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Public Notice
81892-2241026 " -~ NOllCE 01' pUBUC HEARING ~d'~cJt\~O~ IlQC1(Ef ~O" 64-l\2-Z Notice 1'5: her,e,~'I ,giy.en thd,tt~_~ C~r- I me._I' Plan. Commission 11'\r:"tlfl~, ?~ ;'h.lIi~ 18, 2O()2,~t:7~~.oQ ~;m. 11'1 tli~.~\rv HaU c:ouncil., Cl1am,bers;. ,1. Cr..,!(; Square: Carmel,. T',1{\larl~ 46032 ~lll, ti'old ,aip'\.IbUC H~arlllg!upon ~ relOne %~~I~~~I~g ~~~02cZ; '[)iile Hi~WaYlA~- clitioll, Lot 3, 'and half 01 Lot 9.. R~- I ~~~~\~f!r~ti~"N'seeKS to rtlzO"e'"h~O 16ts:'~ri:lm tt}e fZ_3/~as!d~.lU;~.Olst.~~~~ withiil-tti-!:'_Home',P~8c.e 'plst~l~t.p\ler.- h~~-z(Jri'e,to the B~l/1?U'51~e~~,DLstr:lc:t witllirl. t1i'~:l-lornB Pla~~I!,DI~tnct,over- '1M. Zone., The':'s.ite. is ~ocatedat ~~l?~O Netrth,,-College A\leJ1Ue. T!~e _.Sl~~_ 15- :lOlled _ R~3JRe.sl9~l1ce .,~,J1tllln th~ Home'Plc:lCe I:~'iSUlc_t.q'll€rlay,7.one. ~'~~~~~~lT~Rg~-~s~~i~~Tf!ed 'as D[]Gk, ~~~.{~~~~s~~.~ ,~I!~cteQ'bY ~5a i~: ~p-- i E~~a~~;~~f~~hl~7g) a:nt~,I~~~'5w~st oOne' 'Half'(l/'2) "01 L~()t _ ~~!1'9,pr ' Nine (9~~ij-1"Dix]e:l:1igl1.wav Aili:h~!OI\;a.Il_ p,d.c dltl6h" to 1-I9me P\a~e~ III Hamlno~ Ie unty Ifl.~ian:n iI::' per [1la~ lh,*_r-p..uf, r~co~d~d:1O qeP.li:R€C~nFJ9~.'I~~g~' 7 , ill 'th-e:) Ofhce"'ohttle; l3:eroru.er. ~-, 'H','I"._ - . ing.t.~: ~. I, ve-'aP~ llitgW _" 'in wrlt;[I{,.a~.,:,eTP'al--' .P.l' ..W. IlltiS,give. n;:m.'OPPO.TLU.nlt'J tl.:!be. 't~~-ai'd..t ~he ilbo''/-B- ment}~ned tlm8, 'r~~ ~~~i/~2 . ~241026l Form 65-REV I-Rg u State of Indiana Hamilton County Personally appcared before me, a notary public in and for said count(€~~Jlj:~>)" /...-y/ '-./ ,'- the undersigned KERRY DODSON who, being duly sworn, say-~that SHB..is clerk / .::'- ~~ ;"/ ulj; t.U ofthc Noblesvll1e Ledger a newspaper of general cIrculation ,~-i ~t\,t.\'-J 7..~~1 C1, ~~~~ 1"\3 printed and publIshed in the EnglIsh language in the city of~p~LESV.l~LE lll($;tate \/ \ " fi:l::J\J'7:J and county aforesaId, and that the pnnted matter attached hereto:"ls a true copy, ,\/'; , which was duly published 1fJ said paper for 1 timc(s), between the:d<:lt~s;of,--:- PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT u SS; OS/21/02 and 05121/02 C> l\:::... Subscribed and sworn to before me on 05/2112002 I 4 .1 i <)/ \ . Clerk Tillc TERRI L. JOHN. ' N Notary Public, State f Indiana County of Marion IViy Commls~'nn t)'''''..~,. ".." ..,-, ~"0'1 My commission expires: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE - -- CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION DOCKET NO. .64 -02 --`Z Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Plan Commission meeting on 71-0(1,1 (Date) at T . 00 Ql^'1 in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1 Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032 will (Time) p hold a Public Hearing upon a s 1201'4 E application for Docket No 64-02-Z; Dixie Hi-Way Addition, Lot 8, and-half of Lot 9, Rezone. The petitioner seeks to rezone two lots from the R-3/ Residence District within the Home Place District Overlay Zone to the B-1/ Business District _ within the Home Place District Overlay Zone. The site is located at 10820 North College Avenue. The site is zoned R-3/ Residence within the HomePlace district Overlay Zone. Filed by Leonard Voigt The application is identified as Docket No. 64 - 02. -7 The real estate affected by said application is described as follows: Lot Number Eight(8)and the West One Half(1/2) of Lot Number Nine (9) In Dixie Highway Addition, an Addition to Home Place in Hamilton County, Indiana, as per plat thereof, recorded in Deed Record 106, Page 7, in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana. All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be give an opportunity to be heard at the above mentioned time and place. S:\Plan Conunission Applications\Rezone 10/17/2000 • (TJ P- C! P- ~~~ '~=~~~ .. ~-_. - . {jYj}df)_6.fliJ~'~~ --- ~~ ru CJ CJ P- ILl Wl CJ ru Postage Certff1ed Fee .., CJ CJ CJ Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delrllery Fee {Endorsement Required} o .-"I Ul CJ Total Postage & Fees p,"~.~.".~.'ffi~ '.. ~~.,. '" ~"-'.- =-- - ." JI!jjgm ~ /1li) _7 . Certified Fee .-'1 CJ CI o Return ReceiPtF~j (Endorsement ReqUIre I' ry Fee Rest'iclemde~fe ~~~Uired) {Endorse " 0: 1.50 Postmo'k Here CJ .-'1 U"J D I P stage & Fees $ Tota 0 ~j.u. '-. "ill!? 1:.r}J~n()'_.-:''J.7nniJif... sir.er:APiNi.i~_; J 0 7 'J 6. --~-~- . ~-2'?' __ ~__ () ~PO'~ , . on. .~ n. W, ~ 751ry:sr"ii';"zip+4 , ILK.L ~~ 3.94 Clerk= KD2RNI< 05/16/02 ru CJ t::J l"- qJ U"J .-'I I'- ~~~ .~~~ [.~~.~~{h!J~~~ ~r ~ ~..... ru U"J o n.J Postage $ UNIT In = 0020 Certified Fee ? Postmark Here .-'1 CI CJ o Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee [Endorsement Required) 1.50 Clerk: Kn2RNK o .-'I U"J CJ 3.94 C.sl16/02 Total Postage & rees ru o Cl f"- UJ ...0 .-4 r'- ~~~ ~~~~ ': _~[i11dJJ@1i1J':8flif;~IW.!k1XiJJff)~; ,~. ~ tc ru UJ D ru 0.34 Postage UNIT 10: 0020 Certffled Fee ? Postmark Here ..-=t D D o Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement ReqUired) 1.50 Clerk: KD2RNI{ D .-4 UJ D Total Postage & Fees $ 3.94 05/16/02 Sent To ..--.n1j-.-.--p--~-...~_________.__._._..m...___.m_____.._.......... .:;~~/~I:~~~.:...J Q72.--1..AJ.._f!~____~.__._____ CII~ State, Z/P+4 -.. JIv ~6 (J ,- ~~.~ ru o CI r- ru lr ctJ ...D Postage $ ru U1 CI ru Ce~ified Fee 2.10 1.50 Postmark Here .-"I cJ CI CI Return ReceiPtt~j (Endorsement Requ re I' ery Fee Restricted Dte ~';,qUired) (Endorsemen I Clerk: KSW9SH 05/16/02 CJ .-=t U1 c:i 3.,94 ru o CJ ['-- .--'l :::r r-'l ~ ru LI1 E:J ru 0.34 Postage $ UNIT ID: 0020 Certified Fee r-'l CJ C) o , !) 1.50 Postmark Here Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Clerk: KD2RNK CJ r-'l Ul CJ Total Postage & Fees $ 3.94 05/16/02 :tLgi---.R.6B(J,jS<<'Al-.---------------D-~-~..-.-.-------------- .;:?s~~~,-;~~+4-3-~-:z-S1!1t1~~j~n)61f.-~- ru C) CJ l'- HI .-~ lit ~J;}~_;_:~ I:[] I"'- o:[J ..D ru U1 I:J ru Postage $ 0.34 UNIT ID: 0020 Certified Fee ., Postmark Return Receipt Fee 1.50 Here (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee, Clerk: KD2RNI{ (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ 3.94 05/16/02 ..-=t CJ CJ CJ CJ r'J L1'l CJ '::~:;~~~...~...~_.m....u.m --......___._....m ~;,~~;"'-m-~- ~-~--- ., ~., ",?"I"/",3'-"~ ~~ ru CJ Cl I"'- :::r U1 <0 -D =..tl~~ ~mJ[6~ (', .' 1liktl!@IfijJfJ!1!J~~~~' -'. - ""'--:-.' ru Lt'J C ru Postage $ 0.34 UNIT In: 0020 Certified Fee ? Postmark Return Receipt Fee 1.50 Here (Endorsement Reqwed) Restricted Deri\l'ery Fee Clerk: KD2RNI( (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees 3.94 05/16/02 ..-=. c i~ CJ ..-=. Ll'J CJ ru CJ C /['- .~~~ ~~~[PU' ~ r- .<:-=,~MEtlJ___~~~~~, r:r Cl ["- ru U1 Cl ru Postage $ 0.34 UNIT ID: 0020 Certified Fe. ? Postmark Return Receipt Fee 1.50 Here (Endorsement Requiredi Restricted Delivery Fee Clerk: KD2RNK (Endorsement Reqllired) .-=I Cl Cl Cl Cl r"'I Total Postage & Fees $ 3.94 05/16/02 U"J Cl Sent To ~ 'Si;eet:I;~N~c&:-----~~__hhCp--_~_--~_W~__..h.mm_ CJ -~~~~_~~~_~~'h_.h nq_6_8....~_ukh___~__m_ r- City, Stare, ZI~'":1.. ~_QtC23..l .~. ~~ ~~ l"- -=t- c(] ..J] ru U'l CI ru ~ .. ~ Mr.\m ~ _ ('~ ~~."'-..D~ ~~'=~ D .~. .,' , . . fliJitn_ /lJ:i) . h.""1 .. -.. \fY , ff;,: ;;~~ HlDIANAPOLIS, \i 1'7"14,\, "} ,'7.1' ~"""' ;rr" "'A62S0" ~ 0.34 '.....^ UNIT ID: 0020 Postage Certified Fee 2.10 1.50 Postmark Here .-=I CJ c::::J c::::J Return ReceiPJi~~) (Endorsement Req . d Deli\leryFe~ Restrtcte ~ Required} (Endorsemen ru c::::J c::::J l"- Cl",rk: KD2RNK 05/16/02 CI .-=I U'] CI l"'- ru .-=t t'- ~~.-~ ~.,r\ ~"-~OJ'" D"~~..,' ~".'_~.~,.., - ," , . "n6;.~. _ ,'_ '. . 1J!iMfJ.@dl!B1A,W . . ., " ?;: . ',. '. ' .. - .J , ff~~"_:' t::: INDIANAPOLIS Postage 2.10 1.50 Postmark: Here Certified Fee .-=t CJ CJ CJ Return ReCejp~j~~) (Endorsement Req , Restricted ~t~~e;~iie~) (Endorseme 3.94 Clerk: KDZRNK 05/16/02 ~~~ ~.~~(?iJ ,'~ ',-_,~'fifMD~llm~~ m CJ r'1 I"""- ,{~~ r,rCf't f'.-:~ i.~ ,_;~ n n~DI:ANAruLfs'~ IN '(:,46280 Postage $ 0.34 ru U1 CJ ru UNIT In: 0020 Certified Fee 2.10 r'1 CJ CJ CJ Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) 1.50 Postmark Here Clerk: KD2RNK CJ r'1 Ll') o Total Postage & Fees $ 3.94 05/16/02 ru CJ CJ r- ~.~~' " :~'.;, . D~r.;)~, - .., ~U n . ~> . - .' fljJdJJ@ItJrBflID~ ~fftKIr!11j ,-,.' ~.~. ~~ 0:0 o a- -D f.t ~~ r~ $; 6~ ~ INDIANAPOLIS, IN ~<46240 ru Ul CJ ru Postage $ 0.34 UNIT ID: 0020 Certitied Fee 2.10 1.50 Postmark Here ....=t a a t::l Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Dehvery Fee (Endorsement ReQLlired.l Clerk: KD2RNK D ..-=l TOlal Poslage 8. Fees $ 3.94 05/16/02 Ul ~ ;;~~.~fNtJ.../2t1&dm _n._____m. - --.. -.. .en ....mm m _ n.. nk._O_______. .f_ _ n_ mn__.__ m_ ___ n__. ~ c.ty. State, ZIP+4 ~~eJ1.(S f' 1.tJ;. 2A.a; ... - .. "~il!!1 ~~~ ' ,.~,~~ '..f" . ~~7i!i1iiiJ_~"t!lil:!@~~ _,' ru .~"'.. :. ,.. .. , . .'. . ,- - "- ::r ~ CJ r- ru Ul E:J n.J Postage $ 0.34 UNIT ID: 0020 Certified Fee '.10 1.50 Postmark Here .-=t CI I~ Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Clerk: KD2RNl< Cl .-=I Total Postage & Fe... $ 3.94 05/16/02 Ul Cl _~t;-t~f?,~n__Rl~_mCOJre:~L____um.."__..m__ ru CI Street, Apt. No,: a "'t7\ ~ -;~?s~~~,;~~JQ..1u?t,o.....~o:n'66iriMl$....,c.IAe_- ,..f!liIDiI ~ a- U") CI f'- ru U") CI ru Postage 5 0.34 UNIT In: 0020 Cer'lified Fee 2 1.50 Postmark Here M CI CI CI Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsemen( Required) Clerk: I([I2RNK CI r"l Total Postage & Fees $ 3.94 05/16/02 U1 ; ;;~~~!lNmnR!!Yl~nnmnnm~mm ~"i ".~",,12a.6m~ ()Jjj;t~33 m . · . . ,"' " ;~'V J . - ~. - -leI;'- ~~~~ ~~@IID ~J[s ~[MI ~. (_~Jiido~~~~~_ ' -~ """-.,,~ .-"l .-"l CJ I"'- ru U'J Postage $ 0.34 CI ru Certified Fee ? r=J Return Receipt Fee CI (Endorsement ReqUIred) 1.50 CJ CJ Restricted D€llivery Fee (Endorsement ReqUired) UNIT 10: 0020 Pos tmerk Here Clerk: KD2RNK CJ r=t U'! Cl Total Postage & Fees $ 3.94 05/16/02 ru CJ C) II"'- SenJ To I2...tra. .Y.\(fl~c.nL 1eS. ..--.I=!-..... .._.__......l'!'l.JdA'-.u..mn_...... n ..n_.. Slreel. Apt. 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Here 1.50 Clerk: KD2RNl< '~"~~.' .,0._ ft~t~@[Q)'~~ ' /" ('~~_@,ifJzffftD~~~~ IJ1 ' - , '" n1 CJ ('- ru Ul Postage $ 0.34 UNIT ID: 0020 c:J ru Certified Fee ? Postmark r"! Return Receipt Fee Here 0 (Endorsement Required) 1.50 0 KDZRNK 0 RestriCted Delivery Fee Clerk: (Endorsement Required) CJ r-'l Total Postage & Fees $ 3.94 05/16/02 Ul : Sent ~JJ1f?LLmnl./JlJ_(JrI_._mm...muuuu nnumm__hm :3 -~~?!:~~!{.~~.: .Q--~O-1-mCo1A:~u _-Ln_~m_AL.mu.m ~- City. State, ZIP, ' . - -0.-- " ...JJ ...JJ [:) l"'- ~~~. . - El'~~'~, li'fiJdf1~fJttIJ~~.~ ...,; . .-." - ~ ----..-' INfu!NjbLl~~ ~N ~:6:i6~~ l1.J Ul Cl ru Postage $ 0.34 UNIT ID: 0020 Postmark Hera Clerk: KD2RNK Cl rl Total Postage & Fees $ L1l C> Q...~uil:l.AL~KfM 'l'VutiJ nununu .~~!'.~.~~~.~~.:':.q.1ll.S:JAJfhJ.t>m. L.H<..........m._umm __..... CIty. Stare, ZIR J-1J.J N . 25 b . . Of... J . ~f1& Certified Fee 2.10 1.50 ...-=I Cl Cl c:J Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted DelivelY Fee (Endorsement Required) 3.94 ru [:) Cl 1['- 05/16/02 0 ITJ o:t] ..D ru ul Postage $ CJ ru Certified Fee .-=I Return Receipt Fee Cl (Endorsement Reqllired) Cl Cl R-estricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Reqllired) 0 $ .-"l Total Postage & Fees Ul Cl ru CJ Cl ~ 0.34 UNIT ID: 0020 \ '} Postmark 1.50 Hete Clerk: KD2~NK I 3.94 05/16/02 or /TI .-"f ); l::I ru 0.34 UNIT ID: 0020 Postage $ Cerlffled Fee ? Postmark Here r-=I l::I 1:3 D Return Receipt Fe<! (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) 1.50 Clerk: KB2RNK 1:3 r"l U1 c::J Total Postage & Fees $ 3,94 05/16/02 -:;;:0t:~~_;._g~uu_m~~____--f/j:._;----_._-;:.t._---- -Lt~-;piQ--7-':t1"-./~tv..'?4_L_____~~------ . ... - -';A_"_-_'l-_~---.:,'(l!Jt- ru CI c::J ['- CJ .-=t .--"I I:'- ~'~~'. .- .... 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"0 .- ~;)"O s:: (Il') ,.:::.i~J "'__ .-'j;;.r" jj1-"l" o ..... ~ r;JQ ~~ ft::1 -= IS~ .-.:tJ ~ . v, ~ j .-'0 ~ -'0 .~ ...- 'm .~ .. ...... .. - --~- ~ . -, ~ u u PETITIONER'S AFFIDAVIT OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION I ry./e) ~g-01\J A1t() .I)(}1 &1 do hereby certify that notice of public hearing of the Carmel Plan Commission to consider Docket Number 6#-02 -Z , was registered and mailed at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the public hearing to the below listed adjacent property owners: OWNER(S) NAME ≪$I\HD00 () L L C- ADDRESS 14~ Zg Pyt{..erc L/me,vVu=:;L... ~ J rJ C1 Ll6 0 3 2-- ..---- -- ..~..d.a.muaa....I....adml..aB....a.m.....ag...D.m.m.a...BID.......m.....a.a.....a..d.aam.a...DD STATE OF INDIANA, COUNTY OF ~IL 7crtJ , S8: The undersigned, having been duly sworn, upon oath says that the mati on is true and correct as he is informed and believes. (Signature 0 Subscribed aud sworn to before methi, //; Way of '771 d~ ,Yi,Af"";J, ~/) '. /) J i t";/..au u. LJ~t"::/ rJ<.-'" No ~y Public My Commission Expires: b -~ 1-;lt}{}f" .Baoa......mg.ID..........a.....m...A.a.u.a.DBm..a....D.....II.a......D.D~.auDa.D.m..m....D.B.Dg Signatures of adjacent property owners must be submitted on this affidavit. ,,<' -:/- L';' IJI'~I> ~p .t -~<( ~)t ,,~~ 11 2~02 l" ~v ~ ~ \\1 \~ \ \)()CSJ~ Jl.rI l~<\ :t ..... / , ,.\] / ~. /9/ \~ . \. ~ ..' u ., u I, ' Auditor of Hamilton County, Indiana, certify that the attached affidavit is a true and complete listing of the property owners within 660 feet or two (2) property depths, whichever is less, as relating to Docket No. Hamilton County Auditor Date J.. . ,-' , H..4MIt;TON COUNTY AUDll .. ;1 - u I, ROBIN MILLS, AUDITOR OF HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, CERTIFY MY OFFICE HAS SEARCHED OUR RECORDS AND BASED ON THAT SEARCH, IT APPEARS THAT THE PROPERTY OWNERS IN EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO ARE THE PROPERTY OWNERS THAT ARE TWO PROPERTIES OR 660' FROM THE REAL ESTATE MARKED AS SUBJECT PROPERTY THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS IS ACCURATE OR INCLUDES ALL PROPERTY OWNERS ENTITLED TO NOTICE PURSUANT TO LOCAL ORDINANCE. ANY PERSON SEEKING A MORE ACCURATE SEARCH OF THE REAL ESTATE RECORDS OF THE COUNTY SHOULD SEEK THE OPINION OF A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. ROBIN MILLS, HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITOR "",---r-[,' 'j'I~ A'~'\JJ\ ' dG~' ........." /,'~;:V-- ~/7 ",,-. Ify '~'-:-A ~ f. "<~'" \ - ' RECEIVED \r: 00 RAY 22 2002 ~ ~ DOCS !-- , gJ'':- /~ ,'V ___ !!J \ 'l'i1 DATED 4j/Q(02 ~ort fI,,^- ~r, ~ ~...- \ C1, "'" _ ~ c-.::?> ~",r 'I ~\l.- 1.-/ 0-' l...G , ~ ~ ~?w.,y-~' ,~ U'1'.1. ' W.e-....::::: '-". bIJ"S ~p..""q" I C-c'~ --"\ \ f--C' 'l... , ~. I O"'F- e,"p~1- '":> f'-..-~~' '~'Z Friday, Apri/19, 2002 Page ., of ., / HAMILTON COUNTY NDTlRCATlDL'&T u PREPARED BY TII HAMD.TON COUNTY AUDlTORSOmCE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING LISTED BElOW ARE SUBJECT PROPERTIES [ SUBJICI MARKED IN mOM !8UBJECT 17 13-02-04-08-008-001 Glenwood Lie 14928 Pacer CT Carmel IN 46032 17 13-02-04-08-009-000 Glenwood Lie 14928 Pacer CT Carmel IN 46032 IIAMllIIIN COUNTY.NOTlnCA YIDP(~&T PREPAREIlBY DIE HAMil ON COUNTY AlIDrrORSOFACL DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING u 'PLEASE NOTIFY THE FOLLOWING PERSONS 17 13-01-03-09-014-000 Hazel J Robinson 10818 Bellefontaine Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-01-03-09-015-000 Jeffrey W & Dianna M Patchett 10810 Bellefontaine ST <.-) (.... Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-01-b3-09-016-000 Clay Civil Township & Clay Twp Regional Waste District 10701 College Ave N ~) '/ Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-01-03-09-018-000 Clay Township Regional Waste District POBox 40638 1,\ Indianapolis IN 46240 17 13-01-03~09-018-001 Clay Township 10801 College Ave N Indianapolis 4 IN 46280 17 13-01-03-09-019-000 James L & Barbara A Wood h 10809 College Ave N Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-01-03-09-020-000 Richard J & Rachel C Cohen 10748 Torrey Pines CIR ---I Carmel IN 46032 17 13-01-03-09-021-000 Richard J & Rachel C Cohen 10748 Torrey Pines CIR Carmel IN 46032 ; 17 1 ;}-02-04-08-003-000 U W Alan L Boyce 1200 Woodgate 0 r \< Carmel IN 46033 17 13-02-04-08-004-000 Battey, Raymond S & Dale C Artman 9905 Wind Cir N ~ Indianapolis IN 46256 17 13-02-04-08-006-000 Terry D & Ronda R Clark 11206 Echo Crest West Dr C\ Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-02-04-08-007-000 Melissa Hauck 10830 College Ave N \V INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 13-02-04-08-008-000 Boyce Land Co Inc \ \ 3968 Chadwick DR Carmel IN 46033 17 13-02-04-08-010-001 Daniel J Cage (L \ 10810 College Ave N Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-02-04-08-010-002 Daniel J Cage 10810 College Ave N Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13.02-04-08-011-000 Leon D & Charlene A Paul Jr 5015 Fortville Pke \~ Greenfield IN 46140 17 13-02-04-08-027-000 Gayle Mayes \ L\ 10701 Broadway Ave INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17.13--02-04-09-003-000 (~ 0 Buffy Marshall 10749 Park Ave N I' Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-02-04-09-003-001 P A & Mary E Robinson /1 i 3277 Smokey Ridge Cir Carmel IN 46033 17 13-02-04-09-004-000 Thomas M & Filomena G Pearman \ ~) 10746 Broadway AVE Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-02-04-09-004-001 Diana Dean \ ~ 10727 Park Ave N Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-02-04-09-005-000 Oliver Z & Kathryn A Bondy 1 () 10726 Broadway St Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-02-04-09-005-001 \ Thorne Rental Properties Inc 'l \ 10746 Central Ave Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-02-04-09-006-000 James Brent Cassady 't/\/ 10716 Broadway Ave Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-02-04-09-006-001 Thorne Enterprises Inc 10746 Central Ave Z -/ 'J Indianapolis IN 46280 17 13-02-04-09-007-000 Vancy J Brown 'l}l 10706 Broadway Ave Indianapolis IN 46280 Q!L QQ8 ll!! n l1!ll / Q!lj ~ em Q!Z : '.P ~ '<, .~:~. ~ ~~.. 102~." ..~JI3I <~ q~.. 121~," '1,~191 ~.. i ~~.. lB'.,.,", nl' Q!Z ~ n.. nu:. ~ .,. 1~71 ..... 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