HomeMy WebLinkAboutHarco Asphalt Paving/Engr Hareo ~,phalt Paving Engineering Depanment - 2007 " Ih' . ~:._ -.. '- . . _ . 106 StreetCulvert'Replacement ProJ, #07-04 , Appropriationlid::~~ 4462'105;, 'P.O, #16849 Contract 'Not To' Exceed:$~9;270J5 ~lrtocf ! 0 ./707.01.- , A"PPRO,",' v'EOy ~w FORM B.Y: ',' , " .- AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF GOODS AND SERVICES , ,1:HISAG.RE,EM~NT FORPUR,CHAS,EOF GOOElS AND SEF,lYI9sS(,:Agreerr~nf')ishe~eby.entejed ihto by and between the Cily of'(;armei,lndiana, aciing byand.through its Board of PublicWoiks and Safety ("City");and HarcoAsphaltPaving, Ihc,("Vendor'). " ' 1., . TERMS AND CONDITIONS ACKNOWLEDGMENT, ,AC8EPT ANCE: VendOr ackrowlepgesth~lt if-has read and understands Hiis Agreement, a.nd agrees thaX its execution ,01 S?l11e cqnstituti:ls ,its'.accepl,!nceol all of:th.~'Agreement'sten:ns ana conditions. ' 2, pERFORMA.NCE: , City agrees to purchase the goods and/or services (the "Goods and. Services") from Vendor using City :budgetapprowiatidn numberCCS 4462705 fUnds. Vend~:;i agrees to piovi.ae the Gpod,s and Services'a~dlo , otherWise perfp!m the req~ire_me_nts of this. Agre,ernent.by '~pplyjhg 'at alltim~s the highest tech~ical and. "industrystandards. 3, PRicE AND PAyMENT TERMs: 3:1 Vendor.estimates that thetotalpriQe for the Goods and:$~rvicestobe provided to City hereunder shall be n~ more than:.N'inety Nloe Tho@a'ndTwo Hundreg S~v~nty Ooliars cmd.Twen,tyFIve;C€!nts ($99,270;25) (the/'Estimate"). Vendouhallsubmitan invoice to City no more than once every thirty (30) days ,detaiiing the' Goods ana 'SerVicesPfovid,ed to'City within such'tlii!eperiod. City;snall pay VerigofforsuchGoods and Ser,liceswithin si~ty (6Q) d\jysatt~r.lh.?date of city's receiplofVendor's invoice detailing. same, so long as and to the extent'such Goods andSer;jices aieJ'notdisputed, are iri.a9cqrdancewith tDespecijications~et fo~hiQ'ExhibitA, ,ate ~ubi'Qjtt~d on an invoicetflat coniain;; the information contained on,al1ached.Exhibit S, and Vendor has otherWise periormedand satisfied all the terms and conditions of IhisAgreemenL . , 3.2 Vendoi'agrees not to provjde'\jIiY Goods and S.eryicestb City thatwpiJld cause th'etotal cost of the. Goods qnd Services provigeiJ by'Vendor to City he[eu,nder to exceeg ,tre Estimaie, un,l,ess City has previously agreed, 'inwriiing, to pay an amount in excessthereof:. . ' 4. WARRANTY: Vendor expresslywarrahts .that tne Goods 'aM Servi.ces 'cQvered by this Agteemeiltwill confOrm to lhose cert~ln ~pecifibati9ns.: descriptioQs. and/or, ~~.otations regarding same as were provided to Vendor by City and/or QY Vemdor to and accepted by City pursuanl to or as pait()f'that c.ertain City 6fCa'ril1~.I.~ngin.eering Department 8id Pr9Posal.P.ackage for" 106Ih'Str,e?t Culyert I;lepiacemept" receive'd b(the City 6fCarmel. Board 01 Public Works and S'afety on or about'September1a. 2007, alLof which documerits:afeincorpor~ted herein by reference, and that'the Goods and Services will be delivered iO atimety; good; and workl11anlike manner and free from defect. Vendor acknowledges thatil knows .of Gily's'intended use ana.expressly, warrants ttial the Goodsan1i Services provided to' City pursu~ntto Ihis Agreement have been selected by Vendor ba:sed ,upon City's stated use and are lit and sufficient for their particular purpose, (~\E~D\JcQm~'J'r"lf~tmJ Sorvi~1JINEE..wCfu:001\tla:rmJUr.hl1.tMq,.iD,;:m7nOO7lil:i3'fLIAj" 'I HartiiAsphaltcPaving. Engineermg Departmenh 2007 ' 106'" Street CUlvert Replacement Ptoj,#07-04 Appropriation #CCS 4462705;,P:O, #16849 ConrractNotTiJ,Exceed $99,27025 ,9. 5. TIME.ANDPERFORMANCE: T~isAgreementsba,1I beconi~ effediveas olUie last datEl on which.a partyh,ereto executes same ("EffeCtive Daie'i),~ and both parties shall ihereafterpel1ormtheir'obligatjons h.ereunqet..iir aJiinely manner. Time is of theesse~ce of lIiis Agreement. _ ' 6. DISCLOSUREAND WARNINGS: If ~equesteqby City-, VeridOr shall pfomptlyJurlii~h to:City, in such form anc:t9.etail asCitymay direct,.a list of all chemicals, materials; substances and items, used inor during the 'provision of the Goods.and Services pro'{lqed here'under,includinglhequantity, quality -and concentration lIiereofand any ottier, lnlonnation 'relaUng:lh~[eto,.At th'e ,tim~ of the delivery of th\l Gooqsand Services pro~idec!hereunael, Vendor agrees. to .furnish to City sufficient written warning and notice (including,'appropriate, tab~ls'on containers and packing) olarlyhazardousmaterial.utilized in or tha,tisapart 6f.the Goo"ds,arld.'Services: " 7, UEN& , V,?ndoTsQall n,otca.us~or permiuMfilln'g of',a~Y lien on any of City's'p(openy, In the, evelitanys\JchJien is 'filed arid Vendor;failsto remove such lien within'ten (10) days'after the fili~gthereof; by payment or qonding, City,shaILhave',therightto'[Jay such lienorobtaih suchbond,.aliat Vendor's.sole cost arid expense, . .. , . . -, ' 8. ~~~ . In the everll Vendor: (a) repudiates, brea.ches ordefclUJts unde.r any' of the te~ms. or'condit[ons .of this Agreement; including Vendor's:warranties; (b) failsioprovide the' Goods and Services as specified herein; (c) lail8to. make progress so as tb,endahg~r timely:and'pro'per provision. of the Goo(js and $er'vice.sahd does nor correct su.ch failul.e or breach wit~in five (5) business a'!ys (or' sOph shorter period oftime as is commercially, reasonable ,under lhe,circumstances)after receipt of notice from City specifying such failure,or', breach; or (d) becomes insolvent, is'placed into receivership, m~kes ageneral.as~igmiien!.Jor theberlefitof creditors or dissolves, each such event cOrlstitutirlg ~n event of default hereunder, City snail have .theTighf..lo (t) termina,teall,.cir anypal}slqf this Agreement, I'(ilhbut liability to Vehdor;and (2) exercise all othe'r rignts andreri1edi~sa\Jam~6I.etoCityAtlaw andlQe ih,equity: - INSUFlANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION: "- ~ ~- ... .. -'.~ . .. Vendor shalLprocure andmalnlain in full force and effect:during the term of-this Agreement, withan.insurer. licensed to do busin.ess ihitheState of.lndiana, such'ins'urimceas is nec13ssaryfor.theprotection olCily ahd Vendor fro~all claill)s fpr damages undera~y workers'compensatIqn, ocpupalional.disease and/or unemployment compensation acI;,for, bodily injuries'including, but not limited'to, personC,l1 injury, sickness, disease. or dealh oror. to. any otVendor's ag\3nts, officers, einploye~s, contf\lctors.and subconJ(actors;.and, for any injury to or destruction. of property"including,but not limited to, any iOss of use resulting therefrom, Thecoveragea:mounls shall be no less than those,amoUnts set'f9rth.in attache9 Exhibit C, Vendor shall cause its insurers to name.Cityas anadditlonal'insured on all such insurance policies, shallpromplly'provide City, upon re~uest,~ith copiesof!aJlsuch policies; arid shal[ provide'lhatsuch insurance poli9'lessh~lI:n9t be canceled:witnoutthirtyt30)qays,pri9r.no!ice to.City, Verldc!i'shalllndemQify and hold..harniless City fr.om and against any and all,liabiiities, claims, demands or.expenses (including,.bulnotlimited'tiJ, reasonable atl(lrney fees) for injury,:d?a!h Clnd/ordamag~s to any p~rson 0,1 property a'risingfromor IncoQnection with Vendor's provision 01 GoodsarldService~ pursuant to or under thisAgreementor VEmdor's use of City [?~i.L~iisi..\iY~I5~~aJ.s..v.=,~ritili.r.~~~liOltPm::g.d.,..;;!Jt2'l~ixlJlii.n'A.~ 2 ElarcoAsphaltPaving Engineeririg Elepanmenh 2007 I06"'SfreetCUlverl Replacement, Pnij.,#07c04 Appropriation#CCS 4462705; P.O. #16849 Contiaet Not .To.Exceed. $99;270.25 10, 11. 1'2: .13. 14. property. Vendor further agr~esto indemnify, defend and hold harmless City and i\sofficer~,offibials, agents and. employees fn)mallclaiin~ a,ndsuitsof whe,teveftype, inCluding; bu(not Iimitea to, all court costs" , attorney fees, and other expenses, caused by any act or omisSion oj-Vendor a~d!qr'ot.a.~y ofVendops age, hts;. officefs,enipioyees; contractors orsubbontractors in theperlormanceof'this. Agreement. These inderrmification obligation~'~Qall sUJViVe,the.ternii~ation oi!hisAgreement. . - . GQVERNMENT CO~PLlANCE: . _0 Vendofagrees.tocomply with all.federal, state ,and local raws; execlitive.orders, rule$; Tegulations aoq codes which maybe applicable to Velldor's petformarice of its'obligationsuhdei'this.Agreement, and ~I.I relevarit provisions'therec{ are incorporated, herein by this reference, Vendor.,agreesJoihderrinify .and hOld harmless ' ., ~. - . . ,'~, , . " '",,; - ,'~' , . "". > ,,"', ' ~. ~' c., ,- .... -_ Cityfrom any loss, damage'and/or liability resulting from any such violation of such laws, orders, rules, regulatioiis:andcodes:This.inderrmification..ob[igation shall,sUTVive.th'eterminati6n of this Agreem.erit. . NONDISCRIMINATION: . Vendor represents and IYarrants that it and. all of its, ofii6er~, emplayee~,agents, contraQtors and subcontractors shall comply with all laws ofthir'lJnited states, the State of Indiana andtity pronibiting discllmin.~tiOnagainst.any, emplQyee, applicant for, employment of othei'persotiin the;provisioh:cifaily Goods and Servicesprovided9Y this Agreement withiespect to' their hir~, tenure, term~, condi!ions'and privileges at. emploYment'and,..ariyother matte( (elated to their emploYl}1enl orsubcoritracting! because..of: race; ieligion~ color, 'se~,. nandicap, nafi.onal9rjgin, ancestry,age, di~'ltJledveteranstatus and/or Vietnam era .veteran status, . No IMPliED WAIVER: ~hlffailure 6f, either party to reguire performanceW the other of any provision bfthis.AgreementshaWnoft affectth.e right of,.such partyjo reqyire;s,uch Rerfomiance:a.t:anyJim~ \ljer'iqfl~r., nor,sha,.iI.\he w1'\iver by'any party ofa breach. of any provision 01. this Agreement constitute' a waiver"of any succeeding breach aHhe. sanieor any other provision herecjf NON.ASSIGNMENT, Verjdorshan.hotassignqr pledgethisAgr~ementiw.Qether,as cOlla,teraiJar a.loan or othetylilse, and shall not .delegate.its.obligationsunder Ihis Agreement without City:s wior written conseni. RELATIONSHIP OF PARtiES: Th~.[~laticinshiR 6fthe parties:hei~to sha!.1 beas'p'rovidedfoiii\this Agreement, ah~ ~eitl1er'Vend6rnorany ants oHicers; employees;.contractors,. subcontraCtors and agehtsare employees' of City. The contract price set forth herein'shall be" the. Julland maximum ccimpensation and monies required of City to be paid' to \lendSr. ~nd~r orpurilua,jltto:thi?Agreemenl. .' . t5.. . . GQVERNING LAW.; LAW9UITS: , . , . This Agreement is to be construed in accordance.with and"governed by the laws of the Slate of.lndiana, . exceptfOf,its'confliclO!'laws.prbVlsioDS, THe partjes'agree th2;t..iO me:eventa:lawsUit.is filed!1ereunder; they waive their right to'a jury trial, agree to file any slich lawsuit ih an appropriate. courtin"HamiitonGounty; . indiana"only; arid agree:thatsuchcourHs the appropriate veriuefofandHas jurisdiction over same, '[~\g~~y~..#'i:iil.>\Pr~biuii.OJSI"!n.~\~~ERIN~~'~!I':t'o""t:_~~l0'O?7J?,!l.\.a,.[J. _] !-lareoA'pha!t Paving ~ngineering Dep~ent -'20()] "'- C I' " , 106 Str~er ' li, vertRep]age~ent ProJ #07 -94 Appropriation #,CC~ 4462795;~O_ #16849 c:ontractN"ot To,_ Exceed'$9~,2i025 16, S,E}IERABIL'rr'Y: If-any term of,this Agreement if invalid ~r un~nforceabl~ UndeHinystatute, regulatign, 6(diQaQce,executiv~ order or other rule of lal'i"sucht~rmshqll be'geemedJeform~dor delilted, but only to the extent necessary to comply with same, andthe.remaining provisions of,this,Agreement shall remainiri .full force and effect. 17, t'J9TIC;E: Any notice provided for in this' Agreement'will be suffici$i1t if ltisin writing; ana isa.ilivered qy po~t,!ge prepaid I:LS. certified mail, return receipt requested,t(j the party \0 be notifiedal the address specified herein: ' IftpCity: City of Carmel Oii-e Civic SgUare Carl11el, iridian~460~,2 ATTN, Mike McBride, AND Douglas C,Haney, -City AtrornE!Y; Departmentol Law One Civic.8quare CarrrieJ,Indian;H6032 " If to Vendor" l-jarcoAsphilltRaving 165ei Harco WaY' India.napolls, Indiafla;46217 Telephone: 7'1/ - .; 70 " E-Mail: 5s...eelrei(JJAarrnc..M..~I.)/d>..Col>.] An,ENTIOI':I:, PA 1/1.- 1-f/f.eP/ IIk-- , . Nofwithstanding the above, notice ofterrriination under,Paragr1lph 18 here.inbelow s~all be:effectivE! if given orally,a,s long 8.EiWrit!Efn riolipe [sihen,provided, assetforth hereinabove within five (5) business days from. the date of such oral notice, 18; " TE8MINATION, . 1'8>l'Notw'ithstanding anything to the, contrarY contained' in this Agreement, City may, upon notice to VeQdor, jrhi'nediatelfterminate- th,isAgreement fClf cause; in the evenl'o! a default hereunder by Vendor and/or jf,sufficienUundS' are not appropriated'orencuinbered, to, pay for ,t):1e GoOds and Services 10 be provided hereunder: In the evenl of such-'terminalion, Vendor shall be' eniitled to receive only payment for'the undlspuledinvoicearrmuntiepresenting ,cpnforming Goods ~nd ,Services,delivere'd,a.s:oj'the date of termination', except that SUCh payment amounLshall not exceed Ih.!" ~stirpate amountin effect'~tthe'limeof terminafion"unlessthe,parties have:previquslyagreeqin writing \0 a greMer;anioulll. ' ~Z\E-~YDu...mi~~~~~:ke,,~~G:.1~..i.Jr,h~P.J'1-;g'dOC:~1n"Ol(o!,~hJ-~:'] 4 Haren Asphalt Paving Engli,cering;D"l'artirient.- 2007 106m'StieefCulvertRepJacemenl Proj. #07-04 Appropriation #CCS 4462705; P.O, #16849 Contract NofTri'Exeeed'~99;27025, 18,2 Either party l)eret6 may'1erminatethis: Agreement?! any:time upon thirty (30) daysprior,notice lothe oiherp~rty. In the,event:of ~uchterrriinaJiOn,VendorsJtan be'eQtjtled tiJ[~tei(leonly Pilyme.n\ for,lIie undisputed "invoice amount of conforming Goqds and Sewices'delivered as of :the date of terminiltiDQ,except thal'sLlch payrrmrit amDun! shall norexceed ,the Estiniate, amounl'in 'effed anhe tlmeoftermination, unless the partieshavepreviDuslyagreed'in writing t08:greater amount. 19. , 'REPRESENTATioNS AND wARRAr,JTj,E.S, , The parties represent andwarranHhal theyareauihorized to enter inio Ihis Agreement andthatthe persDns exec'uting this Agreell1ent have the.authority to bind UiegartyWhich they,represent: 20: ADDITIONAL GOODS AND SERVICES , " , Vengorunderstanas,a,ndagrees that City'fT),i1y:fro,rjn, time to til)'\e,reque,ilt ~endorto prqvide add.ition~1 goods and ,sewices to City" When City desires additional goods and sewices from Vendor, the City shall notify Vendor,Df:syqh addition,al gpodsand'ser'{ices gesirijd, a$ well as tne'time frame in ,>>-hich same are to be . Provided. Onlya~er City has approved'Vendor'stime andcosl estimate for the:provision Df such additional goods and serVices: has. encumbered sufficientrnonies to pay for same, and has authorized Vendor, in writi~g, to. provide such',ad,9itionaLg90dsand:sewices,shalt~ucD9oodsands~j'Vices pe provided.by Vendor to City. A copy oflhe City's authorization documents for the purchase ofaddiiional goods and sewices shall be numbered ana attache9 hereto in the orgerin'whichtheY are approVed by CitY, . 21. TERM, Unless ot~erwise.)elminatel;r in accordinc? with 'the terlTlinal~or provisioftS set fo~hin Paragraph 18 hereinabove, this Agreement shall be in effect from the Effective DateJhrough Oecember.31, 2007: and shall, on Ine"firstdayofe.ach January thereafter, aLitbmatically renew'fora period of one (1) calendar year, unlessotherjyise agreed by the parties hereto, . 22., t-lE~DINGS All heading and sections ofthis.Agreement>are inserted for convenience, only and do not form a paitoUhis Agreernent nor limit, expand or otner\Nise,aller ttle meaning' qf any provision hereof. 23: BINDING EFFECT .. ' The parties: and th<?ir respectiveoHIcers, oiilciaJs,agenls; partners, successors, ,assigns and legal representatives, are bound to' tlie otherwith respect to all of tne covenants, terms, warraritiesand:obligations seiforth ihAgreefTjent . . 24. . NO.THiRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES This Agreement gives' no r[ghtsorbenefitsto anyoneolher than 'City and Vendor. 25, ADVICE OF COUNSEL: . The partieswarran't that they.have readthis Agr~ement and understand ii, have had ttie'oRPorlUhily to obtain' legaLa;Jvice'and as;sistance of, cQunsj'l1 throughout the negotiation of ,tpisAgreement, and enter 'into same freelylvoluntarily,and without any duress, undueinfluenc,e or coercion, rtAI!!Ws\~t~~m~~iJ.~~lilN:l'::rnuNGI_~~.I1:a~d::9.7'I2Q)071"'UMq. 5, Hareo.Asphalt Paving Engineering Departrrient- 2007 l06"'StteefCulveffReplaeeIIlebt Proj. #07~04 Appropriation #CCS4462705; ,P.O. #16849 Contfact.NotTo'Ex'ceed $.99,270.25, 26; ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement; togeth'er with' any e~blbits. attached hereJa ~r referenc~d herein, constitutes the entire , agreement'between'Vendor and City withTespect'to'the subject matter.hereaf,.eandsupersedes all,prior,oral orwritt6f1 reRresentatio~santt:agreem@~tfnegarding same, Notwithstanding a~~ otber ter[11 or gonditionset forthberein, bujsubjebt)o paragraph 16 hereof, ,to the extent any termor condition containedJn,.any exhibit 'attached to tt)is Agreement or in an)( doclll:nenf referenced herein conflicts willi a.ny termqr gondition contain,ed in thi~ Agreemen\..tb~ t~rrnor conditloncqntaineg. i,n tQis Agreernept s~a.IC governand.prevaii. This Agreement may only'be modified by written amendment executed by both parties hereto, or' their successors in interest. . IN \(JlmESS WHEREOF, the partiesheret9havernaeje ~nd executed this flgreementas ,follOlYs: CITYQF CARMEL, INDI(l.NA by and thrciugh its.Board of 'P'ublic Works and ,S_afetY Harco Asphalt Paving, Inc. 1650 Harco Way In1ianapcili~,.lndii3-na '462. i 7 Bi' By: Pa.lllHarding .m1. H // /' ~""'~J- l1-utl]ori16d:Sig~ature . ;114trt<iccW 1t.L~/N'L- Printed,Name tIt.C-liO _~:i,"e.".J1: Title: Ja, s'Bralnard, Presiding 0ffic r ~te: "',' .' .FIDfTlN: 35- iY!Jl.($7 SSNif.Sole Proprietor: Dale: /J/P)Z-oo"1 ATTEST' Di.a~a Card rat Dale:, (0 . , ' ti~E~'~:i~~-t3"P("rci.;I""-'.1.~~['''EEfill,;I:i\.L~A.spb>.lIFlvill.g.,tc;~J:2112~(,loO;l~'AM] $" EXHIBIT C INSURANCE COVERAGES Worker'sCorripensation & Disability S taMmy Limits Employer's Liabili!)': Bodily TnjUrybyAcci.d,entJDisease: Bl)dilY Irijuryby A,ccident,lbisease: Bodily Injury by.AccidentJDisease: $100,009 ~acherilp19yee $250,000 each accident , . $500,000poficylirriit Property d\lll1age, coritractual1iability, pro'ducts-comp1eted operations: General. Aggregate .I,jrili t(gtl:iert,han ]'todlicts/Corrip I eted,operations): 'Products/Camp leled Operations: ~500,000 $500,006 Perso.nal &0 Ad\iertisihg Injury Policy Limit: Each Gcc\menceJ:imit: Fire Daimige (~nyone fi[~): Medical Expense Lirriit (anyone person): $500,00CJ $25Q,000 $250.000 '$ sq'ilOO CoiTIprehensive Auto,Liability( owned, hired:and non-owned), Bodily Single Limit: Inj \lI;y~ng. property dafuage: policy Limit.: $500,000 each accident.. $50b,OOCJeach accident $500,000 Umbrella' Excess Liability Each occuir"rice apdaggrega'te: Maximum 'deductible: .$500000 "c..". l._ $ to/ioo Jl>AlIT~ BlJ) PROPOsAL 2.1 Base'Bid .' Theuniie'rsigneQ ,Bidder propoSes ,to 'fiu:nish 'ell -~.!lAlY labor; maclUnery, tools, apparatus; materials. eq\lipm.ent,SCiI'Yi~ and ~therll~''''';~ NJlplios..8nij -tel jlcrfi.)nn and fulfill all obligat!iImI iiil:iderlftheteto in,stiict~dance with,nnd withinthB .lime(s) prtrYicled bythelerms aDd ~ndition'S ofcne eoritlaca Datl,menli fo{the above described ',-", - --, . ,'.,' .-', -. -... .,. ;',.". .,." " -, Work and Project, including IltIJ'BDdalladdeo.da thereto, for theil..lnitPricea applicable to the Contract. Items lIS BtIi.tcd in Part 3 'hereof, whidllr't PriCes. when mllltiDlicd by ~'lD1lt.~rltie..q' for ";,<;Ji.p_~fii:ms..toiaJ ,pier'. t./)i/E. rHO. sA"';/> /11I0 !/t.r../tJ2.e:o f.Sa ~e,tJif' "f.2s;.~ .Dollars (S'. Z.70"~. . The Bidder aclmowleCios !bat eviiluatiOli oftheloVlC3t Bid sMlLbe)a5~.OilsucliPriCe arid further ~ that lhe.unifqumrtitiesJiSlCd inPmt'3 oftblsProposalIlRest.imatt~ $Qlely for.the purpose;o,fBjd~wui9n and ContraCt aW&rd. iD:d are~not to be c:onstrued lIS exact orbindiilg. The Bidddr further unc!erst1lnds ~ all Work whi<;b may.resUlt Dfl ~~:=~;;::=~n~/:~:~~W:tia:do~~~~: be performed or furniBhcd unde1jthe Contmct. i , I BIol3 -- "~IBIT r+ l (7-- us. . , PART 3 CONTRACT ITEMS AND UNIT PRICES [TfJisEarttobe ilsed onlyfor Bidding on ,UiIit Pr.iceCOntract~forthe' Cbntrdct'l(erns shown} Item~d Proposal l06th StreetCulvelfReplacement Item # Item Quandh Unit Unit,Cost Total Cost 1 Construction Engineering 1 LS $3;000.-00 $3,000.00 2 Mobilization /Demobilization 1 LS $3,060.00 $3,000.00 .3. Maintenance ofTraffic I LS $2,000.00 .$2;000.00 4 Clearin2 Right of Way 1 LS $10,816.00 $10;816.00 5 Linear Ditch!Gtaorng 65 LFT $11.00 $715_00 6 8' x 4' Reinforced Concrete. Box Culvert 75 LRT $496.:27 $3},220.25 7 B-Bortow'for Sfructur.eBackfiIl 155 CYS $14:21 $2,202:55 .8 S iJrface Milling, 1-1/2 ill. 3)5 SYS $3!97 $1,250,55 9 HMA Surface, 9: 5 mm 33 TON $I.50;()0 ,$4950.00 10 ConcreieJorStreet Gut Repair- 12 in. - 6S SYS $125.10 $8131.50 11 FlowableFilIforStreet.Cut Repair 200 CYS ,$75.73 $15 146:60 12 Stone Masorny WalL Replacement 1 LS $3,000.00 $3;000.00 13 Concrete Curb 25 LFT" $40.00 -$1;000.00 14 Soddinll, Nursery 10 SYS $8,58 $60b.60 Erosion Colltrol Blanket .with Mulched 15 Seedi/u( 10 SYS $25:00 $250.00 16 Riv.Rav,.Revetment 97 SYS $23..20 $2;250:40 17 Temporary Rock Check Dam 2 EA $375.00 $750.00 18 Barricade, type ill 16 EA $50.05' $800,80 '1'9 . Construction SilO1..A 16 .EA $63:70 $1.019.20 20 DetoLir'RouteMarker.Assembly 10 EA $71.50 $715:00 21. Road Closed Sign Assembly 4 EA $113.1.0 $452.40 Total '$99,270.25 ., ,..W, -'!~<] IB'" :" -:.1;) 'it '.' k 2(V_