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December 15,2005
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Mr. Dave Eames
Weihe Engineers, Inc.
10505 North College Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46280
RE: Overbrook Farms (formerly Bear Creek Meadows) Construction Plans-Project Review #3
Dear Mr. Barnes:
The City has reviewed your comment letter and drawings dated November 29,2005 based upon the City
review of November 14, 2005.
The comments from the City review have been satisfactorily addressed with the following exceptions:
17. As it relates to Items 17,25,36 of the City's previous reviews: As we have discussed previously,
we will not approve the drawings until these items are finalized.
Based upon additional review, the Department provides additional comments:
28. Thank you for making the revisions to the re-striping plan. Please indicate a solid white line for
the "lane" portion of the passing blister.
41. The City has adopted a new paving policy. Please revise any notes, specifications, and details to
accommodate this policy. Please add the policy language to the specifications sheet A copy of
this policy has been emailed to you. Please revise any notes, specifications and details
These comments represent the Department of Engineering's fourth review of the construction plans for tIllS
project. We request that all responses to our comments be provided in writing. Failure to provide \\Titten
responses may result in the delay of the review process.
It is critical that our office be made aware of all modifications made on the plans being resubmitted,
particularly if any such changes arc considered "new" or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please
provide revised plans including all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any
changes, including changes resulting from Plan Commission, BZA or other committee meetings.
All bonds and performance guarantees must be posted prior to Engineering Department approval of
construction plans. Also, Board of Public Werks and Safety approvals and any other governing agency
approvals (if required) must be obtained prior to Engineering Department;.approval.
The Department reserves the right to provide additional comments based on subsequent reviews.
Please continue to work with Crossroad Engineers on drainage approval.
Please contact the City GIS Department for new City standards related to primary and secondary plat
electronic submission requirements. The City expects tbat submittals will be made in accordance with
these requirements. '
If you have questions, please call me at 571-2441.
ONE CiVlC SQUARE, CAlUvlEl., IN 46032 OrFICE 317.571.2441 F.",,'( 317.571.2439
EMA1L enginecring@c:lrltlel,in.gov
Mr. Dave Barnes
December 15, 2005
Overbrook Farms (formerly Bear Creek Meadows) Construction Plans-Project Review #3
Page 2 of2
cc: Matt Griffin, Department of Community Services
John Duffy, Carmel Utilities
Paul Pace, Carmel Utilities
Mike McBride, Hamilton County Highway Department
Greg Hayes, Hamilton County Surveyor's Office
Greg Ilko, Crossroad Engineers
Ralph Akard, WTFOT LLC
Project File
Engineering Department Review
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November 14, 2005
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Mr. Dave Eames
. Weihe Engineers, lne,
10505 North College Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46280
RE: Overbrook Farms (formerly Bear Creek Meadows) Construction Plans-Project Review #3
Dear Me Barnes:
The City has reviewed yom comment letter and drawings dated November 2, based upon the City review of
October 14,2005.
The comments from the City review have been satisfactorily addressed with the following exceptions:
17. Has permission been granted to build in the Buckeye Pipeline and Marathon Pipeline easements?
Thank you for your response "Both Marathon and Buckeye Pipeline Companies are
currently processing the required documents for reduction of pipeline easements on this
tract. Written responses from both companies on company letterhead and signed by
authorized individuals are enclosed indicating said process. Recorded easements for both
pipelines will be forwarded to your office upon completion." 'Ve understand from this that
this concern has not yet been res'olved. As the plan relies on these to be ,yorked out, please
understand that this needs to be resolved prior to drawing approval.
25. If the 141 st Street entrance is not aligned with an adjacent entrance that will be constructed soon, a
passing blister designed to Department of Engineering standards v.i1l be required on the south side
of 141 5t Street.' Thank you for adyising that efforts to obtain the right-oC-way for a passing
blister are in progress. We understand from this tbat tllis concern has not yet been resolved.
. T~lis needs to be resolved prior.to dra,ying approval.
27. Please indicate \videning across the property frontage or to the extents of the auxiliary lanes,
whichever is greater for 15-foot travel lanes 011 the property side of 141 st Street. Auxiliary lanes
.shall be measured from the edge of the IS-foot travel lane. Please add a note to the site plan that
all existing pavement shall besawcut to a clean edge where new pavement (for widening or for
auxiliary lanes) is to be installed adjacent to existing pavement. Any new pavement placed in the
141 st Street right-of-way for widening, for auxiliary lanes and for each entrance up to the mainline
right-of-way limit shall meet the following section: 1.5 inches HMA #11 surface on 2 inches
HMA #8 binder on 3 inches HMA #5D base on 7 inches #53 stone on 4 inches #2 stone or match
existing, whichever is greater. Please delineate this section with hatching on the plans and
appropriate reference in the legend. Thank you for showing the widening, but to further
clarify the construction requirements for the contraetOl', please indicate and label the width
of the existing 141 sl Street pavement. Also indicate and label the widths from the existing
pavement centerline to the existing pavement edges. Provide these dimensions on the South
Entrance detail on Sheet 15. The width of the widening and other widths are shown
referenced to the right-of-way centerline rather than the pavement centerline as requested.
28. The City typically requires 1" milling with 1.5" RA.e. #11 resurfacing for the entire width of the
existing roadway across the property frontage or to the limits of the auxiliary lanes, whichever is
greater. The roadway would then also need to be restriped with thermoplastic striping, Please
develop a plan for the restriping and for striping of the auxiliary lanes. Please add a note to this
0;\[ er/Ie SQUARE, CAR\lEL, IN 46032 OFFLCE 317.571.244] FAX 317.571.2439
EMAIL cngineering@ci.carmel.in.l.ls
plan that all striping shall be thermoplastic. Please delineate the milling and resurfacing areas '.'lith
hatching on the plans and appropriate reference in the legend. Please provide pavement
marking plan for passing blister and south edge of 141,t Street.
Based upon additional review, the Department provides additional comments:
35. Lots 1 and 2 appear to be served by a single existing driveway. If in the future lots 1 and 2 are
o\'VI1ed by two separate entities, access to 1415t Street will continue to be provided by a single
shared driveway. On the plat and on Sheet 3, please indicate an easement for the shared
drive,,'ay for lots 1 and 2. Ensure that there are no manholes or any other obstructions
within this easement. Review #3 ~ the revision was fO!Jnd. on Sheet 30f the construction
plans, but we also need to see this revision on the plat. A revised plat ,vas not included in
this submittal for review.
36. Any off-site easements necessary for installation of utilities must be secured prior to the
Department of Engineering approving the drawings. Thank you for your comment "Developer
is presenting proposal to purchase ground for off-site sanitary sewer. Legal description has
been provided for agreement, Copy included with this letter for your files. Signed
documents will be forwarded to your office upon agreement." Please understand that this
needs to be resolved prior to drawing approval.
38. Please label the curb return radii at each interior street intersection. Please label each curb
return radius rather than indicating typical curb return radii.
40. In all horizontal curve data, please denote the deflection angle with the standard nomenclature
rather than the letter D. In the horizontal curve data, the deflection angles are listed twice'!
41. The City has adopted a new paving policy. Please revise any notes, specifications, and details to
accommodate tIus policy. Please add the policy language to the specifications sheet.
These comments represent the Department of Engineering's third review of the construction plans for this
project. We request that all responses to our connnents be provided in "'Titing. Failure to provide WTitten
responses may result in the delay of the review process.
It is critical that our office be made aware of all modifications made on the plans being resubmitted,
particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please
provide revised plans including all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any
changes, including changes resulting from Plan Commission, B~A or other committee meetings.
All bonds and performance guarantees must be posted prior to Engineering Department approval of
construction plans. Also, Board of Public Works and Safety approvals and any other governing agency
approvals (if required) must be obtained prior to Enginecring Department approval.
The Department reserves the right to provide additional comments based on subsequent reviews.
Please continue to work with Crossroad Engineers on drainage approval.
.Please contact the City GIS Department for new City standards related to primary and secondary plat
electronic submission requirements. The City expects that submittals will be made in accordance with
these requirements.
If you have questions, please call me at 571-2441.
cc: Matt Griffin, Department of Community Services
John Duffy, Carmel Utilities
Paul Pace, Carmel Utilities
Mike McBride, Hamilton County Highway Department
Greg Hayes, Hamilton County Surveyor's Office
Greg Ilko, Crossroad Engineers
Ralph Akard, WTFOT LLC
Project File
Engineering Department Review
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OCT 1 9 2005
October 14, 2005
Mr. Dave Barnes
VI eihe Engineers, Inc.
10505 North College Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46280
RE: Overbrook Farms (formerly Bear Creek Meadows) Construction Plans-ProjectRevielv #2
Dear Mr. Barnes:
The City has reviewed your comment letter and draViings dated September 14,2005 based upon the City
review of July 13,2005.
The comments from the City review have been satisfactorily addressed with the following exceptions:
17. Has pennission been granted to build in the Buckeye Pipeline and Marathon Pipeline easements?
Thank you for your response "contact with Marathon and Buckeye has been in the works .
with easement reduction submittals sent to both parties." \Ve understand from this that this
concern has not yet been resolved. As the plan relies on these to be worked out, please
understand that this needs to be resolved prior to drawing.approval.
20. Please provide detention volume for the fully developed thoroughfare plan right-of-way for the
141S( Street frontage. This requirement shall apply regardless of watershed limits. Please provide
adequately sized pipes to carry water from the street to the proposed ponds. This will be
. determined by the drainage review.
25. If the 141 st Street entrance is not aligned with an adjacent entrance that will be constructed soon, a
passing blister designed to Department of Engineering standards will be required on the south side
of 141'1 Street. Thank you for advising that efforts to obtain the right-of-way for a passing
blister are in progress.' ';Ve u~derstandfrom this that this concern has not yet been resolved.
This needs to be resolved prior to drawing approval.
27. Please indicate widening across the property frontage or to the extents of the auxiliary lanes,
whichever is greater for 15-foot travel lanes on the property side of 141st Street. Auxiliary lanes
shall be measured from the edge of the 15-foot travel lane. Please add a note to the site plan that
all existing pavement shall be sawcut to a clean edge where new pavement (for widening or for
auxiliary lanes) is to be installed adjacent to existing pavement. AllY new pavement placed in the
141 st Street right-of-way for widening, for auxiliary lanes and for each entrance up to the mainline
right-of-way limit shall meet the folloViing section: 1.5 inches HMA #11 surface on 2 inches
HMA #8 binder on 3 inches HMA #5D base on 7 inches #53 stone on 4 inches #2 stone or match
existing, whichever is greater. Please delineate this section with hatching on the plans and
appropriate reference in the legend. Thank you foi- showing the widening, but to further
clarify the construction requirements for the contractor, please indicate and label the width
of the existing 141'1 Street pavement. Also indicate and label the widths from the existing
pavement centerline to tbe existing pavement edges. Provide these dimensions 011 the South
Entrance detail on Sheet 15.
28 The City typically requires 1" milling with 1.5" H.A.C. #11 resurfacing for the entire width of the
existing roadway across the property frontage or to the limits of the auxiliary lanes, whichever is
greater. The roadway would then also need to be restriped with thermoplastic striping. Please
develop a plan for the restriping and for striping of the auxiliary lanes. Pleas~ add a note to this
0;-';10 CrvlC SQUARE, CARMEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441 FA.x317.571.2439
EMAIL cngiIleering@ci.carmel.in.us
plan that all striping shall be thermoplastic. Please delineate the milling and resurfacing areas with
hatching on the plans and appropriate reference in the legend.
29. A three-foot wide #73 stone shoulder at a minimum depth of six inches is required across the
property frontage or to the limits of the auxiliary lanes, whichever is greater. Subsurface drain is
required beneath the stone shoulder. On Sheet 42, 141't Street Improvement Section, please
change the material for the shoulder from aggregate to #73 stone.
31. Please incorporate the Department's cover and backfill standard for all storm sewers and for
sanitary and water mains and laterals within the right-of-way into the design for the secondary
plat. Please add the specifications to each plan-profile sheet.
Based upon additional review, the Department provides additional conunents:
35. Lots 1 and 2 appear to be served by a single existing driveway. Ifin the future lots 1 and 2 are
o\VI1ed by two separate entities, access to 1415t Street will continue to be provided by a single
shared driveway. On the plat and on Sheet 3, please indicate an easement for the shared
driveway for lots 1 and 2. Ensure that there are no manholes or any other obstructions
within this easement.
36. Any off-site easements necessary for installation of utilities must be secured prior to the
Department of Engineering approving the drawings. Thank you for your comment "off-site
easement for sanitary sewer line is currently being sought and will be con.tirmed in writing
to your office upon .tinal security by owners."
38. Please label the curb return radii at each interior street intersection.
39. The pavement width of Wendell Way and Arumore Circle must be a minimum of 26 feet The
26-foot minimum pavement \vidth is a City standard. If th~ reduction to 22 feet was not
approved by a waiver or variance, please revise the width to a minimum of 26 feet.
40. In all horizontal curve data, please denote the deflection angle with the standard nomenclature
rather than the letter D.
41. Please add a note with the subsurface drain standard that the pipe for the subsurface drain is to be
double wall Hancor Hi-Q or equivalent.
These conunents represent the Department of Engineering's second review of the construction plans for
this project. We request that all responses to our comments be provided in writing. Failure to provide
written responses may result in the delay of the review process.
It is critical that our office be made aware of all modifications made on the plans being resubmitted,
particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside cif our previous reviews. Please.
provide revised plans including all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any
changes, including changes resulting from Plan Commission, BZA or other committee meetings.
All bonds and performance guarantees must be posted prior to Engineering Department approval of
construction plans. Also, Board of Public Works and Safety approvals and any other governing agency
approvals (if required) must be obtained prior to Engineering Department approval.
The Department reserves the right to provide additional conunents based on subsequent reviews.
Please continue to work with Crossroad Engineers on drainage approvaL
Please contact the City GIS Department for new City standards related to primary and secondary plat
electronic submission requirements. The City expects that submittals will be made in accordance "lith
these requirements.
If you ha ve questions, please call me at 571-2441.
cc: Matt Griffin, Department of Community Services
John Duffy, Carmel Utilities
Paul Pace, Carmel Utilities
Mike McBride, Hamilton County Highway Department
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor's Office
Greg I1ko, Crossroad Engineers
Ralph Akard, WTFOT LLC
Project File
Engineering Department Review
~- 09/1:0/.212105 13:29
PAGE 01/03
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September 20, 2005
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Weihe Engineers, Inc.
AnN: Dave Barnes
10505 NO.rth College Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46280
VIA FACSllvfiLE: 843-0546
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Re: Overbrook Fanns
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Dear Mr. Barnes
We have reviewed the coo5truction plans submitted to the Hamilton County Surveyor's
Office on September 15, 2005 for this project and have the following comments:
1. This proposed project falls w.ithjn the incorporated area. ofthe City of CarmeL
2. This proposoo project DOES NOT fall within a Carmel Wellhead protection
3. This project will be; a Hamilton County Regulated Drain Subdivision.
4. Please submit the following p'OOcedural items, petition for regulated subdivision.
engineer's e5tirnate, and all associated bonds for 120% ofcoostruction cost. The
applications are available on our website at http://www.co.hamilton.in.us. go to
Departments, Surveyor, and Forms.
5. The HCSO wiU only approve plans for wbat is being bonded and constructed
at this time. If this is being divided into 2 phases, then the plans should only
show what is being constructed with plb.ase 1.
6. Th.e HCSO requires the BFE to be labeled on the construction plans. Also. the
floodway and floodplain delineation does notseem to follow the existing contour
lines. Tbe delineation should use the existing contour lines with be BFE
determined by the study. Please show and revise.
09/~0/2005 13:29
PAGE 02/03
7. The HeSO has concerns that based offtbe current delineation, homes are being
constructed in floodplain area and a large amount of the lot is within the
8. All floodplain (and floodway) areas detennined. by the study will be required to
be place in a Drainage Easement, to prevent tilling and encroachments in the
9. HamHton County Ordinance 4-26.99-C(3) will require improvements to the
natural watercourse across the site and possibly downstream. These
improvements will included, but not limited to, debris and flowline obstroction
removal, tree clearing from top ofbank to top of bank, and stream bank erosion
repair and stabilization.
10. Please begin the process of contacting the; downstream property owners, in
accordance with Ordinance No. 4-26-99-C(5), of the outlet until the point where it
reaches Little Eagle Creek. Bear Creek crosses 4 different parcels with 4 different
property owners in Hamilton County. Th1S is to determine if the downstream
owners wants the existing open ditch or watenvay to become regulated~ and to
notify them of their rights to appeal any approval of the design. Have Dot seen
any follow up on this eommelDL
11. The HCSO does not allow multiple pipes. especially ill an open ditch situation.
This design becomes a place for debris to catch and is a maintenance problem.
Please design the Overbrook Drive crossing over Bear Creek as a free span
structure. for example a ConSpan bridge.
12. please label all adjacent property owners on the development plan.
13. The SSD lateral for lot 98 appears to be missing. Also, SSD laterals for lot 1 and
2 are required. Tbe HCSO would suggest these come out of structures 759 and
757 A, respectively. This will provide a better positive outlet then using the SSD
under the stone shoulder.
14. All Drainage Easements (D.E.) that have: regulated draln pipe need. to have a 15'
easement on each side of the pipe. The easement location needs to be relative to
the centerline of the pipe. S~veral instances are shown in the construction plans
that the easement ends only a few feet from tbe pipe.
IS. The HCSO p:refel's not to use end sections as inlets for swales. Can changes be
made that would allow structures 762 and 775 to becomes beehive inlets. It
appears that grade to accomplish this is being given up to avoid conflicts. but can
it be worked out a different way?
16. The selected HCSO Pond Standard (0-7) requires a 15' easement around the pond
from the TOB. This is not shown on pond fn. and pond #1.
~, 09A28/2005 13:29
PAGE 03/03
17. Hamilton Gounty Ordinance 4-26-99-C(2)b requires the outlets to be extended all
the way to the open ohannel. This is not a floodway underIDNR jurisdiction, so
construction in the floodway is not an issue.
18. The HCSO Standards aDd the City of Carmel now require all SSD to be
consttucted with double..wall, smooth bore perforated (lIDPE) pipe. Please note
this change in the construction plans.
19. Do to the design of the cul-de-sac (Ardmore Circle) that drain back to structures
that create a very long SSD run, HCSO is requiring an access point to the SSD. At
the high point of the curb and SSD. place a 2' x 2' concrete box wi1h a roll curb
casting. This inlet win not have an outlet (other then the SSD) but will also not
take water since it is at the HP of the curb line, but will allow better access to the
20. The HCSO will start requiring 2' sumps in the last structure before the pond, for
stonn water quality. The second part of this requirement is that the structure be
no more then IS' from the baclc of cum to the cent of the casting. So. if the last
structure does not met that criteria, then the $mnp must be moved to the 6l;'St
structure that does. If this structure is a curb inlet with a box structure, then the
structure needs to be changed to a minimum of a 48" manhole. v.ith tbe 2' sump.
The suggested structure that will require sumps in this development are: 738,742,
748,733,781, 721, 708, and 106, although some of these are beyond the 15'
requirement so the structure need moved or the sumps need moved.
2J. Please include HCSO Standard Details in the construction plans: 0-4, SSD-l,
SSD.2, C.6, M-5, CT-l, CT-4. CT-5, CT.7. CT.8 and CT-9.
22. Please provide a copy of the landscape plan (or review by this office.
23. Please addr~ all oomments from Crossroad Engineering and copy our office
with responses to their conunents.
24. Please note that further comments may be necessary at a later date.
Should you bave any questions, I can be reached at 317.776-8495.
Plan Reviewer
cc: Matt Griffin - Cannel DOCD
John South - HCSWCD
Dick Hill - Carmel Engineering
Mike McBride - HCHD
Crossroads Engineering
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JUL 1 3 20a~
July 13,2005
Mr. Dave Barnes
Weihe Engineers, Inc.
10505 North College Avenue
lndianapolis, IN 46280
RE: Overbrook Farms (formerly Bear Creek Meadows) Construction Plans-Project Review #1
Dear Mr. Barnes:
We have reviewed the construction plans submitted for this project for review for the July 20,2005
Technical Advisory Committee. We offer the following comments:
1. The project site is located -within current City. of Carmel Corporate Limits.
2. Jurisdictions:
. Streets and Right of Way, ]41'1 Street and Interior Streets - City of Carmel
146tb Street - Hamilton County Highway Department
. Water - City of Carmel Utilities
. Sanitary Sewers - Clay TO\'.llship Regional Waste District
. Storm SewerslDrainage - Hamilton County Surveyor's Office (City of Carmel Review).
. Regulated! Legal Drains - Hamilton County Surveyor's Office.
3. Board of Public Works and Safety Requirements:
. \Vater Availability approval from the Board is based upon the total number of single-family
residences @ 1.0 EDUfsingle family residence. If a community swimming pool or bathhouse
is planned, additional Water Availability approval from the Board will be required and
additional Water Connection Fees will be assessed. If entr)'\vay or other community
irrigation systems are planned, these will also require additional Water A vailabilityapproval
from the Board and additional Water Connection Fees will be assessed.
. Commercial Curb Cut approval \ViI! be required for Community Amenity Area (if applicable).
. Temporary Construction Entrance - 141 <I Street (if applicable and iflocated at a location
other than planned permanent entrances)
o Please be advised that any open cuts of e.yisting perimeter-dedicated streets under City of
Carmeljurisdiction will require separate Board of Public Works and Safety approval.
. Any permanent improvement (including irrigation systems) to be installed within dedicated
right of way or dedicated easements. This approval would require a Consent to Encroach
Agreement between the Owner and the City of Carmel. .
. Secondary Plat approvaL
D Right of Way Dedication (if applicable)
A schedule for Board of Public Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines was
previously sent for your use. Please use the Engineering Department deadlines for submissions to
the Board.
AllY slIbmission to the Board requiresprior approval by the Carmel Clay Plan Commission
andlor the Board of Zoning Appeals (if applicable) andcompletioll of review by the Technical
Advisory Committee. All written requests to be placed on the Board's agenda mllst if/elude the
ONE CMC SQUARE, C-\It\IEL IN 46032 OfFICE 317.571.2441 E"..x 317.571.2439
EMA1L engineering@ci.carmel.in.us
appropriate Docket Number and tile date (or dates) of approval by the Plan Commission and/or
tile Board o/Zoning Appeals (if applicable).
4. T.A.c. ReviewIDrawings submitted for approval:
We request that all comments and comment letters generated by this office be answered in writing
and be accompanied by a drawing reflecting requested revisions; Final drawings will not be
approved for construction until all Engineering Department, Carmel Utilities, Hamilton County
Surveyor's Office and Hamilton County Highway Department issues have been resolved. The
design engineer must certify all drawings submitted for final approvaL Because of the multi-
jurisdictions between the City of Carmel, the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office and the
Hamilton County Highway Department, we will require a minimum of nine-sets of drawings for
. approval after all issues have been resolved. The drawings will be stamped as approved and will
be signed by tbe City Engineer and by Carmel Utilities. TIle eightcsets will then be sent to the
Hamilton County.Surveyor's Office and the Hamilton County Highway Department for approval
and signatures. Three approved sets are to be returned to the City of Carmel. The Hamilton
County Surveyor's Office will retain two-sets. The Hamilton County Highway Department,
Developer, the Engineer and the Contractor will each receive one-set.
5. Please be advised that any installation of signs, walls, irrigation systems, etc. within dedicated
right of way or dedicated easements will require a Consent to Encroach Agreement with the City
of Carmel's Board of Public Works and Safety.
6. Carmel UtilitieslWater Distribution should be provided copies of all drawings and revisions for
review of water issues. They will provide a separate review regarding these issues.
7. Carmel Utilities does not subscribe to "Holey Moley" and should be contacted directly for all
water main locations.
8. I have sent copies of the following previously and will not send additional copies unless requested
to do so:
o Subdivision Project Approval Procedures
. Performance Release Procedure
o Subdivision Building Permits
. Permit Data, Contacts, etc.
. Street Sign requirements
9. Upon initial review, it appears the following bonding requirements may apply to tbis project:
Performance GuaranteeslEngineer's Estimates
Individual Perfonnance Guarantees will be required for the following subdivision improvements:
o Interior Streets (Base, Binder and Surface. The asphalt surface may not be bonded separately
from the stone base and asphalt binder.)
o Perimctcr StreetsfRoads (141 st Street) Right of Way Improvements if applicable (right of way
pavement including accd, decel, passing blister, widening, stone shoulders, striping, etc.)
o Curb & Gutters
o Water Mains (Offsite Water Mains may be bonded separately if applicable.)
o Street Name Signs
o Sidewalks/Asphalt Paths may be bonded separately as follO\vs:
Interior ~ Builders lots concrete sidewalks within dedicated right of way.
Exterior - All other including concrete sidewalks/asphalt paths in dedicated right of way
adjacent to common areas or perimeter streets (not including 146lh Street).
Storm Sewer/Storm Drainage (including sub surface drains), Erosion Control and Monument &
Marker bonding will be under the jurisdiction of the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office. Sanitary
sewers are under the jurisdiction of the Clay Township Regional Waste District. 146th Street
Improvements are under the jurisdiction of the Hamilton County Highway Department.
The amount of the Performance Guarantees for the City of Carmel is based upon a certified
Engineer's Estimate for 100% of the cost of labor and materials to construct the individual
improvements, to be provided by the design engineer. Please provide detailed Enl!:ineers
Estimates for eachimorovement includinl! unit costs. Quantities. materials and types of
materials. etc. This office is to be provided with this detailed estimate prior to orin
coni unction with submission to the OwnerJDeveloper. Upon completion and release of
individual Performance Guarantees, a tluee-year Maintenance Guarantee will be required. The
Maintenance Guarantee amount is based upon 15% of the Performance amount for Streets and
Curbs and 10% of the Performance amount for all other improvements. Performance Guarantees
may be Performance or Subdivision Bonds or Irrevocable Letters of Credit. Please reference the
enclosures for more detailed explanation of our procedures.
Right of Way Permit and Bonding
Any work in the dedicated right of way of 14151 Street will require a Right of Way Pennit. If the
work is included in the scope of work of a posted Performance Guarantee, no additional bonding
will be required. lfit is not included, a License & Permit type Right of Way bond will be required
in the amount of $2,000.00 per instance of work in the right of way. Any open cut in the
pavement of 14151 Street. will require separate Board of Public Works and Safety approval.
Any work in the right of way of 146th Street is under the jurisdiction of the Hamilton County
Highway Department.
10. We have engaged Crossroad Engineers, PC to review all drainage plans and drainage calculations
submitted to this office for review. We will share Crossroad's comments as they are received.
When construction plans are submitted for review for this development, please provide 2-sets of
plans and calculations to allow us to send the extra set to Crossroad to save some time in the
reVIew process.
This section is repeated from Review #1.
11. Availability (acreage) Fees must be paid after all other Engineering Department requirements
have been satisfied and prior to the start of construction activities. Availability Fees are based
upon total platted acreage for the development at the current rate of $1,010.00 per acre (Water
Availability Fee). Based upon the construction plans legal description indicated acreage, the
following Water Availability Fees would apply:
84.26 Acres @ $1 ,OlO.OO/Acre = $85,103.00
Connection Fees are currently $1,310.00 for water per single-family residence. Connection Fees
are paid when the infrastructure has been complete, satisfactory test results obtained and the
subdivision has been released for permits. Water Connection Fees are paid on a per-lot basis.
. If an irrigation system, swimming pool or clubhouse is planned for this, or any future
section oj the development, additional Water Connection Fees will be assessed based
upon the recommendation of the. Director of Carmel Utilities.
The Department of Engineering had previously reviewed the plat for this development with the name Bear
Creek Meadows and provided written comments dated March 9,2005. The Department again reviewed the
plat for this development with the current name, Overbrook Fanns, and provided written comments dated
April 13, 2005. To the best of my knowledge, the Department has not received written responses to either
of the primary plat reviews and.many of the comments have not bee.n incorporated into the construction
plans submitted for the July 20, 2005 T AC meeting. For these reasons, the primary plat comments are
repeated in this review.
12. Please provide monuments at external corners.
13. What is the distance from the proposed 14Is1 Street entrance to the nearest existing 141st Street
14. What is the distance from the proposed 146th Street entrance to the nearest existing 146th Street
15. Where does the street to the east that stubs aUot 10 eventually connect to?
16. Can the dual, angled pipe connections to the sole stonn inlet at the maj ority of the intersections be
cons tructed?
17. Has permission been granted to build in the Buckeye Pipeline and Marathon Pipeline easements?
18. Please indicate a 1 O-inch back of curb dimension on rolled curb detail. This detail is being
19. Please contact Crossroad Engineers to obtain drainage review checklist for consideration in
developing secondary plat and that design effort.
20. Please provide detention volume for the fully developed thoroughfare plan right-of-way for the
141 st Street frontage. This requirement shall apply regardless of watershed limits. Please provide
adequately sized pipes to carry water from the street to the proposed ponds.
21. Thank you for developing Typical Section-Local Street section that incorporates aU of the City
standard dimensions. This is a great detaiL
22. Thank you for aligning the sanitary sewer such that it is not located under the cul-de-sac
23. Our 20 Year Thoroughfa~e Plan designates 14151 Street as a collector street. Therefore, the lengths
of the acceleration and deceleration lanes required at this entrance are the following: 100 feet for
the acceleration taper, 100 feet for the deceleration taper, and 100 feet for the deceleration lane full
24. Please label the lO-foot multi-use path along 14151 Street and l46th Street.
25. If the 141 'I Street entrance is not aligned with an adjacent entrance that will be constructed soon, a
passing blister designed to Department of Engineering standards will be required on the south side
of 141 'I Street.
26. The City will defer to the Hamilton County Highway Department for any comments they have
related to the proposed 146lh Street entrance configuration, need for auxiliary lanes, pavement
section in the right-of-way, and offset distance to the nearest intersection.
27. Please indicate widening across the property frontage or to the extents of the auxiliary lanes,
whichever is greater for 15~foot travel lanes on the property side of 141st Street. Auxiliary lanes
shall be measured from the edge of the 15-foot travel lane. .Please add a note to the site plan that
all existing pavement shall be sawcut to a clean edge where new pavement (for widening or for
auxiliary lanes) is to be installed adjacent to existing pavement. Any new pavement placed in the
14lst Street right-of-way for widening, for auxiliary lanes and for each entrance up to the mainline
right-of-way limit shall meet the following section: 1.5 inches HMA#ll surface on 2 inches
HMA #8 binder on 3 inches HMA #5D base on 7 inches #53 stone on 4 inches #2 stone or match
existing, whichever is greater. Please delineate this section with hatching on the plans and
appropriate reference in the legend.
28. The City typically requires }" milling with 1.5" HAC. #11 resmfacing for the entire width of the
existing roadway across the property frontage or to the limits of the auxiliary lanes, whichever is
greater. The roadway would then also need to be restriped with thermoplastic striping. Please
develop a plan for the restriping and for striping of the auxiliary lanes. Please .add a note to this
plan that all striping shall be thermoplastic. Please delineate the milling and resurfacing areas \'lith
hatching on the plans and appropriate reference in the legend.
29. A three-foot wide #73 stone shoulder at a minimum depth of six inches is required across the
property frontage or to the limits of the auxiliary lanes, whichever is greater. Subsurface drain is
required beneath the stone shoulder.
30. Please label the paths at each of the entrances.
31. Please incorporate the Department's cover and backfill standard for all stOrol sewers and for
sanitary and water mains and laterals within the right-of-way into the design for the secondary
32. Will Bear Creek be realigned or rerouted as a part of this development? We would expect to see a
plan with capacity calculations as a part of the secondary plat submittal.
33. All lots adjacent to side yard easements should be wide enough to accommodate the anticipated
house model and any planned driveways such that there is no encroachment in the easements.
34. Thank you for realigning the 14151 Street entrance such that the auxiliary lanes remain on site.
Based upon additional review, the Department provides additional comments:
35. Lots land 2 appear to be served by a single existing driveway. If in the future lots 1 and 2 are
owned by two separate entities, access to 14l;t Street ",ill continue to be provided by a single
shared driveway.
36. Any off-site easements necessary for installation of utilities must be secured prior to the
Department of Engineering approving the drawings.
37. ADA ramps are required at ali locations where the sidewalks or asphalt paths cross the streets.
38. Please label the curb return radii at each interior street intersection.
39. The pavement width of Wendell Way and Arumore Circle must be a minimum of26 feet.
40. Please show water mains, sanitary and storm sewer on aU profiles including street profiles.
41. Several of the details including the subsurface drain detail, curb details, and sidewalk detail are too
small to be easily read. Please l?nlarge !iny details to which this applies. -
42. Please provide a cross-section that shows the correct widening width.
These comments represent the Department of Engineering's initial review of the construction plans for this
project. We request that all responses to our comments be provided in \'-/riting. Failure to provide wTitten
responses may result in the delay of the review process.
It is critical that our office be made aware of all modifications made on the plans being resubmitted,
particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please
provide revised plans including aU revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any
changes, including changes resulting from Plan Conunission, BZA or other committee meetings.
All bonds and performance guarantees must be posted prior to Engineering Department approval of
construction plans. Also, Board of Public Works and Safety approvals and any other governing agency
approvals (if required) must be obtained prior to Engineering Department approval.
The Department reserves the right to provide additional comments based on subsequent reviews and on the
grading and drainage system upon receipt of drainage calculations. These comments may affect the
drainage system layout presented on the construction plans.
If you have questions, please call me at 571-2441.
Plan Review Coordinator
Department of Engineering
cc: Matt Griffin, Department of Community Services
John Duffy, Carmel Utilities
Paul Pace, Carmel Utilities
Mike McBride, Hamilton County Highway Department
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor's Office
Greg Ilko, Crossroad Engineers
Ralph Akard, WTFOT LLC
Project File
Engineering Department Review
i 'OS,O~}-OOJ:r~~
~\. ('oS
July 11, 2005
Dave Barnes
Weihe Engineers, INC.
10505 N. college Avenue
Indianapqlis, IN 46280
RE: Overbrook Farms Subdivision '.
Dear Mr. Barnes:
I have received and reviewed the information for the above-mentioned
At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law
enforcement efforts.
If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us.
Michael D. Fogarty
Chief of Police
cc: Dept. of Community Services
(317) S7I-2t.OO
A Nationally Accredit
norcement Agency
Fax (iH?) 571-2512
c) 0cJl (J~."1 TAG
.' . . . /" ~ ~
": I?ECfllIE:lJ
J(JL ... 62005
City of Carmel T AC members
Overbrook Farms Subdivision "
Carmel DepaJ1ment of Community
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
" I
. , "'-' .......-- "-' L,J'...............U.A6 .J v,,& L.....J L1.LL&:IIl..-IJt:=U
o Shop Drawings
o Product Data
o Samples
L.;.J LJ Llder separate cover via
o hints
o Specifications
o Change Order(s)
o Sk t I II)
the following items:
o Copy of Letter
DMeeting Minutes
o Inspection Report
DC\. r r ():fl P
ec les rawmgs r. ppllea Ion s or . aymeD
o Sets Document Document Description ]
o Copies Date Number
1 each Construction Set Documents
These are transmitted as indicated below:
o Approved
o ApprovEd as NotEd
o Not Approved, Revise and Resubmit
o Action Not Required
OAction lndicated on Item Transmitted
o For Signature. Retwl1 ~ Copies to .Us
o For Your Revievl or Use
o For Your Revie'w & Comment
D As Requested "
D For Your Records
D For Your Approval
Remarks: TAC member: The enclosed prints are being submitted to City of Cannel
.for TAC review of July 20. Please review these items and address any comments to tll~e
undersigned ,,~ith copy to J\1r. Matt Griffin with the City of Carmel Community
Services. Thank you.
Bro aQ~~5~'-'~
Dave Barnes, Weihe Engineers, Inc.
. .
10505 NORTH COLL.EGE AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS. INDIANA 46280 (317} 846.6611 (800) 452.-6408 FAX: (317)843-05.!16
\ [ 4 l ~ () 0 (J 0 cJ D3. a 0 0