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Drainage Report rev 03-17-04
U J o J J WESTON POINTE SECTION 1 [Cft"":,' ~;'U:'. .~'~' ., I ,~ u u u u u . Eil,,"~' _ V~r;) , , u U u o u u u ) U I U I' DRAINAGE REPORT PREPAItED FOR: Portr,altHomes, L.L~C. 82S0Hav~rstick Road Suite 11 0 bidianapolis, IN 46240 PREPA.R.El) BY:" . "Christop!7er"M. Figueroa, Stoeppelwerth and Associates (317) 577 - 3400. ext.33 DATE PREPARED: December 15, 2003 DATE REVISED: March 17, 2004 o u u u u o u U J J , , WESTO,N POr~TTE, ,SECTION 1 ' , , TABLE o"F CONTENTS , , 1,' PROJECTNARRA. nVE" ' '. ' . '2.' POST-DEVELOPED CONDITIONS , : ' 3. PIPE SIZ1NG ,CA,LCOLATIONS ' " , , , , ,.' 4. ; W'A TERQUALITY CALCULATIONS , 5... BACK COVERPOCKET ,', - :':" ur Ui UI Ul 01 UI Ul UI Ul . ,;POST-DEVELOPEDSTORAG, E-ROUTING,MODEL'BAS1N MAP ' . .. .. . -.,. ,,:POST ~DEVEL(j,PEb PIPE.,SIZING MODEL BAsIN MAP, , ," .. " I [j u o u u U LJ WESTON POINlE , 'SECTION 1 " ,DRAINAGE- NARRATIVE i1 u " , : Pqttrait I:Ibrri~S, L.LC: is prdposlng the.deYel~pll1erit\ of it, multifanuly~r~sid~njial subdiVisi()hiti HamiltonCountyto,'be, known as,Weston poillte,' .'Se~ti9riOiie; The 'Site IS ,. Jopate:~.on~the:E~# SldeoOv(ichig~Roadillldhlst north.ofWt:~(106th Street.~ 'Th~ site is , ',.nidr~~peCificaliy1,oc~ted in-a: pari 'of the Southwest QUarter'ofSectIon; 6,. Township I? 'North, Rahge' 3 E,ast'ih-ilamiHpn COullty\indiaria~ " ' " ' . " ' , J!~XlSTINGtOl"fflrrIONS ,,', u [J UI Ul 01 U I' Ul " , Thep~e'-de~eloped Weston Point site hasbeeri an~y~'d in.ap~yvious'study ,kn(},:"nasThe()()'()keq'Cre~k Watersh~d'Analysis.I~ thi~ swgy there is <ideterrriined " , ,releasyrate ,of O.2S"c:fs.:per'acre. Our site''is locate'dentirely iribasin E '(sey exhibit ,10 , ' , ,- ,', attached) .Th~ 'overall' aCte~gedf our sit~ ,is 34 .83, acres; it .was also determined that there - '. ", ,', . '"", - " .' ..','" . - " -.-, . - "', ", .- .,'-' ,,-", .' ,,". \ . , j'satotalof633 '~ctes'ofoffsite coming diredt'yontci,the noftherrfpbrtlon ofoui, site,. The . totaL acryagethat wasused,iS,4L16~c~e~., ' . .' , ' , "" ,The site'i~,al~Qstelitirelysurrounded by qthet ~ubdivisiori:~. TotheS61.l:t~ofthe site 'th.ere~aie two :siibdiVisiol1s' known as:The Vill&ge:at West9I.lPlace',Section Two, and 'Park at WestoriPJape; Secti6hTwo. To the eastthere is asub4iyision known as Park at 'Westoft Place, Section Thrb6. Io'the north there is:a:me~iulp:sized cOlnmercial ~ite, ' Th~re is a small portiori o,f9ffsite that enters the 'eastern portion of the site" This offslte consist.of agricultw:allapq. ' , , ".' ,... '" ' ,., '.:' )be' soiLs',for .the site~ean' everimixtyte '{){~:ind,C;'Brooksto~and Crosby with ' sWall pockets of M,iari}.i soil.. T~heWeston Poirite site is cUrrently agricultUral liipdwith sortie. dense woods to th~ east. ' " 01 Ul, 01" . .. ' ., . . . - To estahlish the .10~year 'aUowabledi'schatge nite forthe PO,st-,developed Weston Pointesite, the 1 O-ye<ir,stonn;'event was run forthepre-devetoped onsite basin, and the' , IOO-year stonnevehtw~s,rW1 for thepre-dewelop'ed. offsite basins. Likewise, to establish the 2"yearal1.owable discharge rate, the 2-year storm, ev~nt w'a~nm for the Pfe~developed onsitebas'in, 'and th~ lO':'year storm event was rim for .th~ pre-d~v'e1oped offsitebasins. , ' , , . time of Concentrations (Tc's) and Curve Numbers (eN's) were 'calculated for the basin usingTR-55 methodology~ These pre"':deterniined values wen~ entered into'ICPR and used to compute inuItiple hY4rographs. 2-yearand 10-year hydi'ographs were developed for the single basin. . : 11 U u 0 u u u 0 , , u u , , :J ,---, I U fl I U L U OJ: DI UI o I' U! U I 01 . Pre~i>eveloped ' 'O:25,c.f.Si :Pel': acre., Pre-Deve.op.edto u.s. 42i . 2 year "'::'15~.64 c'.f.s.: '. . JO year- '28.02 c:~:s. . . . 'PROPOSE:D,CONDITIONS. , . !here' ~ll be:,three: po~ds,in'W ~st6~ rainte. Pond. 1 'will b~ 19cated, south ~f the. :'main entraqce. Tl1is'p'ond will handle all qfp"e onsite a9.reage to the nortJI of the main :. entra1.1C.e. There will be tW9 p,?nds located to the ,e'a,st o(the site:' These ponds will h~dle ,&11 of the town home's as well as all of the 'offsite 'to tIle north.." .', . ..1 ,". ;'> ,.:'. . '. .\ :,," . .' , C", d' - _,._J' . ..-';- ,"-:'. <, '~ ; The cOnUnetdal portiopof tli~site tp the 'west has yet to be designed, but it is' . . pl~edth~rthediaii1ag~ "foT' this, pditi0~' of:the'site:Wilidf~iIi.'t() the west~ iNDOT has: '," . . ::'jplapnedt?riiri:storJ.Il,p'lpe'on:-theeastsideofU.S. 4~lnpn9rth.toLong Btancb;lNJ)OT . :has'agryed,to .resjze their:.~toi1n 'pipe'to' hab.<;lle the'pte-developed'drainage .C;:Ollditipns' jrr , .; . Jhe WeSieI"Il'p.drt;ionof our~site>We' fed that.withtp.fsch~ge:the'.9oriunerchi.l.portion of . . , . Plltsite is to J?eJteat~d'as a se;pat~te eJtity,. and 'rlof~eld,to':the re,giorial detention. ..' '. reqhiie~ei1t Of'O}5.C,;t:s:.~,eracre, : ,.:','" .- "",' ..'< :' : - '" ..... , '-Lake, J"WiU.J;elease into a series of pipis that dutiet iJ:ltc):;th'e ,24'~ exi$ting culvert .' thiil-t cross~s D,S.: 421:. Lakf;s_'4,and ,)' will rele.asei",to(l't .~eries:ofirit~rconnected,pipes'that o~tlet .iptothe'exIsting21" pipe~thatis'ffi tpesubdivisioiFkno~ as-pilIk at. Weston Place Section Two. . ." : ' '.. . Th6 fost*de~dop~d ~ite'Was'arialYZed usirrg"a~9~b,lriation'6fprogran1s.A11p()l1d . :ib~~ing' and, analysis Was9omp}(:ited using Adva1iced IePR. Thispr6gtamr~)Utes and'.' ,.: ,.'anal:y~es all comp'oQ.enfs in a~st6i:nlsystell;1:dn a user;'detin~4 'time int~rvaJ. . The second . progr~ :used:WasStormCAD.This.pr~gram analy?;e~:'pipe siz:mg for pipe networks. other ,than 1hoserbut~rig water between lakeS.. Below is. a list: of the' peak dis~harges for tl1esite: . Post-Developed l;)lsch~rge in existin.g ~7'; pipe lOO-ye!IT 1038 c.f.sI41.16'acres =0.25 c.ts. . P6st.Dev'eloped niscb~rget9 right-of-way. 2 year-S.37 ~.f.s.. " . .' 10)e'a~ - lO;80'c.f.s. lOO.year -10.04c'.f~s-.' u u [J U I" U U 0 0 ,----, u U U I I I U ?:r \. (' . "/';~ST j .,: 121ST I ~-=r" '. u ut UI UI j U 1'''>' . I '.' , J .. Ii' - ...: ) I )} \ ~~", , 11 ,.-'; ':' :/11\ I u ,v~S . ( f :i ~.-~l/:/~, JI . /. I . . . .. . aM ',; ).''f'j'- , ~ .-'1.-'86Jl, . '--0' -; ti ' , . . '11~,. II; ;. ~os , \ \ I ; I ( \ I i o ". I , t '.:/''="'"'-, :pO? ~) 1-' I.. ~ .Il_,. /1 . , . , I , ,I )'11 j~ [) I-.........G.. I ' \ I ,..~.. L '. " L'~ i' J """\~ :'U ,..; { . , ( .. \" ,( Exhibit 10 ~/CV/6l Crooked Creek Watershed Deve loped Cond it i I "', ) o} J .' r' J l u o u [J o o u U DI UI I U [" 01 I Oi I U I" Ut DI 01 u/ U, L m 5! 1Ii , b J 9~~1 C,~I . I( WES LOCA TJON MAP u U D. 0 il U lJ U U 0 U U 0 U 0 0 r l U U SOilS MAP r 1 U 0 J' ( I U . D' . r 1 . U. . D ' ". . . . .. u.... . '0. . - .' . . " . o ......... ....... .... . . ..... .. .... ..... ..... . .... ..... . D' .' .' .,: ,.... ". ' . ," " .:, . . ,.'. .'. '.' . '.. ;'. . '~,' .... . . . ; . ........... . ... . ..... .... .POSl'LDEVELOfED .. ... ... ... ... ....... .....> J ,:" ..H.:.... .', .,,'. .C..O..:N...:.D......I..'T'.I..O...':N~...S.:..'....",',., ..... .'.,' .' '.' '....... . , ',:. ..'..... . ,,' "." .: '.'. '....,'..... .' '., . .. ." ': .' , '.. .' " .. .'. . . .' ".,', . '. ': U" . ,::., . .' '.... ',' ,., . .' ". . .' '-,. . ' -.' . . ". _ . . c ~. . . ., '..' u, ,'" . '. " . . , .. . '.' . ; ,:" ~'. _ J . _ u....: u :'.. U U . o o [J u u u u u o u u Weston Pointe Job# 37963 Post-Developed Site Basin 603 to Str. 603 Subbasin Area CN Comarcial 2.04 ac 90 Total 2.04 ac . 90 Basin 608 to Pond 1 Subbasin Area CN Commercial 10.67 ac 90 . Total 10.67 ac 90 n U. U r \ U Basin 612 to Pond 1 r ) U U' U o D U U U o Subbasin Area CN . Grass 0.40 ac 78 Total 0.40. ac 78 Basin 614 to Pond 1 Subbasin Area CN Apartments 1 .98 ac 90 Total 1.98 ac 90 Date: 11/21/03 Basin 621 to Str. 621 . Subbasin Area eN Apartments 0.33 ac 90 Total 0.33 ac 90 Basin 622 to Str. 622 . Subbasin Area eN Apartments 0.48 ae 90 .. Total 0.48 ae 90 Basin 622A to Str. 622A subbasin Area CN Apartments 0.39 ae 90 Total 0.39 ac 90 Basin 623 to Str. 623 Subbasin Area eN Apartments 1 . 1 9 ae 90 Total 1.19 ae 90 U D U : -I U U lJ U U Weston Pointe Job# 37963 Post~Developed Site Basin 630 to Pond 2 Subbasin Area eN Apartments 3.23 ac 90 . Total 3.23 ac 90 Basin 638 to Pond 3 Subbasin Area CN Apartmants 1.13 ae 90 Total t.13ac 90 "I i I U u o u u u o Basin 642 to Pond 3 Subbasin Area eN Apartments 1.68 ae 90 Total. 1.6B ac 90 Basin 648 to Pond 2 Subbasin Area CN Apartments 2.85 ac 90 Total 2.85 ac 90 r 1 U u U o Pond 1 to Pond 1 Subbasin . Area eN Residential 0.74 ae 79 Impervious 0.83 ae 98 Total 1.57 ac 89 Pond 2 to Pond 2 Subbasin Area eN Residential 1.62 ae 79 Impervious 0.64 ae 98 Total 2.26 ac 84 Pond 3 to Pond 3 Subbasin Area eN Residential 0.45 Be 79 Impervious 0.62 ae 98 Total 1.07 ac 90 Off 648 to Pond 2 . Subbasin Area CN Agricultural 5.68 ae 78 Total 5.68 ac 78 r-. : c:= rJ r ~ rl c:= . c} c:= c:==-= c=: c-.:: r-' ~ c:=; C=J .C= c= c::=J CJ Weston Pointe Job# 37963 Post-Developed Site Time of Concentrations ICPR Date: 11/21/03 Basin Sheet Flow Manual (LNl Oescrlptlon n" L= P, = s= T, = .007\nL)O,61(P,""s ' 1 Description I v= L= Tt=,1N Description v= L' Tl = LN To (Iotal) Tc (total 1 Basill 603 Grass 0,17 20 2.66 0.02 0.0546 Gutter I Swale 2.00 375 0.0521 Pipe Flow 2.50 407 0.0452 0.1519 9.1 Basill 60B GrBSS 0.011 60 2.66 0,02 0.0147 Gutter I Swa/e 2.00 400 0.0556 Pipe .Flow 2.50 122 0.0136 0.0838 5.0 Basill 612 Gress 0.15 80 2.66 0.02 0.1498 Gutter I Swale 2.00 260 0.0361 Pipe Flow 2:50 20 00022 0.1882 11.3 Basill 614 Grass 0,15 60 2.66 0.02 0.1190 Gutter I SWBle 2.00 60 0.0083 Ploe Flow 2.50 296 0.0329 0.1602 9.6 Basill 621 I1Dartment 0.15 64 2.66 0.02 0.1253 Gutter I Swale 2.00 100 0.0139 Pipe Flow 2.50 0 0.0000 0.1392 8.4 Basin 622 ADarlment 0,15 45 2.66 0.02 0.0946 Gutter I Swale 2.00 20 0.0028 Pipe Flow 2:50 0 0.0000 0.0973 5.B Basill 622A Aoarlment 0,15 70 2.66 .0,02 0.1346 Gutter I Swale 2.00 120 0.0167 Pioe Flow 2.50 0 0.0000 0.1513 9.1 Basin 623 AClarlmen! 0,15 90 2.66 0,02 0.1646 Gutter I Swale 2.00 60 0.0083 Pipe Flow 2.50 426 0,0473 0.2203 13.2 Basin 630 Aoartment 0.15 80 2.66 0.02 0.1498 Guller I Swale 2.00 10 0.0014 Pipe Flaw 2.50 662 0.0736 0.2248 13.5 Basill 638 Aoartment 0.15 60 2.66 0.02 0,1190 Gutter / SWBle 2.00 0 0.0000 PioeFlow 2.50 140 0.0156 0.1346 8.1 Basin 642 Aoartme/11 0.15 45 2.66 0.02 0.0946 Gutter I Swale 2.00 80 0.0111 Pipe Flow 2.50 394 0.0438 0.1494 9.0 Basin 648 AD<:Jrtmenl 0.15 80 2.66 0.02 0.1498 Gutter I Swale 2,00 240 0.0333 Pipe Flow 2.50 321 0.0357 0.2188 13.1 POlld 1 Grass 0.15 45 2.66 0,02 0.0946 Gutter / Swals 2.00 0 0.0000 Pipe Flaw 2.50 0 0.0000 0.0946 5.7 Pond 2 Grass 0.15 100 2;66- 0.02 0,1791 Gulter/Swa/a 2,00- o - 0.0000 Pipe Flow . 2.50 0 0.0000 0.1791- 10.7 Pond 3 Grass 0.15 40 2,66 0.02 0.0861 Gutter / Swale 2,00 0 0.0000 Pioe Flow 2.50 0 0.0000 0.0861 5.2 Off 648 Agri. 0.17 300 2.68 0.004 0.9076 Gulter I Swa/a 2.00 60 0.0083 Pipe Flow 2,50 175 0.0194 0.9354 56.1 c:::::=-=; c::== r----: '--- _i Nodes ASE:age/Area v Stage/Volume T Time/Stage M Manhole Basi os ~l'lnd Flow uses Unit Hydro S Santa Barbara Links P Pipe W 'ileir C Channel D Drop Structure B Bridge R Rating Cur:ve H Breach c=J c:==: c:=J c::=; Cj - c=: c=: c:= L~ CJ A: POND1 U:BAS608 U: BAS614 U, POND1 Do1'1-603 A: 5T[\603 U: BA5603 P:603-50Z P:602-60l r I A: STR601 i P: 601-600 I -------------"{.'-------....".'."-....".-. I A: STR600 I i i C: 600-9UT2 I , ...--..J-.....'.. I T:OUTLET2 A: FOHD2 U:BA5630 U: BAS64B U: POND2 U: OFF64 B ! Po p2-6l9 i P: 620-621 I A: STR621 U: BAS621 P: 622A-622 A: STR622 U; BAS622 I A: STR619 F: 619-620 ~-A:STR620----~1 P:621-62?A U: BAS 622A I p, 622-623 .~..._.. ~.. ':-. .,..., ....."", "" "r' '.........._.~.....~, ,... "_."~ ..U , ... .~."w".~". .,.._. ....,..... "._ ,....... P: 623-P3 lnterconnccted Channel and Pond Routing Model (lCPR) \02002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. ~ r-~) A: POND3 , : ! U: BAS638 U:BAS642 U: POND3 c:..::::; r--- ~- ! ______I P: p3-0un /.. I IT: OUTLETt CJ c= u o DCIA (.. ): O. 00 o Name: B.".S638 Group: EASE Node: POND3 Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph ~-~~---~---------------------~-------------------------------~--------------------~----------------- S.tatus: Onsi te Unit Hydrograph: . Rainfall ,De.:. Rainfall Amount (inl : 1>.rea (ael : Curve Nllrnb,;,r: DCIAl%) : UH484 Peaking Factor: Storm Duration(hrsl: Time of Cone ,minI : Time Shift(hrsl: Max Allowable Qrefs): 0.000 1.130 90.00 0.00 u u ~84.0 0.00 B.ID 0.00 999999.000 Node: POND3 Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph. ---~----------------------------------~----------~-----------------~----------~--------------------- Status: Onsit,;, Name; BAS6~2 Group: BASE [J Unit Hyctrograph: UH484 Rainfall File; Rainfall Amount (in] : 0.000 Area (aef: L 680 Curve Number: 90.00 DCIA(\f: 0.00 Peaking Factor: ~84.0 Storm Duration [hrs) : 0.00 Time .of Cone [min) : 9.00 Time Shift[hrs): 0.00 Max Allowable Q[efs): 999999.000 u o Name: BAS648 Group:. BASE Node: POND2 Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph --------------------------~-------------~-~---------~----------------------------------------------- Status: Onsite ~ Unit Hydrograph: UH484 Rainfall Fil,;,: Rainfall Amollnt{in): 0.000 Ar,;,a (dc): 2.8')0 Curve Number' 90.00 DClA{%): 0.00 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Storm DUration [hrs) ; 0.00 Time of Cone [min) : 13.10 Time Shift [hrsl : 0.00 Max Allo~able Q[cfsl: 999999.000 Name: OFF6,B Group: BAS E'. ----------------------~-----------~-------------------------------~-~----------------------~-------- Status: Qnsite J Nod,;,: POND2 Type: SCS Unit Hydrogrdph Pe'aking Factor: Storm [}uration (hrs) : Time of Cone (min) : Tim~ Shift (hrsl : Max Allowable Q(efsl : ~ Uni t Hydrograpll: Rainfall Fil e: Rainfall .~ount(inl; Area (ac) : Curve Nwuber: DCI1>.[%) : 0,000 5.680 7B.00 0,00 Ull484 u 4BLO 0.00 56.10 0.00 999999.000 Node: PONDl Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph ---------------------------~-------~-~------------,-------~~------~---------------------------------- Stdtus: Onsite Name, PONDl Group: BASE u Unit Hydrograph: UH484 Rainfall File: Rainfall Amountlin): 0.000 Area(ac): 1.570 Curve Number: 89.00 DCIA 1%): 0.00 Peaking factor: 4B4.0 Storm PurationlhrsJ: 0.00 Time of Con~lrnin]: 5.iO Time ShiftlhI-sJ: 0.00 Mdx Allowable Ql~fsl: 999999.000 r' I \ u. o Name: POND2 Group: a".SE Node: POND2 Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph ------------~~-------------------------------~--------~-~------'------------~----------~-~----------- Status: Onsite Unit Hydrogroph: Rainfall File: Rainfdll Amount (in) : Area(ac) : Curve Number: DCIA(%) : UH~84 Peaking Factor: Storm Duration(hrsl : Time ,of Cone [rnin) : Time Shift [hrsl : Max Allowable Q[efs): 0.000 2.260 84.00 0,00 u u ~84.0 0.00 10.10 0.00 999999.000 Node: POND3 Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph ------------~-~--------------------,------------------~----------------~------------~---------------- Status: Onsite Name: POND:' Group: BASE: o Page 2 of3 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) iQ2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. o u u u Unit Hydrograph Rainfall File Rainfall Amount ( in) Area (ac) C'Jrve l'ltJmber DCIA (\} u D u o LJ u u u. '") U D u o u u f ' U U~484 Peaking Factor Storm Duration(hrsl Time of Conc{minl Time Shift [hrs) Max Allowable Q{cfs) 484.0 0.00 5..20 0.00 999999.000 Page 3 of3 0.000 1. 07 0 90.00 0.00 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) <Q2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. J u [J Name: OUTLETl Group: B,loSE Type: Time/Stage Init Stage(ft]: 896.~90 Warn Stage (ft) : 898.740 J Time(hr'l 0.00 12.50 30.00 u o Name: OUTLET2 Group: BASE Type: Time/Stage o Time(hrs} o 0.00 12.50 30.00 o iJ Name: PONDl Group: BASE Type: Stage/Area u SUge (ft) J 898.300 899.000 900.000 901.000 '102.000 903,000 904.000 904..440 LJ o Name: POND2 Group: BASE , Type; Stage/Area o Stage (ft) D 898 .570 899.000 900.000 901,000 902.000 903.000 904.000 '104.200 [J o Name: POND3 Group: BASE Type: Stage/Area u Stage (ft) u 896.700 897.000 898.000 899.000 900.000 901. 000 902.000 903.000 0: o u Name: STREOO Group: B...sE Type: Stage/Area 0: Sta'~,I€'\ ft) 896.490 898.740 896.490 3tage(ft)' 896.880 89B.B80 896.880 Area lacl 0.6800 0.7500 0.B500 0,9500 },0500 ,,1.1500 1. 2800 1,3100 Area 1 a.C) 0.5600 0.5900 0,6500 0.7200 0.7900 0.8600 0.9300 0.9500 Arealac) 0.6200 0.6400 0,7000 0,7800 o 8500 0.9300 1.0000 1.0900 Ease Flow(cfs): 0.000 Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 In it Stage (ft) : 896.880 Warn Stage (ftJ : 8~8.880 Base rlo~(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage'(ft), 898.300 Warn Stage (ft) : 904,440 Base Flowicfsl: 0.000 Init Stage [ftl : 898.570 warn Stage[ftl: 904.200 Ea.e Flowlcfs): 0,000 Init Stage(ft): 896.100 Warn Staga(ft), '902.000 Ease Flow[cf.): 0.000 lnit Stage(ft), 897.110 Warn Stage (ftl : 898.360 Page 1 of3 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) (02002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. u. U' LJ o o o u iJ u II U ,] u o u u u u u J u Stage(ft~ AreBlac) o 897.110 0.0006 898.360 0.0006 Name: STR601 Group: BASE Type; St~ge/Area Stage ( ft) 897.130 900.100 o Name: STR602 Group: BASE T}~e: St~ge/Area Stagelftl -',rea (ac) 0.0006 0.0006 ~97.310 0.0006 900.500 0.0006 Area (acl o Base .19w{cfsl: 0.000 Base .low(cfs): 0.000 Name: STR603 Base How(efs): 0.000 Group: BASE Type: Stage/Are~ 897.380 900.250 Stage (ft) Area [ae) 0.0006 0.0006 o Name: STR619 -Group: BASE Type: Stage/Area Stagelft1 898.420 0.0006. 904.600 0.0006 Area (acj' o Name: STR620 Gr oup: Bi'.sE Type: Stage/Area Stage (ft) 'Area lac) o 898.180 0.0006 903.100 0.0006 Nam",; STR621 Group: BASE Type: ,Stage/Area Stag'e 1ft) !'.rea (ac) o 897.870 0.0006 901.E50 0.0006 Name: STF.622 Group: BASE Type: Stage/Area Stage {ft J ."rea lac) Base Flowicfs): 0.000 Base Flow(cfsl; 0.000 Base .low(cfs); 0.000 Base Flow(cfsl: 0.000 Init Stage!ft): 891.130 Warn Stage!ftl: 900.100 Init Stage(ft); 897.310 Warn Stage(ft): 900.500 Ioit Stagelft): 897.380 Warn Stage (ftl : 900.2~O Init Stagidft): 898.420 warn Stage(ft]: 904.600 Init Stage(fti: 89B.180 Warn Stage (ft) : 903.700 Init Stage (ft): 897.810 warn Stage (ft) ; 90J.650 Init Stage (ftl: 897.700 warn Stage (ftj': 902.680 Page 2 of3 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ~2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. u o u 897.700 902.680 0.0006 0.0006 o o Name: STR622A Group: BASE Type: Stage/Area Base Flowlcfs): 0.000 loit Stage(ft): 897.800 Warn Stage(ftl: 902.780 o Stage [[t I Area (ae) 897.800 0.0006 902.780 0.0006 o u Name: STR623 Group: BASE Type: Stage/Area Base Flow(cfsl: 0.000 lnit Stage(ft): 897.560 Warn Stage(fti: 90~.500 u Stage(ftl Arealacl 897.560 0.0006 904.500 0.0006 o ; u u o lJ u u u u u u u Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) @2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page 3 of 3 u. D o Name: 601-600 Group: BASE LJ UPSTREAM Geometry: Circular .Span[in): 24.00 Rise[in): 24.00 Invert [ft) : 897.130 Manning's N: 0.013000 Top Clip(in), 0.000 Bot Clip(in): 0.000 u from Node: STR601 To Node: STR600~ DOWNSTRE.l\M Circular 2~. 00 24.00 897.110 0.013000 0.000 0.000 Upstream FIIWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge wi headwall u Downstream fHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge wi' headwall o Length (ftl : 8.00 Count: 1 Friction Equation: Average Conveyance Solution Algorithm: Automatic Flow: Both Entrance Loss Coef: 0.00 Exit Loss Coef: 0.00 Bend Loss Coef: 0.00' Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or t.. Inlet etrl Spec: Use dn Stabilizer Option: None Name: 602-601 Group: BASE ---------------~~~----------------~--~---~-----------~----------------------~-------------------~--- u UPSTREA."I Geometry: Ci.rcular Spanlinl: 21.00 Rise(in): 21.00' Invert (ft) : 897.310 Manning's N" 0.013000 Top Clip(inl: 0.000 Bot Clip(in): 0.000 u From Node: STR602' To Node: STR601 DOWNSTREAM Circular 21. 00 21. 00 697_ 130 . 0.013000 0.000 0.000 u Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square l>dge wi headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge wi headwall u LengthCftl: 88.00 Count: 1 Friction Equation: Average Conveyance Solution Algorithm:. Automatic Flow: Both Entrancl> Loss Coef: .0.00 Exit Loss Coef: 0.00 Bend Loss Coef: 0.00 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dn Stabilizer Option: None Name: 603-002 Group: BASE ------~--------------~~--------~------------~~-----~----------~~----------------~------------------- o UPSTREAM Geometry: Circular Span [in) : 21.00 Rise (in): 21. 00 Invert (ft) : 897.380 Manning's N: ~.013000 Top Clip(in): OcOOO Bot Cliplin): 0.000 o o 'From Node: STR503 To Node: STR602' DOWNSTREAM Circular 21.00 21.00 897.310 0.013000 0.000 0.000 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge wi headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Ed9~ Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge wi headwall o Length/ft).: 35.00 Count: 1 Friction Equation: A~erage Conveyance Solution Algorithm: Automatic . Flow: Both Entrance Loss Cae!: 0.00 Exit Loss Coef: 0.00 Bend Loss Coet:. 0,00 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dn Stabilizer Option: None r 1 U Name: 619-620 Group: BASE -----------------------------------~~------------------~---------------~-----~---------------------- J UPS TR EAM Geometry: Circular Span (inl : 15.00 Rise(inJ: 15.00 lnvert(ftJ: B98.~20 Manning's N: 0.013000 Top Clip(in~: 0.000 Bot Clip(inl: 0.000 u From Node: STR619 To Node: STR620 DOWNSTREAM Circul,ar 15.00 15.00 898.180 0.013000 0.000 0.000 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge wi headwall o 1,engthCft): 80.00 Count: 1 Friction Equation: Average Conveyance Solutiop Algorithm: Automatic Flow: Both Entrance Loss Coef: 0.00 Exit Loss Coef: 0.00 Bend Loss Coef: 0.00 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dn Stabililer Option: None Page 1 of 3 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) @2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. u LJ u o o o U. I . o o u' o o u u o o u u u u Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concr~te: Square edge w/ headwall Name; 620-621 Group: BASE ~---------------------------------------------~-------------------------------~~-~-~----------------- ,rom Node: STR620 To Node: STR621 Lengthiftl: 102.00 Count: 1 Friction Equation: Average Conveyance Solution Algorithm: Automatic Flow: Both Entrance Loss Coef: 0.00 Exit Loss Coet: 0.00 Bend Loss Coef; 0.00 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or 1:W Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dn Stabilizer Option; None UPSTREAM Geometry: Circular Spanlin); 15.00 Riselin): 15.00 Invert(ft): 89B.180 Manning's N: 0.013000 Top Clip(in): 0.000 Bot Clip(~n): 0.000 DOWNSTREAM Circular 15.00 15.00 B97.870 0.013000 0.000 0.000 Upstream FHWA I~let Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edg~ w/ h~adwall Downstream FHWA'lnlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Name: 621- 622A Group: BASE ~----------------~-~---~~-------------~----~--~---------------------------~------------------------- From Node: STR621 To Node; STR622A Length [ft) : 25.0D Co'unt; 1 Friction Equation: Average Conveyance Solution Algorithm: Automatic flo..,: 'Both Entrance Loss Coef: 0.00 . Exit Loss Coef: 0.00' Bend Loss Coef: 0.00 Outlet Ctrl Spec; Use de or tw Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dn Stabilizer Optio~: None UPSTREAM Geometry: Circular Span(in): 18.00 Rise (in): 18.00 Invert(ft): 898.870 Manning's N: 0.013000 Top Clip(in}: 0.000 Bot Clip(in~: 0.000 DOWNSTRE:AM Circular 18.00 18.00 897.800 0.013000 0.000 0.000 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge DescrIption: Circular Concrete: Square edge wI headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description; . 'Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Name: 622-623 Group: BASE --------------------------------------------------~~------------------------------~~~--------~-~~--- From Node; STR622 To Node: STR623 Lengthlftl: 48.00 Count: 1 Friction Equation: Average Conveyance Solution Algorithm; Automatic Flow; Both Entrance Loss Coef: 0.00 Exit Loss Coef; 0.00 Bend Loss Coef; 0.00 Outlet Ctrl Spec;. Use de or tw Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dn Stabilizer Option: None UPSTRE:AM Geometry: Circular Span(inf: 18.00 Rise(in): 18.00 Inverti ft): 897.700 Manning's N: 0.013000 Top C1ip(in): 0.000 Bot Clip(in); O:poO DOWNSTREAM Circular 18.00 18.00 897.560 0.013000 0.000 0.000 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge OescrIption; Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream ,HWA Inlet Edge Description: Circula~ Concrete: Square edge wI headwall ------~-------------~----~----~---------------------------~~------------~-~------------------------- Name: 622A- 622 From Node: STR622A Length (ft 1 : 30.00 Group: BASE To Node: STR622: Count: 1 Friction Equation: Average Conveyance llPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Solution JUgoritJun: Automatic Geometry: Circuler Circular Flow: Both Span(in) ; lB.OO 18.00 Entrance Loss Coef; 0.00 Rise(in) : 18.'00 18.00 Exit Loss Coef; 0.00 Inve.t 1ft) : 897.800 897.700 Bend Loss CoeE: 0.00 Manning's N: 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip (in) ; 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dn Bot Clip(in); 0.000 0.000 Stabilizer Option: None Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) (Q2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page 2 of 3 [J 0' Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge ~I headwall O. I ' Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge wi headwall u Name.: 623-p3 Group: BASE -----------~-~-----------------------~--------------------'--------~-----------------~------~-------- u UPSTRE.AM Geometry:.Circular Span(in): 18.00 Rise(in): 18.00 Invert 1ft l: 897.560 Manning's N: 0,013000 'Top Clip (in) : 0.000 Bot Clip(in): 0,000 u From Node, STR623 To 'Node, POND3 DOWNSTREAH Circular 18.00 18.00 896.700 0.013000 0.000 0.000 u 'Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: , Circular'Concrete: Square .edge wi headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge wi headwall u Length [ftJ : 286,00 Count: 1 Friction Equation: Ave.rage Conveyance Solution Algorithm: Automatic Flow: Both Entrance Loss Coef: 0.00 Exit Loss Coef: 0.00 Bend Loss Cbef: 0.00 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dn Stabilizer Option: None Name: P2-619 GroQP: BASE ---~--'---------~-----------------------~----------------------~-----~------------------------------- u UPSTRE.AM Geometry: CircQlar Span (in) : 15.00 Rise(in): 15.00 Invert (ft): 898.570 Manning's N: 0.013000 Top Clip(in): 0.000 Bot Clip(in): O.QOO LJ . From Node: POND2 To Node: STR619 DOWNSTRE:AH Circular 15.00 15..00 898.420 0.013000 0.000 0.000 lJ Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge ~I headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet'Edge DeSCription: Circular Concrete: Square edge .,,'1 headwall : -1 U Length{ft): 51.00 Count: 1 Friction Eouation: Average Conveyance Solution Algorithm: Automatic Flow: Both Entrance Loss Coef: 0.00 Exit .Loss Coef: 0.00 Bend Loss Coef: 0.00 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use de Or tw Inlet Ctrl Spe.e: Use dn Stabilizer Option: None Name: P3-0UTl Group: BASE -----------------------'-------------~--------~------------~------------------------------------~~~-- r I U UPSTREAM Geometry: Circular Spanlin): 21.00 Rise [in): 21. 00 Invert [ft) : 896.700 Manning's N: 0.013000 Top Clip(inl: 0.000 Bot Clip (in): 0 _ 000 [j " U'. From Node: POND} To Node: OUTLETl DOWNSTRE:J\M Circular 21.00 21. 00 896.490 0.013000 0.000 0.000 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge wi headwall u Downstream FHWA Inle.t Edge Description: Circular Concrete, Square edge wi headwall J u Length (ft) : 70.00 Count: 1 friction Equation:, Average Conveyance Solution Algorithm: Automatic Flow: Both Entrance Loss Coe!: 0.00 Exit Loss Coef: 0.00 Bend Loss Coef:.O.OO Outlet etrl Spec: Use dc Or tw Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use do Stabilizer Option: None Page3 of3 IntercoIUlected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ~2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. u [J u Name; 600-0UT2 Group: BASE Lengthlftl: 145.00 Count: I D UPSTREAM Geometry: Trapezoidal Invert(ft): 897.110 TClplnitZlft): 9999.000 Hanning's N: 0.013DOO Top Clip(ft): 0.000 Bot 'CliPJftj: 0.000 Main XSec: AuxElevl (ft) : Aux XSecl: J>.uxElev2 (ft) : Aux XSec2: Top WidthlftJ: Depth 1ft) : Bot Width 1ft) : I.DDD LtSdSlp(h/v): 3.00 RtSdSlp(h/vi: 3.00 o o o u u ( 1 U u u n U o r 1 U u o o [j from Node: STR600 To Node: OUTLET2 DO,lNSTREAM Trapezoidal 896.8,80 9999.000 0.013000 0.000 0.000 1.000 3.00 3.00 Friction Equation: Average Conveyance Solution Algorithm: Automatic , Flow: Both Contraction Coe f: 0,. ODD Expansion Coef: 0.000 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Exit Loss Caef: 0.000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use de Or tw Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dn Stabilizer Option: Nane Page I of 1 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ~2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. [J u J Name: Pl-603 FroJT\ Node, PONDl Ltongth (ft) ; 264.00 Group; BASE To Nodto; STR603 Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation; Average Conveyance Gtoometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm; Automatic Span I in} ; 12.00 12.00 Flow: Both Rise Un).; 12.00 12.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0,000 Invert 1 ft) : B9B.300 897.380 Exit Loss Coef; 0.000 ~lanning 's N; 0.013000 0.013000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use de ar tw Top Clipanl: 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec; Use dn Bot Clip I in) ; 0.000 0.000 D D Upstream fHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete; Square edge wI headwall u Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description; Circular Concrete: Square edge wI headwall *** Weir 1 of 1 for Drop Structure PJ-603 [J Count; I Type; Vertical: Mavis Flow: BoUI Geometry: Circular TABLE Bottom Cliplinl: 0.000 Top Cliplinl: 0.000 Weir Disc Coei: 3.200 Ori hce Disc Coei; 0.600 u Span1in}; 6:00 Rise1in): 6..00 Invert (ftl ; 898.300 Control Elev(ftl: 898.300 u [J D D u u u J J J J Intercollnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (lCPR) ~2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page 1 of 1 J U' u Name: 002year Filename: S:\37963\Drainage\ICPR\002year.R32 D' Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration (hrs) : 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsii-2~. Rainfall' Amount.lin): 2.93 Time (hrs) Print Inc!min) 30.000 5.00 u -----------------------~------~--------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: OlOyear Filename: S:\37963\Drainage\ICPR\010year.R32 o Override Defaults: Yes' Storm Duration(hrsl: 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsii-24 Rainfall Amount (in): ~ .15 o Time (hrs) Print Inc(min) 30.000 5.00 ----------------------~~-----------------------~~---------------------------------------------~----- Name: 100yeaI:' Filename: S:\37963\Drainage\ICPR\100year.R32 u Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration (hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: 5csii-24 Rainfall Amountlin): 5.75 u Time lhrs) Print Ine {mird 30.000 5.00 o u i' U u u o u [J u r"', U Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ~2002 Streamline Technqlogies, Inc. Page 1 of 1 u C::==J C~ CJ CJ C-'; CJ CJ c::=:J c= c=J CJ ~ ~ c:=J r==J c:=J c= c== c:= Max Time Max War:ning Max Delta Max' Surf Max Time Max Max Time Max Name Group Simulation Stage Stage Stage Stage Area In flo.... Inflow Outflow Outflo.... hrs ft ft ft ft2 hrs cfs h~s cfs OUTLET 1 BASE 010year 12.50 898.740 898.740 0.0050 3 12.15 7.961 0.00 0.000 OUTLET! BASE 100year 12.50 898.740 898.140 0.0050 3 12.16 10.487 0.00 0.000 OUTLETl BASE 2year. 12.50 898.740 898.740 0.0050 3 12.13 5.503 0.00 0.000 OUTLE;T2 BASE 010year 12.50 898.880 898.880 0.0044 911 11. B8 13.450 0.00 0.000 OUTLET2 BASE 10Dyear 12.50 898.B80 8SS.Baa 0.0044 911 12.01 15.543 0.00 0.000 OUTLET2 BASE 2year 12.50 89B.B8D B98.8BO 0.0044 911 11. 96 12.315 0.00 0,000 POND1 BASE 010year 15.31 901.360 904.440 0.0027 <12949 12.00 59.806 17 .80 l.nS PONDl BASE 100year 16.53 902.701 904.440 .0.0060 48792 12.00 87.144 17 .52 1.807 PONDl BASE 2year 14.51 900.298 904.440 0,0010 ,38323 12.00 38.163 17.04 1.154 POND2 BASE 01ayear 13.46 901.128 904.200 0.0021 31756 12.00 31. 054 13.68 3.615 POND2 SASE 100year. 13.60 . 902.509 904.200 0.0041 35966 12.00 41.279 14 .59 5,045 PONa2 SASE 2year 13 .42 900.090 904.200 0.0007 28590 12.08 18.950 15.92 2.2?8 FOND3 BASE OlOyear 12:.19 899.026 902.000 0.0001 34071 12.00 ZO.B? '12.15 1.961 FOND3 BASE loa year 12..21 899.285 902.000 0.0011 34860 12.00 29.105 12.16 10.481 FOND3 . BASI:; 2year 12.16 898.842 902.000 0.0003 33462 12.00 12.906 12.13 5.503 STP.600 BASE 010year 12.50 898.818 898.360 -0.0099 965 12.10 12.511 11.88 13 . 450 STR600 BASE 100year 12.50 898.819 898.360 -0.0099 985 12.04 13.483 12.01 15.543 STR600 BASE 2year 12.50 898.818 898.360 -0.0099 985 12.10 11. 4 80 11.96 12.315 STR601 BASE 010year 12.50 89B.892 900.100 O.OIH 132 12.00 8.992 12.10 12.511 STR601 BASE 100yea~ 12-,50 89B.893 900.100 ~0.O140 132 12.0 i- 12.894 12.04 13.483 8TR601 BASE 2year 12.50 898.891 900.100 "0.0130 132 12.01 6.040 12.10 11.480 STR602 BASE 010year 12.01 899.084 900.500 -0.0018 125 12.00 9.005 12.00 6.992 STR602 BASE 100year 12.01 899.381 900.500 0.0026 124 12.00 12.838 12.01 12.894 STR602 BASE 2year 12.01' 898.90B 900.500 -O.OOlB 171 12.00 5.939 12.01 6.040 STR603 BASE 010year 12.00 699.221 900.250 0.0011 115 12.00 9.093 12.00 9.005 STR603 BASE 100y'ear 12.00 900.051 900.250 -0.0064 115 12.00 12.945 12.00 12.838 STR603 BASE 2year 12.00 898.941 900.250 0.0015 131 12.00 5.963 12.00 5.939 STR619 BASE 010year 13.41 900.835 904.600 -0.0091 111 13.68 3.615 13.68 3..611 STR619 BASE 100year 13.48 901. 916 904.600 -0.0098 111 14.59 5.045 14.59 5.053 STR619 BASE 2year 13 .41 899.914 904.600 -0.0099 111 15.92 2.216 13.45 2.268 STR620 BASE 010year 13 .31 900.454 903.700 -0.0098 119 13.68 3.611 13.69 3.619 STR620 BASE 100year: 13 .29 901. 294 903.100 -0.0099 119 14.59 5.053 14 .03 5.116 8TR620 BASE 2year 13.41', 899.822 903.700 -0.0099 119 13.45 2.268 13 .45 2.268 STR621 BASE 010year: 13.10 900. all 901.650 -0.0097 128 13.62 3.679 13.63 3.681 STR621 SASE: 100year: 12.09 900.832 901.650 -0.0162 117 14.03 5.190 14.03 8.968 S!R621 BAse; 2year 13.36 899.644 901. 650 -0.0097 134 13.35 2.313 13.33 2.313 STR622 BASE: 010year 12,.06 899.175 902.680 0.0031 116 12.00 4.655 12.02 4.543 STR622 BASE 100 year 12..07 900.633 902.680 0.0044 116 12.00 6.170 12.04 6.021 STP,622 BASE 2year 12.09 899.018 902.680 0.0006 150 12.00 2.853 12.02 2.181 STR622A BASE 010year 12.07 899.85.6 902.1BO O. ooa 3 119 13.58 3.755 14.27 4.590 STR622A BASE 100year 12.08 900.719 902.180 0.0162 115 14.03 9.057 14.03 5.561 sm622A BASE 2year 12.09 899.025 90'2.180 0.0006 145 13.27 2.313 13.30 2.378 STR623 BASE 010year 12.07 899.590 904.500 -0.00B5 126 12.02 4.543 12.03 4.493 STR623 BASE 100year 12.08 900.304 904.500 0.0073 126 12.04 6.027 12.05 5.959 STR623 BASE 2year 12.10 898.995 904.500 6.0036 198 12.02 2.787 18.56 2.816 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) cQ2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page 10f2 c=J r--~ r---- J Name C=:J CJ Group ~ c=: r-- : Max Stage ft r- " c=J c=J Mal< Surf Area HZ c. ----: Max Time Inflow hrs c= Max Inflow cfs CJ Max Time Outtlow hrs CJ c=: CJ _ c:::::=J c=J Max Time Simulation Stage hrs Warning Max Delta Stage Stage it ft Max Outflow cfs Interconnected ChalUlel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) <<:l2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page 2 of2 ,.: 'PIPE<,SlZiINf;,' .t i ..C....A.~L....:'..C..'U.......i.;.A':T..I. "'O';:~"N-~'''' 'S' . .- :, I';..'..'>:\t~.: ':',~ .,.'.' ,';. ,-' lJiiA-.:, ,::'.: ~: .'. ._7..., .,:.. . .- "..'~ . ".'-" ',- \ ;" .,; "1. ~ ~ c= c::::: ,--, ~ C-.J .~ c=J c=:; c=J ~ c= c::::::::J c::::::::J c:::::::J Weston Pointe Job# 37963 Post~Developed Site Time of Concentrations Storm CAD Dale: 11/21/03 Basin Sheet Flow Manual (UVI . Descripl~Qf1 n'" L= P,- $= T, _ .OO7{nL)O.S/(P."'.".') Description v= L= T\=LN T e (tolal) To (totall (It) (inlhr' (ftlfI) (hrs) (Ills) (f1) (hr.) (hrs) (minI 603 Grass' 0.15 30 2,66 0.02 00684 Gulter I Swale 2 15 0.0021 0.0704 5.0 505 Grass 0.15 30 2.66 0.02 0.0684 Gutter I Swale 2 . 25 0.0035 0.0716 5.0 606 Grass 0.15 20 2.66 OW 0.0494 Gutter I Swale 2 115 0.0160 0,0654 5.0 607 Grass 0.15 20 2.66 0.02 0.0494 Gutter I SWale 2 375 0.0521 0.1015 6.1 609 Grass 0.15 15 2.66 0.02 0.0393 Gutter I Swale 2 190 0.0264 0.0657 5.0 610 Grass 0,15 15 2.66 0.02. 0.0393 Gutter I Swate 2 200 0.0276 0.0670 5.0 611 Commercial 0.011 30 2.66 0.02. 0.0065 Gutter I Swale 2 30 0.0042 0.0126 5.0 613 Grass 0.15 60 2.66 0.02 0.1498 Gutter / SWEile 2 260 0.0361 0,1859 11.2 615 Grass 0.15 40 2.66 0.02 0.0861 Gutter I Swale 2 165 0.0229 0.1090 6.5 615A Grass 0,15 70 2.66 0.02 0.1346 Gutler I Swale 2 130 0.0181 O~ 1527 9.2 616 Grass 0.15 60 2.66 0.02 0.1190 Gutter r Swale 2 140 0,0194 0.1385 8.3 617 Grass 0.15 60 2.66 0.02 0.1190 Guller I Swale 2 60 0.0083 0.1274 7.6 62.1 Grass 0.15. 64 2,66 - 0.02 0.1253 Guller r.Swale .2 100 0.0139 _ 0.1392 8.4 622 Grass 0.15 45 2.66 0.02 0.0946 . Guller 1 Swafe 2 20 0.0028 0,0973 5.8 622A Grass 0.15 70 2.66 0.02 0,1346 Gulter I Swale 2: 120 0.0167 0.1513 9.1 625 . Grass 0.15 50 2.66 0.02 0.1029 Gutter I Swale 2 20 0.0028 0.1056 6.3 626 Grass 0.15 40 2.66 0.02 0.0861 Gutter I SWate 2 85 0.0116 0.0979 5.9. 627 Grass 0.15 40 2.66 0.02 0.0861 Gutter I Swale 2 80 0.0111 0.0972 5.B 628 Grass 0.15 40 2.66 0.02 0.0861 Gutter / Swate 2 60 O.On1 0.0972 6.8 629 Grass 0.15 90 2.66 0.02 0.1646 Gutler' Swale 2 60 0.0083 0.1730 10.4 631 Grass 0.15 30 2.66 0.02 0.0684 GUtter.' Swale 2 50 0.0069 0.0753 5.0 632 Grass 0.15 20 2.66 0.02 0.0494 Gutler rSwale 2 40 0,0056 0.0550 5.0 633 Grass 0.15 40 2.66 0.02 0.0661 Gutter r Swale 2 35 0.0049 0.0909 5.6 634 Grass 0.15 75 2.66 0,02 0.1423 Guller ( Swale 2 10 0.0014 0.1437 8.6 635 Grass 0.15 20 2,66 0.02 0.0494 Gutler r Swale 2 110 0.0153 0.0647 5.0 636 Grass 0.15 80 2.66 0.02 0.1498 Guller rSwale 2 to 0.0014 0.1512 9.1 637 Grass 0.15 100 2.66 0.02 0,1791 Guller r Swale 2 0 0.0000 0.1791 10.7 639 Grass 0.15 35 2,66 0.02 0,0773 Guller 1 Swafe 2 190 0.0264 0.1037 6.2 640 Grass 0.15 40 2.66 0.02 0.0661 Gutter 1 Swafe 2 190 0.0264 0.1124 6.7 641 Grass 0.15 60 2.66 0.02 0.1190 Gulter I Swale 2 0 0.0000 . 0.1190 7.1 644 Grass 0.15 56 2.66 0.02 0.1126 Gutter 1 Swale 2 116 0.0161 0.1287 7.7 645 Grass 0.15 60 2.66 0.02 0.1190 Gutter I Swate 2 80 0.0111 0.1301 7.8 645A Grass 0.15 45 2.66 0.02 0.0946 Gutler I Swelle 2 100 '0.0139 0.1084 6.5 646 Grass 0.15 40 2.66 0.02 0.0861 Gutter / Swale 2 95 0.0132 0.0992 6.0 647 Grass 0.15 50 2.66 0.02 0.1029 Gutter I Swale 2 60 0.0083 0.1112 6.7 647A Grass 0,15 60 2.66 0.02 0.1190 Gutter / Swale 2 100 0.0139 0.1329 8.0 649 Grass 0.15 40 2.66 0.02 0.0861 Gutter r Swale 2 70 0.0097 0.0958 5.7 650 Grass 0.15 BO 2.66 0.02 0.1498 Gutler r Swale 2 2(l5 0.0285 0.1763 10.7 651 Grass 0,15 80 2.66 0.02 0.1498 Gutler r.Swale 2 240 0.0333 0.1632 11.0 652 Grass 0.15 20 2.66 0.02 0.0494 Guller r Swate 2 120 0.0167 0.0661 6.0 653 Grass 0,15 20 2.66 0.02 0.0494 Guller / Smile 2 140 0.0194 0.0689 5.0 CJ c=J ~ C.-J u Scenario: Design 11/21/03 J Structure Input Report u Structure Area Inlet Time Local Local Label (acres) C of Rational Intensity Concentration Flow (in/hr) (inin) (efs) 603 605 0.34 065 5.00 1.45 6.50 606 0.39 0.35 6.20 0.84 6.14 607 0.95 0.35 6.10 2.07 617 608 609 0.31 0.85 5.00 1.73 6.50 610 0.30 0.85 5.00 1.67 6.50 611 10.06 0.85 5.00 56.03 6.50 614 615 0.49 0.70 6.50 2.09 6.05 615A 0.38 0.70 .9.20 1.40 5.24 616 0.58 0.75 8.30 2.42 5.51 617 0.53 0.34 7.60 1.04 5.72 623 625 0.13 0.34 6.30 0.27 6.11 626 0.29 0.34 5.90 0.62 6.23 627 0.18 0.51 5.80 058 6.26 628 0.16 0.51 5.80 0,51 6.26 629 0.43 0.34 10.40 0.73 4.95 630 631 0.55 0.74 5.00 2.67 6.50 632 0.21 0.72 5.00 1.00 6.50 633 0.31 0.73 5.50 1.45 6.35 634 0.31 0.73 8.60 1.24 5.42 635 0,49 0.73 5.00 2.34 6.50. 636 0,43 0.53 9.10 1.21 5.27 637 0.43 0.45 10.70 0.96 4.92 638 639 0.39 0.50 6.20 1.21 6.14 640 0.45 0.71 6,70 1.93 5.99 641 0.29 0.45 7.10 0.77 5.87 642 643 644 0.30 0.74 7.70 1.27 5.69 645 0.24 0.73 7.80 1.00 566 645A 0.21 0.50 5.50 0.64 505 646 0.35 0.72 6.00 157 6.20 647 .0.38 0.72 6.70 1.65 599 647A 0.20 0.50 8.00 0.56 5.60 648 649 0.44 0.73 5.70 2.04 6.29 650 6.18 0.32 56.10 4.28 2.18 651 0,37 0.39 11.00 0.71 4,88 652 0.87 0.72 5.00 4.10 6.50 653 0.67 0.73 5.00 3.20 6.50 J LJ u u . ] J J u o u u o u u u u Title: 37963_0verall s:\37963\drainage\slorm cad\overall.stm 03/17/04 01 :38:59 PM ~ Haeslad Methods, Inc. Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA u Project Engineer. Dave Stoeppelwerth SlormCAD v5.5 [5.5003) +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of' J Scen~rio: Design 11/21/03 J Pipe Input Report u Label Section Section Constructed Length Upstream Upstream Downstream Downstream Size Shape Slope (ft) Node Invert Node Invert (ftJft) Elevation Elevation (It) (It) 605-603 18.0 x 11 Arch 0.006 70.00 605 897.78 603 897.38 606-605 15 inch Circular 0.002 105.00 606 897.99 605 897.78 607 -606 15 inch Circular 0.002. 231.00 607 898.45 606 897.99 609-608 33 inch Circular 0.003 55.00 609 898.47 60B 898.30 610-609 33 inch Circular 0.003 47.00 610 89861 .609 898.47 611-610 33 inch Circular 0.003 30.00 611 898.70 610 89B.61 615-614 21 inch Circular 0008 71.00 615 898.89 614 898.30 615A-615 18 inch Circular 0.003 35.00 61SA 898.99 615 898.89 616-61 SA 1Sinch Circular 0003 90.00 616 899.26 615A 898.99 617-616 12 inch Circular 0.011 99.00 617 900.30 616 899.26 625-623 . 15 inch Circular 0.003 69.00 625 897.77 623 897.56 626-625 15 inch Circular 0.003 10S.00 626 898.08 '625 897.77 627-626 12 Inch Circular 0003 126.00 627 898.46 626 898.08 628-627 12 inch Circular 0.003 30.00 628 89855 627 898.46 629-628 12 Inch Circular 0.003 103.00 629 898.86 628 898.55 631-630 21 inch Circular 0.003 132.00 631 a98.97 630 898.57 632-631 21 inch Circular 0.003 140.00 632 899.39 631 898.97 633-632 18 inch Circu la r 0.003 78.00 633 899.62 632 899.39 634-633 18 inch Circular 0.003 104.00 634 89993 633 899.62 635-634 15 inch Circular 0.003 104.00 635 . 900.24 634 899.93 636-635 12 inch Circular 0.003 97.00 636 900,57 635 900.24 637-632 12 inch Circular 0.003 86.00 637 900.40 632 900.14 639-638 15 inch Circular 0.019 55.00 639 897,74 638 896.70 640-639 15 inch Circular 0.003 30.00 640 897.83 639 897.74 641-640 12 inch Circular 0.037 55.00 641 899.87 640 897.83 643-642 21 Inch . Circular 0.021 104.00 643 898.88 642 . 896.70 644-643 21 inch Circular 0.003 83.00 644 899.13 643 . 898.88 645-644 1 5 inch Circular . 0.003 208.00 645 899.75 644 899.13 645A-645 12 inch Circular 0.019 20.00 645A 900.12 645 899.75 646-645A 12 inch Circular 0.018 30.00 646 900.67 645A 900.12 647-647A 12 inch Circular 0.025 30.00 647 900.33 647A 899.58 647A-644 12 inch Circular 0.025 18.00 647A 899.58 644 899.13 649-648 21 inch Circular 0.003 64.00 649 898.76 648 898.57 650-649 18 inch Circular 0.003 97.00 . 650 899.06 649 898.76 651-650 12. inch Circular 0.022 150.00 651 902.38 650 899.06 652-649 18 inch Circular 0.005 226.00 652 899.96 649 898.76 653c649 15 inch Circular 0,007 166.00 653 899.94 649 898.76 J u u u lJ J lJ u u u o u u lJ o Tille: 37963_0verall S:\37963\drainage\stann cad\overalLstm 03J171D4D1 :39:17 PM @ Haestad Methods, Inc. Project Engineer: Dave Stoeppelwerth Stoeppelwe.rth & Associates, Inc StormCAD v5:5 [5.5003] 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT D67D8 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 af 1 u [J Scenario: Design 11/21103 Pipe Output Report u o label Section Length Mannings Construcled 'Upstream Upstream Downstream Downstream Average Full Size (ft) n Slope Node Invert Node Invert Velocity Capaclly ( ftlfl) EJ~vation Elevation (ftls) (cfs) (ft) (ft) 605-603 18.0 x 11 70.00 0.013 0.006 605 897.78 603 897.38 4.65 4.16 606-605 15 inch 105.00 0.013 0002 606 897.99 605 897.78 2.68 2.89 607 -606 15 inch 231.00 0.013 0.002 607 898.45 606 897.99 2.55 2.88 609-608 33 inch 55.00 0.013 0.003 609 898.47 608 898.30 5.64 58.80 610-609 33 inch 47.00 0.013 0.003 610. 898.61 609 898.47 5.54 57.73 611-610 33 inch 30.00 0.013 0.003 611 898.70 610 898.61 5.5.6 57.93 615-614 21 inch 71.00 0.013 0.008 615 898.89 614 898.30 5.82 14.44 615A-615 18 inch 35.00 0.013 0.003 615A 898.99 615 898.89 3.55 5.61 616-615A 15 inch 90.00 0.013 0.003 616 899.26 615A 898.99 3.28 3.54 617.616 12 inch 99.00 0.013 0.011 617 900.30 616 899.26 4.01 3.65 625-623 15 inch 69.00 0.013 0.003 625 897.77 623 897.56 3.03 3.54 626-625 15 inch 105.00 0.013 0.003 626 898.08 625 897.77 2.97 3.54 627-626 12 inch 126.00 0.013 0.003 627 898.46 626 898.08 2.76 1.95 628-627 12 inch 30.00 0.013 0.003 628 898.55 627 898.46 2.57 1.95 629-'628 12 inch 103.00 0.013 0.003 629 898.86 628 898.55 2.30 1.95 631-630 21 inch 132.00 0.013 0.003 631 898.97 630 898.57 4.11 8.68 632-631 21 inch 140.00 0.013 0.003 632 899.39 631 898.97 3.99 8.68 633-632 18 inch 78.00 0.013 0.003 633 899.62 632 899.39 3.68 5.75 634-633 18 inch 104.00 0.013 0.003 634 899.93 533 899.52 3.53 5.75 635-634 15 inch 104.00 0.013 0.003 635 900.24 .634 899.93 3.24 3.54 636-635 12 inch 97.00 0.013 0.003 1?35 900.57 535 900.24 2.73 2.07 637-632 12 inch 86.00 0.013 0.003 637 900.40 632 900.14 2.48 1.96 639-638 15 inch 55.00 0.013 0.019 639 897.74 638 896.70 6.93 8.88 640-639 15 inch 30.00 0.013 0.003 640 897.83 639 897.74 316 3.54 641-640 12 inch 55.00 0.013 0.037 641 899.87 640 897.83 5.78 6.86 643-642 21 inch 104.00 0.013 0.021 643 898.88 642 896.70 8.01 22.94 644-643 21 inch 83.00 0,013 0.003 1?44 899.13 643 898.88 3.91 8.70 645-644 15 inch 208.00 0.013 0.003 645 899.75 644 899.13 3.23 3.53 645A-545 12 inch 20.00 0.013 0.019 645A 900.12 645 899.75 6.00 4.85 646-64 SA 12 inch 30.00 0.013 0.018 646 900.67 645A 900.12 5.49 4.82 647-647A 12 inch 30.00 0.013 0.025 647 900.33 647A 899.58 6.23 5.63 647A-644 12 inch 18.00 0.013 0.025 647A 899.58 644 899.13 6.66 5.63 649-648 21 inch 64.00 0.013 0.003 649 898.76 648 898.57 4.06 8.63 650-649 18 inch 97.00 0013 0.003 650 899.06 649 898.76 3.66 5.84 651-650 12 inch 150.00 0.013 0.022 651 902.38 650 899.06 '470 5.30 652-649 18 inch 226.00 0.013 0.005 652 899.96 649 898.76 4.41 7.65 653-649 15 inch 166.00 0,013 0.007 653 899.94 649 898.76 4.62 5.45 J o o u u o D o u u o o D u o Title: 37963_0verall s:\37963\drainage\storm cacl\overall.stm 03f17fD4 01 :39:21 PM ~ Haestad Methods, Inc. Project Engineer: Dave Stoeppelwerth Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc Storm CAD v5.5 [5.5003] 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-75S-1666 Page 1 of 1 u U' Scenario: Design 11/21/03 u Pipe Output Report II D label Section Length Constructed Upstream Hydraulic Downstream Hydraulic Total System Size (ft) Slope Node Grade Node Grade System Intensity . (ftIft) Line In Line Out Flow (in/hr) (ft) (ft) (cfs) 605-803 180x 11. 70.00 0.006 605 898.37 603 897.95 3.84 5.52 606-605 15 inch 105.00 0.002 606 898.88 605 898.44 2.70 5.72 607-606 15 inch 231.00 0.002 607 899.25 606 898.88 2.07 6.17 609-808 33 inch 55.00 0.003 609 900.53 608 900.10 58.79 6.43 610-609 33 inch 47.00 0.003 610 900.72 609 900.53 57.46 6.47 . 611-610 33 inch 30.00 0.003 611 900.82 610 900.72 56.03 6.50 615-614 21 inch 71.00 0.008 615 899.82 1514 899.12 6.41 5.19 615A-{i15 18 inch 35.00 0.003 615A 899.98 615 899.82 4.65 5.24 616-615A 15 inch 90.00 0.003 616 900.25 615A 899.98 3.42 5.51 617-616 12 inch 99.00 0.011 617 900.73 616 900.25 1,04 5.72 625-623 15 inch 69.00 0.003 625 898.47 623 898.15 2.18 4.68 626-625 15 inch 105.00 0.003 626 898.76 625 898.47 2.00 4,75 627-626 12 inch 126.00 0,003 627 899.14 626 898.76 1.56 4.84 628-627 12 inch 30.00 0.003 628 899,18 627 899.14. 1.12 4.86 629-628 12 inch 103.00 0.003 629 899.30 628 899.18 0,73 4.95 631-630 21 inch 132.00 0.003 631 900,33 630 899.66 8.62 4.78 632-631 21 inch 140.00 0.003 632 900,61 631 900.33 6,76 4.85 633-632 18 inch 78.00 0.003 633 900.79 632 900.61 5.14 4.91 634-633 18 inch 104.00 0.003 634 900,96 633 900.79 4.07 4.97 635-634 1.5 inch 104.00 0:003 635 901.18 634 900.96 3.01 509 636-635 12 inch 97.00 0.003 638 901.27 835 901.18 1.21 5.27 637-632 12 inch 86.00 0.003 637 900.89 632 900.61 0.96 492 639-{i38 1 5 inch 5500 0.019 639 898.52 638 897.27 3.75 5.77 6400639 15 inch 30.00 0.003 640 898.62 639 898.52 2.64 5.82 641-640 12 inch 55.00 0,037 641 900.24 640 698.62 0,77 5.87 643-642 21 inch 104.00 0.021 643 899.78 642 897,31 5.95 5.23 644-643 21 inch 83.00 0.003 644 900.19 643 899.79 6,07 5.34 645-644 15 inch 208.00 0,003 645 900.67 644 " 900.19 3.04 5.66 645A-645 12 inch 20,00 0.019 645A 900.75 645 900.67 2.18 6.05 645-645A 12 inch 30.00 0.018 646 901.20 .645A 900.75 1.57 6.20 647-647A 12 inch 30.00 0,025 647 900.88 647A 900.20 1.65 599 647A-644 12 inch 18.00 0.025 647A 900.20 644 900.19 2,11 5.60 649-648 21 inch 64.00 0.003 649 899.99 648 899.50 7,70 2.17 650-649 18 inch 9700 0.003 650 900.16 649 899.99 4.60 2.18 651-650 12 inch 150.00 0.022 651 902:73 650 900.16 0.71 4.88 652-649 18 inch 226.00 0.005 652 900.74 649 899.99 4,10 6.50 653-649 15 inch 166.00 0.007 653 900:66 649 B99.99 3.20 6.50 o o D u J u u J J o '--' u J J ., J J Title: 37963_0lierall s:\37963\drainage\storm cad\ollerall.stm 03/17/04 01 :39:26 PM @ Haestad Methods, Inc, Project Engineer: Dave Stoeppelwerth Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc StormCAD v5.5 [5.5003J 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 J