- ~nt to be executed the. day and 'year. first ~bove w:t:'itten. rTEST: THE TRUSTEES OF PURDQEUNIVERSITY' Bk~/~/ . /., ~ ~~a.'~ . -3- niE CITY OF CAIDlliL / tTEST: By C;)f~(JS 9d~"'tf-- "C) b-1:,-S-' [(()A " f h..,,f ~ -~~p' , I IPPECANOE COUNTY ) )55: ) . TATE OF INDIANA Bl'!fore me / the under.signed, a Notary PUbl"ic in and fbr, aid Bta te and County, persdhaHy' appeared TilE TRU5TE'ES 0'1" PQiiDQE NIVER5I'l'Y by ,Maurice G. Knov i't's 'Presid",rit 1 and Dorie A. F'~arsr>n " its 'S'ecretary . . ,arid cknowledged execution of the fore.going -}>;gJ;eement-, 1:f",.,.-k;';'!f. A;,.c.a~"_,'u ' Noridas R. DaiggerU I I Notary' Public; y Commission expires; May 12, 1 ')78 TATE OF INDIANA. ) ) 55'; ) AMILTON COUNTY Before me, the undersigned ,!,\ N6taryPubhc ,in and for, aid state and County, personaily appea'r",d ,;raE C:I:ry OF CARMEL by \lhert B. Pickett " Owen 'Kern " an'l:i' ,}:r:edH6lil " to i1"J'~r r.i tv n'f.. 'Ca:8i!cl" r.itlii Att0Tney '. ,.an'dc,H~ Engineer. ' I' respectl.ve-ry-;-'and ac nowledged 'executJ.on 2f t 1e foregol.ng ,greement,. ' . ..'. ':// ,'-;;p;,o- .6ix , Notllry Public y' y Commission exp:l.ros,; {JI./ -1 S /;-? T.} ) 'hirAgr~~ment w~s. prepared by TUART, BRANIGIN, I~ICKS [,. SCHII:;LING y: Thomas R. 'HcCully , . -4,... " PURDUE UNNElZSIlY OfFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE VICE,PRESIDENT c. .. - ,- '0,_. ..AND TREASURER RECEIP'T Received from I,he 'City of'Carmel $Z2, 038.00 asparment 'in"full for 1.60, goo ,;'qual'e feet (3,. ,67 aCEes) of the L'ynnwood.F'ar,m ioeated' in Hamilton Co,!nj;y"i Iridiana'. THE TRuSTEES OFP,QRDUEUNIVERSIT'y . - . . ,By ~~ . .E ' . 'I'd, ;:rf,eas~rer August II, 1977 " < " . ;.' .P~ c,~, ~,. 'c ;:"'-'0. ~ . ~, ~, c. .....lJ ':,0" , , fl"" frederick:l. Hovde H,alCof Administr;31ion West:Ljllayette,lndia''n"Aigil7 PURDUE RESEARCH FOUNDATION WEST L"'fjo,'r'ETrE.,n.Dl~l'l" "?~07'. Septernber 6, 1977 The Honorable. Albert 'B. PiCkett Mayor , The City of Cannel Carmel, Indi~na 46032 '. Dear AI: Enclosed hereyiith is a duly signed Receipt executed by Mr. F, R. Ford,Tre,,:surer. of The Trust'ee~ of Purdue Univer sity for: the City of Carmel's,"pa'ymentfor 160,000 square feet of .land', (-3.67 acres) on the Ly"nwood .Farm. Also enclosed is, an original and a'copY of the"Agreement between The City of Carmel and The' 'Trustees: of Purdue Univer sity fO,rlbe above-mentioned transaction., ' I am in the process of sending: the. deed ,to the. G oVe:,r nor for his ,signature' and,hopefully, will ,be aple t6 forward it to you within a short time. Sincere~y, /Jrhv 'W. 'Hentschel :v.icePresi.dent ;J.nd' Tr.easurer WI-! d Enclosures ,~. . "~ ,.