HomeMy WebLinkAbout1st St SW - 1972/Carmel/Drs. Laycock & Freemanr
day of
of County, in the .State of
Convey and Warrant to David E. Laycock and 'Rosemary P. Laycock, husband and wife,
Max E. Freeman and Gwen Freeman, husband and wife
for the.tirm of .Oe, D o l7.ar, ari
the following, described Real _Estate fn
County, in the.' State of INDIANA.............
other va1uab1.e,conp}deratiO4.
County, in the State of Indiana,.to-artt
7 -1 B'e'gin at 45.2 feet west of the Northwest corner'of Lot 1•7. in Warren, Phelps
Addition to the Town of Carmel, Indiana,. run West 61.'26 fe ttio the East ed e
of the pavement of FirsV.Avenue; S.W..; 'tnence South on and along ie i ast edge
of said pavement 1,32 feet; thence East plarallel to the.North.line of this tract
59.5 feet. thence North 132 €eetcto the place.of,beginning:,
Ptt t
n pp
This warranty deed is executed by all of -the members Of :the Board of Trustees
of the Town of Carinel: pursuant to Ordinance and Resolution adopted by the duly
elected Board of Trustees: of. the. Town of. Carmel meeting in regular session on
the .22 day of re jr 1972'.
Ha Ve 'hereunto Set their hand. S
TOWN N OF CARMEI. ,....:(Seal)
Town ,of Carmel, by the Board of 'Trustees
Before me, the undersigned, 'a Notary Ppblie in and for said .County and State, personally appeared
who acknowledged the executio, of the 'foregoing Deed to be their voluntary acs decd
WITNESS,, my. had and 1 seal this day of
Record No. Pages.....:...
at o cloak M Recorder
and .seal S. this day of
to C iiCea G J
My conimisiion expires
Preparedly John A. Proffitt, Attorney at Law
Tit:/;* or Swy
Notary Public
To Whont, it may concern,
.This affidavit should be t ransferred and placed of
of public record in the office of the Recorder of Hamilton
County,; Indiana at the- -same time the deed to the .City of.
Carmel is recorded.
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line bf .First
with the East
First Street,
First Street,
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.11AVID E, LAYCOCK AND MAX E. FREEMAN ;respectfully ;petition and
f• show the court
k ,:u.;
Eit 1 That this Court has jurisdiction of this Petition by virtue:
of the Acts 6f the General Assembly of 1907, Chapter 279. (Burns::
41.1. -.IStatutes 48-901 through 48-989).
I•lkW*; C4. s. 2. ,qhat petitioners are the owners real estate on the east
ry, side. of First Avenue, S. W. in thc TOWP of Carmel Hamilten Countr;:
-\-14 cIndiann, p
2 i. two parcels legally described' as fol lows:
a'-'4.,. I. 1
71: t,i
p: t ..1. PARCE1 A i
of the Southeast Thinner of Section Twenty-Five (25)
Townthin Eighteen (18) North Range Three (3) East described i
1 e:',.. Y as, follows
B f.• in at the S outhwest corner of Lot 16 in Warren f Phelps
4c w'r Addition to the Town of Carmel, Indiana; thence .North on
c.f.i. along the West line of said Lot 16, 137 feet Measured (13O :.:eeL,
Y' s .jj Hz
1 'more :or less Deed) to the centerline ,an alley; thence Wost::.
al• 4 7:,
'17 2 7 'parallel with the NOrth line of First Street, S.W., 74 feet;
thence South parallel with theEast line of this tract 137 foet
2,? :measured (130 feet, more er less, Deed) to the North line of
71i... Pint .Streut; S. W.; thence East o n and along said North linr
S treet, of First S. W. 74 feet to the place of beginning con.'
r1,. •0 ...k ,f taining 6.23 acre, more or less
A part Of the Southeast Quarter of Section TWenty- five. (25) ,:::j.
7.1 Township Eighteen (18) North, Ran( Three (3) East, described l
r.• as follows:
Begin .at. the Northwest corner of .Lot 17 in Warren Phelps
.Addition te the Town of- Carmel Indiana; run West 45.2 feet
to the East 'Eine of Willow Street (now First Avenue, S.W.). 132
feet thence East 46.8 feet; thence North .132 feet to the place
oUbeginning containing 0.14. acre
Irof'' 4:- 1 3 That First Avenue, S. W. (formerly Willow Street) is:a 24c.fec
.ride asphalt paved street: running porth, and south and is located 'en,
the west of Pardels. A and B described. above. That between said
t" :t•-,- Par cel. A i5 an area having a, north and south dimension Of
137 feeC-and an cast and west dimension of 32.46 Feet, designated:.
ic 1 4,,!., ,1
7 e ierein as Parcel C and locally described as follows:
7 l• '-'5 1 C
Begin. 74 feet West of the Southwest corner of Lot 16 in Warren,
Phelps Addition to the Town of Carmel Indinpa;,thence,North'
on .a line narallel to the West lin-:• of Lot 16, 137 feet to the
i .-14:,•.. i
y-). c
enterline of an alley; thence Wes parallel with the North
Street, S.W. 32.46 beet; thence South parallel
line of this tract 13.7 fcct to the North line of
S.W. thence East on and along said North lirseYbf
S-L/. 32.46 feet to the place of beginning.
Philip R. Correll
Attorney Tor Petitioners
That between First u'enue, S. 17; and. -Pa eel B' i,s an area
havingLa -nnr.th and south dimension of 132 feet,, an east..and; west
dimension rev .t'no north line of 61 -.76 feett., wand- an east -and west\
dimension an the south!. line of 59:: 6 feet desil nate'd 'herein .as eh
Parcel I1., and, legally dcscr.ibea as, follows.:
PARCE1, 1, 1
Begin at.4S...2 feet, ttes,t of else Northwest terrier. of to 17 in
Warren F, Phelps Addrt ir to the ieWn o' Carmel,., Indiana, run
iles,t: hl 26 feet, -1:n tiw last edge of the pavement of First,.
Avenue, 5:1�'. thence S a �t
outh on 'and along the East 'edge' o"f sai
pavement 13;2 feet; thence East parallel to the :'worth
trrs tract 59 5 :f.-eet, thence North 132 feet to the place' of
5.. That there exist a a 36 inch public seiwr main:tained'by the-"
jown<of Carmel "located 0: the lest. portion of :Parcel•.A, described
=above and on the East notion of Parted: 17. described .above; that
s aid sewer runs generall, -i.n z north and south direction.
z 6. Tliat, said ,Parcels A, '13, C a b and the s ewer, are located
4n and desc on a plat attached hereto and marked Fxhibi.t. A.
7 "That the: said Parcel C and west.. rertron' of Parcel 1] are
'Termer rights oaf =vaay of an 'interurhan line which was abandoned an rn
about the year 1.931, and the use thereof vas d'ascontinued-, that..,;,;:
the east portion of p ar.cel B was hnr tofe;rc designated as Willow'
tr.eet but is not, in fact, 'a street rtainia'incd eel used bv• t
uo`1.1c, t
:of the hat said Willow, Street is,•r rrr;llcl. 'co arid ninediately e as t
p -esent First Streit', .5 tG
8 Petitioner :dui her state that sa'ic1 nar'c cis, C" and P shetYcl
e .lega11) va cated and the. t'i.�i thereto declar d
itetitioners for the fo.11owing reason's
ft They are in no way thoroughl_,zrc s for public u being
ect. to .a 'maintn:i. red ,and we.l;�l. defin pu ar c street, namely, Firs
venue S :.i9
1' b: Present menance of said 'parcels i done only by
c. Said parcels abut, property owned 1;j -peti'ti•ons,to =wit
a:r._cels A and 11.,
d.; P rrcel s pros ntl v tisod chi fl.y for parking for
et3._tioners businoss invitees Par n Will he used chiefly for
arl;:ing fc r petiti tenants ind.. their business invitees.-
e. Said, parcels. are presently 'iro1 •,din'g no tax dollar's an
:hat they are, not asses
f. That under the .building regulation's pf tare Town of. Carmel
'.here could he San] •parcels a:nd the- "best use would
J for 71 arki>nn; no building on
'licat nrc ose to/use and' maintain said ritels.
.9 th at sai said of Parcel., 11 and A.' .should be .Wade n
f' the petitioners: but with <a resort atxo,t I-iucreen of an easement For
re 36 inch. selrer line, said easrntent i ;'c 'in the Town of Carmel,
„WHEREFORE, pe-titioners respect,Eii] ly' pat 2' r the Court for an
rder vacating T'arcels r and 17 with their `t 11 descriptions set out':
1 :ilh resery .io.i 'af a sewer casoein:at. to .the roan of Carmel with a
ling tha t said parcels revert to the petitioners as'
Ti oyel ty owners a.td for all 'other- x cli f proper the premises
L E.
r r
A i 1
“rL Il1 TIT HATTE* DT 7 1'171T1'0'1 Circui Court
'DAVID E.: 1 AYOuG11 f, l•fAX E Elty.E'-1.1onda A-1 ril -7 11 x l. (1 67.
Hamill:on t •.)91--
AP. '1 FAN FOR .VAOA TICthr: OF 1'11131 lc
Roulp c.0,11-,:12, pp. Z14
C.,,.72-'•:Ii.1:-!•-::t1,:•11-tWN',,OT CARMfil. PDVECIS-AhY PARTY
i April_ 'Torn 19i 'h Judi ciz.il Day,
'1‘.'-es';•:.; 6 .r" 1 c
ND 67 ::.-1 5
Pe ti t io n to yaca12.0 pith: Lie g ro tin c fi le; which or: t itionr s in 2
4 he-, fol I (Wing w vas and fi p. u rea tO wi t.; (11. I'.
1 ,-,-31 12 ..11.'1 ,m1 Slimmona to town of C or-11 e red 'issued returnable flay 8
I '1, r-- r -A
eil'.:::•,:'-' 4iState of Iricliana
1• •:-;,„:y -;4•• It on Cenizity
,in Personally- appeared b ef orb me a notar.y public in an for 2 i
_-tsaud County and s 1 Le tie under s,ign acl I:,. I c id t1ud ler who, being,:
•Fauly -slgoin ,.:...says V is I of :the. The; N lie TiMes
fie.D.f..,....,a.i., IlfeeRly I newspaper .o:f' rgen'et al c i lltli 1 a tj PTI pi lilt an-d published 27-`,;,.,:;;
•13in flie '.English 1 an in the e i c Nob•Ie s vi 1 le l'il t t a te and ''",,C:::
...county afekes'aid, and tha t the printe ride t e r at tache'd he to i$
v1. -.•'-'a:,:i-tittie copy Which wa a duly pu hi in.h-.d .ill s.di1 •pape.r for 2 times •,1;
othe-Ld a t es "of mad 1 cation' 1'' in as fog lowS•-•
April' 2c,1.., 1.967 Nay 1, 1967
,4;•- .;.o.-... .t..- ,t rib'ed- and' sworn Co, before ie t hi •s 5 ddy of ik T4y 196-7.; „.1 E'
:12e Iii 1 e r•
t .,..c.., „••-t z
Ht C%. ,.1.9`i 1 '?1 it f
...1 l' ddll 4 1967
commis-310n expi-res•
Jetioise Ilia teher s/ -19.11
N 61: a v Pub Yi c
lallp: R;' Correll A,ttornay.
It; ;4
is :„...,i.,- li• 1".10T ICI: 011 1 I ION. 1,
1- IL AUS11, -NO 6'7:3.15
1-e. .,,:,...c":'••':Y•,, v-ti .1gotite is hereby liver punsuant to Purn:; -Indiana Statu Les 48-900
hat DAVIT/ ri,. LAY cocK and 1.1AX 1: 1 4171 1MAN la Tr a pe,tit ion to
a i_nci.u_ding a per :tip'', of 1 I.ow Strcet abutting
...1... to...-theii; properly ancl 366 1 .betwe on toe J..1- DTI:Tort)" 'dud' Fir t J
S.1? in Carmel, I rl an a., and: tliat:1 .11e. anint on' s aid pet i tion.,, I
i.-.• t rf- I 'C' i Ilial 1 be held on i4a1'• 8, 1967, or as; soon thOreafte, as the Court l•
,-;;L„ .;.:.an- hold said.: bearing,:
c '•:Ji 2 '''p-
dtga itd P Jr