HomeMy WebLinkAboutPearson Ford/Street Pearson [nc. 1>tfuet'[jt,partment -,2007 Purehaserif Dump Truck' Appropdation'#2201,650:01; P,O, !I] 898 Contract Not To Exceed.$41.350:00 ~1t;-ri;ud.-tO. ) 7. 07', Dfa A,PPftOVE.D~.A. S 0 ,FORM BY: \.: AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF GOODS AND SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF GOOOSANO SERVICES ("Ag'reenient") is hereby ent~i~d:into by and. between the. City?f Carmel, Indiana, acting by arjd through' its Board olPublic Works anp Safety ("City"),and Pearson lri,c, ("VeQdo/'), TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1, ACKNOWLEOqM,ENT,ACCEPTANCE: ,.' Yendor acknowledges.that it has:read and understands this Agreemenl; and. agrees that its execution of, same constitutes its acceptance of all ofthe,Agreenient:s'terrns:andc6nditiorls. 2 PERFOFfMANGE: City agrees ;to purchase the. gopds aildJor services (the "GoodJandS~.rvices") fr.o,m Ven.dor using 8ity budgerapprop~iation'nu(!1ber2201.650.01 funqs,Vendor agrees'to provide the Goods and Services and to otherwise perform'the requirements of this Agreement by applying at all limes the nighest technical and iildustr)i ,standards, 3. PRICE .ANO.PA YMENnERMS: 3.1 Vendor estimates.thaJ tbe't9tal price for the Gomjs and Services to.be provided to City hereunder shall b.e no more than Forty One Thousand Tnree Hundred Fifty 'Dollars ($41;350:00) (the "EstiiDate").Venaorshall suomi! a'nlnvoi,ce to City no mqr~th,!n once every tQirty (30) days d~tailing the Good$ and seiyices provided to City'within such time period, City shall pay Vendo((or such, Goods and Services whhinsixty (60) days aftEwthe;date 6f Gity's receiprofVendor's ir]voic(j detailing S~I1l~, so 10[1g(j%and to \he,ex1entsY~h Goods,and Service's areenot dispuieq,arein accordance with the speciflcatlonsset,forthin Exhibit A, are submitted on1anihvoicethat c6hlains,1ne i~f9imatiQr] contained, on a,ttached' Exhibit B, and Vendor has otherwise pertormed and satisfied all 'the terms ar]d,comjitions onliis Agreement. 3.2 Vendor:agrees,f]ottoprovide ar]y Goods and ServiceS!to;City, that wouidcause the fotal cost,olthe Goods an,d $,ervices provided by Vendor-to City'hereu'nderto'exceed the Estimate, unless City has previouslX agreed, in writing, to pay,anaFnoDnt Inexcesslherli!o.f. 4, WARRANTY: Vendorexpresslfwarrants ,that the Goods \lhd ,8ervices covered by thjs Agre,ement will conform tolhose ,ce,rtain speCifications, descriptions and/or quofatlons regarding. same as were provided to Vendo'r by City andior by Vendor.to;and accepted by CitythaUhe Goods and.Seryicesy;ili be deliveretUn a llrmily,gooaand workmanlike manner M,g fre.e from' defect. 'Yendor acknowledges that'if knows ,of City's'intended 'use and expressly warrants thai the 'Goods and 'S~Nices providecl to City pUrsuaD! to this' Agreement have 9een selected'bi Vendor oa~ed upon;City's,stated use and arefiLand sufficient for their. particular purpose. [l/'i' 13.o,,"!'-I/ DoruIllCllIS1I'rc-F6.,i",ul S."ni~~'ISTREI':'f\j'~'~1 rnt,-GiIO(j~ & !i"c,,-dnc9'!~.'200712;11 t,"'I1' Pearson Inc. ~treet[jepartment -2007 Purchase of Dump Tru.c~ Appropriation #2201-65~)OJ; ~O. #}898 Coritract.Not'To Exceed.$41:350.00 ,5, TIME AND PERFORMANCE: . This Agreementshall"become effective. as of tnelastdateon which a partyh~ce!o execu;essame("Elfeclive Da!e~), ana both parties\shall thereafter peiform their obljgEitions hereunder in.a timely. manner. Time is of the,essenceoft~is Agreement ' 6: DISCl0SURE ANGWARNINGS: If requested by City, Vendor shali promptly lurnishito'City, in such forrYl'anddetaiiAs Cijymay direct, a list of all chemicals, materials; slitlstance,s arditems used',in or during the provision of the Goods and Services P!~videdhereuhd,eriinci'ludlh9. the quantity. quality and concentratio"n th\!reof an,d any other i~formaticm relating thereto. At the'time of the delivery of.the Gooas and Service? provided hereunder. Vendor agrees 10 furnish to City sufficient "Writt~ri' warning al2d notice (including appropriate, labels 'on conta"iners ana packing) of'anyhazard,ous material utilized in or thaFis,a partaf the Goods and Services, 7: ;UENS: Vendor shall not cause or permU the IlIlngofany lien on any of ~ity:s prqperty, In the event. any such. lien is filea and Vendor fails tb,rernove.such liep within,ten, (1 0) days after thefiiingthereof, by payment or bonding, CitY shall havetherigh\to pay such lien or.obtainsuch bond,allat.Vend6r's sole,cbst.a'ndexpe'nse. 8. DEFAULT: In the ev~nt Vendor: (a) repudiates. b'reaches or. defaults under any of tM tllrms or cqnditions of this Agreement; inciuding Vendor's wa'rranties[ (~)f~!ls to provide the Goods'and Services as specified herein; (c) failstomak,e progresssoasJo endangertimely and,proper.provisionof:thEi Goods arid Services and does not correct such failure or breach within five (5) by?iness. cjp.ys W$uch shorter' period 01 time as is com'mercially reasonable und,er thE:! circumstances) afteneceiptof notice. from City specifying such failure or breqch; or (d) becomes 'insolvent,is placed into receivership, iTlakesa generalassighm,entfqrtbe benefit of creditors'or'dissolves,ee.ch such event con,stltuting an event of default hereunder, Cityshail have the right,to (1)'terminatea.11 or ~ny parts of this Agreement, without liability.to Vendor; and (2) exercise alLother rights and remedies available to City at iaw arid/or'in'eq~ity: . 9, INSURANCE AND INDEMNlfiICATION: Vendor shall procure and i'Dalnt;:jin in full forceand,elfect d\lring the term oHhls Agreement with an i,nsurer licensed,to do bljsiness in the State of Indiana; such insuranceas'isnecess,i"ry forthe protection'ofCityand Vendor' from all claims for damages under; a'ny workers' compensati(ln, occupational. disease and/or. unerT)ployment compensati()n act; fo(bodlly injuriesincluaing,. but not limited to,perjional ini~ry, sickness, disease or death of or to any of Vendor's agents, officers, .eITlployees, conlractor.s !,nd suobcontractors; and, for any'injury 1061 destrltctign ofprtlperty,Jncluding;but noL]imited to, any loss otuse resulting therefrom. The coverage Eimol!nts sha.lI,pe,po less than those. amounts set 'forth in attached Exhibit C, Vendor shali cause iisinsurers to name City as a,naddltional"inslJred On allsuch'insurance policies, shall promptly,provide Cit)i, upon r(3quest, 'wlth copies of all suc.h poiicies, and shall provide thalsucli insuranc'\Rolid~~shall norb,? canceled withoutthirty'(30) days prior notice. 10 City. 'Vendor shallinde,l}1nify;and hold harmless City from and. agaihst any 'and alliiabililies, c.!aims, demands or'expenses:(including, but not limit~d to, reasonable altorneYJees) for injury, death and/or:damages to anypersonorpr~lp8I1Y arisjng'from or'in connection with Vendor's provision cif'GoodsandSer;.icespur,su?nt.to orunder this Agreement or Vendor~suse of Clly i~',E 1I.O,;;"'j~ Do(H~'~l<'~~'oo..ll s.m..i~\STHLE-j-.:Pc.l'''''' lIio:,G~I.& ~:':5.rM<-:9t4t~i~J112;1I ~.'~H 2 ,Pearson InC', StreetDcpartment - 200i' 'Purchase. of Dump Truck Appropriation#J20 I '6~o,61; P:OA1898 ConiracrNot To,Exceed $41.350.00 10. 11. property. Vendo(further,agrees to:iridemriii9;'dej~rdandhold harm!~s~,City and'its officers, officials; agents aQd employees from all claims and ,suits of whatever type, including, but not limited to, all CQurtcosts, attorney fees, and other'expenses, ,caused by any act or ornlssion of Ven9orand/or of any of Vendor's ag~nts,' offlcer9;' emplgyees, contractors or subcontractors in the performance orthisAgreement. These indemnification. obligations shall surVive the termination of'thisAgreement. . GOVERNMENT COMPLiANCE: Vendor agrees:to comply with all' federal, state ahd locall(jw:s; executive;ord~rs,.rules, regulationsan?codes whjch may be'llPpli9alJle to Ven,dor's pe~ormance of its obligations'under.thls Agreement, ana all relevant provisionsthereof:are incorporated heiefnbythis ,reference" vendg'r agrees 10 indemnify and hold h'!fmless Cityfro,m any loss, damage an.d/or liability resulting'from any such violation ol'such laws, order~, rules, regulations'Cindcodes Thlsindemnificatlon obligation shall survive the termination of Hils Agreemerit. . NONDISCRIMIN~T,ION: Vendor represents and warrants. that it and all of its officers, emplqyees, agents, con,trilctors (1M subcontractors shall comply with all'laws of the United States, the Stateiof Indiana and City prohibiting discrimil1ation agaihstanyemployee,.appiicantfor'employment 'or oiher,person in the provisionofaijy Goods and Ser:vices provided:by this Agreement yvith respect to their h)re, tenure, terrns'oc()ngitlons and privileges of einpI6Vm~ht, andSlDY other matter [elated: toJt,1eif' elllployment'or subcontracting, because of - race, religion, color"isex" handicap, national.origin, ancestry, lage,. disabled' veteran ;s.,tatiJs andlor'Vtetnam era veteran status, 12. NO IMPlIEDWAIVER: TlJ.e Jailu]e.of eilherpany tQ require pertormance by the other of any provision ,of, this-Agreemehtshail not affecHhe right of such party to require such pertormancea(any tirneJhereafter, norshalllhe waiver by any party of a breach of any provision.of this AgreementcoQstitute a waiver of any succeeding breach of-'the same,or,anyoJherprovision hereof . 13: NON-ASSIGNMENT: . V~nd'or shali noi assign orpledge"thisAgreement,'whether.as collateral, foi a loan or otherWise, iandshall not delegate its obligations undeithis Agreement without City:s pilar Written consent. 14, 'RELATIONSHIP OF.PARTIES: The relationship 01. the parties he(eto shall be,a~;pr()vided f.or in tl1is Agreement, and neither Vendor.nor any of its onicers; employees, contractors, subcontractors and ageiitsa(e,eri1ployees~of CiW Thecol)trac) prlc,e set forth herein shall be the full and maximum compens,ali9n a,m;j monies required of Clty'to be paid to Vem:!or uQder orpursuantto this,Agreement. 15. GOVERNING LAW; ~AWS8ITS: This Agreement is.to be ,construed, in acqorda:nc~ with and,governed by the laws of the s"tate of IQd.iS.na" excejJ1;for its,c,6lillict of laws provisions" The parties:q.gree that; in the event a lawsuiPis filed hereuni:ler:,'they WaivEl~ their right to a jury trial, agree to file any such lawsuit in an appropriate.cOurt ifi Hamilton County, Indiana only,:and agree thaI such court is the appfopriatev,enu(fforand~as jurisdic\ion over same, Il:i.IfB;r;.;\.Vl y o.-.("",~ll-,p,.o-[~~on,lf so,'~;"!>TH.E1!1'f<',il.oo l~,f~ .&: <;~e!,d<<, ?~!~12r;qj- 1 ~;~~P~I} 3 Pe-a"iSon.fnc" :;rree6DepartI1ient - 2007' Purchase 'ofDllnlpTrllCk Appropriation#2201,650.01; PO. #1898 'Contract NotTo Exceed'$41.350.00 16 SEVERABILITY:. If anytenll,of,this.Agreement Is:iovalig or unenforceable under any statut'e, regulation, ordinance;, executive order or other rule otlaw, such term shallbedeemegTstQrmed or,delet~(J, but only to theexten.tMcessary to comply with sarne;and theiremaining provisionsof this Agreement:shall remain in full force and effect. 17. NOTICE: Any notice provid51d for in tHis Agreement will be s~fficiE!nt if it '[sin writing and is delivered ,by postage prepaid U.S. certified mail, return receipt requested, to the paity'to be notified at IIle address specified herein: ' . If'toCity: City of .Garmel OneCivic~Sqyare Carmel, Indiana46032 ATTN: Steve Engelking AND Douglas C. Haney, City Attorney, Dep~rtiTlen.t.of Law' . Orje 'Civic-Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 If to Vendor: Pearson Inc. 10650 N. Michigan Road Zionsvilie; Indiana 46077 Telephone: . E,Mail: ATTENTION: Notwithstanding the. above, notice. of terminat.ion unde[paragrap,h 16,herefnbelowshaii' be effective if given ,Qrally', ,as longm; written notice'islhen provided aSlset forth hereinabove"withinfive (5) business days fiorn the.date of.such oral notice. 16, TERMINATION: i 8:1 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contaireq in this.Agr~ement; City may, upon notice to, Vendor,immediateiy terriiinatethisAgreement for cause; in the,event cif 'a: aefau!1, herel.lnaer by Vendor and/or if sufficient funas, are riotapproprigted or encumbered to Ray for the Goods and' Services to be:proviged i\ereunder,ln the.event of such terminaiion, 'Venaorsha!lbe ,entitled .to receive only payment for 'the undisputed ihvoice ilmount re~resenli~g 90nforming Goods and SerVices delive'ri:id as ollhe date of termination, except that such payment 'amount shall notexceed the.Estimateamouni'ineffect alihe time,ot:termiriation, unless the parties,have"prgi,iioOuslyagreedin writ ihg lo,a, greateralmur'lt lZ,\E 1lli:;'~"I)' ll<<olllt'Jl:;'-I"~f~<m.il~o-"i~ts'STRE~,~=SIl":~; G~, ll> S~ci;_dt)C:'J',:ziliOO11i:ll p~ 4. P~arSOl1,'Jnc. ,stTeet Department,- 2007 Purchase of Dump T"lck Appropiialion#2201-650,Ot: P,Q,#1898 Contiacn,'ot To'Exceed'$4L350,OO 18:2 Either partY heretomayter[ninate thisl,\greemEmtat:anytime uponihi'rty (3()) days, prior notice iothe bther RattY: In theeventof such termination, Vendorshall'beenlitled to receive,on!y,paymenUor the undisputedihvoice amount of ,confoniling' ,13oods and Services deliveredas'i;lflhe daie of termination, ex~epl.\hatsuch,payment amount shall not exceed the Estimate amount in effect at the time a! termil),ation, unless the parties have previouslY agreed ,in writing toagr,ealer amount 19. REPRESENTATIONSI~J':JD,wARRP,\NTIES The parties represent,and warrant that tt1~y are, authprizea to ejiterlnto this ,Agreelllenj an9thaUhe persons execuli~g this,AgreemenLhave,theauthor,ify,to biri~ the party whi~h they represent 20. ADDlllONALGOODS AND SERVIC~S Vendor:understands anqagre!"91hatCitym3Y" from lime 10 time\requeslVendor to provide addit'lonal goods and services to City. When Cily desires additional goadsahfseryice~s from yend9r, the, City shallnolify Vendor oLs'uch addilional,goodsanc! s?rVices'desirpa, as well as the'lirriejramein which same are to be provided, OQ!yafter City,has approved Vendor;s time'1111d cosleslifTIate forthe,provlsioh'Of'such addition.al goods and services, has encumbered siJfficient' JT10nies to pay jor same" and has authorized Vendor, ih .writing, to pfovic!~,such .additional.goods and services, shall. such goods and ser:vices be Provided by Vendor 10 City. A copy oUhe City's authorization aocuments fm the.purcQElseofadpit!onalgoods'and services shall be nllmbe'ied'andattached heretq in!l1?mder in which they are approved by City. 2.1. TERM Unless otherwiseter.minatgct in accord?ncewitn the termination provisions set forth in Paragr~ph 1 B herei.nabove,. this. Agreement shall be in effectfrom tl1e Effective Dat.~ through December31, 2007, and .shall, on the first davof each,Januarythereafter, automatically renew for aperiod'of:one (1) calendar year, unless ot~erwise agreed by the parties'hereto. 22. HEADINGS ,~I!heading and sections of this Agreement are inserteo'fo(cpnvenience onlyandAo .not form'a part of this AgreerrienCnor limit,. expand or otherwise altef'th.e meaning of any provision hereof, 23: BINDING:EFFECT The parties, .andtheir respective officers,officials, agents, partners, successors, assigns and legal representalives; are boundto.the other with resp~ct to all 0.1 thecovenaDts, terms, warranties and.obligations set faith iiiAgreement . . 24. NO THIRD PARTY'BENEFICIARIES This Agreement gives no rights orbenefits'to anyoneother'than.Cityana Vendor. 25. ADVICEOFCOUN~EL: . Th~parties warrant that they have.readJhis AQieementand'understandit, havEihadthe opportunity to obtain legal advice. and assist,lrice of cou!jsel'throughout.the negotiation. of this Agreement, and enter into same freely, VOluntaiily,.?nd without anyduress:;undue,influence o(coercion, ' '[Z~E ~\II.,;iiJ.,,~nl(OlIS:\ProllWo'~b'5"':';'i<B;ST!tEriI1'~,,!"~ lu~, G~-_ii': !,"I'!,,<'I~',~'~.l.'~7y:il PM] ') Pearsoil'.'lnc. ~tfcetDepartnient - 1007 Purchase ofDump:Tnlck, Appropriation #1101-65001"; 'P.O,,#1898 ConrradNot To Exceed $41.350.00 26, ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This. AgretJl1lenl, ,tqgetlier withaoy exhibits attached hereto or refere~ced herein, constitutes the entire agreement between'Vendor and City with respect t6 thesubjecLmatter'hereof,aniJ supersedes all.priororal or writtenr'epreserilationsand agrggmEintsJegardihg same, NotwitWahding any other I~rm or condition set forthherein,lJut subject to paragraph 16 hereof, to the extentanylerm or condition contained in any exhibit attached to thisAgreement or in any (locume,nt reference.d heh~'iri .cohflids with 8,OY term or conditioh c9hta,i,ned in this Agreernent, Ilie, term 9f condition, contained in this'Agreement shall govern and prevail. This Agreement may only be modified by written amendment executed by both parties' neretD" or their successors'in interest.' . IN WITNESS WHEF,lEO~,;:the parties here\ohavl3 made and.execute9this Agreement.as follows: CITY OF'CARMEL, INDIANA byand lhroughits Board Of Public Worksand,Sgfety Pearson.lnc. 10650 N, Michigan Road Zionsville, indiana 4607i By: '" Vi print;.. ame. ' . 'La+ Titie ' M~ #1 ~~B.~ , a~'Burke,yzr~) 7- Date: . , ,{/ 7 ~, FIDfTlN: SSN if Sole,Proprietor: 8ale: III J,j 117 ti:1.E ~~'.~iy Do<1.'m",,~;";"':'rl':lSioo,ll ';;";"i='_~TliEEn~1 ilI~. Gmt.: :!:'l:I:<J.::.c:9'_l_~"lOO11~:ZI,i'"~ 6 EXHlBITB InvoiCe D'ate: Name ofCol1!pany: Address & Zip: Telephone N,o.: FaxNo.: ProjectNarne: Invoice No. Purchase,OrderNo: Goods Sel'vices Per'sonProviding D:Jfe. Goods/Services Provided CO,stPer H/?yfly Total Goods/Services Goods/ (Describe. each goodiser'vice Hem Rate/ Service separatelyaod in detail) Hoors PrOvided .. Wo'rked GRANDTQTAL Signature Printed Name EXHIBIT C INSURANCE COVERAGES Worker's Compensation & Disability Statutory Limits Employer's Liability: Bodily Inj ury .byAccidentlDisease: Bodi}y IlljurY-by Acci,dent/Disease: Bodilylnjuiy 'by AccidentIDisease: S 100,000 each eti1pJoyee, $250,000 each accident S500,000policylimit PropertY damage,coiitractualliability, products-completed operations: Gelteral Aggregate Limit-(other than Pi'oducts/Completed' Operations): Prod uc Is/Campl eted, Op erati ons: 5500,000 $~OO,OOO Personal &Advcrlisiligbij Iii")' Policy Limit: Each Occurrence Limit: Fire Damage (!iny one fire): 1y1edical.Expensc',Liniit.(any one person): 5500,000 $~50,OOO 525.0.0.00 $ 50,600 . Cciniprehensive. Auto ~iabj li!)r (owned, hired and non-o"med) Bodily Single Limit: blji.Jty aiidprop'erty damage:, Policy Limit: $5.09,QOO each llccident $500;000 each accident $500;'000 UmbrellaExces,s Liability Eac00ccurrence'and aggregaie: Maximunl deductible: S5QQ;QOQ $ 10,000 ty.of Carmel INDIANA RETAIL TAX'EXEMPT CEI'lTIF'ICATE NO., 003120155,01)2 0 FEDERAL EXCISE TAX EXEMPT 35,6000972 i'-l:\o.:l1.: ) PURCHASEORDEA NUMBER ON E CIVI C, SQlJAR E' C.ARMEL, INDIANA'46032 'ROVED BYSTATFBOAJ;lD OF,'A'CCOlJNTS FOR CITY OF CARMEL .\997 1898 l~IS~r:4~MBE.~ ,Mu~r~APPEAR ON' INVOICES; NP VOUCHER; OELlVE:l'IY MEMO. f'ACK~NG SLIPS, SHIPPjNG LA8ElI'=' ANO;ANy'CORRESPONIJENCE '"OJ, C . RO"R OATE DATE REQUIRED ~REQU~SITION,NO VENDOR'NO: DESCRipTION ~n" ) JJJ ') Pel1-rson Inc 10650 N,Mic:higan Road Zionsville, IN 4fi1m ' SHIP TO Carmel Street-Department 3400 W 131st Street Westfield, 1J\j48074 ) '\ , BLANKEr CONT"RAGl .F:'A'I'ME.NT-TEA~S FA.I::I.G1-:IT ( jUNIT'OF,MEASURe;1 DESCRIPTION I lJI"lllpAICE. I ExTENSION ) OJ iI. ) o ea 2008.4 WD 1 TON DUMP TRUCK PER,ATTACl;lED,SPEC .$41,35000$41,350.00 ') ea freight $0.00 $0.00 ",,-'I',pffl';.'r;;';.,. , t.' ~ /' (:f,d/~: "';"" ~.,. ~..-'~.-.i: ,,'{' , " ;. ~ . -::~ ~. J " ~' c / . \ . ~ y- ~, ) f.,' ~'.,~ :, . f",' r/"; " ,1'1' , ~,'r f~...." " d .,,,. ;. .,.' -\ ' " ,~.~~ ,- -~ "--;::1 ~. -~ .; ~~~, -I~' c. A ! \ f" '\ ,D, \,," ( 'I',' :.' I' I, I I .' ) ;, '. ) , . - ...... """ " ..J , "" / --it .y ') ,. . ...;.'~, ':r< "f:~~...:~: ~'-~-:'r .:.~., - ~ l . -'<:C.:.;(~ '/"', '-'v .- ~~....-"'',/,... ;H' ) J PLEASE INVOICE IWDUPLlQA:rE lEPAFlTMENT ACCOUNT PROJECT ~AOJECT,ACCOUNT AMOUNT .J SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS ;PAIO: IIPME!llTSCANNC)T -SE'AGCEPrEO, .E ORDER NUMBEFlMUSJ:'APp,EAR ON ALL i lABELS. IEn ISSuED IN COM-PllA~9EWITH CHAPTER ~rACTS'iEl45 5 AMENDA;rORY~:rHEAEO.F,At:JD'SUPPp::MENT THEA,ETO. ORDERED BY PAYMENT . . AlP VOUCHER CANNOT BE APPRoVED FORPP"vMENT UN-LESS THi:: ~.~~ .350.00 I'M~B.EFl:!S:MADEA ~ART OF T~E VO_UCHER ANDEVERYI~VOICE AND Vo.U_~_HE,~'HA~'fHE'~R9PER'~~?RN 8fF!OAVrr'~TT,~'CHED~' . . I HEREBY CEA- - TI-1ATTH~RE IS"ANUNOBLlBATED BALArlicE IN ,THI5 ""PROP' ,c'i'NTTO ~THE ABOVE ORDER ) 2201 650.1)1 .. .,~ ~ TITLE ) ,,) ~ENT CONTROL NO. 0 1 898 CLERK.TREASURE8 j ~':{:<:'I3,f1: 6 CITY OF C~y1EL. One G;,;c Squ2Ie Carme~ IN46032 317-57i-2400 PRICE QUOTE DATA FQRM Tf.!r:Sti:ticri'~urn.[X:': I IXllC GUOle Not,L1tc:-Tfuri Requisition 80 DaIf of Requisition (harge:ilileAc:qunr Nufuocr m' PC} #, I I r/J/lm I , VE"DQR (Name, Address,Te:epnoce'#,), ITEM PPJCEQGcip.TfON BY IT2vl .~'iD;QU::L"TITY 'A.' . = ~'8'n-s~rJ' II" ". OO."~ ~ ,eJl"!ion rl7! ,'J- oL .,.'- rdb50 AI 1'1.'c(.',". t?.J '/ IJk"r.{)r .dh. . ~ U /l c.1> I ro--; "- '?rO~H"/(~, :/-AI ~JII:!7 . ,. .. '. ~L < I,' of-.a!. Fo/"".' .~rr.~I'I!~ - :;J.OOfc''f. 4.lh....~1 I 13t!/ s: 1</0 d, 120/. /:J~ II.V ,,-,>.r. ,f,. r~n . ~oIf~H"-jP.I,. I#' '163-'1/0....-", .7;',..../'" HOeJ e ro.rd 1~a.OO_~ f('[.;f"'J f."" '0... reef] 6:. {, ~~M OcJh -",W j To~ tJ.;...r,.'H" OV tj i/ J{O - M r e<;jJol-1 5'--e i J '1 jIJ () ( .(! <; fJ '"'' s--e. I Delive::; .R'quiiune~LS DeuverY-F'l"omisod' 1"e:ms. f:OB, i I I I I , .)00"6 OHl. 'it'll'< O~-{'; r",J If - rJh ud c:>,,~ 1'17" DESCRIPllON (It,';L- /lLfrii--CarClib o-L..-t ";'<<v ~ \;NTI PFJCE .-'\.\IOt:-;-,--r o/~ J!{) 170 .ITE"Yl Ql'."-',,'flTY r lell 5S0'<>0 I 'B\l\er RE.-\S0NORDERPLAGED WITH SUCCESSful. vTh ~Qu;llity Best Only Ser.i,," OI\J;'Serhce Eesd)es;gn OTHER RE.-\SONS --, Vr .-.--' \ A ((~ SPECIFICATIONS .FORANEVlio08. 4 WHEEL DRIVE REbUU\RCAB ONE TON DUMP TRUCK- Anyanswer,marked "NO" inust be explained on' attached d~~iatjon sheet. I . . yts ,NO .NO 'N0 .NO @ NO ~ N.O ES' NO ~ NO ~ NO NO 0D >~(j I) Engine Shall be diesel min. 6.4L V.8 or equal a) H.D. transmission (.\loler .b) H.D. en~me oil cooler, cJ H'D. radiator 2) AltemBior Hea~ydury 135 amporblggeY ~Od AM.P 3) Transmission. .a) 5speed heavy duty automatic' .b)Loekingdifferential.2wheel.diive . :When-di~ehgag~d -~ ^".._~ . - 'e) 4.wheel drive 4) Chassis a) 17,SOO#G.VW. ~);" '1.1.1'-'9Hejii~.a{el-'@;:'je~b, to'ax1e'-,E} 5) Springs .-,; Snow~plow:preD;'packahe~, ;. .....~ '\' ";':"". L' -,<,J .~ ,'-.. ._ -._' ,;r."", 6'1 Rear Axle D~l~1 r~ar-wh~el?,_w_it.h;_lJ.5dO#'or.greater rear, ax I", tzearaxle:ralioil:88 with __ "n~r!.t~~df~lT~f!t7=a'[8ifii~li0ji ..?f2....~ ~ C,.,"'. ~ 7) 13 rakes 'Musi',be'power brakes GEO 8) Steering M ust,be'.power, steeri~g €) 9) Color ',}tcd. wi tlf fed' iht~rio'r YES ID) Interior a) AM'I'M r~d!o bj Instrum"nrgauges c)' Interrnittentrwjpers d) Vinyr be,nsbeals with rubber Winfmats' 0) Airconditioning"_ ~_.-c.~ ~_~_____.... :''lJ t-JO NO ~ NO "NO NO NO EL: A "1'1 2008 One Ton Dump Tryck,Speclficatlons Page 2 AIJ-y,an?wer marked'.'INO" must .be'expJainedon,deviation sneet: - . .~. . . ." ===:======;;;;==--=~==----~-----~--~------~--~--"------- II) Gas'Tilnks 30 gall()nor larger, Mounteda!f,o~rear,axle, 12) Undercoating_ Must be'lJllderco~ed a,yd r,!".t.prqQfed at,iime ,}f delivery..... S'llPply ~/i-itten 'w~lT"antie~. @ B '13) Buinpers Front required., @ 14) Tires Se;,!'rJ:7.LLT225170({, X.J9!5p2generaI1on-off.ioaa "', C'\ :<S;jt(6J Inounted,- one spare'tireand rim to milten. ~ 15) Bed '. ;~~)~8j.,"c6ilh:actort.dllrrip ~plinted;to' match clla~si5, \' with,t(ild.;dowii sides b) Cab sl.'ic.ldwithseecthroul',h willaolvop,mng cJ: EleetTic'hyaraulic:hoist' , at.. ~ild'iiilji5\irld ligl1t(to In,dia.ra code, ,e);- Rearc.tfRiler'elect,rical outlet ,t).. liHegraled'br'ake controL ",,:.,," ,"1.., . ':"'" .,:, '="'-",. ."..,---~ -;"',;---' 16) Olher _ " ~"" 3.}~.~We::NSo't.~i type m!rror~ ~ oj f, "-ton p',nel h,t5h with a 2" ball shall be peJ'manemly ~ "','- aliached'b):ibolting,and weMing';'elo'lhme' ~ 17) Gerieral NO NO NOe ,NO NO NO NO NO NO ND ,\10 NO' Tbe facUHat everyiiemcconstituting'cohstructi()n ofacoinplete unit'isnot-specifically mentioned nor "', . -'. . - --"" described wili beintercpreted,JO mean the vendor shall, install iiems that,con'form lo"the'best'loiown engineering standardsoflhetrade, relative to design,strength,'1\)aliiy..;'d workmanship. ' The"!m;t delivered is [0 be'fully equipped\vith'allfminufactlir'e!:s stan,~ard eqyipment andaccessoiies, Ihhall meeuhe latest,'Federal SaferyRegulation, .j(: All efectricaJ system,sChen1atlci.engin~l,ana_'ryte~Pllp.icat service manuals and body serVke'man!lalsare,to,be provided at lime of delivery, , , 18) Great considerat[on-1ill ,~e,gi~.en tp'~~Uverytitlle: JuO!Z~YJ t1-!' 7JeIJ'7j;;c .:IS Ple-ase' state: approx'ihiare. delivery tinle~ g::.../;J... W~S f~4- 8 DEVIATlON.ScHEET Biddermust.itel11ize,illl d",,jationsltdlhe specific',lions liere. If'lhisis'notsufficiehtspace, attach agditional. sheets .as, required. A. statement "referr.ing to .manu t?-~t~trer' s.l.iterature~or-'speci ficatlons \vi~hout~fating. the" actl,1al deviation hereon'will b-e,c?'use'fo'j- disqual.lhcation. U?q . '11 :-~p "~,4-1 r-JT )J eJ2 (Q:" ..LJ '. Oe.----rfi . Ok:. - Be.,. ,J.~LelLttllC ~ lolL eT1-/1 e~; S. 77J,.J e... ~ -~ (Y)frtyU.trl5__/+tJC DA) 8&1< o~~s~ _.L0 il L:::.-z.ij ,_.~~. ..__~L1J/5__ /;:mE_:.._____-;lJie..,_fJ.t..iLE' o ~ The. se~ .IlLIl~llJJ-Lr A-~6 (3Li'c~-25 J)) f, 9I,.06 f2rAJ oX) AJo'J ~r:ludeL::&:J fS,J) {J (U~~ '7iJ rI:+_~f'r}j__f3~ O(2.0?l'efJ (-:;LOM oui?- PIM.t5 .DeU- :5::....se- @,hi2(j N-c'MeS Unless otlierwjs~ slated bythe;bidder,jnrhe space provided.above"the,proposalwill'be consldered'as'being in strIct acco~dance with.thespedfications -outline herein;, ~venilioug~ tb~. manufacturer,'s 1iterature 'indicated dt:yiations:from the city's speCifications. fIG A t-f!L-f