HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplications Page 1 of2 .... Conn, Angelina V From: Conn, Angelina V Sent: Thursday, July 05, 20079:42 AM To: Stewart, Lisa M Cc: Coy, Sue E; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Keeling, Adrienne M; Brewer, Scotti; Hancock, Ramona B; Brennan, Kevin S; Littlejohn, David W; DeVore, Laura B; Lillard, Sarah N; Holmes, Christine B; 'jmolitor@prodigy.net'; Boone, Rachel M.; Tingley, Connie S; Duncan, Gary R; Donahue-Wold, Alexia K; 'dpellom@civil- designs.com'; 'Dave Gilman' Subject: RE: Docket No. Assignment: (DP/ADLS) Weston Pointe - Outlot 3 (#07070007 DP/ADLS) Note - the plan commission meeting is August 21. not the 20th. Angie Conn, Planning Administrator Dept. of Community Services - Planning & Zoning 1 Civic Square, 3rd Floor City of Carmel, IN 46032 p.317-571-2417 f.317-571-2426 aconn@carmel.in.gov From: Conn, Angelina V Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 2:32 PM To: Stewart, Lisa M Cc: Coy, Sue Ej Hollibaugh, Mike P; Keeling, Adrienne M; Brewer, Scott I; Hancock, Ramona B; Brennan, Kevin S; Littlejohn, David W; DeVore, Laura B; Lillard, Sarah N; Holmes, Christine B; 'jmolitor@prodigy.net'; Boone, Rachel M.; Tingley, Connie S; Duncan, Gary R; Donahue-Wold, Alexia K; 'dpellom@civil-designs.com'; 'Dave Gilman' Subject: Docket No. Assignment: (DP/ADLS) Weston Pointe - Outlot 3 (#07070007 DP/ADLS) I have issued the necessary Docket Number for (DP/ADLS) Weston Pointe - Outlot 3. It is the following: Docket No. 07070007 DP/ADLS: Weston Pointe - Outlot 3 DP A lication Fee: ADLS A lication Fee: $111 eracrex1.22: Total Fee: $ 834.00 $ 834.00 $135.42 $1,803.42 Docket No. 07070007 DP/ADLS: Weston Pointe . Outlot 3 The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for a multi-tenant retail building. The site is located at 11145 N Michigan Rd. and is zoned B-2/Business within the US 421 Overlay. Filed by Darci Pellom of Civil Designs, LLP. Petitioner, please note the following: 1. This item will be on the July 18 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). The petitioner must submit plans and review materials to all TAC members directly by July 3. (Failure to submit plans and review materials to TAC members by this time will result in the tabling of this petition to the August 15 TAC meeting, and subsequently the August 21 Plan Commission meeting. For a list of current TAC members go to: httR:I/www.ci.carmel.in.us/servicesIDOCS/T AC2007/T AC%20members %20revised%2011 .29.06.gQf ) 2. Mailed and Published Public Notice needs to occur no later than Friday, July 27. Published notice is required within the Indianapolis Star. Note: the placement of a public hearing sign on the property is required; see DP application. 3. The Filing Fee and Fifteen (15) Informational Packets must be delivered to Plan Commission Secretary Ramona Hancock no later than NOON, Friday, August 10. 4. Proof of Notice will need to be received by this Department no later than Noon, Friday, August 17. Failure to submit Proof of Notice by this time will result in the tabling of the petition. 8/1512007 Page 2 of2 ~- 5. These items will appear on the August 20 agenda of the Plan Commission (under "Public Hearings"). 6. These items will also appear on the Sept 4 agenda of the Plan Commission Special Studies Committee. Ms. Pellom can be contacted at 317-244-1968. PETITIONER: please refer to your instruction sheet for more detail. Please Note - a review letter will be forthcoming. Angie Conn, Planning Administrator Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 317.571.2417 phone 317 .571.2426 fax 8/15/2007 u u Page 1 of 1 Conn, Angelina V From: Conn, Angelina V Sent: Monday, July 02, 20072:32 PM To: Stewart, Lisa M Cc: Coy, Sue E; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Keeling, Adrienne M; Brewer, Scott I; Hancock, Ramona B; Brennan, Kevin S; Littlejohn, David W; DeVore, Laura B; Lillard, Sarah N; Holmes, Christine B; 'jmolitor@prodigy.net'; Boone, Rachel M.; Tingley, Connie S; Duncan, Gary R; Donahue-Wold, Alexia K; 'dpellom@civil- designs.com'; 'Dave Gilman' Subject: Docket No. Assignment: (DP/ADLS) Weston Pointe - Outlot 3 (#07070007 DP/ADLS) I have issued the necessary Docket Number for (DP/ADLS) Weston Pointe - Outlot 3. It is the following: Docket No. 07070007 DP/ADLS: Weston Pointe - Outlot 3 DP A lication Fee: ADLS A Iication Fee: $111 er acre x 1.22: Total Fee: $ 834.00 $ 834.00 $135.42 $1 803.42 Docket No. 07070007 DP/ADLS: Weston Pointe - Outlot 3 The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for a multi-tenant retail building. The site is located at 11145 N Michigan Rd. and is zoned B-2/Business within the US 421 Overlay. Filed by Darci Pellom of Civil Designs, LLP. Petitioner, please note the following: 1. This item will be on the July 18 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). The petitioner must submit plans and review materials to all TAC members directly by July 3. (Failure to submit plans and review materials to TAC members by this time will result in the tabling of this petition to the August 15 T AC meeting, and subsequently the August 21 Plan Commission meeting. For a list of current TAC members go to: http://www.ci.carmel.in.us/services/DOCSfT AC2007/T AC%20members%20revised%2011.29 .06.pdf ) 2. Mailed and Published Public Notice needs to occur no later than Friday, July 27. Published notice is required within the Indianapolis Star. Note: the placement of a public hearing sign on the property is required; see DP application. 3. The Filing Fee and Fifteen (15) Informational Packets must be delivered to Plan Commission Secretary Ramona Hancock no later than NOON, Friday, August 10. 4. Proof of Notice will need to be received by this Department no later than Noon, Friday, August 17. Failure to submit Proof of Notice by this time will result in the tabling of the petition. S. These items will appear on the August 20 agenda of the Plan Commission (under ''public Hearings"). 6. These items will also appear on the Sept 4 agenda of the Plan Commission Special Studies Committee. Ms. Pellom can be contacted at 317-244-1968. PETITIONER: please refer to your instruction sheet for more detail Please Note - a review letter will be forthcoming. Angie Conn, Planning Administrator Department of Community Services City of Carmel Ooe Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 317.571,2417 phone 317.571.2426 fax 7/2/2007 u u DATE: JUne 22, 2007 ADLS/ADLS AlVIENDMENTAPPLICATION Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping and Signag.e .. tg .~- . RECENEO . ADLS Fees: $83,4.00 plus $111.00 per acre _ .. \ .?O()l ADLS AMEND Fees: SlguQnly: $277.50, plus $55.50/slgn JU\I\ '2. '2. B llildinglSite: $556.00, plus $55.50/acre 'COCs 01 OlTXf) 1 \)~IA00) Received Date Stamp: DOCKET NO. x ADLS Ants/Amend Checked By x DP Attached Previous DJ.:>? Yes No x Name of Weston Pointe Retail - Outlot #3 Project: Type of Project: Retail Project Address: Lot#3 is 11145 North Michigan Road PIojcctParcellD#:~~-~~n~~ ~~ ~~ 03 3 002 Legal Description: (please use separate sheet and attach) Nanle of Applicant: Civil Designs, LLP A- .1.. -. t Add 2415 Directors Row, Suite E Indianapolis, IN 46241 pp lcan re.ss: . _ .. Contact p:ersQn: . Darci Pellcirn Telephone: 317-244,1968 Fax No~ 317-244-1969 Email: dpellom@civil~designs.com Name of Landowner: F.C. Realty Thirty-three, LLC T I h 317-574-5480 e ep one: 9830 Bauer Drive Indianapolis, IN Landowner Address: PloL Size: 1.22 Acres Zoning Classification: 8/ 62/ LlSl.\2\ DJev\~ Re"l,'i~-ed; 12!2~!~Or:l~ s.; \-FORM.5\PC- Appl.ic.~t;i~n:;j - curY";-l".'t'\20 Of pc <;ipplic.atio_Tl:"l \Am.S:.M~N' _~pp 200'7 _' doc 1 .~: ~ \,8 0:5. 42. ~ u u Present Use of Property :_ vacant PropOS€q Use retail of Property: New Construction? Yes_~No_ New/Revised Sign? Yes_~No_ Remodeled Construction: Yes_No_~ New Parking? Yes~~I\o_ New Landscaping? Yes~~o_ Note thatrequiredfees aredllc afterthe'appHtati(in has received ::fdoeketnumber, and not at the time of appIicatj9n subrriittal. Dtl NOT bring application fees at tbe time. of submittal R.;!o"tti~~d= 12/29/200S S = \FOKMS\,PC ~<\.pplic~tious - o.:':.1.n'-aat-\200'7 &-,C ~pplic:ation.!- \~.D~.3.AMEN~A.PP z001. doc L u u Parkin2 No. of Spaces Proviqed: 40 No, Spaces Required: 32 Design Infonnation T f .. 40 ype 0 BUIldIng: No. of Buildings: 1 7,968 SF Gross Square Footage: Leasable Height: No, ofStories~ Exteri br Matedals: Masonry Colors: M.aximum No. of Tenants: 06 . Type of Uses: speculative retail tenant Wa.ter by: Veolia Water S b ClayTownship Regional Waste District "ewer y: LIGHTING T " f" F' t ," Valmont D821 0 yp~ o 'IX ure.: "" ,. Height of Fixture: 25' 2 Architectural building lighting and No. of Fixtures: Additional Lighting~illuminated bLiildingsignage * Plans to be submitted showing Foot-candle spreads atproperry lines, per the ordinance. SIGNAGE No. of Signs: 6 Type of Signs: Individual channel letters flush mounted to fascia Location(s): Front of building Dimensions. of. each sigli: 17" H x 135" W minimum'to 23,314" H x 135" W maximum Square Footage of each sign: 19.1 SF minimum h267 SF maximum total box TotalHeight of e~ch :sign: 17" rnih, to 23.3f4" rnax LANDSCAPING * Plans.to be submitted showing plant type.s) sizes, and loc({tiolls * *.*.* * *.* * * * * * * *,* * * * * * * ** * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief, sublIut the above infotmation as true and correct. Signature of f,l__e\!'i::"led = 12/2Q/2(106 .s:'\FOkMS\PCApplic?t~OlJ~ - CL!J:'L--e!lt~\:ZOO.7 P'':; -a.ppl.i.{.;al~j.un~\ADLSAME.N ~.r..,!,P 2007,doc 3 '- J. .. . . U DEVELOPMENT PLAN I Df Amendment APPLICATION / .~ t'~~. ftj) f"jFo ~~ nt\.".~:1, v"r.~n .,. ',....1 JUi.?; , Donr Fee: $834.00 plus $111.00 per acre DATE: 6-22-07 DOCKET NO. x DP Received Date Stamp: DP/Amend Checked By x ADLSI ADLS AMEND Attached Name of Weston Pointe Retail - Outlot #3 Project: Project Address: 11145 North Michigan Road Proj ect Parcel ID #: ~ _ . _ 13 -06 -00 - -- 00 _ 033 002 Legal Description: (pLease use separate sheet and attach) Name of C" "I D." LLP A ]. IVI . eSlgns, pp leant: Applicant Address: 2415 DJrectors Row, Suite E Contact Person: Oarci Pelom T I h 317,244-1968 e ep . one: Fax No. 317-244-1969 Email: dpellom@civil-designs.com Name of Landowner: F.e. Realty Thfrty-three, LLC T I h 317-541'-5480 e ep one:_ Landowner Address: 9830 8auer Drive Indianapolis, IN Zoning Classification: 8-3 Plot Size: 1.22 Ac Present Use of Property : Vacant Proposed Use of Property: Retail Note that required fees areduc Idler the application has received a docket number, and not at the time of applicationsubrnftt.al. Do NOT bring application fees at tbe time of submittal Applicant: u ~:---P~ I u Title: Project Manager Darci Pellom Date: 00.22"07 (Print) ** * *** * * *,* * * * * * * *,* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *, * * * * * * * * State of Indiana, County of -14 0\ \fl- 0 'vl S8: Before me the undersigned, ,t Notary Pub' , for County, State of Indiana, p~rsoD.~lly appeared d acknowledged the e. xeclitioh of the foregoing.... iristflime. n...t this .,~ .20Ql ~~ ~ ~ .. .. otary Public ~~ NcIIJy PuMc. State of Indiana My Commission Expires ApriI2E1, 2013 CITY OF CARMEL AND CLAY TOWNSHIP DEpARTMENT OF COMMljNITY SERVICES (nocs) 1 Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032 (3M floor) 571-2417 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, LIGHTING SIGNAGE REVIEW (REVIEW/APPROVAL) Procedure for Plan Commission FbrBusineSSZbnes, U.S. 31 Meridian StreetCorridor. U.S. 431 Keystone Avenue Corridor and the U,8.421 .Michigan Road Corridor 1. Allow plenty of time for review and approval process (ap'proximately .1:\\10 (2) months); 2. Discuss proposed project with DOCS staff (please call foran appointrrient to discuss review procedure and appropriate dates) first week afthe morith, works the best to begin, a prbj~cL 3. INFORMATION NEEDED for fonnal DOCS staffand Plim' Commission review: a. Two 'copies of formal application with required.information b. Two copies of legal' ciescription c, Two location maps showing location of subjeclslle, zoninganJ existing land l!ses of all adjacent, properties. d. Two copies of a detailed site development plan showing: L) Detailed drainage plan with drainage calculations. Hproject is in Clay Township, take to Kent Ward, County Surveyor (776~9626) and John South, U.'8 . Soil Conservation Service (773-1406). If project is in City of Carnlel, discuss with Kate Boyle, City Engiileer at 571-2441.. 2) Lighting plan - footcandle limits R.;nri~~d= 12/2~/2(J06 3;\20RM5\I?(,Applir;:~t~ora ~ c'.:r.n:'ent'\20C1"1 ~c ...pplic.atio"ns-\ADLSAMEr-l,.Afp 2001,.Joc. 4 u. u OWNERS AFFIDAVIT The undersigned agrees that any cOIJstru((tion, recol1struc,tion, enlargement, relocat,ion or alteration of structures, or any change in the use of land'or ~tructures requested by th is appl icatibn will cOInply with and conform to all applicable laws of the State ofIndiana and the zoning ordinance of Carmel, Indiana, adopted under the authority of Acts of 1979, Public Law 178, Sec. 1, et seq., General Assembly of the e ofIndiana, and all Acts amendatory thereto. t Signed: I t . I~ ",!'t-'~'<'ijt.';I:'ill Rv. \"._ 11.1l t." 8 Jll ~. ~ ~': ,I Owner Agent lD''l:i'~ U'l,;~ D~i() rYl. &oae-U- (Typed) (Typed) STATE OF INDIANA County of ma. r /0 Y'\ ss: Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for r11. o..d tf 0 t7 (county of residence) County, State oflndiana, personally appeared DefYI;{ J11. (/roci?.vff (name of person) and acknowledged the execution ofthe foregoing instrument this ,../0 a-? day of 17~ ,20QL. - ",".W~u"'" TEReSA L. MAYS-HEMBREE /Ji:,~~;~/fi.\ . . Madison County (. .~ :.~ My Commission Expires \~~i'...,;.:W August 16 2008 'i.';';'?r;~~';\' I ~~~-6.~ ~..e--g.z C... r11arr-~6Yk{ (Printed or Typed) My Commission Expires: pIle:, jo~ z\shared\fonns\PC appli~atioJ1s\devplan.app Rev. 01/1 0/2007 u ( " u LEGAL DESCRIPTION - Weston Pointe Site C - Outlot 3 Part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 6, Township 17 North, Range 3 East, Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of Section 6, Township 17 North, Range 3 East; thence South 89 degrees 56 minutes 26 seconds West 1,377.69 feet along the north line of said Southwest Quarter to the northwest corner of Block "C" of the Plat of Townes at Weston Pointe Section 1 recorded in instrument number 200400067374, Plat Cabinet 3, Slide 489 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana; thence continuing South 89 degrees 56 minutes 26 seconds West along the north line of said Southwest Quarter 537.13 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South 15 degrees 04 minutes 16 seconds East 135.52 feet; thence South 74 degrees 55 minutes 44 seconds West 54.50 feet; thence South 15 degrees 04 minutes 16 seconds East 28.50 feet; thence South 74 degrees 55 minutes 49 seconds West 218.15 feet to the eastern right-of-way line of Michigan Road (U.S. 421); thence along said right-of-way line, North 15 degrees 04 minutes 16 seconds West 237.13 feet to the line of said Southwest Quarter; thence along said north line North 89 degrees 56 minutes 26 seconds East 282.28 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 53,135 square feet or 1.22 acres, more or less. \ '_'_'_00__'_' . . N_ o Original submitted site plan c .. Weston Pointe Retail Center US 421 - Carmel, Indiana AUGUST 16,2005 c:~ Williams Realty Group '1lJ() DaU<t Orin IDdiaupolio,l_ 46280 Phon~: 317..50 74...'i-4SO CMI~lOn" 2"1!i D.rfl~or1 .010I', Suitt [ Indllno1pulb. IndI.inl -46141 )11-244-19611 tl Ii \1, \' ,I ',\ -r " , " \ I \" , , ' " , , '\ ; " \, .., \:. \ . \ .. , I- ' I ' \' \ ' I' , \ " , ' " I,' \ I" I . \', : \,- " I 'I.' . I ' , ' I' \ \ ' I', I \ I ' I' I ..' \ : I' . \ ' , ' \: , ,,' , I. I- I' I \, , I' \' ...'fl'/ I ( \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ . )11-144-196& 1"'15Dlfut!l"a-Stl.[ 1Nl*~,"'<461"1 ~ I 60' Weston Pointe Retail Center - Lot 3 Plan Commission Carmel, Indiana June, 6. 2007 Williams Realty Group ,8.10 Bauer Drin lod.....poli.. lodiaDa 46280 Phone: 317-~"'-~ c:~ ~ o 30' Sea!.: '" Equals 30' ,-\ , , , \ : r~- \ u I ' \ \ U I"~ " , '" , " 1,\_,.,,"...... \ ... ''-.) '-, \ , I Civil De5ign5 r/ rl ,\ \' ,', I' Ali\JM'S ~EAL.T1 LI"AITEC l=lAAThERSHIP INSTRlJMfNT ,gg-4Sn1 . .-. . .-. . .. .. .---. . . -- -------.,-.------ -- ^ -- I '- I ...~/~.~~~~ '" / ~ . I ,.' '-"---= L-r-----r~- ',-:-' ~ / .-' --' _/ / r/.I~' -T---j/:~~---- / /I<<,~ ~ / /"/ / /~ ()~ ' //.,'~ '-..... !;~<~ 1,"-.... ~ ,l~ ~ . ,~ '.,., , (-, I , t \ ,r _/ j r \ \ \ ' \ \ v' ('... I " \ \::;,... , \,,, \ ... I " \.......J '117-,......1"" 1415D1..-t~l"_S..,E ~1M~InW41 ., (-, I \ 1]1'-144-116<) it ~ o 30' Scale: 1" Equal. 30' I 60' Weston Pointe Retail Center - Lot 3 Plan Commission - Landscape Plan Carmel, Indiana June,6,2007 Williams Realty Group 9830 BalK:r I>r-fn: Indianapolis, Indiana 462JlO !'bont: 317-574-5480 c:~ Civil Designs ~'= - - - TYPCIAL SECTION ... WI -.. 1I~1'-~H-IWoI _1lU..... ~~ ~ \\ .Las..... , . \~b-- _1lU......~ I :"j nl ( PLAN IIlflIrIlIIII: ( CROSS SECTION IIlI" WI ..... l41~01rr('tOI"I~Stt_llII.cla~.I""lil'll flll-H.ot-19'!I9 PROPOSED MASONRY TRASH ENCLOSURE WESTON POINTE RETAIL CENTER CARMEL, INDIANA September 30, 2005 c:~ Civil Designs ~ o NO SCALE Scale: 1" E'luaIs "0 w .... I N -"" ..,. I \0 m 00 N =>:: ~I...n (f) ~ 0 :c Q.I::; m "0 ~ m 9- ~ -., ~3 ::l "" ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ m .." W .... I N ..,. -"" I to (l) \0 S1 b LARKSPURN LN~ ZONE X '" :I: m r- OJ 0 C :J> Z m ~ :;0 0 r PROJECT / LOCATION ~ Z ::l o U ~ W 106TH ST TREBAH CIR HOUNDS CROSSING ... D WINDWAR WY . APPROXIMATE SCALE 1000 0 t--I t--I.. "C-.,c",t 1000 FEET I NAnONAL FLOOO INSURANCE PROGRAM fiRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA AND INCORPORATED AREAS (SEE MAP INDEX FOFl PANELS NOT P~INT'E:LlJ ~ EMIb. ~ llDIM [J1.~ IMMl) roM. 1~ cr.!O~ MAP NUMBER 18057C0205F EFFECTIVE DATE, FEBRUARY 19. 2003 This is an offic;:i;d copy of a portion of the above- referenced flood map_ It was'extracted using F-MITOn-Ui\e, This map does not re11ect chanQes. or ;:lmelldmem:s whi~h may ha'Je been madrl subseqLJent to the date c.n the l:jtla !:lloclo:. For the-late-at prOd\Jct iil'ormation csbout National F~ood Insur<;lrlc:e Program flood ma~ c.heck the FEMA Flood M~p Store ~t 'MW.r.msc.fema,gov n < (\ -=:: :=- V o ro Vl 1.0 :::l Vl c~c, V;m V) +>>-1 N n 0 )> Qe Z .,., ~ ~ ""'0 :;c f"T"lll1O .:;j-~ zzZ~ g""Cl~~ )> 0 m ...... 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':~-' . ..1.,:..:"7,. :fi'~('~'-. 1!1!{'!!''''':'1 lr. '..:' ~ ~ ,V, \ r\ \n \.~' ..=111~~ ~/.~ 011 r':~':' :.: ..... .:'I~.,'" '..'~: P;,.':~:,:.:1-,'.' _ ~!.,,!l,~! ~, L.....I~ ~ 0 --:_ ~'\ ~ ~ ;W;ToW,'~IQ,,: cq ()L~~[~ ... \"'-- :1I:.Yj:;:::;J;J:-:':' :"'~ f",;;d';'\1 " 0'-- ~J ii' ~ ,,-r'"^l .~~ . I ~ I ::--,\, 1 i? ..,..;1'~0-: :~. ~./' <,-,' __ . . ~II"'F'" '. L0~ ~ I~ Ij1 \~~, ~~, ,:, ': ',.11 '''M~~U\~ I \ ~~=;:;:?~~11,,:~; . _ '. . .r~~h ~\:;r-~;~ s;> ,~'Ifr:\) \ ~'~~~~l ~"~"~"~y-"" . "18, ~;~ .~::.~ . - '.) , !. .il ( 'J.~@~:..~I..I~ -~~:.Z'~il~~Qf~J,,~~s~) .1. l~ ~~J(-;:~.:::~0~~~:~~:;:;: ~" Uo~,..i ~).. . "~~"~.!]f'}~'~,~.i"~tl;::~1~ ""U-Y~~~~~~"~"~.' Tdt,~./(./J)~;~$.,~~j'1<":"'.-~&f~' ,'- . j~~- o,\\~~~h ..r--~ '\.... '<"~"",,~-,..,j.~~~'1 :~!!-.L I C";,:~~,. ~.- L.t . H 1.2' \~R.S- n.1 -... ..~ _______r.... I";>' ,; h(='?' , ~/~ . 1~'- .' ,/."\;. W-! .., 'U ---.".,-----4,-,-: :, ;:i/;=J Jt.---~-,. -' ~), o~ f(:-;;d~\~~~':~I'~-~~~."" ".~~~:~~~.::~~~~r '; ~'~/;;e~~~";'~~ '. ~- ;~~ 11/)," 0 ~~ I ?=o( -4~~.~, :t~~( ()~/'. " ~~...............) ~1f I'.: r; '-"'; ~.!t1 /':. - ......;--';:--~ ,\:" )oil: () ... .I.::;{~l I r ' - 'ri":-":;;r. ".....,...--- 1~''St~, ' ~. ''''' t. .-- " .. -.,'"" Ir~"""'"",--,; /.,.~ I _ I~ ~_ '-^ . :.~.--" SHEET 1 OF 1 P 317-244 1968 2415 Directors Row Ste.E f 317-244-1969 Indianapolis, In 46241 Fehsenfeld, Fred M Jr. & Suzanne M. 4415 116lh Street West Zionsville, Indiana 46077 Bennett Family Farm, Inc 447 Round Hill Road Indianapolis, Indiana 46260 Huntington National Bank Seven Eastern Oval EA4CD97 Columbus, Ohio 43219 Janet S. German 3856 Constitution Drive Carmel, Indiana 46032 Alan M. Shirkey 3885 Cornwallis Lane Carmel, Indiana 46032 Ruggiero, Michael & Judith D 4092 Weston Pointe Drive Zionsville, Indiana 46077 Bartley, Robert & John D Quigley 4078 Weston Pointe Drive Zionsville, Indiana 46077 Patel, Raman D & Anu R 10896 Perry Pear Drive Zionsville, Indiana 46077 Patel, Raman D & Anu R 10910 Perry Pear Drive Zionsville, Indiana 46077 Edwards, Patricia A 10928 Perry Pear Drive Zionsville, Indiana 46077 u Christel DeHaan Investments, LP 10 W. Market Street 1990 Market Tower Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Advent Evangelical Lutheran 11707 Michigan Road North Zionsville, Indiana 46077 Altums Realty, LP 11355 Michigan Road North Zionsville, Indiana 46077 Smith, Lucas C & Stacy L 3858 Constitution Drive Carmel, Indiana 46032 Burke, Leighann P 3880 Cornwallis Avenue Carmel, Indiana 46032 Arbona, Jose A & Carmen 4088 Weston Pointe Drive Zionsville, Indiana 46077 Padgett, Thomas G 4070 Weston Pointe Drive Zionsville, Indiana 46077 Harris, Thomas G & Laurie Lynn 390 North 5th Street Zionsville, Indiana 46077 Prader, Christopher P PO Box 553 Zionsville, Indiana 46077 Scripp, Kelly & Deborah S Dewar 10932 Perry Pear Drive Zionsville, Indiana 46077 u Wal Mart Stores East, LP 1301 10th Street SE Bentonville, AR 72716-8013 :"!1.: Weston Partners, LLC 7089 E CR 200 N Avon, Indiana 46123 1/ ,. LII, IC;:/ .,,- . c Sponhauer, Brad S & Susan M 3854 Constitution Drive Carmel, Indiana 46032 Rick T. Galle 3884 Cornwallis Lane Carmel, Indiana 46032 Portrait Homes Weston Pointe, LLC 9333 N. Meridian St., Suite 300 Indianapolis, Indiana 46260 Callens, Serge A L & Melina Diaz 4084 Weston Pointe Drive Zionsville, Indiana 46077 Brownson, Paul J 762 Franklin Trace Zionsville, Indiana 46077 Capulong, Raymund D & Nina S 3950 Sundance Court Zionsville, Indiana 46077 Miller, Mark A & Judy M 10918 Perry Pear Drive Zionsville, Indiana 46077 Wu, Howard Her Juing & Limin Wu 7408 West Augusta Blvd Yorktown, Indiana 47396 u Wendel burg, Brian M 10940 Perry Pear Drive Zionsville, Indiana 46077 Prader, Christopher P 3920 Verdune Zionsville, Indiana 46077 u Shaber, Steven H 10948 Perry Pear Drive Zionsville, Indiana 46077 It o I I ~;I ~ (I << Iii II : ! ! 1,1 ! . c.~lll~ Ii !I' I( II I I I I 11 Ipll lilllllll,:!llill!IIIII.1 . 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I" PAINTED BRONZE NEON -15 MM 6500 SNOW WHITE INSTALLATION - FLUSH MOUNTED TO FASCIA .. "'....."....1.'" ,.... ",,'J.' '" .....'"-.I"'.....l .."1.1..11'''.....; '-" "I.~j::::.:::~:>."U":.. ....... 135 " 17" _I FABRICATE AND INSTALL INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED FACELlT CHANNEL LETTERS ON RACEWAYS INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LmERS WITH ~CEWAY =-~ "I'-~ &~"" "-... I 't, L ~ -=::".-, ,- J;.. \'t'JCIhU"," 1-,-. i1TO""" ~' I. ....- L j ~~!I U ~:=,m~ .IlIEUIl.T:tDl CROSS SECTION I f- ..l._ FACES -1/8' RED ACRYLIC RETURNS - 5" PAINTED BRONZE TRIM CAPS. I' PAINTED BRONZE NEON - 15 MM 6500 SNOW WHITE RACEWAY - 8'X 8" PAINTED TO MATCH BRICK INSTALLATION. FLUSH MOUNTED TO FASCIA SIGN CRAFT INOIJSTRIES www"buysigncraft.com 8920 CORPORATION DR. INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256 Office 317.842.8664 Fax 317.842.3015 PREPARED FOR WESTON POINTE CARMEL, INDIANA SKETCH NAME CHANNEL LETTERS SCALE 3/8" = 1'-0" DATE JUNE 16. 2006 S,C,REPRESENTATiVE JOSH KELLY INDEX NUMBER 0607-0061 REVISIONS 1 - DATE : 2 - DATE: 3 - DATE: 4 - DATE : CUSTOMER APPROVAL APPROVAL DATE DESIGNER SLM PRODUCTION NO. k~ @ UldtlWlitln o L l.aIMrahda 1"0 mJA ~tlGN.u~