HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence ~ 1")-, Project Name: /'f;WI'I J~lHr5 ~ Present at Site: John South, Hamilton Co. SWCD, This Report Provided To: fl11114V/J1 Det./. o/D keM 13/.tf5$et.A. r 7~S"1 tJe/,.QaA", .2D~ , ..:z:.rJ), '~"')~ Ie )" ::z:. I ~~z'lO .~ ( Date: TYPE OF EVALUATION: A0ze/ ,tle// , ON-SITE ULUA TIONFOR EROSION AND SEDIM( J CONTR b Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation D~ict I) 3~ I 108 South 91h Street, . NoblesvilIe, TN 46060 L 0 J- Ph: 317-773-2181 Fax: 317-776-1101 G J"" c #.,.~eI' cOZJ c 5 s Vt" t,) -eyw- ;:;~ o Initial K Routine )t Follow-up o Complaint. This evaluation is intended to assess the level of compliance with 327 lAC 15-5 (Rule 5). It is also intended to identify areas where additional measures may be required to control erosion and sedimentation. All practices recommended in this report should be evaluated as to their feasibility by a qualified individual Wit/I structural practices designed by a qualified engineer. All erosion and sediment control measures shall meet the design criteria, standards, and specifications outlined in the "indiana H arrdbook fur Erosion Control in Developing Areas" or similar guidance documents. Current Site Information: '5'~ Or SITe IUdNC C().rl./'.LerELJ H>l.V1'1 AIPfr~ 1/-"t'J/"d'/ ~C// L-Abd:,. t'6?"'S/r8''';?~# .sA,f}/e./~t: It ~':f. ~ e.rsl s//c- tJ f' //P'1c1I'~:s ~,.o afd The Following Items Have Been Evaluated and Assigned a Designation of: S = Satisfactory M = Marginal U = Unsatisfactory NA = Not Applicable Construction Site Management for Erosion and Sediment Control S M C[)NA (1) Disturbed areas have been adequately protected through seeding or other appropriate erosion and sediment control measures. (2) Appropriate perimeter sediment control measures have been implemented. (3) Conveyance channels have been stabilized or protected with appropriate sediment control measures. (4) Erosion & sediment control measures are installed properly. (5) Storm drain inlets have been adequately protected. (6) Outlets have been adequately stabilized. (7) Existing erosion & sediment control measures are being maintained. (8) Public & private roadways are being kept clear of accumulated sediment or tracked soil. (9) Erosion & sediment control measures have been installed and maintained on individual building sites. @M 0M COM @M (PM U ([; M U S eu S M @ U NA U NA U NA U NA NA NA NA NA Status of Sediment Retention On-Site o Site conditions present a high potential for off-site sedimentation. o There is evidence of off-site sedimentation. Describe: o Please Refer to the Comments Section of this Report . Definitions The item is currently in compliance with the Rule A concern has been identified; corrective action is strongly recommended to remain in compliance A violation has been identified and the site is not in compliance; corrective action is required Does not apply at this stage of construction Satisfactory: Marginal: Unsatisfactory: Not Applicable: Revised 4/98 ... .- PROJECT NAME: ON-Sll~1V ALVA TION FOR EROSION AND SEDl1\UT CONTROL COMMENTS #p'ze-/./-'e; /Y' ~ 1dGt/# jd~CS Page 2 The items checked below musr be corrected prior to ~r ~3 , unless otherwise noted. I o Install an appropriate sediment control practice between construction areas and lower lying areas. o Replace/Repair- si It fence and/or straw bale barriers () Entrench silt fence (6-8 in) and/or straw bale barriers (4 -6 in.) and stake straw bales. o RElllove accumulated scclLment from: 0 sediment traps/basins, 0 behind silt fence/straw bales, 0 around stann drain inlet protection deVices, 0 streets and gutters (Do not flush with water) o Temporary seed, fel1iJize, and/or mulch: o Penmment seed, fertilize, and mulch areas that are at final grade: o Protect storm drain inlets 0 curb inlets, 0 drop inlets o Reshape and stabilize sides lopes of: 0 sediment traps/basins, 0 detenlionlretcntion basins o Install/Maintain constru ction entrance(s): o Reshape and stabi iize conveyance channels: o Place greater emphasis on erosion and sediment control on building sites; contractors, subcontractors, material vendors, and others should be made aware of erosion and sediment control requirements. Appropriate perimeter sediment controls (e.g. silt fence) and stable construction entrances shall be utilized on all sites. Sedimcnt tracked into the street shall be removed (do not flush with water) at the end of each work day. % Other Requil-ements: , / , Pro f ~I>r oS ,~ ;1;'~ ~ t C#,?: :/ ,'$ e~o/j?- Th;e"po,",..hm;ttedhy ~ /3. ~ He\'ised 4 / 98 d.d- 30.03 Proj ect Name: ~\. T~!?Ei:1!?-"f.:Et'S~~ Present at Site: John South, Hamilton Co. S\VCD, This Report Provided To: kEN B.etls,eu. iC::. ,/ f~"'.rl OU;'6ra RiJW r..AIO/J"lWIhJJ./~ .I", ~/;~v6 ( , ON-S[TEUALUA nON FOR EROSION AND SEDIlV 'IT CONTROL---- Ham ilton County Soil and Water Conservation ~rict () Sf 1108 South 9111 Street, NoblesviIle, TN 46060 r:: ... D rf--- Ph 317-773-2181 Fax: 317-776-1101 ~v..J ';- 1'. Date: k.l14~'t w,'~/t;'/ IZ 1 I;:;) 1It1..w: S ':4)C 51?" 38'11 CAl'l4Ifd hie. TYPE OF EVALUATION: o Initial )C. Routine o Follow-up o Complaint This evaluation is intended to assess the level of compliance with 327 lAC 15-5 (Rule .5). It is also intended to identify areas where additional meusures may be required to control erosion and sedimentation. All practices recommended il1 this report should be evaluated as to their feasibility by u qf(al~fied individual with structural practices designed by a qualified engIneer. All erosion and sediment control measures shall meet the design criteria, standards, and specifications outlined in tile "Indiana Handbook/or Erosion Control in Developing Areas" or similar guidance documents. Current Site Informatlon: 91>1. 6F Sl'rl!!- DEVeLOr/-lellr ~1JH'J.Er.etJ Z BUIl.D/NGS 515 eDJlJI,. of I:'JAIISIIEO lJJ/ eJt""e~/.11l.. CDI1~'" A2'~tJS A!b-r e-/JH/I...E7l!J) The Following Items Have Been Evaluated and Assigned a Designation of: S = Satisfactory M = Marginal U = Unsatisfactory NA = Not Applicable Construction Site Management for Erosion and Sediment Control S lv1 @ NA (1) Dishlrbed areas have been adequately protecte.d through seeding or other appropriate erosion and sediment control measures. U NA (2) Appropriate perimeter sediment control measures havc: been implemented. (3) Conveyance channels have been stabilized or protected with appropriate sediment control measures. (4) Erosion & sediment contra! measures are installed properly (5) Storm drain inlets have been adequately protected. (6) Outlets have been adequately stabilized. Nil. (7) Existing erosion & sediment control measures are being maintained. NA (8) Public & private roadways (Ire being kept clear of accumulated sediment or tracked soil. N A (9) Erosion & sediment contra 1 measures have been installed and maintained on individual building sites. <[)M S M @ <D M U S@U S M @ QMU S M <!D S M crD NA NA NA NA Status of Sediment Retention On-Site o Site conditions present a high potential for off-site sedimentation. o There is evidence of off-site sedimentation. Describe: Satisfactory: Marginal: Unsatisfactory: Not Applicub\e 1- Pleas\:; Refer to the Comments Section of thi~ Report Definitio/1s The item is currently in compliance with the Rule A concern has been identified; cOlTective action is strongly recommended to remain in compliance A violation has been idenTified and the site is not in compliance; corrective action is required Does not apply at this stage of construction Revised 4/98 )0. ON-SIT! "VALVA TION FOR EROSION AND SEDIMFl\IT CONTROL --V U COMMENTS PROJECT NAME: --li~ . 7ht.c.ll'fl J,f)/4fIC S @ ,h{. Ee/ 1),:.// ..:' '* Page 2 The items checl,ed below must be corrected prior to S IIJ-103 , unless otherwise noted. , , o Install an appropriate scdiment control practice betwecn construction ilreas and lower lying arCilS o o o Replace/Repair si It fence and/or straw bale barriers. Entrench silt fence (6-8 in.) and/or straw bale barriers (4 ~6 in,) and stake straw bales. Remove accumulated sediment from: 0 sediment traps/basins, 0 behind silt fence/straw bales, 0 around storm drain inlet protection devices, 0 streets and gutters (Do not Hush with water) Temporary seed, fertilize, and/or mulch: 6('" Permanent seed, fertilize, and mulch areas that are at final grade:' '1'1. ".rCD S 1 w, k 5 ~ JS ~ o Protect storm drain inlets: 0 clirb inlets, ~drop inlets I'K~t/ e> Reshape and stabilize sideslopes of: 0 sediment traps/basins, 0 detention/retention basins o o Install/Maintain construction entrance(s): Reshape and stabilize conveyance channels: o Place greater emphasis on erosion and sediment control on building sites; contractors, subconh"actors, material vendors, and others should be made aware of erosion and sediment control requiremcnts. Appropriate perimeter sediment controls (e.g. silt fence) and stable construction entrances shall be utilized on all sites. Sediment tracked into the street shall be removed (do not fltlSh with water) at tIle end of each work day. Other Req1.lirements: o I, z. . flf aJiI ,ttr~~ I / J k 16" cI b q"t 5 tI ~.." -"4' HJf.~ ~ t: ~/)~ e . ;~e s,,;1 , . v< '1 ~--'1 ;...J e<s" ~ </Dc! vi - 4dd.. 1,~,,-....l , 0:-:1. ,'5 Hee.ded 10 ~ro It'd fLe. 11)"'" ferJJt Sf4 J;/'~7 cf .~ / I / OtJrv:! .6 ~I.:. I := yt fJ -;LII. Revised 4/98 TIllS t'epOl1 subrn itted by: " u u Properties February 14, 2003 ~ ~ '/'of\ e; ~~ ..? .~ ~ ~/:~~ ~<~~.~> <5~5' "-~ %' ~. S <~~ ,-,.,\.,'; "\ v ~'-l Mrs. Jeanne Doran Lake Forest Homeowners Association 11761 Lake Forest Parkway Carmel, TN 46033 s~ 01- \.9S~ Re: Mound Landscaping Dear Jeanne: Please consider this as confirmation ofthe agreement made during the meeting on February 12,2003 at the Lake Forest mound adjacent to Pursel Lane. Those present were you, representing the Lake Forest l:lomeowners Association, Mr. Scott Bre\.ver, representing the City of Cam1el, and me, representing Platinum Properties. It was agreed that Platinum Propeliies would install a total of 23 trees with mulch (J 4 deciduous & 9 evergreens) on the mound along the east side of Pursel Lane. The specl fie plants and location to be instaUed are as shown on the attached drawings & photos. The plants will have a one year wananty from the date of installation. I anticipate instalLing these matelials within 111e next 60 days. If you have any questions, please call me at 818-2905. Sincerely, C:;?:f;~~-/[8 ~~v~ Kenneth R. Brasseur, P.E. Vice President Enel. cc: Mr. Scott Brewer, Mr. Jon Dobosiewicz, Mr. Bill Brooks, Mr. Paul Rioux 317 818-2900 + 317 818.2910 fax 9551 Delegates Row. Indianapolis, IN 46240 -" <w.. ~l7 ...... ~...... ...... ......~. ............ '''''' EXISTING 1\\~~--F_Q8~EST 'SECTlONIS . ! I I I '/ ~Jib ~j (t) tfitJ t~ i / / / i l I l i ! } l , Ii < ~j . ,t i f i l I J I J I ,~ d " II " I' f! il !/ II ;/ U I~ C if K i I f ~ i ~ I i I / / I I / ! / ,/ I / I I I I / .' i l I I I I I I I , I ' I I I I I I I J I } I I I I I / I l ........."- , '" '. ...... '. ~3:~: ~d \'.\0 \ ~~~ ---t" -- {:"()R rnNTINUA TION SEE THIS SHEET ABOVE FOR CON TI N U A TI ON: SI:.I:. idjj: ~r'; "~;:'~~:'~~;"'::;i," .. rCH LINE j II j :' -.~; ~ . : " 'i, ji~\r~: 1; :j "".'I::'~:~:" ~~II~ i~: :~. I""','~'r"@' . I 1'1 .t~.. .... ~~, .. .. , . 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J.,t..~!;)/!._I/r ) ~' u u ,S'{J." 7// -E-/t/ D C A ,,~, kl'~/';; ) ,..,.-L..-I:,."i..;!. 't~/-I Transmittal 4' I r 12821 E. New Market Street, Ste. 100., Carmel, Indiana1.6o,32-'\'T~leph.Q.~e: 317J569-8112. Fax: 317/826-6410 0 www.schneidercorp.com <./ .' ." ~ . I , ~ . TO: Jon Dobosiewicz /~;. ' f- I'.. Department of CommunitYr-}?ervic~fCFIVED One Civic Square ~ FEB 7 2033 DOCS FROM: Dave Sexton, P.E./rwh WE ARE SENDING YOU: o Attached Via: D Mail D Fed Ex l2l UPS 0 Courier D Pick Up D Other D Fax , ,- DATE: 02/06/03 JOB #: 4041.001 PROJECT: Townhomes at Hazel Dell RE: recorded plat and Cov. & Res. FAX#: TELEPHONE #: Carmel, IN 46032 # Co ies Date Descri tion 1 3 lat Pa er co ies of the recorded lat 1 Cop of the recorded Covenants & Restrictions THE ABOVE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: D For approval o For your use REMARKS: o As requested D For review and comment o FOR BIDS DUE o Other COPY TO: File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. Offices in Indianapolis, Avon, Carmel, and Lafayette, Indiana n:\4k\4041 100 1 \docs\ transmittals\dobos iewicz02050 3. d oc " u ...-- _,"F-- /l.~ I I /'\ )_-: /!/"~/ ,f8 ~1 ~/'~..' /J.~I/ Cf'~.'j/A: -I J' lfl ....0 - ~' fJ .?tJa? ~ DOCS '< " Transmittel-- - _ - -\/ ~(~; ~~> v '\ - I I - / r 12821 E. New Market Street, Ste. 100., Carmel, Indiana 46032 .. Telephone: 317/569-8112 .. Fax: 317/826-6410. www,schneidercorp.com TO: Jon Dobosiewicz Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 DATE: November 26, 2002 JOB#: 4041.001 PROJECT: Townhomes at Hazeldell RE: Plat FAX#: TELEPHONE #: FROM: Dave Sexton, P.E. Direct Dial 317-826-7317 WE ARE SENDING YOU: tzJ Attached Via: 0 Mail 0 Fed Ex 0 UPS [8J Courier D Pick Up 0 Other D Fax # Copies Date Description 1 M~lar - Sheet One of Secondary Plat I I I rHE ABOVE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: D For approval [8J As requested D FOR BIDS DUE ~ For your use 0 For review and comment D Other REMARKS: Jon, The enclosed mylar reflects the addition of the waterline easement we spoke about yesterday. The remaining sheets were not affected. Thanks, COPY TO: File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. Offices in Indianapolis, Avon, Carmel, and Lafayette, Indiana k:\docsltransmilta Ld oc u u ~~ Schneider .~~~ N,m",b"," 2002 tf>RrC~IED~> Jon Dobosiewlcz ! J N~V 20 2a r ' Department of Commu~t~!' ServlUD - V2 One Civic Square \\.-', CS /' . ....'\ Carmel, IN 46032 '<~':::-" <'(I~:?~~Lf~~~~"\'" . RE: SECONDARY PLAT 65-02-SP - THE TOWNHOMES AT HAZELDELL Dear Jon. Please find enclosed 2 paper copies of the Secondary Plat for The Townhomes at Hazeldell. The plat has been updated per your comment letter dated May 28, 2002 and our telephone conversation yesterday. Revisions and or comments are as follows: I. A key map has been added to sheets 1 tl1ru 4 of the plat 2. The Primary and Secondary Plat docket numbers have been added and moved to sheet I. 3. The source of title instrument number has been added and moved to sheet I. 4. Common Areas have been labeled as drainage, utility, sewer and access easements 5. An access easement is dcpicted along the street areas. 6. The pond shoreline has been added along with the nonnal pool and 100 year flood elevations. 7. Lori Watson has been added to the Board of Works signature block. 8. Concerete monuments have been added to the subdivision boundary comers. After you have had a chance to review the enclosed plat please let me know if you have any comments and r will forward an updated mylar with the owners signature for execution by the department Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION Dave Sexton, P.E. Director - Residential Development Services ~~e;1 N:\3k\3696\OO j Idocsldobo t I -2().Oldoc THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317.826.6410 www.schneidercorp.com i' u rr u Br~wer, Scott I From: Sent: To: Subject: Ken Brasseur [kbrassew@platinum-properties.com] Monday, November 25,2002 11 :19 AM ci.carmel.in.us RE: Townhomes at Hazel Dell F' ~ Jon &0 Scott Here r s what I r 11 do. onCe you get .a positive response from Lake Forest allowing us to install trees in their common area, I will call their landscape committee person (I've got her phone number) and set up a meeting with her, Bret Skipper & me to get their imput. If they want some evergreens, I'm "OK" w.ith that. Once we resolve what they want I'll get Scott to approve the plan. (Scott there is no reason for you to spend your time at the initial meeting, unless you want to be there) . Does this work for everyone? Let me know. Thanks! Ken -----Orig~nal Message----- From: Dobosiewicz, Jon C [n'tailto:JDobosiewicz@ci.carmel.in.usJ Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 10:07 AM To: Brewer, Scott 1; Ken Brasseur Cc: 'bskipper@rancho-alegre.com' Subject: RE: Townhomesat Hazel Dell I have not heard back from the Lake Forrest group. I think they want evergreens, don't ask me why. I would be much happier with taller deciduous trees. They, the Lake Forest board need to be involved in the placement of the stakes for the trees. Thanks, Jon -----Original Message----- From: Brewer, Scott 1 Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 9:48 AM To: 'Ken Brasseur'; Brewer, Scott 1 Cc: bskipper@rancho-alegre.com; Dobosiewicz, Jon C Subject: RE: Townhomes at Hazel Dell Ken: That suggestion sounds good. I sent a copy to Jon Dobosiewicz to see if . he agrees that will be "OK" with the Lake Forest group. They at some point had said that they wanted evergreens, but I think when they see the size of these trees... though if you can throw in a few small spruces or white pines, strategically placed, it might stop any grumbling. You know how neighbors can be. Scott Brewer Urban Forester, City of Carmel Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 (317) 571-2478 V ....-- D CJ)~ Sf ; 'f' w u -----Original Message----- From: Ken Brasseur [mailto:kbrasseur@platinum-properties.com] Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 9:08 AM To: Brewer, Scott I Cc: bskipper@rancho-alegre.com Subject: RE: Townhomes at Hazel Dell Dear Scott, Thanks for the information. I will get with Eret Skipper within the next two weeks and come up with a recommendation as to which twelve trees and location to be placed at Lake Forest. I'll flag the locations and we can meet for your on site for your imput and approval. Does this sound "OK" ? Ken -----Original Message~---- From: Brewer, Scott I [mailto:SBrewer@ci.carmel.in.us] Sent: Sunday, November 24, 2002 5:10 PM To: Ken Brasseur Subject: FW: > -----Original Message----- > From: Brewer, Scott 1 > Sent: Sunday, November 24, 2002 5:08 PM > To: I kbrasseur@plattinum-properties..com I > Cc: Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Weese, Kate K > Subject: > > > Dear Ken: > > I have priced the replacement values for the trees you removed from the > right of way for the Townhomes of Hazel Dell. They are currently being > over wintered by Rancho Alege. The list of values follows (figured by > wholesale replacement of like sized stock plus installation costs) : > > 3" Zelkova > 6' Serviceberry > 4" Maple $355 > 5" Maple $415 > 3.5" Ash $320 > 6" Maple $475 > 4" Elm > 6' Serviceberry > 4" Ash > 3.5" Maple > (5) 3" Maple > 3" Linden $275 > 6' Serviceberry > 2.5" Linden > 2.5" Zelkova > 3" Maple $285 > 3" Linden $270 > Total $260 $185 $355 $185 $355 $320 $1,425 (5x$285) $185 $240 $235 $6,140 > > You have committed to planting 12 trees on the Lake Forest common area > that borders your development. If you are using 12 of these trees, please > let me know which ones, so we can subtract their values from the total. 2 , .. .1 .'j ". > If these maintained > and warranted ohe year. > information helps. .r'd k h U trees are transp~-=e to La e Forest, t ey must be Thank you for your cooperation, I hope this > > Scott Brewer > Urban Forester, City of Carmel > Department of Community Services > One Civic Square > Carmel, IN 46032 > (317) 571-2478 > 3 . Dale. _&~pz:.. Prolecl Name: _/lq;:e;/ /2ell ON~SlT( :VALUATION FOR EROSION AND SEDI(')'IT CONTROL '-I-Iamilton CountY' Soil and Water Conservation-,.,.r.~trict ] 108 SOllth"l)111 Street. Noblesville, IN 46060 Ph 317-773-21~1 Fax. 317-776-1101 ~ - I ()wA/H~HG'.s Prt:sent at Site .fOh11 South, Hamilton Co SWCD_. This Reporl rrovided To PAUL Ie /bO X PJ.Ar,iVUH P~tli?: 'IS's I DE..LE.6'T'ES /?ou) "J:tJOJP,t4a~J.. j 5' T~-""-Z_I{D CA121UIL t='"1t..E. TYPE OF EVALUATION: o Initial ~ Routinc o Frjllow-up o Complaint This evaluation is intended to assess rhe level (~lcompliallce lI'ith 327 lAC 15-5 (Rule 5), It is also ill tended to illel1t~lY arcrrs wirerI' arlditiofl(ll measures nUlY he required to .col1trol erosion and .\'edimentarioll. All practices recommended i/1 (Iii... report .~h(lllld he evaluated as to theirfeasibility hy a qualified individllalwftll .;.tructural practices designed by a qualified engineer, All emsiol1l1f1d sediment contra/meanlres shall meet tile design criteria, .5lmulards, and specifications outlined in rIle "lndialill 11(f/ldhookf()r Eroshm CO/l(1'II1 in Developing ArellS" or simileII' guidI/nee document.\'. ClIITenlSiH:;]nfolllwtion: SITe wtJlZIC ~ U'f"/.t.17Y aNST~tJL-T/CJ,I(/ (C/l/7//VtPOS The Following Items Have Been evaluatcd and Assigned a Designation of: S = Satisfactory !VI '" Marginal U = Unsatisfactor:y NA = Not Applicable Construction Site Mnnagement for Erosion and Sedimcnt Control o M U N /\ (I) Disturbed areas nave been adequutely protected through seeding or other Clppropriatc erosion and sediment control measures Appropriate perimeler sediment controlllleasnrcs have been implemented. Conveyance chanllels have beell stabilized or protected with appropriate sediment controlm<:aslIrcs. Erosion 8: sediment controlll1casures are instnlled properly. Storm drain inlets have been adequately protected. Outlets have been adequately slabi I ized_ Existing erosion 8: sediment conlTolllleasllres are being maintained_ Public & private roadways are being kept clear of accumulated sediment or tracked soil Erosion &: sediment conlToll1lerrsures have been instiJlled and maintaint:d on individual building sites_ s @ U NA (2) S 1\1 U ~ (3) S @ U NA (4) (])1\1 U NA (5) cP M U N/\ (6) ~ M U NA (7) @ M U NA (8) S Ivl U e:; (9) Status of Stdimcnf Retention On-Sitc o Site conditions pres<:nl a high potential for ofC-site sedimentation. o There is evidence of oil-site secllmentation. Describe: ^ , Pleasc Rcfer to the Comments Section of this Report Definitions The item is ctllTently in Gompliance with the Rule. A concern has been identified~ correcti ve action is strongly recommended to remain in compl iance A violation has bet'll iclentificdand the sile is not In compliance~ corrective action is I-equired Does not apply at this stage of constrLlction RCl'ised 4 I 98 Satlsfactorv: Margillal: U 115 atis factory: Not Applicabh:: 1'l\OJECr NAME: ON-srUVALUATION FOR ~ROSION AND SEDrrUH CONTROL COi\1MENTS 114UI LJe-// UA.~S ~)age 2 The itern~ ehecl,cd hcluw must he corrceted prior to It) It; Az. , unless otherwise noted. . i o In~r,lil (\11 appropl'iale sediment control practice between construction areas anellower lying are(Js o Rep]<1ce/Repair silt fencc (Jnd!QJ: strilw b<1le balTiers. () Entrench slIt fence (6-8 in.) and/or stnl\V hale h<1ITiel"S (4 -6 in.) and stake strow b<1]es () RemOVi;; ,.\cculllulnted sediment f!"Om: 0 sediment lTaps!basins, 0 behind silt lence/strsw billes, () ill"Ound storm drain inlet protection devicc:s, 0 "Tcels and guners (Do llol flush with wnter) () Tempurary seed, fertilize, and/or l11uleh o Perlllanenl seeel. fertilize. ond mulch <1reas that are at limd grnde' U ])l"Otcct storm drain inlets: 0 curh inleTS, 0 drop inlet" o Rcdwpe and srabilize sicleslopcs of: 0 sediment traps/basiJl5. 0 dctention!retention basins o Insrall!Maintalll construction entrance(s): (1 Reshape and stabilize conveYilnce channels: o F'lilCC greater ell1phasis on erosioll and sediment contml on building sites: contnletors, subcontracwl's, IlHllerial vendors, and others should be made awnl'e of erosion and sediment control requirements. Appropri:llc perimeter sediment cOlltrols (e.g. silt knce) and stable cOllstruction entmnces shall be utilized 011 all sites Sediment tracked into the street shill1 be l'cl11oved (elo not Ilush witll Willer) at the endof each 'Nork clay. o UlhcI'Requirements' /, /" , , t / Scec;;;! dr'slvr eel 4: r-.:: a.... f6.r ~ / c. ;:$1 'Ie I S44f 1 'T4r"t/ . (~ QrD~ fAe -e..pJt;1~ -' ;{. C 6t"rt:Jk ( 1- ' /..,. It: /Dw tJrCI //'31< II 3/11 , /(M.C e:: It, 360ft. t~ () fi f4., <"- S'tfe.. fhis rc:port submitted by: (11 iJ. ~ / Rel';"'"d" / ~8 c,. ); u u , 'I., .iI', To: Mayor James Brainard " /" ,-, r From: Norman Mathieu 5277 Edward Court Carmel, Indiana 46033 fi( " ~ , . , i).p , .-0 ~ (p":J Subject: Magazine Article "Court Rules to Raze New Homes in Florida" The property that Hazel Dell Towrmomes is in the process of building is zoned R-2 for medium densi~ single fiunily residential homes. But the city approved a plan with multi family buildings that are inconsistent with the Zoning of the property in question. I contend that when the Plan Commission waived the requirement of the 6' separation between units they approved buildings that are not permitted under R-2 zoning. This is also contrary to the intent of our residential Open Space Ordinance. In essence the Plan Commission ignored Carmel's Master Plan (R-2 Zoning) and under the guidance of the Department of Community Services they created a defacto rezoning by giving the developer every waiver he requested. I was therefore delighted to read the attached article and find that the District Court of Appeal ofthe State of Florida (Case No. 4d99-2641 opinion filed September 26,2001) ruled that an affected or aggrieved party may bring action to enjoin an inconsistent development allowed by the county under it's comprehensive land use plan. Florida's Appeal court believes that if you build it, and in court it later proves to be an inconsistent development allowed by the county under it's Comprehensive Plan, it will have to corne down. Count the ordinance waivers that were approved on Buildings #1 and #2 (44 or more) to allow them to build on the narrow strip that is in front of my lot and perhaps you can understand how badly the city will have damaged me. What is Carmel's stand now that you have read the attached article? In view of this new information I respectfully request that you consider putting a stay on building these townhomes if you feel they are inconsistent with the property in question's zoning. Perhaps Indiana's law isn't as harsh as Florida's but the courts might hold Carmel liable to the residents who were damaged if the procedure was flawed. Please reply as soon as possible. Thank you for your time. Norman P. Mathieu cc Jon Dobosiewicz (planning Administrator) l,./'"" Wayne A. Wilson (City Council President) Norman Rundle (Councilman) Marilyn Anderson (Plan Commission President) t u u Court Rules to Raze Ne.w Homes: in Florida BY'ORDER.o'faFl9rida appeals COUR"a 1YI.artifl Countydeve!oper,.mllsttear down $3.3 million worth.of apattmenthuildings th<1t were recently built. .Marlin CountY. had approved the two- story buiklings;'ev'tn though they did .not entirely finhe countY's master plan. With the cmlnty?s pkay in hallcljth~ 4eveloper started building~despite the fact tllat . oppLlnehts tbok the cOllnty'sdeGis.iQn to cgIlrt. The recemcourt rulirlg; is bei"ng )'IPpealed ,to-the stace .supreme!(:OUrt, but .' 1ihj.fJpwer-Cl)lIrt ot:der -isa,victory for slowc grov.ithprop6nenfs. They say.it forteSlotal offlcfials to. stick to the rules they've set up fbT tbemsclves. ,iYouwHnt these plans ra be as clear asp0ssibleso developers ~lnd citiz~11S know what the ru'lesare," Sa)'S Char.les Pattison',e.xectlti'ie: director of IOOG friel}d~ ofFlorida,anenviromnen- tal group. "You don't leave it to the whim. ofa publicJlearingone night.') Martin Courity officials dispute tbe <iPPc,aIH:ouu ruling, saying th<it they wrote the master plan in the firstplace,sCl they shoulq haye the flexibihcy i:ointerc pret it. "We thought the development was cOhsistent" "iith the master plan,.says Commissioner Dennis Armstrong. "This sho~ildn't be up to ;he yudici:'\ry to dccide."TI'w councy bopes the legislature will ai'ne\id the srate:s.grmVth I<1.\V8 to,give ,such "clefc.rence" to local gover'nments. I--lomebuilders disagreed \i'ithrhe court rulingas.well, and also vowed to takctheir conccn"sto the legislature. "When !(1Cal :go\'erwncl1t says,'Here'i; your permit,' it doesn't mean anything" anymore," says Keith Hetritk, general c.outtsel fort,he Florida Home.BuildersAssodation.'''No Illeans no, bur yes never really means yes." -"""""Christopher S'l.l!ope Jr~ t~ 4/ 18 q(2~ 02"0' ~ From: u u City of Carmel ~DE-R~ 8F COMMUNITY SERVICES S ~ ~ ;'7 August 16, 20r;; Rt.CENED ~ Ron Houck a.;;;. ~Ultl:9o 2002 (;/:;>02 <;; p Mike HOllibalt\~~. ,~ LY~- Town Homes at Hazei~8ell '0 ~I Carmel Clay Plan Commission Marilyn Anderson Jon Dobosiewicz Mayor Brainard , ~ To: Re: Copy: I appreciate the input on the town homes issue this past week. You probably do not need much of an overview on this, but I would like to explain the key issues in my own words that can perhaps be a launching point for discussion at Tuesday's Executive Committee. Late in June, Paul Rioux called to inform me they had run into soil problems on the south side of the lake that could impact the plan and wondered what sort of process they had to go through if the plat was going to change. I explained to Paul that process depends upon what sort of changes they were proposing. Significant changes such as adding units, extending streets or creating a different street pattern, would require plan commission approval. If their proposed changes did not add lots or streets, and the layout closely matched that previously approved, the department would likely be able to approve the plat administratively. Since that time Jon has worked with Rioux and his engineer to get the plat in shape for approval. The modifications as proposed have not resulted in greater impacts or an increase in intensity of the project The number of lots has been reduced; the layout is very close to the original, and the length of streets has decreased slightly. The process and modifications that have occurred up to this point are consistent with the Plan Commission Rules and past practice when a project goes from primary plat (concept) to construction. The secondary plat that is being reviewed, while not identical to the original for the reasons stated above, is consistent with design of the original plat and the stated goals of the Commission during the approval process. In some ways it is better, as the elimination of portion of street has allowed a larger green area to separate the new units from Lake Forest. The Department has met and communicated with the Lake Forest neighbors about this to try to explain the process, issues, and status of the plat. They, at this point, do not seem pleased with the modifications that have occurred, and have asked the Plan Commission to look into this matter. They have also asked to meet with the Mayor. We all recall that the approval process for this has been contentious beginning with the original Mark Stout plan. The neighbors have made their views very clear during the approval process. The Plan Commission was very responsive to their concerns that as reflected in the approved plan. ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 u u To: Ron Houck Re: Town Homes at Hazel Dell Page 2 While complicated, the approval process for subdivisions is not haphazard or preferential. It has a structure that is well defined and grounded in Indiana Law. The tools to review each secondary plat include the Subdivision Control Ordinance, the Plan Commission Rules, and the official public record. When changes to primary plats come into play, as here, we have to use a certain amount of professional judgment along with the other tools. It is this use of judgment that seems to be the point of contention. Let me assure you that the Department does not take the issues surrounding the review of secondary plats lightly. We try to be very professional in the way we conduct business, and have a great deal of pride in the work we do for you and the greater community. Great care is taken to ensure that secondary plats conform to the subdivision control ordinance and, as closely as possible, to the approved primary plat. It is difficult for me to understand why there appears to be a certain amount of suspicion about the Department's review process, and possibly a belief that we would decide this issue in a way that is not consistent with decisions made by the commission. I can understand why the public might have questions as they do not generally have a great deal of understanding about our ordinances or procedures. I appreciate your desire to protect the adjoining neighbors. and the integrity of the Plan Commission's approval of Docket Number 159-01 PP. I hope you similarly recognize the Department's commitmentto those same goals. The emotion and contention that as surrounded this specific petition from the beginning will not soon fade; but given that the project has received the necessary approvals, the Department is obligated to treat it with the same objectivity that we would. any other plan. The Department recognizes the trust the Commission placed in us when it chose to delegate Secondary Plat approval; and we would never abuse that trust by administratively subverting a decision of the Plan Commission. Let me close with two points. First, it is important to note that a final decision has not been made regarding the secondary plat for the town homes. The plat review is a work in progress; any concerns that the Department has acted inappropriately are premature at best. Also, I have attached a copy of Marilyn's analysis and response to you on August 15, which is far more eloquent at framing this issue than what I have written. I look forward to discussing this further on Tuesday. u u Marilyn, Thallk you for the response, 1 don't think the existing process is broken, but may /leed a tweak. Since secandalY plat approval is not part of any notification process or public process, there is 110 way for the public to know that changes have been made, This may explain Mike's comment that it has not been an issue prior, My suggestion would be that DOCS and PC develop criteriafar what is considered a "significant" change. When a significant change occurs, the plat should go back to the Subdivision Committee far review. This wauld allow formal public input. This would not be burdensome, and would probably only affect a very small number of secondary plats, since most secondary plats do not contain substantive changes. ROil Marilyn Anderson <banker@netdirect.net> 08115/2002 [0:10 AM To; HOUCK_RONJ@Lilly,corn cc: Mike Hollibaugh <mhollibaugh@ci.canneLin.us> Subject: Urgent Read Please - Changes to Townhomes of Hazel Dell Ron, Sorry to take so long to get back with you. For whatever reason, your e-mail did not arrive until several days after you sent jt--I received it Tuesday around noon. I've been talking and corresponding with Mike Hollibaugh about this prior to and subsequent to your e-rnails to me. We agreed before your fIrst e-mail that DOCS should write about this to inform all Plan Commission members. They are working on that and expect it to go out tomorrow morning and then I think you will have a fuller picture. I see nvo separate, but related issues here. One is the specific issue of what the secondary plat needs to look like for Townhomes of Hazel Dell to be approved. The other is the issue of the process the Plan Commission is using to approve secondary plats and whether that needs changed. In regards to the first issue, DOCS is still working with Paul Rioux to see that the changes necessitated by the soil composition complies as closely as possible with the approved plat. Neighbors went to DOCS and informed them of the same list of problems we've been made aware of and these issues are playing a role in the work DOCS is doing with Paul Rioux. So far, I don't see that we have any reason to be alarmed that DOCS is just willy-nilly approving significant changes without any concern for the neighbors. The second issue arises form the first. When a plat changes, someone has to make a decision whether the change is "significant." Right now, we have delegated that to DOCS. Our rules state what to do only if DOCS deems changes significant and denies the permits. Mike cannot remember ever before having a situation with neighbors disagreeing with DOCS approval for a secondary plat. We do not have any process, fonnalor informal, in place for this type of situation. The informal process happening now is one I support--DOCS is listening and responding to neighbors concerns and is moving to inform all Plan Commission members. Before we consider adding any language to our rules in case such a situation ever arises again, let's ask how "broke" our process is. So far, I believe DOCS is doing exactly what either the Executive or Subdivision Committee would do--and saving us the time, effort, and emotions for dealing with this hard case. Please keep in mind that if we add any rule requiring a Committee review if there is any opposition from any neighbor, it could very easily become one more tool for even one determined opposing neighbor to use to add time and "difficulty" for the developer--without changes to the plat resulting from the extra step. Unless I misunderstand, I believe you want this returned to the Subdivision Committee now. I'm not ready to set such a precedent. I think it is preemptive, given that DOCS is still working on this and on infonning Plan Commission members of the situation. I do not expect any abrupt approval. If I were going to ask for any kind of Plan Commission review, I'm inclined to send it to the Executive Committee, a parallel to such disputes between the developer and DOCS when there is a dispute as to a change being "significant." Again, the issue would be whether the proposed changes are deemed significant enough as to deny approval and require , \ U u resubmission ofa new primary plat. If you end up believing DOCS isn't handling this well, then talk to me about specific changes to our rules. Again, I do not see benefits outweighing disadvantages to having all secondary plats returned to Subdivision Committee for approval. At this time, I don't believe "significant" changes are approved. If we think DOCS is not, or will not, exercising good judgment about how big or small changes are, I would prefer we provide DOCS specific guidelines to determine when changes are "significant," and perhaps establish a retum-to- committee step. So far, I don't see that DOCS is having trouble determining "significant" changes. Marilyn Page 1 of6 u u ~ Hollibaugh, Mike P From: HOUCK_RON_F@L1LL Y.COM ~v Sent: Friday, August 09,20024:31 PM Z S To: Marilyn Anderson (p S=-O Cc: Mike Hollibaugh ~ Subject: Re: Urgent Read Please - Changes to Townhomes of Hazel Dell ...,: -. Marilyn, Secondary Plats are approved administratively by DOCS. The issue here is what happens when the petitioner changes the secondary plat to the perceived detriment of adjacent landowners. Our process ONLY calls for the Plan Commission Executive Committee to view the matter IF STAFF AND PETITIONER CANNOT RESOLVE THEIR DIFFERENCES. This does not allow for the public to have formal input into the process. I believe that if there are material changes to the secondary plat then it should come back to the Subdivision Committee for review. You will recall that before relinquishing secondary plat approval to DOCS, all secondary plats were reviewed by the Subdivision Committee. The reason for deferring approval to DOCS was that normally the secondary plat reflects the primary plat with only very minor changes, usually for technical reasons. Ron Marilyn Anderson <banker@netdirect.net> To: HOUCK_RONJ@Lilly.com cc: Mike Hollibaugh <mhollibaugn@ci,carmel.in.us> Subject: Re: Urgent Read Please - Changes to Townhomes of Hazel Dell 08/09/200202:34 PM Ron, Let me start by saying I support the public's right to fully pursue every possibility open to them to stop or change a development plan. I see the current e-mail/letter exchanges as one more link in that chain. Now, let's back up and look at one mega-issue: public input into the process. It seems we now realize that our rules do not formally allow for public input once the development plan has been approved, and that sounds like a problem. However, remember that our rules also do not formally allow for public input at the Committee level and in the not-to-distant past such input was not allowed at all. Our rules have not changed, but our practices have. So I'd first ask, regardless of the written rules, if the public was allowed input into the secondary plat process? Ifpublic input was taken, how and how much? If the DOCS allows input in practice even where not called for by the rules, just as our Committees do, do we still have a problem? Do we want to formalize the input process for secondary plats or for Cormnittees? Ifwe want to consider this, we need to try to determine what impact would be had by formalizing this and decide how much time we will allot to public input. 08/12/2002 u u Page 2 of6 There is also the issue of how much change can be made to a Developrhent Plan at Secondary Plat before it no longer is the "same" Development Plan. Obviously, past disputes have occurred between the Dept. and the petitioner while resident opposition has not been an issue, thus we have a rule about such disputes only between the Dept. and the petitioner. Perhaps we want to alter our rules to send changes disputed by petitioners or residents back to the Executive Committee to decide ifthe changes are too substantial to remain the originally approved plans. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if the Dept. would feel more comfortable with this as well. Back more specifically to the Townhomes of Hazel Dell: Are the changes proposed "substantial?" Did the total density increase? Did the location of some homes move significantly? Is the change in location closer or farther from existing homes or a change that would negatively impact existing homeowners beyond any impact the approved plan would have? In general, we ask and trust the DOCS to make these judgment calls in deciding whether proposed changes are substantial. I do not see the benefits outweighing the negatives if we send all proposed changes to the Executive Committee or any other committee, given most changes are minor. Vlhere do we draw the line so DOCS knows when to stand firm and direct the petitioner to file a new plan or send something to the Executive Committee for a final determination as to whether the changes are substantial enough as to require a new development plan? It helps me to keep in mind that there is no decision needed on the acceptability ofthe entire plan, but whether or not the proposed changes are substantial enough to call for filing a new development plan and beginning all over. Ifwe pretend the developer came back to the Plan Commission on his own and there was no opposition involved, would the Plan Commission see the "new" plan as different enough to warrant the abandoning ofthe approved plan and the filing of the new one? That's the ultimate question here. For the residents opposed to this project, I understand that any changes to a project you never liked can be a new threat. It can also be seen as an opportunity to again try to stop the development. However much the residents are still opposed to the project, the project has Plan Commission approval. The rules already state it would be unfair for there to be significant changes in an approved Development Plan without public input-there is no automatic approval with substantial changes. The heart of the matter is whether or not the changes are "substantial" and who makes that determination. To give the public the same footing as the petitioner, perhaps this should be referred to the Executive Committee for their determination as to whether the changes are substantial enough to be a new plan. If so determined, the petitioner 'would need to start a new with proposed plan. Unot, the petitioner could proceed with the development with the proposed changes. All the usual appeals processes would still be available. That does open up the question of what will be our usual procedure. Ifwe are looking to change our rules to formally call for public input and to send plans disputed by residents to the Executive Committee, questions come to mind and I am certain the Plan Commission will need to thoroughly consider the ramifications. Marilyn ----- Original Message _____ From: HQUJ]CRQl'~LE@Ljl1y"-GQm To: .b_al1k~[@netdi[C:cJ.fli:1 Sent: Thursday, August 08, 20025:05 PM Subject: RE: Urgent Read Please - Changes to Townhomes of Hazel Dell Mari Iyn, 08/12/2002 Page 3 of6 u u I am concerned about the public participation in this process. Please read the email history below to see the email exchange. The Townhomes of Hazel Dell are making changes to their secondary plat, and these changes are not desired by the Lake Forest homeowners. It seems as though the public would not have any public process for input into secondary plat changes they view as detrimental, since the plat will ONLY return to the Executive Committee if the STAFF and PETITIONERS can't resolve their differences. What if the changes to the secondary plat are detrimental to the adjacent homeowners? When are they given a chance to participate in a public forum to address their concerns? Ron ____~ Forwarded by Ron F Houck/AMILLY on 08/08/2002 04:44 PM ----- "Dobosiewicz, Jon C" <J Do bos i ewicz@ci.carmel.in.us> To: "'HOUCK_RONJ@L1LLY.COM'" <HOUCK_RONJ@L1LLY.COM> cc: "Lillig, Laurence M" <LLillig@Ci.carmel.in.us>, "Hollibaugh, Mike P" < MHollibaug h@ci.carmel.in.us> Subject: RE: Urgent Read Please - Changes to Townhomes of Hazel Dell 08/08/200203:11 PM Ron, Sorry, I have been corrected. Mike has informed me that he has spoken with John Molitor on this matter. Apparently, an appeal of Secondary Plat approval would go directly to the courts, not the BZA first. Everything else is the same. Thanks, Jon -----Original Message----- From: Dobosiewicz, Jon C Sent: Thursday, August 08,20021:33 PM To: 'HOUCK_RONJ@LILLY.COM'; Dobosiewicz, Jon C Cc: Lillig, Laurence M; Hollibaugh, Mike P Subject: RE: Urgent Read Please - Changes to Townhomes of Hazel Dell Ron, Article XI, Section 3, C of the Rules of Procedure address your Question. It reads as follows: C. The Commission hereby designates and appoints the Executive Committee of the Commission as its plat committee pursuant to Ie 36-7-4-701(e). Secondary Plats and related construction plans may be presented by Staff to the Executive Committee for resolution when not all concerns have been resolved between Staff and the petitioners. Otherwise, the Conunission hereby delegates to Staff the authority to grant Secondary Plat approvals, in accordance with Ie 36-7-4-710. 08/12/2002 Page 4 of6 w u There are no provisions regarding the degree of changes and the reservation of rights by the PC. However, if the Department does not resolve all concerns with the petitioner (meaning we will not approve the secondary plat) we will direct the applicant and the matter to the Plat Committee. Thanks, Jon -----Original Message----- From: HOUCK_RONJ@LILLY.COM [mailto:HOUCK_RON_F@LILLY.COM] Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2002 1:06 PM To: Dobosiewicz, Jon C Cc: Lillig, Laurence M; Hollibaugh, Mike P Subject: RE: Urgent Read Please - Changes to Townhomes of Hazel Dell Jon, Thank you for the detailed response. I understand that the PC delegated authority for approval of secondary plats where minor or no changes occurred. However, where more substantial changes occur, didn't we reserve the right for PC to review the secondary plat? Ron "Dobosiewicz, Jon C" <J Do bo s i ewlcz@ci.carmel.in.us> 08/08/200212:53 PM To: "'HOUCK_RON_F@L1LLY.COM'" <HOUCK_RON-F@LiLLY.COM> cc: "Hollibaugh. Mike P" <MHollibaugh@ci.carmel.in.us>. "Lillig, Laurence M" <LLillig@ci.carmel.in.us> Subject: RE: Urgent Read Please - Changes to Townhomes of Hazel Dell Ron, The developer of the property is proposing changes to the plat due to the discovery of poor soil conditions at the south end of the lake. Those changes are currently under Department review. At this point the secondary plat and construction plans have not been approved. The proposed changes include the repositioning of buildings along the main drive to avoid the area of poor soil. The current result is the elimination of two units in the area south of the lake, adjustments in the number of units per building for five buildings (one additional unit, total of seven in each building, for the two six unit buildings south of the southern most entry drive is requested). The same parking ratio will be maintained. I believe that the Lake Forest Board would confirm that the Department has been forthcoming and helpful in explaining the process. We have advised all with questions/concerns, including the developer, that there exists the opportunity to appeal a decision of the Director to the Board of Zoning Appeals. There is not a process by which the Plan Commission directs the Department to return an item to them. Therefore, the request made by the Lake Forest Board should be made via the Appeal process to the BZA. We have advise them of the right to file an Appeal once the 08/12/2002 Page 5 of6 u u Secondary Plat and Construction Plans are approved if they still find that they have unresolved concerns regarding final modifications. If the approval of the secondary plat and construction plans is appealed the BZA would determine if the Directors decision was made in accordance with the Ordinance. If the BZA found that the decision was not in conformance with the Ordinance we would then advise the developer of their right to file a legal appeal of the Boards decision or file a Primary Plat Amendment for consideration by the Plan Commission. Sorry the response took so long but I wanted to be sure to fully outline the process. I will keep the Plan Commission informed of the status of this project. Thanks, Jon. -----Original Message----- From: HOUCK_RON_F@LILLY.COM [mailto: HOUCK_RONJ@LILLY.COM] Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 20021:36 PM To: JDobosiewicz@ci.carmel.in.us Subject: Urgent Read Please - Changes to Townhomes of Hazel Dell Jon, You were ce'd on the attached letter, so I assume that you received or will receive this. Your comments?? Ron _____ Forwarded by Ron F Houck/AM/LLY on 08/07/2002 01 :34 PM _____ Bill Brooks < biILbrooks@dwainc.com> To: jbrainard@ci.carmel.in.us, nrundle@ci.carmel.in.us, mhollibaugh@cLcarmel.in.us, jdobosiewicz@ci.carmel.in.us, David Cremeans <davidc@windowsandsiding.com>, Dianna Knoll <dkk49@hotmail.com>,Jerry Chomanczuk <jerry_chomanczuk@conseco.com>.John Molitor <johnrmolitor@prodigy.net>. Leo Dierckman <Idierckman@aol.com>. Marilyn Anderson <banker@netdirect.net>. Maureen Pearson <pearsonm@tce.com>, Nick Kestner <icacep@in- motion.net>, Pat Rice <patr@kiva.net>, Ramona Hancock <rhanwck@cLcarmel.in.us>, Ron Houck <HOUCK_RONJ@L1LLY.COM>, Wayne Haney <whaney1393@aol.com>, Wayne Wilson <wawilson24@aol.com> cc: Ann Estridge <FAESTRIDGE1936@aol.com>, Brian Hynes <bhynes@salliemae.com>, Jeanne Doron <bjdoron@aol.com>, "Marty Bowling (E-maiI2)..<Ibowling@indy.rr.com>. Mike Seeman < MJSeeman@aol.com>, "Patti Skiles (E-mail)..<pskiles@dellepro.com> Subject: Urgent Read Please - Changes to Townhomes of Hazel Dell 08/07/2002 12:35 PM Ms. Anderson, please see attached letter concerning proposed changes to Townhomes of Hazel Dell. The Lake Forest Board of Directors is asking for the CarmelClay Plan Commission to respectfully consider these significantly revised plans be resubmitted to the Plan Commission for consideration after appropriate public notice and hearing. please 08/12/2002 Page 6 of6 u w ': advise of your direction soonest. Please forward to Paul Spranger, Dan Dutcher and Norma Meighen, we did not have email addresses for these Commission members. Thank you for the consideration, Bill Brooks President, Lake Forest Home Owner's Association Main: Direct: Fax: E-mail: Web: 317.848.5725 317.208.3637 317.580.1167 bill brooks@dwainc.com www.dwainc.com <<Lake Forest Ltr - Townhomes of Hazel Dell Changes.doc>> 08/12/2002 :.)J:~~.,Qi~~'31f1' . , . :f I ' ~~ ok ~ II ~.I. . ~.. 'Q . '~!~'.roN-c6'~ '.' u "'-/ City of Carmel DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING /\ '. :' ",,' I" > I '. ," ~;\ ~ i '~lO /,~'>.. A">,'" T ,~>\ RECEIVED . ~ \ JUL. 16 2002 DOCS July 16,2002 1"-. /- . I l. ~I,' \ ' Mr Dave Sexton, PE The Schneider Corporation 12821 E. New Market St., Suite 100 Carmel, IN 46032 ". RE: The Townhomes at Hazel Dell-Project Review #4 Dear Mr. Sexton: We have reviewed the revised plans and conunent lett.cT date July 3, 2002. We still have a few issucs as follows: Your Comments regarding Our Mav 21, 2002 Letter Item #23. - We need a note on the plans indicating this (i.e. "Developer/O\"11er to contact residents within existing Lake Forest lots impacted by the sanitary sewer installation to address all work within easements and restoration of existing improvemcnts.") Item #24. - You state that the cormection '....,ilI be via a directional bore, yct a Hoteon Sheet Cl] 6 indicates "Existing drive to be repaired." Item #28. - You state that the plans denotc all of the existing landscaping \vithin the Hazel Dell Parkway right of way. Howcver, none is indicated on Sheets CI04 and C105. Is tilis correct? Your Cumments Regarding Our June 25, 2002 Letter Hem #3. - Not acceptable. lllis nleans tearing up the Hazel Dcll Pavement. Steel plate like other inlet and ex1end the plpe. Hem #4. - Believe the detail is referenced on Sheet C803. Also, add label on Sheet ClO8 for clarity ("Geo-Block Unit with Turf') Also, detail does not sho\l/ depth or dimension of blocks - please add. Item #5. - The drawing must include a label that area wit]lin Lake Forest has an easement for this. Item #7. - We do not want turnouts. Provide a concrete paved ditch to the inlet or this area \,ill become a serious erosion/maintenance issue. It is stated that there are swales and storm sewers proposed as part of the Lakes at Hazel Dell Section 4 development, which have been designed (horizontally and vertically) to accommodate the sheet drainage along the north line of this development. Please show these SWd1eS, elevations (as proposed). Item #8. - It is stated that elevations have been added to the cuI-dc-sac. There is no elevation at curb turnout, or slope on it according to detail 15/C802, If you have questions, contact Katc Weese at 57]-2441. T!)~ Dick Hill, Assistant Director Department of Engineering cc: M. Kate Weese, City Engineer Mike McBride, Assistant City Engineer Jon Dobosiewicz, Department ofCommullity Services Laurcnce Lillig, Department of COlillnunity Services John Duffy, Cannel Utilities Ken Brassier, Platinum Properties S:\PROJRE V02\TWNHOM ATHD4 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2441 ~ u u ~~ Schneider July 2,2002 ~~~~ ,.( \ . >_1- ,!! -;-, ,.('. '\ / -';",' .,,,-- /::-"" ~ ,. <\ t: ~rCE\\!E\) > , ~- J~~ 8 ?~1~1 " DOCS Jon Dobosiewicz Departl11L'nt of Community Services One Civic Square Canllcl, IN 46032 RE: TOWN HOMES AT HAZEL DELL TSC # 4041.001 Dear jon, Please find enclosed one set of site construction plans for the Townhomes at Hazel Dell pmJccL The plans have been revised peT :.:ommcnts received at the Techn ical Advisory Meeting and your Idle;r dated Mflj n, 2002. Please note that due to existing soil conditions th(; shon str~.l:t stub along. the central portion ot tbe silt South. of the existing pond has been deleted and buildings rdDcated parallel to the main 1'\orth-South Drive. Revisions and/or comments with respect to your letters arc as follows: A walkway has been added to the site construction plans from each afthe build:[lg ,roolh to perimeter walk. Trame striping has been added to the cl)nstruction plans 211 the North en(nUlce ') Landscape Plans and updates to the Second?ry Plat an.: being prepared at this time, I wili forwmd YOll plall~ as soon as they are available. I have also enclosed copies (1 r correspondence to Dick Hill, John South and John Duffy for your reterence if you should have any questions or are in need of additIonal informat;Ol:. pl.e,lse i'eel frt" to c~'ntact me G! your convenlence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION ~~ Dave Sexton, P.E. Director -. Residential Development Services ~;\'lk'A041\OO I \do(:;\dc)hn~I~\\'lczr!7-03-02.d'KTHE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market St Suite 100 Csrmel, Indiana 46032 317.569-8112 Fax 317.826.6410 www.schneidercorp.com u u Schneider Ju Iy 3, 2002 / I{ '; /. I --:-~I /' \- . i ,~'''''-.. . .' I........ .~ ':-. ~ RECEIVED JUL 8 2002 DOCS John Duffy Cannel City Utilitic~ One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 , r- I", RE: TOWNHOMES AT HAZEL DELL TSC tI 4041.00 I Dear John, Please find enclosed one ~et of site construction plans for the Townhomes at Hazel Dell project. The plans have been revised per comments received at the Technical Advisory Meeting. Please note that due to existing soil conditions the short street stub along the central portion of the site South of the existing pond has been deleted and buildings relocated parallel to the main North-South Drive. If you should have any questions or are in need of additional information, please feel free to contact me al your convenience. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORA nON ~ \j~-r+- Dave Sexton, P.E. Director - Residential Development Services N,\41;\4(Q t \(1(11 \du(s',Lllllry(l1-ilJ -[I.' <l,,~ THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION L282J E N<:w rvI,,,!-'<:1 SI SUIlC 100 (,Hillel, Inulu"OI 46032 317 56~J5U2 Fe", 317.82('i.G~ 10 wWW.-SCliflcider'COfp,GOnl u u July 2, 2002 I. .f RECEIVED JUL 8 2002 DOCS . -- -~.-.;-;------ '< I.' I-~ - " ,- . '-. .. -.., , \ \ \ I , -, John South Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation DIstrict 11m: S 9'" Street Noblesville, IN 46060 RE: TOWNHOMES AT HA1,EL HELL TSC # 4041.001 Dcar Jon, Please find enclosed one set of site construction plans for the Townholllcs at Hazel Dell project The plans have been revised per comments received at the Technical Advisory Meeting and your letter dated May 20, 2002. Please note that due to existing soil conditions the short street stub along the central pOlt!On of the site South of the existing pond has been deleted and buildings relocated parallel to the main North-Sollth Drive. Revisions and/or comments with respect to your letters are as follows: t. A topsoil stockpile area has been denoted on the plans 2. Noles have been added to the plans regarding sequencing of building pads and parking lot seeding sequencing. J, Additional erosion control has been added to the existing Inlets along Hazel Dell Parkway. 4. Details with respect to the treatment of lake banks on the existing pond have been added. 5. A erosion detail has been added with respect to townhome construction. I f you should have any questions or are in need of additional infonnation, please feel free to contact me at your convenIence, Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORA nON ~ Jjl- Dave Sexton, P.E Director - Residential Development Services N\.I k \'10,11 \(XI I \,h)",\SOLllhO] ~03 ~112.(~"( 12821 E. New Market S1. THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION SUI[e 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317.5698112 www,schnciclcrCOIIJ-.COIH Fax 317.826.6410 ~.' .. u w " o. Schneider " July 3, 2002 1;, "j~ RfCtWFn JUL- B 2002 DOCS \ )\ -l -I 1/ . -/ . , ,. .. Dick Hill Carmel City Engincer One Ci vic Square Carmel, IN 46032 '. RE: TOWNHOMES AT HAZELDELL Dear Dick, Please find enclosed one set of sitc construction plans for the Townhomes at Hazel Dell project. The plans have been revised per comments received at the Technical Advisory Meeting arld your letters dated May 21,2002 and June 25, 2002. Please note Lhat due to existing soil conditions the short street stub along the central portion of the site South of the existing pond has been deleted and buildings relocated parallel 10 the main North-South Dnve. Revisions and/or commcnts with respect to your letters are as follows: MA Y 21, 2002 LETTER - (PROJECT COMMENTS) 13. Drainage calculations are enclosed. 14. Streets and storm sewers within the development arc private. 15. Since the short street stub has been eliminated the concern regarding fire vehicle turn around in the shol1 street has been eliminated. 16. Conversations bctwcen the developer and the Parks Department have indicated that no plans currently exist with respect to an exact location of an entrance onto Haz.el Dell from future Founders Park. 17, Notes have been added to the plans (Sheets C302) stating that construction related to the existing path along Hazel Dell should be done within two weeks weather permitting, A Traffic Control Phm (Sheet C303) has becn added to the plans which includes in formation regarding the placement of "Path Closed" signs, Notes have been added to Shed C302 stating that the pavement & curbs of Hazel Dell are to be protected during construction. 18. The portion of the walks within the right of way of Hazel Dell Parkway which connect to the existing asphalt path will be dedicated and will be included in the Engineer's Estimate 19. Noles have been added to Sheets C102, CI03, C105, ClOG & C302 stating that pavement, curbs, ete.. to be removed by saw cutting. 20, The reconstruction of the existing asph<dt path in the area of the deee 1 lane at the Sou th cntrance has been revised to denote a more softened look for aesthetic purposes. 21 The walk on sheet C I 06 has been relocated to avoid conll lcts with c,~ isti ng landscaplflg. The ex isting swale previously denoted has been e lari fled. 22 A left turn lane has been added to the Northbound lane of Hazel Dell at the North entrance. N \.:.tk\.HH l \DO I \do(-;\l';.II~irlc('rl~xspon:-;e,dl,.1c..: THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 1.2821 E, New M~Hlu.;L SL. Stille 100 Cd"ncl, 11l(i1.Jlla i~6032 3.1.75l:::'9-8112 FL'lx' 317821364'[0 W'N'N. 5.:;1 111i.::1CJCIT D rp, curll .- ..... u u Dick Hill July 3,2002 Pag~ 2. of3 2.3. Platinum Properties (Paul Rioux and Ken Brassuer) will be In contact With those owners of iots in Lake Forest who are impacted by the construction of this development. 24. The sanitary sewer main connection froll1 Lake Forest will be via a directional bore. 25. A manhole has beCII added to thc sanitary main between structures 421 and 422 to avoid any sewer lengths longer than 400'. 26. The sanitary sewer plan & profile sheets have been revised to include greater clarity. 2]. Regarding water service lines, the plans denote two sizes: 1-1/2" lines will serve (wo units (with a double meter pit) and I" lines will serve a single unit. 28. The plans denote all of the existing landscaping within the Hazel Dell Parkway right of way. 29. The responsibility statement on the cover sheet has bccn rcmoved. JUNE 25, 2002 LETTER - (PROJECT COMMENTS) I. Street naIlles have hot yet been added to the set I WIll add them and forward a copy of the I'evised site plans to you. 2. Sheet C I 10 - The length of existing pipe to be extended (with in Hazel Dell) has been added. 3. Sheet C III - No additional pipe is being extended in the Hazel Dell right of way. The existing curb inlet is being removed and relocated to the new curb of the entrance taper. 4. Sheet C 108 - A detail has been referenced (on C903) regarding the emergency access drive. In addition, signage and drainage information is also shown in the immediate vici nity. 5. Sheet C 112 - The note regarding the relocation of the power pole has been revised to denote the removal of the pole. The notes regarding the n01111al pool and flood elevations of the pond have been clarified. At the time the existing topographic intormation was obtained the elevation of the water was near 74 t +1-. The plans also propose the addition of an outlet pipe to the existing Lake forest Pond which outlets (via the storm sewer system within Lake Forest) at an elevation of745.5 with a 100 year F.E. of749.88. Also, all outside of building and finish floor elevations are above the flood protection grade of 751.9. 6. Sheet C 113 - The decellane width has been clarified to denote a 12' width from the edge of existing pavement to face of curb. 7. Sheets C114/C115 - Drainage calculations are enclosed which denote the capacity of proposed inlets. Inlets cannot be located within the limits of the existing pipeline easemcnt, wh ich is why the NOIthern "half' cui-dc-sac is proposed to drain as shown. Downspouts afC 110t proposed to be connected to the ssd under curbs. There are swales and storm sewers proposed as part of the Lakes at Hazel Dcll Section 4 development which have been designed (horizontally & vertically) to accommodate the sheet drainage along the North line of this development Also, Drees Homes is about to start construction of Section 4. 8. Sheet CI16 - Additional infoll113tion has been added to the plans with regard to existing conditions in the vicinity of the sanitary sewer (;onnection in Lake Forest, elevations have been added to the ell I-de-sac and Emergency Access Dr'i ve in formation. 9. Sheet C I I 7 ~ The construction limits have been updated to include the existing path along !-Iazel DelL 10. Sheet C 1 19 - The construction I im its around the offsite sanitary has been updated. II. Sheets C20 I-C203 - The plan views have been updated for clarity. 12. Sheet C302 - 'fhe notes regarding saw Cllt, replace steel plate note including sheets C II 0, ell I & C 113 have been updated to to match on each sheet. N:\4k\404 I \00 I \dl1C5\ElIgil1ccrlk5I'0J1",~.doc ..~' :- ; " u u Dick Hill July 3, 2002 Page3of3 13. Shcets C40 I-C403 and Sheets C60 )-C602 have been updatcd so that the p I an v iew5 are readable. If you should have any questions or are 111 need of additional information, please feel frec to contact me at your conveniencc. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDlm CORPORATION ~Jct- Dave Sexton, P.L Director - Residential Development Services N:\4k\4041\OO t \docs\EnginccrRcsronsc.ulIc fS~U,"9.~~.2~;if( ::.\ :~~~ .. .l~ _ _ II I ~)~ * r: ';'\~~~2?otf..~9;t0j\i'..; u u City of Carmel DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING .--0~.. \ ! -'0- /. ., I.- / \.:/ /.~ ": /c .. ~ RECFIVED jUN 25 2002 DOCS :,.~/,\ >\ - - \ i June 25, 2002 Mr. Dave Sexton, PE TIle Schneider Corporation 12821 E. New Market St., Suite 100 Carmel, IN 46032 RE: The Townhomes at Hazel Dell-Project Review #3 Dear Mr. Sexton: As stated in our Project Review Letter #2, dated May 21, 2002, we reserved the right to make additional comments after the City Engineer reviewed the draw'ings. She has now reviewed the plans. We offer the follO\ving additional comments from the City Engineer: PROJECT COMMENTS . Show street names on all sheets. . Sheet CllO Specify the length of existing pipe to be extended. . Sheet CllI Same as above. . Sheet CI08 Regarding the Emergency Vehicle Access Drive, what is the material being utilized? Is there a spec? Provide details (signs, drainage swale crossing, elevation/slope). . Sheet Cll2 -The swale across the west end of Structure #806 and #904 has a flat slope. Adjust proposed elevations. - Where will the relocated power pole go (behind 1103)? -Clear up existing lake notes. Existing water's edge appears at 741' :t, but nonnal pool is (proposed) at 745.5. Also, what is minimum flood protection elevation supposed to be (typo at 791.9)? -Need to watch the pad elevation on Building #10 to assureminimnm elevation is met. . Sheet C113 The deecI lane width should be 12' of asphalt (driving lane), from edge of existing pavement to front of gutter. . Sheet Cll4/CllS -Over 550' of the street drains to stmctures 641/642 inlets (pLus 200' from the other side). What is the capacity of the inlets? Is a structure data table provided? Need inlets at the half cuL-de-sac (farthest north/west). TIus Department will not accept turn outs. -Will all roof drains/downspouts be connected to SSD? -Check back lots of existing Lakes at Hazel Dell, Section 3 for draiIU'lge to be accepted to rear swales. -Driveways for Buildings 1401-1405 arc in the tight curve of the road, and in order to keep sight visibility maximized, landscaping in front yards should be restrictive in nature. Also, consideration should be given to signagc, striping or other traffic control features to ensure safe accessibility to these drives. -Show how open area along north side of Ole drive (at the north end, going to Ole half cui-dc-sac at Ole west end) will drain. Appears that a swale (or swales) and stann stmctures may be needed to assure the shared property line (rear of existing homes) has proper drainage. ONE CIV1C SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 517/571-2441 ,~ u u Mr. Dave Sexton, PE June 25, 2002 Page 2 G Sheet C1l6 -Show all irrfonnation, details on off-site sanitary sewer (show existing house, drives, easements, etc.) -Show the requested inlets in the half cul-de-sac as requested previously. -Show elevations around the curb of the half cuI-dc-sac. -Identify the Emergency Vehicle Access Drive and the material utilized. . Sheet C117 Revise construction lim..its to include multi-use path relocation work. .. Sheet C119 Revise construction lim..its around off-site sanitary. .. Sheets C201-203 Plan View scale is too small. .. Sheet C301 Street names (and Titles for details) G Sheet C302 Entrance Plan Details (saw cut, northbound left turn lane, replace steel plate note is different on Sheets ClIO, CIII and CI13). . Sheet C401-403 Plan View scale is too small. . Sheet C601-602 Plan View scale is 100 small. If you have questions, contact Kate Weese at 57 1-2441. ~;!dL Dick Hill, Assistant Director Department of Engineering ee: M. Ka1e Weese, City Engineer (w/o encl.) Mike McBride, Assistant City Engineer (w/o encl.) Jon Dobosiewiez, Department of Community Services (w/o encl.) Laurence Lillig, Department of Community Services (i,v/o encl.) John Duffy, Cannel Utilities (w/o enel.) Ken Brassier, Platinum Properties S:\PROJRE V02\TWNHOMATHD3 u u City of Carmel VIA FAX: 826-6410 Original by mail May 28, 2002 ML Dave Sexton, P .E. The Schneider Corporation 12821 E. New Market Street, Suite 100 Carmel, IN 46032 RE: The Townhomes at Hazel Dell! Secondary Plat Application Dear Dave: This letter is in response to yom Secondary Plat application for The Townhomes at Hazel Dell. The following issues must be resolved prior to signahire of the plat by the director: 1. Add a Key Map to sheet one of the plat. 2. Add Primary and Secondary Plat Docket numbers (159-01 PP & 65-02 SP), and move them from sheet five to sheet one. 3. Add a source of title instrument number, and move it from sheet five to sheet one. 4. Identify the common areas as drainage and utility easements. 5. Show separate INGRESS and EGRESS easements. 6. On sheet three, show the pond with bottom elevation, normal pool, and 100- YR flood elevation. 7. Remove Billy Walker from the Board of Public Works & Safety Certificate; it may be left blank for now. Please contact our depaltment prior to submittal for this information. A new member has not yet been assigned. 8. Have Mylar signed by property owner and surveyor (with R.L.S. seal) prior to signature by director. 9. Show a walbvay from each building pad stoop to the perimeter sidewalk on the construction plans. 10. Please stripe the entrance to the property. This will eliminate entrance and exit confusion. 11, Submit construction grade landscape plans as approved by Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester. 12. Please identify concrete monuments at all comers that form the boundary of the plat, as required under seo 8:2.1. Please submit a revised Secondary Plat with the above-mentioned changes. Once these changes have been made and comments addressed, please produce a Mylar copy for signature by this Department. Two paper copies of the plat must be filed with the Mylar prior to recording, and three paper copies and a Mylar oftbe recorded plat must be submitted following recording. Our approval of the secondary plat (signature) will be forthcoming upon revision of the plans according to the items listed above. Sincerely, r~ Jon C. Dobosiewicz Planning Administrator TO\~11homes @ Hazel Dell-SPl Page 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARlvIEL, INDL'\NA 46032 317/571-2417 7. ( ( ER ION AND SEDIMENT CONT OL PLAN TECHNICAL REVIEW AND COMMENT Hamilton County Soil and 'Vater Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street, Nohlesville IN 46060 Ph- 317-773-1432 orEmail at john-south@iaswcd.org &S-c:?J. S () / \ PROJECT NAME: The Townhomes at Hazel Dell REVIEWED BY: John B. South P.E. Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control The Schneider Corporation 12821 East New Market Street, Sl1ite 1 00 ~ Carmel, IN 46032 i' RECEIVED "If Y 24 20D2 DOCS SUBMITTED BY: Platinulll Properties 9551 Deleagates Row Indianapolis, TN 46240 317-818-2900 PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURE: Site Visit Date: Plan Review Date: 5/20/02 ACJ"eage- 24 ac LOCATION: 116th and Hazel Dell Road LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See 33 TOWNSHI P: 18N RANGE: 4E CIVIL TOWNSI--IIP: C;ay SOIL SURVEY MAP SHEET: On Plan The technical review and COllllnents are intended to evaluate the completeness of the erosion and sediment control plan for the projecl, The erosion and sediment control plan .I' I.Ib 1/1 itted was not reviewed/or the adequacy of the engineering deSign. All practices included in the plan, as well as those recommended i/7 the comments should be evaluated as to theirfeasibility by a qualified individual with structural practices designed by a qualified engineer, The plan has not been reviewed for local, state, or federal permits that may be required to proceed with this project. Additional information, including design calculations may be requested tofurther evaluate the erosion and sediment control plan. The erosion and sediment control plan has been reviewed and it has been determined that the plan: Satisfies the minimum requirements and intent of 3271AC 15-5 (Rule 5). Notification will be forwarded to the Indiana Department of Environmental Man3gemcnt. Refer to the comments section for additional information. X Docs not satisfy the minimum ,"equirements and intent of 3271AC 15-5 (Rule 5); deficiencies are noted in the checklist and in the comments section. Deficiencies constitute potential violations of the rule and must be 3dequatcly add res sed for compliance. The information necessary to satisfy the deficiencies must be submitted: Proper ilnplementation o/the erosion and seditnent cantml plan and inspections (j{the construction site by the developer or a representative are necesswy to mimmize off-site sedimentation. The developer should be aware that unforeseen construction actiVities and weather conditions may ejJect the performance ola practice or the ems ion and sediment control plan. The plan must be aflexible document, with provisions to modify or substitute practices as necessary, Revised 4 t 97 # PROJECT: Page 2 0 f J Yes No x tA x IE x Ie x lD x IE Yes No x 2A x 2B x 2C x 2D The ToWomes at Hazel Dell u ARE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS AO.EQUATELY ADDRESSED ON THE PLANS '? (All Plllns Milst Include Approprillte Legends, Scales, lInd North Arrow) (lfems tlwt are Not Applicable to t!ri.\' Proiect lIre designated by NA) PROJECT INFORMATION Project Location Map (Show project in relaiion to other areas of the COl/llIy) Narnltive Describing the Nature and Purpose of the Project Location ofPlauned and/or Existing Roads, Utilities, Structures, Highways, etc. Lot andlor Building Locations Lamluse of Adjacent Areas (Show the Entire Upstream Watershed and Ac;{jacenl Areas Within 500 Feet oflhe Property Lines) TOPOGRAl"tHIC, DRAINAGE, AND GENERAL SITE FEATURES ~~xisting Vegetation (Identify and Delineate) Location and Name of All Wetlands, Lakes and Water Courses On and Adjacent to the Site 100 Year Floodplains, Floodway Fringes, and Floodways (Note if None) Soils Information (lfhvdrie soils are present. it is the responsibility of the owner/developer to investigate the existence 01 wetlands and /0 obtain permits from the appropriate government agencies) 2E Existing :md Planned Contonrs at an Interval Appropriate to Indicate Drainage Patterns 2F Locations of SpeciticPoints Where Stormwater Discharge Will Leave the Site 2G Identify A II Receiving Waters ( If Discharge is /0 [I Separate Municipal Storm Sewer, lden/if)i the ,II/ame olthe Municipal Operator and the Ultimate Receiving Water) 2H Potential Areas Where Storm water May Enter Groundwater (Note if None) 21 Location of Stormwater System (Include Culverts. Storm Sewers. Channels, [lnd Swales) x X X X X Yes No x LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES 3A Location and Approximate Dimensions of All Disturbed Areas [i.e., Constrllclloll Limi/s] (Areas Where Vegetative Cover Will Be Preserved Should be Clearly Designated) 38 Soil Stoclq)i1es lInd or Borrow Areas (Slww Locotions or Note ilNone) x Comment Yes No x 4A x 4B x 4C x 4D x 4E x 41' x 4G X 4H x 41 x 4,1 X 4K EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES Sequence of When Each Measure Will Bc Implemented (Relal/lie /0 Earth Disturbing Activities) Monitodng and Maintenance Guidclincs for Each Measure Perimetcl- Sediment Control MClIsures (Local ion, Construction Detatl, Dim em ions, and !;pecifieations) Temporary Seeding (Specifications. lneluding Seed.Mix, Fertillzer, Lime, and Mulch Rates) Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Measures (LocotIOl}, Construction Dewil, Dimensions. and Specifications) Permanent Erosion and Sediment Control Measures (Location. Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Storm Draiu Inlet Protection (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, Clnd Specifications) Storm water Outlet Protection (Locution, Construclion Detail, Dimensions, and SfJecifications) Stllble Construction Entrance (Loca/lOn. Cons/rue/ion Detail. Dimensions, and Specificalions) Erosion and Sediment Control on Individual Building Lots (Specificatiom) Permanent Seed ing (Specifications, Including Seed /vfix, Fer/ilizer, Lime, and !vllllch Rates) Revised 4 / 97 ~ ERbioN AND SEDIMENT CONTR~ PLAN TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMENTS .... PROJECT: The Townhomes at Hazel Dell Page 3 of 3 Note: All eroi'lon alUl sediment cOJ/trolme(l!;'l(resshowl1 OIl the fJlall.~ alUl referenced in thii" review must meet the design criteria, s[(lJu/artis, (llltl specifimtions outlined ill tlie "indialla Handbook for Erosion Control ill Del'eloping Areas" from the intiialla Department (~/,N({tllf{(l Resources, Divisioll o./,Soil COllservatioll or ,\"imilar GuidaJlce Documents. 3B. Soil stockpile area is not addressed in the plan as required by Rule 5. It appears from the infonnation provided that the contractor will probably stockpile topsoil somewhere until the it can be spread on front and rear yards. A suggestion for stockpile information is determine where stockpiling would be not be desired fro111 an erosion and sediment control aspect and describe or define undesirable locations. 4A. A site specific sequence is needed. I believe part of the building pads and parking lots need to be seeded if they aren't stabilized with stone. The retaining waUs need to be built early in the process to stabilize sloping areas. 4C. & 4G. The existing inlets in the grass next to the path need to be protected prior to construction. 4F. The lake banks are eroded al1d will continue to be unstable because of the fluctuating water table. A bank treatment is needed to minimize the problem. 41. An erosion and sediment control plan is needed for the townhome constructioin. Other Comments: Is it feasible to construct a storm sewer system that would direct some ofthe water from Hazel Dell Parkway into the pond? Has permission been granted or needed to install cross pipe to Lake Forest pond? Cc: Cnrmel DOCS Ha. Co. Surveyor Ha. Co. Highway File ro . . .1til '~tIZ~ol:~"'e5~~" . City of Carmel DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING May 21, 2002 Sf 0"" ~G/ ,/:<' . /"-- .t Rf..CE\\}(D ~~~ 21 2002 DOCS Mr. Dave Sexton, PE TIle Sclmeider Corporation 12821 E. New Market S1., Suite 100 Cannel, IN 46032 \ \- . \), ....:, I.. RE: The Townhomes at Hazel Dell-Project Review #2 Dear Mr, Sexton: We have reviewed the dmwings submitted for this project and offer the following comments: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. The project site is located within current City of Cannel Corporate Limits. 2. Jurisdictions: 4) Street and Right of Way (Hazel Den Parkway) - City of Cannel. o Water, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer - City of Cannel. 3. Board of Public Works and Safety Approval Requirements: o Water and Sanitary Sewer Availability. . o Commercial Curb Cut. Please provide an exhibit that shows the location of the curb cut(s) and acell/decellanes if applicable; appropriate dimensions including drive width, overall width at the street, acelVdecel dimensions, radii, etc.; and location of existing opposing curb cuts, if applicable. The exhibit should be 8 Y:z x 11 or of a size that can be reduced to 8 Y. x 11 such as 8 Y2 x 14 or 11 x 17. o Temporary Construction Entrance. Same requirements as for the Commercial Curb Cut. 4) Consent to Encroach Agreements for any permanent improvement to be installed within dedicated easements and/or dedicated right of way. If an irrigation system is planned for tltis project, additional Water anq Sewer Availability approval will be required from the Board. I am enclosing a schedule for Board of Public Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines for your use. Please use the Engineering Department deadlines for submissions to the Board. Any submission to the Board requires prior final approval by the Carmel Clay Plan Commission and/or the Board of Zoning Appeals and completion of review by the Technical Advisory Committee. All written requests to be place on the Board's agenda must include the appropriate Docket Numbers and the dale (or illite!>) of approval by the Plan Commission and/or BZA. 4. TIlis project will require IDEM permits for water mains and for sanitary sewers. The 330 lAC Construction Pennit will not be signed by the City Engineer until availability has been approved by the Board of Public Works and Safety. Additionally, provide tilis office with signed, approved copies of: o Notice of Intent to Construct a Water Main Extension o Capacity Certification! Allocation Letter 5. Water and Sanitary Sewer Availability (acreage) and Connection Fees: o Availability (acreage) Fees are based upon total acreage (legal description) @ $1,010.00 per acre for water and $1,365.00 per acre for sanitary sewer. Based upon the legal description prmided with the preliminary drawing submitted for tlJis project, the following would apply: Water - 23.939 Acres @ $l,OlO.OO/Acre = $24,178.00 Sanitary Sewer - 23_939 Acres @ $U65.00/Acre = $32,677.00 Totals 23.939 Acres @ $2,375.00IAcre = $56,855.00 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571"2441 Mr. Dave Se:\1on, PE May 21, 2002 Page 2 The Availability (acreage) Fees must be paid after the constmclion plans have been approved but before construction \\till be allowed to commence. . Connection Fees are based upon the average user factor tables from Section 9-35 (water) and 9- 200 (sanitary) of our Utility Ordinance. The COIll1ection Fees are $1,310.00 per EDU for water and $795.00 per EDU for sanitary sewer. Since you havc indicated that all of the units are 3- bedroom units, fees will be calculated on the basis of 1.0 EDU per unit I am enclosing copies of our Average User Factors for Water and Sanitary Sewers and our current fee schedulc. I have also highlighted the Average User Factors that apply to this development. Water and sanitary sewer connection fees will be required to be paid for all the units in the building at the time a building permit is requested for the building. In that regard, I am enclosing a calculation sheet showing connection fees by building number. Note: Any deviation from the Connection Fee calculations listed in our Ordinance will require Carmel Utilities and Board of Public Works and Safety approvals. Please be advised that sewer pennits, and subsequently building permits, will not be issued and Connection Fees will not be accepted until the construction of all water mains, sanitary sewer mains and structures .and stOffil sewer mains and structures has been completed with satisfactory and accepted test results obtained. Additionally, street base and binder must be installed. 6. T AC ReviewlDrawings submitted for approval: We request that all comments and comment letters generated by this office be answered in writing and be accompanied by a drawing reflecting requested revisions. Final drawings will not be approved for construction until all issues have been resolved. All Carmel Utility issues must also be resolved. The design engineer must certify all drawings submitted for final approval. TItis office will require a minimum of five-sets of approved drawings after all issues have been resolved. The drawings will be stamped approved and signed by both the City Engineer and Director of Carmel Utilities. The Developer/Owner ,...:iIl receive one-set which is to be maintained on the construction site at all times. CarmeL Utilities 'will receive two-sets. Our Public Works Inspector will receive one-set and one-set will be maintained in the Department of Engineering. If more than five-sets are requested to be approved, the additional sets must be submitted with the minimwn requirement of five-sets. We will approve no more than 7 total sets of drawings. 7. Please be advised that any installation of signs, walls, irrigation systems, etc. within dedicated right of way and/or dedicated easements will require a Consent to EncroachAgreement between the OwnerlDeveloper and the City of Carmel. This Agreement requires Board of Public Works and Safely approval. 8. Cannel Utilities does not subscribe to "Holey Maley" and should be contacted directly for locating all existing water main and sanitary sewer main locations. 9. Carmel Utilities will provide a separate review of this project for water and sanitary sewer issues. . 10. All existing Hazel Deli Parkway landscaping relocation, removal and/or storage issues must beiresolved and approved by Oill Urban Forester, Scott Brewer, who can be contacted at our Department of Community Services, 571-2417. 11. I am including copies of the following with this correspondence: .. CommerciaVSubdivision Project Approval Procedures. .. Pcrfonnance Release Procedure. 01 Pennit Data, Contacts, etc. 01 Commercial Pennitting Procedures. I will send a copy of our Residential Subdivision and Commercial Irrigation System Requirements upon request. Mr. Dave Sexton, PE May 21, 2002 Page 3 BONDING REQUIREMENTS 12. Upon initial review, it appears the following bonding requirements ",ill apply to this project: Penormance Guarantees . Exterior Street Improvements (all construction associated \lith the Hazel Dell Parkway curb cuts, Hazel Dell Parkway left turn lanes and the cuI-de-sac extension in the Lake Forest subdivision) .. Water Mains .. SanitaIy Sewers o Stonn Sewers/Drainage (if applicable) . Side\valksl Asphalt Paths ('within dedicated right of way of Hazel Dell Parkway) co Street Signs (at Hazel Dell Parkway curb cuts) . Monuments & Markers (if platted) Please provide individuai, detailed certified Engineers Estimates for 100% of the cost oflabor and materials for the above improvements, Post individual Performance Guarantees in the amount of the Engineer's Estimates. Three-year Maintenance Guarantees will be required upon release of the Performance Guarantees, Street Cut/Right of Way Permit and Bonding Requirements Any work in dedicated rightof way not covered by a Performance Guarantee \vill require a Right of Way Permit and a License and Pennit Bond. TIle bond amount will be determined by the number of instances of work in the right of way (curb cut, storm sewer work, etc.) @ $2,000.00 per instance. All open pavement cuts require Board of Public Works and Safety approval prior to start of construction. PROJECT COMMENTS 13. Please provide drainage calculations, We reserve the opportunity for further review and submission of corrunents regarding drainage upon receipt of such calculations. 14. Since the streets in this development are to be private, It is our assumption that the storm sewer system will be private. We would not want to accept the storm sewer system since most of the runs of pipe would be along private streets. 15. Although the streets are to be developed as private, at some point in the future the City may be requested to accept the streets as dedicated streets and right of way. This office would not be in favor of such a request, due to many concerns, such as: .. It appears that interior street widths range from 24' minimum to 26' maximum. This office has received numerous complaints about less than standard width (30') streets, particularly due to parking issues. Even though the streets in this development are planned to be private, we will more than likely receive complaints once the development is occupied. . Snow plowing would be nex1: to impossible. The streets and driveways, although different materials, do nofhave any physical separation between them, therefore plowing the streets would block the drives. The same goes for paving efforts for these streets. .. Pub1.ic Safety Concerns - Even if the streets are private, we have concerns regarding how trucks (particularly fire vehicles) will turn around in the mid-section stub street? Please provide verification that this accessibility/maneuverability issue has been coordinated with and approved by the Fire Department. 16. In our original comment letter, this office suggested the Developer work 'With our Parks Department in detennining if any plans for the future FOlUlders Park have been developed to a point to detemtine where the southernmost entrance may be located and, if so, this would be tlle recommended location of the second curb cut. Is the location of the southern curb cut based upon any conversations with our Parks Department? Please provide copies of all correspondence to that regard. .tvlr. Dave Sex ion, PE May 21, 2002 Page 4 17. Construction activities in fue right of way of Hazel Dell Parkway are a sensitive issue. The roadway and the multi-use paths are heavily utilized. Please be advised in advance, that fue following conditions would apply to all construction activities along Hazel Dell Parkway: o The demolition of the existing multi-use path along Hazel Dell Parkway and the relocation/reinstallation of the path must be coordinated to minimize the period of time the pafu is not accessible to the public. It "..ill be required that each curbcutlasphalt path construction be completed and the path reopened within two-weeks, weather permitting. · Adequate sign.age will be required for path reconstruction activities, both north and soufu of the construction activity locations. We would suggest signs on the west side of Hazel Dell, at both the II6th Street and 126th Street intersections and at the Lakes at Hazel Dell subdivision entrances on Hazel Dell. The signs should relate that the path is closed ahead and path users should use the path on the east side ofHazcl Dell between 1 16th Street and 126th Street. . o An approved traffic control plan will be required for the construction of the entrances, acell/decel lanes and left turn lanes in the median on Hazel Dell Parkway. Please provide this plan at this time for our review/comments. o TIle surface pavement and curbs and gutters of Hazel Dell Parkway must be protected during the construction of the entrances. o TI1C contractor(s) is to be notified ill writing that parking will not be permitted in the travel lanes of Hazel Dell parlctvay or in the dedicated right of way of Hazel Dell Parkway during construction activities. Motor vehicles are not to be driven or parked on the asphalt path. 18. There are 6-sections of sidewalks. (connecting to the asphalt path) indicated to be constructed in the right of way of Hazel DcIlParkway. Are these intended to be dedicated sidewalks? Usa, this construction should be included and itemized in the Engineer's Estimates to be submitted for the project. 19. The plans should indicate that existing Hazel Dell curbs and pavement to be removed with the approved entrances are to be saw cut wherever applicable. 20. Regarding the path relocation planned for the decel area at the south entrance (sheets CI03, CIII, C302), we suggest increasing fue curve radius at the areas where the relocated path changes direction in order to soften the aesthetic look of the path. 21. On sheet C106, please relocate the new section of sidewalk in the right of way to eliminate removing existing landscaping. Also on the same sheet, what is the swale tllat is indicated on the drawing? Where does it come from and where does it go? 22. Please provide a left turn lane for northbound traffic ill the median of Hazel Dell Parkway at the northern curb cut for this site. 1 am enclosing a copy from Schneider's approved plans for the median cut at the Lakes at Hazel Dell subdivision. TIris design would be appropriate for this site. Any landscaping in the median shall be relocated per the direction of Scott Brewer of our Department of Community Services. 23. We notice that lots 47 and 140 in the Lake Forest Subdivision will be impacted by the sanitary sewer installation. Please provide verification that the owners ofthesc lots have bee notified of the plans and impact to their lot by the construction. 24. The sanitary sewer main from structures 401 and 400 will cross existing Pursel Lane in Lake Forest. Will this installation be a directional bore? Likewise regarding the water main all sheet C702? All open pavement cuts require justification and Board of Public Works and Safety approval prior to construction (this office recommends directional boring over open cuts). 25. The lengtll of the sanitary sewcr pipe fwm structure 422 to 421 is indicated to be 500 feet. Our Utility will have to approve this length of pipe. Generally, the accepted maximum is 400 feet. 26. It is very difficult to read the structure numbers on the plan views ofthc sanitary se\ver plan and profile sheets. 27. We notice that a sanitary sewer lateral serves each uIli! bul it appears the same is not the case for water laterals. Why doesn't each unit have a separate water service lateral? . Mr.. Dave Sexton, PE May 21,2002 Page 5 28. Do these plans reflect all existing landscaping within the Hazel Dell Parkway right of way associated with this project? 29. As always, we will not approve final plans \\lith the responsibility statement above the certification on the Title page of the drawings. ' The above comments are based upon the Engineering Department's initial review. Please provide our office with a follow up letter and revised plans, indicating all revisions. A second review will focus only on revised items. It is critical that our office be made aware of all modifications made on the plans being re-submitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our initial review. If you have questions, pleasc contact Kate Wecsc, Mike McBride or me at 571-2441. Thc City Engineer has not reviewed the drawings. Thereforc, we reserve the right to provide additional comments after her review and after receipt of the drainage calculations. :OJdu Dick Hill, Assistant Director Department of Engineering Enclosures cc: M. Kate Weese, City'Engineer (w/o encl.) Mike McBride, Assistant City Engineer (w/o encl.) Jon Dobosiewicz, Department of Community Services (w/o encl.) Laurence Liltig, Department of Community Services (w/o encl.) John Duffy, Carmel Utilities (w/o encl.) Ken Brassier, Platinum Properties S:\PROJREV02\TWNHOMA THD2 u u page 2 of2 Technical Advisory Committee Agenda May 22, 2002 11.30 l'I m tJv l:).OO r m l'OOpm ~v t-J V VIO r m Dc..... l''iOpm ,-JV 2'10pm Hamilton Crossing Building No.5 (Development Plan) The applicant seeks development plan approval for an office building. The site is generally located at the southwest corner of 13151 Street and U.S. Highway 31. Filed by Daniel J. Kuester of Woolpert LLP for Duke Realty Limited Partnership Break for Lunch; 1 hour The meeting will resUme at 1 :00 p.m. The Townhomes at Hazel Dell (Secondary Plat & Construction Plans) The site is located northwest of East 1 16t.b..Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. The site is zoned R-2/Residence. The petitioner also seeks approval of the following Subdivision Waivers: Filed by Dave Sexton of Schneider Corporation for Piatinwn Properties. Dixie Hi-Way Addition, Lot 8 (Rezone) The petitioner seeks to rezone one lot from the R-3/ Residence District within the Home Place District Overlay Zone to the B-#lBusiness District within the Home Place District Overlay Zone. The site is located at 10820 North College Avenue. The site is zoned R- 3/Residencewithin the Home Place District Overlay Zone. Filed by Leonard Voight. S1. Elizabeth Ann Seton Rectory (Special Use Amendment) The petitioner seeks Specia.l Use Amendment approval in order to construct a rectory. The site is located at 10655 Haverstick Road. The site is zoned S-l/Residence - Low Density. Filed by Charles D. Frankenberger of Nelson & Frankenberger for St. Elizabetb Ann Seton Parish. 3227 East Smokey Row Road (DSV) The petitioner seeks approval of a Developmental Standards Variance of Section 25.1.1 (B)(1): Maximum Height in order to construct a 19' 10" accessory building. The site is located at 3227 East Smokey Row Road. The site is zoned R-l/Residence. Filed by J. Scott Burton. ~;;i'!JI",I. .,. " . -;", In':1.(~C;lt~ 'I:i:~ _..... ," 1<... , . f l'.;Elme Co ,h;L~ ,10 Corn[J"1 fl\ i-:;:, ./',. ' '. . _ , __ i ~"" j H aC9 toes. !iI1'>Jn~v.<:::A I'''' oh' . " ~.,.i, I !,. lIf~ nfoi.t",C" ~Q f>"'l~'(1 .'. . (j - .....,... I! _ -'") a .''''-.- -., ''=''-'_ "l-,,~_~ L-t'., ....._ ~"h~'\"" '"''''-~-...::o I ~ () J ..,,,-~l~':.', ',-r,..___..._. ~ . . Da1e"~---- w . - u [0 '::.--03- Sp C~u'm<el (1~\ L.J /! <~)..y " .. / .,:~ " ;. f ",s;J;\ 6l REC'C' 'c S\ G( HAY. f clVED \~'j)' ~ - 1.1 2002 f ~ DOCS l..}.l,j ~. /;-1 ~'h ~.,/ ~ / -1.:/ - \ / --'Lit \9~'''''/ ~~ May 16, 2002 Dave Sexton, PE The Schneider Corporation 12821 E. New Market Street, Suite 100 Carmel, IN 46032 RE: The Townhomes at Hazel Dell Dear Mr. Sexton: I have received and reviewed the information for the above-mentioned project. At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law enforce- ment efforts. If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfully, ~d]).kd-- Michael D. F og:h~ I Chief of Police MDF:vb cc: Dept. of Community Services A Nationally Accredit (317) 571-2500 rcement Agency Fu (317) 571-2512 u u . Johnson, Sue E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dobosiewicz, Jon C Tuesday, May 14,20022:51 PM Johnson, Sue E Lillig, Laurence M; Lawrence, Kelli A; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Hanson, Brian P Docket Number Assignment - Secondary Plat; The Townhomes at Hazel Dell Sue Ellen, Please issue the necessary Docket Number for The Townhomes at Hazel Dell Secondary Plat application. It will be the following: __ tp5 r;..'l- -#;#-02 SF \( $700 Total Fee: \, $700.00 The Townhomes at aze ell (Secondary Plat & Construction Plans) The site is located northwest of East 116th Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. The site is zoned R-2/Residence. The petitioner also seeks approval ofthe following Subdivision Waivers: Filed by Dave Sexton of Schneider Corporation for Platinum Properties. Please note the following: . This item has been placed on the May 22nd agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee, · This item will be reviewed administratively by the Department Thanks, Please contact Dave Sexton at 826-6402 (Fax: 826-6410) with this information. please return the file to myoffice. \: Once the docket is assigned Jon 'f- P-- \\$-0 s-- I '5 -0 d-.. I d-,', C;;-CJ ~.w.. ' ~ ~ .~ 5~d .<S r~ . .~ u u " ,'" l'i '~', ;"";>- - ~";;;'~ ~,,'~~~~ T--<!<<;~:'~~I~lt'~ -~':>;fr""F'if;' ~.: ~~ ~" ~I' ; ..""'.;r "eIB: Op: CARMEL" .. }., '~",' 1 ;.:~ J~ ~, ~~": ~.~ !l~'''- tji :l.'_ ~-. ',"":-- -~?...~~ ~.-"",:. ~ _ I/ ~l :; ~ D.~p.a'1m~ntotq~~~nijy~~i<;q~ ~ ' .~~'~~lJ ;; ~: Ji ;,_~ ~:;;:;J;_ .Jj~ ~.~ t\, "V,; ':~'?:~ ,;;~ ... _ ",~}lu: ~~,r; [II )y~:; One Civic Square Cannel, IN 4ECG2 (317)571-2417 Fax: (317)571-24:1.6 Fax To: ~ dlSX~ :8 ~...(O YIU From: ~'--~ ~ Fax: Pages: Phon'" ~ Oat", Re~ ~i::.n:.,",~ ~ LtF.... b~ CC~ 5-, ~~O ~ o Urgent o FCf"R.eview o Please Cotr1ment 0 Pfease Reply o prease Recycle u u sf Dave Sexton, P.E. Schneider Corporation 12821 E. New MarketSt. Suite 100 Carmel, IN 46032 D1/ /./ ~ G RE: The Townhomes at Hazel Dell LETTER OF APPROVAL The undersigned has reviewed the proposed plans for The Townhomesat Hazel Dell and has approved the plans subject to the following: 1. We are requesting the installation of cul-de-sac's at all stubbed streets in the project to allow our apparatus to turn around without undo backing. 2. Our office is requesting a set of plans showing the water distribution showing fire hydrant locations for this project. 3 Please find enclosed, a sheet showing turning radii for our apparatus. Our concern is with the street widths at intersections being only twenty feet (20') our ladder will not be able to make the turn onto the frontage road. Using these figures, please document that we will have adequate turning radIUS to make turns in either direction of the frontage road. 4. The street in the project that runs north and stub's, is over the allowable length for a dead end street or cul-de-sac. 5. Are these structures to be bricked or siding used on the exterior of the buildings? 6. Are these structures to be multi-story structures? 7. Will these buildings have a fire sprinkler system installed? 8. Are the streets in this project to be private streets? Please respond to the above noted condition(s) in writing and submit to our office prior to the scheduled Technical Advisory Meeting for this project. Date: May 13, 2002 By: Gary Hoyt, Fire Marshal Carmel Fire Department u u ~ ~. /' ~ ~ ,.'1[.,:..,.>- tf:":. ~"~~.~''''''';_~~:o . ::..; : L.."I ~1;Q~!r"";-;' <f~ """1;> 0:..J' ':.J ~1r(]~f::q~M~~'" .:' .', ~."I .." 'De~~~~\or.Co~!fljt~jJy>~el'Vice~, ~ I ,,!;' ':~:: .f-. r-.. (~~'. I,~~' .~r:t ~~ {~: "-.;;:~ {~~ :, ....~~.;. >T.\-:,';~~,'J~ ,..~~t One Civlo Square Carmel, IN 40032 (317) 571-2417 fax:. (317)571 ~2.42S Pages: ~~~ ~ ~ -L~-O~ To~ ~ S-1l~ Fax: ~~- L,:,y, D From~ Pl1one~ P:rl e~ ReI ~J ~d.. '0 d.. \P\ ~ cc: \ . . o Urgent C1 Far Review 0 P,leas,e Comment 0 Please Reply o Fleze RecJ'l:le ~l-" ""'~ --~~ p.. .. ,~ \ II:. . r. p_m~ .~~ ~V\r'\~--=- ~.~~ ~'- C{\ ^O. ~ . L~G =1" W..,.c.'-f. 2k"-- ~ ~L~ C- ~~~~\Jtt\~ \\0 <) ~ (X _ .fo !.'Of C~'< ,.'-J, ,-. Iy~ :c~~;,~/. -"'~1~.\ . 'Cc I cO.. \'~~~~~c6l. w u City of Carmel DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING May 8, 2002 ~rg~l~ M ~'\<>1:::'fi,0~'N I~AY . lYi-::[J; 9 Pa}1 Do,., f. '-'s i' I ., Mr. Dave Sexion, PE The Schneider Corporation 12821 E. New Market St., Suite 100 Carmel, IN 46032 j / RE: TheTownhomesat Hazel Ddl Primary Plat-Review #1 Dear Mr. SeAton: We apologize for the delay in responding to Keith Lash's letter and drawing dated Febmary 20,2002. We have now reviewed this primary plat and ofTer the following comments: 1. We have not receivcd detailed construction plans for this'project. Some of the comments made on tilis primary plat will apply when we do receive dctailed plans. 2. The north and south entrances will require acceVdecellane construction. In addition, the nortllem entrance will require the construction of a left turn lane in tile median of Hazel Dell Parkway to accommodate northbound left turns from Hazel Dell Parkway into tile devclopment. We will require detail including construction, landscaping, maintenance of traffic, etc. 3. As a reminder, we ,,,ill not approve plans that include the verification requirement above the engineer's certification. 4. Sheets PI01 and P102. Where is tlle outlet for tlle run of sanitary sewer parallel to Hazel Dell Parkway? We will not have any additional comments until detailed construction drd,vings are submitted for review. If you have questions, please call. jp;ddu Dick Hill, Assistant Director Department of Engineering Cc: M. Kate Weese, City Engineer Mike McBride, Assistant City Engineer Jail Dobosiewicz, Department of Co nmlUuity Services Laurence LiUig, Department of Community Services John Duffy, Director Cannel Utilities S:\PROJREV02\TWNHMHDPRI ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571cZ441 u ~~ Schneider u /JO: .' .- " I ;'. I ! ~~e~~'\J~fQ) MAY 6 2002 DOCS May 6, 2002 /-. Jon Dobosiewicz Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Secondary I~lat - The Townhomes at Hazel Dell Dear Jon, Please find enclosed the follow'ing materials related to the above referenced project be:ng proposed by Platinum Properties along Hazel Dell Parkway: 1. 2 sets of Secondary Plat and Construction Plans 2. Secondary Plat Application 3. Land Description 4. Copies of letters to TAC members 5. Narrative of Water, Sanitary and Storm Sewer Systems The above referenced materials are for your review and suggestions with respect to Secondary Platting. It is my understanding that this matter will be on the agenda of the May 22,2002 Technical Advisory Committee meeting. In the interim, if you should bave any q ucstions, Of are in need of additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION nY~& Dave Sexton. P.L Director -Residential Development Services Enclosure \\CARMEL_NTI \iobs\4k\4041 100 I \docslSecondary Plat\dobo THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569.8112 Fax 317.826.6410 www.schneidercorp.com _:",;>> p u u ~~ Schneider ~ ~~iC!eJ~[~~ NAY 6 2002 DOCS May 6, 2002 Gary Hoyt City of Cannel Fire Department Two Civic Square Carmel, TN 46032 RE: The Townhomes at Hazel Dell Dear Gary: Please find enclosed one copy of the Secondary Plat and Site Development Plan for the above referenced townhouse project being proposed by Platinum Properties along Hazel Dell Parkway. We will be presenting this project at the May 22,2002 meeting of the Cannel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and forward to me, any conunents or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION By4 ~)A Dave Sexton, P .E. Director - Residential Development Services Enclosure \\CARMEL_NTl\jobs\4k\4041\OOI\docs\Secondary PI l s THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-826-6410 v.Nffl. se h n e ide reo rp .co m .. '1:' u ~~ Schneider u May 6,2002 Bill Akers Carmel/Clay Communications 31 First Avenue, N. W. Cam1eI, IN 46032 RE: The Townhomcs at Hazel Dell Dear Bill: Please find enclosed one copy ofthe Secondary Plat and Site Development Plans for the above referenced townhouse project being proposed by Platinum Properties along Hazel Dell Parkway. We will be presenting this project at the May 22,2002 meeting of the Cannel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and forward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your converuence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION By: CkJd Dave Sexton, P .E. Director - Residential Development Services Enclosure \\CARMEL_NT! \jobs\4k\4041 \OOl\docs\Secondary PI t 5 THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel. Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-826-6410 www.schneidercorp.com 'i u u '--~ Schneider May 6, 2002 Ron Farrand Carmel/Clay Schools 5201 East 131 ,t Street Carmel, IN 46033 RE: The Townhomes at Hazel Dell Dear Ron: Please find enclosed one copy of the Secondary Plat and Site Development Plans for the above referenced townhouse project being proposed by Platinum Properties along Hazel Dell Parkway. We will be presenting this project at the May 22,2002 meeting of the Camlel Teclmical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and forward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION ~J) By: Dave Sexton, P .E. Director - Residential Development Services Enclosure \\CARMEL _NT 1\jobs\4k\4041\OO 1 \docs\S'ccondary PI THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Marke(Street Suite 100 Carmel. Indiana 46032 31.7.569-81.1.2 Fax 317-82606410 www.schneidercorp.com J- I u u ~~ Schneider May 6, 2002 Dave Klingensmith City of Carmel Street Department 21 Second Street S.W. Cam1el, IN 46032 RE: The Townhomcs at Hazel Dell Dear Dave: Please find enclosed one copy of the Secondary Plat and Site Construction Plans for the above referenced townhouse project being proposed by Platinum Properties along Hazel Dell Parkway. We will be presenting this project at the May 22, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and forward to me any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convel1lence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION ~0 By 'J- Dave Sexton, P.E. Director - Residential Development Services Enclosure \\CARMEL _ NT! \johs\4k\4041 \00 1 \docs\Secondary P \ cs THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel. Indiana 46032 317.569~112 Fax 317-826--6410 www.schneidercorp.com j,' u u ~~ Schneider May 6, 2002 Michael Fogerty City of Carmel Police Department Three Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: The Townhomes at Hazel Dell Dear Michael: Please find enclosed one copy of the Secondary Plat and Site Development Plans for the above referenced townhouse project being proposed by Platinum Properties along Hazel Dell Parkway. We will be presenting this project at the May 22, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and forward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional infonnation, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION By: ~"'-) A Dave Sexton, P .E. . . Director - Residential Development Services Enclosure \\CARMEL_NTI\iobs\4k\4041\OOl\docs\Secondary PI t s THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E_ New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 fax 317.826-6410 WoNW. sch net derco rp _com r u ~.., Schneider u May 6, 2002 Jolm Lester Carmel/Clay Parks Department 1055 3rd Ave. S.W. Cam1cl, IN 46032 RE: The Townhomes at Hazel Dell Dear John: Please find enclosed one copy of the Secondary Plat and Site Development Plans for the above referenced townhouse project being proposed by Platinum Properties along Hazel Dell Parkway. We will be presenting this project at the May 22,2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you ptea;;e review the enclosed material and forward to me, any comments or concems that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convel11ence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION By: ~ ~~1"6 Dave Sexton, P .E. Director - Residential Development Services Enclosme \\CARMEL_NTI\jobs\4k\4041\OOI\docs\Secondary PI t 'SU THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-826-6410 www.schneidercorp.com J~ l-) ~~ Schneider u May 6, 2002 Rick McClain Cinergy 1441 South Guilford Carmel, IN 46032 RE: The Townhomes at Hazel Dell Dear Rick: Please find enclosed one copy of the Secondary Plat and Site Development Plans for the above referenced townhouse project being proposed by Platinum Properties along Hazel Dell Parkway. We will be presenting this project at the May 22, 2002 meeting ofthe Cannel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and forward to me, any comments or concems that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your conVCl1lence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION ~JA By: Dave Sexton, P .E. Director - Residential Development Services Enclosure \\CARMEL_NTI\jobs\4k\4041\OOL\docs\Secondary PI t s THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel. Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-826-6410 www.schneidercorp.com $' u ~~ Schneider u May 6, 2002 Jeff Rice Arneritech 5858 North College Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46220 HE: The Townhomes at Hazel Dell Dear Jeff: Please find enclosed one copy of the Secondary Plat and Site Development Plans for the above referenced townhouse project being proposed by Platinum Properties along Hazel Dell Park~ay. We will be presenting this project at the May 22, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and forward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION BY:~ ~ ~c\ Dave Sexton, P .E. .." Director - Residential Development Services Enclosure THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569'8112 Fax 317-826-6410 www.schneidercorp.com u ~~ Schneider u May 6, 2002 Tim Gibson Time Wamer Cable 516 East Carmel Drive Cannel, IN 46032 RE: Tbe Townhomes at Hazel Dell Dear Tim: Please find enclosed one copy of the Secondary Plat and Site Development Plans for the above referenced townhouse project being proposed by Platinum Properties along Hazel Dell Parkway. We will be presenting this project at the May 22, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and forward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION By: Q~ 0-A' Dave Sexton, P .E. Director - Residential Development Services Enclosure \\CARMEL_NT1\jobs\4k\404 1\00 l\docs\Secondary P \ THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E, New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fa~ 317.826-6410 www.schneidercorp.com ..or :.. u '--~ Schneider u May 6, 2002 Kate Weese City of Carmel Engineer's Office One Ci vie Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: The Townhomes at Hazel Dell Dear Kate: Please find enclosed one copy of the Secondary Plat and Site Constmction Plans for the above referenced townhouse project being proposed by Platinum Properties along Hazel Dell Parkway. We will be presenting this project at the May 22, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and forward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your eonvel11ence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION ~. ~~,h~ / ~ By: Dave Sexton, P .E. Director - Residential Development Services Enclosure \\CARMEL_NTI\jobs\4k\4041\OOI\docs\Secondary PI \t s THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana ~6032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-826-6410 www.schneidercorp.com u '-.., Schneider u May 6, 2002 John South, P.E. Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street Noblesville, IN 46060 RE: The Townhomes at Hazel Dell Dear John: Please find enclosed one copy of the Secondary Plat and Site Construction Plans for the above referenced townhouse project being proposed by Platinum Properties along Hazel Dell Parkway. We will be presenting this project at the May 22, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and forward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION By: Q rr ~~ Dave Sexton, P .E. Director - Residential Development Services Enclosure \\CARMEL_NTl\jobs\4k\4041\OOI\docs\Secondary Pi t s THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 3H-569-8112 Fax 317-826-6410 www.sctmeidercorp.com .( ~[II u ~~ Schneider u May 6, 2002 Chuck Shupperd Indiana Gas Company 16000 Allisonville Road Noblesville, IN 46060 RE: The Townhomes at Hazel Dell Dear Chuck: Please find enclosed one copy of the Secondary Plat and Site Development Plans for the above referenced townhouse project being proposed by Platinum Properties along Hazel Dell Parkway. We will be presenting this project at the May 22, 2002 meeting of the Cannel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and forward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions orrequire additional infom1ation, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION Cb~ A By: Dave Sexton, P .E. Director - Residential Development Services Enclosure \\CARMEL_NTI\jobs\4k\4041\OOl\docs\Secondary PI \ cs THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-8H2 Fax 317-826-6410 www.schneidercorp.com " '0 u ~., Schneider (~ May 6, 2002 Jeff Kendall City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: The Townhomcs at Hazel Dell Dear Jeff: Please find enclosed one copy of tbe Secondary Plat and Construction Plans for the above referenced townhouse project being proposed by Platinum Properties along Hazel DeLI Parkway. We will be presenting tbis project at the May 22, 2002 meeting of the Cannel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and forward to me, any comments or concems that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convemence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION By: a\~ Dave Sexton, P .E. Director - Residential Development Services Enclosure \\CARMEL_NTI\jObS\4k\4041\OOI\dOCS\SeCOndary2JQp "u~ 5-06-02.doc '6aJ{;J ]902-2002 THE'SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E, New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel. Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-826-6410 WWN.schneidercorp,com ;/I' I", u '-~ Schneider u May 6, 2002 John Duffy Cannel City Utilities One Civic Square Cam1el, IN 46032 RE: The Townhomes at Hazel Dell Dear John: Please find enclosed one copy of the Secondary Plat and Site Construction Plans for the above referenced townhouse project being proposed by Platinum Properties along Hazel Dell Parkway. We will be presenting this project at the May 22, 2002 meeting ofthe Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and forward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional infornlation, please feel free to contact me at your convcmence. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION By ~9\J,,~ Dave Sexton, P.E. Director - Residential Development Services Enclosure \\CARMEL_NTI\jobs\4k\4041\OOI \docs\Secondary PI t su THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317.569.8112 Fax 317-826-6410 www.schneidereorp.eom .J, ..... ". u ~., Schneider u May 6, 2002 Scott Brewer Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: The Townhomcs at Hazel Dell Dear Scott: Please find enclosed one copy of the Secondary Plat and Site Development Plans for the above referenced townhouse project being proposed by Platinum Properties along Hazel Dell Parkway. We will be presenting this project at the May 22, 2002 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Would you please review the enclosed material and forward to me, any comments or concerns that you may have. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at your convelllcnce. Sincerely, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION By: ~JJ Dave Sexton, P.E. "- Director ~ Residential Development Services Enclosure \\CARMEL_NTI\jobs\4k\4041\OOl\docs\Secondary PI \t THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 12821 E. New Market Street Suite 100 Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-569-8112 Fax 317-826-6410 www.schneidercorp.com