HomeMy WebLinkAboutDrainage Report 06-22-07 o u o ~ o U J U U U U U U U U lJ U U U Surveying CI Site Design D Civil Engineering 0 Urban Planning . Water Quality ~ ~ ~.' RtCE/l![J) JUb, . ,^ ~ Civil qesigns 241 5 Directors Row Ste.E Indianapol'is, In 46241 317-244-1968 FAX-244-1969 DOCS DRAINAGE REPORT FOR WESTON POINTE RETAIL CENTER OUTLOT #3 11145 NORTH MICHIGAN ROAD CARMEL, INDIANA 1~~t2L \,,,1111"1 ..'\' S M 'I, ..... ~. .,0', ........ ~ ,,"v ..... ",,(:;.', ~ ~:-.G\STi:~"."r\ ~ ~ ~ ..~~ ~O'. '--<- ~ .. .., . . ,~ .,. - . NQ ~ ~ :: :1(.: PE910337 :.:: ~ :.. STATEOF ,: $ ...-1:}. ,a:-- ~ ~o '. .0t.D'A..\~..'lt; ~ ;. ~ .., \....... ~v .. " '!:-. ' . . . . . o~....... 'I, &SIONAL ~~ ........ '1, ", ""..1\\ June 22, 2007 Easement Preparation . Construction Staking . Permitting . Construction Services I :0 I I ~D I U Drainage Report Weston Point~ Retail Center - Lot # 3 u [J U iJ Table of Contents Summary... ...... .................................... .................. ............... ...........................2 Appendix A Maps Appendix B Existing Omditions Appendix C Proposed Conditions Appendix D Inlet Capacity Worksheets Appendix E Water Quality " , J o LJ u c 1 U u u o o u o u u u Weston l>ointe Retail Center - Lot # 3 U.S. 421 & Weston Pointe Drive u u Introduction: The existing 1.22 +/- acre site is located on the east side of u.s. 421 in the City of Cumel, Hunilton Co1.11ity, Indiana. Currently the site is vacant with only rough grading and a row of curbing along the west side. This lot is located at the Nonh West comer of the overall development known as Weston Pointe Retail Center. Utilities including stormwater and sanitary have been stubbed to the site for connectlon. The proposed construction will include a 7,900 sf retail building its associated parking and utilities. Water quality will be provided by an Aqua-swirl AS-l forthe proposed conditions prior to the release into the existing underground pipe network u o u u Existing Conditions: (Appendix B) The existing site currently drains through sheet flow from two basins. Basin A flo'iVS to the west and into an existing endsection located on the sitt:;. Stonnwater entering the endsection flows south and eventually drains into the overall site pond. Basin B flo'iVS east and south to an existing pavement inlet. Flow entering the inlet will flow sLghtly east and south through an existing underground pipe I network, and will eventually drain into the overall site pond. Both basins are primarily grass and bare earth with a five foot concrete sidewalk nmning along the north edge of the site. Tills walk is the onlyirnpervious area in the two basins. The 10-Yeartotal nUloff from the site is 1.34 cfs. o u r 1 U U U U Existing Soil Types: Brookston (Br) Silty Oay Loam... ... ....... ... ... ... .Type B G-osby(OA.) SiltyClayLoam...... ............ ...... ...Type C LJ o o u u 07-170 - Drainage Repon 2 J u u u Proposed Conditions: (Appendix C) The proposed constmction calls for a 7,968 sf retail building its associated parking and utilities, see Proposed Basins Map C1. Run-off from the site will drain through the proposed undergroWld pipe network to the existing inlet located at the southeast carner of the lot. From the inlet stormwater nm-off -.vill flaw south to the existing overall site pond, Lake 1. Please see the attached drainage report for Weston Paiute Section 1, prepared by Christopher M Figueroa at Stoeppelwerth and Associates an December 15, 2003 and revised March 17, 2004. Also see the included Post Developed IG'R Basins. This site is part of the 10.20 Acre Basin 608. This basin was developed expecting a fully developed commercial site. A curve number of 90 was used far the entire site and a composite C value of 0.85. Composite C values for this site are calculated as 0.63,0.61,0.64,0.82 and 0.63 v.~th an overall value of 0.70. Time of concentration values are the minimum allowable at 5.0 minutes. These values meet the design standards assumed while designing the site pond. r . U u u u Please refer to the attached Proposed Drainag;e Basins exhibit on page C1 that outlines the proposed watersheds for each proposed and existing' inlet. Interconnected pipes were designed with the Rational Method, and sized for the lO-year frequency rainfall event. Total site nm-off in the proposed condition is 5.33 cfs. o u [J U Analysis Method: Stonn Sewer Camputations: Computations far storm sewers to be constructed for the proposed site during this phase of the development have be~n completed. The interconnected pipes were designed with the Rational Method, and sized for the 10-year frequency rainfall event. 1nese computations are shown on in Appendix C The following sununarizes the results of the analysis: Return Interval = 10 years Contributing Basins = see page Cl Rational RWloff Coefficient, C = see page C2 Time of Omcentration, T c = ass umed 5 min. Rainfall Intensity, i = see page C3 Total Runoff, Q = GA Pipe Full Capacity = (1.49/ n)(pd2/ 4)(( pd2/ 4)/ ( pd))2/3(S)05 n = Manning's Roughness Coefficient = 0.013 for RCP Pipes d = Diameter of Pipe (feet) s = Slope of Pipe u u u u u u u I I IU I U iD Ie u u :u u u U D [J U U U o Water Quality: (Appendix E) Water quality was determined using the water quality volume methodology. A corresponding CWYe Number (CNwq) is computed utilizing the following equation: CNwq = 1000/ (10 + 5P + 10Qa- 10 (Qa2 + 1.25QaP) ) Rv = 0,05 + 0.009 (1) C1\fwq = curve number for water quality storm event P = 1" (rainfall for water quality storm event) Qa = runoff volume, in inches = 1~. x Rv = Rv (inches) Rv = volumetric runoff coefficient I is the percent impervious cover A CNwq was computed to be 97 (see Appendix E). A depth of 1" and duration of 24 hours was used in the SC:S Type II storm event. The results gave a peak flow of 0.46 cfs. See WlIlTR-20 input and results in Appendix E. An Aqua-swirl AS-2 capable of treating a peak flow of 1.ods was chosen to treat the flow. Summary: The proposed design will ensure proper ~age by conveying storm water at an adequate velocity through the proposed pipe network toward the dry detention. As a result, the storm water design effectively manages the runoff from the site without burdening downstream property-owners. r-' LJ u u 07-170 - Drainage Repan 4 I U U U U U U U U U U U U U Appendix A Maps u u u o u o 07-170 - Drainage Repan 5 D C:=> I PROJECT LOCATION MAP OWN BY: MAT WESTON pblNTE - LOT 3 CHKD~ BY: JMP U U.S. 421 & WESTON POINTE DRIVE SCALE: NjA CARMEL, INDIANA DATE: U U 0 D ~ "- 0 U 0 U 0 U J 0 U [J 0 ~.- ~--- ~ ~ . U --.." 0-- "- EO ~~C-~.~:~;' ." SH$ET 1 OF 1 U p 317-244 1968 241 5 Dire~tors Row Ste.E f 317-244-1969 Indianapolis, In 46241 c:=; c=:: Ll c-=; CJ ~ c= c= c=: 'tl tJ w ...., I N -I> .. I en C'l 00 tv --I> :J ~ ~V'1 (f} "' ~ 9 I "' fTl 'tl oj m o " -I ~ =-8 _1.11 ~ Z 3" ;c 0 ::) 0 " 0 ... :E Q"1 0 N V1 Arl _(1) rn .." W ...., I N A ... I <0 en <0 o '0 W '00" C-~ ZONE X ~. a ST ~ TREBAH CtR HOUNDS CROSSING .. e:. WINDWARD 'NY c= ~ c.J In :r: m ,... '" o c: :Il Z m c== C=J c=J ~ . APPROXIMATE SCALE 1000 0 t--I I-:-l ~ ~,t-::7.-t'" ., 1000 FEET J NATlON4L FLOOIl INSURANCE PROGRAM fiRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP HAMIl.TON COUNTY, INDIANA AND INCORPORATED AREAS (SEE MAP INDEX F-OR PANElS NOT f:'f'.1N'T1S0] Il(lJMB~R PANEL ~ ""'" "" ...., om ,..,., "" MAP NUMBER 18057C0205F EFFECTIVE DATE: FEBRUARY 19, 2003 Federal Emerreney M&nllgement Agency This. is an official eoP)' of a portion of tt1e above referenced flood map. It was eidractad lJ'Sing F-MIT On--Un~. This map does not reflect ohangos. Or arY1~l'ldmen-l~ wh'~h may have ~een made e.ub6eql.lent to the date Oil the title bloek. Fortht! lates.t product fnformatlor'l about National FJood Insursr1ce Pregram "ood maps. eheekthe FEMA Flood Map Store at WNW. msc.fema. !;lOll ~-: C:~ n 5: o I'D VI ~ ::::l V1 (\ -=: ::::=- V c~ VlITl VI .f.>..-, N n 0 )> Qo Z "'T1 ;::0<:: - -s: M=i~ '-0;;:0 ~~O~ '0- ZZZ~ ~\J'-'''''''''' :t> 0 ITl ,.lo'" ~ ~ I -0 rTlr 00 ~.-, m W o ~ f1:1 (f) (J ;to> r m (J I A o OJ :-> o ~ z rn ~ o m ~ ~ '- s: "tJ s: :>> ..., IV Z ~ ~ o o '-.J u o J o o u u u U J U U J ......, u o U J U U Appendix B Existing Conditions 07-170 - Drainage Repon 6 , , , \-}-- I' ' \~ . I' '. i \" \ '\\ ~ '.I \' \';' . \ ' ." ;l' 'I \.':,~, r \& "i ~ ~ V, '% \ ~ l' ? I ~ \. (Il I ~ \ . , c:::. \' , "\ r[J \ .. ~ 1, J> , ~ ' \\ t:i \" \'-"" \ I I I" \. ", I' I, \,'. " I I \, V: '. I \, \" " ~,., \',,," \ . , ", I . I. ,. \ I I I ;. I I \, ~ \ '. I I . I' I I. I . I' I: I I,. . V.. \ (. L ~ c--: P 31 7-244-J 968 c:~ Civil Designs c=J I I I 1 \ III \ ~ \ \ c<;~C ''-,- Basin A , \h" '-,- .38,104 sf '\. ',1 i'\,... '-'-'-,- 0.875 acres / / '\~ \ ....... '. '- ..,~'i. '\' 5,'-.. '- /",,,0 I, 'I (1" ". '- ..',,1. ',1 'II 0,........... /,!J II \ '.?J~ ~i',. '- '- ,/';'J 0 ,I', 'I 0,,< ............. fa ..' 1'1. 'I', \. ......... '- / '...~1 \ ...~... ~', 1~ \ \', ",Il 'I "1 '" '" \\ \"'-''> 1\ \ '... \. '. I , t\ \ II \, , . '\ II '\ I \ \ .1 'I I. \ I, , '\ I, \ \ ~. " C:::J c::= . , , , , \,/ , , . , , . , . , , , c.~ C:] CJ C=J c== ./" \ ,- ~ \// -- .",J . " ,/ / / 942 SF IMPERVIOUS CONCRETE SIDewALK \ I I \ ',1 II . , . , . , , , , , . \ \ \ " '- '- c:= c:= c=-= c::=J c::=J -'- 1,021 s.r INlFiERVIQuS CONCFi!tlE SI[lEWAlK Basin 8 15,056 sf 0..346 ocres '--Ii ..,_..,_."-,.._,,.~~o "--;~o-t .,~~ \ \ \ \ \(D ~. ,~ ..... ---____ ..,05 -~--------...,~-.. '0, SHEET 1 OF 1 2415 Directors Row Ste.E Indianapolis, In 46241 Existing Basins Map Weston Poi nte - Outlot 3 Carmel, Indiana c::=; c= c=J ~ \ \ \ \ j'''' / I./~ I I II / r....'-l! I IJ' / ~ Ii /" ~ ";-1 /~ II ,j--.. ........'1 ...,,(1 ........,........, t , '" ............,1 ~ ~'),\ j;i ~ ~ il / II jI Ii # I, .:f' U ,Ii )/ II II If :-~,~- -- - - - - - -- - - ~I\ '-;:~ .II '\ \, 0..... J! \ .:;; \ -"',~~-.._ \. il \ qf'\ '"", ~ I II \ '\- ?! ~~_~, Vr \ ;, ,~I ",,~, ,~ \ __---\ Ii \\ ',' c.JJ.. I _--\:-- II ~.J\~~\'\ \ II ~ \ ',I \ II I;, \ 'I, I \ '~"\\ \ \\ \ \ II. II \ I,' 't~1 '\~i, \\ B 1''.~:~// ...... -- \\, -- -- ~ ,r' ./ \\ \ \ II \ I II , \ ',I \ \ " \ .\ " \ .\ \\ \ ,\ I \ \ I '. ("'<\ f 317-244-1969 DWN BY: MAT CHKD. BY: DMG SCALE: N/A DATE: 06}07}2007 u Exising Conditions u o Civil Designs Project No. 07-170 I By MAT Project Weston Pointe Retail Center - Lot 3 Date 6/11/2007 Location U.S. 421 & Weston Pointe Drive Checked JMP Description Exisitng Composite C Computations Date 6/11/2007 Runoff I Coefficient I Impervious Area = 0.90 I Greenspace = 0.20 Gravel/Stone = 0.80 I BASINS I Basin A Impervious Area Greenspace Stone Total Total Composite (ft"2) (ft"2) I (ft"2) (ft^2) (Acres) .C" 942 37,162 0 38,104 0.875 0.22 Basin B Impervious Area Greenspace Stone Total Total Composite (ft"2) (ft"2) (ft^2 ) (ft"2) (Acres) '"e" , 1,021 14,035 0 15.056 0.346 0.25 I Total Site I Impervious Area Greenspace Stone Total Total I Composite (ft"2) (ft^2) (ft^2 ) (ft"2) (Acres) "C" 1,963 51,197 0 53,160 1.220 0.23 I I I I u u u u u u u u u u u D [J u u 82 J u Time of ConcentrationlTravel Time Worksheet u Civil Designs Project No. Project Location Description 07-170 Weston Pointe Retail Center - Lot 3 U.S. 421 & Weston Pointe Drive Existing Time of Concentration - Basin A D u Basin A D SHEET FLOW (Applicable to T conly) 1. Surface description 2. Manning's roughness coefficient, n 3. Flow length, L (total L 5. 300 ft) 4. two-year, 24-hour rainfall, P2 5. Land slope, s 6. T. = [0.007(nL)0'~/[Pt5s0.4] ................................... ftIft ComputeTt .......... hr Segment 10 ............... ft .............................. in u u n source: P2 source: u SHALLOW CONCENTRATED FLOW SegmfOnt ID 7. Surface description (paved or unpaved) 8. Flow length, L ................................... fI 9. Watercourse slope, s .............................. fllfI 10. Average velocity, v .............................. fils 11. Tt=(Uv)/3600 ComputeT, .......... hr u o v = 20.3282(s)0.5 for paved surfaces v = 16.1345(s)0.5 for unpaved surfaces u CHANNEL FLOW Segment ID 12. Cross sectional flow area, a ......................... ft2 13. Wetted perimeter, Pw ................................... ft 14. Hydraulicradius,r=a/Pw Computer ..........ft 15. Channel slope, s ......................................;...... fllfI 16. Manning's roughness coefficient, n ............... 17. v=(1.49r2J3s1/2)1n Compute v .......... fils 18. Flow length, L ......................... ft 19. Tt = (Uv)/3600 Compute Tt .......... hr u u o n source: o 20. Total Time of ConcentrationlTravel Time u u J Basin A 07-170 - Te Worksheet.xls 83 o By Date Checked Date MAT 06/11/2007 JMP 06/11/2007 A- B Total I Grass/Earth 0.150 72 2.64 0.010 0.182 0.182 I B-C Total I Unpaved 81 0.0.12 2.25 0.010 0.010 I Total I 0.000 I hours = minutes = 0.19 11.54 u Time of ConcentrationfTravel Time Worksheet u Civil Designs Project No. Project Location Description 07-170 Weston Pointe Retail Center - Lot 3 U.S. 421 & Weston Pointe Drive Existing Time of Concentration - Basin B u o Basin B [J SHEET FLOW (Applicable 10 Tc only) 1. Surface description 2. Manning's roughness coefficient, n 3. Flow lenglh, L (tolal L 5 300 ft) 4. two-year, 24-hour rainfall, P2 5. Land slope, s 6. T,'" [0.007(nLt~/[P2o.5s0.4] SegmenllD .......... ..... ft .............................. in u .................................... ftlft Compute Tt .......... hr u n source: P2 source: u SHALLOW CONCENTRATED FLOW Segment ID 7. Surface description (paved or unpaved) 8. Flow length, L ................................... ft 9. Watercourse slope, s .............................. ft/ft 10. Average velocity, v .................. IUs 11. T,"'(Uv)/3600 ComputeTt ......... hr u u v = 20.3282{s)05 for paved surfaces v", 16.1345{s)O.5 for unpaved surfaces u CHANNEL FLOW Segment ID 12. Cross sectional flow area, a ......................... If 13. Wetted perimeter, Pw ................................... ft 14. Hydraulic radius, r'" alP w Compute r ..... ..... ft 15. Channel slope, s ............................................. ftlft 16. Manning's roughness coefficient, n ............ ... 17. v = {1.49r2l3s1/2)/n Compute v.......... ftls 18. Flow length, L ..................,...... ft 19. Tt = (Uv)/3600 Compute Tt .......... hr u u u n source: u 20. Total Time of ConcentrationfTravel Time u u u Basin B 07-170 - Tc Worksheet.xls B4 u By Date Checked Date MAT 06/11/2007 JMP 06/11/2007 A-D Total I Grass/Earth 0.150 138 2.64 0.010 0.307 0.307 I Total -I Unpaved 0.000 I Total 1 0.000 I hours = minutes '" 0.31 18.42 u Storm Drain Flow Tabulation Form r -~, u Civil Designs Project No. Project Location Description 07-170 Weston Pointe Retail Center - Lot 3 U.S. 421 & Weston Poi':1te Drive Rational Flow Worksheet By Date Checked Date MAT 8/11/2007 JMP 8/11/2007 u Design Storm Frequency = 10-Year u DRAINAGE AREA "A" RUNOFF COEFFICIENT "C" "A" x "C" Increment Total In Section RAINFALL INTENSITY TOTAL RUNOFF o STRUCTURE '~ U [J u u J u u u u o u u u u Rational Runoff - 10-Year 07~170 . Storm Sewer Design Worksheet-xis C5 o u u u u u u u u u u o U J U o c o u Appendix C Proposed Conditions 07-170 - Drainage Report 7 ~ I' , I. \.; , ~ ' I I.' I I I . \:. '. I, , I ' I' I" I I \. " I . \; ~ \ ' -' \ ?:. \ "50 \:' ~\ o I~ ~I I r-: I, e \'" '!' I' ~ .\> 1\ ' to ;. ..> \" ,ol." .../ \ " I I', , ~-. I . I. , I' I" I.,' I I' \.. ", \'" . I I' I, I I' I \ \ .. I " \ " I " \ '. \ : \. '. . \ . I . \." I I. I I., I" I' I I y, I I' " I' c= c=J c:=J \\ P 31 7-244-1968 c:~ Civil Designs r:-- -; L-:: C~ L -~ c=J c:=J CJ c=. c== c== c:== c:::J c= c:= ~ L ~ " .. " . "'oj, " BO$il"1 100 16,2132" Sf 0.37-4 Il;Icre, ...- .-. I? /','/' . / ." . /1 /" " ,~ II / 'J' ."--. II /. # "--.f ,,;-~ I' . .J( ''o..'-i' I? '0.. Ii'. ~~ ~"II '. <<. ....fI <:"".~'-~ /1 "'4 \ ./ ~. i/ II il .t' II I II ,t. . .y- Ir /I II n 'i 'v,- ,Ii .............;~...:::'- }jl ~"--0 il \ ~~ if \ \ ",. -:..' \ II \ I '''<;1'= \ II \ \ 1/0' 'I' I I II YI\, 1\ I I II ~..::.. ~l/-~-/ II <~ .J'I-~ \ I II r \ 'II. \ \ .~ II I \1 I I .,~. \ \\ \ \ \. II I II \ ' 'I. I 'I \~)i l 1\\ \\ 'II ~\ \1 ~, t. \, \ ~\ \. 'I. C1 1.\ \\ '1\ \ \ \\. \ II. I I \ '.1 \ 4=:;.. It II SHEET 1 OF 1 241 5 Dire~tors Row Ste.E Indianapolis, In 46241 f 317-244-1969 Proposed Basins Map Weston Pointe - Outlot 3 DWN BY: MAT CHKD. BY: DMG SCALE: N/A DATE: 06/07 (2007 Carmel, Indiana u Proposed Conditions D u Civil Designs Project No. 07-170 I By MAT Project Weston Pointe Retail Center - Lot 3 Date 6/8/2007 Location U.S. 421 & Weston Pointe Drive. I Checked JMP Description I Proposed Composite C Computations I Date 6/8/2007 I I Runoff Coefficient I Impervious Area = 0.90 Greenspace = 0.20 Gravel/Stone = 0.80 I BASINS Basin 100 Impervious Area Greenspace Stone Total Total Composite (ft^2) (ft^2) I (ft^2) (ft"2) (Acres) "Cn 9,920 6,362 0 16,282 0.374 0.63 I Basin 101 Impervious Area Greenspace Stone Total Total Composite (ft^2) I (ft"2) (ft^2) (ft^2) (Acres) "C" 7,076 5,154 0 12,230 0.281 0.61 [ I I Basin 102 I I Impervious Area Greenspace Stone Total Total Composite (ft"2) (ft"2) (ft^2) (ft^2) (Acres) IICH 1,876 1,094 0 2,970 0.068 0.64 Basin 103 Impervious Area Greenspace Stone Total Total Composite (ft^2) (ft"2) (ft^2) (ft(2) I (Acres) "C" 18,194 2,350 I 0 20,544 0.472 0.82 I I Basin 1 06 I Impervious Area Greenspace Stone Total Total Composite (ft^2) (ft"2) (ft"2) (ft^2) (Acres) "cn 704 I 429 0 1,133 0.026 0.63 I Total Site 1 Impervious Area Greenspace Stone I Total Total Composite (ft^2) (ft^2) (ft^2) I (ft^2) (Acres) "e" 37,770 15,389 0 53,159 1.220 0.70 u r ' U u u [J r' U u u ,~ u u J o J o u C2 c= c=:: CJ C:=;.' c=: CJ ~-: c= CJ c=J c=J C=~ c=; c=J c...: ~ c: c=: CJ Storm Drain Flow Tabulation Form Civil Designs Project No. Projem Loca.tion Description 07.170 WestQrl Points. Retail Ca.mer - Lot 3 U.S. 421 & Westofl P'ointe DtiW'e 5tClrm Sewer S~ziJ1g CornputatloilS B~ Date CheC''''' Date MAT ~1612a07 JMP 61312007 Design Storm FrcqlJ6ricy = 1o-Y~a.r ManninG's n:= 0.013 OAAINAGe AREA "A" FLOW TIME VeLOCITY RIM ELEVATION INVERT eLeVATION COVER STRUCTURE LENGTH RVNO~~ "A.x.CR RAINFALL TOTAL ~I~E SLOPE OF FVLL To'Uppilr INTENSITY RUNOFF .OIAMETER SEWER CAPACITY U/S D/S U/S DIS urs StJumuTli! DiSSth.ldure 111~reme,.,t Total COEFFICIENT I"Seelion Flowing Full DeS~rifk>>w End Structure Structure StructUfD Struclure .C' ,ft/.) ,ft, (ft) in) [ft) ift) ViS DIS (ft) (a.cres.} [acres) Irlcr.emont Total (minI (min) . (Inlllr) [efs) (ft) " (cf.) lft/sJ IA) 100 i01 16, 0.37 037 0.33 0.24 0.24 6.00 1.0B 6:00 1.~' 1.00 0.32 2.02 2.67 904.56 9(l4.95 901.75 901.22 1.9:) 2.57 101 102 145 0.23 0,65 0,1'1 0.17 0.41 6.0B 0.~3 ~56 2.68 1.25 0,24 3.17 2.6~ 004,95 905.06 901.22 900.67 2.29 275 102 104 9 0.07 0,72 0.64 0.04 0.45 7,01 006 3,26 2.e3 1.25 0.24 3,17 2.59 905.06 905.70 900m 900.65 2.75 3.41 103 104 80 0.47 0.47 0.32 0.39 0.39 5,00 0.46 8.96 2.70 1.25 0.30 3.55 2.89 004.85 905.70 901.09 900.85 232 3.41 1M 105 7 1,19 - 0.64 7m 0,03 8.28 5.2. 1.25 0.75 5.Bl 4.57 00510 905.70 900. ~5 900.79 3.41 3.47 105 lU6 ~ 0.03 1.22 Q,63 0.02 0.85 7.10 0.02 6.25 5.33 1.28 0.75 5,61 '.57 90510 905.00 900.79 900.76 3.47 2.B1 StQm1 S.eWfJr- 1Ll-Voar [1'7.170 ~ Slorm S.wo&r DABIg:n Wcrkshilut.x:le C3 u u u o ~ D U U lJ D U U U U o U U r' U J 07 -170 - Drainage Report Appendix D Inlet Capacity Worksheets 8 U D . 0 U U U U LJ U U 0 r ' U U U U U J t 0 U tV '9 8 7 . Discharge vs Depth On Grate \rJ,,(S~ GASc SL~,,<:,,;o -tr N<truk 12.-340'5' Co:. 0.,.,3 I' ~.98 6 f\:: O:~7 Q'" 1.\03.:...(. 5 -<<(4 w c:: <- Z w a.. 3 o ..: u.. C) ,CJ) I ~2 .< ~ t? u.. o <( w c:: <( 1 .9 .8 .7 .5 "." .............. ........., 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 W J- 10 -<( 9 a::: 8 0 7 ....5 6 ~. o 5 ~ t- 4 w ~ 0::: 3 .< J: u tI) - o ~ ~ >. ~ '-.~" "~ "''', ",,", '" ''-" 2 ''"' .'.... ", 1 6.....V<-Nt{ 100 ArL~ ",\.S . u w (/) << W Q.. ... . I- u... . ::> u Lcs~ o. s' ':'>" !l "''''j ", ", . ..... . c'..... -..................,. ~ 10 9 8 7 6 5..: u.. 4, ..,w .)... -< a:: 'C) 2ci:: w > o J: I- Q.. lW .9 a .8 :z .7 ~ .6 ~ .5 .4 .3 u u u u u o u (I u D D U U o o o u u u o .~ .~:~ ,v 9 8 7 6 5 <4- w lI.1:: <<( Z w 11.3 o ...: II.. o U) I ~2 < ~ C> LL. o <( W 0:: < 1 .9 .8 .7 .6 .5 . Discharge vs Depth On Wor~~ '-"'i;<:. S'-'-'c",rlC h,r r-ht.....h .12-'34'5'5-'- C ::: 0.132 i ~ (.., 96' C\: Ot~1 Goo; 'L"O \\ \, '\ '~\\ ~\,,\.... " '. \. \\ \\. \ , -, , 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 , . '\ \ -, W t- .oC( 0::: 8 C) -7': ,_ J: ....C) 6 ::Ii: o 5 a:: x: ~ \ \ '\'" 4 " \ , 3 "'" , 2 1 14n" -= z.(& u w V) a: w 0.. ... . l- LL. . ;:) -u w C> a::: 4: J: "U 1t, .....\ 0\ \ \ '\, \ -, ~, '. \ , \<',\ "'\'c ~ , ~ 0 'L&-'1 . Grate $t.--",<-\1Ir~lS 101, 103 10 9 8 7 6 5.,.: IL 4 I 3~ <( -at: 'C> 2~ w > o J: D- o.. 1 w .9 0 sO::: . w .7< .6 ?; .5 .4 .3 Discharge vs Depth On Grafe Co b,..,4 ~ :; G'111 - A -~ 0 Of "k<."","" e.- ~ul 0 5+ru~~"':' IC2 o.r,c ::: I. D Q ~ D32 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 u w V) ~ w CL. 10 9 8 7 6 5...: u.. 4) 30 " . I- u... 20 w 31- -< .~ ~ 20:: w > o W I- 10 <( 9 OJ:: 8 C> -7 -_ , :J: .,C) 6 ::>- o 5 ~ .... 3 w e" ~ -< :x: u V) - a :r: to- a.. 1 w .9 a a:: .8 w .7< .6 ~ .5 .4 4 ~ ~, ~ '''''''~ ~~" ~ 0 t..c.~. .3 U J o U u u o u u u Appendix E Water Quality o u u ~, U U J LJ U U 07-170 - Draillage Report 9 c:::..: c=J c:= ~ Civil Design Porject No. Project Name Location Description Total Site Pervious (if) 15389 C:=-~ C=~ c= c:=J 07-170 Weston Pointe Retail Center. Lot 3 U.S. 421 & Weston Pointe Drive Proposed Water Quality Curve Number CN GREENSPACE 61.00 BUILDING 98 IMPERVIOUS 98 Building (ff) o Impervious (ft~) 37770 Total (ft) 53159 WQv= CNwq = Total (Acres) 1.22 C:=~. c=; (P) (Rv) (A) 12 c= c:== 1000 1 0+5P+10Qa-1 O(Qa2+1.2SQaP)^O.5 Curve Number CN 87.29 p (in) 1 Rv 0.689S c=; ~ By: Date: Checked: Date: WQv (cf) 3054 c::::=:: MAT 6/8/2007 JMP 6/8/2007 CNwq 97 ~ ~ ~ ~ D Water Quality Name of printed page file: C:\Program Files\USDA\WinTR20\07-170 - Water Quality.out D STORM 1. 0" 24Hr u Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ~----------- Peak Flow -------_._--- Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mil Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) Site 0.002 0.434 12.00 0.46 240.66 OUTLET 0.002 0.434 12.00 0.46 240.66 u J u r ' U u u u J u u u WinTR-20 Version 1.0 Page 1 06/11/2007 8:53 J o u i1 u u u Area or Reach Identifier D Site OUTLET lJ u u o u u u u u u J J Drainage Area Alternate (sq mil O.190E-02 O.190E-02 WinTR-20 Version 1.0 LJ u J J u Water Quality --------~-- Peak Flow by Storm 1.0" 24Hr (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) 0.5 0.5 Page 2 (ds) (cfs) 06/11/2007 8:53 u WinTR-20: Version 1.0 Water Quality .1 o o SUB-AREA: site Outlet 0.0019 97. 0.119 lJ o STORM ANALYSIS: 1.0" 24Hr 2 o. 1. 24.0Hr u RAINFALL DISTRIBUTION: 24.0Hr 1. O. .011 .023 .035 .048 .064 .OBO .1' .12 .147 .181 .236 .663 .776 .825 .856 .881 .903 .922 .938 .953 .965 .977 .9B9 1. GLOBAL OUTPUT: 1 .05 .05 YNNNN NNNNNN u LJ u u u D u u J J " , U LJ u u J o u m ~ Aqua -Swi rl™ Sizing Chart u u u u o u u u [J u U 0- J U J o U Aqua- Conveyance ' Water Oil/Debris Sediment Maximum Pipe Quality Swirl™ Pipe Size Diameter ' Treabnent Storage Storage Model (typical)l flow1 Capacity Capacity (in) (in) (ds) (gal) (tt3) I AS-2 12 12 1.0 37 10 AS-3 16 16 1.8 110 20 AS-4 18 18 3.2 190 32 AS-S 24 20 4.4 270 45 AS-6 30 22 6.3 390 65 AS-7 36 24 8.6 540 90 AS-8 42 26 11.2 710 115 AS-9 48 28 14.2 910 145 AS-l0 54 30 17.5 1130 180 AS-12 60 36 25.2 1698 270 (1) As recommended by the Center for Watershed Protection and most municipalities, the Aqua-SwirPM provides full treatment of the "first flush," whil~ the peak design storm is diverted and channeled through the main conveyance pipe. Connections to larger pipe diameters are available at an addition~1 cost, please refer to your local representative for more information. (2) Many regulatory agencies are establishing "water quality treatment flow rates" for their areas based on the initial movement ,of pollutants into the storm drainage system. The treatment flow rate of the Aqua-Swirl™ system is engineered to meet or exceed the local water quality treatment criteria. This "water quality treatment flow rate" typically represents approximately 90% to 9so/~ of the total annual runoff volume. The design and orientation of the Aqua-Swirr Concentrator generally entails some degree of customization. For assistance in design and ,specific sizing using historical rainfall data, please refer to Joe O'Brien, ENTEl, Inc. at (734) 657-3839 or go to our web site for more information at www.AquaShieldlnc.com. CAD details and specifications are available upon request. u