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fi ,. Type of Wall Sign: Face CololI'": lighting: Number: Maximum Size: Logo: CARMEL CENTRE WEST OFFICE COMPLEX SIGN CRITERIA Individual letters Dark Bronze Back-lit One per tenant ~ ~ ". 2 2002 toes Maximum sign area determined by Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordonance per Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance . ~ . l:'-~.. ',.-. ';\J:' r. ~"7'. ,- '-- ,..\ 1::.\\lIj..> = ,~~d \!b 11 \J~~ . _~JUl-02-2002 TUE 10:35 AM ....... . FAX NO. P. 02 c;l ~ :3 0- -03 .V10 Q:;l:Il:: ~~ ~~ I- dV')G ~~~ 5~~ -""I.. h~\\' fJier JIJL - ..I/il':[) 2 2002 DOCS .~. '.,f'/--,~ _ - . '.:.' ~~~_J-'- .- s.... -.~ ~ .,- ~-~ -).. 2: ?' r---~.. -1;1 I' I ~ Z fYYI~ ~(f9J) dW w~ ~ egg ~ b I -N I;:) \ '0 ~\ o ~ ./"'0 ~ \ ~ ~ ~~ '"' ~.. 'L) cr D ~ ~. hC") - "a. ~ ~ ~ ~ \\.- t' '''. ~ -. -~, ,~ ~~ ~ ~ ~. %- c.J is <..> w t...I V'l -l CI:: g ~ ~ ~ ~~ UJ I". a:: a:: 5 ;c (3 w ~CD ~ !;( Vi ~ ;::t: ......t'i: t...J v) ~ ~~ 2:: t-: .~ 0 0 e=,~ ~ t:; V) W N " \Zlil'" ~~t~ ~~~ ~lE ~~3HOI~ N~ZS9a;HO~~WCH~ w~ ~ oe~<< :~no~~ O~IM~ ~H~ <- ~~~ €LO ~~~ ~/~ e6e~!ge~# ~~~~~l: ~~ ~Of~O/LO !~~~69~8l~8 ~~~0r NOW Z~-IO-,nr :W~~t~O~ a /1 I~ '~~^TgO.U dnOtlO SSIMS 3Hl :liq i-uas " .,. Jut -02-2002 rUE 10: 35 AM FAX NO, p, 01 Dre'vII(Y Simlll0l1s Pitts & Vornehm, LLP ^lhlllllJ"~ 8888 Keystone Crossing, Suite 1200 fndiLll1<lpolis, Indiuna 46240 Telcphonc,: (317) 580-484g Tclccopier: (317) 5S0-4855 M~lrJ\ T. MOllro{', Aiel.., J.and Vile "Planner III m 011 ~:o..~@!r(!H'ry'!";m fII'O/l.... COlli CONl'lDENTIA LITY ~T^ TEMTINT This COllH)lllnientiOI1 r.m(~ f1.1Lnched documentation, if any, contains confi(lcntilll informnti<lI'l inlcmh.xl (Hlly for the us\.: of the: rl.'cjpi~nl(s) named bdow and receipt 11Y .myone other than the intended rccipient(s) if; JlI)t n waiver of lIny nttorncy-c1icnL or work product privilege. If you have n::cdvcd tl'l1lismissioo of this C'ol11munic~~i~,~I~n error, plca~e immedj;)tcly notify tiS by \.c~cphonc to :mange for its r~tlll'l1. FACSlMILR TnANSMITTAL L};'J"fRR --~.~~ Rli.'1'A1NTllfS DOCUMENT- ORIG1NA1, TO FOLLOW ---~ To: JOI1 Dobosiuwk:t. !Jate.: 7/02/02 Time: 10:45 Q.!l1. Fax Nil: 571-242() Rubj"::"::l: Carmd C,:nl'1'c West DSPV No: 3214.002 AU:'lchlllcnl(s): No. I~ag,::s: Z (rncluding Cover Pogu) .--------~-----------~~ Nl1~SSAGE u____-_~___.___ .Ton, pC:f my c-maillhis morning. Sil1CClI'cly, DREWHY SIMMONS PITTS & VORNEHM, LLP ~~> Ill" .~'1 :'. '.f Jill l.. C(;[/r:. -- VL;' '/} ~, 11 lOO; \'.," V("l() /'. "v -/ /".. '-, \./""'. .""" ", ... . / < 1>-- .- ,;/ ~~~L_\-~ --~' M5,H.:~.I~.M 9.1 !I:\?Q