HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence I"~ SneLling Engineering, LLC 13295 Meridian Corners Boulevard Suite 142 Carmel, IN 46032 ..- , i ,I RE: 2down Solutions Mayflower Park () v-t~~~" . - ;; . \~.\ ~ :. I~ -\ "tJ\J~c;) /-, '" &5'/ .', fY '.' ':TTIf\ ~ ~-L '_~ May 25, 2005 Ms. Angelina Conn City of Carmel Department of Community Services Carmel, TN 46032 Dear Ms. Conn: Enclosed please find a set of revised site construction plans for the subject project. The plan was revised per your comment letter dated May 6, 2005. Your specific comments were addressed as follows: 1. Comer lot monumentation was added to the site plan. 2. Bufferyards and plantings are shown on the plans. 3. We have sent a revised landscape plan to the Urban Forester and will send the approval letter when it is received. 4. A signage permit application will be submitted at a later date, if desired by the Owner. 5. Lot coverage calculations were added to the site plan. 6. The building square footage and dimensions were added to the site plan. 7. The parking breakdown was added to the site plan. 8. The 1 O-toot sidewalk is not required per Matt Griffin's comments at the May 18, 2005 TAC meeting. 9. The dumpster location was added to the site plan. Elevations and details of the dumpster enclosure will be submitted by the architect. 10. Elevations and details of the storage bin enclosure will be submitted by the architect. 11. Mechanical equipment locations and details will be submitted by the architect. 12. Parking lot light pole locations were added to the site plan. Hopefully we have satisfied your outstanding site-related comments. If you have any questions or additional comments, please contact me at 663-3206. Thank you. Sincerely, cc: file LJ u OSOSdolq lAC Construction/Storm)vater Pollution Prevention Plan - Technical Review and Comment Project Name: 2down Solutions Date Reviewed: 05/17/05 A2- Provide me with an 11 "xI7" copy of sheet C302 B2- Include the construction entrance with step 2 of the sequence. B6- A detail is needed for the paved areas inlet protection. I recommended inlet protection that is flush or is installed below the casting tor inlets within driving lanes. Filter fabric installed below the casting is not adequate. A 12" diameter straw, compost or coir log is recommended to be installed in a horse shoe fashion in front of structures #2 and #4. Each end of the rolls need to extend to higher ground. W ill soil be removed tram the site or does it balance? If significant soil is to be removed from the site a better plan is needed to prevent tracking into the street Because of the soil types and flat grades the t\vo dry basins wil11ikely be ,"vet and hard to mow. Why not establish vegetation in the basins that is suitable for wet conditions and looks attractive. The riprap flowlines are not a prefened stormwater quality practice. A9- The response to A9 isn't correct. This site discharges to a side ditch not a stann sewer. cc: Carmel, Surveyor, File DNR, Division afSoil Comervalioll Page 1 of 1 Revised J 2/09/03 MAY-12-20G5 07:Z4 FROM:HAMILTON CO ~ DEP 3177769814 TO:317 502426 P.002/002 HAMILTON COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT CARMEL T .A.C. COMMENTS ?\I\ From : Mike Mdrlde ~ StatiE~necr HRmtltoa Couuty B.tgbwoy DepartmMt 2.;9..(La...\lJ. ~~ ~~ IO;OQ...~,. 10: l5 a.m, lO.1l0..a~ l~ JJ.:.Q.O..a.m.. 1 ~ :20 a Tt\, 11:010 :lI.t:n., 11:(lQ ".m. 12: IS l',m. Date: . MAY 11, 2005 J)~lc6f Nt. 05050002 SP: VJJllUlllt MorRon Cl:'eek We bc~lcve t.hat this is aut9idc oftJur jt+tisdiction Doeb$ No. 05040001\1 Dr Amend/ADLS Amend: B1'O"'~fltone HOmell at Guil,crd RelJervo We bc~icve that this is outside O~lI jumdj<:tfon, DockefNO. 05030014 PP: S,.-eet CharitY E~btell . Primal')' Plat We here not received a.n application and fl'l!! lI.~ Qf 5/11/0.5. Will this b[;ann~B<J'l i Doekej; No.OS0400Z7DP/ADLS: West Carmel Center Offtcc Park Revievfnot complete a.s ofSllllOS. J)odc.~~ No. 05090001 nlfAJ>J.,S: NI~bt!nli!.de Home B.ealthl1aro Wo bo~iovc that troll ill outside OUr.' jurlsdidio"" i Dockei No. 0504002(1 ll../ADLS: Burford omce Park We bc~iavc thllt this b'IMSido our JuriSdiction. ; i Doeke1 No. 050501\03 Z: Vomlnt<luzone We believe thaI tl1.IIIIS oulSido o\lfJllddietion. Doeke No. OSOSOOD4 z: Arden TOWJIbom~ We be~e'l1e that I:hilll$ (l'ij~t4e our jlnisdictJon, 1)(lel(c. No. 050$0005 PIPc Yorktown WO'Jdll . PrhmDry Plat We beVevc that thisls outolicla 01D' j1lti5di.c.tion. I ;l)DC~~ N.. 05050013 TACI VlnAle ClIf Wflllt Clay - Re~~ty 1 Building Wa bet!lve that this i~ cmtlidc our jurbilllctiQn. DOdcef No. 05050019 TAC: Mllytlo'Werp:ar~ lBlk6, Lot S. 2cJf,iwP Soh_dons Revill,* not complete as of Sill/OS. . I Doeket No. 05050011 ADLS: 9~h Strut Pror""'lIlonall'al."k. - ButJdh:lg3 We be~leve thai this i8 outside our j\1risdiction. ! i 1700 SQuth 10'" Street i Nol'tJe""iIIe.ln.4606O ! 'lTWl.':,CO, hamilton.in. us Office (317) 113~1770 Fn (317) 77~814 :.II ':' '7 u H~MILTON CO SURVEYOR U PAGE 81/82 85/11/2885 16:32 317776'3628 65o~o J q """fA<: ..Kcrrlnll C. 'II'.lard, SHrl!"}1Or i'rrj~/lj,' (JI;:-J 77(;-<q4% 'Fnx (J.l i') i7(;.:H;;lt Slritc J .~S Om' ,'Hllmi/r(l!] COI!I!1}' sq/rlH'C ,fla),/e'Wille, [/lrliIJlla .$l~rl(,(I-.:l:l.Jt~ May 11,2005 Curran Architecture A TTN: Shawn Curran 853 CC'lnner Street Noblesville.lN 46060 VIA FACSIMILE: 773.9828 Re: 2down SolutiODS DesrMr, Curran; We have reviewed the eonstruction plans submitted to the Hamilton County Swveyor's Office onMay 3, 2005 for this project and have the following comments: 1. This proposed project falls within unincorporated Hamilton County. Z. This proposed project DOES NOT fall within a Cannel Wellhead protection Zone. 3, This project does not fall in a watershed of a gamilton County Regulated Drain. 4. No permits will be needed from this office. 5. This proposed project falls in an area of known drainage problems, caused by lack of detrotion and an adequate outlet point. 6. Hamilton County Ordinance 4-26~99-C(7)b requires that this site provide detention so the site meets the 2- t 0-100 year 24 hour storm event standard. 7. Hamilton County Ordinance 4.26-99-C(7)e requires all structures to have a finished floor elevation 2 feet about the 100 year water surface elevation of any watercourse, pond, or lake. Please label the 100 year water surface elevation of the detention basin. 05/11/2005 16:32 317775%28 HAMILTON CD SU~VEVOR U .. u 8. Please submit drainage calculati.ons to this offi.ce when they become available. 9. Please note that further comments may be necessary at a later date. Should you have any q1.1estiong, I can be reached at 317~716-8495. ~~ Greg Hoyes Plan Reviewer cc: Jon Dobosiewicz - Carmel DDeD John South ~ HCSWCD Dick Hill - Carm.el Engineering Mike McBride - HCHD Greg Snelling - Woolpert PAGE 02/02 Curran Architecture 853 Conner Street Noblesville, IN 46060 May 10, 2005 Ms. Angie Conn City of Carmel One Civic Square Cannel, TN 46032 RE: 2down Solutions Mayflower Park Dear Ms. Conn: Enlcosed please find two copies of theJandscape.platrfor the subject pmject. The information is submitted for your review for the May 18,2005 TAC meeting in Carmel. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at 773-9804. Thank you. Sincerely, Shawn Curran, RA President 6~ w,Ji{J ~"d ph,...j..-.,ae~.1oh ~-" L · , / ' ""I- . ,~ o' :vU._ ?13 C~,]rmeR u t%o6D 0 \q )A-- (. u May 4, 2005 Shawn Curran, RA Curran Architecture 853 Conner Street Noblesville, IN 46060 RE: 2down Solutions Mayflower Park Dear Mr. Curran: I have received and reviewed the plans submitted for the above-mentioned project. At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law en- forcement efforts. If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. 4i$--n Ti~:J. Green Acting Chief of Police T JG:vb cc: Dept. of Community Services (317) 571-2500 A Nationally Accredit forcement Agency Fa" (317) 5n-2&12 u.'.' u City of Carmel May 6, 2005 VIA e-mail: gsncllig@earthlink.net Original by mail Greg Snelling 12492 Burke Dr Carmel, fN 46032 ~Oi '~ (::1 'r', )... , ' . - .~.~" ;~: y RE: 2down Solutions, Mayflower l~ark, Block 6 (#05050019 T AC) OearMr. Snelling: This letter is in response to your Teclmical Advisory Conunittee application for 2down Solutions. The preliminary concerns and issues are as follow: 1. Please show lot corner monumentatlOn. 2. Bufferyards and plantings are required for all perimeters of the property. Please indIcate these required plantings and bufferyards on a landscape plan. See 20 Chapter 26.04 for details. 3. Please provide a copy to the Urban Forester's approval letter/e-maiI. 4. Note: Sign pennit application must be submitted after sign approval. Signage details, color renderings, and exact measurements must be included with sign applications. 5. II zoning permits up to 90% of lot coverage. Please provide coverage percent number (including pavement and building coverage). 6. Label the building square footage and dimensions. 7. Please provide a parking breakdown chart (office uses = 1 space/300 sq ft and warehouse = space per employee). 8. As per the Alternative Transportation Plan, a la-foot sidewalk is required along the Street frontage. Please show/provide. 9. Please provide dumpster location and detailed elevations of the proposed trash enclosure. 10. Please provide detailed elevations of the proposed storage bin, and screening if necessary. 11. Provide mechanical equipment locations and screening details. 12. Please show the parking pole light locations on the site plan. Please wait to submit a revised plat until after the Technical Advisory Committee (T AC) has met on this application. The resubmitted plans should include edits addressing the above comments along with any requirements that arise from the TAC meeting. Additional comments may be made after the requested revisions have been submitted. Sincerely, Angelina Conn Planning Administrator File: 05050019 TAC 2down Solutions, Mayflower Park Block G Page] ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARNIEL, INDIANc\ 46032 317 /571-2417 Conn, Angelina V UU w~ From: Sent: To: Cc: Conn, Angelina V Friday, May 06,2005 11 :18 AM Babbitt, Pamela A; 'gsnelling@earthlink.net' Tingley, Connie S; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Keeling, Adrienne M; Kendall, Jeff A; Brewer, Scott I; Hancock, Ramona B; Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Brennan, Kevin S; Morrissey, Phyllis G; Griffin, Matt L Docket No. Assignment: (TAC) Mayflower Park, Blk 6, Lot 5: 2down Solutions (05050019 TAC) Subject: Pam, I have forwarded this to the petitioner identified below and updated the file. Docket No. 05050019 TAC - Mayflower Park, Blk 6, Lot 5: 2down Solutions Fee: $257.50 Total Fee: $257.50 Docket No. 05050019 TAC: Mayflower Park, Blk 6, Lot 5: 2down Solutions The petitioner seeks to construct a new office/warehouse building. The site is located southeast of 99th Street and Mayflower Park Dr and is zoned 1111ndustrial. Filed by Greg Snelling on behalf of 2down Solutions, LLC. Petitioner, please note the following: 1. This item will be on the May 18, 2005, agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). 2. Mailed and published public notice does not need to occur. 3. Proof of Notice is not needed. 4. The Filing Fee must be paid on or before May 13, 2005. Failure to do so will result in this application being tabled to the June 22, 2005, Technical Advisory Committee Meeting. 5. This item will be reviewed administratively. PETITIONER: refer to your instruction sheet for more detail. Mr. Snelling can be contacted at 317.697-0180 (Fax: 317._- ) or email: gsnelling@earthlink.net. Thank you, Angie Conn Planning Administrator u u Curran Architecture 853 Conner Street NoblesvilIe, IN 46060 May 3, 2005 Mr. Jon Dobosiewicz Carmel DOCS One Civic Square Cannel, IN 40632 RE: 2down Solutions Mayflower Park Dear Mr. Dobosiewicz: Enlcosed please :find one set of site construction plans and building elevations for the subject project. The information is submitted for your review for the May 18, 2005 T AC meeting in Cannel. If you have any questions or conunents, please contact me at 773-9804. Thank you. Sincerely, Shawn Curran, RA President ~0 ')' ~ ') . \" ) ~" ~V ^ ,01" ~ :,.. u u Curran Architecture 853 Conner Street NoblesvilJe, IN 46060 May 3, 2005 Mr, Jon Dobosiewicz Cannel DOCS One Civic Square Carmel, IN 40632 RE: 2down Solutions Mayflower Park Dear Mr. Dobosiewicz: En1cosed please find one set of site construction plans and building elevations for the subject project. The infonnation is submitted for your review for the May 18,2005 TAC meeting in Cannel. If you have any questions or conunents, please contact me at 773-9804. Thank you. SUlc'~rely, Shawn Curran, RA President u u Curran Architecture 853 Conner Street NobIesviIle, IN 46060 Ma~r 3, 2005 Mr. Mark WestermeiI Cannel Clay Parks Department 760 Third Avenue SW Cannel, IN 46032 RE: 2doWTl Solutions Mayflower Park Dear. Mr. Westermeir: Enkosed please find one set of site construction plans and building elevations for the subj;ect project. The infonnation is submitted for your review for the May 18, 2005 T AC mee.ting in CarmeL lfyoll have any questions or comments, please contact me at 773-9804. Thank you. Sincerely, Shawn Curran, RA PresIdent u u CUlTan Architecture 853 Conner Street Noblesville, .@4i May 3, 2005 Mr. John South Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street Noblesville, IN 46060 RE: 2doWll Solutions Mayflower Park Dear Mr. South: Enlcosed please find one set of site construction plans, building elevations and drainage calculations for the subject project. The information is submitted for your review for the May 18, 2005 T AC meeting in Cannel. Ify(,U have any questions or comments, please contact me at 773-9804. Thank you. Sincerely, Shawn Curran, RA Presldent u u Curran Architecture 853 Conner Street Noblesville, IN 46060 May 3, 2005 1vfr. Chuck Shupperd VeClren Energy P. O. Box 1700 Noblesville, IN 46060 RE: 2do\\'ll Solutions Mayflower Park Deal' Mr. Shupperd: Enlcosed please find one set of site construction plans and bUilding elevations for the subject project. The information is submitted for your review for the May 18, 2005 T AC meeting in Carmel. lfycu have any questions or comments, please contact me at 773-9804. Thank you. Sine,erely, Shawn Curran, RA President u u Curran Architecture 853 Conner Street Noblesville, IN 46060 May 3, 2005 Ms. Cindy Klaiber Carmel Post Office United States Post Office 275 Medical Drive Carrn.el, IN 46032 RE: 2dowll Solutions Mayflower Park Dear Ms. Klaiber: EnlcDsed please find one set of site construction plans and building elevations for the subject project The information is submitted for your review for the May 18, 2005 T AC meeting in CanneL If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at 773-9804. Thank you. Sino~rely, Shawn Curran, RA Presi dent u u Curran Architecture 853 Conner Street Noblesville, IN 46060 May 3, 2005 Mr. Ron Morris Indianapolis Power and Light Company 3600 North Arlington A venue Indi;mapolis, IN 46218 RE: 2down Solutions Mayflower Park Dear Mr. Morris: Enlcosed please find one set of site construction plans and building elevations for the subject project. The information is submitted for your review for the May 18, 2005 TAC meeling in Cannel. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at 773-9804. Thank you. SiIlcl~reiy, Shawn CWTan, RA President u u Curran Architecture 853 Conner Street Noblesville, IN 46060 May 3, 2005 Ms. Teresa Magee Panhandle Eastern Pipeline 93 7l. Zionsville Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 RE: 2downSolutions Mayflower Park Dear Ms. Magee: Enkosed please find one set of site construction plans and building elevations for the subject project. The information is submitted for your review for the May 18, 2005 T AC meeting in Carmel. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at 773-9804. Thank you. Sincerely, Shawn Curran, RA Pre5.ident u u Curran Architecture 853 Conner Street NoblesviII e, IN 46060 May 3,2005 Mr. Jason Lemaster Hantilton COWlty Health Dept. One Hamilton County Square, Suite 30 NoblesviUe, IN 46060 RE: 2down Solutions Mayflower Park Dear Mr. Lemaster: Enlcosed please find one set of site construction plans and building elevations for the subject project. The information is submitted for your review for the May 18, 2005 T AC meeling in CanneL If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at 773-9804. Thank you. Sincerely, Sha\V11 Curran, RA Pres:;dent u u Curran Architecture 853 Conner Street NoblesviHe, IN 46060 May 3, 2005 Ms. Candy Feltner CTRWD 10701N. College Avenue Indi:mapolis, IN 46280 RE: 2down Solutions Mayflower Park Deal Ms. Feltner: Enlcosed please find one set of site construction plans and building elevations for the subject project. The information is submitted for your review for the May 18,2005 TAC meeting in Carmel. If you have any questions or connnents, please contact me at 773-9804. Thank you. Sincerely, Shavm Cmran, RA President u u Curran Architecture 853 Conner Street Noblesville, IN 46060 May 3, 2005 Mr. Gat)' Hoyt Office of Fire Chief, Fire Station # 1 Two Civic Square Cannel, IN 46032 RE: 2dmVIl Solutions Mayflower Park Dear Mr. Hoyt: Enkosed please find one set of site construction plans and building elevations for the subj,ect project. The information is submitted for your review for the May 18, 2005 T AC meeting in Cannel. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at 773-9804. Thank you. Sincerely, Shawn Curran, RA President u u Curran Architecture 853 Conner Street NoblesviHe, IN 46060 May 3, 2005 Mr. Greg Hoyes Hamilton County Surveyor's Office One Hamilton County Square, Suite 188 Nobtesville, IN 46060 RE: 2dowll Solutions Mayflower Park Deal Mr. Hayes: Enlcosed please fuld one set of site construction plans, building elevations and drainage calclllations for the subject project. The infonnation is submitted for your review for the May 18, 2005 T AC meeting in Carmel. If you have allY questions or comments, please contact me at 773-9804. Thank you. Sincerely, Shavm Curran, RA President u u Curran Architecture 853 Conner Street Noblesville, IN 46060 May 3, 2005 Me .Michael Fogarty Offke of Police Chief Three Civic Square Cannel, IN 46032 RE: 2dovm Solutions Mayflower Park Dear Mr. Fogarty: Enlcosed please find one set of site construction plans and building elevations for the subjt~ct project. The information is submitted for your review for the May 18,2005 TAC meeting in Cannel. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at 773-9804. Thank you. Sincl~rely, Shawn Curran, RA President u u Curran Architecture 853 Cormer Street NoblesvilIe, IN 46060 May 3, 2005 Mr. Bill Akers Cannel Clay Commwlications 3 I First Avenue SW Cannel, IN 40632 Dear Mr. Akers: Enkosed please find site construction plans and building elevations. The information is submitted for your review prior to the May 18, 2005 T AC meeting in Carmel. Please assign an address for the site. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at 773-9804. Thank you. Sincerely, Shawn Curran, RA President u u Curran Architecture 853 Conner Street Noblesville, IN 46060 May 3, 2005 Mr. Jim Blanchard Assistant Building Commissioner One Civic Square Cannel, IN 40632 Dear Mr. Blanchard: Enkosed please find site construction plans and building elevations. The information is submitted for your review prior to the May 18, 2005 T AC meeting in Carmel. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at 773-9804. Thank you. Sincerely, Sha"'ITI Curran, RA President