HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence 83/12/213137 89:83 3175719153 ROEHLING PAGE 81 .;, . FA.X:COVER'SHI=ET':" , , . . - ~.R~~~et. ,', . Itin:s,~.-Pface:' '.' . ~~~6033. ': ' ~1.1-414fi.;.8881 , " . .3.il~i-Qt$3.~"': '. ..: .' savo:ro' ..' . ..:.,~... 'O'O'C'S i."4~'fia ." . . . " . 0Ii'ibI~ "', . '. ~ '. o.Dbl-~ ',.:. .::.,5.7./....'7 t:.' 'l.... .:: .:' .' , '. '. ~7 ~ .. - .. . ~..'~~ '--~:7"J" 'l'iu."')# ~~ ,- " .' '. .:.> '. ~ ,,,-'.' ~ 'raics-8881 ,~ . . . . . .. " ~ ~ ~ ':-:~~'F~,."'~~~t- ~:~~. 1 ~ J~:~j:}.~~ .~. < OJ ~;.:.:.~,., . ~ - - -... , " ' ' . , . ~ .' . ..... .... , . ".'" < . , -.. I .. I, '- ., , ~ -," , . ., .. , " . .. . ' . ".. . " ..tJ~..,. .O.~ , ./ O~., ":. ,: : .".' T~ptI!jf!!S..~~" . ',._ _' .. .o'~~' O'A~~ 'd~~~~.. .-: . '. ," , . ,"', ',' I'T. , ' , . :. . .c:OiwildEllItL. '.' , ~~ii'~;;": ,.~.~ -.:;~~ ~-~ .__--.;l~. ''!: _: ~... Il~ 4 ! . . , ..' ......... . "', . . .' " . ~ .. 1: . . :' : :71fAtJ/~ : ," '. \;'-', '. dv J kt~~' "":"\~::';I"': ~ .. _~ ,'. ..~~....~'I '. . , . ,.. " ~~"- . -. S . --..~ , . . . . .' i. .' ." t. .' .~. \ \ 03/12/2007 09:43 317571 9153 ROEHLING PAGE 01 Mr. EdFlemmg . CI StoeppEItwertb .& Associ _ Inc. 9940 Allisonvme RoIId Fishm.1N 46038.200~ JA.MES BRAINARD, MAyo~ MIII"Cb 2. ;2007 HE: Lakeside Perk S1I~lcllvls_ Sectio~ SoProJeeI: Review #4 Pear Mr. Fleming: The City hlI5 n:ccived Y"IlD' commem letter and drawings dated. Febnw'y 23, 2007 based upoIl tbt City review ofFeb1uary 6. 2I'l07. The comments from thE City review bave been satisfBctun1y addressed with the following ~ceptionll: CO~NgrAUCTION PLANS 23. The City typic Illy ~ 1" milling with 1..5" HAC. # 11 resurfacing 6M' the enti:l e widKh of the eidsting roadw !.y aCf06G the property ftotrtqe. The rGadway woUld then abo nce4 1 Q be restriJ*1 with tbermopll'lltic 81riping. Please &lrelop 8 pleD for 1he restriping. Plea5e add a:r ate to ~ plan t1ui.t aU stripinf, shaU be 'thermoplastic. P}ease d.elim:lltt: the lDilliDg and resu:rf8cing areas with batc:bJDg on thl~ plans aDd. appropriate reference in the kigend. Thank )'011 fo1' mk hiB tbe requested rev irdollS. Per pft'VtODI commiellu, the mill 8Dd n!lIIurfac:e DlIust be 1111 dlleated acrolll tile _tire wiG III orb eUitilSl Towne}lead Illlld i411lt. Street frontega. 'De 4" 3r~1ow IiDgle diUbed be ~ dlcl.ted OR C404 IIIIUst be .a dOlllble solkl yillloVl'. 'I1mle el)MMe!lts repm mt the Department (lr~'9 founh review of1be COD5tnJCtiOll plans for this project We request tmul1 responses to our cQJiID1ents be provided in vniting. Pu'lurc'to pi ovide written RSpoDSes my :ftlsultiIl.111.. delay of die review ~. It is critical tbat this ofllicc: be made aWare or elL modifications JDIlde on the plans bein& re-51lhmittcd., particularly if any SU(;h cl1anges ere cmuidcrcd "ne,w" or :lB1l outside of (Nt previous revieWl. Pl~ provide ~ pllm& :OliCluding!ll revisiOll.!l. please notify u&of any glumglilB and speci.1icaJ)' state any cbanges, includlng cbm'lges resulting from l"bai CoJnmission, BZA or ather COIIlIDitIEe meel i1:Lgs. All bonds and perf'onDlllOOe guarantees tn1lSt be posted prior to Engineering Pepmrtmel1I app :'C,vaL of construction, plms. Bo im of PubILc Works and Safety ~aII smd anY other governing a, ~Imcy approvals (if required) must be oltWned prior to Engineering Department approval. All ~ i ~~ must be posted prior to subtt i~(It) of secondary 'Plats Cor Board of Public W0rk8 and Safety sppr )'val. The Depertment le!Il!fV~ the right to provide additional commcmts baaed upoo mbsequent r ~n~ and on the gradins and c:InUnal~e system upon receipt of drainage caleuladoM Imd ddBile4 comtnlC tion drawings. IfytlU have questiOD.9. : maybe mwbed at 571-2441. S7} J . ~k~: Assistant City En~t Department ofBngiooring DllPARTMtl'3T OF ENGINmlIl'lG ONE CMC SQUAl\E, CMilfEL, IN 46032 Ornc8 ~17.571.2441 FAX 317.571. H39 03/12/2007 09:03 /' 3175719153 ROEHLING PAGE 08 March 2. 2007 ~.Ed~~, C StoeppeJwe:rth eft A8sociltell, me, 9940 All~ville RDad Fishm, IN 4603s..200S JAMES BRAINAAO , MAWR 0: l4bstdlll Park SaMJvlillioB, Sa!tioD 6-P1OJeet RAM~ #t4 Dear Mr. Fleming: The City has recelYed YOu\, COl1UDc:m Jetter snd drawings dated Febnlary 23. 2001 based. upon dIe City review of Febrwu:y 6, 20(',7. The oommentu fi'tJm the (;itty review luM hoen satisfactorily addressed with the tbUowmg ~ lfrtiom;: CO.MMENT~:IIJCTIO~ANS 19. The City t)'p1c:aJJ I' requin::s 1 tl mJIling with I.S" HAC. # I 1 restltfBciDg tOr tile entire width of the existing road'Wa)' BCI'OU *be property frontago or to the limits ofth.e lIUXiliBry lanes. \\ b.iehever is greider, The roadway woWd then also need to be restriped witIJ lber.moplastic stripinl;. ~ease develop II plan rc1r the resttipiDg and for striping of the awriliary Janes. Please add a II tJte m Ibis plan that IIll striping shall be thermoplastic. Please deliJwate tI:Ie millin8 IIDd I"eSUI'fB.ci ~g BYeti wim ~ on. the JI hms BIld appropriate re~ in 1be legend. Sheet C404 - TIUilDk ~ t,n foil' provWiq: tbelltl''ilpiDg plliln. p~ extend thlllingle Wblte tiDe to the fD.I] Ie.... I lJ" dbe deeeReratioa Ian,,! (the pciDt at whida U As IUD wldltla). Please IlIiu revise tHae "yeUll Ill' dulled line" co be "soBIC: dOlllblt yellow," Based un additional review, the City provides sdditional eommeats: ] . Sheets C200 and '.J404 - Please indicate 8toDe shoulder adjacent to the auxiliary laQes where there is flO proposed ooi>iDg. . 2. On Sheets C2oo,::401, and 0403. the "Road ~om Detail" iodiQltes 24 feet c fpavement. PreviOU$ subm.ituils indicated. the required wideningt provide IS feel: otpaVemeDlsoutl of the existing centerliml with II. 12.fuot I\ux.iliary Jane. The 24'..()" dimensioD Deeds to be 2"'.0," Please revIse lDJd.xpdate the plaQ viewB. 3. Previous comm.en ~ have reqWrcd. miJJiug and re!jur1licing uribe entlre width of the ex sting roadways. The pb119 only iDd.lc4te 81Ii:h work on the south bBlf of the centerliM. Plea Ifl revise. These comments ."l-"esent!be ~ ofEDgiMering's fourth review of the const:tuction plB.D!l far this project. We request tbs1: al: tespoDlles to our commeDt9 be provided in writing, Failure to provi de written responses my result in the f~Blay of the review process. It is a1tlcal that this offiee'IO made BWlUe of all modifieatioDs macle on tb& plans being re-mbfll Ute(!, particularly jf my !Iuch W!lges are coosidered ~ or fill] omside of om'J)tevious reviews. P Ir:ase provide.mriscd plaos including ill revisions. Please Dotify us of my cbaoges aDd specificWly JI a~ any ~gea, includlDg changes. nlsuldng from Plan Commission. BU or other ~mmitblem..tmal, All bonds lmd performance guarantees must be poad prior m Bngmemq Depa.ttmem BppI'OVll of construction plans. Bom:l ( l:PuhUe Works and 5afdy ~ and any othet" &o\'UDiDg agenc y approwl! (ifrequired) must be obmio,.;d prior to Engineerlng DepartmeDt approval AU pm'ormGDce gust' unees must be posted prior to SUbmillSlc:1l of &eeondary pitts for B08l'd of Public Wodcs .and Safety approval. The DepartmeDt rcllcrvE!$ dt,:, rigbt 1:(1 provide additional oommCotl based upon subsequem rev1B' \IS. If you baVI!I questions. f ml] be reached I1t 571-2441. DE'PI\lITMENT OF ENGINIlBRINQ OM! CMC 8QUAl~:; C\RMEL, IN 46032 OFFlea 317.571.2441 PM 317571.2439 EMATt englneenng@annel.in.gov 03/12/2007 09:03 3175719153 ROEHLING PAGE 09 Febn.1aty 26, 2007 EL JAMES BMINARD, MAYOR Mr. Ed FLeaniDg Stoeppelwerth &. Associahs, Inc. 7965 Sast 10611ll Street Fishers, IN 46038-2505 RE: iAlkesf.1lls Park SIIbcl1 Mslon. Sedoa 7 Project Review fU Dear Mr. Flemil1g; The City has received )'ow comment Idf.tt lUld dnwingg diltecI. February 23, 2007 based upo11 d Ie: City review ofFebn1aty 6. 200~. The ~rs &om the C.;y review bave been satiafaQori]y addressed. Please.submit all copie!l ne~ for approvallllld we will 31. prove. the drawings. All bonds BrId perfurmance ~ (ifrequi n=d) must be posted prior to &giueeriog D8fI8I1ment approval Also, Board <,fPublic Wod<;s &aid Safety 2 pproval and 8Dy other govemiDg RfiMCY approvals (lfreqnired) must be obtained prior to Engifteering I: epartment approvaJ. If you have questions. p]e~ s,e contact me at S71-244l. ce: Matt Griffin, Depa'1lment ofCommUQtty Sernces John ,Duffy, CarnIE I UtmtJea Pwl Pace. CannelJ'tilities Gng Hoyes, Hmni;lon Co1lD1y SUI'Ve)'Or's Office Ray Roehling. Roeiding Interprises PrQiect File F.udneeriDg DeJ*1 ment Review S;\DHUL\PROlMV07\l.AQ$b):;PARK71l'4 l)e:PAR1'M/J.NT OF ENCIN.E!RlNG ONE CMC SQlJAF." CAAMI'L, IN 460.32; OffiCE 317.571.2441 FAX 317.571.2439 EMAIL cn..lneeri~a...mcl.jn.l!lW 03/12/2007 09:03 3175719153 ROEHLING PAGE 02 Roehling Enterprises Inc. 11722 Bradford Pla.ee ~el, Indiana. 46052 .317-846-8881 F:r.x: 317.571.9153 \ '--~ :February 20) 2007 Department of Community Development Mike Hollibaugh Direclor DOCS One Civic Square Carmel, In 46032 Re: Street Improvement Commitments for Lakeside pa:rk Subdivision Dear Mike, . Attached is the copy of :hc "COmmitment Concerning the Use and Development c f Real Estate" (Lakeside Park: ; ubdivisi on) This is the standard of il nprovemcnt that wa's agreed upon for the entire subdivisic n. I understand that you Walt us to improve the section of street that nms in front of th e Tyner property with three foot of shoulder and three foot of stone (2525 West 141~1 Street). Weight; Construction is calcu/ ating the CNt of this addition and we will foreword t to you. We will deduct this c;oSI from the $40,000. remaining due under our "ThoroughfaIe Plan Commitments", If you would like for us to do additional work (above the minimum) please advise and we will submit cost estimat!iS and dedud those amounts from the remaining $40,000.110 commitment. SinCi4 ~~J Ray Roehling, Develop~;r Lakeside Park / C\t4-02 ~p - '-....,.J- O'(}C 'C- 0[" : r' n r,',' , ,11.., ',. CI1YOP'C.Aillv1EL JAMES B.RAINARD, M.AYOR Roehling Enterprises, Inc. 11722 Bradford Place Cannel, Indiana 46032 April 11, 2006 RE: Thoroughfare Plan Commitments - Lakeside Park Dear Mr. Roehling: Pursuant to the commitments made with regards to Docket Number 94-02 concerning Lakeside Park, Roehling Enterprises, Inc. owes the City of Carmel a total of $60,000.00 for Thoroughfare Plan Commitment fees to be paid in increments as development of the subdivision occurs. Based upon the development of the current sections, the total amount due upon receipt of this letter is $20,000.00 to be payable to the City of Carmel. Please contact me at (317) 571-2417 should you have any questions regarding this matter. Sincerely, Michael P. Hollibaugh Director Department of Community Services cc: LI).oG~Eng File DfiPAltTMENJ: 01: COt'lMUNlTY SeRvICtS ON.E CIVIC SQUA.RE, CAl\IvUIl, IN 46032 PHONE 317,571.2417, FAX 317,571.2426 MICHAEL P.f:'lOLUBAUG['l, DIRECTOR """~. ,", CARMEL/CLAY PLAN COMMISSION DEPARTMENT REPORT September 17, 2002 li. Docket No. 94-02 PP; Lakeside Park Subdivision (primary Plat) The applicant seeks approval to plat a 215-10t residential subdivision on 154.8::1: acres. The site is located on the southwest comer of West 141 sl Street and TOVv11e Road. The site is zoned 8-1 (Very Low Intensity Residential). The petitioner also seeks approval of the following Subdivision Waivers: 94-02a SW SeD 6.3.15 minimum street radius Filed by Delmis Olmstead of Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. for Roehling Enterprises. The applicant is proposing a 215-lot subdivision. Please see the informational packet provided by the applicant prior to the August 20th Public Hearing. The Subdivision committee met September 3rd to discuss this request. They voted 5-0 to fonvard the item back to the full Plan Commission with a favorable recommendation subject to the revision of the proposed roadway commitments (see attached). The Department recommends that the Plan Commission approve the subdivision waiver request. Pending the approval of the Waiver the Department recommends that the Plan Commission approve the Primary Plat, as amended, subject to the following conditions: 1. The recording of the commitment concerning the use and development of the real estate regarding requirpo ro~r1 improvempnts. N ate: Written findings are required for action on both the Subdivision Waiver and Prima.ty Plat. Background Information: As the commission may recall a subdivision request was filed last winter on this smne property. It was named The Hamptons. That request was ultimately withdrawn. The current proposed plan reflects the same cOlmectivity provided in the previous plan with more significant changes to minor residential streets. Specifically, the main north/south roadway serving the subdivision stubs to ultimately provide for the connection of 131 st Street with 141 st Street in the future. The roadway completes the segment between the proposed Lakes at Hayden Run and 141 st Street. The Commission has seen this connection in the approved Lakes and Ridge at Hayden Run Subdivisions. The Thoroughfare Plan supports these connections. This segment would ultimately be one portion of a roadway that will connect new developing areas between 126th Street and 146th Street to the north. In addition, this subdivision also provides for a portion of the east extension of 136111 Street between Towne Road and Shelbome Road. ;- COMNUTMffiNTCONCE~mNGTHE USE AND DEVELOPMENT OF REAL ESTATE The undersigned, Roehling Enterprises Inc., (hereafter "Roehling"), the contract purchaser of the real estate located in Hamilton County, Indiana, and more particularly described in what is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit "A" (the "Real Estate"), makes the following commitments, ("Commitments"), to the CarmellClay Plan Commission, (the "Commission"), of the City of Carmel, Indiana, ("City"), concerning the use and development of the Real Estate. Primary plat approval granted under the Docket Number (hereinafter defined) is subject to and conditioned upon compliance with these COlmnitments: 1. Definitions. The following additional definitions shall apply through out these Commitments: a) "Docket Number" shall mean and refer to Docket Number 94-02 PP under which Roehling has filed an application for primary plat approval pertaining to the Real Estate. b) "MaximlU1l Road Improvements" shall mean and refer to (i) the addition of 15' of pavement, and curb and gutter, to the west side of that segment of Towne Road contiguous with the Real Estate, and (ii) the addition of 3' of pavement and curb and gutter on the south side of that segment of 141 st Street contiguous with the Real Estate. c) "Minimum Road Improvements" shall mean and refer to (i) the addition of 3' of pavement and a 3' stone shoulder to the west side of that segment of Towne Road with is contiguous with the Real Estate, and (ii) the addition of3' of pavement and a 3' stone shoulder to that segment afthe south side of 141 st Street which is contiguous with the Real Estate. 2. Statement of Commitment. Roehling conunits to do one of the following, 111 Roehling's sole discretion. a) The installation of the Maximum Road Improvements; or b) The installation of the MiJ.1imum Road hnprovements, and the payment of a cash contribution, ("Cash Contribution"), to the City. The Cash Contribution shall be in an amount equal to the difference of the costs of the Maximum Road Improvements minus the costs of the Minimum Road Improvements and based upon cost estimates prepared by Roehling's engineer to construct the Minimum Road Improvements and the Maximum Road Improvements as of the date of these Commitments and accepted by the Department of Community Services of the City, ("DOCS"), and the City Engineer. The Cash Contribution, if elected by the Owner, shall be paid on the basis of completion afthe development along 141 sl Street and along Towne Road and shall be in an amount equal to the Cash Contribution, multiplied by a fraction (i) the denominator of which is the total lineal feet of the Maximum Road Improvements and (ii) the numerator ofwbich is the number of lineal feet of frontage developed on 141st Street (if included in Maximum Road Improvements) and Towne Road. The roadway improvements provided for and contemplated by these Commitments currently require and are subject to the approval of the Hamilton County Highway DepartmentlHamilton County Commissioners. Within three (3) years, (one thousand ninety-five (1,095) days) after the payment of each installment of the Cash Contribution, the City, in conjunction with the Hamilton County Highway Department, (if the roadways are not annexed into the City at the commencement of construction), shall utilize the installment of Cash Contribution paid pursuant to these Commitments and other similar commitments to improve roadway intersections located at 131 st Street and Towne Road and other intersections that are within a one (1) mile radius of the Real Estate. Owner shall make all reasonable efforts to obtain additional right-of-way on the south side of 141 st Street from the real estate commonly known as the "Tyner Farm" and to construct 3' of pavement and curb and gutter within the right-of-way. A credit shall be allowed equal to the cost of any right-of-way and roadway improvements constructed along 141 st Street adj acent to the Tyner Farm. 3. Binding on Successors and Assigns. These Commitments are binding upon Roehling, its successors and assigns to the ownership of the Real Estate. These COlmnitments may be modified or temlinated only by a decision of the Commission made at a public hearing after notice as provided by the Rules of the Commission. The foregoing notwithstanding, these Commitments shall terminate upon the recordation of a secondary plat as to the parts of the Real Estate described herein. 4. Effective Date. The commitments contained herein shall be of no force and effect until the occurrence of all of the following. a) The approval of the plat request under Docket Number 94-02 PP; and b) The acquisition of title to the Real Estate by (i) Roehling, (ii) by Roehling's grantees, successors or assigns; and/or (iii) by any person or entity who commences development of the Real Estate pursuant to approvals under Docket Number 94-02 PP; and c) The commencement of the development of the Real Estate pursuant to approvals obtained under Docket Number 94-02 PP. -2- " 5. A1u1exation. Roehling and/or the subsequent owners of the Real Estate hereby consent to the 31mexation of the Real Estate to the City of Carmel, Indiana, and hereby irrevocably assign to the City of Carmel, Indiana, the Ii'ght to proceed with a consensual annexation of the Real Estate pursuant to I.C. 36-4-3-5.1 et. seq. 6. Choice of Law. These Commitments and the enforceability of these Conunitments shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Laws of the State of Indiana, in effect as of the date of execution of these Commitments. 7. Recording. The undersigned shall record these Cormnitments in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana, upon the granting of plimary plat approval under the Docket Number. EXECUTED this _ day of ,2002 ROEHLING ENTERPRISES, INC. By: Raymond H. Roehling, President STATE OF mDlANA ) ) 58: COUNTY OF HAlv1IL TON ) BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Raymond H. Roehling, President of Roehling Enterprises Inc., who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Commitments for and on behalf of said Corporation. WIT1\1ESS my hand and Notarial Seal this _ day of , 2002. Notary Public, Signature Printed N31ne My Commission Expires: Residing in County Prepared by Paul G. Reis, Drewry Sinm1ol1s Pitts & Vomebm, LLP, Suite 1200, 8888 Keystone Crossing, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240. -3- ON-SITE EVALUATION FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street, Noblesville, IN 46060 Email at iohn-south({i)iaswcd.org Ph: 3] 7-773-2181 Fax: 317-776-1101 Date: January 21,2004 Project Name: Lakeside Park Sec. 1 & 2 Present at Site: John South, Hamilton Co. SWCD This Report Provided To: Mr. Ray Roehling RoeWing Enterprises 11722 Bradford Place Carmel, In 46033 Drees Homes 2629 Waterfront Parkway East Drive Suite 301 Indianapolis, IN 46214- 2077 Weihe Construction Carmel DOCS Surveyor File TYPE OF EV ALUA nON: 0 Initial X Romine X Follow-up 0 Complaint This evaluation is intended to assess the level afcompliance with 327 lAC 15-5 (Rule 5). It is also intended to identifY areas where additional measures may be required to control erosion and sedimentation. All practices recommended in this report should be evaluated as to their feasibility by a qualified individual with structural practices designed by a qualified engineer. All erosion and sediment control measures shall meet the design criteria, standards, and specifications outlined in the "Indiana Handbookfor Erosion Control in Developing Areas" or similar guidance documents. Current Site Information: See 1&2 are nearly complete. Sidewalkes / trails are being installed in the common areas. Homes are being constructed. The area disturbed for see 4 has Very poor soil cover. The Following Items .Have Been Evaluated and Assigned.a Designation of: S = Satisfactory M = Marginal U = Unsatisfactory NA = Not Applicable Construction Site Management for Erosion and Sediment Control U (I) Disturbed areas have been adequately protected through seeding or other appropriate erosion and sediment control measures. S (2) Appropriate perimeter sediment control measures have been implemented. S (3) Conveyance channels have been stabilized or protected with appropriate sediment control measures. S (4) Erosion & sediment control measures are installed properly. S (5) Storm drain inlets have been adequately protected. S (6) Outlets have been adequately stabilized. S (7) Existing erosion & sediment control measures are being maintained. M (8) Public & private roadways are being kept clear of accumulated sediment or tracked soil. U (9) Erosion & sediment control measures have been installed and maintained on individual building sites. Status of Sediment Retention On-Site Site conditions present a high potential for off-site sedimentation. There is evidence of off-site sedimentation. Describe: Satisfactory: Marginal: Unsatisfactory: Not Applicable: X Please Refer to the Comments Section of this Report Definitions The item is currently in compliance with the Rule A concern has been identified; corrective action is strongly recommended to.remain in compliance A violation has been identified and the site is not in compliance; corrective action is required Does not apply at this stage of construction Revised 4/98 ON-SITEEV ALUA nON FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL COMMENTS PROJECT NAME: Lakeside Park Sec. 1 & 2 Page 2 The items checked below must be corrected prior to _PAST DUE (8/1/03 and 11-13-03 SITE REPORTS), unless otherwise noted. Install an appropriate,sediment control practice between construction areas and lower lying areas. ReplacelRepair silt fence and/or straw bale barriers. Entrench silt fence (6-8 in.) and/or straw bale barriers (4 -6 in.) and stake straw bales. Remove accumulated sediment from: I o sediment trapslbasins, o behind silt fence/straw bales, o around storm drain inlet protection devices, I o streets and gutters (Do not flush with water) ! i X Temporary seed, fertilize, and/or mulch: Disturbed land frgm construction activities Permanent seed, fertilize, and mulch areas that are at final grade ! Protect stann drain inlets: o curb inlets, o drop inlets Reshape and stabilize sideslopes of : o sediment trapslbasins, o detention/retention basins Install/Maintain constructionentrance( s): I Reshape and stabilize conveyance channels: I Place greater emphasis on erosion and sediment control on building sites; contractors, I I subcontractors, material vendors, and others should be made aware of erosion and sediment control , X requirements. Appropriate perimeter sediment controls (e.g. silt fence) and stable construction entrances shall be utilized on all sites. Sediment tracked into the street shall be removed (do not , I tlushwith water) at the end of each work day. I Other Requirements: I is report submitted by: Jolm B. South P.E. CPESC Revised4/98 Ih EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN TECHNICAL REVIEW AND COMMENT Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street, Noblesville IN 46060 Ph- 317-773-1.432 or Email at .iohn-south@Jiaswcd.org PROJECT NAME: Lakeside Park Amenity Area SUBMITTED BY: Ms. Dawn Bartlettt Drees Homes 2629 Waterfront Parkway East Drive Suite 301 Indianapolis, IN 46214 317-347-7300 () John B. South P.E. 0. Y . Certified Professionallr;' Erosion and Sediment Control Mr. Edward Fleming Stoeppelwerth & Associates 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, IN 46038-2005 REVIEWED BY: PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURE: Plan Review Date: 12/24/03 Acreage: ?? ac LOCATION: South west corner of 14131 and Towne Rds LEGAL DESCRlPTION: Sec. 20 TOWNSHIP: l8N RANGE: 3E CIVIL TOWNSHIP: Clay SOIL SURVEY MAP SHEET: ON Plan The technical review and comments are intended to evaluate the completeness of the erosion and sediment control plantor the project. The erosion and sediment control plan submitted was not reviewedfor the adequacy of the engineering design. All practices included in the plan, as well as those recommended in the comments should be evaluated as to their feasibility by a qualified individual with structural practices designed by a qualified engineer. The plan has not been reviewedfor local, state, or federal permits that may be required to proceed with this project. Additional information, including design calculations may be requested to fi4rther evaluate the erosion and sediment control plan. The erosion and sediment control plan has been reviewed and it has been determined that the plan: X Satisfies the minimum requirements and intent of 327IAC ]5-5 (Rule 5). Notification will be forwarded to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Proper implementation of the erosion andsediment control plan and inspections of the construction site by the developer or a representative are necessary to minimize oflsite sedimentation The developer should be aware that unforeseen construction activities and weather conditions may effect the performance of a practice or the erosion and sediment control plan. The plan must be a flexible document, with provisions to modify or substitute practices as necessary. Cc: Cannel DOCS Ea. Co. Surveyor IDEM File lA I EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN TECHNICAL REVIEW AND COMMENT Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street, Noblesville IN 46060 Ph- 317-773-1432 or Email at john-south@2.iaswcd.org PROJECT NAME: Lakeside Park Amenity Area SUBMITTED BY: Mr. Raymond Roehling Roehling Enterprises lne 11722 Bradford Place Cam1el, IN 46033 Ph 317- 710-7166 Mr. Edward Fleming Stoeppelwerth & Associates 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, IN 46038-2005 REVIEWED BY: John B. South P.E. Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURE: Plan Review Date: 12/19103 Acreage: ?? ac LOCATION: South west corner of 141'. and Towne Rds LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 20 TOWNSfllP: 18N RANGE: 3E crVIL TOWNSHIP: Clay SOIL SURVEY MAP SHEET: ON Plan The technical review and comments are intended to evaluate the completeness ()(the erosion and sediment control plan/or the project. The erosion and sediment control pLan submitted was not reviewed/or the adequacy 0/ the engineering design ALL practices included in the plan, as well as those recommended in the comments should be evaluated as to their feasibility by a qualified individual with structural practices designed by a qualified engineel'. The plan has not been reviewedfor local, state, or federal permits that m~) be required to proceed with this project. Additional information, including design calculations may he requested to further evaluate the erosion and sediment control pLan. The erosion and sediment control plan has been reviewed and it has been determined that the plan: Satisfies the minimum requirements and intent of 327IAC 15-5 (Rule 5). Notification will be forwarded to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Refer to the comments section for additional information. X Does not satisfy the minimum requirements and intent of 327IAC 15-5 (Rule 5); deficiencies are noted in the checklist and in the comments section. Deficiencies constitute potential violations of the rule and must be adequately addressed for compliance. The information necessary to satisfy the deficiencies must be submitted: Proper implementation of the erosion and sediment control plan and inspections of the construction site by the developer or a representative are necessary to minimize offsite sedimentation. The developer should be aware that unforeseen construction activities and weather conditions may effect the performance o/a practice or the erosion and sediment control plan. The plan must he "flexihle document, with provisions to modifY or substitute practices as necessary. , . Revised 4/97 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMENTS PROJECT: Lakeside Park Amenity Area Page 20[2 Note: All erosion lllld sediment control measures shown on the plans and referenced in this review must meet the design criteria, standards, and ,<;pecifications outlined ill the "IlIdiana Handbook for ErOfii011 Co/ltrol ill Developing Areas" from tire Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Soil Conservation or similar Guidance Documents. Perimeter protection ( silt fence or other practice) is needed around the site. If the area around the pond is seeded and stabilized like it should be, the proposed silt fence might be better placed between the walk and the pond on the east side of the project. Detail for paved area inlets is needed. Cc: Carmel DOCS Ha. Co. Surveyor File u u One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4E032 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2.426 To: ..Lxz:/7 t? ~~ CJ/"";::if-tr aq Fax: . cF~9- ~9~ Pho(1e= From: wYC<z Pages: S Datel r-/~-ocQ Re~ ..Dtz..oar-/ ff)(f/)'; x3tPDr1- CC: { I o Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Rec~le LakcS/C7d Yd,-L SZJ6d;";~,,~/} LJock~,L ~'. 9'~CJO?~ -AI u -..0:- _ u One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4E032 (317) 571.2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 Phol1E!: From' ~ Pages: F Date: 7 -/~ - OC)., C"J-=H' .. /. ~ _ . TO://~/~~ FCDC ~t{J - ~t 56 Re: ::?:> d:ftvl/TJ<z/)f e~.--r cc: o Urgent 0 For Review 0 .Please Comment 0 Ple3Se Reply o Please Recycle / ./~ . V. Lc2K"tfs/ck /~Y'~ v2)vck-d' ~ ~ . Cl:I6dWJ"~/) 9-Y-( OJ:;{ ~ , u. u ....,' One Civic Squar!! Carmel,!N 4€032 (317) 571~2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 To: ~ ~k1f Fax: 51/- 9'/63 From: 0YC<l P~ge.s: ..s- Phone: Dafe: 7'- /c:<-&o< Re~ ..fJ<Z /Jarrmtl/} f k?tPOr'; cc: ( ( o Urgent 0 For" Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle La'~~rS/d~ . W'* :su~;,;~~/) ~ocktZ-~ /t-0.. c?~ ~o; JP?' u u CARMEL/CLAY PLAN COMMISSION DEP ARTMENT REPORT September 17, 2002 1i. Docket No. 94-02 PP; Lakeside Park Subdivision (Primary Plat) The applicant seeks approval to plat a 215-10t residential subdivision on 154.8:J:: acres. The site is located on the southwest comer of West 141st Street and Towne Road. The site is zoned 8-1 (Very Low Intensity Residential). The petitioner also seeks approval of the following Subdivision Waivers: 94-02a S,V sea 6.3.15 minimum street radius Filed by Dennis Olmstead of Stoeppelwelih & Associates, Inc. tor Roehling Enterprises. The applicant is proposing a 215-10t subdivision. Please see the informational packet provided by the applicant prior to the August 20th Public Hearing. The Subdivision committee met September 3rd to discuss this request. They voted 5-0 to fOlWard the item back to the full Plan Commission with a favorable recommendation subject to the revision of the proposed roadway commitments (see attached). The Department recommends that the Plan Commission approve the subdivision waiver I"equest. Pending the approval of the Waiver the Department recommends that the Plan Commission approve the Primary Plat, as amended, subject to the following conditions: 1. The recording of the commitment concerning the use and development of the real estate regarding reqllirprl ro~r1 improvpmp.nt~. Note: Written findings are required for action on both the Subdivision Waiver and Primary Plat. Background Information: As the commission may recall a subdivision request was filed last winter 011 this same property. It was named The Hamptons. That request was ultimately withdrawn. The current proposed plan reflects the same connectivity provided in the previous plan with more significant changes to minor residential streets. Specifically, the main north/south roadway serving the subdivision stubs to ultimately provide for the connection of 131 st Street with 14151 Street in the future. The roadway completes the segment between the proposed Lakes at Hayden Run and 1415t Street. The Commission has seen this cOlmection in the approved Lakes and Ridge at Hayden Run Subdivisions. The Thoroughfare Plan supports these connections. This segment would ultimately be one portion of a roadway that will COilllect new developing areas between 126th Street and 146lh Street to the north. In addition, this subdivision also provides for a portion of the cast extension of 136th Street between Towne Road and Shelbome Road. u u COMMITMENT CONCERNING THE USE AND DEVELOPMENT OF REAL ESTATE The undersigned, Roehling Enterprises Inc., (hereafter "Roehling"), the contract purchaser of the real estate located in Hamilton County, Indiana, and more particularly described in what is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit "A" (the "Real Estate"), makes the following commitments, ("Commitments"), to the Cannel/Clay Plan Commission, (the "Commission"), of the City of Carmel, Indiana, ("City"), concerning the use and development of the Real Estate. Primary plat approval granted under the Docket Number (hereinafter defined) is subject to and conditioned upon compliance with these Commitments: 1. Definitions. The following additional definitions shall apply through out these Commitments: a) "Docket Number" shall mean and refer to Docket Number 94-02 PP under which Roehling has filed an application for primary plat approval pertaining to the Real Estate. b) "Maximum Road Improvements" shall mean and refer to (i) the addition of 15' of pavement, and curb and gutter, to the west side of that segment of Towne Road contiguous with the Real Estate, and (ii) the addition of 3' of pavement and curb and gutter on the south side of that segment of 141 sl Street contiguous with the Real Estate. c) "Minimum Road Improvements" shall mean and refer to (i) the addition of 3' of pavement and a 3' stone shoulder to the west side of that segment of Towne Road with is contiguous with the Real Estate, and (ii) the addition of 3' of pavement and a 3' stone shoulder to that segment of the south side of 141 st Street which is contiguous with the Real Estate. 2. Statement of Commitment. Roehling commits to do one of the following, in Roehling's sole discretion. a) The installation of the Maximum Road Improvements; or b) The installation of the Minimum Road Improvements, and the payment of a cash contribution, ("Cash Contribution"), to the City. The Cash Contlibution shall be in an amount equal to the difference of the costs of the Maximum Road Improvements minus the costs of the Minimum Road . . u u Improvements and based upon cost estimates prepared by Roehling's engineer to construct the Minimum Road hnprovements and the Maximum Road Improvements as of the date of these Commitments and accepted by the Department of Commwlity Services of the City, ("DOCS"), and the City Engineer. The Cash Contribution, if elected by the Owner, shall be paid on the basis of completion of the development along 141s1 Street and along Towne Road and shall be in an amount equal to the Cash Contribution, multiplied by a fraction (i) the denominator of which is the total lineal feet of the Maximum Road Improvements and (ii) the numerator of which is the number of lineal feet of frontage developed on 141 sl Street (if included in Maximum Road Improvements) and Towne Road. The roadway improvements provided for and contemplated by these COlllinitments currently require and are subject to the approval of the Hamilton County Highway Department/Hamilton County Commissioners. Within three (3) years, (one thousand ninety-five (1,095) days) after the payment of each installment of the Cash Contribution, the City, in conjunction with the Hamilton County Highway Department, (if the roadways are not annexed into the City at the commencement of construction), shall utilize the installment of Cash Contribution paid pursuant to these Commitments and other similar commitments to improve roadway intersections located at 131,,1 Street and Towne Road and other intersections that are within a one (1) mile radius of the Real Estate. Owner shall make all reasonable efforts to obtain additional right-of-way 011 the south side of 141 sl Street from the real estate conm10nly known as the ''Tyner Farm" and to construct 3' of pavement and curb and gutter within the right-of~way. A credit shall be allowed equal to the cost of any right-of-way and roadway improvements constructed along 141 st So-eet adjacent to the Tyner Farm. 3. Binding on Successors and Assigns. These Commitments are binding upon Roehling, its successors and assigns to the ownership of the Real Estate. These Commitments may be modified or terminated only by a decision of the Commission made at a public hearing after notice as provided by the Rules of the Commission. The foregoing notwithstanding, these Commitments shall terminate upon the recordation of a secondary plat as to the parts of the Real Estate described herein. 4. Effective Date. The commitments contained herein shall be of no force and effect until the occurrence of all of the following. a) The approval of the plat request under Docket Number 94-02 PP; and b) The acquisition of title to the Real Estate by (i) Roehling, (ii) by Roehling's grantees, successors or assigns; and/or (iii) by any person or entity who commences development of the Real Estate pursuant to approvals under Docket Number 94-02 PP; and c) The commencement of the development of the Real Estate pursuant to approvals obtained under Docket Nwnber 94-02 PP. -2- . . lJ u 5. Annexation. Roehling and/or the subsequent owners of the Real Estate hereby consent to the mmexation of the Real Estate to the City of Carmel, Indiana, and hereby irrevocably assign to the City of Cannel, Indiana, the right to proceed with a consensual annexation of the Real Estate pursuant to I.C. 36-4-3-5.1 et. seq. 6. Choice of Law. These Commihnents and the enforceability of these Commitments shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Laws of the State of Indiana, in effect as of the date of execution of these Commitments. 7. Recording. The undersigned shall record these Commitments in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana, upon the granting of primary plat approval under the Docket Number. EXECUTED this _ day of , 2002 ROEHLING ENTERPRISES, INC. By: Raymond H. Roehling, President ST ATE OF INDIANA ) ) 55: COUNTY OF HAMILTON ) BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Raymond H. Roehling, President of Roehling Enterprises Inc., who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Commitments for and on behalf of said Corporation. WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal this ~ day of ,2002. Notary Public, Signature Printed Name My Commission Expires: Residing in County Prepared by Paul G. Reis, Drewry Simmons Pitts & Vomehm, LLP, Suite 1200, 8888 Keystone Crossing, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240. -3- w u One Civic Square Carmel, iN 40032 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (3171571-2426 To: /)v;/)/~ 0'4,6frd/ From: \/bvce I fIDe j7;Y9 - 6""'9'~.,z Pages~ PhClne~ Date: 9-9-tJ~ ~ Re~p~ {J//J/lJ/~tb/} 4401d7 V o Urgent 0 Fot" Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please R.eply cc: o Please Recycle &ktf..57d~ $/';f LJocktzl- /0. Y'~C07;O)O u u One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4€032 (31 7) 571 -241 7 Fax: (31 T) 571-2426 To: 46e,{/~ Fax: ,s;fj/- 9'/~ From: ~vce I Pages= Phone: Date: 9-9--0q Re: pit/) (J//J/lJ/~tb"7.1~ ee: V o Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle ,/ph S/~ y:1~ J)ockl- /0. W-o~ #.. 09/04/02 11:15 FAX HAMILTON CO HWY. 777 Carmel DaCD ~OO1l002 w u HAMILTON COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT RE: Lakeside Pari< Revised Primary Plat S of 141 sl Street I W of Towne Road Clay Township /.~J\~, --:i\ '\:\- '.,/^, I~"> - ~ ".<?f ~I..~. '( REC.rJ'JEU . ; :.:.~. __ C; SE~ ~ 1~~1 )_~'I ~~\ DOCS )~.9 /'> ,,/ \rJ.' < " 1 '~ f') , ---('\ .. . ,/ ~. . ) ;C', '\ ..)/'/ ~ Dennis Olmstead Stoeppelwerth & Associates 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Dear Mr. Olmstead: This letter serves to acknowledge receipt of a transmittal received 8/20/02 containing the plans for the above-mentioned project. I have maintained the numbering of the comments consistent with the July 12, 2002 letter, after reviewing the plans the Highway Department has the following comments: 1. OK 2. OK 3. The right of way for the passing blisters will be required before construction plan approval. 4. OK 5. Please note that decorative signs, sprinkler systems, trees, landscaping mounds, light poles or other such amenities are not permitted in the right of way. 6. This ;rem will be addressed during the construction plan review. 141st Street and Towne Road will need to be widened 3', and a 3' stone shoulder included along the widening. 7. As a reminder. All offsite utility work will need to be placed outside of the future right of way. 8. As a reminder. No road cuts will be permitted for utilities to cross 141,1 Street or Towne Road. All crossings must be done through a push/bore. 9. OK 10. OK 11. OK 12. OK 13. The revisions made to the plan will require a variance for a centerline radius less than 150'. The variance will need to be obtained from the Hamilton County Board of Commissioners before approval of the construction plans is granted. 14. OK 15. As you are aware, whenever a Developer proposes a new subdiVision within the County, the Highway Department expects the Developer to participate in improving nearby roads and/or small structures around the subdivision. which will be directly affected by the new subdivision residents. The Highway Department is requesting that a Traffic Study be performed to examine the impact of the new subdivision to 1700 South 10th Street NobJesville, In. 46060 www.co.hamilton.in.us OffICe (311) 773-7770 Fax (317) 776-9814 09/04/02 11:16 FAX HAMILTON CO HWY. ++-> Carmel DDeD 141 0021002 u u ~ ,'i- OF \""Q oca roads. After the study has been completed the Highway Department will determine the amount of offsite improvements needed in connection with this subdivision. 16. Please verify that all right of way radii for the interior streets meet the 20' minimum. HAMILTON COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT If you have any questions or comments concerning this letter, please feel free to contact me at anytime. Sincerely, fl/~ Steven J. Broermann S1aff Engineer cc: Jon Dobosiewicz Jenny Milano G:IUSERS\SB\02T ACI09-04-02hamplons.doc 1700 South 10th Street Noblesville, In. 46060 lVWW .co.ha milton.in. us Office (317) 773-7770 Fax (317) 776-9814 u u One Civic Square Carmel, [N 4eo32 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (31 n 571-2426 To: ~ &/1:;; <..5 7/--9/ \3 Fax: Phone: from: \6yce Pages: JI" Date: f'-e:?9-0q Re:~rrhltZ/)-I- f~orf o Urgent cc: o For Review 0 prease COl'l1lTlent 0 Pfease Reply o Please Rec:y<:le ~7i6'0? ~ LaRd's;iffZ ~ k u u One Civic Sq\Iare Carmel, IN 4E032 (317) 571.2417 Fax: (31 T) 571-2426 From: \6YGe P.ages~ G Date: ?.,-ti?9-0,q TO:L")z/J/).I".::s 0hJ~~ Fax: cP~9- ~ Phone: Re:~rrmcZ/71- ~~orf cc: o Urgent 0 Fer Review 0 prease Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recyc(e 9~CJ~ ~ .LaRa' .5/~ ?8rt< u u Fahey, Joyce D From: Sent: To: Subject: Dobosiewicz, Jon C Wednesday, August 28, 2002 11 :25 AM Fahey, Joyce D Distribution of Department Reports Joyce, Please send the department report on Lakeside park to Ray Roehling in addition to labeled applicant. I will have the department reports ready to send aut Thursday AM. Thanks, Jon 1 u w One CIvic Square Carmel, IN 4SJ3'2 (317) 57; -241 7 Fax: (317) 571.2426 To: .2)<Z/)/1;$ d~cI F~ ?~~- 69'~ From: Vo/"~ Pages: Phol1e: Date: f"a7~aQ Re: .:5' C Ae:t tZ/?cI.tf CC: U o Urgenf 0 For' Review 0 PIease Comment 0 P[ease Reply o Pleas!! Reeyde /tJ6-c:Q ~ /!/rWlc( 5;{e/60r/J e ;4~ q,y' - t7b\ .)10 hl<e S&-7e; JZJM;':"';d1 DREWRY SllvlMONS PITTS & VORNEIjM, LLP A T TOR N E Y S v 8888 Keystone CI'ossing, Suite l200 . Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 . (317) 5XI).4848 telephone . (317) 580.4X55 facsimile . www.drewrysimmons.colll August 28, 2002 ~0ItJI7' ;ff}..<\. \./ \,,--<{~~'\. VJ/ '< /A. '" / -::8 '\ /\ c:/ ~:> <s ~ \: ~\ Itf"jl d ~ \--; l~\ Oa c.~~< <..; \.:;, V 0~ ,':'/ \_. \ r. , \//'< / ;, ''(I:';. . _", '/ ,.~ : l~' 1 i\ ~~/~/ - ,,'__1-- Pall! G. Reis preis@drewlysillllllons.com Mr. Jon C. Do bosiewicz Department of Community Services City of Camlel ] Civic Square Camlel, indiana 46032 RE: Lakeside Park Subdivision, Docket Nos. 94-02 P.P. and 94-02a SW Our File Number: 3440.002 Dear Jon: 1 have enclosed a draft of proposed Cornmitments regarding the road improvements to be made as a part of the Lakeside Park project for your review. Per the request of the Plan Commission, I have also enclosed twenty (20) copies of the traffic study, completed earlier this year for the western part of Clay Township, and twenty (20) copies of the revised landscape plan for distribution to the members of the Commission. We are filing this revised plan with Scott Brewer contemporaneously with this letter tor his review and comment. Therefore, please call rTle to discuss whether you wish to delay the distribution of this landscape plan to the Commission members. To the extent that you have any questions or if I can be of any fwiher assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, DREWRY SIMfvlONS PITTS & VORNEHM, LLP Enclosures ...~ -, D~WRYS..IMMQNsP.rtIS ~YORNEHM, LLP A T TOR ~ E Y 5 v 8888 Keystone Crossing, Suite 1200 Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 . (317) 580-4848 telephone . (317) 580-4855 facsimile . www.drewrysimmons,conl August 28, 2002 - -yJl~l' ./.(~ \ -';'./ >, ~ \.... -"" -c", /,~::;v' <, . .' -< ~"'111 t-,. <..c ';,-V I~! -<!/; I~ - r ~ .. .f/:'~ I~-~ a "',,9 <.~ \,--\ V/l.. '-. l.,. r \.' , l,. \c,'. Paul G. Refs prefs@drewlysfmmolls.com VIA HAND DELIVERY Mr. Scott Brewer Urban Forester Department of Community Services City of Cannel 1 Civic Square Cmmel, Indiana 46032 RE: Primary Plat Application - Docket No.94-02 P.P. Lakeside Park~ Southwest Corner of 141 st Street and Towne Road Our File Number: 3440,002 Dear Scott: V...,re have received and reviewed your letter dated August 13, 2002, to Dem1is Olmstead concerning the Lakeside Park Subdivi.sion. Accordingly, we arc submitting the following responses, a revised landscape plan, a perimeter landscape buffering table and a revised Open Space Map for your review and comment. 1, The Open Space Map has been revised to include the Woodland areas on the site. We are in the process of preparing a short evaluation of these trees and prepared to meet with you and J ud Scott of Vine & Branch, Inc. t01110now aftemoon at 2:00 p.m. 2. We feel the cunent design of the subdivision provides proper COilllection between the common areas when you consider the public sidewalks and paths included within the development. The developer has provided over 41 % open space on the site where only 15% open space is required \vith larger areas of common areas precisely to avoid isolated islands of greenspace. The addition of smaller areas such as common area 23 serves to enhance the overall open feeling of this development. 3, The landscape plan has been revised to include accurate common area numbering, planting details, planting notes and specifications, number of plants and the location of easements, 4. . A table of the penmeter buffer yard landscape plantings that are required and shown on the plan is enclosed. " DREWRY SJMMONS PITTS & VORNEHM, LLP Mr. Scott R. Brewer Augusl28,2002 Page 2 5. A bufferyard planting area has been added to the western boundary of the site. Please recall that this area will abut a similar bufferyard area in the residential subdivision to the west. If you have any questions regarding these comments or the revised landscape -plan please do not hesitate to contact me at 317-580-4848. Very Truly Yours, DREWRY SIMivl0NS PrTTS & VORNEHM, LLP !:~i' PGR/Ig - Enclosures cc: Mr. Ray Roehling (wi enclosures) Mr. Jon Dobosiewicz, CanllEd DOCS (wi enclosures) NATURAL RESOURCES PLAN REVIEW AND COMMENT Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street, Noblesville IN 46060 Ph- 317-773-1432 or Email at john-south@iaswcd.org Project Name- Lakeside Park Primary Location- Sec. 20 T-18N R-3E Acreage- 155 acres Owner/Developer- Mr. Ray Roehling 11722 Bradford Place Carmel, In 46033 Engineer- Mr. Dennis Olmstead Stoeppelwerth & Associates 9940 Allisonville road Fishers, IN 46038-2005 Reviewed By: John B. South r.E. Celtilied Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Review Date: August 23, 2002 I have reviewed the revised plans for this project and have no further comments. Cc: Jon Dobosiewicz, Carmel DOCS Steve Cash, Surveyor Steve Broermann, County Highway File ,. I I ,.~-, ._-- --~l ~- - ! _ .._ '?PrV L . ~ c..\ ~_ : ~ _.____ _0____ ! L ~~~..~~~~l.s_~ 'b.\$~SS:_~!'Ff. __$:Pt'f:'F__~!!!o~.:rklf+,)\_ .- _,__ _ _____~~~_l__~~~~L~--~:..-.~. ,,.,s .~~_~.!!l~ $'. e~_~~~~,L~,~: 8/'-b/02. Lfr.<'E- 5l~_____~~__~u-_..____ _______ _.__ ~ j-- __. .B.. . _ _,'._'.,-__ I ~ J:V ~'-.\~_~ .b}Q: ~~_~_ - h~.'. -~~7-~-~-~- ------r.--~.. ~ .~~----- ~ _~_ ~l:" . .'~A - (l!IP~!:c.:~ . __ - ___ .. - '0 .'_'_ ._____ __u_ Jg.~ ~ ~~i'A~-n~ ~ _fi.feJT!.~ ,.:S:r~'(.. -------.-- _.._- ~M\'-"(~ '. J) 6"""._.:.J~~:91e _ ~_'~_'___' -.--------- -- I I _~~______I~ .~2~_._._~..,...,"_K --~~-~~~3;:s -~-=-~:-~- .:~------ - __~____.... ____________ _'.___ _.0-_____._ _____ :I;jif -.-... 0-- -- - ..---------- --_. HI ( ) Aug-19-02 09:27A rp lJ ~ U Roehling Enterprises Inc. 11722 Bra.dford Place Carmel. Indiana 46032 317-84'6-8881 Fu: 317.571-9153 August 19,2002 Department of Community Services Clo Mike Hollibaugh One Civic Square Carme~ In 46032 Re: DCOS Correspondence Concerning Lakeside Park Subdivision Dear Mike, P.02 ~ 4/ 1'~? <=^'~ "<' o .l <10 t>. 'J1 A :0 DO -C?p Please copy me directly on all correspondence from your department as it is sent out concerning Lakeside Park subdivision (DSPV No. 3440.002) Please include all faxed correspondence as well. Your cooperation is appreciated. Sincerely. ..!Z~ Cc: Jon DobosieWicz Scott Brewer I u u Re: August 20, 2002 meeting regarding the variance request by Roehling Enterprises for Lakeside Park Subdivision located at the southwest comer of W.l41s1 Street and Towne Road ~v~. 'J. IYYv ~ !@,! 41h~[C&/l1" ~ U 1$ cO .~ DoCS <Po? ~ August 14,2002 To: All Members Carmel/Clay Plan Commission From: Thomas and Ellen Watson 13513 Towne Road Westfield, IN 46074 317-844-2274 The Watsons are Wlable to attend the scheduled meeting on August 20th but trust YOll will accept this opinion as if we were present. Tom and 1 have resided on our 5 acre lot on Towne Road for a quarter of a century just 400 feet southeast of the planned subdivision and that is why we were cootacted by the lawyer representing the developer . It is our illlderstanding from the spokesperson, Mark Monroe, that the variance request is to "create tnore green space," and to make a planned "cul-de-sac tie into a road around the subdivision." The original letter said the plan called for 197 houses on 154.8 acres with 6 ponds. Now the plan is for 215 houses and 3 ponds and Roehling Enterprises needs a variance to ..create more green space." It seems to us that the additional 18 houses wipe out the green space. If they will go back to the original 197 houses, removing] 8 houses,. they will have plenty of green space and can keep with in the ] 50 foot road recommended by the commission. Your commission has made these regulatlons in order to uphold the standards and safety, as well as the ecology ofthe community. Farmers have a right to sell. Builders have a right to buy and build. However, the builder knew the established guidelines when he bought and can build within these rules. REJECT tHE REQUEST FOR THE VARIANCE FOR AN .'85 FOOT CURVATURE ALONG A RESIDENTIAL ROAD SURROUNDING COMMON AREA #]6." There are other areas of concern that we would like addressed regarding this subdivision. Unlike other.areas where large lots develop in the county, we are not "elite." This section ofClaywest, soon to be Carmel, is settled by some of the most established and permanent residents in the area who live on 1 to 20 acre lots. The residents are their own gardeners, landscapers, horse groomers, and stable hands. We cherish our country life; we appreciate the natural habitat, dark nights with stars, and accept our independence from city water which come with the territory and size of our lots. Being surrounded by subdivisions we would like attention given to the following areas of concern. #] LOTS OF PONDS AND DRAINS. The clay in Claywest has been 'mined' at the NW corner of W.l31 51 & Towne. After developers scrape off the 6 to 12 inches oftopsoil, the clay subsoil, even covered with sod, will cause excessive run-off from the fOW1dations of 197 houses when abundant rains occur. All water on Towne Road TWlS south. When the tiles in the SO-acre fields at 13506 Towne Road are full, the water will cascade to the east side of the road and cause problems for the residents. In addition to the 36" pipe going east on W. 136th street, the developer needs to build drainage ditches) almost moats, all the way around the development. When oot done properly, as at Laurel Lakes south of W.126tb on Towne, great pools of water will accumulate as it does in the riding arena and orchard at t 2020 Towne Road. u u .. Page 2-Variance request by Roeling Enterprises. #2 NO STREET LlGHfS OR INDIVIDUAL LAMPOSTS. The Village of Claywest is the most outrageous example of light pollution in the county. It is lit up like the State Fair, a Carnival or at least an airport. We have lived with these 'Southern Lights' for the last 4 years and do not want to add ''Northern Lights" to our setting. No more light pollution! #3 NO IN-GROUND LA WN WATERING SYSTEMS CONNECTED TO WELL WATER- There are 24 homes that dependent on well water within Y:z mile in all directions of this subdivision. Again, because Laure] Lakes and lor The Village of Claywest use well water for sprinkler systems, both residences on the east side of Towne Road at 124] 1 and ]25] 5 had to dig new wells at a cost of between $3000 and $4000 thousand dollars. This is not acceptable. If they choose to water their lawns they can use Carmel wa!er and be lIDder restrictions when there is a drought. #4 NO MORE EXCESSIVE BUILDING OF 'SPEC' HOUSES. We currently live north of over 50 vacant houses built in Claywest. We do not want to be surrounded by .any more vacant houses. Thank you for refusing the variance requested and addressing these other four issues. j. ]le,pectlully, \4 ---'-c-- _ ~C' $~ I~ Tom and Ellen Watson. Cc: Mayor of Carmel Mark Monroe clo Drewry Simmons Pitts & Vomehn LLP I u u One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4aJ32 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 TQ: p~ /)/l ~j c?h?3".Iea d FaJe tf;;'9 - .::r9~OZ Phone: Fie: [)z?drfmrll1f ~~rr CC: o Urgent 0 Fa!" Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Reeycle !)ock,z/ .;IF 9'~ tJO{ ff L4K~J;.d'tZ ~ J:j.6dv;#c~ 6f-/may y?~~ , ,\ \\ \\ LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 AlIisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: August 14, 2002 .JOB NUMBER: 41760 WE ARE SENDING YOU I UPS I ] Courier [ ] Other: TO: Department of Com,munity Services 1 Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Jon Dobosicwicz RE: Lakeside Park COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Primary Plat 1 Open Space Exhibit THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: I FOI- Approval x I As Requested I For Review and Comment X J For Your Use REMARKS: Good Day, Douglas J. Westlund . "-,,.J ",.1 ~ ("'0._ ; ( , _r"' <:.... .~ )- rd. r- z lU. .2 - < I ) / '-r:- \ "- (v .- y' u u City of Carmel DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES August 13, 2002 Dennis Olmstead StoeppIewerth & Associates, Inc 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, IN 46038 RE: Lakeside Park Open Space and Landscape Plans Dear Dennis: My comments for the Lakeside Parks plans are as follows: 1. On the Open Space Table included on the Open Space Map, there are no primary conservation areas listed. All woodlands are considered prilpary conservation areas, and should be listed as such. On the map, common area # 1 includes woodlands, as well as common areas 12, 26, and 27. Common area 15 has at least a tree line along the property perimeter that should be preserved as a bufferyard. These trees need to be evaluated in accordance with Chapter 7 of the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance, and a plan must be submitted for their preservation in accordance with Section 7.7.2. 2. The cOlmectivity between some of the open space areas (common areas) needs to be increased. For example, common area 23 provides a vista while traveling west on the street to its east, but does not provide any connection between common areas 26 or 27 and common area 28. These connections are important for wildlife and recreational use. The larger common areas should be linked so they can serve as pathways or a network for wildlife movement, and not just isolated islands of greenspace. 3. There are several deficiencies in the landscape plans as submitted including: The common area numbering does not match the open space plan; there are no planting details, planting notes or specifications; the plant schedule does not include number of plants; there is no indication of utilities, drainage easements, or power lines on the plans - care should be taken to avoid planting within these areas of obvious conflict. 4. A table should be provided stating the plant material required by ordinance for bufferyards (Section 26.4) as compared to plant materials proposed by the landscape plans. ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571.2417 ( , l W u Page 2, Lakeside Park 5. While much of the landscape plan as proposed is very appealing, there are no plantings proposed on the west perimeter. This is not acceptable. There must be landscaping on all sides of the development. Please reply to these comments in writing and by amended plans. Please contact me at (317) 571-2478 or be email atSbrewer@ci.cmmel.in.usif there are any questions. S~~~L3.~ Scott Brewer, Urban Forester Department of Community Services CC: Mark Monroe, Drewry, Simmons, Pitts, & V omehm) LLP Jon Dobosiewicz) DOCS Ray Roehling JUL-29-2003 08:26 FROM:HAMILTON,"'IJ HWY DEP 3177769814 U TO:317 571 2426 U P.001/001 HAMILTON COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT RE: Lakeside Park Subdlvlsion Revised Entrance Plan 5 of 141!:'t Street/W of Towne Road Clay Township ,,/,-11'.: ..., - /:,:::5'" -'--- C -' ". tj/ REC~/fD q q _ 0;( (J. SrJ~ JilL 29 201M J DOCS \~ . $1' . --". ' .' .!J:?f- -; \, ~/ -~~-- - July 29,2003 Mr. Ed Fleming Stoeppelwerth and Associates. Inc. 9940 A\1Isonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038~2005 Dear Mr. Fleming This letter serves to acknowledge recejpt of a transmittal received 7/25/03 containing the plans for the above-mentioned project After reviewing the plans the Highway Department has the following comments: 1. Remove the thru arrows, located on Towne Road. 2. The stone shoulder along the widening at the entrance must be three feet wide, 3. The lane separation marking for' the decellane must be a continuous line, 4, The lane separation marking for the left turn lane and south bound traffic must be solid double 4" wld13 lines, yellow, not e single 8" line. 6. Verify with the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office that the ch~nge$ to the storm sewer plan is aCCBptable. 6. After th~ changes have been made and the Surveyor's Office approved the changes, submit 7 copies of the affected sheets for fInal approval. ' If you have any questions or comments concerning this letter, please feel free to contact me at anytime, 5i~/;J~ 4:e~ J. Broermann Staff Engineer cc: Jon Oobosiewlcz Jerry Liston G :\USER5\5B\03t2lc\07 -Z9-o3IekaA!I:lApark9ntrnnce.doc 1700 South 101~ Street N(lble!lville, In. 46060 ~.~_o..:-b_amllton.in.u5 Office (317) 773-7770 Fox (317J 776-9814 O~', 0 u .~- DREWRY SIMMONS PITTS & VORNE-HM, LLP A T TOR NET S v 8888 Keystone Crossing, Suite 1200 . Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 . (317) 580-4848 telephone . (317) 580-4855 facsimile . www.drcwl')'simmnns.cnlll July 24,2002 Mr. Jon C. Dobosiewicz Department of Community Services City of Carmel 1 Civic Square Cannel, Indiana 46032 RE: Primmy Plat and Subdivision Waiver - Lakeside Park Subdivision Docket Nos. 94-02 PP and 94-02a SW Our File Number: 3440.002 Dear .Ton: Please find enclosed the Subdivision Variance application and Findings of Fact filed for Roehling Enterprises, Inc. for its subdivision called "Lakeside Park" to be located at the Southwest corner of Towne Road and 141 sl StJ"eet. To the extent that you have any questions or if I can be of any further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, DREWRY SIMMONS PITTS & VORNEHM, LLP {IV{ ~Cf}': 1vt ~ Mark T. Monroe, AICP Land Use Plalmer Enclosures G :\rci s la w\C\ i en ts\M- R\Rochl i ng\L.cttcrs\lJnbos i cwi cz 7 -24-02 .doc u u One Cillie S'1uare Carmel, IN 4ro32 (317) 571-24~ 7 Fax: (3i 7) 571-2426 From: ~.r=- . Pages: 0<.. Oafs: ?~O?~Od... To: ~4-,L~~ Fax: 5f () - //s 60 Phone: Re:~4kec5?4~L cc: ::::S--J~ Vrjl D/) o Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle 9~L2Yq sh/ ~ . J _/ Watt/er-- ~UbUIV;5/~/) u -"f ' U Fahey, Joyce D From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dobosiewicz, Jon C Wednesday, July 24,2002 9:22 AM Fahey, Joyce D; 'Mark Monroe' Lillig, Laurence M; Lawrence, Kelli A; Hollibaugh, Mike P Docket Number Assignment - SW (Subdivision Waiver); Lakeside Park Subdivision Joyce, Please print and fax this e-mail to the petitioner identified below and update the file. I have issued the necessary Docket Number for Lakeside Park Subdivision, Subdivision Waiver. It will be the following: 94-02a SW $630 Total Fee: $630 Docket No. 94-02 PP; Lakeside Park Subdivision (Primary Plat) The applicant seeks approval to plat a 215-10t residential subdivision on 154.8d: acres. The site is located on the southwest corner of West 141 st Street and Towne Road. The site is zoned S-l (Very Low mtensity Residential). The petitioner also seeks approval of the following Subdivision Waivers: 94-02a SW sea 6.3.15 minimum street radius Filed by Delmis Olmstead of Stoeppelwerth & Associates, me. for Roehling Enterprises, Inc. Please note the following: · This Item was on the July 17,2000 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee. As with the Primary Plat the following applies: e Mailed and Published Public Notice needs to occur no later than Friday, July 26,2002. Published notice is now required within the Indianapolis Star as opposed to the Noblesville Ledger. · Twenty (20) Informational Packets must be delivered to Plan Commission Secretary Ramona Hancock no later than noon, Friday, August 9, 2002. Failure to submit Informational Packets by this time will result in the tabling of the petition to the Tuesday, September 17,2002, agenda of the Plan Commission. · Proof of Notice will need to be received by this Department no later than noon, Monday, August 19,2002. Failure to submit Proof of Notice by this time will result in the tabling of the petition. · This Item will appear on the August 20, 2002, agenda of the Plan Commission under Public Hearings. · This Item may also appear on the September 3,2002, agenda of the Plan Commission Subdivision Committee. Please contact Mark Monroe at 580-4848 (Fax: 580-4855) with this information. Once the file is updated (copy of fax filed and file labeled on cover and internal tiles) please retum the it to my office. ej.d-/L-/-- 7p-y' 9/fiJ Thanks, Jon II 9'i-c~ Pp l...fnc.'lt. $1 b.E f~ \. ?A\A..- -~~~.-t l~~~::~ ~- I ~_.~ -~-~_..- ~ --~:,~ I ~~ ._~---13e.~ ,~. , 1 --~-~~.ilt.; ~--~ r,l -~~ ~ TI! ~ ~~ =~ ~_._-- IIi ~~--~~ - ~~--~it - ~ ~~ ~d ' ~--~~- - !!r~ dl _.~~-- -- ~t tH iH - ~-11t-~~~ - 7/n/o-e- u HAMILTON CO HWY. ~~~ Carmel DOCD U [4] DOl/DOl 07/17/02 14:26 FAX HAMILTON COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT July 17 r 2002 Dennis Olmstead Stoeppelwerth & Associates 9940 AlIisonville Road Fishers. Indiana 46038-2005 RE:: The Hamptons and L.akeside Park Prlmary Plat 5 of 141M Street I W ofTowne Road Clay TownSl1ip .....,.1; f(> q~"V" Dear Mr. Olmstead: After researching the files for the above-mentioned projects, it was disCQVered that the Application and Review Fees were not received for the Hamptons project Although the project has been tabled. the review for the Primary Plat was performed and the fees are now delinquent. No further revIew will be performed on the L.akeside project. primary Pial, Secondary Plat or Construction Plans. until all fees for both of the projects have been received at the Highway Department. If you have any questions or comments conceming this letter, please f&&1 free: to contact me at anytime. Sincerely, f1:.tf=:-- Staff Engineer co: Jon Dobosiewicz G:\USERS\S8\02T ACID? .16-02Iakeside.doc 1700 South 10tb Street Noblesvllle. In. 46060 www.co.bamilton.in.us Office (317) 773-7770 Fax (311) 776-9814 u u NATURAL RESOURCES PLAN REVIEW AND COMMENT Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street, Noblesville IN 46060 Ph- 317-773-1432 or Email at john-south@iaswcd.org Project Name- Lakeside Park Primary Location- Sec. 20 T-18N R-3E Acreage- 155 acres Owner/Developer- Mr. Ray Roehling 11722 Bradford Place Carmel, In 46033 1'i-c:>"2.. pr Engineer- Mr. Dennis Olmstead Stoeppelwerth & Associates 9940 Allisonvilie road Fishers, IN 46038-2005 Reviewed By: John B. South P.E. Certified Professional in ErosiclIl and Sediment Control Plan Review Date: July 16, 2002 Soils Information: Brookston silty clay loam- this soil is dark colored, silty in texture and on depressional uplands. It is deep and very poorly drained with moderate permeability. It has high available water for plant growth and high organic matter content. It has compact till starting at a depth of 40 to 60 inches. The main soil features that affect the urban development uses are seasonal high water table, high potential frost action, moderate slu-ink-swell potential, moderate penneability and ponded surface water. Crosby silt loam, 0-3 percent slopes- this soil is light colored, silty in texture and on sloping uplands. It is deep and somewhat poorly drained with slow permeability. It has high available water for plant growth and medimn organic matter content. The soil has compact till starting at a depth between 20 -40 inches. The main soil features that affect urban development uses are seasonal high water table, moderate shrink-swell potential, high potential trost action and slow permeabili ty. Patton silty clay loam- This nearly level, deep, poorly drained soil is in broad depressions and drainage ways on lake plains and terraces. Runoff from adjacent soils is ponded on this soil. Permeability is moderate. The water table is commonly at the surface or at a depth of less than I foot in winter and spring. A vailab1e water capacity is high. Surface runoff is ponded or very slow. This soil is poorly suited to urban development. The soil features that adversely affect the engineering uses of this soil are a seasonal high water table, moderate shrink-swell potential, u u high potential frost action, and moderate permeability. My experience is that Patton soil can have a variety of different subsurface conditions- glacial till, sand or peat. Ponds or common areas should be planned for this soil. Extensive soil testing is warranted. Additional information about soils is available in the "Soil Survey of Hamilton County". The engineer and/or developer should consider the need for an onsite soils investigation. I have reviewed the plans for this project and have the following comments: II All lots should have access to a subsurface tile outlet. III The existing welles) need to be capped per local, county and state requirements. o The offsite watershed to the west needs to be incorporated into your design unless its altered. . Maintaining the existing soil conditions on the common areas would provide a better growing environment that would require less water and fertilizer. Should you have questions concerning these comments, please contact me. Cc: Jon Dobosiewicz, Carmel DOCS Steve Cash, Surveyor Steve Broermann, County Highway File .ft u u \ Dobosiewicz, Jon C Cc: Subject: Andy Kern [Andy.Kern@ctrwd.org] Monday, July 15, 2002 1 :47 PM riarrand@ccs.k12.in.us; AKeeling@ci.carmel.in.us; CTingley@cLcarmel.in.us; DHill@cLcarmel.in.us; DPattyn@cLcarmel.in.us; Ghoyt@cLcarmel.in.us; GStahl@cLcarmel.in.us; JDobosiewicz@ci.carmel.in.us; JKendall@ci.carmel.in.us; J PFoster@ci.carmel.in.us; KHahn@cLcarmel.in.us; LLillig@cLcarmel.in.us; M Fogarty@cLcarmel.in.us; MHollibaugh@ci.carmel.in.us; MMcBride@cLcarmel.in.us; MSnyder@ci.carmel.in.us; PMorrissey@ci.carmel.in.us; PPace@ci.carmel.in.us; RAuler@ci.carmel.in.us; RHancock@ci.carmel.in.us; SBrewer@ci.carmel.in.us; SJohnson@cLcarmel.in.us; sl illard@ci.carmel.in.us; W Akers@ci.carmel.in.us; sprater@cmsenergy.com; sjb@co.hamilton.in.us; stc@co.hamiltonJn.us; Jay Alley; john- south@iaswcd.org; heck@iquest.net; jeffry .farmer@timewarnercable.com; tskolak@usps.gov; cshupperd@vectren.com Candy Feltner; sueellen@hotmail.com; rlauritsen@slmaco.com July 17th Carmel I Clay T AC Agenda From: Sent: To: Hello everyone: Following are CTRWD comments on the agenda items effecting our sanitary sewers or service area for the July 17 TAC meeting. Please feel free to copy and distribute this email or attach it to your meeting minutes. We have also created a new page on our website linked to the "Construction" page where we have posted all CTRWD TAC comments from 2001 B.nd 2002 meetings held to date. We will continue to add to this page every month so please let everyone know they can view our comments online new too. SedgwiCk Subdivision (Secondary Plat & Construction Plans) The plans received by the District do not show the most recent version of the specifications. Final revisions will be required. Building permits should NOT be issued unless the District has issued connection permits. Lakeside Park Subdivision (Primary Plat) The District has not received any plans for this proposal. Building permits should NOT be issued unless the District has issued connection permits. Shelbourne Greene, Section 8, Plat Vacation The District has no comments on the re-plat unless it effects the sanitary sewers in development. Lakes aL Hayden Run, Section 1, Block A (Special Use) The plans received by the District do not show a sanitary sewer connection or contain the District's Sanitary Sewer Specifications. Revised plans need to be submitted showing a sanitary connection and the District's specifications. Building permits should NOT be issued unless the District has issued connection permits. Please remind all TAC applicants to provide plans directly to the District at our main office address in care of Andy Kern at: 10701 N. College Ave., Suite A, Indianapolis, IN 46280-1098. If there are questions about the District's requirements, then please refer to our website for current information on the District's construction specification and permit standards. We are a member of the IuPPS underground locate network so call 1-800-382-5544 before you dig! Please feel free to contact Jay or me if you have questions or need additional information. Thanks! 1 Andy Kern, Project speciali(.) Clay Township Regional Waste District Hamilton County, IN, USA http://www.ctrwd.org/ 317-844-9200 (phone) 317-844-9203 (fax) ( , U 2 u u CARMEL/CLAY TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA .4",- AI. f) r.' II tCEI\!ED 12 Date: July 17, 2002 Place: Department of Community Services Conference Room 3rd Floor - Carmel City Hall g.oo am 9'10 ~ m 10.0011m 10.?O:l m 10.40 [I m 11'00 II m DOCS Docket No. 90-02 SP; Sedgwick Subdivision (Secondary Plat & Construction Plans). The applicant seeks approval of a Secondary Plat and Construction Plans for a 27-10t {- residential subdivision on 33.16l:l: acres. The site is located on the north side of West 13l st Street, Y2 mile west of Towne Road. The site is zoned S-llResidence - Estate. Filed by David Warshauer for GWZ-I Development, LLC. Docket No. 94-02 PP; Lakeside Park Subdivision (primary Plat) The applicant seeks approval to plat a 2I5-10t residential subdivision on 154.8:1:: acres. 4 The site is located on the southwest corner of West 141 st Street and Towne Road. The site ' C- is zoned S-IlResidence - Estate. Filed by Dennis Olmstead of Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. for Roehling Enterprises, Inc. Docket No. 93-02 PV; Shelbourne Greene, Section 8, Plat Vacation Petitioner seeks to vacate Section 8 of the Shelbourne Green Subdivision. The site is located on the east side of Shelboume Road, 1/8 mile north of West 96u1 Street. The site is 1 -J. zoned R-l/Residence. ~ Filed by Charles D. Frankenberger of Nelson & Frankenberger for the Evangelical Baptist Missions, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish Rectory (Docket No. SUA-91-02) The petitioner has received Special Use Amendment approval in order to construct a rectory. The site plan is revised from that reviewed by TAt on May 22,2002. The site is located at 10655 Haverstick Road. The site is zoned S-lIResidence - Low f IIC- Density. ^-J Filed by Charles D. Frankenberger of Nelson & Frankenberger for S1. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish. Hazel DeU Christian Church Modular Classrooms (Special Use Amendment) The petitioner seeks Special Use Amendment approvalin order to locate four (4) modular classrooms on site. ~ The site is located at 14501 Hazel Dell Parkway. The site is zoned S-1/Residence - Low 0 Density. Filed by Alan K. Peterson for Hazel Den Christian Church. Lakes at Hayden Run, Section 1, Block A (Special Use) The petitioner seeks Special Use approval in order to construct an amenity area on 1.249:l:: ~. 4 The site is located northwest of the intersection of West 131 Sl Street and Towne Road. The C site is zoned S-llResidence - Estate. Filed by Thomas L. Kutz of Centex Homes. :;gfJ?;Jd=-~' 7-;f~:/LL u u July 12, 2002 HAMILTON COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT FilE C Dennis Olmstead Stoeppelwerth & Associates 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 RE: Lakeside Park '\ "'.....0 'l. ?~ Primary Plat S of 141 5t Street / W of Towne Road Clay Township Dear Mr. Olmstead: This letter serves to acknowledge receipt of a transmittal received 7/24/02 containing the plans for the above-mentioned project. After reviewing the plans the Highway Department has the following comments: 1 . An Application for Project Review needs to be completed and the appropriate review fees for a Primary Plat paid, before any approvals will be granted from this office. I have enclosed a blank form for your use. 2. In accordance with the Hamilton County Thoroughfare Plan, additional right of way is required at the intersection of 136th Street, 14151 Street and Towne Road. On Towne Road, the right of way from the intersection of 14151 Street to a paint 500' to the south is an 80' half. From that point to the south, the right of way is 70'. The right of way from the intersection of 1361h Street to a point 500' to the north is an 80' half. From that point to the north, the right of way is 70'. On 14151 Street, the right of way from the intersection to a point 500' to the west is a 65' half. From that point to the western property line the right of way is a 50' half. 3. Additional right of way will need to be purchased for the installation of a passing blister on the north side of the 141 st Street and east side of Towne Road. When the right of way has been acquired, please forward the documents to my attention. If the necessary right of way cannot be acquired, a left turn lane will need to be developed, with all additional pavement being placed on the development side of the road. 4. A 50' triangular right of way cut is needed at all three entrance intersections. 5. Please note that decorative signs, sprinkler systems, trees, landscaping mounds,. light poles or other such amenities are not permitted in the right of way. 6. 1415t Street and Towne Road will need to be widened 3', and a 3' stone shoulder included along the widening. 7. All ofts ite utility work will need to be placed outside of the future right of way. 8. No road cuts will be permitted for utilities to cross 141 st Street or Towne Road. All crossings must be done through a push/bore. 9. Please verify that the centerline radius for the 1361h Street extension meets the 200' minimum. 10. Please stretch the medians at the entrances to the right of way line for the exterior streets. 11. The dimensions for the decellanes must be a 100' taper and 150' lane. A decellane must also be included for 136th Street. 12. The center medians are required on all of the streets that are 36' back of curb to back of curb. I have attached a sketch showing the required medians. 13. Roll curb will be required across the lEE. in the south east corner of the property. 1700 South 10'" Street NoblesvilJe, In. 46060 "nny .co.h amilton.in.us Office (317) 773-7770 Fax (317) 776-9814 u u HAMILTON COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 14. The centerline radius of the street in the northeast corner of the project does not meet the 150' minimum requirement. Please make the necessary corrections. ; 5. As you are aware, whenever a Developer proposes a new subdivision within the County, the Highway Department expects the Developer to participate in improving nearby roads and/or small structures around the subdivision, which will be directly affected by the new subdivision residents. The Highway Department is requesting that a Traffic Study be performed to examine the impact of the new subdivision to local roads. After the study has been completed the Highway Department will determine the amount of offsite improvements needed in connection with this subdivision. If you have any questions or comments concerning this letter, please feel free to contact me at anytime. Sincerely, //i:/g~. Steven J. Broermann Staff Engineer cc: Jon Dobosiewicz Steve Cash G:\USERS\SB\02T AC\07 -12-02hamptons.doc 1700 South 10'h Street Noblesville, In. 46060 Oftice (317) 773-7770 Fax (317) 776-9814 www.co.hamilton.in.us J Loco. tion oF' islo.nd Must o.llow for turning ro.diuso F' bus :) Trees would be perMitted in islo.nd, but sight disto.nce co.n not be hindered No trees would be perMitted between the wo.lk o.nd the bo.ck of the curb unless the wo.lk were Moved closer to the curb 15'-0'-- f 30' -0' t 1 50' r/\.J .....".... tl TO BE DETER INED o 1j ~E-S COVl-D ~tJ I t.J ~~12.E. ! ' 1 't ',0" MIN 15 ftiA/t.l-rAING() If' ~ ~ vJ^,I.X.. t 13fTWB1iN Cu/U3 I dl I 5'-o'j U --36'-0' u HAMILTON CO HW~. ~~~ Carmel DOCD U I4l 001/004 07/12/02 11:05 FAX HAMILTON COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT July 12, 2002 Dennis Olmstead Stoeppelwerth & ASsociates 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 RE: Lakeside Park Primary Plat S of 141 $I Street I W of Towne Road Clay Township Dear Mr. Olmstead: This letter'serves to acknowledge receipt of a transmittal received 7/24/02 cootaining the plans for the above-mentioned projef;t After revf8wing the plans the Highway Department has the following comment:;: 1. An Application fDr Project Review needs to be completed and the appropriate review fees for a Primary Plat paid, before any approvals will be granted from this office. I have enclosed a blank form for your use. 2. In accordance with the Hamilton County Tl1oroughfare Plan, additional right of way is required at the intersection of 13l)lh Street, 141 !It Street and Towne Road. On Towne Road. tne right of way from the intersection of 141 sl Street to a point 500' to the south is an 80' half. From that poin1to the south, the right of way is 70', 'The right of way from the intersection of 136th Street to a point 500' to the north is sn80' half, From that point to ttle north. the right of way is 70', 01'1 141st Street, the right of way from the intersection to a point SOD' to the west is a6S' half. From that point to the westem property Une the rfght of way is a 50' half. 3. Additional right of way will need to be purohased for the ins1allqtion of a passing blister on the nmth side of the 141$1 Street and east side of Towne Road. When the right of way has been acquired, please forward the documen1s to my attention. If the necessary right of way cannot be acquired, a left tum lanE! will need to be developed, with all additional pavement being placed on the development side of the road. 4. A 50' triangular right of way cut is needed at all three entrance intersections. 5. Please nate that decorative signs. sprinkler systems. trees, landscaping mounds, light poles or other such amenities are not permitted in the right of way_ 6. 141~t Street and Towne Road witl need to be widened 3', and a 3' stone shoulder included along the widening. 7. All offsite utility work will need to be placed outside of the future right Of way. 8. No road cuts will be permitted for utilities to cross 14161 Street or Towne Road. All crossings must be done through e puEih/bore. 9. Please verify that the centerline radius for the 136th Street extension meets the 200' minimum. 10. Please stretch the medians at the entrances to the right of way line for the exterior streets. , 1. The dimensions for the decellanes must be a 100' laper and 150' lane. A deeellane must also be included for 136111 Street. 12. The center medians are required on a!l of the streets that are 36' back of curb to back of curb. I have attached a sketch showing the required medians. 13. Roll curb will be required across the I.E.E. in the south east comer of1hfil property. 1700 Soutb 10'b Street NoMen-lIIe, In. 46060 www.co.hamilto~ Offlce (3]1) 773.7770 Fax (317) 776.9814 07/12/02 11:06 FAX u HAMILTON CO HWY. ~~7 Carmel DOCD U 141 002/004 HAMILTON COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 14. The centerline radius of the street in the northeast Gomer of tlw project does not meet the 150' minimum requirement. Please make the necessary corrections. 1 S. As you are aware, whenever a Developer proposes a new subdlvision within the County. the Highway Department expects the Developer to participate in improving nearby roads and/of small structures around the subdivision, which will be directly affected by tne new subdivision resldents~ The Highway Department is requesting that a Tn!lffic Study be performed to examine the impal;:t of the new subdivision to local roads. After the study has been completed the Highway Department will d~termine the amount of offsite improvements needed in connection with this subdivision. If you have any questions or comments concerning this letter, please feel free to contact me at anytime. Sincerely, /4/3~ Steven J. Broermann Staff Engineer cc: Jon Dobosiewicz Sleve Cash G;\USERS\SB\02T AC\07 -12.02hllmpwfls.dm: 1700 Bouth 10'. Street NoblesvUle, In. 46060 www.co.hamiltun.in.us Oflice (317) 773-7770 Fax (3] 7) 776-9814 ..". o o '" M o o GlI ~ Loco.tion of islnncl !'lust o.~low far turning radius of bus Q U o Q .... ~ Trees would be perMittE:'"o in islo.nd, but sight distancl? can not bE? hindereol No trees would be perMitted between the wnlk and the back of the curb unless the wnlk WE're MOVea closer to the curb ..... <Ii S t.. a:l U r:) o u z o Eo< .....l ..... ~ 3010. ~ -',> a l><I -< ~ TO BE DETER INED ~ ~ 5 COI,I\,.P ~tI rlJ HiltE I . 'It.~~ c,',()L' "'IN Is tA141N/lHltlfP [~'/ C ~ "h.\..1C- 13fTW~~ ..,a.6 l cg Q .. .... .... CII N o '" N .... " t- .0 L 5,-orj W 36'-0' }, ", ~,~! u HAMILTON CO HWY. 777 Carmel DaCD (J !4l 004/004 67/12/02 11: 06 FAX Hamilton County Highway Department APPLICATION FOR PROJECT REVIEW Developer Information! EnqineerlSurveyor/Architect Information Company Name; Company Name: Address: Address: City: State:_____ Zip: City: State:_____ Zip: Phone #:( ---J-"- Fax#:C-)_-_ Phone #:l..-J-- Fa)i#:L)_~ Contact Person: Contact Person: Title: Title: Proiect Information: Project Name: Sectlon{s); Adjoining R.oad NOIme; Hamilton County Map Grid: Nearest Intersection: N S E W (Miles) (circle one) (road name) Number of Lots: Nl.'mber of Road Miles: Will Sewers Be Regulated: Yes NO Unknown (drde one) Planning JurtsdlctiQO of Projeo:: Township: Is this a new project? Yes No (cIrcle one). If no, enter HCHO Project #: " - Tvoe of Review(s) Reouested: Oecermlnllt:lon of JurlSdlt;t!Qn Il.lilvlew: Hc Fee Primary Plat ~v'ew: $400.00 Each .. Set;omlilry Plit Review: $400.00 x~ (, of :;et;tlr,lI1s) = COMtrUctJon plan Rlll'tllW: $500.001<_ (# Qr sectlonS)- Small (<5 Lilt) SubdiVIsion Review: (c:om~I"'.Q prtm&ry "rnl ,.""ndM)' with no now roads)' $100.00 Each !!! Valiance Review: (TIll' re. nOI ~ull1!d when varlan"" teqU""f t:I p~~ Qr inQthtr peld 1'llVI1IW): $100,00 X (It of sections) ;;;;; TOTAL FEE Ear Office US" Onl\l Signature of Applicant: Date: Ch<<kI,I Printed Name and Title: ~ aovlewe4 by: Review o*': ~ 1. All Q:l~pcmdem:e regarding &lIs proJect should referent;e the HOlD proJee\' # (~l(eept Inltl~1 llpplicatic".) 2. M;I~II r;llllck or money order ,lillyllll:lle to tile "Hamil"," Coline)' TreasUJ'lV'" (ea:al'l,an not t>e accepted.) R~eived nrlltq J. Submit ree!l, 21PllU~t1Qn, Iollins and/or plllr to: Hamilton County HlllIhway DllplIrtmflnl Attn.: Stafl' Engineer 1700 S. 10th Street Noblesvllle, IN 46060 4. All sections of this form mu~ be l:omph::tely filled out and fee paid tor review to bll milde. u u One Civic Square Carmel, IN 45J32 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 &$/ ~~d To: a /J/) >j o:nc5"~&?/ From: Fax: <f"'Yt? - o~~ Pages: Phone: 1'r9 - vr9J~ Date. He: ;lj1d4 ?-/7-C)^ CC: ~:Y'e ~A't!'7 I / ~ "7 -/"0(;)... o Urgent 0 For Review 0 PJease Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recyele ~aks-/~~ ~.k ~~~;;~~ .9~Oo? ~ ~ () n ~ ' Fahey, Joyce D / ,- DObosiewiC?,-<ion C Monday, July 01,2002 12:38 PM Fahey, Joyce D Lillig, Laurence M; Lawrence, Kelli A; Hollibaugh, Mike P Docket Number Assignment - PP (Primary Plat); Lakeside Park Subdivision From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Joyce, Please print and fax this e-maiL to the petitioner identified below and update the file. I have issued the necessary Docket Number for Lakeside Park Subdivision, Primary Plat. it will be the following: 94-0~P $700 + $7525 ($35 per lot with 215 lots) Total Fee: $8,225 Docket No. 94-02 PP; Lakeside Park Subdivision (Primary Plat) The applicant seeks approval to plat a 2l5-lot residential subdivision on 154,8:1: acres, The site is located on the southwest comer of West 14lst Street and Towne Road. The site is zoned S-l (Very Low Intensity Residential). Filed by Dennis Olmstead of Stoeppelwerth& Associates, Inc, for Roehling Enterprises, Inc. Please note the following: . This Item will be placed on the July 17,2000 agenda ofL'le Technical Advisory Committee. . MaiLed and Published Public Notice needs to occur no later than Friday, July 26,2002. Published notice is now required within the Indianapolis Star as opposed to the Noblesville Ledger. . Twenty (20) Informational Packets must be delivered to Plan Commission Secretary Ramona Hancock no later than noon, Friday, August 9, 2002. Failure to submit Informational P,ackets by this time will result in the tabling of the petition to the Tuesday, September 17, 2002, agenda of the Plan Commisslon. . Proof of Notice will need to be received by this Department no later than noon, Monday, August 19,2002, Failure to submit Proof of Notice by this time will result in the tabling of the petition. . This Item will appear on the Angnst 20, 2002, agenda of the Plan Commission under Public Hearings. . This Item may also appear on the September 3, 2002, agenda of the Plan Commission Subdivision Committee. Please contact Dennis Olmstead at 849-5935 (Fax: 849-5942) withtlris information, Once the file is updated (copy of fax filed and file labeled on cover and intemal files) please return the it to my office. Jon ~/fd t tr' '7 -- / --'cJ A Thanks, 1 hi. j....-/ '~ () r) One Civic Square Cannel, IN 49J32 (317) 571-:2417 Fax: (317) S71-2426 Pages: ~7"c,e , ~ 7-/--?J~ To: Drlf)f)/~ 04;.::sf(zeld Fax: !(c;- 69~C:< Phone: f~ C; - 5P:3,:) From: Date: Re: ee: o Urgent 0 Fa!" Review 0 P.lease Comment 0 Please R.eply o Please Recycle (L? / ~4C.~~'o ~~~b~~ 9r--o/ P u C8urme] June 26, 2002 /' ---~....-..--,.,-", Mr. Dennis 0, Olmstead Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, tN 46038 RE: Lakeside Park Subdivision, S-1 Primary Plat Dear Mr. Olmstead: u j, I~~: - " '- ' I . ~ I I~; 1-.: \. , I', . \/ ---/ ,) ___ r ,,' ~-- '.... . ~__~~__ ... I -- 0"1.-- S~ ./ I have received and reviewed the plans submitted for the above-mentioned project. At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law en- forcement efforts. If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfu lIy l ~.~~i~ Chief of police MDF:vb cc: Dept. of Community Services .-----,p -- / ""., ',','1 , " . ,-, ~fi tt ~ CO/_ , ~ Y!'j'l /), '/;?u V/'l -:.tJtJ: !.-S ? , \ \ -, (317) 571.2&00 A Nationally Accredit orcement Agency Fax (317) 571-2512 / ( . u u June 24,2002 Dennis D. Olmstead Stoppelwerth and Associates, Inc. 9940 Allisonville Rd. Fishers, IN 46038-2005 Oar Mr. Olmstead, Upon review of the plans for Lakeside Park Subdivision, Primary Plat, these additional requirements will need to be addressed: Our office is requesting a set of plans showing fire hydrant locations for the entire development. Our office is requesting that the dead end streets at the west side of the project be provided with temporary turn arounds to eliminate the need of our apparatus to back up. We are also requesting that a "Knox box @" be installed on any amenity buildings(s) that are proposed in this project. I am also sending a specification sheet for our apparatus, of which I have a concern with the turning radii. Could you please provide a statement that the design you are submitting will allow for the turning of this truck in the looped street in Common Area # 16. Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter. Respectfully, Gary A. Hoyt, Fire Marshal Carmel Fire Prevention Bureau Cc: Jon Dobosiewizc, Department of Community Services file (1) u : j~ w ( 0 N S U L T;I N G f NG i N 'f L R S L' AND S' U R V' E Y. 0 R S Attention: Jon Dobosie:wicz, R.M. SIoeppelwerth, PE, PlS 0 David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PlS ,. Curtis c,' Huff, PlS · Dennis D, Olmstead; PlS II, Jefi1l1fQ~Y'W~-Darling, PLS , '. " . ~~' .~ /..{~ Y S..b' , , ,June 21,2002 . I~} '<? , . " ~Nt\) .~ ~\.\;0 \ 1~~'1. " \eJt ~\\ ~\l<:'''' J, ,,', ,',- ,---<~ . ,,'_:_~:~ Re: Lakeside 'Park Subdivision, S'-l Prim~ry Plat Department of Community Services One Civic Square Cannel, Indiana 46032 Dear Mr. Dobosiewicz: Enclosed are the following items regardIng the filing for Primary Plat approval for Lakeside Park Subdivision, .'. ,Primary Plat (2 copies) , Primary Plat Application and Legal Description Subdlv,ider Agreement Form . Letters to Agencies andUtiIities (1 copy each)',' 'Open space Cons,eryation Plan (2 copies) Qpen Sp(lce Conservation Report (2 copies) TIre project:is located at the Southwest corner of 141st Stl~eet ahd Towl1e Road and will consistof215 singl~-family hQmeson 154.8 aGres.' ' Roehling EfIterprise,s" Inc. ,will be the developer for this. site and plan to develop this site l1llder tbe existilig 8-1 Zoning utilizing the Open-Space Option for del1slty incentive. If you have any questions, or comments, please feel free, to' call me at (317) 577-3400, ext. 37. Best regards, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~:J:?@~~ Delmis D, Ol1nstead EncIo Slues S/4176011\'gency 9940 ^lIisonville Road G ,Fishers, Indiana 46038'7005 . (317) 849.5935 .. 1800-728-6917 0 FAX: (317)849,5942 !Ff., 'CJ\7 recycled ~"p~r u .u CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS liI David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PL5 · Curtis C. Huff; PLS · Dennis O. Olmstead, PLS G Jeffory W. Darling, PlS . June 21, 2002 Indianapolis. Water .Company 1220 Waterway Boulevard Indianapolis;' Indiana 46202 . . . . . Attention: Pam Waggoner Re: Lakeside Park Subdivision,' S~ l' Primary Plat . D~ar Ms. Waggoner: Enclosed please find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for-Lakeside Park Subdivision. Lakeside Parf Subqiv{sion is'located at the', Southwest comer of 141 st Street and Towne Road and will consist of?15 sing1e-':family homes 011154.8 acres. . , , , ' Please 'review and send me a letter acknowledging YOl,lr receipt ofthis'plat and 'the ability of yqur utility to- serve ,this development . Thank you foryouf' cODperfiti6n. Best regards; . STOEPPELWERT~ & ASSQCIATES.INC. ~~ . Dennis D. 'Olmstead Cc: Department of Ci:mimunityS~rvice~ , Ray Roehling Enclosures S/4 1 7601 Applications <'. . 9940 Allisonville Roa~ 0 Fishers; Indiana 46038-2005 0 (317) 849-5935 · 1-800:728.6917 0 FAX: (3171849-5942 . @- recydad paper -.~l."'"-:.J:, ~~;;;; ~ ~~a,'.; ."l';I.l',J.l '~C'll\-'-U~"n:>, "" '" ...." 1.\ ,.,. _"n. "c.:.,;' 'i-,:~-':' ,,,.~, " ~\,., ,'~~-.l. -,I.\,; ~'''',\;.\ U.\l:.,,~...', W,:-':'..~I.~~~ l ,.;; ~~ ;).,',:",.,1,]'.,:-.::.-.1..;.'''' ,_>.'" '-'", ,_, "" ."'--"'~ i-, :':C"_'--" '."'"'' ~u, ,.",--n,,,,, ."."0" ....... n.' '.'_hOC"'" ".n " ,"~..~,-~_.., ..- .,- u u CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAN D' SUR V E Y 0 R S R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PlS G David J. Stoeppelwerlh, PEt PlS 0 Curtis C. Huft PlS e Dennis D. Olm~lead, PLS 0 Jeffory W. Darling, PlS June 71, 2002 . Vectren Energy . 15900 AUisonville Road Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Attention: Chuck Shupperd' Re:. Lakeside P~k Subdivision, S-1 Primary Plat ". Dear Mr. Shupperd: . Enclosed you. will find orte (l)copy .ofthe Primary Plat for Lakeside Park Subdivision. Lakeside Park Subdivision is'locatedatthe Southwest corner of 1415t Street and Towne Road . and will consist of 215 single-family homes'on 154.8 acres.. . Pt"ease .re~iew an9- send me a letter acknowledgmg your receipt of this plat and the' ability of yoUr utility to serve this development. Thank you for your cooperation: Bestregards, . . STOEPrEL ~RTH _~ ASSOCIATES, INC. ~J)~'" . '. -. "').' -... . . '.' 7 . " . .Ja-. .... . . . . Dennis D. Olmstead Gc: Department. of Commui:rity Services .' Ray Roehling Enclosu.re~. . S/41760/Applications 9940 AllisonviUe Rood . .Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 .~ .(317) 849-5935 0 1-800-728-6917 0 FAX: (317) 849-5942 @ re(j'ded popei w u CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAN D SUR'V E Y 0 R S R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PEr PlS . David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PlS · Curtis L Huff, PlS · Dennis D. Olmstead,. PLS · Jeffery W. Darling, PLS June 21, 2002 Carmel Clay Parks Department 1055 Third Avenue SW' Carmel, Indiana 46032 Attention:' John Lester. Re: o Lakt?side Park Subdivision, S-1 Primary Plat Dear 1V1r. Lester: Enclosed you will find one (1) copy of the. Primary Plat for Lal<:eside Park Subdivision. . . Lakeside Park Subdivision is.loqted at the Squthwest corner of 141 5t Street and Towne Road and will consist of 215 single':'family homes on 154.8 acres-. . - . .., Please review ancI send me a letter acknowledging your receipt cifthis plat and the . ability of your utility to serve this development. .' ThaUk you for your cooperation. Best regards~ o ' . STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INe. (;t;2; \ . Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Departm~nt of Comnnmity Services , R.ay - Roehling- .. Enclosures , Sf41760l~ppljcalions 9940Allisonville ROlld . Fishers, Indiana 46038.2005 · [317)849:5935 .1.800-728.6917 ~FAX: (317) 849-5942. .@ myclc1l pDper _""'~."_'_."''--..L'"''C"",,,~,,,,",~,,,,,,,,,,.,-,-,,,,,,,''''''''''~C'''''''.';,-",.'''''''''. """"'''_''.'''''.' "..........,....,..".......".'\..,....."......."'...\U,..........\..........;,.:.-.'-!'"...~.....'L.........,"'~,,,...W>........_.....,.."',,. ............,......... ,................---...'''..-,.. .~...__..,.._......_-~,-'-_.. w u CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Sloeppelwerlh, PE, PlS 0 Devid J. Stoeppelwertn, PEr PLS " Curtis C. Huff, PLS 0 Dennis D: Olmstead, PLS 0 Jeffory W. Darling, PLS June 21, 2002 Department of Engineering One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Attention: Dick Hill Re: Lakeside Park Subdivision, S-l Primary Plat Dear.Mr. Hill: . .' - Encr"osed you Vv'ill find one, (1) copy ofthe Primary Plat for Lakeside P~k Subdivision. Lakeside Park SubdivisiOll. is' located at the Soilthwest corner of 141 st Street and Towne Road and will consIst of 215 single-family homes on 154-.8 acres. Please review and send~e a letter acknowledging YOlir:i-eceipt of this plat' and the ability of your utilitY to serve this development. ' Thank you for YOllr cooperation. Best regards, - STOE~PEL WERTH & A~SOCIATES, INe. .'M'D. €tL i-V. ,- Dennis D. Olmstead CeO: Department of COl~niunity Services Ray Roehling Enclosures S/41760/Appl,ications 99.40Allisonvrlle Rood.. Fishers, Indiana 46Q38-2005 " (3171849-5935 co 1-800-728'69l7 .. FAX: (3171 849.5942 @ reCYlled paper _~""""",,''''''~''''''''''''','''''.''''U'''''''-'-'<U''''''''''.u=o''' ,....."',"_."...._._.,....n...._.........._,.............'...U...h~""".....'U:..t.'U'.'';. _.....n;...-..._____.. ,-- w u CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE,PLS fI David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS 0 Curtis C. Huff, PLS " Dennis D. Olmsteod, PlS fI Jeflory W. Durling, PLS : June 21, 2002 Carmel Clay School Administration Director, Facilities and T.ransportation 5185 East 131 st Street Carmel, Indiana 46033 Attention: Ron Farrand Re: Lakesi~e Park Subdivision, 8-1 Primary Plat Dear Mr. Farrand:. . . . . EnClosed you will find' one (1) copy of the Primary'Pla,t for Lakeside Park Subdivision. Lakeside Park Subdivision is Jocated atthe Southwest corner of 1418t Street and Towne'Road and will consist of 215 single-family homes on 1.54.8 acres. . . Please review arid 'send me' a letter ackllowledging your receipt of this plat and the . ability of your utility to serVe this development. Thank )roufar your cooperation. Best regards,. ' STOEPPELWERTH& AS$OCIA TES, INe. ~v,6J, ~Q Dennis D, Olmstead Cc: Department ofCo11111lullityServices Ray RoeWing' . Enclosures . . 8/4 i 760/Appliclltions 9940 AlIisonville Rood g Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 .. (3l7) 849-5.935 .. 1-800-7.28.6917 .. FAX: (3l7) 849-5942 @' reqcled 'pupe~ u u CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAN D SUR V .E Y 0 R S R.M, Stoeppelwerth, PEr PlS .. David J. Stoeppelwert~, PEt PlS 0 Curtis C. Huft PLS (l Dennis D. Olmstelld, PLS · Jeffory W. Dorling, PlS June 21,2002 Hamilton County Local Emergency Planning 'Department . 18100 Cumberland Road Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Attention: RobertHendhckS . Re: Lakeside Park Subdivision, 8-1 Primary Plat Dear Mr. Hendricks: Enclosed you will finq one (lYcopyofthe Primary Platfor-Lakeside Park Subdivision. Lakeside Park Sub~ivision is lOl::ated at the Southwest corner of 141st Street and Towne Road and will consist of 215 single- fainily homes on 154.8 acres. . . Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and the ability. of your utility to serve" thisdevelopmerit. Thank you for yout cboperation.' Best regards, STOEPPELWER(rH.& ASSOCIATES, INC. '~D~\~b' Dennis D. Olmst~a:d Cc:" Dep~ent,?f CommunitY Services' . Ray Roehling Enclosur~s Sf417 60f Applications 9940 Allisonville Rood .. Fisners, h;diono'460~8-2005 0(317)'849-5935 0 1.800:728-69170 FAX: (317)849-5~42 -!1;6 '0<;7 r!Kyrled paper ;OJ;....\Ul~~\~;.u,~\u.,.,r~:.l.\.l.lI-";.\""<- ,...=--"'"'' ,'-','-'-'''',<L_,..''''-'-.....,.'',..'oa-,:n...:''O'::;='.'''"-....,"'.'''-'''''"..:.:.\I..,..,:i~'''::..,.::..,'l..::.,,"~.~.JJ-li:.1-..:p,-,t',1J:h'.ill'J>~'.t.:..,,'"'..U\\I.'.:M~Jl....",~"-''-..,~...,.''-1.u.'-'~.''n~.....''-''..."u'-'-'''c"......".''''.. ,......." ,........"v..:........."',,>-O'U>'O'>' ,..;...."w......,."'."''-''.........,.....",,......"'...._,_...~.,'''-.,.-......Co'-"'"" "i""""-'-'-"_;'~"-_"'" oU)",~..H,-'''''''' w u CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND'SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PlS " David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PlS " Curtis c. Huff, PlS OIl Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS · Jeffary W. Darling, PLS June 21, 2002 Carmel City Utilities 130 First Avenue SW Carmel, Indiana 46032 Attention: Paul Pace Re: Lakeside Park S'ubdivision, S-l Primary Plat D~ar Mr. Pace: , . Enclosed you will find. one (1) c'opy of the Primary'P.la~ fOf'Lakeside Park Subdivision. Lakeside Park Sl.;lboivision is located at th~ Southwest comer of l.41'st Street arid Towne Road and will consist of2.15single-famiJy homes on 154.8 acres. . . Please review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this' plat and the' ability of your uti,lity to' serVe this developme.nt. ' Thank you for y~ill cooperation. Best regards, stOEPPEL WERtH &ASSOCIATES, INC. .~(. - ~ , , Dennis'D: Olmstead Cc: Department of Community Services Ray Roehling , -Enclosures S/41760/Applications 9940 Allisonville Rood. Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 ..' (317)849:5935 ..' 1-800-728-6917'" FAX: (3171 849-51142 . . ., @ recycl;d peper u u CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth[ PE, PlS " David J. Staeppelwerth, PE, PlS · Curtis CHuff, PlS " Dennis D. Olmslelld, PlS 0 Jeffary W Darling, PlS Jl..me 21, 2002 Hamilton County Sheriff Department 18100 Cumberland Road Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Attention: Lt. Joe Cook Re: Lakeside Parl< Subdivisio'n; 8-1 PrimaryJ>lat Dear Lt. Cook: Enclosed you will fmd one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Lakeside Park Subdivision. 'Lakeside Park Subdivision is located at the Southwest comer of 141st' Street and Towne Road 'and Will consist of215 sirigle~family harries on 154.8 acres. Please review and send me a letter acknowledging yourieceipt of this plat and the ability of your utility to serve this develop'ment. Thank you for your cooperation. Best reg~ds, , STOEPPEL WERTH -& ASSOCIATES, INC. ' DemUs D. Olmstead, Cc: Departmentof Community Services Ray Roehling Enclosures Sf41760/Applications 9940 Allisonvil!e Rood o Fisl1ers, Indiana 46038-2005 . (3171849-5935 0 1-800-728-6917 0, FAX: (317) 849.5942 @ retyd~d ~uper '..U,..LL>.".,.."""-'..,....u..l,~....O''''......A..; ."'.'nn""-....u~.,......"........,.'.,......... ''-''''.'''''_1 "'.t~.,J.o,U:..l',"""I~\-........<............~""-'-C>u.--'..,.....C......."".."'_"""""................................._.....''-I..l->.h..''...'''"...~'->........._.'-',....."'....._.~,.,_"...--._.......___"...~~c,.,,___~u~___._.__n",_ ..--. .-- u u .CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAN 0 SURVEYORS R.M. Sloeppelwerth[ PEf PLS '" David J. Sloeppelwerlh, PE, PLS · Curtis C. Huff, PLS · Dennis D. Olmsleod[ PLS I> Jeffory W. Dorling, PLS June 21, 2002 Cari:nelCommunications 31 First Avenue NW Cannel, Indiana 4603~ , , ,Attention: Bill Akers Re: ,Lakeside Park Subdivision, s~.} Pri~ary Plat Dear Mr. Akers:' , Enclosedyou will find one U}copy of the Primary Plat for LakesidePark.SutJdivision. Lakeside Park Subdivision is located atthe Southwest comer of 141st, Street and Towne Road and willconsistof215 single~familyhomes on 154.8 acres. Please review and'send'mea letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and, the' ability of your utility to s~r~e th!s devel~pment. . . T:hank you for'your'cooperation. Best regards, ' STOEPPEL WERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. -~t>.cd2.1 ~ Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: Department iJf Community Services. , Ray Roehling. ' EnClosUres Sf41760IAp~licatio!ls . . --.. . 99.40 Alli'DRv~lIe Rood.. Fishers, ,Indiana 46038:2005 .. (3171 849-5935 · 1-800-728-6917:. FAX: (317l849-5942 @ , retyrled poper u o CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PEr PLS 0 DlIvid J. Stoeppelwertn, PE, PlS · Curtis CHuff, PLS · Dennis D. Olmstelld, PLS · Jeffory W. Darling, PLS June 21, 2002 Office of Fire Chief . Fire Station No.1. ' Two Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Attention:' . Gary Hoyt , . Re: Lakeside Park Subdivision, S-lPrimary Plat Dear Mr. Hoyt: , ' . . Enclosed you will find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Lakeside Park Subdivision. Lakeside Park Subdivision is located at the Southwest comer of 141st Street and Towne Road, . , , and will consist of 215 :single-faniily homes on l54.8 acres. Please review and sendme:a letter acknowledging your receipt oithis plat and the ability bf your ~ti1ity to serve this development. ' Thank you for your cooperi:ltion. Best regards~ ' , ,STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ 1)01 >r=cD DennisD, Olmstead' Cc: , Depart,ment of Community Services r Ray Roehling Enclosures S/41760/Applications. . .. : , ' 9940 Allisonville Road. Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 · (3l7) 84nm .. jc800-728-6917 · FAX; 13m 849-5942 ., @ myded po per w u CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwer1h, PE, PlS e David J. Sloeppelwerlh, PE, PlS 41 Curtis C. Huff, PlSo Dennis D. Dlmslelld, PlS e Jeffory W. Dllrling, PLS June 21, 2002 Ameritech 5858 North College Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46220 Attention: Jeff Rice . . Re: Lakeside -Park Subdivision,B-1 Primary Plat Dear Mr. Rice: Enclosed yoliwill find one (1) copy of the Primary.Platfor Lakeside Park Subdivision. Lakeside ParkSubdivisioids located at the Southwest comer of 141st Street and Towne Road and will consist of 2 f5 single-famil~ homes on 154:8 acres. Please revie~ and send me' a letter acknowledging your receipt bf this plat and the ability of your utility to: serve this development. Thank you for your cooperation.. Best-regards, STOEPPEL \VERTH& ASSOCIATES, INC. , . ,~,'~ Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: pepartment of Community Services Ray Roehling, Enclosures S/4] 760JApplications 9940 Allisonville Rond 0 fishers, Indiana 46038-20Q50 (317) 849:5935 .1,800-728-6917 · FAX: (m} 849:59~2 @ llKj'ded peper . w u .CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Sloeppelwerth, PE, PlS " David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PlS 0 Curtis C. Huff, PlS · Dennis D. Olmstead, PlS " Jeffory W. Darling, PlS JlUle 21, 2002 Timewarner Cable 3030 Roosevelt Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46218 , Attention: Tony Holmes' Re: Lakeside Park Subdivision, S-1 Primary Plat Dear Mr. Holmes: , Enclosed you-will find one (1) copy of the Primary Pl':ltfor LakesidePark Subdivision. Lakeside Park Subdivision. is located at the Southwest corner of 141 st S,treet and Towne Road and will consist of2J5 single-family 'homes on 154.8 acres. . Please review and send me a ietter acknowledging your re~eipt of this plat and the ability of your utility to serve'thisdevelopment. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPEL WERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~..rD.(V~~ , Dennis D.., Olmstead Cc: Department 'of Community Services ;Ray Roeliling Enclosures Sf41760fApplications ' 9940.AIIi,anvillil Rood D Fisher;, Indiana 46038-2005 · (3171 849-5935 · 1-800,728.69.\7' '" FAX: [~171849-5942' @ rel)'ded pGper u u CONSULTING ENG'INEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PlS a David J. Stoeppelwerlh, PEr PlS .. Curtis c. Huff, PLS .. Dennis D. Olmsteod, PLS .. Jeffory W. Dorling, PLS June 21, 2002 City of Carmel Office of Police Chief Three Civic ~quare Carmel, Indiana 46032 Attention: Michael Fo'garty , Re: Lakeside ~ark Subdivision, 8-1 Primary Plat Dear Mr. F ogart)r: Enclosed you: will find one (1) copy of the Primary Plat for Lakeside Park Subdivision. Lakeside Park Subdivision is located at, the Southwest comeiof 14 1'st Street and Towne Road and will consistof215 single:-family homes on 1)4.8 acres. , , . Please review and ~end mea letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and the ability of your utility. to serve this development. Tha.n,k you for yourcooperatiori. Best regards; , STOEPPEL,WERTH & ASSOCIATES, INe. , &-:r \' , Dennis D: Olmstead, Cc: Department,ofCoinmOriity Services - Ray Roehling, ' Enclosure's S/41760/Applications 9940 AllisoilVille Road.. F'lShers,lndiono 46038-.2005 o (317l'-849-59350 1-800-728-69i7 .. FAX: (317)849-5942 !iFf, 'G<;7, r~cyded ~aper u u ( 0 N SU l TIN G E N GIN E E: R S l AND .S U R V E Y 0 R S R.M. Sloeppelwerth, PE, PLS 0 Dovid J. S1oeppelwerlh, PEf PLS 0 Curtis c. Huff, PlS OIl Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS · Jeffory W. Darling, PLS June 21', 2002 . Hamilton County Soil & Water 11 08 South Ninth Street Noblesville, Indiana 4'6060 Attention: . John South Re: Lakesi~e Park Subdivision, S,.l Primary Plat Dear Mr. South: , . Enclos~d you will find one (1) copy of the Primaiy Plat for Lakeside Park Subdivision. Lakeside Park Subdivi~ion is lo'cated at the SOlithwest comerof 141 st Street 'and Towne Road and will consistof215 single"-family homes on 154.8 acres.", . Please.review' and send me a letter acknowledgingyollf r~ceiptof this plat and the ability of your utility to s'erVe this,d'evelopment. . Thank you for your cooperation. , ' Best regards; STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. , ~ ' ,~}?..'~:~ Derinis'D.Olmstead Cc:" . DeRartment of CommunitY"Service's Ray Roehling , Enclosures ,3/41760/ Applications 9940 AIHsonville Rood.. Flshers,lndiana46038-2005 OIl (317) 849:5935" ].800.728.6917 OIl 'FAX: (317lB49'5942 , W recycled p~pBr u u CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PlS .. David J. Sloeppelwerlh, PEt PLS · Curtis C. Huff, PLS 0 Dennis O. Olmstead, PlS III Jeffory W. Darling, PlS June 21, 2002 Hamilton CO'llilty Highway Department 1700 South 10th Street Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Attention: Steve Broermanri . Re: Lakeside Park Subdivi~ion, S-, 1 Primary Plat Dear Mr. Broermarin: Enclosed you ").ViII find one (lJcopy of the Primary Plat for Lakeside Park Subdivision. Lakeside Park Subdivision idocated at the Southwest comer of 141st Street and Towne Road and will consist of 215 single-family homes on 154.8 acres. Pleasl;{ review and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and the ability of your utility to serve this development Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, . STOEPPEL WERTf:i& ASSOCIATES,INC. ~~~0 Dennis D. Olmstead Cc: . Department ofCommunityT Services . Ray RoeWing Enclosures . S/41760/App1ic!ltions 9940 Allisonville Rood'" Rshers, IndiilOo 46038-2005 '" (317) 849-5935" 1-800-728-6917 .. FAX: (317) 849-5942 @ retyded pc~er u u CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS . Dovid J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS o' Curtis C. Huff, PLS · Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS II Jeffory W. Darling, PLS June 21, 2002 I~iamilton County Health Department One Hamilton County Square Suite 30 N oblesville, Indiana 46060 . Attention: Barry McNulty . . Re: Lakeside Park Subdivision, S., 1 Primary Plat Dear :Mr. McNulty: Enclosed you will fmd one (l) copy ofthe Primary Plat for Lakeside Park Subdivision. Lakeside Park Subdivislonjs located at the Southwest comer of)41st Street and Towne Road . and will consist of 215 single-fiillI1ily homes on 154.8 acres. . Please review and ,send me a letter acknowledging your receipt oftlris plat and the ability of your utility to serve this development. . . Thank: you for your cooperation.. Best regards, STOEPPEL \VERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. '<M~' Dennis D. Olmstead . - Cc: De-partmentof CommUnity Service.s Ray - Roehling . Enclosures S~417 601 Applications 9940 Allisonville Road.. Fishers, Indianu 46038-2005 · (317] 849-5935 0 1-800-728.6917 ~ FAX:(317) 849-5942 @ recyded paper . l.,.) u CONSULTING ENGINEERS LA NOS U R V E Y 0 R S R.M. 5toeppelwerth, PE, Pl5 0 David J. 5toeppelwerth, PE, Pl5 " Curtis c. Huff, PlS 0 Dennis D.. Olmsteod, PlS 0 Jeffory W. Dorling, PlS June 21, 2002 Hamilton County S.urveyor's Office 1 HamiItoriCounty Squar:e Suite i88. . . . Noblesville, Indi~a 46060 Attention: Steve Cash Re: Lakeside Park Subdivision,S-.l Primary Plat Dear Mr. Cash:" Enclosed you willfind'one 0) copy' of the Primary Plat for Lakeside Park Subdivision. Lakeside Park Subdivision.is located. at the .Southwest corner of.141-st Street and Towne Road and will consist of215.single-family horries on 154.8 acres. Storn\ water t-;}be collected by a . series of swales and".stormsewer,. which will discharge into retention ponds and outlet into Long Bmnch Drain. . Please review the plat and supporting data and' send me a letter acki:Jo~ledging your receipt of thIS plat and addressing any questions or comments regarding.thisdevelopment. Thank you for your cooperation. Best. regards;. STOEPPEL WEll TH.& ASSOCIATES,. INC: Dennis'D. Olmstead: Cc:' Department of COlnmunity Services . . Ray Roehling . Enclosures . . S/41760/Applications 9940 Allisonville Rood 0 fisher'J, Indiona 46038:2005 0 (31j)8~9-5935 o 1-800c728-6917" " FAX: (317) 849-5942 . .' . . @ recyded paper