HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence r u u (5' 5D-1c.o ~.~ 1Wc Cr EL ""," JN~ESBRMNARD,NL\YOR June 14, 2005 Mr. Brandon T. Burke, P.E.. The Schneider Corporation 12821 East New Market Street Suite 100 Cannel, IN 46032 RE: Village of West Clay, Webster Park- Project Review #2 Dear Mr. Burke, The City has reviewed the revised drawings dated May 13, 2005 based on the Departments review letter dated April 19, 2005. It is apparent that the Departments comments have been satisfactorily addressed. Thank you for making the requested revisions. Please confirm with Crossroads that any comments related to their review have been addressed. Provided that Crossroads issues have been resolved, please submit the required drawing sets for approval. Please be advised that all bonds and performance guarantees must be posted prior to Engineering Department approval. Also, Board of Public Works and Safety approvals and any other governing agency approvals (if required) must be obtained prior to Engineering Department approval. If you have questions, please call me at 571-2441. Gary R. Du an, Jr., P.E. Assistant C y Engineer Departmen of Engineering cc: Matt Griffin, Department of Community Services John Duffy, Camle1 Utilities Greg Hayes, Hamilton County Surveyor's Office John South, Hamilton County Water & Soil Greg I1ko, Crossroad Engineers Project File Engineering Department Review DEP>\llTMENT Of EKGINEE1UNG ONE ClVlC SQUARE, C."-R\lEL, IN 46032 OFfICE 317.571.2441 FAX 317571.2439 ErviAIL engineering@ci.carl11el.in.us u u Construction/Stormwat~r Pollution Prevention Plan Technical Review and Comment (Form 1) Project Name: V ill age of WestClay -Webster Park Clubhouse County: Hamilton Plan Submittal Date: 04/06/05 Hydrologic Unit Code: 5120201090060 Project Location Description: 13 1st and Tovvlle Rd Latitude and Longitude: Lat- 39-58'-59" N Long- 86-12'-05" W c: Civil lay NW Section: 28 Township: 18 North IJ 'HIfTO" 3 East 0 ';:i Project Owncr Namc: Brenwick Development co:l e Contact: Kevin Krulik ... .;:; Address: 12821 E New Market Street, Suite 200 c -" Carmel State:, IN 46032 .... City: Zip: u ~ Phone: 317-547-3400 FAX: E-Mail: kevink@brcnwick.com ....., .... ;: c.. Plan Preparer Name: Brandon Burke Affiliation: Schneider Corp. Address: 12821 E New Market Street, Suite 100 City: Carmel State:; IN Zip: 46032 Phone: 317"569-8112 FAX: 317-826-6410 E-Mail: BBURK@Schneidercorp.com Review Date: 04/26/05 ~ Principal Plan Reviewer: John B. South P.E. CPESC .~ Agency: Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District ~ ~ Address: 1108 South 9th Street ~. City: Noblesville - Phone: 317-773-2181 Assisted By: FAX: State: IN 317-776-1101 Zip: 46060 E-Mail: john-south@iaswcd.OTg -I PLA1'l IS ADEQUATE: A comprehensive plan review has been completed and it has bcen determined that the plan satisfies the minimum requirements and intent of 327 lAC 15-5. o Please refer to additional iiIfonnation included on the following page(s). [2] Submit Notice of Intent (NOI): Attach a copy ofthis coverpage when submWing the NO! to the bldiana Department of Environmental Manage/nent. Construction activities may begin 48 hours following the submittal of the NOr A NO] must also be sent to the SWCD, o A preliminary plan review has been completed; a comprehensive review will not be completed within the 28-day review period. The reviewing authority reserves the right to perform a comprehensive review at a later date and revisions to the plan may be required at that time to address detlciencies. o Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s). o Submit N otiee of Intent (NOI): Attach a copy of this cover page when submitting the NOI to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Construction actiVl"ties may begin 48 hours following the submittal of the NOl. A NOT must also be senllo o PLAN IS DEFICIENT: Significant deficiencies were identified during the plan review. o Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s). o no NOT file a Notice of Intent for this project. o DO NOT commence land disturbing activities until all deficiencies are adequately addressed, the plan re- submitted, and notification has been received that the minimum requirements have been satisfied. Plan Revisions Deficient Items should hc or delivered to the Principal Plan Reviewer identified in the Plan Review Section above. DNR, Divisioll of Soil COllservation Page 1 of 1 Revised] 2/09/03, Form 1 : .- , J Un - u EL Cr April 19, 2005 ]AJ\'lES BRiJNARD, l\ILt\YOR Mr. Brandon T. Burke, PE The Sclmeider Corporation 12821 East New Market Street, Suite 100 Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Village of 'Vest Clay, Webster Park-Project Review #1 Dear Mr, Burke: We have reviewed the plans submitted for the April 20, 2005 Teclmical Advisory Committee meeting and offer the following comments: 1. Please contact this office to discuss the required Board of Public Works and Safety approvals, fees to be paid, perfom1ance bond requirements and right-of-way pem1it and right-of-way bond requirements. 2, Please show the construction limits. 3, Drainage review comments will be issued when the review has been completed. 4, Please indicate depressed curbs across each of the entrances or label as existing. Do the curb cuts exist? Are depressed curbs already installed? 5, Please delineate the limits of the pavement section outlined in Detail 10, Sheet C8010n the Development Plan. 6. Please confIrm that Details 1, 3, 4 and 5 on Sheet C80 1 meet or exceed the City's standards for any proposed installation in the right-ohvay. If the' details do not meet or exceed the City's standards, the City's details must be added to the Plans and the different installation must be indicated on the Development Plan. 7. All paving within the existing and.proposed City right-of-way shall conform to the requirements of the Department of Engineering. Please add a note to the drawings that the Contractor shall contact the Department of Engineering to schedule a pre-construction meeting to review the Department's construction requirements, staff notification requirements, required inspections for certain stages of the work and to review the authority of the Department as it relates to work within the existing and proposed City right-of-way. These conm1ents represent the Department of Engineering's initial review ofthis project. We request that all responses to our comments be provided in \vriting. Failure to provide written responses may result in the delay of the review process. It is critical that our office be made aware of all modifications made on the plans being resubmitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "ne w" or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please provide revised plans ine luding all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any changes, including changes resulting from Plan Commission, BZA or other conmuttee meetings. All bonds and perfoffi1ance guarantees must be posted prior to Engineering Department approval of construction plans. Also, Board of Public Works and Safety approvals and any other governing agency approvals (if required) must be obtained prior to Engineering Department approval. The Department reserves the right to provide additional comments based on subsequent reviews. If you have questions, I may be reached at 571-2441. DEI'AHTME?\T OF Ei'\Gl1"EERli\'G 0"'10 CIViC SQUARE, CARMEL, IN 46032 OrFlCE 317.571.2441 FAX 317571.2439 EM!\IL engineeri ng(lyci .ca rrnel.in. us .- .- ---- --u -~~ Mr. Brandon T. Burke, PE April 19, 2005 Page 2 of2 Cc: Jon Dobosiewicz, Department of Community Services John Duffy, Carmel Utilities Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor' 5 Office John South, Hamilton County Soil and Water Greg Il1m, Crossroads Project File Engineering Department Review \\A pps2\user daUi \eng\s hared\D HilllJ' ROJREY05\vO we- WEBST ERP ARK. doc --u- ~-~_ - u w ~~ Schneider April 18, 2005 Jon Dobosiewicz Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 o>cJ L/orJ/~ RE: VILLAGE OF WESTCLAY - Webster Park Clubhouse Dear Jon, Please find enclosed a check in the amount of $257.50 for the Secondary plat filing fee for the Village ofWes1 Clay Section 10012 Webster Park Clubhouse. If you should have any questions, or are in need of additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION ~-s -- Brandon Burke, P.E. Project Manager Enclosure N:\!23l.(\! OI2\docs\Clubhausc\dobosicwicz04-18-05.doc THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION Historic Fort Harrison 8901 OtiS Avenue Indianapoii5 Indiana 46216-1037 317-526.7100 Toll free 500-898-0332 Fax 317-526-7200 wwwschneidercorpcom 04/18/2005 13:39 317775'3528 U HAMIL TON CO UVEYOR PAGE 01102 os ~ f./. (JtN g 7 AC.. XCI/ton C. (Ward, SlInJevar . r 'P(iMe (3l7" i7l;"$tj~'S 'r,I.l' t.P r) 77G"~~~" SlIr/f,lU Ollr .Jlrlllrtll~n UIIII/y S(/Il1lrC )'{"b1{~11/1", ludinmJ 4(;...,6" --. . April18~2005 The Schneider Corporation ATTN: Brandon Burke 12821 East New Market Street, Suite 100 Cannel, IN 46032 VIA FACSIMILE: 826-6410 Re: Village of West Clay - Webster Park Clubhouse Dear Mr. Burke: We h.ave reviewed the constTUctionplans submitted to the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office on April 6~ 2005 for this project and have the fonowing comments: l. The proposed proj eet falls in the jurisdiction ofthe City of Carmel. 2. The proposed project DOES NOT fall in a Carmel Wellhead Protection Zone. 3. The proposed project falls in the Elliott. Creek Regulated onm Watershed. 4. No new storm pipe is being installEd with this proposed clubhouse. The proposed SSD installed under the curb will not be part ofthe regulated drain but the conne:ctions with be inspected as part ofVOWC 10012. 5. The proposed pond 0l0WC 10012) and the clubhouse do not meet the standards of HCSQ. The pond is not designed to one of the approved HCSO Standard Pond Details (0"6 thro D-8). The proposed clubhouse is shown encroaching into the required detention ponds. Both ofithese items will require a variance from the Hamilton County Draina.ge Board. please submit a letter requesting to be placed on the Drainage Board agenda for the required vl!riances. 6. Please note the additional comments may be warranted at a later date. j, ~ 04/18/2005 13:39 3177769628 U HAMILTON CO SL"'VEVDR U Should you have any questions. I can be reached at 317.776-8495. SincereJy. ~~ Greg Hoye;;s Plan Reviewer cc: Jon DoboSlewicz ~ Carmel DOCD John South - HCSWCD Mike McBride - HCHD Dick Hill - Carmel Engineering Kevin Krolick - Brenwick Development ;. :.' PAGE 02/132 u u City of: Carmel Fire Departm';1nt Headquarters 2 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 Voice (317) 571-2600 Fax (317) 571-2615 Fire Prevention Bureau Brandon T. Burke Schneider Corpor~tion 8901 Otis Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46216-1037 RE: Webster Park Clubhouse LETTER OF APPROVAL The undersigned has reviewed the propo$ed plans for Webster Park Clubhouse . and has approved the plans subject. to the following: 1. Our office will request the installation of,? Knox Box for emergency access for the amenity building. A Knox box can be ordered online at www.knoxbox.com 2. What is the height of the structure and will the structure have a basement? 3. 4. 5. 6. I Please respond to the above notedcondition'{s) in writing and submit to our office prior to the scheduled Technical Advisory Meeting for this project. Da~: April 18.2005 By: Gary Hoyt, Fire Marshal Carmel Fire Department u u Griffin, Matt l Subject: Griffin, Matt L Monday, April 18, 2005 11 :33 AM Babbitt, Pamela A Tingley, Connie S; Hollibaugh, 'Mike P; Keeling, Adrienne M; Kendall, Jeff A; Brewer, Scott I; Hancock, Ramona B; Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Brennan, Kevin S; Conn, Angelina V; Morrissey, Phyllis G; 'bburke@schneidercorp.com' Technical Advisory Committee (T AC) Agenda Item: Village of Westclay, Webster Park Clubhouse (05040018 TAC) From: Sent: To: Cc: Pam, I have fOlWarded this to the petitioner identified below and updated the file. Docket No. 05040018 TAC - Village of West clay, Webster Park Clubhouse TAC Fee: $257.50 Total Fee: $257.50 Docket No. 05040018 TAC: Village of West clay, Webster Park Clubhouse The petitioner seeks to build a clubhouse, pool, tennis courts, and associated parking. The site is located East of the Broad Street and Abercorn Street Intersection and is zoned PUD. Filed by Brandon Burke of Schneider Corporation. Petitioner, please note the following: 1. This item will be on the April 20, 2005, agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). 2. Mailed and published public notice does not need to occur. 3. Proof of Notice is not needed. 4. The Filing Fee must be paid on or before April 20,2005. Failure to do so will result in this application being tabled to the May 18, 2005, Technical Advisory Committee Meeting 5. This item will be reviewed administratively. . Comments and Concerns: 1. Please provide a complete Landscape Plan. A copy of the landscape plan approvalletter/e-mail from the Urban Forester is required prior to approvaL PETITIONER: refer to your instruction sheet for more detail. Mr. Burke can be contacted at 317.826.6043 (Fax: 317.826.6410). Thank you, Matthew Griffin, AICP Planning Administrator Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 P 317.5712417 f 317.571.2426 1 .. . .,,---' ,- U" ~~ Schneider ..u Mr. Jon Dobosicwicz Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, TN 46032 April 5, 2005 RE: Village of\Vest Clay, Webster Park Clubhouse (Section 10012) Mr. Dobosiewicz, Please find enclosed the following materials related to the above referenced project; 1. 2 sets of the Site Construction Plans 2. Copies ofletters to T AC members The above referenced materials are for your review, We are requesting to be placed on the agenda of the April 20th Technical Advisory Committee meeting. In the interim, if you should have any questions, or are in need of additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORA TION Ib p \~ --- -- :-.. Brandon T. Burke, P.E. Project Manager Enclosure N:\ 1238\ 1 012\docs\Clubhouse\dobo030505.doc THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION Historic Fort Harrison 8901 Otis ilvellue Illdianapoli5. Indiana 46216.1037 317-826-7100 Toll free 800.898.0332 Fa~ 317-826.7200 V/ww,schneidercorp com '::>// u (.: Schneider u Gary Hoyt City of Carmel Fire Department Two Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 April 5, 2005 RE: VILLAGE OF WEST CLAY - WEB~TER PARK CLUBHOUSE (SECTION 10012) Dear Gary: Please find enclosed one copy of the Title Sheet and Development Plan for the above referenced I project. We will be presenting this project at the April 20, 2005 meeting ofthe Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please revie~ the enclosed material and forward to me, any comments or conc.erns that you may have, If you have any questions or require additional:information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION r/~ ~~--- Brandon T. Burke, P.K Project Manager Enclosure N:\1238\lOI2\docs\Clubhouse\tacsub03-05-05.doc , THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION HistOriC Fort Harrison 8901 OtiS Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46216-1037 317.826-7100 Toll free 800-898-0332 F;;x 317-826-7200 www.schneide-rcorp_com ~._/ ... u ~~ Schneider u AprilS, 2005 Bill Akers Cannel/Clay Communications 31 First Avenue, N.W. Cannel, IN 46032 RE: VILLAGE OF WEST CLAY - WEB.STER PARK CLUBHOUSE (SECTION 10012) Dear Bill: Please find enclosed one copy of the Title She~t and Development Plan for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the April 20, 2005 meeting ofthe Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and forward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional: information, please feel fre.e to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION ~__~ S -- Brandon T. Burke, P.E. Project Manager Enclosure N:\ 1238\1 012\docs\Clubhouse\tacsub03-05-05.doc THE SCHNE:IDER CORPORATION Historic Fort Harrison 8901 Otis Avenue Indianapolis. Indiana 46216-1037 317.826.7100 Toll free 800-898-0332 FaK 317-326.7200 www.schneidercorp_Gom " u u April 5,2005 Ron Farrand Carmel/Clay Schools 5201 East 13] st Street Carmel, IN 46033 I RE: VILLAGE OF WEST CLAY - \VEB:STER PARK CLUBHOUSE (SECTION 10012) Dear Ron: Please find enclosed one copy of the Title Sheet and Development Plan for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the April 20, 2005 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please revie;w the enclosed material and forward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION ~fS- ~ s:-->'---- Brandon T. Burke, P.E. Project Manager Enclosure N:\1238\1 012\docs\Clubhousc\lacsub03-05-05.doc I THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION I Histonc Fort Harrison 890~ Otis Avenue Indianapolis. Indiana 46216-1037 317-826-7100 Toll free 800-898-0332 Fax 317-826-7200 wwwschneidercorp.com ;.' u ~.., Schneider u April 5, 2005 Douglas G. Carter Hamilton County Sheriffs Department 16100 Cumberland Road Noblesville, IN 46060 I RE: VILLAGE OF WEST CLAY - WEBSTER PARK CLUBHODSE(SECTION 10012) Dear Douglas: I Please find enclosed one copy ofthe Title Sheh and Development Plan for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the April 20, 2005 meeting ofthe Carmel Technical Advisory Committee, Would you please revie!w the enclosed material and forward to me, any I comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additionall information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION ~ ~S----- Brandon T. Burke, P.E. Proj ect Manager Enclosure N:\I238\1 012\docs\Clubhouse\tacsub03-05-05.doc THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION Historic Fort Harrison 8901 Otis Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 4:6216.1037 317.826.7100 Toll free 800-898-0332 Fax 317-826-7200 WWW_$C~ neid e rco rpcom u u ScHneider April 5, 2005 Candy Feltner Clay Township Regional Waste District 10701 North College Avenue, Suite A Indianapolis, IN 46280 RE: VILLAGE OF WEST CLAY - WEBiSTER PARK CLUBHOUSE (SECTION 10012) Dear Candy: ! Please find enclosed one set ofthe site Construction Plans for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the April 20, ~005 meeting oftheCannel Technical Advisory Committee; Would you please review the enclosed material and forward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION G ~~~ '- ' --,,">- Brandon T. Burke, P.E. Project Manager Cc: Ron Lauritsen - CTE Engineers (incluqing enclosure) Enclosure o N :\1238\1 0] 2\docs\Clubhouse\tacsub03-05-05.doc THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION Historic Fort Harrison 8901 Otis Avenu~ Indianapolis, Indiana 4,6216-1037 317-826-7100 Toll free 800-898-0332 Fax 317-826-7200 www;chneid~rcorp.com u '-~ ScHneider u April 5, 2005 Ron Lauritsen, P .E. CTE Engineering, Inc. 7102 Lakeview Parkway West Drive Indianapolis, IN 46268 I RE: VILLAGE OF WEST CLAY - WEBSTER PARK CLUBHOUSE (SECTION 10012) Dear Ron: P1.ease find enclosed one set oHhe site Constrnction Plans for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the April 20, 2005 meeting of the Cannel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enciosed material and forward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. . I If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convelllence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION ~~ -~~~ -------- - Brandon T. Burke, r.E. Project Manager Cc: Candy Feltner - CTRWD (including en.closure) Enclosure N :\1238\1 0 12\docs\Clubhouse\tacsub03-05-05.doc THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION Historic Fort Harrison 8901 OtiS Avenue Indianapolis. Indiana 46216.1037 317-826-7100 Toll free 800-898-0332 Fax 317-826-7200 www.schneidercorp.com .. u u AprilS, 2005 John Lester Carmel/Clay Parks Department rd 10553 Ave. S.W. Carniel, IN 46032 I RE: VILLAGE OF WEST CLAY - WEBSTER PARK CLUBHOUSE (SECTION 10012) Dear John: Please find enclosed one copy of the Title Sheet and Development. Plan for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the April 20, 2005 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please revi~w the enclosed material and forward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION ~ ~~-- Brandon T. Burke, P.E. Project Manager Enclosure N :\123 8\1 0 12\docs\Clubhouse\tacsub03-05-05.doc Historic Fort Harrison 8901 OtiS Avenue THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION I Indianapolis, Indiana 46216-1037 317-826-7100 Toll free 800-898-0332 Fax 317-826-7200 www.schneldercorp com u u AprilS, 2005 Shirley Hunter Cinergy 100 South Mill Creek Road Noblesville, IN 46060 I RE: VILLAGE OF WEST CLAY - WEB,STER PARK CLUBHOUSE (SECTION 10012) Dear Shirley: Please find enclosed one copy of the Title Sheet and Development Plan for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this' project at t~e April 20,2005 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please revie:W the enclosed material and forward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your . I convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION ~ -;-~._---, Brandon T. Burke, P.E. Project Manager Enclosure N:\ 1238\ 10 12\docs\CliJbhouse\tacsub03-05-05.doc THE SCHNE!OER CORPORATION Hi~toric Fort Harrison 8901 OtiS Avenue 'Indianapolis, Indiana 4:6216-1031 317~S26-7100 Toll free 800-898-0332 Fax 311.826.7200 www_~ct\ neld e rcorp, co m u u i Schneider April 5, 2005 Steve Krebs SBC 5858 North College Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46220 I RE: VILLAGE OF WEST CLAY - WEBSTER PARK CLUBHOUSE (SECTION 10012) Dear Steve: Please find enclosed one copy of the Title Sheet and Development Plan for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at $e April 20, 2005 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and forward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerel y, THE SCHNEIDER CQRPORATION ~7~->-- Brandon T. Burke, P.E. Project Manager Enclosure ,N:\\238\\ 0 12\docs\Clubhouse\tacsub03-05~05.doc Histone Fort H~rrison 8901 Otis Avenue I THE SCHNEIDER CORPORA.TlON . ! Indianapolis, Indiana 46216-1037 317-826-7100 Toll free 800-898-0332 Fax 317-826-7200 www.schneidercorp.com u ~~ ScHneider u April 5, 2005 Greg Hoyes Hamilton County Surveyor's Office One Hamilton County Square; Suite 168 Noblesville, IN 46060 I RE: VILLAGE OF WEST CLAY - WEB~TER PARK CLUBHOUSE (SECTION 10012) Dear Greg: Please find enclosed one set of the Constructioh Plans for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the April 20, 200S'meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclpsed material and forward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION ~ tS ~ ~- '----- Brandon T. Burke, P.E. Project Manager Enclosure N :\1238\10 12\docs\Clubhouse\tacsub03-05-05 .doc THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION Historic FortHamson 8901 Otis Avenue Indianapolis. Indiana 46~16-1037 317-826-7100 Toll free 800'898.0332 Fax 31I826-7200 www sch ~ei derco rp ,com u u April 5, 2005 Teresa Magee Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company 9371 Zionsville Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 RE: I I VILLAGE OF WEST CLAY - WEBSTER PARK CLUBHOUSE (SECTION 10012) Dear Teresa: Please find enclosed one copy of the Title She~t and Development Plan for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at t~e April 20, 2005 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and forward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional 'information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION ~ ~ ~ -'----. Brandon T. Burke, P.E. Project Manager Enclosure N:\1238\l 0 12\docs\Clubhouse\tacsub03.-05-05.doc THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION Historic Fort Harrison 8901 Otis Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46215'1037 317-825-7100 Toll free 800-898-0332 Fax 317-826-7200 wwwsch,neidercorp,com u u April 5, 2005 John South, P.E. Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street Noblesville, fN 46060 RE: VILLAGE OF WEST CLAY - \VEBSTER PARK CLUBHOUSE (SECTION 10012) Dear John: Please find enclosed one set of the site Constr\fction Plans, BMP Manual, and l1x17 exhibit for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the ApriL 20, 2005 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. VI ould you please review the enclosed material and fotWard to me, any comments or concerns that I you may have. If you have any questions or require additional; information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION ~ -:-,~ --- '------ Brandon T. Burke, P.E. Project Manager Enclosure N:\ 123 8 \ 10 12\docs\CJ ubhouse\tacsub03-05-05. doc THE SCHNEI,OER CORPORATION Historic Fort Harrison 8901 Otis Avenue Indianapolis. Indian. 46216-1037 317-826-7100 Toll free 800.898.0332 FaK 317.826-7200 www.schneidercorp.com u u Schneider April 5, 2005 Jeff Kendall City of Cannel One Civic Square Cannel, IN 46032 RE: VILLAGE OF WEST CLAY - WEBSTER PARK CLUBHOUSE (SECTION 10012) Dear Jeff: Please find enclosed one copy of the Title She~t and Development Plan for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at tl}e April 20, 2005 meeting ofthe Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and forward to me, any I comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION ~~~~ Brandon T. Burke, P.E. Project Manager Enclosure N :\1238\1 0 12\docs\Clubhouse\tacsubO~-05-05.doc THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION HistDric Fot! Harrison 8901 OtiS Avenue Indianapolis. Indiana 46216-1037 317-826-7100 Toll free 800-898-0332 Fax 317-326-7200 ww'^-r.sch neide remp. com u w AprilS, 2005 Jason Lemaster Hamilton County Health Dept. Hamilton County Judicial Center, Suite 30 Noblesville, IN 46060 RE: VILLAGE OF WEST CLAY -WEBSTER PARK CLUBHOUSE (SECTION 10012) Dear Jason: Please find enclosed one copy of the Title Sheet and Development Plan for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the April 20, 2005 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please revie~ the enclosed material and forward to me, any Comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional,information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION &- ---~~'---. Brandon T. Burke, P .E. Project Manager Enclosure N:\1238\IO 12\docs\Clubhouse\tacsub03-05-05 .doc THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION Historic Fort Harrison 890~ OtiS Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 4~216.1037 317-826-7100 Toil free 800-898-0332 Fax 317 -826-7200 www.schneidercorpcom u u Schneider April 5, 2005 Scott Brewer Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: VILLAGE OF WEST CLAY ~ WEBSTER PARK CLUBHOUSE (SECTION 10012) Dear Scott: Please find enclosed one copy of the Landscape Plan (Ratio Architects to provide when complete), Title Sheet, and Development Plan for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the April 20, 2005 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and forward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION r\s - -:--~ '----.. BrandonT. Burke, P.E. Proj ect Manager Enclosure N:\1238\1012\docs\Clubhouse\lacsub03-05-05.doc THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION Historic Fort Harrison 8901 Otis Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46216-1037 317-826-7'100 Toll free 800-898-0332 Fax 317.826.7200 www.schneidercorpcom u u April 5, 2005 Gary Duncan, Jr. City Engineer Office One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 i RE: VILLAGE OF WEST CLAY - WEBSTER PARK CLUBHOUSE (SECTION I 10012) Dear Gary: Please find one set of the site Construction Plans for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the April 20, 2005 meeting of the Cannel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclbsed material and forward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. , If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION ~~-~ Brandon T. Burke, P.E. Proj ect Manager Enclosure N :\1238\1 012\docs\Clubhouse\lacsub03-05-05.doc I THE SCHNEID.ER CORPORATION Historic Fort Harrison 89010tisAvenue Icdlacapolis, Indiana 46f16-1037 317-826-7100 Toll free 800-898-0332 FaK 317-826-7200 W\wl,5ch 11 e Idercorp ,co m I w u Schneider AprilS, 2005 Jason J(jrkman Brighthouse Networks 3030 Roosevelt Ave Ihdianapolis, IN 46216 RE: VILLAGE OF WEST CLAY - WEBSTER PARK CLUBHOUSE (SECTION 10012) I Dear Jason: , , I Please find enclosed one copy ofthe site Title Sheet and Development Plan for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this iproject at the April 20, 2005 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and forward to me, any comments or concerns thafyou may have. ! , If you have any questions or require additional; information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 1> - \f~~ Brandon T. Burke, P.E. Project Ma~ager Enclosure N:\ 1238\10 12\docs\ClubhOllsc\tacsub03-05-05 .doc I THE SCHNEiDER CORPORATION Historic Fort Harrison 8901 Otis Avenue Indianapolis. Indiana 46216-1037 317-826-7100 Toll free 800-898~0332 FaK 317-826-7200 www.schneidercorp.com .. w u AprilS, 2005 Jerry Breeck Vectren Energy 16000 Allisonville Rd P.O. Box 1700 Noblesville, IN 46060 RE: VILLAGE OF WEST CLAY - WEBSTER PARK CLUBHOUSE (SECTION 10012) Dear Jerry: Please find enclosed one copy of the site Title $heet and Development Plan for the above referenced project. We will be presenting this project at the April 20, 2005 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and forward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional Information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION ~ ~ ~- '--- Brandon T. Burke, P.E. Project Manager Enclosure N:\1238\1 0 12\docs\Clubhouse\tacsub03-05-05 .doc THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION Historic Fort Harrison 8901 Otis Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46216.1037 317-826-7100 Toll free 800-898-0332 Fax 317-826-7200 www.schneidercarpcom u u 0<1 000 elL sf Construction/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Technical Review and Comment (Form 1) Project Name: Village of West Clay Sec. 10012 COlInt)': Hamilton Plan Submittal Date: 03/1 0105 Hydrologic Unit Code: 5120201090060 Project Location Description: Village of West Clay, 131st and Towne Roads 20 ac Latitude'and Longitude: Not provided Clay NE Section: 28 18N ~ 3E = Civil I f I 'r .$ ..... Project Owner Name: Brenwick Development C".l 8 Contact: Kevin Kmlik '"' ~ Address: 12821 E. New Market Street, Suite 200 = ,.. 46032 ... City: Carmel State: IN Zip: f.,l Q Phone: 317-547-3400 F A.,'X: E-Mail: . '2 l\~.V h ~ Plan Preparer Name: Brandon Burke Affiliation: Schneider Corporation Address: 12821 E. New Market Street, Suite 100 City: Carmel State,: IN Zip: 46032 Phone: 317-569-8112 .FAX: 317-82~-6410 E-Mail: BB URKE@schneidercorp.colll Review Date: 03/29/05 ;: Principal Plan RevieWer: John B. South P.E. CPESC Clj '5=' Agency: Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District !JJ ~ Address: 1108 South 9th Street. ;: City: Noblesville =:. Phone: 317-773-2181 Assisted By: FAX: State: IN 317-776-1101 Zip: 46060 E-Mail: johll-south@iaswcd.org PLAN IS ADEQUATE: A comprehensive plan rev~ew has been completed and it has been determined that the plan satisfies the minimuni requirements and intent of 327 lAC 15-5. o Please refer to additional information included fin the following page(s). I D Submit Notice of Intent (NOI): Attach a copy afthis cover page when submitting the NOl to the indiana Department of Environmental Management. Conj.truction activities may begin 48 hours following the submittal of the NO!. A NOl must also be sent to o A preliminary plan review has been completed; a comprehensive review will not be completed within the 28-day review period. The reviewing authority reserves the right to perform a I.:omprehensive review at a later date and revisions to the plan may be reqnired at that time tl? address deficiencies. o Please refer to additional information included un the following page(s). o Submit Notice of Intent (NOI): Attach a copy of this cover page when submitting the NOI to the Indiana Department aJEnvironmental Management. Conitruction activities may begin 48 hours Jolla wing the submittal of the A Nor must also be sent to [] I'LAN IS DElfIClENT: Significant deficiencies wer:e identified during the plan review. [] Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s). [] DO NOT file a Notice of Intent for this project. [] DO NOT commence land disturbing activities untiJaIl deficiencies arc adequately addressed, the plan re- submitted, and notification has heen received that the minimum requirements have been satisfied. Pla.n Revisions Detlcient Items should be mailed or delivered to the Principal Plal1 Reviewer identified in the Plan Review Section above. DNR, Division of Soil Conservatioll Page 1 of 1 Revised 12/09/03, Form 1