HomeMy WebLinkAboutXerox/DOL .> XEROX Law Depanment - 2007 Appropriation # 430-53004; P.O. #17002 Contract Not To Exceed S 2000.00 Usnlr:vu..cJ- LO.l7. 07.~t APPROVED~ TO FORM 8Y:~ AGREEMENT FOR AQUISITON OF GOODS AND SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT FOR AQUISITION OF GOODS AND SERVICES ("Agreement") is hereby entered into by and between the City of Carmel, Indiana, acting by and through its Board of Public Works and Safety ('City"), and Xerox Corporation ("Vendor"). Acquisition of goods and services hereunder shall be governed by the terms and conditions of the Negotiated Agreement (Contract Number 071221200) between Midwestern Higher Education Commission and Xerox Corporation effective March 2006 (the "MHEC Agreement"), attached as Exhibit D. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. ACKNOWLEDGMENT, ACCEPTANCE: The Parties acknowledge that they have read and understand this Agreement and the MHEC Agreement, and agree thaf ns execution of. same constitutes its acceptance of all of the Agreement's terms and conditions and all of those of the MHEC Agreement, except as specifically set forth herein. 2. PERFORMANCE: City agrees to acquire the goods and/or services set forth in the applicable purchase order (the "Goods and Services") from Vendor using City budget appropriation number funds. Vendor agrees to provide the Goods and Services and to otherwise perform the requirements of this Agreement. 3. PRICE AND PAYMENTTERMS: 3.1 Vendor shall submit an invoice to City no more than once every thirty (30) days detailing the Goods and Services provided to City within such time period. City shall pay Vendor for such Goods and Services within sixty (60) days after the date of City's receipt of Vendor's invoice detailing same, so long as and to the extent such Goods and Services are not disputed, are in accordance with the specifications set forth in Exhibit A, are submitted on an invoice that contains the information contained on attached Exhibit B,and Vendor has otherwise performed and satisfied all the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 3.2 Vendor agrees not to provide any Goods and Services to City that would cause the total cost of the Goods and Services provided by Vendor to City hereunder to exceed the Estimate, unless City has previously agreed, in writing, to pay an amount in excess thereof. 4. WARRANTY: Vendor expressly warrants that the Goods and Services covered by this Agreement will conform to those certain specifications, descriptions and/or quotations regarding same as were provided to Vendor by City and/or submitted by Vendor to and accepted by City pursuant to or as. part of. certain documents are incorporated herein by reference, and that the Goods .and Services will be delivered in a timely, good and workmanlike manner and free from detect. Vendor acknowledges that it knows of City's intended use and expressly warra'nts that the Goods and Services provided .to City pursiJant to this Agreement have been selected by Vendor based upon City's stated use and are lit and sufficient tor their particular purpose. City's stated use and are fit and sufficient for their particular purpose. !Z'F B.D>.\I} rJroclm.",~_l'to(e<>i.:loul S'nic<,>'~OO1 \tto,..r1....,~,..".C<llolJ"" A4ll~" "'.\lHH' 9~"n;d.~'II. 'O!lJ11~V; ,\.\1) XEROX Law Department - 2007 Approprialion # 430-53004: P. O. #17002 Contract Not To Exceed 5 2000.00 5. TIME AND PERFORMANCE: This Agreement shall become effective as of the last date on which a party hereto executes same ('Effective Date"), and both parties shall thereafter perform their obligations hereunder ih a timely manner. Time is of the essence of this Agreement. 6. DISCLOSURE AND WARNINGS: If requested by City, Vendor shall promptly furnish to City, in such form and detail as City may direct, a list of all chemicals, materials, .substances and items used in or during the provision of the Goods and Services provided hereunder, including the quantity, quality and concentration thereof and any oiher information relating thereto. .At the time of the delivery of the Goods and Services provided hereunder, Vendor agrees to furnish to City sufficient written warning and notice (including appropriate labels on containers and packing) of any hazardous material utilized in or that is a part of the Goods and Services. 7. LIENS: Vendor shall not cause or permit the filing of any lien on any of City's property. In the event. any such lien is filed and Vendor fails to remove such lien within ten (10) days after the filing thereof, by paymeritor bonding, City shall have the right to pay such lien or obtain such bond, all at Vendor's sole cost and expense. 8. DEFAULT: In the event Vendor: (a) repudiates, breaches or defaults under any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, including Vendor's warranties and does not correct such failure or breach within twenty (20) business days after receipt of written notice from City specifying such failure or breach; (b) fails to provide the Goods and Services as specified herein and dO,es not correct such failure or breach within twenty (20) business days after receipt of writ1en notice from City specifying such failure or breach; (c) fails to make progress so as to endanger timely and proper provision of the Goods and Services and does not correct such failure or breach within twenty (20) business days after receipt of written notice from City:specifying such failure or breach; or (d) becomes insolvent, is placed into receivership, makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors or dissolves, each such event consfituting an event of defaull he,reunder, but only if Vendor is otherwise in default of its obligations hereunder, City shall have the right to (1) terminate all or any parts of this Agreement, without liability to Vendor; and (2) exercise all other rights and remedies available to City at law and/or in equity. . 9. INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION: Vendor shall procure and maintain in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement, with an insurer licensed to do business in the State of Indiana, such. insurance as is necessary for the protection of City and Vendor from all claims for damages under any workers' compensation, occupational disease and/or unemployment compensation act; for bodily injuries including, but not limited to, personal injury, sickness, disease or death of or to any of Vendor's agents, officers, employees, contractors and subcontractors; and, for any injury to or' destruction of property, including, but not limited to, any loss of use resulting therefrom. The coverage amounts. shall be no less than those amounts set forth in attached Exhibit C. Vendor shall cause its insurers to name City as an additional insured on all such insurance policies, shall promptly provide City, upon request, with copies of all such policies, and shall provide that such insurance policies shall not be canceled without thirty (30) days prior notice to City. Vendor shall indemnify and hold harmless City from and against any and all liabilities, claims, demands or expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attomey fees) for injury, death and/or damages to any person or property arising from or in connection with {/.-[ a........\~ o..rn.:.rnt,P'rolc.siQn.l ~",...:<IO'l'X",~~.. ClI-UIF'.~('''''lro<\ ^<l;l0llduR, '" ~\llf(, ~~tJ(l'ldcc lo-102f7lU !_'A\.l] .... XEROX caw Departmerit- 2007 Appropriation # 430-53004: P..O.#.1i002 Contract Nono Exceed $.2000.00 Vendor's provision of Goods and SerVices pursuant to or .under this Agreement or Vendoris use of City property; excepnolhe extent caused by any ~ct or omis~ion.of City, i!s:~n:plr5yee~ or agents! Ve~dor further agrees to indemnify, defend and hold.harmless,City and itsollicers, officials, agenls:arld ~mpl6yees from all claims;,snd suits 6f o,yha:teve(type, iqcluding, bul-:n.ot Iimi,~edJo, 'all court costs,lattorney fees, sndother expenses, caused by any act or omission of Ver'ldor,andloroLanY of-Vendor's ag'enls, offi~eis; employees, ,conlractqrs or;subconlract6~s.in. th~ perf~rmance of this A.greemeni,; except totheextenl caused by any aCt m, omission or City, its employees or agents, These inaemnificatlo[1 oQliga!ionsshg!l1 sUrViyethe termination of this Agreement . 10. GOVERNMENT'COMPLlANCE: ~ .' " ,., ..' . Vendor agrees:to comply l'ii!D.all fed.eial,state:1md IDp~ll!lws,.;eliecutiyeorders, rule~; regulations.and codes which may be applicable to Vendor's performance of 'its obligations under.this Agreement: an(j all relevarit Plovisionsthereof are'inoo(poratejJ h.ereihby thjs raierence_ Verdor agrees to indemnify'andhold,harmless City from any loss, damage;'andlor liability resulting froiT1 any such:. vi6latio'n of such \l.WS, orders; rules; reg;Hat!oD?a~d codes, This indemriific~tion oQligation shall survive the'terminationoi"this Agreement. 11. NONDISCRIMINATION: .' . ,'''' ..',0 j"" Vendor represents and warrants that it .andall of its qHicers, ef)'1playees, agents" contractors and .subcontraCtors shall comply with all-laws. of the United Slates, the Slate of' Indiana an,d. City prohibiting disciiniinaiionagainst 4ny emPloyee, applicantfci"r employmehlorolher,person in the prOVision of any Goods a,nd Services provided by'this Agreement.with respectt\l thek.hire"tenure, terms, -condltioils ,fnd:priyileges of employm,enJ an? any otner l11atterrelatedto their.ernploymenJ ~r subcontracting, becauseohace"religion, color, .sex, handicap" national.orig"in, anceslry,age,'disablea vetera'n ,statuh3nd/.or lI:ietnam era veteran statUs, 12: NO IMPLIED WAIVER: The failuie of,either party to rljq~ire' perloimance.by the,othe! bf~~y provis[on 01 this e.gre~ment shall not aJfectt~e nghtof such party to require such pertormance at any time thereafter, nor snaWthe \lliaiver by any partyofa breach,6f anY provision of this Agreementconstitlile ~,waiver'of.anysucceeding breach of Ihe same'o!,any ot~er provision hereof. 13. NON-ASSIGNMENT: ExceptS? 'rie[lTliMd by S,ecljon 19bof the.~H_EC Agreement; Vendor~shall noi assign or pledge this Agreement, whether as collateral for- a loan or otherWise, and'.sh?JI noLdelagate its q!5ligations Wnder this Ag'reemei1t v,.ithout City's prlorwritten co~sent. . 14. RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES: The relationship of the,pill1ies hereto shill I be as pravioedfor in.thi$Agr.eeiTlent; and neither Vendor nor any of,its office(s, employees, cqntra~tor~,.subcontractorsandagents are,employees ofCilY Thecontractprice set forth herein shall be the full .and maximlim coiTlpen~sation aDd monies reguired oj City to be paid to Vendor,linder of'p~rsuant tot~is Agreement. 15. G8VERNING LAW,LAWSUITS: This Agreement !S,,tqR@constme(j in accordance with,_ apd'govecned by the laws of the.State,of Indiana, e~cept for Its conflict of laws provisions The parties agree thai,)n the event ,a lawsuitisfile9'hec"ulJder; they \lliaive their rlghJ to a JUIY.trial, agree"to file ahy sucBlawsuit in an appropriate court in Hamilton CountY, Indianaonly,;andagreethaisuch court islhe appropriate veriue'foranahasjQrisdi~tion ov~rsame . 11.:F. 1k;'.\i]!Ilo>cuI"m\....;.,.,COli..';;I.~Ji...'2"'11.\m:.q('b.>\"....;O('.I";a,.~l ~;1,1:':"o.~"'1O ~jHFC'l~ull1llr>l";IO lci-'l,~' 10 15 .".\I} .' XEROX Law Departmen,- 2007 Appropriatloir#430-53004:'P. 0, itriOO2 Contrai:t.~ot To Exceed) ~oaooo . . 16. SEVERABILITY: )f any term ofthisAgreeme~t is invalid or unenfo~geabl~ under a,GY s)atute, regulai1on. or9in.aQce,€xecutive 'order or other rule of laVi. suchte,rm.shallbe deemed ielormea or deieted,Qui,onlyto. iQeextent ne,cessilry to comply with same; and the remaining'provisibns:of this Agreement-shall remaln.infull. force and eHecL 17. NOTICE: Any notice proviqeo for in this Agreement wili b$ sufficient if it is in wriling and is delivered' by postage . prepaid U.S. certified mail, return r!lceip(fequested, to:lhe partY to be itotifiea i1t,:the adaress specified herein' ' . IftoCitv: Cily of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Am,!:' DouglasC. Haney, City Attorney De'partn'le[ltofLa.,y One Civic Square CMmel, Indiana46032 IftoNend6r: .5500 Pearl Stteet Rosemount; Illinois 60018 .ATTN' . Notwithstanding the above,notice oUermination under paragraph 18'herein below'shallbeeffective ifg!ven oraliy; 9s.IMgas',writlen'notice isOthen provided. as set forth hereinallOV? within ~ve (5) business days from the date of such oral,notlce. 18. TERMINATION: . . .Nptwithstangin,g anything to the:contraty:contain.ed in this' Agreeinent, CityiTlaytem1inate this Agreement in accordance with Section 27.a(ii) of the MHEC:Agreemeilt. 19, REPRESENTA TIONSAND WARRANTIES The parties representandwarranUhat they are,authoflzed to enter into this Agreement and that the. persons exetulingfhiSAgreemenlhave the:authority to DindUheparty which they represent. ;1_'.E ~h:M~ f.iu.lII";cIllO-J>rof~"...1 !;en ~'",'.l(?o-I~'>:""'" ('t...,",,,, LV COI'.-"" "'oJIk~~'~ I'J ;'m~\".~!D (17.:100;: IllltJ-',r7 '1(1:1 '. ,>,'011 XEROX h._" '1. _._ Law DepartmEml-2007 Appropria!ion# 430'53004:,' P, 0, #17002 Contract Nol To, Exceed $ 2000,00 . 20: APPITIONAL GOODS AN8 SERVICES Vendor understands and agrees thgICity,may, Irom:time to'lime, request Vendor.to provide additional goods and seryices 10 Oily, When, City desires ~diiitional gqOdS anq services fror,n Vendor, Ine" Cily shall notify Vendor'ofsuchaddillo[lal goods and seNices desired, as' well as:!he.tlme'frame in which same areto be provide~. Only after City has approved Vendor's time?nd cosres~imatefoLlhe R'o.vls_ionof'suc.~ additional g09ds and,S€Nices, has encumbered;suffiCient moriies'to pay for'same, and ,tias autnorized Vendor, in writing, 10 provide,such additional goods and selVices, shali such goods and.seNices be provideQ by vendor 10, CiN, A copy ofUie Qily:sauthorizatIDn9oCum.ents:lo(t~e,pLiichase'6f,additional gooas.andserJlces'shall be numbered and attached hereto.in the order In which Iheyare.approved by City, 21, TERM Unlessolherwise termi~ated in. accordance wi!~ IDe termination p[oyisiqn,s' set forth in Paragraph 18 Qereinabove, this. Agreement shall be'in effect forths term set forth'in tile applicable purchase order; unless otMrwise:agreed bythe:parties hereto. " 22, HEADINGS All heading and.secjions,ofthis.A'greef11enlarejrlserteQ. lor cOQveriiehce .only aOcjaorlolform a partotthls Agreemenl no(limit, expand o~ otherwisealterthe meaning of any provision hereof 23. BINDINGEFFECT The pa~ies, 8Qdth.eir .respectiy.e officers, officiajs, . agents, pa:rtQers: successors; SSSigflS an..d legal representativeS,.,are tiound 10Jhe,other with respect toall.ol lhe covenants,.lerms, warranties,'and'6bligations seUortll In Agreement. ' 24, NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARiES This Agreemeh.tgives hQ,Jightsorberiefit5:lo anyone Qthel:than CityandVenaol, 25 }l,DVICE,OFCOUN.~EL: The parties'warrant that they have read. this Agreement,and understand it, have had. the. opportunity to obtain legalaavite and 'assi~tancs. of coOosel thrQygho~t the n,egollat[on qfthis'Agreement, andanter into same freely;-voluntarity, and wltt\oul any-duress,undueintluence,or coercion, 26, ENTIREAGREEMENT' . . This Ag[eemen!, tQgether with any exhibits attached h.ereto or referenced herein,.constltules the entire agreement between V,endor and City witll respeclto'the subjecl rtlatf~r hereof; ana s'~p~rsedes:all pnoroial or.w,ritten repr~sentations and' a.greements regarding;same, Notwithstanding anY' olher termor condition set forth herein"but Subjecrto p'aragraph16 hereof, to the;exter\lany term,or condition contalnea in any exhibit attached to this Agreement or in: any document relerenced herein iconflicts with 'any term or ,condition conlainedinthis Agreement, ,the l~rm or condition contained'in)hi~Agreemen.tsh.a!1 govern'arid;prevaiL This Agreement may only be,modified by written'amendmenhexecuted by bolh parties.hereto, or their successors in interest . , [Z, 'f. f1..;i'"l~_fj..o;_"'''I'',i,j,..r;"..i''n.ol Sa;;;;"" l00iXmi~'> ,""'L,,,,,;" {'""~1I""! ;'Lkl~m"-'-~lilE:~--,'< if,. Cii~.::ii, I~ :y;t~ l~ ,';\11 XEROX Law Depanment - 2007 Appropriation # 430-53004; P. O. #17002 Contract Not To Exceed S 2000.00 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement as follows: CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA by and through its Board of Public Works and Safety XEROX CORPORATION 5500 Pearl Street Rosemount, Illinois 60018 By: g By: ~ Authorized Signature David Marrano Printed Name Agent Sales Manager Title ,I mber !r (0('-' a? , f FIDfTlN: SSN if Sole Proprietor: 10/11/2007 Date: lana Cordray, IAMC, Date: [1..'F e..""'I! !:lacIIm<nl>trole..i....i x"x~ ~,..; '"0''' t:b..m!lt'1<J '''''lr'''' ~""" "" \IHF( 0 ;llrr;4nt:lo'IO'~&)' ..) I~ ^~11 LEASE AGREEMENT XEROX~ Fullleg~_l Nattie Cus~{'I~~er Nam'7"(BiIJ ro) DBAfNameOvernow Strcel AddI7s.?: Box#JRouling CiLY. State Zip Codt Taxi[)#- ClL':tomcr Name'(lnstaU) CITY OF CAPJ..1EL, DB~No.me Overflo~;(if req'd) ~A~ O~FlCE Install~d at Street Address I ,CiVIC SQ Floor/RoomlRouting City. SLate CARN1E.L. I:N Lip Code 46032-2584 CO<lnlY' In.sfallcd In Harriiltoll CllStOmt.-r R~ucstro.ln5Cl.1I.D3fe::IO/ISJ200-7 i. P 'I ~ CITV"OF.CARMEL LAWcOFFlcE I PYle SQ Che&;k aJUhat'.IIPply _ 0 Ass6c.lCOU:p;, N~'int:: ~Negolintoo COulmet #:07'2?21"20D. o Value Added.SeMhccs: o ~tiachedClls:tOJ~er P:6,'#s;,Suppli~: Lease': DSLate (II", LO-cal Govermnelit-Custome-r '1Iltj~~le: .%"' - T'~~llilt P~Y3hJe:!S' ,0 R~pla{'em-e-i]fh'\-lildifiC'ation ofPr.io"rXerox Agre~m~nt Agi'e~}!l.~t.co~'enng);:~rox Equipll1e[Jl' Seri~l!* '(or; 9 5ji):, i~,hereby 0.m{JdH~ed 0 ~p!ac~ -EirectiveDate~ COlllnleJ;is: . , Lease 'rlfGrmati<m Lease iCl1n:: -, 'IB.lS~~~lie:s'i~nc l,jdcJ' ir;aa's~P'ri;-li 'ch~~es o R~nn: ofPrlor:AgnnL:D,Xefri:r.: (9.~~1: Ar~H-Rcl1n::$ ']~tRa.;~::% ..', o DSkContrnct'#: CARMEL, TN 460J2'm4. 42U].q:llths o Jnl P,ny Eq, TOl,aJ In!;~ayabie: 'S . ease Bymenr n ormation ProdlJcl Purchase Onwn Prev ,Fin:1 (w,il'h:~enai,numbcr,'i(in p!~!=e eql.llp.men~} Ontioh' Pavnierit Jfl:;;lilll ,<,Internl W7655P we 7655,COPIER-PRNTR $FMV, $ l1ADVFNSHR nSCANCTRL $ Customer,Ed $ Analyst Services \ $ t\tin. E('a~ePa'..m-Ji-ni Frctl. (piIiodk-;<",-dudin:ge:i:-::e'lsmrter,diarllC5-1 D>Mdnthly ,PQu3nerly' D"Scmi-Anlluai DAIUlual D,'b~~eT. P:rlce Information 453.7fi ; MrNJMlJM LEASE(PAYl\fENT, (excL ol"iapplic",taxcS) _ Mill.. leas-E" P;,,\'men.tMridc OA,lvtlflce. DArffiars $ o Adiusim'.nir.rlodc Period N:Mo8.~ AITer-ted: _Periodic B"s.e Qh(lTgc Prim'Charge Mela.-l: Prims ',1 Priril$ . PrintS PTintChfl.rgc;Meter 7 Pr:inls t ~ 0,08-90 , Prints Penodic Min',#ofprinu:: 500.0 (bas~d'oI1Mete_r'l~rri~tChilrg~s) PeriodS'- Mn~. Alreeled: :. Periodi~'Bas;~ Charge Prinl Charge Metej",I' Prints r Prints ':Prints' PrinlCiml'ge ,~eter2: .' ~rilltS.' 1- Prints. P~IjodiC Min,#,ofPii.l~[s (based' o-riM e-h~..:L Pnni,Charges) . P<..'11odiC"" Base Charge PriolChlirgC Meter]: Prints 1 SOOll 'Prints 5001 Pfim:s Print Chafge'Melel;,2~ ,Prints I . ~50 'Prinls 251 - Perio.dkMill,#,'ofPril1~ (basetl onMelerl'p'rin'i'chB.!SeS) ure ase uPO tes, '51 ,n' R~:)rder--# Dlv' Dc.,~crii:llion' Price. S' $ S, \, T(lt~1 Pn-ec = \, M3rlUfEi~turer ~Qdel! Final Allowance S-usDen'slon D,Run.Lengtb~P]aiI IBJPlxedPric,e PWll Seii~f#. PI~nc;n::LlPa"ri en(#: (Ch~kl as n'quiT~:() DPer-FClot'Priclng $, MOl\ii1S'afh::~le'd ~ q Extended'Servicc'Hour:c;: $ 0 June only Des2:1ipl~on: l:$ , o mo., $ 0 )uly 6niy JE.Atta~h~_.A<lI]e1!~a:., 5216~irl) Total Allowance - $ 0 ^lfg.,,:!sro'!ly 'Total AlIowurJce Applled'lO: DTrodecln'[;:qiJiji: Balanc"e: S' 0 -June -July D'Oih<;r_Addenda: o Price nfRepl~mll'- Equip,': I 0 July-August! AgrE'emeril pre~~Q!cd B);: clJSTOM EN. ACKNOWLEDGf:S' R I':cEi pt'~ Of Tin: -"r.:Rr\.1S '0'1: THIS xerox Name' Chri~tint:' Burell Phohc-:r317)471-97::.5 ~GRU:MF_r-.'T ICO~SISTING OFTPAGJ:SI.'KLIJDlNG"!"IHSFACE'PAGE} FOR ALlTIiORIZEDIiQ'INT~RNAL USEONey, Auth.':Signer,Name; Douglas C. H<lney Acc-":plCd: Xc-.ox c';Jm(lnMofl (Plcaie J-:iiiit N(JlIJe.~fAjjl/!tJ_~I:"d SjglH~"') By, Signaturc:'X Date: (.'P.'t1uIt1ll"t' <?{ AwJli".i;:cd-.W'!f!~'r,i I ~ig/ll:ullrc.,oJ A/IIhoriz!yt ~iK"u) Tille nale; AUlh;'Signer.Titlc': 'Phone:(J 17)571 '2472 W('lrbh{"~l:: F351995 Unit 1 l ()/ I O/20D7-il;ol.:49:JSc E-Mail; www.xerox.c:om il'TnxExempt C~Mu:~anlu;II.Si1fes Tirx E.'\emption Cenificare) o P "lidS o Trade-InAliowftnc-c- Xerox FOflTl#51860'.(05/l0051 r o cr 0 F d AppUi:uion SOrr\\'ar~ ~l)n~.(lre;Tille Inillal Lic(,'m;e;F~e Annual ~ellew<ll Fee o C",h O'Fihance o SUnl'lOlt On]',,' S S $', S., $: $' Toiallnitiallice-nse:Eces'-' S o o K'16 Billing Additional OtHions-Ccne\:k'--all IhmauD!v} 10110/2007 Er4- P-llge.I,~f7 GENERAL,E~S~ TheTo!lo\;"ing ~emis apply 10 alneasc trari.s.~cliOli.s: I. PRODUCTS,- The tern) "Producti'!'5hall refereoll~Li"-e1ytoill,-equ,ir~e(ll([Be "Equipmen\"):,softw3TC,;imd :Sllpplfes:;;'fd.erfd '~llder"Ihj_~'Agief;nint' y'6"u'reiires~l thill. 1I1~Products are beil1g,ord.tdoo;'f()r.your,owl1.bu.sjncss,use(r.Jth~r than rcs3le) . , ','-""-:, --"-_.'. _'>_",0..'. .' -"'_..,' ",/',' ,.-.._._.... .;' '-, - - . <lndthallh~'Y wIIIIl,,?t b~ us.I.>d Ipr,Jl~qt.l!1khous-eh(lI~"~r ~amlly p.'hlrP9~e..',>; '2, NON'CANCElABlE tEASE.' nUs AGREEMENT'ISA lEASE AND n: CANNOT BE CANCELED OR TER~fINATED EXcEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED HEREIN' AND YOUR OBliGATION'TO ~IAKEA!;L P AY"Eins DUE OR TO BECOME DUES'HAllBEABsoLuTE'AB6:UN,CONDrTloNAl AND SHAll NOT"BE S\JBJECTTO AN'vDELAY,'REDUcnoN,sET'qFE; DEFENSE, COUNTERCLAIM OR 'REc:ciuPMENT 'FOR ANY ,4,,"sOI< WHATSOEVER, IRRESPECTIVE, OF XEROX'S PERFORMANCE. anTS OBLIGATlON'S HEREUNDER. ,ANY CMIM AGAINST'XEROX'MAYBE ASSERTED SOLELY A9ATNST,XEROXfNA,5EPARAT", Ac'nON; J. LEASE COMMENCEMENT, PA YMENT,'TAXES,&'CREDIT,HISTORY. k Tile .Ie{.l~e .trnn for"'this: Agr_~emeni'shall 'c(Jriiiilerl~e~Up[!l1'insta!12tibn of:'th~_ ~q u fp mellt; pro" i de,d, however,c. for' cust ~'fller:;:inst;l_lla blc ~ E:q~ ipmen I,: tn ej-' eas e ,Ienn for. tili ~Agrh"'J11ent -shJlIiconlTrtl:llc~ upon de-livery of !ht':_:Equipm~llt. B. l[i~pic~'~re p~y!!hl~,uP9_n_r~_~jpt'-a.ud Y9-~L!.lg~\e,\~?_ P?y ~~\9x<.,e<lCh, ~inj.m..ulTl Lc.llsc-PaymenL all Print Cl1arges-an0allrOlht!.'s.lIms due'a.sJallows~_ (I) .ILlhe 'lRvoice:d.ispla~~:..du~,,~ta~~.,?~y~~~t i~,,~l1,e (.l~1l4'm~~~;bc',rtf~elv~.11)' _:::~.fQX (in ~f before ::;:'LId due date, or (I]) If lhc:m"'ol_ce'rloes;m~tdl,sp!aY,:a_:-d}.le.d~t~,~paY'f.l.:a!, IS:. due and nlllS.(-bc,receiveoj by Xerox<ilo ~:J.ter. than'lhirtyDO)'d(iys,lif1:~rlhe ,inv&lI~~ date. Restrictive co~ei!ai~ts on iT1~'trumt,.~ts- 'o,rdo;:umenB sub;nitted;f6~, ~r,;wi-th paymems you sello,io'Xcr6~\vill [l-01 recluce'-YDui'ciblig~tion~,' ". C. You sh:~11 tie respollsib1i,~c.roraI1Y and all ~~PP)Icahl~Tax~: "Yhi~ch will he included ill'Xerox's~ illvoi,ce"l.Inie5s:Y(lti..pr~vi~c p1ne:f('Of y'~u,r;litx ex_el~pt ~taLU~. "Taxes<' shall' me3R,'anY_U!X:",uS"sessment or, charge unpo;;ed. or coll~ted'by .!lrlY governmental ~,~nDiy SJf ,any ,polilical" sl!~di~,s!on :lt~~of)llo,"v~v~!; d~ign~t~;~pr levied"impo-soo on,thi~"'~~emeni (Jr:Lhcamounls prlyable.to -Xerpxoby,)'tJu' liJ~ thc. billing ,of Products" P1jm: Gh.arges;".selvices and, m_ap:l1~1Jance',of'_~ny -kin~;, Ta~es include.,oui' Uf1;" noi-Junlled'lo, 'sales"anu.,use" rCl1)Bl; ~i'clse,.,g-n?ss. rc(etp:st"al1~' nccLlpatjonal :or prh'Jlcge taxes, _plus _all~ i'ltcrestand/OT p~al{y there"on., ~ll. cxC'hJ~.ipg a~y p_~0I1(l1~i:aPJrty,~,ax;S:<lI1~~ ri:tx~;O[l,X~o:\j.~?~; ~!lC.O)tl;-io ,Ir.~ t~xillg, ilulhoIlty:dctenn}neS'-that Xc~n" dId ,uOl,colkct all applrcal:ile -Taxes",YQu-shall, remain Imble.to'Xe,mx.foj.s_uc;:li'ild~!,lion.a) :ra:xS~: . D. You. to' tJ-i~-cxtcllirequitciLby -appJicable,liiw,auth6'i-i:t.ot.;'!;l.'1'qx'(br jl~ ag~ntJ to' obtain credil rep~n:;;make suchnthe-r-crooit{nquiric-s:as Xerm: may'dec-m'n.xess:ary at any 'time': fumi,sh"payni~l'hi;;~ory, inforrnBtj~i::l.'io.cr~it r~po~i~g~~g~~l,~,j~,' ?~l_d rdease to prospcctive ~ssjgl1<<7S of'this,Agrcemeni,or -;mY'nghts,herelmder crt~1t~ rclate,~:HI1fonnatioll Xcro:-t'has <Ib~lIi fo_~ mi~t.hi~ Agn;:eTn~nl.- - 4. .sAsrc SERV1CES, ,As:a n\-llndalorY par1'oTfllebse, ~el1J~',(oTa:.cl~~ignat,nl s'l'n'icerJ will provide.crhe fOllowi,Tlg'B;:U;ic'S\:rvlces under this.Agreement (L1n!c-ss. you are -acquir~rig',F--'i~ipm~t'f?r wljictir?=erux:cl{]~.'lq!;oifer B!1Sic;:SClViF~~; sl!cl1' EquipmeIlI: to be,~e.,~~gn~ted as "No Svc'J~ A RE'PAfRS '&}'ARtS ' Xerox will make Tep<lirs~a.ildi!ldj;'lslments nc(;i.~~iify to'; k~p _Equipfil-el1dt~-- goo~' w(lTK,ing orde~',(ll1dud.lng}_~UCh rcrn.!qi -or ~1~~U~jillcntS required d~ril1g inili~1 'installation), -Parr.~ ri:'quin..-.:cI fcii, repair,ma'yb:e~r1!IV, rtptoccsscd, or r~cwe-red: B.' HOiJRs '& EXCL0sioNS. Unless olherv.iiSe st[Jted; ~~sfc:Serviccs wiJ!'b~ pro...irleti Awing ,xc~,x's_ sian.dimL :y.:~i~i'~g hou~. (e,~~Jud}I,1~~7~,x-~~Q~,~~i2ed: lJfJlidays:J in f1.rCil~ within.tlle Uiiited S_lil.t(.:~;>its;,territories, and.:po~s,csslCins'opeT1':~9f, repaih,~rviee'fo.rt~e ,~qllipmcnc:Hjss'Ue: Yetll agree' to ~iv-t':" Xerox reasonable a-cc~s tll the Equip;';'ell.(' , RI1;;i~':Sef,,;_~es shiill CflV?f ;repail-s,'"md'sdjmtmell.t5 required as,a r~l!11'of-!lOrm,aJ wi;llr;anl teJr,or ~e{~ts"in'nuiteiiaIS,{1r w~~'knlanship (an,! shall excluderepairi(or'iIdjllsimems.X~x,~'~el~in~s: ,1(1 :-rel~t~ ,10 or~.,.hc affected b}' the use o(oplions,_ D.cce-,'isori'e:i.' o~ oll-k,. con;'ecled'prod~Fts; niJt's~ced by XI:'tO_>\., a~ 'well_as_'any'n('jIi~Xel'O.>;:'all:erntiQfl~,.'rc]ocalion:~ser\-:ice? supp~ies; OT coosumilhles). Ymla'gree.ltI use Eqilip'nl'ci{{in'ucco:rd:iflCe with"an<:! ,!u'pCrf6nn,'al.I, , ,,-, -~ ,- ,~-, ~ .' ,,",' ,', ."" -~" '- -, operator rnaintCtlil.flCe procl;"d~rC1\ for:Equ!pmenl a:; set, forth' in."the 3.~plicable tllanuals'providoo'by Xerox: ._ _ -. ~, _,' ,_ C. INSTALLATION SITE &,METER' READINGS, The E'iu,ipmcnt i,l~sLaJilition sile J1I11S1 conrorm'to~ XefOX~S publi:;I1'ed rcqu;reljlerii,sfthroughq.llt..t!!e,tpI!l-'9ftlli~ Agreement If appli.cablc, you agree 10 provide, lm:ler, ~drngs'lri. ,lhe:m<lrH,:-~r prescrihed by':Xerox: If,yo'u-4o'fl.ol)f!lxi,de:.,X_ero~wilh metcr"r_12uings.ll:;,rcqu.i.re~; Xerox may ~sljmate them ami bill'YOUllccordingly., D_, EQUIPME"t'-'T "REPLACEt\.1ENT. qf Xtrox' is', unable_ 10 m~intiii,n \th~ EqLJipmcllt as d~c-rib~d !lbove, Xerox ~IIL ,as yo~r excl~i...~_remedy, for Xe~x'5 ruilure IO pro:"'iCleB~sic- Services~ replil~e'the~EqUlpm't11\ ,,!ith ,";.i4~litlll:p~9\lC1 or, ". Xt.'J'ox's opTion, iJ.n(Jlh~r producl' 0(' ~u<ll 9t greater; -c-ap~~ililjcs~ If a replacemt."nt pro'du~l is providc.d pursuant to -this S~t!on..:"fherc will !lot be ,m . Xc-rox -rorrn# ,51860t&c.\05f2005) Cld.~I~iijnc}l:charge;foj~_llle-iepl_~~~~i;:!l1 pro~~u<~ a~~, e,..;cept:,asse:tiforl.'h in the s,ec~icm of lhis Agreem~t-ritled'''MArNTENAi\'CE-:<COMp:ONEN'T PRICE- JNCREASES'" 'Ih"~re will.llot,be,an addiiion<1l charg: 'for'BJ~ic:_S_CrVices<during lhe',tnen-currcTIl 'te~'duntg~\vl1i~~~Basi~,SerViC~s a"rt': beingpm;"idcii " '-- I;~; CARTRIDG~ . PRODUCTS. . If ~erox~, is" pnJVtdi~g .Basic S~rvict.;S, f'fr :ECJuipm~I'u'itizing c:al1ridges:d~sjgn<Jtoo hy,Xcro:o:: 3S;cllstomer replace'-lble unit". };;Cli'ldi~g c.op)'i]')iint .ca'l!n_dg~ :~nd, X_~m,g'4Phi~, "mo.dulcs_ c:r . ft:ser: modules'. C'Caniidges"); you "agree '-[0 use' CJhlyilTU1iodi_fi~ Crirtri4gds-purchased dH-eclly 'from. XCI\'ix' cI'!'lits, auth~()rfzed'rl,."Scllel1i;ill tlu',United,Srnle5 andtl1e f3ih.J!'C;to-'use '~u c h; C'aT1 Ti- (lges ~ ii~ll'~v~;d~ariy wArr~~fVapp-1 Ic<i.1i I &"t~' sue;; : Eqlllpri:Ii::~t, . F"Pc/WQRKSTATJOl\',REQU!REMENTS. In,-omcr,t9:receiye 'Basic ~er:'iGes ,andl_or- Software,' S~\lPPQtt fOI'. rrqlJi~mem requiring" cO!Inecti/m, to a PCjir "woi-k.'i.tallon 'ymJim':isl'U(ili~i" a.PC -or, workstation,th<1fl::)Iher (I) has 'been provided' - ' -": ,.. ~"..... - ..." -..". .. '"', ,--" . .- " ~y XeTOx,nd2) meets-Xerox's,:p.ublislied :specifications;. (i ,DEL[VERY.AND. REMOVAL Xejuxiwill~:be'Tesprmsible for' all stilm1aru, tleli\'erv':md l"Crnovill cnarge..,>_ You-.will be responsible- for,any J1(m-st3ndard deliy<:rYor 'remo~;a(611Hrg~iticurred.'. . ," 5, WAiUU.Nn'DISGLAIM~ER &. WAIVERS,. XEROX 'DISCLAIMS, AND YOU"WAI.VE THE IMPLIED WARRANTlES.OrNON-INFRIN(JEMENT'AND FITNESS FOR<A PARTICuLAR.piJRPOSE__-'Thep~lti~ intend.thiH";Ag,~emC11t to b.c'-a ';-finallce le.-i,Se" under Pittlclc ~A ohh~ Unitorin~Commerci:'l_1 Codec_ EXoC.e?:no '(lie exter~.t b'Xp~~s:>!y pro\;idCd; 'herein a-nd::forJ'e~b"~tcml'pcifnit!ed'oy ~pphcab'~ law, XlluWa.lVI.'; ail J1gl1ts and re",:,~h.~:; confclT~l\Jpon ales~~e by'~aid,Article 6.,rNTEL[cECTUAL PROPERTY INDEMNITY,. .Xerox, atjr~ e~pensc, will dcfelld'y()u..from"a~L1 Pay allY sbttlerfJ~n:I'a,gre~':L~ ny,xcf'iJx,or uny ~nal judg~ncnt fOT'l1_ni.cla[m'I~,itl :ilX~ro,x"hralld_ Product,inf ringes:1 1hi rd p_a_"y's, U,S, :ir1lell~tual prr;p~rty rights, p1-ovidetlY9u~prornp"tly; !.~t_ifY-}Xero.~. Dr th~ all~ged itlfriugcl!lent ilnd pennitoXc['())('_ro Qii'~c1-1b~ dt;':fense.- Xerox',is notre...p()mih!~ for:any non-XeWli litigatloll~'cxp.ell~cs'o; st:t1lements',unless 'tt. preapprovesthcm in wri~ing, To_uyo.id {hfring~meni"Xer-o;.; in,,)"TI1od.ify 0; subs~itute:ai1.~uivale;lt.Xeiux:brand_rrr;duct, reFund .the, p-rice-pi!j~~Ipr ,,\l1e' Xerox-brnn_,rprpd,!ct' (ll;"S;i' ;the re~sonable fer'lla.l value for \h~:.~'~~od:it w~ ~f\lnilabli:' lo~y~ni;, ?r:ob~inim~/n"~~s~rylic,~n5es~, ~~ro;.;'i:; nO! Jiilbk:for :any it,fringe\n,~11t-Tdaled liabilities QUl.side' 1 hOE: ,scope' of this Set:tion 1~c1udi,ng,-b~t notlifnited \C:{lnlpng~pe,n.t'b"3~"~ upq~lt~~_ro,:t-brJnd'Pm~U1;t being In(l.dffiofl~ ymtr SpCCif1Clltiol1s or,beiryg u.sec:J;or'sold:""with pmducts riot provided by X~ro}::; , .j, 'l.:IMFrATIONOPUAB:lLl~.v. Xcm'\,i;nall !1ot,.bl:,ii~bl~,to:yo,uIOr<1~Y ~'ire<;t damOlg~s in (:xc-css'ofSi((OOO,orthe 3Illount5_pul{j'.hcreClndc-r, whicl1ever ls.grx.-'mer;' ~rid nei1l1ef rany ~~:;i},I;~~~'jiilbh~~ Ii). Lh~" .O~!l,~l' ,f~;lI..,,,~~?"S?_~!!II: ,indi~t,ill~;,~enlal. consequential or pumtlvc.damages'.ansmg,o,ut~Qf or relatmg: to thiS AgreemenT, wh~,bcFl~e clajlli<lHeges~ott_-iOlisOc~rtljuct(ii1cludiT1gl\egligellce) or' any other legal tl1>~m)'~ Theiabov~sfa"df hm;lal;on'",o("liagiliiy;~s]-i~ll.n(lt ,~c:applicable !fl, 3~)' ,specir;c;::ina~nmificmion,;Obligat!ons, s~t fonl1 'jc -this Agreement,. _ Any aciion you :ak"e-a'gainSt~Xemi'must"'lJfcOlllnienced Wilh~~ t~o(2) yea,rs~~f~~ tllc,eVel).l.thai (;}~lIS~ it. 8 AS_S[~l'i~ENT': . _ _ 'A.. If \~OU wis_h'~to.assign~any'right~'or, obligatians un~er dlis Agt~t:tr1Ent, youshaJl 'pmyid~;{i;;;'t1errnot;c~<,io Xemiof_ ~u~h~" reqLIt..-5l'{or ~:o[l$_eni,!. wllh 'said ;notice :t[lduding" lhc ,_tlilf'le 1)[' l)le, p-ropose-d _3SSlgnet':. ,Your request ~o iss!gn Ihis Agre-ein~ii~~will>. b~~g~nte~.,?y ~eJ~~)['<!.! -y~~u:al)?: ~01,;l,;:dH~,:!ll und.cr il1is Agref;me-nCor,5.ny,o~,her agn::emej!t,w~,!hXerq!:.(?) Iht' P!!!p~se~,a:>Slgn~~ :lgrcts.!O !11c section Of:.UllS ;l\~l'ecmel1l_litkd.',~LEASE COMMENCEMENT, PAYMENT. _fAXES",&:' GR.i=mrJ ~ HISJbRY" ~s apphcablci;;u).)i,,~f6! th~ purp~SL:S, of 'h~ Inqposed_::i.ssignme'!t (3) Lh~'prop.osed a~~i,~~! me~t~'.xcrox's' ihen _~IJJ--renl.-credi\ criteriil~ for 'similar trnmi3~11011s.:il5dctemiiJie-d by'X~rox, in its, so.1e"~is~re}ion~' ::lIld, (4) you.~nd"'lhe"prop05.;j>as5ign'ix €ieC~te.a"writii1g;,in l'a:rnOn aCCePi~bleJo Xerox, JCOl'lfinning"sa-id as_:i_;gnm;m:~ Assignm~I.. b~you_,r~1Jj"r~s lhe-"wnnen consent 'of XeP;x ,Ullt1 'ma)' ilot'be,'IG~Omp1i~h~ed _by operntirin,of la"w, B,~ Xt-rc:~x mayas.~ign thi_s ,Agreelllclll:'_i;-Iwhol~ or in p3~:-:io _3 pt'lre"m"subsidi31)'-or ,affiliate oftXcJ'Ox~;orio <lveT-son:or cntityJofthepUlpn~ci 9fsec,uriliz!nga p.o.ol of assds,o~ as part'M.~~lhird p~rtyifinVijdal trnn..~,icfir.h;.witIIQuip~i~r tIotIC~J{) >'ou; ,;r~.vjde.d.;):1owe"'~!.. aT1Y~'PTOI?Q.S~;~_sslg.!:rn~Jit.. LO ~_ ~e1"5onor -e11[lty nOI, identified 'previouslY' in Ihis' ~cmcnc;;'s~'lLlLr~quiie: yourp~or>\,,::~!~~: COll.s,Cllt. In.' I~~ e:-e,l1!, of an'assigniuc-11tpemlltt(lo by In.e ,pJecooing' ~'enl~c:e: Xei-ox~, wilhouf nOllce-1o,you, finai~',ieleast iriform<llif)n~'il hllS ll.boutY(Ju, reJaioo. to' lhis,Agrc-crllc!lt.,- ~ch sllcc~ssiv;;!i-<;signee'()f<)tero* ~hal1 h~,J;'aIF'Mil1e'rigllI:s;bu.i r1ori~ of-tile Dblig~mm~ DfXt:ro....,here_unJ~r._ You shaH continue ,.tolook.to Xerox, for perfoml3l1ccof -Xe'rOf's';',oblig'ltig~s. includmg \he'''pruvi$i~n''of Ba5i~ Service.5,'an[f,you _hl,~by w3ivc'and;rele~e any assignees'o{X~ioii.fiumc_<my sucl1~claim ^idat,i~i to or arising ft\;~\1hC'p~c:ifonria~ce'of ~.crq~~~ I)bl:galioIl.~:hi":reuml"er. 'Y~u ShlllL 1l0,1 }lSSeTt'a~y defense,collIiteidaim:or'st.'!ofLth:n YOIl n13Y J-iavc,or d[l,im ilgaltlSI Xcrox agflinsL. 10110/1007 c j P.ge2 of7 L'f' iT lany'assignees of Xerox, In the evenl'"f,(II1'assi.l;nlTl-entbY Xerox, ymlShClll remit. ,payments due in a~cordat1cc ;ith'ri;inittancc'i;fstruci:ill-nS'{)f!heassi~nee. ' 9, MI~,IMUM LEASE PA YMENTS., Ea5h" Mini~lUn] Lease Pa0nenl{which" -:may'be bi]l~d _on ~?re~t-tl~l'ont~:invoic~:irlc!llde;.':~'feri.odlc;Bl'se Cli~rge"Eind may 'includc,a PeriDdic:Minimum,Nurn~er'ofl;Pri_l1ts: TIie',f'.jinirtll11n Leas~ Payments, 11 long, wirh ;nYadditj~Imi" priJii Chirg6;for', p'ri~ls,~nlie ;~n 'e"xce:~s','Qf toe Minimum Number ofP;ints,'co\'cr..your,cost for theuse,ofthe 'Equipm'en'l,an'd'its lTlaintcmmc~ (provldedus,B<~sicServices): , 10. MA1NTEN ANCEfOMPON~NT'PRICETNCREASES,...--.0erQ+x.m<lY :fnrnmlly' im~rea~e that nmOUfll,of the Minilnum 'LefLse"PLlymcm:J.ndPrim 'C_\larg'~s-yml'.uie charxtxl for maIJ1lcnaJ)~e,(Jril)~:Equirme1it ([l'lc'~'Mriintc'[iance Compo~eilt'.'), 'e~~h ~uch increase nOI.to'exceed 10%.. (f('ont<lle,amlloc~I, guvemme~t'cu5tQm~J's~'i:his aqjU:fitmenlshall Hike ,place atdlc c'orbmer.cernenC'6f ~c}i':of"y-our:,a,~~atcoritr<'lct cycles_) Ll TITLE. RISK & RELOCATION. Tit!~.to.:lbe Equipmenl shilll'r~m;'lln'wilh, Xt;rox unlil vou.-exercist v~1I-t6ptio;?topti1~fiase'it;,",Ui1ti! vOli"exerriise-,youi option": to PllrchasetheEqll'ipme:ril;you'~gr~~ t~in: (a):it sha'il' remain pffion:Jip'ropcrty~,(~). yO'\! wijl.mil:att~'ch,ali~" of,il:i,s i,fixture)9' any'real,~sl~'ie;(~~);you,wi]tI10Irplci:lgc, sub-lease or pan'with possessioll'of it or file OJ peITTllI.\(IO;e filed arly.,liell ag;llnst iI; ami, Cd) you will notma.~e,any,p~iman~D[ alIe!'lt!On~.:.lo !t" 'Th,c,1i~~_ o~lo,~(d~~~tR' your HiLlIl' (Jf. nt"ghg{"Ilcc, .as'wc]I'-aS~'lhcfl"firc"or.i1isappeamft~e,~s~1J . p-ass ,to' you upon shipmenl frOm II 'Xeroxjc()ntroll~l;f<leillty,The'risk,cif loss-duc,w'all other' cau~es: shall~IeI1l3in; with '~eiox <~tll]ess "and - unt_il yOu e'xircise jOUI'Ofllion ,'to purcMs-c the Eq~ipme.nL <U~iil title, passes to YOUj fill f.qui-pmenl ,rdocitinns 'mus.t be a~ng~ {O[ approved ,in 'a(lvanc['),~Y: X~.rg~'\.and_:~hall,tl9_ at:YEllre;;.;p,e,I~~: ~iJe Equipment is being relocaled;. you are;n:s.ponsilile,.foT'llll payme'I,lts: fe~uiTcd_~to Xerox under lhis,AgJeemem, 'Equi,prnentcannothe r:locllledoUlsidc'oflhe U,:itcd Stau~s: its tcrritorle;s'fIr pOsseSsiol{s until:\'OU ha"Vee:>.:eici.s.ed~ Ihe,.l'\irchase'OPlioll' indicated ~f1 this Agreement. tfyou acquj~kjtle 10 'the,Eqlliprnem,you,must ~3'mply with :a11.~pplicat,le laws 'and r~guJ.ulicinS':regaruing~tll~"exp-orl ofiany'comillQoity'. t~hllology.a,ndror soft;..;a~e..- A]I':p.ai1s!~liHC'ii~I~;rL.placed~ in;l~ditlg .as pii.lt ~f' aii', upg~de,"will bec~me..Xerox:5 p~pe.rty, - , 12. DEFAlILT & REMEDIE~; i:A T~CHAj(G-~S & toc,!,.EcfioN COSTS A. ForanYraym~~1 notre(~iYellby_Xero-,'(w;~hill ten(1i:n d~:t~_ ofrhe clue date a~ set fonh herein, Xe,rox maychilrge.:ilnd you:agree,to pay, tJ bt-ccharge,cqualto dH:' highel',of five'pereenL (5%) ofl'he .amount;~ue'nr'Si5 (notto,c.x'cc:c(Lthe nlaxftliu;n" amout\1 pe.rm~!tedb)-'.la.wl as.n;a~o;J.4b.l,?p))If7tion co~ts B. You'wm"be in'defallll'under _this ^gte~eIH if(f) XcroXd()eslll,Ot receive any' payment witJ.in-tiffeel1(JS} day~ "arterihe dai'e~,il,is"due-:or,,(2)'if-yo'l.I, bre~ch~n)i' otller obi'iga,tion Iiereulld~~, Ifyou,def~1I1~: Xerox., in<l:ddili~niLO'its o':h~r. rell1cdies (indLjding"the ~es~ation of .!'h:'si~,:~t~;c~)c~'inay seq1l:ire'imtt1edi~te raYn;:~~~".(lS liquidmed dQmnges'f()r>ln:"s'6rhurg~m',anQ!!ot a~,a,p.enalty; of:, ta)'all amOUTll8 ~'ffi due, plus IlltereJi,t on all~linoullts.dl1e;from.ihe duc,date,until:paid"atthe rnte af<ollt':' and one-I~alf perC~~t (1.5%) p'e-r' mr,rrUf' ("no( In ~xc'ecd[he inLlXim\!ril' aniounl pcnniued by l.aw):,(l:iltheremainiJlg'Minimum Leai;ePaymc:nkit~ihe Ag~eet1l~i.:~, terrll. tcss'any.un:tamed. fil,~.mge; milinlcnanc_e,'-iilld. ~\-Ipply efmtgL;; (_35 're~~~ed ~n the'lessqr:S ho.oh all(fmxord~): (~) a'~ruison:ll~le'drsi:ngageinentnee:C'aJctlJmCd,by Xerox tll<3t,will nut e.\ce~d';~lne~n.pereent'{15%)_6fthe:,im(J-unl_in:tbi ab(~ve.(s5id. 3nlClunt.is ayajlabie- from Xe.fQ:'I::upOll req~est);,3nd.:J~)"1l-Uflpplicab]e;Taxes" YJll- also shull eilher (I) make 'the Equipment availabl(')for remov"I"by.Xemx"'wh-en requested,lo do S(1 by Xemx'and,'C1Lthe,timeof'rtmovill, the,Equlpt'i'lent shall be in' the same'c~~ditiona"s ~IH:ndei;v~:(~~SQ~lable wcir ~ildrte:ir eicep"t~M;logelll~r with any rclmed software, or (?)'rurChti.:;e:,the:Equlpmenl~..AS [So; W1--!E_RE'IS'" ano WIT~i.IOUT, ANY'WARRANty'.AS TO CONDI'nON OR VALUE".by, ~,yingc Xerox [he Purci;a~~ Option and all applic::lble .Taxes; XemX'S '(locision'towaTve,or. forgive il pMkular'def,lUlt :<>11;11 ni;lt pr~vellt"X~rox .from JedfirllIg any othC"f dcf.'lult. III adctiiirJil;ifyou de:bull~_~-d'er ihi~'Agr'c[mt::l1ff you' ~iree~itJj}"~y'hl1 ,of lh~' CO!iIS Xerox.incurs,to enforc-eits:righlsagainst'you, 'ncluding'reas<:m;~br_e',attomey:l' fees an'{j'actualcosts, ' " 4 - .' .'. , " -",,- 13. CARTRfDGES, C-urtri'dges pack~ with B!luipmen.t and ~p1UC~ml'llf' C:=il1ridges .may be tIe"';;,: Jelnailufactured ot'r~mcessed, Remallufifctured and' repnSccssed, CartridgeS mect'X~f(i~;s llew'Cartiidgc' perfomui'lic~,,"~ta~d~rcis~,~n'd contain new and{o.r'reproccssedcnmponent'>. To, chhal~ce Rrim quality,: Ihe Canridg1."\s) for ninny ri1_od~ls of Eq~ip~~t. h.ive 'boor.;,dCsi~crI,. to ,i:~se [unl:lHmll1g at <l'prooclconinedpojnt., 'In ~ddliion" 'm_~nY'Eq~rp'ment models'are 11eSlgTli:d w (unctio!l only' with :Canr:ioge.'i- that. are, neWly, ma~Uf21C'Ilrud origilJal' Xerox 'Ci'lrtridge$ [)r'wllh,Cartndg~ intcnd~_for lJ~e 'in:t];e U;S';' "Equlp,nefu cOllfigurntion . 11w.t permils :use, ofIloIl7newly manufllsmre-.d origi~l X~mx. Canridges nlliY he'available frr'mi Xero:"':ilt ,it'! additiormIClmJ:ge; -Calt:i-idgeS::;.old,as, Eiwimnmcntul lJ,u:,ncrship ("'EP-:) 'Cartti'dges<remain i'hc:propeny o(Xerox;' You agree thai YOlj sha~1 rt.'IUm all EP C3~dge5 a.~d 'rn~t'r~:t!l_~ _,~Q!,~r9altn9gC?- to, Xerox, ~I' Xerox's ~xpellse when usmg .Xemx.csupphed,,',~h'prmg labels, for ren~al1l1f:1cturing once ::ouch Call1idges Ceil~e fiin\;liol1ing, Xerm::Fonn# 51 &60\&1.: (05/2005) ~,91[0J2q9-7. 14, ~9~IPME;~T. ~:[I;TUS Utl]~~S Y,{~,ll~ ~n:^_'~C4Ilirillg Previous.ly:!mt[lHed E(luipment; Eqll!pmenl wi1l"'be eithe'f (al"Ne,\'lyManufactur~(f\ 'which may contain somc:-l-cryckd components mal <irc'recondilioned; (b)'":Facwry.?roduc.:,f,od New Mgder\ ;"hiCl1 -i{fu;m~rac~fed;a;ldri~~ly-se;:;k[hclab 'Xe'lnx- f~c'ory, 'Mds fUllclic[i5 flnd feaUJreSIO a producl prc~'iol\sly ,disass.embtetJ ,10 a Xem,~ p'rcd~te'rm[ned s1ailonlll,. 'iuid' c~;iiiairiS . ,both, new coinp~':I~,liIS" and recyCled ~o~poiHmts (hilt ,a~ re:e'a~-ditiotlcd:: or, (c) ;"R,cmimurac{IJr('!l", whic~ 'lias b~n fc1Clilr)l" producelJ JuHowing" ~Iisass_eriibly t~;_iI ;_:X~ro~':predetennirled, ~-'ammrd . am..! c~~l<lin'5' ~th 'l;eV;'~~o~~orlen't~ li~cFJeciclro ~ompo';lenls th-ul' are reconditioned. lS,_LEASE Of!Tl0NS. The t611owing_optlOIlS'afC available for Equipmcm subject t(),ihis ),'g're'emeril. 'U , .' . - . A. PURGHASE-'OP1ioN: "'ff not in default, youmll-Y'purchasethe Eqllipotcnt. ,"AS IS, WHERE.IS" ond WITHOUT;ANY WARRANcry AS TO CONDITION OR yALUF,,(i') atlht;~d;~)nheje~~e.term 'r~r th~Pu~hase:.t?Piion;~indic~too'l)t11he f,!{Cigf t~"i~':~gr~elll~llt{i~e: ej}~~r;,~1_5~::d?ll~r,amoum 'orthe.,~aLr ~aJt~t' V,~lue of the:, EqlJ1pment;aldlC ']eas'c-'Ietin';;; 'conclusion ~r"FMV":J), pltls'lalJ ,app1icl!blc' iaxe.~" Of, Cii):al!y}ime durill!1;the ]~$e't-erm;by pa,:illg:' (I) all amouot~,thenduc: (2) the re_i~ainii1g'Mjiiirrhnn.le~scPayrnent:ll['i~ 111_e,Agreenlent's"le~_ Ie.-;~,~n_y un~med finaJlce.il1a_iriicn~nce"i1:nd',slJPplychilrge:s (aii'"ref1ected\_,o~,the ie~s~r's bQCI'j.;S and recordsk{3i a,_,re.ilsonClbk disengagement ,fee caleulated by Xerox thal\\'ill nOI ex-ee'ci:J. lifi~C11 pereci\;'"( f 5%fiBf:he'in1'b'unt;iil (2),abi:j~~. (::oaid i'lriioiJ~!. is avai_lable fromXelUx: upon 'rt":quesl); (4.): the appIlc~b]e' PUrC'haSi~,,'bp[ion: and,. (5) fill <1pplica~leTi!~es, .> B: I RENEWAL...Unless di~'er:party.pjnvideslnotic-e <It,leas-t,(hii-ty.(30) days.ber~re lhe_'end of"t~t;-lea5t Lerm'of.;its int~mion,~o~ to, rcnew"Ihi5 Agreement, ii_ wiH'b_c rell~{~ed auto~~[{ti~ally ~o'n a-riionth~lo-mol1th b'asis".'~f; lhe'~sam'e'pri~e; (eMS. '~nd cOl1ditions~and biljing'f~equelJ[.yas,the 'o}-lgimil Agr~eml:l1l: DlIring, ttFI5 rev~wal p~od~eitl;er;'pa,tY"'nlflY'lciTIiinale,t.h~s.,Agree~';llf-u~Oil at kas11hjny;(30) days nmicc.' <;; {'_~ASE~n~RJ\1~A ~r!O};!., 1.JP,~i1o It;;i1T1ili~Li[)[J; P~~,!llJl('i,O" 8, 'abnve; andif)'oll ha..'e ilO~:pll~na~ed' ~he~Equi-pn:lem~,:y{iu shalle.'lllake ;th'e'; Equi~m~nt, .uva~ lable for ~mo\~al.by'Xerl?x.' "':,llen reque~ted-:t?'do' 50 b~ Xerox,an.d; ii! the ,time of removal, th<c,!EqlJifimelll::S,hall b:e' in the: ~_~<l.rrye'..s()rdit!!lll, ,as' ~hen dilivered ,(reasc;[Jabl~ 'wear ana't~ar,~~~epted):. t~gelhl:r withaiiy, rclll.tcd'softwllh:: 16. PROTECTION'bF XEROX'SjUGHTS. You -her~hv authorize: XCr'O;Il or its :igelit~:t() ifiie,by' any: pe~llissibierhemis,~ri~'arlcirrg":~wd;fl'en1~'~~e~sary_ to protlic't Xcrox's~rigl~t~,:as"~.li ~uipmell1 Lesso~,~,ero;w;,,:on, your. ~~half' Ulld Oil {'Qur experise,''ma{take: any.actiollrcquiii:l:I,tci,hctakcn by you undr:=rthi~ Agre'ement that YOllfailto ~ke. . . i,r-REPRESENTAT10NS, WARRANTTES &' COVENANTS~ Each party repn,'S_e'nts",lhat" as, of 11;(,': ,date oF~hls' Agreement, iJ~,!s',lh~ Inwrul' power: and ~ud;onty'lo~cil.rc{";IlIa"_lhis-A~inc_in: tlie ,indi..}iduill~ sigiling':this' Agr~ms~t. are: dl.lly;aulhorize.'.lt(J;do,so on it;;bl':hulf -fl-nd; b)':cntcnng this Agreement iI.will nm vioi,~(~}~L!Y',1~~ o_~. ~ll~e:~agT~~~!jll\tcl_ '."'~j~h' ;r,isa.i~~r1Y;. y~_~ an~n~t:.~ware of JIl}1limg 'that,wlll have.,,: rrlatooal negative 'effechon your.ablhty, t~. satIsfy your, paYm.s~~',(J-~liga~i_~I~S un'd~~, lh,;s,'Agr~e!nent:, <!miall 'financial infonn?tion,;.:ou h~vc prOvided, or wil1 rroyidc'. to _ Xerox is'~-tru~ ~nd accur.:Jte al]d:; pmvideS':_il.' go.n(! [~presclll::iii(jrl of.yourtimmcial condition. E~ch,party agrees' (hilt it.viilLpromptlv l~btif;hhe'-o1tH;~r,p~rty m writing'ora change itl:owlle~hip,if it ~cJOCi'ttes ~ts prlnciral pliice'of.bu:sindssorchftng~$'the nanl;ofiI5,husi~ess; - . , 'HL ,NOTICES., 'N6i1Ces"mustbe:iii writing iindi",;ill be deer1ltd,givefl live (5),days ~-Aer majling,. CJT!~O. (i) dfl:.:~~:;ftcriscndilig~_ by--aalibllally) recogniz~' ~lVemigh,. CQurid: to t1i~'otherpari;?s:bu'sine:;s,aIidreS~: or)o such" mliCr,addr6s:"de:sigIJaled by either p~my tD'tneotht:r bv "l,~rill'""n notice' ihrenp'utS~ant'io'thissentcilCe: The teOO _c 3'-" . - ~,' - '.. "^' , . "bus.incss undress.' shHl],mCalJrror'you~ Ihe;"BilI.lo:: uddress, Ils..ed on,Lhcfirsl pag~ ~til1is A~I1:c'mem~'and~fCJrXerox; our:;iliquiry nddres;~'S"-'et"-rorth M "he,rr1{)i;( recenl if!vo.ic~e tu.yo~. . 19, ,FORCE MAJEURE Xerdx,'~I1;lIl'Ti(lt \1~ liable to )'oudLiring any period in w't;iSh 'il~ pClfoJmanc;e,'k d'e1aY,ed or prevenl~,:jILwtmle (lrhI P~rl" by a ~ iit:,u I~s~nc e.J?~y~'n d , its; re~~ 0 11 ab Ie. C5~EtlJll, ' whi~Jl ~ ~ ~~un!~!n,nces' ~nc I~dt:, ? ui- are notlimill;;dtiJ;'llie;followmg: actofGod (e:g.,;floo(l,ei1l1hquak:e;'t\'lnd); fire: war, .'l.ct'ofa,public enemy or lermrist~.a.ct of;sabotage;'strike or,o-tllerlahor dispuLe;not; mii>ad~ltnturt'-' orlh~ :s~; iriiihJlity:to 's~~~~,m_ateri" Is~ ~nd t'lJf tnlfisportatimi; or, a res'mctlon impo~ed byjegislation,,'u~ ~r1Jc~~r.~' ru Ie' o'r rCglJl;tioh' ofil"go\'emmentul enl[I~', If,sucb ,a',ciiiinnstance occuJ$, Xero:\-,:;hil1hjJ1dertake refisoni:J.blc,:acti;[J to ~oii(y ~?u~Jfih;e~,a~lle, . - - ,." -.'. ' - 2.0. MfSCELLANEOUS; TIti~:Ag~emelll'colls:tirule:s{he entire _o.gree,m.:rIl. as w'j{S 'sullject ,ncilter, "SlJP~,~~5 all prior.a-nd conte_miJOraiieo!-l~ 'pml (lml 'wriUryi agrc~mt::nts;, and s:haJl be. construed '.l-jJiuer..tli~, laws (JPthc'Sline' of~New York (withoufi'egaf1:nto conflict-or-law p-rinciples). You agree. to' lhe,juiisdictlllTl'31i,d Venti;; oftbe'fedebl ~ndJsia\e courts in:M,;nrtire C()U'[irY,:.Ncw'Y~~IC',lri'ai1Y~~llon'io' ffilb:c(".I.his,-~glt.~m,enl"Ihe pa.nietllgree l!l v.:q.ive,~IH:iI' rig~n 10 a jlllY:lrial. [f a &.4 p,gd of7 -court rhids any 'term of this'" AgreellIC.1t~;O bc,unctlforceablc, the rerifuiniilg tem-is','of this Agn,:emcntshall remjJ,lll,in'_eJte>;;l: ,Boij~,parties,m~y:relain a_ repn?dllc.ti~m (e,g., elc>::tronic iinage, photoc(]py;' (~c:S"lniil~f af thiS Agr'e~me~t wh-icJl 'shall: i5e ,lllmissihle iTi'01JiY, act;ollto cnfon::c,Cit"bUlotlly thcAgn:xmclil held-by Xerox ~Ilali be considered '~n' originatXeri:{x' ma~' acceDL'tlii,~Agt'e~Yle1i1 eflh-(>;( ;hy 'lis authorize<! signa'ture"or,~h;coll1me~lCing' perf~rr:n~ilc~ '(e.g., ,E~uipmeril' deliv~ry, initiating'Basic Servi,ci:Ii"etcJ, Ali' chrlngestD thi~ Agreemel1l'mlist_be,mad~:in,a \,'ritillg fiigncd 'by bntl;-p~;tlc.s; _acc,ordingli, an'/l'CrmS o;;:y'&ui,ordcriri-g dO~llIT!e:rlt~ sh,tl! he cJfno'force;lf cff;::t:t The, 1~;lIowin~,f{}ur'Sl",u{'n~escol1trol ovcr.ev~r;,';otlter part ofthis'Agrei;'menfand oY~(Jll olher documeItis;uTow'oi-laler pertaining Ill'this Agreement: We, h:ntl; inl6rll to comply v.fith~applicabH:, ja~s~,_ In '~G' cve~t ~-';1I1 Xcroxcharge,oT,collcc( Elny, am~unl_s:in'e;;:ccss--ohh05C al~owed by ,3P?lical:Jle-!~w.' Any part of thlS' 'Ag(eein~t th1t1.':wQuld, bo:t-. r~t' lhis ~S'lXtIO~. 'be- ,ie~d, U',ijd~-i-iny- eircumS13(lGC," tOf'l:ltow for a,charge -higher.dum- IhJr 3Ilowed,_underHny'~pplki1ble legal limit, is hmlIe-d ilnd:modifioo!bY_lhis Sci:.'iol\ ,~~'limitth~,nry!~u~ts,~,h'3}ge~ble~ under this Agre:el11i':nt,ttJ the mit~imum ,:imo\-nltaIl,,'wed un'd(;nne legal hmlt, c[fdn iuiy circmnst<lllces. _al1y'al~o1;lnt~in:excess;,Q!\th'1t'an~~wffi by law is charged or received,nny such- charge-' w[ll.be:-, d~el~eJ limit'etl,by 't'h~"almiuril '-leg'~lIy\~llcHYci1 and any amount recelvc:d,by'Xcmx,ln cxcess,ofThal_~eg.afly'allowed'wj]).be apptled hy'u... to the p2~'Ti'IenloriJ.moulils'lcg3I1y ol.voo.'undcr Ihls-^gi-e,drric-'n.t,:~rreflimled tq you SOfTWARE TERJv1S: 111e;follo,,~illg:<l.ddjtionalle]Tll.S''-apply.i:lUly,to transactiollS covering Appliculilm SOfrnrare~a'ndior;Xeml(~bra]I'd'Eqllipm;'11t:" '." w '.- 2 L ~O'pTW ARB U~~t~i~B~ . 'l1i~.\fqjlo\~ing !enn.s 'np~W,to ~_opyng~t~ soilw!l,re, and tll~ nccompauying(uoc'UmentallOn,im:luding"'; but'~not:'1itnitci:l'to; 9Pcrn1ing system soflwl:lre, ;;prov_ided' with Of -,within theXcmx-bmnd Equipment llcquired. bereuncler("Basc Software") a~ well :as'sdrtv.cltre;speClficaJryset:out:us:'Appljc<1IIClIL Soflwarc" on' Ihc:face of this ,Agreenient. inls Yi~erlse does' il~t;'(J-ply too/any Diagnoslic Software ,or !oal1y, .'~ftware I dlJcumemmi"6n ~c~omrani~d-by > c::lickwmp or ~llrinkwlllp Jiecj1sc:ag?eC;ncnI orotherWis{Il'ladesllbject'to~ll:selj"arij\e Iicense.ugreemem. A, Xerox gl<lllL.S you, fl. non-exclusj..,~. ,nol1~imns;fenlhle liccnsc"IO'lJ>tC:,1hc-"Basc ~oftw~re wi[hi~ -the- 'Unitect"~Strlt~, its"lerritori~. and. Pl~ss~sion~' .(th"e:'1I0nil~j" St:ues~') only on orwith"',the ~uipmellt ,with wlllc::h "l~n w1thin - wr1ch)'il 'was d~liv~;W_ For Applicft-ti~il Softwa~,;'XH~ix g~n,ts Y\:lLj 'i~"'noir.ekCl~jve~ "no~~ lr.m5rernble license \o'u:se:this's(}f\W<l~ wi.lhill ,lht U,nited Slates c:n allY sihgle.lmi( of e'quipme)1t foi~(Js:;,]~ng i1s':YO!l <Ire, 'current j in. tb;e pa~!ltlent ,.of ari~ iiidicmed softwarc ,licc'nsc"'fccl'{incllldillg'any-AlliIual Renev.~il~Fe.~). Sou 'hav~,.m:/~illcr rights to theB,'l.i>c or Appllc3Iii:m, Softwa~e',and:ili p~ItiClllnr: m~y ',1101: (I") dlstrihl1te, 'copy;' m~dify, create' dcTlyaiivCs':'cif,~d~omplle,~ orrev(rse,ingjile'erihis ~oftware; q) aCli\'aie ilny'sonware'dl'li~~red wit~l,or wlth:in rh(' Equ_ipmt'llt'Lnan un8ctiv3ted state; or, ,(3),alJo';' 0tliers.t~, e_ngage In "~<lITie" TiLI~ tr;_ihe BUi,e--arid ,Application Si:rftWare: :\nd:alicopyrigliti,all<1 oIh~r inie]J~/ual.pmp~fl/' Tigh-'sd_~" jt ~h:J.11 at all tiines r~ide sol?ly wi~_h: Xe_rm ~ndlor,;;~ts }c~n~o~:Jwl1l),,~ltEll\ ~.F ,consld~red. ltJiTd,rart~~henefic::]arici;'of;!h;1i ,Agrecment's;s.oftwarc anQ,:limit<l\iQn...of HabiliL):" prul/"i~ionliL ~ase and',fo-Pf'Jlie",_tion Software may,conl[Jill, ur be modifledio contain, conipllt~J-'code capi1bl~'~:oj-, autr)ma1ically dl~Elblmg. proper operntiOl~ or fUllctidning of.di;-Eq'Gjpmenl; - Sti~h.disabling.~Odf:ITlay be'Jcl(~Jt(rl~'jf: ii}Xer-ox lsdenied I'easonableaccess: to the. Base o~Applic~tioll Software to periotlically l'e;;ct -such code; (h)',you' [Irc,n()Iifiel:l.'ofa'default:under'any:tml1 of,tliis: AgteeTllent;-or; {c) yourlkense~is \emlinal~t orexpim: - B, Xerox may tenlllnate-your licens~ for :mx'E-ase;Softw;lrt q l imIi1~liaicly,if you nO. longer u~~ or poss,e.s~ th;!,Equip]~l~ry..' (lr'~,r,e 3, le>~~C!r'pfJhe'~q~ipm<:l1t~a~~ yom firsl lessee no, lri'l1g-cr:'u.~es~('Jr possesses-il,or (2) upon Ihe:'tenriinitio"ll'of iiny agrcer:ne!)-t under wl1fchYiJU ha;e:n::~lt~l!r~~~jl5~'iI ~h~'Eq-uipm,!!nt ' C, If you,lransfcr,po:i:session (lLlheEql1ipmenti~ftcr.you ob'lain title lodt. Xerox will cjtTcr the iransfcr~e"a lic'e,;se !o'.l1seti-ie'Ba~e'Softwarl;"~wililin' tile, United SI~t(..'S on OT with ii.,subj~1 j(1,X'-cm;-'s then:ajfpiblb'i~(~rins~a;'dHcensc. fe-d.~~':ifany,'a'nd provided Ihe Inmsfer. f5_110~ in,I,J'iolalinfl ~f Xerox~~ ,jghts~ . D. Xerox W!lmllltslhat die ~a5e alld ApplicatlonSoft:vare will r1~rf~nti, in 1ti!lterial c(J1lfor-mitywitli'its tlse-r: do'cum~niati-O,f1'for.l nin"ely,(90j day per10d fmfn:t11e"daw.i1 i5 delivered Of, for sofiware'installc-dl'by Xerox,'tne dntc'o(software.lmaalilliioll: Neilher Xerox rior ilS li{;eni;ljtS~camll'J[ 1h31',tlicBasc or 'Applig8I:ion'_S.oftware',wlll be free from errors- {1rlh~t it;.; Opei-01tiOJ1 wiU,hl: u-ninlemiptCd. ,",. <, " n. :SOfTWARE SUPPORT. During~the perib~ Lhal Xerox '(or ,3 dcsliJ-nm:rl s~rviccr) provides Basic:Scn;ices fo(the:Eqllipmemhul in,'n'o~~~efllloriger thil~ fiirk: (5) years rtft~Xe..u;( stl)(Js w.ki~gord~ fn;Hl!C~slorneI:i tor,iheirac!=lui~'lllon oft~1.: subject'modd.or Equipment,,__Xero:"l;..(i)T a dcsigllBtoo. selvicc:r). will. also?p~~id~ .software suppo.rt forlhe Base SQ-riw~reul1d-f..'T.the'foll~:.vi~g iemls" 'F.5.. Appfic,;iToli Software licensed Pllrs~nl t~ Ihi~,Ag~ent, Xerrrx. wIILprovide;softwai"e s:uppon tinder (he failo\1r'lIlg,icnnS.,proi,'ided yo~ -are--:cUrre-hl 'in fh~,paym6tt~ofalllnhial Lic;1..'1ts~ and'Annl1al Renewill Fees '(or; for:progmms mit n;:"q1JiTlng)l1lnL;[J.I-,Rc]~e"""al Fee,;: Ihe payment ofthe Iikllial Liccl1.seF~e and.the._ann,';!;<ll "~uppohOnly': Fees), Xero:< F:orin#.518601&x<(05!2005) 10110/2007 A., Xerox',\';'lII!;as~ure "lhaf,Base and, Applicft,lion'SQRwa-re perronns")[J malenal" ~O!l,tQrt1iiLy'wiLh ,iE;. l1?e.r'~!(Icu1T!en!atiQl'l; ,imd,wiJr_,:!,-il-1ntain._ 1Itl?liZfree hot line during ,5t.aridui1l:b'usin~{1l-6'u~,lfl.answer' reJated"qlleSliofu.- ;1~" Xci,)); ni,3:hm<Jkcavailablc',I'cw:rel~ses of~lhe- Ba~e: or Appliociltinn Soft:viare :lhavprlmurily in-corpomte- codiTig e-ml~ liies i;ndil[t':d~L~iiled as "M~'imenam:e R~f~~es~'r. ~<linlenanc_e R~l~.ses. are pr~vi.doo~I, no charge 311d must be' !1,!1plbii~nte<Lwj!liili' sixl,(6): nlonths 3ftcrbeing mad~ BvaihJ.~ktc) YfJU, Each,new ~ ;o;inten~nc~:Rcleas.c'shall he" considcred.B~~c~ or Applicmion Sofiw&:e. governed b:llhes~'~OnWI"-fe'Tcnl1S;". "New releases\~cir t~e: -Base, o'i:Applicatlon "Softw-are', that' are not -Ma[ntenanct Rele<rses, if any, may be subjecl to additional' liccn.<;e, fcCli -at Xe!o~ts thenccun:enr..pric.ing and__ .sha_lI;bc~co~idered Bas~ or Applica1ioIl'Sotlware !g,~vcrncd b"S'ihesc' Soflware T~irtts, ~u'lil"bs;' 'oihe~~is~' noi.t'd), Xerox "':ill TInt be:in bre<lCh of iK_sotlwa~e.~upport .oblTgutiolls ~herellJlder" il\ ill ordeI'to<imple-ment, in 'Wil~I~'o~_ i~ pan.~a'liei."':rClca's~'of,Ba:st:,or Application SoftWaic.,pr-e;~ided{(}r "made, avai!abJt'lo you'by,'Xc-mx.<,you'll1ust procllre, o'll,your'expcnse. addit;Qnal'hardware ~ndr6r~(lf"wii:re/rom:Xerox,'oT;anlo'h~er'~TIlilY,~.YQu,agrel.:'to;return 6~ cle5tmy all 'prior rC!~af>e's~ -, . . . - C. Xerox~ \;:'ill\ise re.,1.soiiable efforts; dthecolrectly abd/or' with its; \'emlors, 10 rcsolv~ .::oditlg:crrol"S-_or'pmvidc; workarounds' or palches. proviclcd you report p~blL'TTl:;_as-:sp&ifiei:iby X~rm, ..' ," ; D, Xtrox shall rJo!~b~_' oblig<lled~' 1 l"_ClsuPport _ any B~se.9r.'Applic<ltiojJ 'SOft\Vfife tluwis ~~'or,m~ic ~.eiea.ses ol~,~rth~'ri Xerox1s' moslcurrent rfleRs.~ or-(~po r-el~edy ~,o,di,~g _~nnts ifyo!J'h~,:~,mo,~Jifi~ the'Bas~,or,Appli~a\.iol1,So!l.wure;. ' '~: For ApP!!C<ltt9rl.;~SoIJ.-wa~"X,e:r~x'may'~nn!-~<i!ly _iTI.~r,ea~E;':,th~ An[111;<11 ~enewal 'and Sllppcirt~Oiil~;-fees, e.lch such'illCreasilJot'm~'exeeed' lO%, {For'state,and' lo~al~ ,govemrnel1t'icustDlm:rs: ihIs,adjusiment shall take. place at ibe'cl]mmenceme~tof ~cli o(.y(1tir:aJlnualco-ntraCIC)ler~). . '-23. DIAGNOSTIC'SOFTWARE, Sbftware',us-ooto,mllintain the. Equipment imdlor diagnose 'h~ J.iflure5 or ,sub5tan~rd perfom131lCe (c~I,leclivel~: ,;'~iag[Jos1ic ~S[}frW'are")~ is~einbedded:"in,r~sidhs' on,' ci( nl~v' be' loaded'onto' the Equlpnlent. The \::~' .- . .'. '_ c' ,_ _ -_ ' - - _ , _,' _' Di3g~lostic Softwaf"C and mL'lhod of em')' or~:cccss. [~.it'c(jn:;;ti[me,valllable- trade ','L~-reUi or>X~ro,x: Ti~l(ll~,'the Diagnq~[~c:' So.rtwa~ s~~lla1 [lll tim~ rc~ain sole,ly ~ilh X~-rt.... ilTlalorX~rox'~'hcG'll5-or", Yo\'.~grecthal (il):.your .ilcqui81,uon of ' the E~IJ.ipmenl,:~o~~J10l gmnl'Yo~ ~,li~ense,oLlighUo'U:'ie:th~Di#g1llj!!,i_c,Sofiwar~ in any~fu<1.nn'er;o and;(li)'~hat,-';ilJes'~:septJriltely'li9ellsed,bYXero;; tci:dQ sO'. ~'ou \vlll-nol y~e, rcproJL1ce.l:!istlibu,l.c. or.disc'lose the -Diagnosiic-,Softv,"arf for anypurposc (or ,"llov.~ tlljrd.parri.:s-IO do:,so). 'You ag~eJ'a:t 'alr,times {i_,Deluding $uhSl:q~elino die ;e,~pireiijon- oflhii>.Agr~~'l11ent) lO'~1Io:w~'Xerl);o:'tY6'a~'~ldl$; mOJlilor..and othL'1Wlse t:llte ~lep'sjto. prelol-en} !ull~u1hni.z~d'us,~ orrep!mfucljon~of Llle Diagnos,t ic,Sr;.ftw<Jre_ GOVERNMENT CUSTOMER~TERMS: , :rht!"foIl6wing~~ddllional tcnns'!lPply ?rily to leil~e,_!~nsactiol1;; with stilte u:I!l~lol;~l,'governlT!l."nt:"(;]Jslomers~ 24. REPRESENTATIONS'&,WARRANTIES,fUNDING, TAX TREATMENT & PAYMENT. ~ .~, - A. REf'R~SENTATlONS '& VlARRANTiES,-, Ynu,htireb:~/~r~ient aIld warmm: ,lS, Q-r,th~ d,lI~ of this Agreel1it-'Tl.t, ''thae ('i ),YOll an';8 ,state'or a fully cOn5Lftutoo ;j:lO-'-iiicalsubcli~i_~io1~' ~r agen~y or: 'the: 'Siat~"ln" whi~h Y,o.uare, loc'ated "and.,an; au'thorized 'w'emer, into;'_ af!d,_cal1Y, OU1,. ymlr obl.igatiolls under-thi_s 'Agreement iln{l '~ny~o:th~r dqCll~C,t1tS,:[t:q~~.,.!O bE d;?JiYe~e~j[J'-'1(?p[J~t!(IrJ with tl:te A~~lent (l;~(Il1ecliv;:ly.,:th~ "Oo.::uments");: (l) "lhc~ DO""CUrTlClIIS, 'h3vc: beell duly authorized, ,execut~ aJi.ddeH'~'er~dbYY?u, in~<lCGordallGe wilh all 'applicilble laws,' rules, .~fd;'fa~ces: 'lnd :eguhtiorl3i'."(inC"ILl~i.ng, bJI :'R~[;I}'lmiilcil tei: <ill ,applicable, laws 'g9vem~l!-g open'meetings, publiC"' bjdd)ng;md uppropri,itiunsrequireu,i-n connectioll \villl: Ihi$,'~g~~r~c_lU~and ,ihe':acquisitioll cjLIlle Equipmellltand_, ilr.e' valid. l.egal. 'tiind{ng ~gr'eem~nls:.~rifC1rceabl; in'.ac{'ordance~w,itl(tlleir tenb"sc'."Uld. the'p~Cl~(s) :;igning lite 'DUCClmen"j;,'hav[:'lhe ftULl\C1i'lty 10 O? .so;,ar,e -actingq,:'itn the full '~lIlltl;miiiitic,n. of 'YOll~ :g'o.Jl:lTling, br)uy':and -11014 tne ;(1ft1c6s 'lfidicatedbclow' [heir signarures_ each llr'which 3regr.:lIuin~: (Sf the ;Equiprnetll is:- csscllI1a( 10 the: -;i1-rimcdialt'.perforrn-ance ~fa goveTIllncnt~_1 orpropnetary.fu[lciiol1 by YOl-lwiHiinth:e 'S-l,:ope:l}(ynl1r';ulhm;ty:an~"5:nall~b~-l;;'ed;'during'the'lease te'nu.only by YOll ami <only tOjpE."'f(1rm~~c::hlllnetioil; alld"(4)-y~ur,ol'ttigaliolls,,io remit p,3}1TIents.under Ihi5,Agr"i;~m~]lt; ~OF):tiIEle~:~ l;:~rreJ)t'~:;:p,ense ,'~ndr' no~ 'a: debl, i..m~cr ~ppllc.ablc. SUHC ' law and no p,oo\'isiol1 of this,'Agreemem,consiiLute~''''rledg-e ()(YClUf, lax or general ',~y~nu~";~nd '_an y ~ p~\li 5i OJlih~<t is :~?_ c,. 0 ~~t.ll:!etJ: ~y <l c~n]f[ Q r Ci;In1pe1eIlt .i~ li~d i ci ion i~,V'Old from"the iric-eptiotJ'ofthi:> Agree-me-Ill. B. ~UNDlNG, YOLl,reril:'s~ht'a!ld wami.~titli<lt{llll p_ay~ent~'~il.e'~l)d.tifbe'come- dul;" during, your .:urren~ fiscal ycar3n:: WilhiJ~-the.f!sc~1 bui:lget of such year and_a_re }qcl,\I,9~d~(lh\n iln~~.1restijcl_~,and_ li.'te-r~u,mb~:apP!UP].'ati~_n'c-,l~jtly a~~_ili:ibl~ for;lhe'[ense!purChas~ t)r il1e'F.tiUlpment'. ,3'nd-tnai:n igfYOUI" intent to' tise'_the E'1.IJ.ipme_I~I'~f6r,~h~l,e[JL!ye' I~!iell;:nn a~d:lo'makc:aHp~y'mcllts, required under this Agre'tf'!.lcrii"ln.thc,evem-,that_JI-). (n~{i'g~' ll:o..~c;ti9ninit]aj~' by>yo~ Yl?~r' I~gisj,ative bod)', does' not. apllroprilltc funds fOT/the. continuatiQn,'of this ,,.\grcxment for: any Iis_ca1 y.e"anllter,thefi~ctlscal Yeaf,-and'has rio,funds:_1odo So fnlHl ~lh('t $Ourcc:s, ancl;f:n -yriuI13,ic:Madc':,~'~;casollablcb~11 'unil'ic':cess.fulaiQn\ci -filld~' CrWlt"';ortl1y I:4: A. P'go 4: of7 asiiignc[' icc~..'ptahle 10 Xem~ -in 'its solc'di5crelion....~lhin'}~ourgen~fiI1 nrganit.:aticlri who can'continue tl.is Agreement:.ttlis Agreement may be tCJmillaled. Toeticeuhis 'i'cimiolUlcn"you "s;haIl, thiiry '(30)'daY$ Iiiiqr ;10" ihe ,beginning~of ihe ,tisca!)e~~~ for which, your legislatil'e bodv does nOl ~appropriaTe funds for slIch upcomingifiscal yenr" ;Send. Xerox wnttcIl::n()1ice, stali~g: tlial VOllf _I_~gfsl,ati~'c :body failed ,~? a'ppro['lriate-funds',~nd thilt' YQu~llt1ve,m~dc:\Iile.reqinrea~~ff~'rt,to'~fin~i a~' ~s~igriee-_ Your n{Jtic~'musi bf":3ccompilT1ied'by payTtlem or,~Il,sums.fLh~ owe;,) jChrougl1,llfe <:urfeni'year. to Xe'iUx,",;rider. t~L,SI Agreem~nt>alld'i1lusi"cel1i.fY tl;"Eit tl;~','c~nceioo Equipment is; no/being repI3CC(fby'equjpmcnt pcrfonnillg silriilar"functirms dUri!lg the ensuing fiscat ye~L In addii_ion,xou.fagti'e' at' YOu.( eXp-l'l1SC:'t(1 ~etum.ll)e Equipment ir1g~~il c6r1dj~iol1 to. a location des{gn<llel}by, XeiD'~ <1~d' tlml:, , when returned. UIC J~quipment:v.-~ifl be.t~~~:or;-,~It,li~s'4nd.cfl\::uinh~l)c_q~. y'fJ:IH\:i:1l ~thell be released fm'm you'r,obligatio'ru; ti),Jnakc:aIlY further paymellls ,10 Xerox 'bevr,~d thmedue forth~ current"n;;{:<iI'y~r,(wi'tl-pX~mx r;tilinirig allsumsp-aid}o d,,~eJ~ C. TAX TREATMENT, This Agreement has been.H~c,~Pled otllhe bas'j'.s.o'iyour represema!!ol1 that ,X;::~x' ~nay dai1!l.al~y"!t!tcrpt,'p,ai~"~X-"y~o~~~_~'c.~c~p.t'tr9'!l foocrat lncometax;lIndL'T,'Scctlon.10~(c)'ofthc- C5~ue: You igr~l:t(l~.omrl-y wilh'the infonnation Teporting requirements of,Section 1 49(t:) of tile Code, ,Such compliance shall include,' hutn'~:'bc: li~it'ed to.e_.jh~}ex~uti(ln' ~f g.03~,,6 or -gojs-GC I[lformation Re"tums.. Yo-u . hereby appcii'nt:Xerox-.as'YQuragent,lO maimllin;' and Xcro);_agrceSto mo,in1airl,{Ir:C<IUS~ in h'em<Iinlililled~.fcClillpleie'aTld <Jccutill(lrecrir~ of ~Ij asdgi\merits of thfs;~grte~el1t'il1"form;51J'fficie~llO'c-~rriply \Jih,the"g~c;k "nl[y require,mems::o_f~Secrjo-n 149(a) of.the,;~odl:,and:,_[lie reg\jlatioTlE pre,scrilh:d tl1ereund_f'r, from: til~tu{tiri,~, Sh'oii~d'-Xei"Ox:lasi.t1{e be;lcllt'of ihirexef1lPtio~:a~{~ res1-l11 of YUl:lr failure'lo comply wiih or be. t:tH'e-roo.' by -S~tio.n ib3(c) or~,ils regulatioT1s:.thell;'s~bJecl'lO ll-i~ fl\'UlI<lbility'oFmmls:arul upon den;_<inej_by Xero,\-, you sh-aj'lpay Xerox an alllclilrlt equaUo its loss in,'tlli's. r~ga'rd" At~ll-le,;ti'me o'f e~ocuti{JIl of iliisAgreeme:r1t;you'shii1. [lmvld~ XerDX'wfth a'prop_erly,!)_repared and executed copy of US 'Trea~~urY.fo~'S03g,;QI:~OJg'~GC" ~ - - - - D. fA YMENT, Your,p-"ymenl i;;!uuewitl:1in thirty (30) rlaysofourirlVoicedale_ ADDlT!ONAL,TERMS: The following'additional terms apjJl~ only to the e...ten1 thai you have ngreedto;one ,or'iTlor~_of.the'opti6n~:des;cfiblXll:)elow: 25 CONSUMABLE SuPPLIES INCLUDED IN ~BASElPRINT CHARGES" If Ihis option Ms,~een 'seiecied. XCTOX( or,a"aesig~ted servi~er)-wiHprovide-you with blAck toner (Cx~ludillg highlighi'"cqlor.t9il,(~;')~:bla,c::k aeveloper, copy CaTtJidg~~,.<l_M; if applicahle", fUSCT ("COT1sumllbl~Surpli~',-i througn~ut, Ifill: icrm or this AgreemeTlt 'Fm run~c?lor, Equipment, Consumable' S~lppl_les :shaH',a 1s.0 ,incllJ-de,_ as -ilpplic-ilble, color. t~~:e-r"<lnd 'de;':"elope~, You agree I.hat.,the'Co'nsilf!1able: 'Supp_lles;a;e: Xerox'spropclty Ilntil-lJsed by YClu,,lilaI you wi1lm~ t~em-rililYiwiib,theEcjl!ipment; that _yoLiwill,relumiailCartridgt~ to -X~:>: 'f01;J ~1'-'wrllifa'clliriilg.~~iJc-e:'Ihey}h1J~'e bet.--n tun lO dlcir cease-fullc.tion Jloint (at Xerox"s expense wlie"ll.using Xerox- supplied'shitlping hlJ..els)"and thaLu,I'lhc:erld:ofthc'tt:rrO oLthis. i~grccnlcnt 'either; (a) you' will ret~rn;~ny unuse~1 Corisl.unal~I~S~pplies~IO' xtio3.. (al .Xerox's e~pcnse when USiilg_ Xerox~s~'[JpHed ihipping: .hib~ls)or (b, ,de~t!U;llhem ,in iJ_ ~mteT p-ermitt~_:by applicable .1<1.\"-:.- Slloilld'v'Olir+use,6~, CO~lhable,Supplies exceed Xerox's publishc~ yid&'.for~thcse iie-m~_"~y rnore-tlmn --iOo/-o::you,~grec -illal'):,erox shall have'll1etight':1O cliarge.yo~ t'orilcny .sllch~cxcess u~_age_" WlIC~I.Il.;'q'ucsted' by Xerox, you agree to piu;ide:meter.rcading.,. and"ihvento..y'ofbo'nsluuabk Suppli~s' in your poss;e;<;s.~o.ll, 26~ REPLACEMENT (MODIFICATION.OF PRIOR XEROXAGREEl\lENT~ If litis ClpiioLJ has been sdecleq,t;llis Agreeml:nt' w'in replace'or 'mo-dirYD..prim agreement - bClwc~n",Y~ou'- ~!ld'::X~~\~ ~~venng t11e'.~p~if~ci:J eqIJipmem; ~f"it)s ,_3 repb:J(;:en)I,.'T1( Q.g~oot, the'.'Jiriof ag~<mlClli ~h:1l1 bc:.null~ alld..-void,. .[f ii,l:> a mndifiC'mian. Ihc'pdor. agr~~n1ent sli~n remain,'in .:effcct. 'cxcC"prtl1a~ any tenns J'l resent ed lli t hi s. m ,xh ficul IOn":k gTeeJ n em :t~al 'con Il ic t '~~i1h':' or, a.re < riddi Li ~.{to; ahy . 0 r the lenm- jill_tie prior,u.gr:ee_ment,s_h~_i.rp~e:pn.'G~_et:!ce o.ver,the lenm'in'lh_t: pI;(1r agrcemclll for'tlie' balance'of lhe Agr-eerhen( In,addilj{1-n,; ~od, tic<ltions ieqiiirillg"3 reumorti7,;Hlori of YOllr. pa""',;mcilis. ri1:1y.'inclu-de,-a ;('ric-l-itfl~~adb';rlisfrnfi'~eJpro~essi'~g chH.rgl:: th<ll wil!' i1ppear-unyour fi1?t liil,l under,~hi5.Te""l~('('- amingcmcllt + 27. XEROX AS F'INANCIA~:J~rERMEDIARY, Ifthis.option,has'beensdectt..'d, you are lea5i~g3 :;.pecifica'II)./identifi-trl_ pr(J\:ltlc,'S,Lhat WL're 'seieclel.fby YOlJ-iJnd:"tl~t are not sold by Xerox ii-{(h~ llQrnlul C,)ur:;~"pr 1\~'~tl5iit'ess, [(yol!ohiiv~ 5igrl~il purchase conlracL for sucn prod.ucts;'by"signing;lhis AgTcl;'lTJl,'lll.r(l~ a~signypur rights bui,none of.yo,urob!_igatiut1f uI)~er,.s~~hp'~1'Ch~$~'_~Onl~~ll~ Xsm.i; . \yith regard 10 thQierroducls, you ugra:,:th<lt_,Xerox;ls l~s.irig, t~~%tlJ,y3~1f'~:f\~. I~, WHER~ ISO, amrlbarXEROXHAS NOT MADJ;:,~ANDYOUHE~BYWA1Vf-, ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER,~INCLU6iNd:~ wrhfout l.~i.1ITAtlciN'laP,NY'IMPLlEo' WARRANTY OF ~MERC~HANTA8IUTY, FITNESS, FOR PARTlC(iLAR PURPOSE OR NON-lNfRfNGEMENT""nd (")ANY'REP~RESENTAT[ONOR' WARRANTli REGARDING THE PRODUCTS'~ SUiTAiIlUTY', bESIGN: CONDITION, DURABILITY, OPERAtioN, QUALlTYOF MAtERIALS OR WDRKMANSI'IlP. OR CDMPLlANCE' WITH SPEClflCATIDNS OR APPUCABLf LAW, Xerox,ass.igns,1o-S.011; t(l:t1}e,l;:xwm:.,,~.~iglia~I~~ ,illY: warrnn!y Xerox FOlin# 51 860t&C (0$/2005) IQ/1O!2907 :righi's:it li'3~T,io~th~ese'JuoductS-.(w,tiiclrrighli8nall.r(;;....ert'-1C1 Xerox if~ou hreachthis Agreemenlf you. agree ((),.that lJlese ,products ilre nOI_crJVered ,by Xerox's 'oblig'utioM lO'provid_t Bas'ic_Services:' (2):1ci:m'uintalT1 a '.sl;"rvic~'agreemellt'fo.r thes;c pmdiJc'ts. witii'a,scrvicc'provider- acc~t<;.ble to Xerox lhroughout.this, Agreement.:s lcnn: (JrtQ:p~,y~all peTsi'fml property 'Llu:es re]aled'tolh~5'~,pITJducts.;,and':(4rto tass.ign" to _Xe~xatly i-ighii -)'Ju'linve"w.Ctliel>e:praClucts'u'"rl-til ,liile;:13s-ses, from Xerox )oYQU (whichrsubjectt-oa-ny software:licC'nS~:iUrroundi[Jg the ,~cqui:sitionofthese -pro-c~c'r{,shall'oecur'\\;hen you obtuin tille to'i111,Xerox.;.J)raiid Equipment c'o.vet'ed bythisA~ree:r11t:ril)_ .. :2~,JrNA,NGEP~~Qff\VARJ;'TgTAL: Ifthi=>_orlio~:h4s been sei~t~, ~Ii~ initial :licens;j,ft:es for, any: Application Saliware: sel forth in' this,AgreemerJt'shall he paId itor,lllrough your, Minimum_ LCA:sc;Payrilclits: ,If you breach lhisli9er1se:or ani of :yoyr obl,igaii61~reg<il~ing 'Ihe'Equ'ipmcnt..the. fulhlmr;wlL.'r;r tl1e .initial' ljc~nse r~~ slmll b~;inunediatel'j:duc an~p3yable, 29, f1~ANCE[),SU.rpUE~:-TOTAL; [(tEis c:"ptiolihas bc~ii"s'elC'Ct9d, the-Cost of any sl:rppll_es you line p~n::hased under [hi" Agri?Cmt:"Tll sha.ll b~'paid fOT .thro~gh your:MjllirnuJlJ L~asC' pa}'lnents-:<-_lfyolj b~..i-ch'2hy'ofyour oblIgations tegardinglhe 'Eq'llipmCllt; lhtdull',arrit)unt of"llu8"stlpp(v costs sh~libdo';;e'il1lniedi<lldy due,~nd [I~Y~l?k ;0 . 30' REFtNANCE,O)C'PRIOR,AGREEMENT.- :lflhis opboll,h.as been,selecldl,the b~IUl1CC o(yo~r,pr!or'i~di~'lt~ llweemen~_w!th"Xero7 or, a_liijr~.pa_rty, s;lmll be'pa.lu for,through 'lobI' Minimum,Lease Payment~", If;y2iliFP~or agrct:tri-erif'is with .00.lhiTd pllrtv;_ybu ~hc=rchY":Ackndwlcdge1Imt you~liav~:-!lle nglit io termi"nf.ite:lhe agreemelll 'and~agrcc:lop1'Ovidc' a..~lalement"rrom the"thlnl-l1any: i(i~ntityillg theeql1lpment at issue ,lfl:clln'e- ,;ino"1.ml 'l(l,b~+p~;cl off (as .~eil?iI:i a,sl~temen(imin:you,iden{jfyi;lg-thc '. rayee,and rrH1.ijing~ad,i~~,-for youf"payoIT'chti~J: ic"your"prior agreemenL wa~ ~with ,Xerox~:lhe'use'of Ihis:refi_~nce~opti(lil s,naU..render"YCllir.prior.iigreeinerit mlll ',ind',,;did.7 ILyo~ bn;~ll-,tlijs;' Ag~e'm~r~-l~~thc,-fi;II.[Jmount -ofyou.r prior a,greemcm b,~]an~es.ha!I'b.:,;iml~e_~!atelY,dqf~d' p:<!Y!lble:. n. ADJUSTh'lEN"f. PERIOD, ,If'lhis oplion tlasbeen sClIXted, you-r'Minimum teus-e ,Payment ,jJnd/or- 'riil1t;"Cli.<l:rges~ sllaU"be'ildjust-ed,ln ,accordance wilh the inronmltlciTI\-co~~ined ih Uk Adjlisfihe'-il .Period :pOltio.n_of'dlis, Agnimenl; ilS & resull., youi-~ini~ial.paymeJlt(s) shall' he ditTcren--1 ftom thf)sc:pay~ble- during - lile ~al",m:e .or (his;AgTee~t'll. 32, K.16, BILLJNG ~SUSPENSION~ [f this option lias- :b6cn seleded;tlif Maintenance Comp)Jllenl'_oC-YClur ~inimuiH' Lcas.e,~aymcrit_and PrinrCha.rgCS- will ~c;=>ilspen-dci:l. ~ac!(yC:ar ~uring ,th.e"m?tlths;illdld,t,,-'~L ,Durltlg,th-~se,~moJ1lhs, yOu ,agri'e thai y\lu'w11lnot use the EqulpmeT1t',mdfthal Xerox~shal1 not be respollsil1le f~r,pr(lv-id;ng)~a5i,;, St~ryi~:~,' 0.1'1, iL. If. ~e~~._ pmy~il~"B!1s!c"S_ervf~~;.~u_~ng: l~~ K: lI6:Bil_ling Sus_pm~icm.peT-iCJrl,-you\'oI11Cbc,hlllE:d'at Xerox's then-cuITerit' Time an;,) :0;lteri_aJ~ fo,.. &1\:1--;') .~res' for~u~i.l. Bu:~]c{~byi~_~: JY .TRADE-'lN'-EQU1PMENT. _ Irthis'iJpLicm- his;l-i~e~c;c1ecled, you are providing equipll).~nt',wXerox -iJ$ p~n I)f this' AgreeJlll.."Tl{ (:~rade-I~ 'Equipment") and'lhe f611~~'i~~shal~ .~prJx: . _. . A:_ TJTLETRANSFER. You'warnlm.[hat.you,have the ~ghtm(ran!ifer,tit1c to the Tmdc-lil "~q~1_pmclit~nd that it ,1ms ';b~~ll<in.;iafled.'and',pc-Tro'nning its' inte-Llded :funcli~n. Titfl:: ;[lllcl'_liskofioss to tile Trnde-InEquipme[1t sh<lll:pass to Xerox _wlien _X.~~x.liinqv~i~fJ1JYli':yourprcl11i.:s-es. ,- , - - ,B. .CONDITION. You -warrnm't.hm;tilc'Tradc-bt Eqllipment. is ,in good .werking t'lrUer. '[J<!s T10r:b~ill m(ldifi~d' fmm iLSio"dginal'configurnhbri (other lhan hy X~ro~), and h~5-a:UL~hlbCI ,~Uached"'YlJl1-ilgT1;':e':LI1 1l1fiil1tll.illlI1t" T~de-lr1 Equipm,mt ill its presel;t.sit;311d 'i~ :iubstanlLally'its~ presemcon'-clition unlil,rem-c:'\wwby Xerox, C. ACCRUED,CHARGES, Youdigrec Hi p~v:aH accrued dmrg6j fortneTI'ade-ln 'EqlJh~mcnt (ap to'3iid illcluding,paY.lncnttcif..tllt rifla(Pritl_clp~I' Pilyment. Number) ::ilni:l"1O pay all ffiainlemlnCI;', _lH!miriistr<ltivl;';'5IJPpIY.ilr1d fii13tJ~e: chojrges- for Lhis eq~ip~eri11hruugh'th~-'di;te litl~PJtl~eS',lo~XeT6X,t - . ~ '0. .. . '3~_: RUN LENG-"i~- PL_A_N. 'J-r-thls'option,hasbeen>sellXted,Iiie-rirsuen prints 'of ~ea~ll' lJngina;j ~ (per lunr.~je,,<<-~9"rded ~l1d ,bi11ed:o,n'bbth m~letswilh 'ali sub!;'cqut"'tit ,prints recorded and bi~led on Mer.;-rA onl~, js_.. FIXED PRJC':E:PLA~.. jf thiS opiionhas,be~ri~eJoc~ed.xerox,,,,,m:forego its righl :to' inc]'ca~c7t!ie Mainteim;lce' Cr5rri-pi:im:llii'th:ib~lgl1(1u(;the initiallcrrn of thiS Agreetllt"l1I,:. 'J6: PEI~>fOOTP:RI~~G. lfthis IJpli~!1hils'beell seh;~;tl;:(j:@'PriT!"-Chafg~:wjl1 bc'billed 011 i'l,p~l'-foot basiso;with each liriear,or square;foot._i1s applicllble;;equal to LCllle:RDnt, 'J7, EXTENDED.,SERVICE'}~OUR,S, jfttiis,~pliofl ,IiRS ,I::ieenselected,. Xejox will provid"e B~jl,; Services .du~tlg tl~~ l!{JufS :in'dic<1led~ ;:wiili -the ,fic'St number e-sr;~'b-lishingthe n~i11bcr' 6r, ~'ighl~houi-' sh~ M' ~ly.'ei&l aTld:'lh~.Sti:Cliid eslahllshiri1!"the days'oilbe weeF(e,g;; fx.'6 would-pmvidest:~ii-cef[f1m:8;{)O,A:M, l-i.L'i'l :59 P:M" Monday !.hro\Jgli'S~tiuuay) ~Q.~ ~9~t.o(tl1is er;~nc~.J service-c:overage will he ft', If f,g.'50[7 '; ,~!lIedS>~[IrillelY:'1li1d.'as1'sucll;i is:ribtiinCluded:in your Mimniurn~L6Se:P3yID'enCOr 'pi,t\t Ch~rg~. . 38p' _ ~JT;~BI)I~.D.,.~n.:q?~D('o.,; _If: th~~. op~i(!tf;~s':,b~ri~sd~too;, Y9):i:;lickn6w!{Xigc that one ormore:speclfied Oodde-mJa(...smdlCaled) have,been pfOVldooIO:You. T11~t': addenda, whi;,;~,:pm,;iJe a&lidDn~1 ':tcrTns. rc1c\'llnL to lh~' -lrmis.1clionscciy~red 'h~ieu~rid&: _3;.ckerd;i fu'l1lint~~lcri:infb,lhis' A"grce-mcrii." - )~9: -NE~knt~l,.Eb CO~TRACT. ir this';uptioTI h<Js"bee-n sel_~,lerl,.the ,PILIU'llcts 'i~cntiirea~in tliiS" ^gree~em;aTe !sbbJ~f:sojely"to"tfie::Icr;~~cotfi1rn'e(r ~il.(a) c~jher (r llli~ idenLihed N,~goiialed:~ComraCI-f(ir'a lease lfanS-acticln or:-,l)"'if ~he.reare,no ,su~h 'te~~'s~i~ tlf~,Negotiat~ 'CoiltmC1~, thE:~l~ml;-:.,~t. f6rth',jn '1~li~ Agreemclll:~;'~rr& -if 'appfic<ihie ~mi _ ~ot';i tlisl'a lliHn,E.': ,iny.l1'j ng:j a :,-1 h ~ . Ci)ntrJrY '-StL; forth '-in, k he ~ t;:t'cgotb red 'Cc5nll1l~.\, . (b)' ~h~, :~Aq~ition~l ~ r e~s" ~pOl:ti(J,a. o!)~ii~gre~~!~t,for, ",the ,~;;el!:c~ro -;5pi:i6r{ or '(lptions:to, the~ten1 tl1e subj~f matter, of.arii-s~ch~e]ccte(li'opdl)ntis 1101 'add.r~si.-~ 'i.1I 'Ilie Nc;gm'i,'!.LelfC{mlr,!-~l;; -' . . 4D. PSA.CONTRACT\iNUMBER~ .If';l-:DSA CUl1tiai:;rNlllnb'ei;ha_s~lie~eli:'.i1isched; th"b~tiHjin~t:aii.d/oi sofiw~~~:id~fltin~.... >iri'(f1i~ Al!reelllet{I'IlI-eas;;ociftied ~;j'lh die 'ServicCsl being:c,pravidell under ,-the referenced Qocun1cI1tSel"ljkeS',A~ril'eiil .(;'jjS'A"(;~u{ ;~uc)-r Eq~_ipri.riii arlaror':s2ftwa& an!'-subj~1 ,:isciieiy"~ci:'the ~t~]~n~ ~omui_[l~iIl.tFi.s ~~greern.em. '. For,:cu~h~met :~~ppor!. to_o!s tq, ~~n,,!ge y~u_r a~~ou.u~ onJin.f, ~sit }~-ql:lr: A.cCO~lli.i ':rrf an)l.g'~nt~nf li.~-~,@ \'t'",w;xcrox.~om .x~x ,F(Jnn#,j' I ~fiOt&c:( O~/20Q5) I Q! )oiirlO7 [.. y- . JI J-" f';l~\. (r. nr 7 -----':"a.;;;D-,'~,.i''''-- i :. "1: .,1 'I ' "I,!!! I II :i) "II" ,'1'1, l'l , , 1,1 , ': 'I' ,,', I III', , THIS ADDENDUM ("Addendum") amends the provisions of,theagreement (the "'Agreement") existing betw~~hi:u~i~'~lkr arill Xerox, - ... . . .' p ". . I' ~1 I ~ ~ "1 L Customer is .acquiring Xerox Equipment hereunder -which will be used to replace Customer's riC)li~Xerb:{1 bqJipJlent (the "Competitive Equipment"), Customer agrees to retunlthe linit(s) of leased Competitive Equipment listed'HJ;"w'l~ (:~~,~;;Ji','S ;essor - - 'I r' ,'''' (' 1 1 I no later than,sixlY (60) days foIJo\\;ng the installation of the Xerox Equipment replacing said Competitivf'Eql;i~Jii~nt.j :Xerox may, following th~ return timeframeselforih herein, request documentation from Customer of such return, 111;:1 :1, ' I ' I '2. ExcepLas speci-tied in this Addendum. the Agreement shaH remain as stated. 10 Ihc.event,of a confli.;t bei\\~'cn"th~ w'rms and "I ., ' eonditions of the Agreement andlhis AddendUlil,the Addendum will controL ' I 'i I 'I, , I "I ' j; : I I I! I I ", ,I ,,! ,I, " I"~ '-Vl~-I I II "', ;! I I !: I . ~ J I , J, il":;::1 :: I I I I ! ~ ; I i _ . , ',I' , I III' " ,I l' II: I 'I i ,I ~ I 'I I 1'1 ,I I II :1' 'I, ;: I I ,d Vi A'. II'ige7 of7 ~,.,/t..t "J I, I) I ,i I I . AGREEMENT,ADDENDUM COMPETITIVE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM ADDENDUM XEROX CORPORATION CUSTOMER By By Tille Tille Date: Date: Comoetitive_,Euuillment Unit Information: Model: Serial #: Uui! Number: I KONlCA MINOtTA I BIZHUB 01470 'I , 'I , I ,I, I I" Xero>: Forrri # 52168 (05/2006) 7/2(;107 I, , I I "1' , . 'i 'I I! I' 1'1 :1 :1 II t I I I I i I i! , .1 , II, " 1', 'I " 1'111 ,I' ') 'I !I ! 'I' II, I I, ,'il :11, j I I II :. ~! ~ i\! I ~; l .( I j 'I 1; I "~I ;: [I I ~; 11'1' , i I, , ' , 1)1 i',,1 ,1:i I ,I,I !: ,:1 " I I ,I II .! 1 ~ I 1, I ~ ! " I i I I