HomeMy WebLinkAboutOperation and Maintenance ManualOperations & Maintenance Manual (Aqua-Swirl AS-2) Weston Pointe Retail Center - Lot 3 U.S. 421 & Weston Pointe Drive Carrnel, Indiana Project Number 07- 170 Prepared for: Williams Realty Prepared by: Civil Designs 241 5 Directors Row, Suite E Indianapolis. Indiana 46241 June 12,2007 Prepared by: James Peck, PE Michael Thon~pson 11, E.I. Aqua-Swirl TM Operation, Maintenance, and lnspection Manual for BMP Owners City of Carmel, Indiana (Note: Attach certifications for local regulatory authority including any applicable fees.) Site and Owner Information Site Name: Change in ownership since last inspection? Owner Name: Owner Address: Owner Phone Number: Emergency Phone Number: Location: Date: Time: Inspector Name: ntenance Items lnspection Floatable Debris and Oil 1. Remove manhole lid to expose liquid surface of ~~ua-~wirl~" 2. Remove floatable debris with basket or net if any is present. 3. If a hydrocarbon spill has occurred, (e.g. more than a sheen of oil or gas is present) the system should be cleaned immediately (see "Cleaning" Figure 3). Note: Water in an Aqua-swirlTM can appear black like oil due to the dark body of the surrounding structure. Oil appears darker than water in the system and is usually accompanied by debris (e.g. Styrofoam, etc.) with obvious signs of oil stains. The depth of oil can be measured with an oillwater interface probe, a stadia rod with water phylic paste, a coliwasa, or by simply collecting a representative sample with a jar attached to a rod. 4. If hydrocarbon absorbant floc or pads are used, these should be inspected to determine whether they are loaded with hydrocarbons. This will be indicated by a dark colaration of the pad or floc. Pads and/or floc should be removed and disposed of in accordance with City of Indianapolis, and an applicable state and/or federal laws if they contain hydrocarbons. Sediment Accumulation Lower a dipstick tube equipped with a ball valve (e.g. Sludge Judge or similar device) into ~~ua-~wirl~" through the service access provided Measure the depth of the sludge. At a maximum, the sludge should not exceed 36" depth before maintenance. See Figures 1 and 2. Figure 2 Figure 1 Aqua-swirlTM 0 and M Manual Page I Inspection (continued) Diversion Structures If an external dlverslon structure IS present on the s~te, th~s should be Inspected for the following Items 1 lnspect welr or other structure for structural decay or damage Werrs are more susceptible to damage than off-set plplng and should be checked to conflrm that they are not crumbling or decaylng 2 lnspect dlvers~on structure and by-pass p~plng for slgns of structural damage or blockage from debrls or sedlment accumulat~on 3 Measure elevat~ons on dlverslon welr or p~plng to ensure ~t 1s consistent wlth s~te plan deslgn 4 lnspect downstream structure ~n drversron system for slgns of blockage or structural farlure Call a local vactor company to remove sediments, oils and other floatable pollutants with a vactor. Dispose of all waste in accordance with City of Indianapolis and any applicable state, and/or federal requirements. Oil should be pumped and removed with any liquids and sediments that have been trapped in the system. These liquids should be taken to an industrial waste water treatment facility for treatment. Liquids and solids pumped from the AquaswirlT" should not be dumped back into the stormwater system or into a sanitary sewer. Figure 3 Note: The Aqua~wirlT'" is designed so that entry to the system is not necessary for inspection or maintenance. If, however, you wish to enter the system, this is an OSHA confined space entry and OSHA confined space entry procedures should be followed to enter the system During Construction lnspect the Aqua~wirl'" every three months (minimum) and clean the system as needed. The AquaSwirl 'M should be inspected and cleaned at the end of construction regardless of whether it has reached its sediment or oil storage capacity. First Year Post-Construction lnspect the ~qua~wirl'" every three months and clean the system as needed. lnspect and clean the system once annually regardless of whether it has reached its sediment or floatable pollutant storage capacity Second and Subsequent Years Post-Construction If the AquaSwirll"'did not reach full sediment or floatable pollutant capacity in the First Year Post-Construction, the system can be inspected once every six months and cleaned once annually. If the Aqua~wirlT" reached full sediment or floatable pollutant capacity in less than 12 months in the First Year Post-Construction, the system should be inspected once every six months and cleaned as needed. The AquaSwirl '" should be cleaned annually regardless of whether it reaches its sediment or floatable pollutant capacity. Bypass Structures Bypass structures should be inspected whenever the Aqua~wirl'"~ is inspected and maintained as needed. ~~ua-~wirl~~ 0 and M Manual Page 2 Maintenance Company Information Company Name: Street Address: - City, State, Zip: Contact: Office Phone: Mobile Phone: Pager: Activity tog Date of clean~ng: (Next lnspectlon should be 3 months from thls date for the first year) Time of cleaning: Date of next inspection: Floatable debris present (YIN)? Oil present (YIN)? Oil depth (inches): tructurat Conditions and Comments Any structural damage7 YN Where? Any evidence of structural wear? YN Where? Odors present? Any plugging? YN Describe: YN Describe: ~~ua-~wirl~~ 0 and M Manual Page 3 NOTES NOTES: 1. Attach site plan showing ~~ua-swirl TM location. 2. Attach detail drawing showing Aqua-Swirl TM dimensions and model number. 3. If a diversion structure is used, attached details showing basic design and elevations. Additional Comments andlor Actions to Be Taken ~~ua-~wirl~~ 0 and M Manual Page 4 Time Frame Aqua-Swirl TM TABULAR MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Date Construction Started: Date Construction Ended: During Construction Month Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Inspect and Clean as Needed X X X X lnspect Bypass Structures (if applicable) and Maintain As Needed Clean System' X* * The AquaSwirlTE" should be cleaned once a year regardless of whether it has reached full pollutant storage capacity. In addition, the system should be cleaned at the end of construction regardless of whether it has reach full pollutant storage capacity. First Year Post-Construction Month Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Inspect and Clean as Needed X X X X lnspect Bypass Structures (if applicable) and Maintain As Needed Clean System* X* ' The AquaSwirlTM should be cleaned once a year regardless of whether it has reached full pollutant storage capacity. Second and Subsequent Years Post-Construction Month Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Inspect and Clean as Needed' X X lnspect Bypass Structures* (if applicable) and Maintain As Needed Clean System' X X 'If the AquaSwirlTM did not reach full sediment or floatable pollutant capacity in the First Year Post-Construction, the system can be inspected every six months and cleaned once annually. If the AquaSwirlT" reached full sediment or floatable pollutant capacity in less than 12 months in the First Year Post-Construction, the system should be ~nspected as frequently as past history warrants (once every six months minimum) and cleaned as needed. The AquaSwirlT" should be cleaned annually regardless of whether it reaches its sediment or floatable pollutant capacity. External bypass structures should be inspected whenever the AquaSwirlT" is inspected and maintained as needed. ~~ua-swit-0 1~~ and M Manual Page 5 1. Manufacturer shall be responsible for complete assembly of Swirl Concentrator 2. Swirl Concentrator shall be fabricated from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) ASTM F 714 cell class 345464C per ASTM D 3350. The Swirl Concentrator wall (greater than 54" OD) shall be fabricated from profile wall HDPE ASTM F 894 RSC 250. 3. HDPE stub outs and internal components shall be extrusion welded using accepted welding practices. Stub outs shall be supplied by Manufacturer and welded on inside and outside. 4. If lifting eyes disturb grade elevation (rim) or concrete pad rebar alignment, they may be cut in field after installation of Swirl Concentrator by Contractor. 5. Manufacturer shall supply direct access to Swirl Concentrator via 32-inch OD riser(s), which can be field cut to match finished grade by Contractor. 6. Contractor shall supply pipe couplings to and from Swirl Concentrator, which shall be Fernco or Mission style neoprene boot with stainless steel tension bands and shear guard. For corrugated plastic pipe, or pipe with a diameter of 24" or larger, it is recommended that Contractor use a Mar Mac coupling (www.marrna~~co~r~)or equal, , with adhesive mastic and tightening bands to create a watertight seal around the joint. The joint shall then be immob~lized with a concrete collar with compacted base as described in either Note 11 or 12 herein. Mar Mac, or equal, couplings shall overlap the pipe joint a minimum of 1 foot on either side. 7. Contractor shall prepare excavation and off-load Swirl Concentrator. Contractor is responsible for bedding and backfill around Swirl Concentrator as detailed on site plan. (see notes 11 and 12) 8. Manufacturer shall supply standard manhole frame(s) and cover(s). (Traffic rated H20) 9. Where traffic loading (H-20) is required or anticipated, a reinforced concrete pad must be placed over the entire Swirl Concentrator per concrete design as calculated by Engineer. Sample of typical concrete design detail is available upon request. 10. Unless other traffic barriers are present, bollards shall be placed around access risers in non-traffic areas to prevent inadvertent loading by maintenance vehicles. Sample of typical bollard installation detail and recommended locations of bollards around the Swirl Concentrator can be provided upon request. 11. Excavation and Beddins - The trench and trench bottom shall be constructed in accordance with ASTPI D-2321, Section 6, Trench Excavation, and Section 7, Installation. The HDPE Swirl Concentrator shall be installed on a stable base consisting of 12-inches of Class I stone materials as defined by ASTM D2321, Section 5, Materials, and compacted to 95% proctor density. All required safety precautions for Swirl Concentrator installation are the responsibility of the Contractor. 12. Backfill Requirements - Backfill materials shall be Class I Stone or Class I1 materials (well graded gravels, gravelly sands; contains little or no fines), as defined by ASTIY D2321, Section 5, Materials, and compacted to 90°/o proctor density. Class I stone is preferred. Backfill and bedding materials shall be free of debris. Backfilling shall conform to ASrM F1759, Section 4.2, "Design Assumptions". Backfill shall extend at least 42 inches outward from Swirl Concentrator and for the full height of the Swirl Concentrator (including riser(s)) extending laterally to undisturbed soils.