HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence u U I:ENTEX HOMES November 20,2002 ~<0i~m" ~v '-'/"" /...... >/ ". ..... kji ...... ~ '\?-\ /-.:; Ci:J ~ ~:J, \-~ ~::;;: ~ I ~ 'E; ~ f3 00\ ~ f.ij c:, i- --\ .0:: ~ oC::) , Dear Me Lillig: \-:t ~ ;;;;J \', . ,<; , \,~ /, / v_~. .r: ......' RE: Settlers Ridge Section 3 at HaYersdhri1_~\1;'c;'\,;/ ~'~::"-0 :. \ _~/'l' Attached to this letter I have attached 2 copies of the mylar plat to be signed by your office, I have sent a letter to Dick Hill requesting to be placed on the [)ecember 4 BP\V agenda if this is possible for them to sign this plat. Corporate Office Mr. Lawrence Lillig City of Cannel One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 6602 E as! 75th Street Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46250 Phone: r15~22v Thank you for your assistance in this matter and please ca II with an y questions_ Sincerely, CENTEX HOMES ~- Thomas L. Kutz, P.E. Land Development Manager t-J~ ~r',$ f(ff~ TLK/tlk -z.....- w o Depar1:Qlent of COrrlIl1l.lruty Services One Civic Square ' Cahliei, .Indiana 46032 '( 0 N, S U L TIN G' EN GIN E E R S . LA' ND S' UR V E Y 0 R. S /'<:r!~~i_I? -; . . R.M. Stoep~elwerth, PE,PlS e David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, m · Curtis C. Huff, PlS · Den~is D~ Q!~~d";:S · Jfflory"w. (D~~&1, p~S , ti',RECEtVfD 'r::-) . (;;:j, JL1N 17t'J,Il!J1) \~I ~~\ (l~;c 1. . June. 14, 2002 ,\::.\ DOCS /'j_ '. \..-;\, ,<"~.~ . \:..>-,- , .../ ' V/';,- .....-<:.;, -)'" " "~!.JEf0~\P Attention: Jon Dohosi'ewicz ' Re:Settler~s' Ridge arHavers~ick, Section 3 Dear Mr. Dobosiewicz: " ,Pleasefip:denclpsed one setbf OJlistruction Plans with' Pla~ which w:ere revised , in a9cord~ce"With the comments listed in your letter dated May 28,2002. Those: comments we.readdre:ssed.as follows: - 1. The docket n.ti1n.ber h~ Deeli add~~. _ 2: The' source. of title will be added when the L TS is recorded Jar this section. 3.' 'Section2~ reco~~ed il).{ormatio'u'has beel) added. " '. 4. 'When the final review le.tters ate received, they will he forwarded to you. S . We will, forward rnylai-s to you when ready to record, ' 6.' - There w~l1 be no lap.oscape plan with this section. This section is heavilX_3' __,.~~: ' wQoaed. See Tree :Preservation Plan. "._, ...,,:_.," ",~:""",,'"' 7. Bilty'WglkeF;has been removed as requested. - 8. "Director" was added as requested. 9. Cros's-reference riUri1bcers have been added: ' . If you have any questions concerning these revisions, please,cQntacnne ~~. (31.'7) 849-5935, ext. 22.' . Verjtruly yours, - , STOEPPELwERTII & ASSOCIATES, INC. . "!I~~'9~ "EowardE. Flerrlir1g. Cc: RodneyJ\,1uller- S;\18465SR3\Agency 9940 Allisonville Rood, . fisherslndiono 46038-2005 . (3ill 849.-5935 0 1'800-728-6917 .. FAX: (31ll849-5942 , ,. . .f .. . . . -. ._ , _ w <:6$ relyded poper u u .ttU!! Of AJi' ~W<V~ :@ ()>'~J-.~<'~.B ~~" G ~ ~" ~ [,)) ~j* I ~ ~ ~~ <;o~~' "%.-1"" '~I\\\\\' ~(rON c..~f{{lii! ~4P/.II/I!lffiJI' City of Carmel VIA FAX: 849-5942 Original by mail May 28, 2002 Edward Fleming Stoeppelwe11h & Associates, Inc. 9940 AUisonville Road Fishers, IN 46038 RE: Settler's Ridge at Haverstick Subdivision, Section 3, Secondary Plat Application Dear Mr. Fleming: This letter is in response to your Secondmy Plat application for Settler's Ridge at Haverstick Subdivision, Section 3. The following issues must be resolved prior to signature of the plat by the director: 1. Add Secondary Plat Docket number 63-02 SP to all sheets. 2. Add sOurce of title instrument number to all sheet~. 3. Add Inst. #, P.e. #, and SLD. # to the Settler's Ridge at Haverstick Section Two B notation on sheets 1 and 2. 3. Forward a copy offrnal review lettersfi'om the f'qllowing agencies: a. County Surveyor b. Hamilton County Soil and Water ConseTvation District c. City ofCaTme1 Engineering Depm1ment 4. Have Mylar signed by property owner and surveyor (with R.L.S. seal) prior to signature by director. 5. Submit a construction grade landscape plan as approved by Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester (include tree preservation plan.) 6. Remove Billy Walker from the Board of Public Works & Safety Certificate; it may be left blank for now. Please contact our department prior to submittal for this information. A new member has not yet been assigned. 7. Add "Di.rector" after Michael Hollibaugh's name on sheet 3. 8. Add cross-reference numbers for the covenants and restrictions block on the final sheet. Please submit a revised Secondary Plat with the above-mentioned changes. Once these changes have been made and comments addressed, please produce a Mylar copy for signature by this Department. Two paper copies of the plat must be filed with the Mylar prior to recording, and three paper copies and a Mylar ofthe recorded plat must be submitted following recording. Our approval ofllie secondary plat (signature) will be forthcoming upon revision of the plans according to the Items listed above. Sincerely, L IL:-7 /:ol~ C. Dobosiewicz Plarming Administrator Settler's Ridge @ Haverstick-Section 3-SPl Page 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE C'\RtvlliL, INDBNA 46032 317/571-2417 , \ I ) (..j ~ CENTEX HOMES Co....porate Office May 22, 2002 6602 East 75th Street Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46250 Mr. Jon Dobosiewicz Department of Conununity Services City of Cannel One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Phone, 317-915-2200 RE: Settler's Ridge Section 3 and Hayden Run Section 2 Plat Filing Fees Dear Jon, Attached is check #071077 in the amount of $700.00 for the Settler's Ridge Section 3 (Docket #63-02 SP) Filing Fees and check #071078 in the amount of $700.00 for Hayden Run Section 2 (Docket # ~~-02 SP) Filing Fees. Please contact me if you have any question or concerns. Sincerely, CE~EX HOMES /i!)o?'~ Ii > Rodney A. Muller Land Development Project Manager RANI/ram '1. u u JQh'nson, Sue E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dobosiewicz, Jon C Tuesday, May 14, 2002 2:07 PM Johnson, Sue E Lillig, Laurence M; Lawrence, Kelli A; Hollibaugh, Mike P: Hanson, Brian P Docket Number Assignment - Secondary Plat; Settler's Ridge at Haverstick, Section 3 Sue Ellen, Please issue the necessary Docket Number for Settler's Ridge at Haverstick, Section 3 Secondary Plat application. It will be the following: ~3 *'-02 SP Total Fee: Settlers Ridge at Haverstick, Section 3 (Secondary Plat &Construction Plans) The site is located northwest of East 131 st Street and River Road. The site is zoned S-l/residence. Filed by Edward E. Fleming of Stoeppelwerth & Associates for Centex Homes. Please note the following: o This item has been placed on the May 22nd agenda of the Techn.ical Advisory Committee. o This item will be reviewed administratively by the Department. Please contact Ed Fleming at 849-5935 (Fax: 849-5942) with this infonnation. Once the docket is assigned please return the file to my office. Jon ~ .s;----~AS0 d-- Thanks, -b u {--J One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4€032 (317) 57i-24H Fax: (317) 571-2426 To: E. '.D !3 1........... . .. .... 84 'i.~,4J- From: Fax:: Pages~ ~~ ~ 5-, ~.J;D ;L., Phone: Date: ~., ~T\~ A.-~ cc, ~ "'-"'r.&..,c...~ ~C- 3 o UrgEnt 0 Far Revtew D Plea5G ComtnEnt o prease Reply o Please Reeyde u u Edward Fleming Stoeppelwerth & Associates 9940 Allisonville Rd. Fishers, IN 46038-2005 RE: Settler's Ridge at Haverstick, Section Three LETTER OF APPROVAL The undersigned has reviewed the proposed plans for Settler's Ridge at Haverstick, Section Three and has approved the plans subject to the following: 1, After review of this project, I have no additional requirements to be met at this time. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Please respond to the above noted condition(s) in writing and submit to our office prior to the scheduled Technical Advisory Meeting for this project. Date: Mav 13. 2002 By: Gary Hoyt, Fire Marshal Carmel Fire Department '7~ v 04;/ u u ,..,-.."l CARMEL/CLAY TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMIT.TEE . AGENDA ,,' ~. }fA1E~DVEf) 1.1 200.,? DOCS .. Date: May 22, 2002 Place: Department of Community Services Conference Room 3rd Floor - Carmel City Hall .JV 9'00 II m 0(.. 9'20 II m ')1V r. 9'40 :J m 011 10'00 $I m ~v 1O'20:J m rJ U lO'4n pm 0(/ 11 '00 am Village of West Clay, Commercial Building No.2 (Construction FlaIRS) The site is located at the southeast comer of 131 st Street and Towne Road within the Village of West Clay. The site is zoned PUDIPlanned Unit Development (Z-330). Filed by Dave Sexton ofthe Schneider Corporation for Brenwick TND Communities. Village of West Clay, Section 3004, Block C; Townhomes (Secondary Plat & Construction Plans) The site is located at the southeast comer of 13151 Street and Towne Road within the Village of West Clay. The site is zoned PUDIPlanned Unit Development (Z-330). Filed by Dave Sexton of the Schneider Corporation for Brenwick TND Communities. west Carmel Center, Block D, Lot 2- Fifth Third Bank (Development Plan) The applicant seeks development plan approval to construct a financial institution. Filed by Jeffery c. Klump of Klump & Associates. Hayden Run, Section 2 (Secondary Plat & Construction Plans) The site is located on the south side of West 131 st Street approximately one half mile west of Towne Road. The site is zoned S-llResidential. Filed by Edward E. Fleming of Stoep pel werth & Associates, Inc. for Centex Homes; Settlers Ridge at Haverstick, Section 3 (Secondary Plat &Construction Plans) The site is located northwest ofEas! 131 st Street and River Road. The site is zoned S-1/residence. Filed by Edward E. Fleming of Stoeppelwerth & Associates for Centex Homes. Williams Ridge Subdivision (Primary & Secondary PJat) The site is located on the north side of 1 16th Street, ~ mile west of Gray Road. The site is zoned R -1 /Residence. Filed by David R. Barnes of Weihe Engineers. Old National Bank - Carmel Banking Center (Development Plan) Petitioner seeks approval to Remodel and expand the existing building (Walden Bookstore) into a financial institution. The site is located at 1430 South Rangeline Road. The site is zoned B-3/Business. Filed by 1. William White of A.J. Armstrong, Inc. -Next Page- ~7j.ipf:~iin(~ ~n\l;')hlt~t~ h'~1 {t.F~G:. prf)~!~~-.t' ":;.;>:~,sj..c::i3d~ '":~~:I.+:'~.Q?:"., .:,:qn<:oe; Date u u Carmel May 16,2002 Mr. Edward D. Fleming Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, IN 46060 RE: Settler's Ridge at Haverstick, Section 3 Job Number: 18465SR3 Dear Mr. Fleming: I have received and reviewed the information for the above-mentioned project. At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law enforcement efforts. If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfully, 1t~f]). '14 Michael D. Fogarty Chief of Police MDF:vb cc: Dept. of Community Services A Nationally Accredit (317) 571-2500 orcement Agency F.,: (317) 571-25l2 w u One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4SC32 {:317) 571-2417 Fa:<: (317) 571~242e Fax: ~ Pagesl ~~~ -::> "S 1C-O~ To: - E- ~ \-'l.-~ t ^-I..o 8t{~-5q4eL From: Pbane~ Date! Re~ ~i ~~ 'Ca. \f\~ eel o Urg~nt 0 Far Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply D please Recy.::le ~I-Gi: .....___ I () \;{ 0 (I, iI), . ~ ~ L.A:"2- """" . ~'''' "" .. o!'t ~ ."" ,<.,~ /~~ ~".... ~..~ oL ~T E: '. (0 a.m, ) ~O ( "1\ J y\ u u LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ~ A ~\~re@'~V1~~ ' ~~'i 1 ":',~ DOCS STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: May 7, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 18465SR3 TO: Department of Community Services 1 Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Jon Dobosiewicz RE: Settler's Ridge at Haverstick, Section Three WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS [ ] Courier [ Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 2 Sets Construction Plans 2 Secondary Plat 1 Report Describing Water, Sanitary, Sewer & Drainage Systems 1 Subdivider Agreement Form 1 Plat Application with Description THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: 1 For Approval x 1 As Requested ] For Review and Comment x I For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Rodney Muller u u LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ~ /?;T!/~,~~ ,,,,r::;/l 1~'I11' .._-"~7'~'/IVJ/?0)~ ,;1,,/ y 1" -~j{) " ;/'", - Do .~ Cs STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (311) 849-5942 DATE: May 7, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 18465SR3 TO: IDEM - Facility Construction Section 100 North Senate Avenue Suite 1255 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 ATTENTION: Don Worley RE: Settler's Ridge at Haverstick, Section Three WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS [ ] Courier [ J Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. -- I Set Construction Plans 1 SPC-15 Application 1 List of Affected Persons 1 Certificate of Professional Engineer , THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval ] As ~equested x ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Rodney Muller u u ~ SdJ)l V~'~I\~' .r'~({'"'{',?,,\.\.- r,f" <;6J''9 "~1"~ . 1)\\' \ '_ \?"lc,,",c \. 1\)" ~~ ,{oS . \IV LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: May 7, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 18465SR3 TO: Carmel City Utilities 130 First Avenue SW Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Paul Pace RE: Settler's Ridge at Haverstick, Section Three WE ARE SENDING YOU [X I UPS [ I Courier [ I Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat 1 NOI Waste Permit . . 1 Wasteload Allocation , i THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval I As Requested [ X] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Rodney Muller u U LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ~ ~c?~ '" rr~~~'~~~. , """\'f?~'-!!'~' (\.\,,\. \~~....-?.., ~>J~" ,\~ \j\jC,s STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849~5942 DATE: :May 7, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 18465SR3 TO: City of Carmel City Engineer 1 Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Dick Hill RE: Settler's Ridge at Haverstic~ Section Three WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS [ Courier [ ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. ~ 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat 1 Storm Calculations 1 Wasteload Allocation 1 Allocation Letter THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval ] As Requested I X] For Review and Comment x J For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Rodney Muller w u LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849~5942 t ,,","'\ms:rO Wcl~~":::\\~ ~~ ~ 1 ')11''\-) VI ~\IJ\; '- DOCS DATE: May 7, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 18465SR3 TO: Hamilton County Surveyor One Hamilton County Square Suite 188 Noblesville, Indiana 46060 ATTENTION: Steve Cash RE: Settler's Ridge at Haverstick, Section Three WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS [ ] Courier [ ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. ~ 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat 1 Storm Calculations , THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: J For Approval J As Requested [ X I For Review and Comment x I For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Rodney Muller u U LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ~ p>@'0:~~ij 6).~'\:.-JlIC:" .J ~~ IJ,,"I~ . ~, 1;~~\\ 1 "',!. DOGS STOEPPEL\VERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: May 7, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 18465SR3 TO: Deputy Building Commissioner One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Jeff Kendall RE: Settler's Ridge at Haverstick, Section Three WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS [ ] Courier [ ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat i THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval I As Requested [ X] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E.Fleming Cc: Rodney Muller u u LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ~ e"\~~~ 16'\S''C,\E'-.\\.'~ . \f~~~' '\ ~\~\ 1 \" . DOCS STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (311) 849-5942 DATE: May 7, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 18465SR3 TO: Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Scott Brewer RE: Settler's Ridge at Haverstick, Section Three WE ARE SENDING YOU [X ] UPS [ I Courier [ 1 Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. t Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat i THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval 1 As Req uested [ X 1 For Review and Comment x 1 For Your Use RE.MARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Rodney Muller u u LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ~ ~~~e~~~~~~lQ) ;4i~~~ .1 . DOCS STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (311) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: May 7, 2002 JOB NUl\1BER: 18465SRJ TO: Hamilton County Local Emergency 18100 Cumberland Road Noblesville, Indiana 46060 ATTENTION: Robert Hendricks RE: Settler's Ridge at Haverstick, Section Three WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS [ ] Courier [ ] Othe..: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. t Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat \ THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: I For Approval ] As Requested [ X I For Revi~w and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Rodney Muller u u LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ~ lPerF'r.'--\t;n~.J~~VJI 1~/,,'E,~,c...~ 1..1 ~~ ~'j~ I '1 ','1) ~~{ 1 '-~~ .\ GOGS STOEPPEL WERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 AlLisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: May 7, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 18465SR3 TO: Indianapolis Power & Light Company 3600 North Arlington Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46218 A TTENTIQN: , Ron Morris RE: Settler's Ridge at Haverstick, Section Three WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS [ ] Courier [ ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat , I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: l For Approval I As Requested [ X l For Review and Comment x I For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Rodney Muller u u LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL I!J;,~ ~ I.'C'~z~!?\l~ f}W' j"'" ("'Z';;'i) " ...1 ~/i~j,,?::., I' vi.:::,r....... ,'''Y ~ !J. " Ves STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: May 7, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 18465SR3 TO: Ameritech 5858 North College Indianapolis, Indiana 46220 ATTENTION:, Steve Krebs RE: Settler's Ridge at Haverstick, Section Three WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS [ J Courier [ I Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. t Set Construction Plans t Secondary Plat , THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval ] As Requested [ X I For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Rodney Muller u u LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ~ ~~fi\ ,.,."""~',,,,-.\J, ~rE.,rt::}t~\~-"~ ' :~ I \~c~\0~. '1 "1\ \ .1l'\.. " ~, \ ,.... ~ ,,\ \)\J~S STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849.5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: May 7, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 18465SR3 TO: Vectren Energy 15900 Allisonville Road Noblesville, Indiana 46060 A TTENTIQN: Chuck Shupperd RE: Settler's Ridge at Haverstick, Section Three WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPs [ ] Courier [ ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat i THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval I As Requested [ X ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Rodney Muller u u LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL /,?s!~ tt (JfJ~~t~/7: ~ i!lfJly '~.'i:; flll1">> 11~ ".' YI);;/~ - ~ 1 '~/'{i ,'I. /Jocs . ./ STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: May 7, 2002 JOB NUlVIBER: 18465SR3 TO: PSI Cinergy 1441 South Guilford Street Carmel, Indiana 46032 A TTENTIQN: Rick McClain RE: Settler's Ridge. at Haverstick, Section Three WE ARE SENDING YOU [X J UPS [ ] Courier [ ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval ] As Requested [ X ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use [ REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Rodney Muller u u LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ~ "-"~W\\f\S~! ~\?I:,,,,:\?;\ -!! "'" -' . \f'~.~'- 11 I' \ ',II .{\\~ ~ ,-'"..;.. '". DOCS STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: May 7, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 18465SR3 TO: Carmel Clay Parks Department 1055 Third Avenue SW Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: John Lester RE: Settler's Ridge at Haverstick, Section Three WE ARE SENDING YOU [X 1 UPS [ ] Courier r I Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat , . THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ) For Approval l As Requested [ X ) For Review and Comment Xl For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Rodney Muller w u LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 'i"i'"",, ~ /fijiSAI.;0'i:;'r'n " '-"'i:,',ic:::iilflS'/Rl !~AY 1" V_~{); '~'i1:) DOcs " DATE: May 7, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 18465SR3 TO: Hamilton County Sheriff 18100 Cumberland Road Noblesville, Indiana 46060 ATTENTION: L. Joe Cook RE: Settler's Ridge at Haverstic~ Section Three WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS [ ] Courier [ ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. - 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat l THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval 1 As Requested [ X ] For Review and Comment X J For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Rodney Muller u u LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL f rR!~/f'lfi:;"'r 7- , "='v,!~'I'I( 'C:/''i'; l! . '~" iY 1G!f)) tAy 1 r ".1/ I,;'; I . - I:: DOCS STOEPPEL WERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: May 7, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 18465SR3 TO: Office of Police Chief Three Civic Square Carme~ Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: . Michael Fogarty RE: Settler's Ridge at Haverstick, Section Three WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS [ ] Courier [ ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. t Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat , THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ) For Approval ] As Requested [ X] For Review and Comment x 1 For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Rodney Muller u u f [\/SAre,. , .f ,I '---~'-"'llf~I/' 1/;'C-1", ---". .-"J .>'1 __ ( I ,{A y 7 ": ,s~) DOCS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 AlJisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: May 7, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 18465SR3 TO: Office of Fire Marshall 2 Carmel Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Gary Hoyt RE: Settler's Ridge at Haverstick, Section Three WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS I ] Courier [ 1 Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval J As Requested [ X ] For Review and Comment X 1 For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Rodney Muller u u 11?r~R~~ ,\; ~"'-";I,r--"".',,;.;)~ .i'Mr' ",! !;':~<;;;')) .. 1 -,'u . ~--' o.ocs LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTB & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: May 7, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 18465SR3 TO: Carmel Clay Schools 5185 East 131st Street Carmel, Indiana 46032 A TTENTIQN: Ron Farrand RE: Settler's Ridge at Haverstick, Section Three WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS [ ] Courier [ J Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. t Set Construction Plans t Secondary Plat . THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval ] As Requested ( X] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Rodney Muller u U LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 1: rEi IGCl",:,"r;; "\\7i"'r('l, lr~~~j'IC::_. I.: -s;..:;, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 J:lAY 7 -' DOCS DATE: May 7, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 18465SR3 TO: Carmel Communications 31 First Avenue NW Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: , Bill Akers RE: Settler's Ridge at Haverstick, Section Three 'WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS [ ] Courier [ I Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat \ THESE ARE TRAt~SMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval ] As Requested [ X] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Rodney Muller u u LETTER OF TRANSl\'llTTAL ~ STOEPPEL WERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (311) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 rgS~\iCl(! 1/121;:)\ cl)cco\\',1::;-,. 'Ii'L::',iQJ j;!AY 7 I~' , . DOCS DATE: May 7, 2002 JOB NUMBER: 18465SR3 TO: Hamilton County Soil & Water 1108 South Ninth Street Noblesville, Indiana 46060 ATTENTION: John South RE: Settler's Ridge at Haverstick, Section Three WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPs [ ] Courier [ ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. t Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat , ( THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval I As Requested I X] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Edward E. Fleming Cc: Rodney Muller ~. ~ u - u :.'.':'\~.~?~'-~l\ \*\~w~j*.'.' -:1~<1=6N"Cc;~:;'" City of Carmel DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING March 13, 2002 1.-ir. Edward E. Fleming Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, IN 46038-2005 RE: Settler's Ridge, Section 3-'Project Review #1 Dear Mr. Fleming: We have reviewed the plans submitted for lhis.project and offer the following conunents: GENERALCO~rnNTS 1. TIlis project willrequiie Board of Public Works and Safety approval for Water and Sanitary Sewer Availability. Please provide approved copies of the following documents from Carmel Utilities: o Notice of Intenl to Construct a Water Main Extension o Capacity Certification/Allocation Letter (This "vas received with your submission and ""ill be fonvarded to John Duffy for approval. We will require a copy of-the signed letter). 2. IDEM Permits will be required for Water and for Sanitary Sewer. The City Engineer will not sign the IDEM lAC 330 until the project has received Board approval for Water and Sanitary Sewer Availability. 3. Secondary plats submitted for Board approval must be submitted to our Department of Community Services well in advance of the Engineering Department deadline date for BPWS submissions. Plat recording is a requirement for building permits. 4. We require detailed and certified Engineer's Estimates as a basis for Performance Guarantee requirements. This includes quantities, unit costs, etc. [or the [allowing subdi vision improvements: . Streets (asphalt/syds, lime stabilizatiowsyds) . Curbs and Gutters (roll curb/lf, chairback curMf) . Water Mains (copper servicellI, # hydrants, # valves, pipe by diameterllf, grdllular backfill) . Sanitary Sewers (# wyes, pipe by diameterllf, lateralsl1f, # manholes, granular backfill) . Storm Drainage (pipe by diameterllf, # inletsfbeehives, # manholes, # end sections, subsurface pipe by dianleter/lf, granular backfill) . Street Signs (number of signs) . Monuments & Markers (street markers, boundary monuments/markers) o Sidewalks - May be separated into lots (interior sidewalks) and common area/right of way (exterior sidewalks). (linear feel, # handicap ramps) 5. Cannel Utilities will provide separate reviews for water and sanitary sewer issues. STORM SEWERSfDRAINAGE 6. You have placed the following statement on Sheet 3, next to the Storm Tables, as requested. Additionally, please place the statement on Sheet 10, storm sewer plan and profile: THE STORM SEJVER SYSTEo/! SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PER DESIGN SPECTFJED AND AS APPROVED BY TIlE CiTY OF CARMEL ON THE FINAL APPROVED CONSTRUCTION PLANS.. DEvIATIONS FR01H TIIEAPPROVED DESIGN SHALL ONLY BE PERiHIITED DUE TO SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES OR DlFFTCUL 11' DURING CONSTRUCTION AND WILL REQUIRE PRIOR FIELD APPROVAL FROM A DESIGNA.TED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CfTY OF CARMEL IN ADDITION TO SUPPLEMENTAL APPROVAL BY TIlE DESIGN ENGlNEER. AN EXPL4NATIONOF ANY SUCH DEVIATION SHALL BE lNCLUDED AS A REQUIREMENT ON AS-BUlLT/RECORD DR4 WINGS SUBMITTED FOR RELEASE OF PERFORMANCE GUARA1VTEES. APPROVED DESIGN SLOPES IDENTIFIED AS GE1VERA TING VELOCITIES OF 2.5 FPS OR LESS SHALL REQUIREAS-BUlLT CERTIFICATION AT THE TIJfE OF COl,iSTRUCTlON. ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDfANA 46032 317/571<2441 'fio. ~ w u Mr. Edward E. Fleming May 13,2002 Page 2 * THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD CHECK EACH SEC110N OF STORM PIPE AS IT IS BEING INSTALLED TO ENSURE COAfPLL4NCE WI11l THE DESIGN PlANS; 7. We would like to see rear yard comer elevations on lots 60 through 69. S. It appears that storm drainage from lots 60 through 63 and lots 67 through 69 is being allowed to flow either directly to Section] lots or into the common area #5 wilhout direction or contra!. 9. Thc same comment would apply to lots 72 through 69. It appears drainage is being directed from these lots onto adjacent property. As stated below, the City Engineer will have additional comments regarding these plans \\-nen she returns and is able to review the plans and calculations. OTIIER COMMENTS 10. Existing adjacent sections should include lot numbers, street names, etc. and include existing pavement elevations where new pavement is to match into existing. 11. Based upon the plat provided, the Availability (acreage) Fee for this project would be: Water -18.256Acres@$1,0l0.OOIAcre= $18,439.00 Sanitary Sewers - 18.256 Acres @ $l,365.00/Acre = $24.919.00 Total 5.197 $2,375.00 I $43,358.00 These comments are based upon.the Engineering Department's initial review. Please provide this office with a follow- up letler addressing these review comments, accompanied by a revised drawing indicating all revisions. Second and subsequent reviews will focus only on revised items. It is critical that this office be made a.....'aI'e of all modifications made on the plans being resubmitted, particularly if such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our initial review. The City Engineer is out of to\1;ll this week and has not had the opportunity to review the plans or the drainage calculations. Therefore, we reserve the right to provide additional conunents afrer she has reviewed the plans and the calculations. We will submit the additional comments as soon as possible. I am including the following enclosure with this correspondence: o 2002 BPWS Meeting Dates and Agenda Deadlines. If you have questions, please contact Kate Weese, City Engineer or me at 571-2441. V;:Wu Dick Hill, Assistant Director Department of Engineering Enclosures cc: M. Kate Weese, City Engineer (w/o encl.) Mike McBride, Assistant City Engineer (w/o encl.) Jon Dobosiewicz, Department of Community Services (w/o ene!.) John Duffy, Director of Carmel Utilities (w/o encl.) Tom KutzlRodney Muller, Centex Homes S:\PROJREV02\SRIDGE3 u ~) City of Carmel DEP ARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES 3 July 2000 . ~,(i J1.' l " ,:;v'<J ^ :. ~,/ ~="Y T .1 . Wd~~~@ .~ ' JUl 3 2000 DOCS ~0~ , f/ \J ~ :MI. Ed Fleming Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, IN 46038-2005 -- \~~ re: Lost Oaks @ Haverstick, Section 1, Secondary Plat Amendment Lost Oaks @ Haverstick, Section 2b Affidavit Settler's Ridge @ Haverstick Street Sign Variance viajacsimile: 849-5942 Dear Mr. Fleming: This memo is in response to a fax sent by yourself June 29, 2000. First, no application has been made for the Secondary Plat Amendment to Lost Oaks at Haverstick, Section L The Department is in receipt of a proposed Secondary Plat Amendment for this section, but without an application, it can go no further. With respect to this same document, I note that the Subdivider has signed as the authority making the address change. This is incorrect - the Department ofConunumcations will need to sign in this capacity. I have prepared a Certificate for this purpose that is currently being considered by the Department of Law. When it is approved, I will forward it to you for inclusion on the Amendment document. Also, this matter \ViII be handled Adrrrinistratively, and will not appear on any agenda. Second, the Affidavit prepared for Lost Oaks at Haverstick, Section 2b, appears to be adequate except that "Affidavit" is misspelled, Finally, it is impossible for the Department to give you direction with respect to a "street sign variance" without greater detail being provided. If you have questions regarding these comments please contact me at (317) 571-2417. Thank you for your time and consideration. Page 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 u u Since~ely, 7/~ , ' ,-'~..,l"'::'~1//~~/ / ( ~. ,- / I -,' <::::::=>.. ,~..... / / ,'Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Planning Administrator Department of Community Services cc: Thpiffas'L,~.utz, PE, of Cent ex Homes (fax: 915-2201) a~j~io&. ONE CIVIC SQUi\RE Page 2 CARM:EL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417