HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence TAC
Hamilton County Surveyor's Office
One Hamilton County Square, Suite 188
Noblesville, Indiana 46060
Office: (317) 776-8495 Fax: (317) 776-9628
Outlet Permit
Permit Number: 0-2007-00123 Issue Date: 8/23/2007
Drain 'Name: LONG BRANCH
Project Type:Cammercial
Number of Outlets: 1
Outlet Type: Indirect
THe Size, Type, Length: 15", Rep, 315'
Project Location: 11145 North Michigan Rd
Temporary: N
Project Name: Weston Pointe Outlot #3
Engineering Firm:
Plan Project Id: 07 -170
Purpose: to drain commercial site
Contact: Todd Wallace, Civil Designs
Conditions for Approval:
Parcel No: 17-13-06-00-00-033.002
Twp: Clay
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Print Date: Thursday August 23, 2007 1029 am
9:00 a.m.
9: 15 a.m.
9:25 a.m.
9:35 a.m.
9:45 a.m.
July 18, 2007
Department of Community Services Conference Room
3rd Floor - Carmel City Hall
9:00 AM
TABLED: Docket No. 07050017 Z: 96th Street Crossing pun
The apI'll ieant scoles approval to rezone 16.99 acres from S 2/Residence to PUDlPlanfled
Unit Development for an office/retai IIhotel development. The sito is located at the
florthwest corner of 961fl S1. and Spring Mill Rd.
Filed Charlie Frankenberger of Nelson& FranleeRborgor for Jennifer Burk of Duke
Realty Limited Partnership.
Docket No. 07070003 Z: 146tl1 & Gray Rezone (146tl1 St Office Complex)
The applicant seeks approval to rezone 11.6 acres from S-I/Residence to B-I/Business
for an office development. The site is located at the southeast corner of 1461h St. and
Gray Rd. Filed by Kelli Lawrence of Hearthview Residential, LLC.
- Not within the District's sewer service area.
Docket No. 07070004 PP: 146th 5t Office Complex
The applicant seeks primary plat approval for 5 lots on 11.6 acres.
The site is located at the southeast corner of I 46th S1. and Gray Rd. and is zoned S-
I/Residence, pending a B-I/Business rezone. Filed by Kelli Lawrence of Hearthview
Residential, LLC.
-Not within the District's sewer service area.
Docket No. 07070005 DP/AI>L5: Old Meridian Professional Village
The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for 7 buildings on 6.25 acres.
The site is located at 12346 Old Meridian St. and is zoned OM/O - Old Meridian
District, Office. Filed by Paul Reis of Bose McKinney & Evans for AL TA Business
Communities, LLC.
- Not within the District's sewer service area.
Docket No. 07070006 DP/ADLS: Weston Park, Block A (L A Fitness)
The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for 3 buildings on 10.14 acres.
The site is located southwest of I061h S1. and Michigan Rd. and is zoned I-I /Industrial
within the US 421 Overlay. Filed by John Turek of L A Fitness International, LLC.
- Currently under review, please provide sewer application to finish review. Applications
can be found at www.ctrwd.org.
Docket No. 07070007 DP AmendlADLS: Weston Pointe - Outlot 3
The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for a multi-tenant retail building.
The site is located at 11145 N Michigan Rd. and is zoned B-2/Business within the US
421 Overlay. Filed by Darci Pellom of Civil Designs, LLP.
- Currently under review, please provide sewer application to finish review. Applications
can be found at www.ctrwd.org.
Page 1 of 2
9:55 a.m.
10:05 a.m.
10:15 a.m.
10:25 a.m.
10:35 a.m.
Docket No. 07070010 PP: Trillium
The applicant seeks primary plat approval for 57 residential lots on 32.447 acres.
The site is located at 2555 W 131 Sl Sl. and is zoned S-2IResidence.
Filed by Dennis Olmstead of Stoeppelwerth & Assoc, Inc.
- Currently the District is working on the rerouting of LS#23. Until the reroute is
finished and tested the District will not issue a will serve letter or be able to service this
Docket No. 07070013 SP: Cobblestone Commons Plat
The applicant seeks approval to plat 17 lots on 2.56 acres. The site is located at the
southwest corner of Smokey Row Rd. and 1st Ave SW and is zoned PUD/Planned Unit
Development. Filed by Justin Moffett of Uptown Partners, LLC.
- Not within the District's sewer service area.
Docket No. 07070011 TAC: Wilson Office Plaza Building
The applicant seeks TAC approval for a previously approved building at the northwest
comer of the site. The site is located north at 937 Keystone Way and is zoned B-
8/Business within the US 431 Overlay. Filed Steve Wilson of W & W Properties, LLC.
- Not within the District's sewer service area.
Docket No. 07070009 ADLS: Holiday Inn at Pro Mcd Ln
The applicant seeks design approval for a proposed full-service hotel.
The site is located at I 36th Street and Pro Med Lane, and is zoned B6, within the US
31/Meridian Street Overlay.
Filed by Dave Coots of Coots, Henke & Wheeler for Midwest Hospitality Group, Inc.
- Not within the District's sewer service area.
Luba"itch of Indiana
The applicant seeks the following special use approval:
Docket No. 07070012 SU Chapter 5.02 Religious Uses in a Residential District
The site is located at 2640 West 96th Street and is zoned S I/Rcsidential.
Filed by E. Davis Coots of Coots Henke & Wheeler, PC for Lubavitch of Indiana
- Have no issue with the special use approval but will require for review a Sewer
Application and plans showing the sewer location with updated detail drawings and
notes all of which can be found at www.ctrwd.org.
801 Congressional Boulevard - Midwest Academy
The applicant seeks the following use variance:
Docket No. 07070018 UV Appendix a - Use Table Secondary School uses in the M3
The site is located at 80 I Congressional Boulevard within the Carmel Science and
Technology Park and is zoned M3/lndustrial and Office Park.
Filed by Matt Skelton of Baker and Daniels, LLP for Technology Center Associates and
Midwest Academy.
- The District may request that per our current FOG Ordinance that a min. 1,000 gal
exterior grease trap be installed to accommodate a kitchen facility that may be necessary
for school lunches.
Ryan C. Hartman
District Engineer
Clay Township Regional Waste District
10701 N. College Ave., Suite A
Indianapolis, IN 46280-1098
Direct: 317-844-9200
Fax: 317-844-9203
Page 2of2
Date: July 18, 20079\-.
From: David Lucas. HCHD
9:00 a.m. Docket No. 07050017 Z: 96th Street Crossing PUD.
9:15 a.m. Docket No. 07070003 Z: 146th & Gray Rezone.
This department has no objections to the requested rezone.
Docket No. 07070004 PP:. 146th Street Office Complex.
See attached comments letter.
9:25 a.m. Docket No. 07070005 DP/ADLS: Old Meridian Professional Village.
This project is located outside HCHD jurisdiction.
9:35 a.m. Docket No. 07070006 DP/ADLS: Weston Park, Block A (L A Fitness)
See attached comments letter dated 07/10107.
9:45 a.m. Docket No. 07070007 DP Amend/ADLS: Weston Pointe - Outlot 3.
Does not appear to affect the RIW of Hamilton County.
9:55 a.m. Docket No. 07070010 PP: Trillium.
This project is located outside HCHD jurisdiction.
10:05 a.m. Docket No. 07070013 SP: Cobblestone Commons Plat.
This project is located outside HCHD jurisdiction..'
10:15 a.m. Docket No. 07070011 T AC: Wilson Office Plaza Building.
This project is located outside HCHD jurisdiction.
10:25 a.m. Docket No. 07070009 ADLS: Holiday Inn at Pro Med Ln.,~,
This project is located outside HCHD jurisdiction.
10:35 a.m. Docket No. 07070012 SU: Lubavitch of Indiana.
See attached comments letter dated 07/09/07.
G\USERS\del\TACICarmel TAC\July 2007
\ '
1700 South 10th Street
NoblesvilIe, In. 46060
Office (3] 7) 773-7770
Fax (317) 776-9814
&Il~;fmrjH~n 10
'. 'J J .,~;;;.l
July 13, 2007
Darci Pellom, RLA
Civil Designs
2415 Directors Row, Suite E
Indianapolis, IN 46241
RE: Job No.: 07-170
Desc.: Outlot 3 0
Carmel, Indiana
Dear Ms. Pellom:
I have received and reviewed the plans submitted for the above-mentioned
At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law enforce-
ment efforts.
If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us,
Respectfu Ily I
Chief of Police
cc: Dept. of Community Services
(;'ill?i ii7JI.-2&00
A Nationally Accredit
'forcement Agency
F;"" CH 7i ii7JI.-25il2
07/11/2007 08:52
PtlGE 01/02
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July 11, 2007
Civil Designs. LLP
A TTN: Darci Pellom
2415 Directors Row
Suite E
Indianapoli S~ IN 46241
VIA FACSIM:IL.E: 244-1969
RE: Outlot #3 - Weston Poiute Rebil Center
Dear Mrs. Pellom:
We have reviewed the construction plans submitted to the Hamilton County Surveyor's
Office on July 3,2007, and have the following comments:
1. The proposed project falls in the unincorponted area and MS4 jurisdiction of
Hamilton County.
2. The proposed proj ect .DOES NOT fall in a Carmel Wetlhead PIVtection Area.
3. This site w1l1 drain to the Long Branch Drain - Townhomes at Weston Pointe
4. Please submit an outlet pennit (1 indirect outlet) for the direct discharge to the
Long Branch Regulated Drain. The applicatio.n is available on our web site at
h1lp://www.Go.hami1ton.in.us. go to Departments, Surveyor, and Fow.s.
5. The detention for this site was included in the overall master draiuage plan for
Weston Painte. Please provide drainage calculations for this specific site so I
can verify it is in compliance with the master drainage plan.
07/11/2007 08:52
6. All casting should be labeled '.DumpNo Waste ~ Drains to Waterway," which
are readily available now from local casting distributors. please add a note to
the plans that will make the contractor away of this requirement.
7, Please note the additional comments may he warranted at a later date.
Should you have any questions, I can be reached at 317~ 776-8495.
)!A.1i11 [hI. 1./ DC
./r~\.X.Yi 1/ ~/
Greg HoWs. AC, CFM
Plan Reviewer
cc: Christine Batton-Holmes - Cannel DOCD
Dave Lucas - HCHD
Dick Hill - Carmel Engineering
Greg llko - Crossroads Engineering
Robert Thompson - HCSO
PAGE 02/02
City of Carmel
July 10, 2007
Ms. Darci Pellom
Civil Designs, LLP
2415 Directors Row, Ste. E
Indianapolis, IN 46241
RE: Weston Pointe Retail Center Outlot 3
(YJeve bd<_ rartJ
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Cl11SlJ er
Dear Ms. Pellom:
The following letter represents conmlents for this proj ect specifically addressing the area of alternative
transportation. I have reviewed the drawings submitted for the July 18, 2007Technical Advisory Committee meeting
and offer the following comments:
1) Please see the City of Carmel's parlOng Ordinance to insure the bike parking provided with your
development is compliant.
2) Please revise the plans to connect the internal sidewalks to the external sidewalks/path as much as
We request that all responses to our conmlents be provided in writing. Failure to provide written responses may
result in delay of the review process.
It is critical that this office be made aware of all modification made on the plans being fe-submitted, particularly if
any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please provide revised plans
indicating all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any changes, including changes
resulting from Plan Commission, Special Studies or other committee meetings.
The Department of Community Services reserves the right to provide additional comments based on subsequent
If you have questions, please contact me at 571-2417.
David Littlejohn
Transportation Systems Coordinator
Department of Community Services
cc: Angie Corm, Department of Community Services
Engineering Depariment Review
Project File
Page 1
Ci\fuvlEL, INDL'\Ni\ 46032
Page 1 of 1
Conn, Angelina V
From: Wood, Mark A. [MarkWood@SUG.com)
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 1 :45 PM
To: Conn, Angelina V
Subject: RE: July 18 TAC agenda
Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company has no conflicts with the items listed an this agenda. Thanks
-----Original Message---u
From: Conn, Angelina V [mallto:Aconn@carmel.in.gov]
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 1:11 PM
To: Akers, William P; Blanchard, Jim E; Boone, Rachel M.; Brewer, Scott I; Brook Gajownik; Carter, Ronald E;
Chuck Shupperd; Dale Sparks; David Lucas; Malone, David G.; DeVore, Laura B; Donahue-Wold, Alexia K; Duffy,
John M; Duncan, Gary R; Fogarty, Michael D; Foley, Amanda J; Foster, Jim P; Greg Hayes; Greg Ilko; Hancock,
Ramona B; Hill, Dick B; Hohlt, William G; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Holmes, Christine B; Hoyt, Gal)' A; Jason Kirkman;
Jason LeMaster; Jennifer Bruner; Jennifer Marlett; Joel Thurman; Keeling, Adrienne M; Klingensmith, David W;
Krueskamp, Theresa A; Larry Castetter; Lillard, Sarah N; Littlejohn, David W; Marilyn Anderson; Wood, Mark A.;
McBride, Mike T; Pace, Paul V; Redden, Nick; Richard Heck; Ran Farrand; Ron Morris; Ryan Hartman;
Schmiesing, Rebecca; Shirley Hunter; Snyder, M Todd; Stewart, Lisa Mi Tingley, Connie S; Westermeier, Mark
Cc: Charlie Frankenberger; Kelli Lawrence; jthomas@hearthview.com; Reis, Paul; John Turek; dpellom@civil-
designs.com; dolmstead@stoeppelwerth.com; Dave Coots; Sawbuilder@aol.com; justinmoffett@aol.com
Subject: July 18 TAC agenda
Good morning,
Please see attached agenda for the July 18 Technical Advisory Committee meeting Let me know if you did not
receive plans for an item.
(Petitioners, please distribute necessary plans to all TAC members (list attached) if you have not already done
so.) If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me.
Angie Conn, Planning Administrator
Dept. of Community Services - Planning & Zoning
1 Civic Square, 3rd Floor
City of Carmel, IN 46032
p.317-571-2417 f.317-571-2426
Private and confidential as detailed here. Hyau cannot access hyperlink, please e-mail sender.
July 3, 2007
JUL - i'^ 'inTI
Ms. Darci Pellom
Civil Designs
2415 Directors Row, Suite E
Indianapolis, Indiana 46241
RE: Weston Pointe Retail Center-outlot #3
Dear Ms. Pellom:
This project, scheduled for the July 18,2007 Technical Advisory Committee meeting, is located outside the
current corporate limits of the City of Carmel and therefore, outside of the Department of Engineering
---;?Y~ J. ~~
Nicholas J. Redden, P.E.
Plan Review Coordinator
Department of Engineering
cc: Angelina Conn, Department of Community Services
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor's Office
Greg lIko, Crossroad Engineers, PC
Engineering Department Review
Project File
ONE CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317571.2441 FAX 317.571.2439
EMAIL engineering@carmel.in.gov
Civil Designs
.. ).uQ'/
To: Angie Conn Date Sent: July 3, 2007
Company: Dept. of Community Service Job#: 07- 170
Address: One Civic Square, 3rd Fir. Description: Outlot 3
Carmel, IN 46032 Carmel, IN
From: Darci Pellom
Phone: 317-571-2417 Telephone: 317-244-1968
Fax: 317-571-2426 Fax: 317-244-1969
o Priority Overnight 0 Standard Overnight D2Day 0 Rush Courier 0 Regular Courier 0 Regular Mail
Ms. Conn,
Included is the TAC plans for Outlot 3 at Weston Pointe Retail Center, which is located at the northeast
corner of U.S, 421 and Weston Pointe Drive.
If you have any questions please call.
Da rei Pellom, RLA
P 317.244.1968
f 317.244.1969
2415 Directors Row, Suite E
Indianapolis, Indiana 46241